SMITH W A N T S f iumltry — ------- . giving. Ship ______________ Iruni. diatt-ly. l i e w ill i‘« y th e rnwr- — >ot .•«nnmiwion. «•» f price - u' Tl lie * w .li - ni t charge ‘ A* w » to presa the w ir k e t p ru e* ru lin g are a* t - lu wo: Dr.»seti lurkr/i. 25 fe ¿6c. Drcssd Chichas. 16 to It:. Drevtcii 1 7M î • 20c Dressd Docks. 20 I« 25c Chichas, «inc IS Is l6c Diesig Bisch tiny Ile Dressed Val. i s u ll i I l e Pem soibt-r Sm ith wan o good, fat stuff. He w ill pa' th e ruliua m arket pri**e at lh »n k a u iv . ing. fa n any oth er m an d o more? I th in k not. Sm ith uh «* h more noultry than any o th e r deal r In th e w hole Northweat. H e has 21) m arkets o f his owu un.! Hupplies oth er dealers as well, ▲ddrt-as a ll shipments: (ir .w Ä jD T ilA H QlAPMAM FRAN K L. SMITH MEAT CO. “Fighting the Beef Trust” PORTLAND. OREGON A Costly Pat, A year or so ago a Montana b cif captured a young squirrel and took him home nnd made a pet of him. The little animal was given free range of the bouse end seemed content, and hit owner was several times offered |2 for him. A few days ago a roll of flOO was missed, and, after a long hunt .It was found that the squirrel had torn the bills to pieces to make a nest of. He was a fried squirrel next day. Terrible Suffering Eczema All Over Baby’s Body. “ When my baby was four months old his face broke out with eczema* and at sixteen months of age, his face, hands and arms were In a dreadful state. The eczema spread all over his body. We had to put a mask or cloth over his face and tie up his hands. Finally we gave him Hood’s Sarsapa rilla and in a few months he was en tirely cured. Today he is a healthy boy." Mrs. Inez Lewis, Baring, Maine. Hood’s Sarsaparilla cures blood dis eases and builds up the system. Get it today in usual liquid form or chocolated tablets called Sarsatab9o Q ueer L s u n d r y Package. It la not uncommon for laundries to receive rings and other valuables with the soiled linen from their customers, but they seldom make such a discov ery as one which has been made at Fulham, England. When a basket of linen was received from the country a few days ago the sorters were alarmed to see the upheavel of the contents and hear a plaintive cry. The linen was removed, and a black cat was found benath. Discontent and Progress. The pessimist who refuses to believe In any advance Is quite as wrong as the optimist who denies that there Is sny necessity for a forward movement. Now, as always, discontent Is a duty, for It Is condition precedent to prog ress. It is not discontent that throws the dynamite bomb; It Is despair.— Brander Matthews. A Social Duty. To send a box of candy, a book or a box of flowers after having made a short visit Is a tactful act which costs little either In time or money. Only a visiting card bearing no writing may be enclosed. KODAKS AND KODAK S U P P L I E S W rite for catalogues and literature. Developing Mail orders given prom pt attention and printing. Fortland P h o to S u p p ly Co. 149 Third Street P O R T L A N D . ORE. WE WELD broken machinery and castings o f ail kinds by a new process, making them as good as new. Machine work o f all kinds. W e fix any old thing. Portland Oxy-Acetylenc folding Company, Jib (Juan St IW Main 6769. Portland. Or. > COFFEEC TEA SPICES When the winds of bleak N ovem ber D ow n the chimney moan and sigh, Stirring into life each ember Till the flam es roar fierce and high Then my thoughts revert to boyhood, When Thanksgiving Day drew nigh. In the flames I see the farmhouse, A n d the woodland brown and sere Where the sportsm an's rifle echoed A s that day o f days drew near. Scenes which ever shall be cherished In the burning logs appear. I can see the deep old cellar W here the apple bins, piled high. Overshadowed heaps o f pumpkins Golden as the sunset sky, A n d the casks o f new fall cider Stood along the wall close by. As the old-time scenes are fading While the fire slow ly dies, Visions o f a groaning table A r e presented to my eyes. A n d I alm ost scent the fragrance Of the mince and pumpkin pies. BAKING POWDER e EXTRACTS JUST RIGHT <S3QSZS&Q3&S> CliOSSET & DEVERS rear land , oat,' RELIABLE DENTISTRY REASONABLE RATES Full Set oi Teeth only... .$5.00 Bridge-work or Teeth with out Plates $3.50 lo $5.00 Red Rubber Plates ouly $7.50 (ood Rubber Plates only..$5.00 Cold or Porcelain frr vns ................$3.50 lo $5.00 i old or Porcelain Fillings, $1 np Silver Fillings only ,50c to $1 Painless Extortion only. . . . 50c FREE when Plates are ordered C ur work G uaranteed perfect Special attention 10 out-of-town i*a»ro'8. Drop us a riostiil lo r appointm ent. Out-of-town work com pleted in a day. N o Getter work any tram M odern equipm ent. Every operator a specialist. Lady attendant. THE DR. NEW YORK DENTISTS H. A fcTURDLVANT. Mgr. Hoars: 8 a. m. to 8 p. Sundays, 9 a. m. to 1 p. m N. E. Cor. Fourth and Morrison. Portland, Oregon »3, *3-5o & *4 sh o es k lsk B O Y S ’ SHOES, $2.00,$2.50 A $3.OO IV L . E o . J i , : * * $ 3 . 0 0 , $ 3 . B O m n d $ 4 . 0 0 m h o e s a r e p o m H iv e ty t h e b e e t m a d e e n d m o a t p o p u la r a h o o a f o r th o p r ic e In A m e r i c a , a n d a r o t h o m o a t e c o n o m ic a l shoes» f o r y o u to b u y . Do you realize that m y shoes have been thestrm- I m l fo r over 30 vears, that I m ake and sell more $3.00. $3.50 and $4.00 shoes than any oth er manu fa ctu rer in the United States, and that D o l l a r fo r D o lla r , 1 G u a r a n t e e m y S h o es to hold their shape, look and fit better, and w ear longer than anv oth er $3.00. $3.50 o r $4.00 shoes you can buy? Q u ality counts, and q u a lity has made m y shoes w liat they aro — T h e L e a d e r s o f t h e W o r l d . You w ill he pleased when you buy m y shoes because o f the tit and appearance, and when it comes tim e fo r you to purchase another pair, you w ill be more than pleased because the last ones w o re so w ell, and gave you so much com fort. C A U T IO N ! Sone genuine without W. L.Douglas name and price stamped on bottom. TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE. If yonr dealer cannot supply you with W . I . Douglas Shoes, write for Mail Order Catalog. W . L DOUGLAS, 145 Spark Street. Brecktoa, C o n scio u s of Su periority. “ Bllggins seems exceedingly self- eonfldent.” "Yes He has Just bought an encyclopedia and feels that if he doesn't know more than any of the rest of us he can whenever he chooses.” Desperate Coughs Dangerous coughs. Extremely perilous coughs. Coughs that rasp and tear the throat and lungs. Coughs that shake the whole body. You need a regu lar medicine, a doctor's medi cine, for such a cough. Ask your doctor about A y e r ’ s Cherry Pectoral. A W u p u b lish o u r fo rm u la « tie r s W , banlah .lo o h o l from o a r modlelooo W o a r f o r o o to'.t r o a r doctor Any good doctor will tell you that a medi cine Tike Ayer i Cherry Sectoral cannot do its best work if tbo bowels are con stipated. Ask your doctor if be know« anything better than Ayar’a Pilla for cor recting this sluggishness of & • livtr. to—HoSo he too t. o. ago* Oa. ‘ home and make it beautiful Is the dream oi many of these homeless ones. To make home mlnlstrant and T R U E M E A N I N G O F L E S S O N O F hospitable and so to crown It with a higher beauty ought to be the sug T H A N K S G IV IN G . gestion of the happy feasting and fel Should Be Time of Rejoicing for All, lowship of Thanksgiving. The community was the host In Those Who Have Abundance that first Plymouth festival, yet the Sharing With Their Less community divided Into families As Fortunate Brethren. they kept the feast In the large family The sober Joyfulness of the first groups into which the necessity of New England Thanksgiving did not house building and defense had up to exhaust ItBelf in a single day. Gov this time divided them, did any of ernor Bradford after the first scanty them think, we wonder, of the law of harvest made deliberate provision for the passover established for other three dayB’ feasting and rejoicing, exiles and pilgrims so many centuries during which the Infant colony enter before: "And if the household be too tained more than its own number of little for the lamb, let him and his visiting Indians. It Is true that these neighbor next unto his house take it guests contributed venison for the according to the number of the feast, as thev had earlier contributed souls” ? As a community we are today much corn for the ns« of the rolnnv. hilt further from absolute want and peril the heart of the feast was in the hospitality which made them wel of starvation than the Pilgrims were when they began the custom of the come. Yet It would be bard to Imagine a yearly feast of thanksgiving greater contrast than that which there are many of our people who. must have existed between the sober if they keep the feast, must keep it in the midst of poverty and peril of garb and quiet manners of the Pil want. In the wldst of greater want grims. schooled in persecution and and peril the forefathers Invited privation, and the fanatic dress and strangers to the feast, providing what unrestrained Impulses of Massasoit they could They were wholly free and his people. The Indian could be from that false pride, so common now dignified enough upon occasion, but adays, which thinks most of appear his uncareful self-indulgence even ances and is ashamed to offer hos more than the colonists’ hospitable pitality unless it is possible, also, to unbending was the sign of an unusual make a show of wealth Out of what confidence. That mutual confidence they had the fathers gave God thanks and good understanding, to the con and entertained the strangers at their tinuance of which these days of gates The other spirit of false pride thaksglving and feasting evidently and shame robs both guest and host contributed not a little, procured those of the best Joy of the Thanksgiving necessary years of peace and security time— the Joy of common faith In the which enabled the weakness of the 5 Giver of all good, and of cordial wel Pilgrim colony to harden into come which has nothing to conceal strength. and nothing to assert. This simpllcL We call Thanksgiving day especial ty of welcome, this quietness of a ly a home festival, and Its associations cheerful spirit, must ever be more are most delightful In family reunions grateful to the guest than formal and home pleasures. Yet the prece show of multiplied courses and elab dent of Plymouth hospitality has orate adornment of the table. never been and never ought to be neglected It Is a time when those who are blessed with home Joys take PROOF POSITIVE pleasure in sharing them with the homeless. Families enlarge them selves to Include not only the scat tered next of kin. but those also who are far from their own home circle A touch of the blessed spirit of home Joy and mutual helpfulness stretches beyond the limits of the family to Include those for whom the day would otherwise be lonelier than others days for privation of home companionships This gracious hospitality of the Thanksgiving season brlng3 home memories to many guests. It ought to have its teachings for many others —young men and women In our towns who dream of homes yet to be earned or realized—In keeping them in touch with the true home spirit. Thera is no selfishness in true home love It is not merely as a refuge for our selves that we build the walls and Chick It looks to me aa If I war* lay the hearth and kindle the firs and spread the table. To gain a an orphan. KEEPING THE FEAST Hym n of Praise W o h old our bands to T h e -. O L o r d o f H o e ts ! A n d praloo T b o o fo r T h y b le o o ln «« m an ifold . W e thank T h ee fo r the bounteous h a rv e s t yield . T h e g arn ered opulence o f vln-- and held, T h e w o r k o f man w ith fu ll fru itio n crow n ed. W e than k T h ee th at w e liv e w ith eoule attuned T o a ll th e beau ty o f the pu lsin g w orld. W e thank T h ee fo r the heroes o f th e quiet w ays. W h e n no m an k n ow eth . but w h o liv e th y praise. T h e silen t heroes In th e w a y e fo rg o t. W e pra ise T h ee th at no broth er liv e s en sla ved . F re e hearts, fre e hom eel a ye, let th a n k e g lv in g rise. T h e end o f e t r lfe —the eo ld ler’ e du ty done; T h e rich re w a r d —th e Joys o f freedom won. Thank O o d ! y e p e o p le , f o r th e g ift o f p e a c e . A P o rtra it of C h a rle s A n thon . His outward persouallty was unique And impressive. He was a trifle uu* der the average height, erect as an Indian and inclining to portliness. His head was superb and his features strong and finely cut. He was punc tiliously neat in his dress, the style Of which was never varied. A short sack coat hung straight from his am ple shoulders, merging in front into a black satin vest and an expanse of spotless linen, relieved only by a very small gold pin, the whole surmounted by a black satin stock and a high standing collar with rounded cor ners.— Columbia Quarterly. M o th e rs win A n d M rs. W l n t l o V , S o o th in g f y r u p tii.- b. s t re m e d y to uso foz t h e ir c h ild re n l u t i u g the te e t h in g p e rio d . R e co rd s In Size. Idas Wood's kindergarten clast wars sight pupils, four girls and tour boys. One of the boys, however had not yet reached the estate of kilts not to mention trousers. Accordingly when little Busan Phelps was asked b) a visitor to tell how many boys and how many girls there were, her con (used reasoning went as follows: "There's eight, one, two, three, four Ove, six, soven, eight. Miss Elliott.” sh< replied. “ And if he's a girl” —sht Prohibition is Defeated and Home pointed at one who wore dresses In Rule Carries Small—Woman's stead of manly garb— "why, there’i Suffrage Is Swamped, five girls, and one, two, three boya But if she’s a boy, there’s one, two three, four girls, and one, two— foul boya. She's really a boy, you kDow The winners in Oregon: Congressman, First district— W. C. Miss Elliot,” she confided, In conclu Mon.— Youth’s Companion. Hawley, Marion county. Rep. Congressman, Second district — A. Patriotism . W. Lafferty, Multnomah county, Rep. "I know a fellow," remarked the Governor — Oswald West, Clatsop man on the car, "who says that every county, Dem. time ho hears a band play 'Yankee j Secretary o f state— F. W. Benson, Doodle’ he can feel the goose pimples Douglas county, Rep. creeping all over him, and yet It takes State treasurer — Thomas B. Kay, a precinct committeeman to drag him Marion county, Rep. to polls on registration day.” Justices of Supreme court, four-year term— Henry J. Bean, Umatilla coun ty, Rep.; Thomas A. McBride, Clacka mas county, Rep., Dem., non-political judiciary. Witch Hazel Justices o f Supreme court, six-year year term—George H. Burnett, Marion county, Rep.; Frank A. Moore, Colum bia county, Rep., Dem., non political judiciary. Attorney general— A. M. Crawford, is more soothing than Douglas county. Rep. Cold Cream; more heal Superintendent o f public instruction ing than any lotion, lini — L. R. Alderman, Lane county, Rep. ment or salve; more beau State prin ter— W illis S. Duniway, tifying than any cosmetic. Multnomah county, Rep. Commissioner o f labor and inspector of factories and workshops — O. P. Hoff. Multnomah county, Rep. Railroad commissioner — Frank J. Money and Earning. Miller, Linn county, Rep. Feuds of this nature, though too fre State engineer — John H. Lewis, quent In the country, are very fatal to Marion county, Rep. the ordinary people, who are so used Republicans Get Both Represen tatives In Congress. The largest theater is the Paris Opera house, covering three acres; te largest bronze statue, that of Pe tr the Great In St. Petersburg, weigh- |g 1,100 tons. The biggest stone tatué is In Japan, 44 feet high; the largest college Is in Cairo, with over ten thousand students and 310 teach ers. Damascus has the honor of be ing the oldest city*. W ith more than half the vote in the state counted, Oswald West leads Jay Bowerman in the contest for governor by more than 1.800, and apparently the estimate made at first indications that West had been elected by a plurality of 3,000 to 4,000 will be borne out by the final count. The expectations aroused by the early count as to W est’s plurality in Multnomah county have not been ful If It's Your Eye Use Pettit’s Eye Salve for inflammation, stvs, itching lids, filled. Later returns partly closed the eye ache's, defects o f vision and sensi gap between the two, but Bowerman tive to strong lights. All druggists or apparently has no hope of carrying the county. West will have about 1,000 Howard Bros. plurality in Multnomah. The figures A C o n te m p o ra ry O p in io n of B yron. given include 129 of the 182 precincts These poems ( “ Hours of Idleness” ) o f the county, where the count has completely prove, that although been completed, and fair percentages George Gordon, Lord Byron, a minor, o f the vote cast in all other counties whose portrait we give, may be a but Columbia, Curry, Josephine, K la gentleman, an orator, or a statesman, math, Lake, Sherman and Wheeler. unless he Improves wonderfully, he With returns in covering fully 80 can never bo a poet.— From the Satir per cent o f the vote cast on the home rule liquor amendment to the constitu ist, London, 1807. tion, the measure has a majority in T h e T r u t h at Last. the state o f 3,335. The remaining re City Girl—“ Oh, the darling little turns will cut this majority down con ebickens, just out of their shells! At siderably and the amendment, i f car what age are they ready for market?” ried, will have a small majority, pos Farmer— "Anywhere up to eight years, sibly not more than 1,000. lady.” The state at large, outside o f Mult nomah county, has given a substantial D 1 T C M T C COPYRIGHTS ANC TRACE MARRI vote against the amendment, but Mult | | | O a<icured. Hook o f nccuraU | nomah’s majority for it of 5,000 seems ■ ----- informât on fre e on rctiueat. to have turned back the tide. J. K. HOC*. 719 Board «l Trade Bld*.. PorlUnd. Or. (Lute oi U. s. Patent Office, Washington, o . (J.> Elections under the local option law were held in 15 counties in Oregon at the time o f the general election and SCHUMACHER EUR CO. Manufacturera o f Fura. Haw Fura bought ano the reports received therefrom indicate ■old. Fura remodeled a specialty. 2 0 9 M a d iso r St., bet. First an d Front Sts . P o rtla n d . O rego n that five, and possibly six, counties now dry have gone over to the “ w et” column. B E A V E R ^ E N G R A V IN G CO . The “ dry” counties known to have lUljmTIRO voted “ w et” are Morrow, Klamath, Umatilla, Malheur and Polk, and re F ir s t a n d A n k e n y S t s ., P o r t la n d , O r. ports indicate that Tillamook, now a “ dry” county, has also voted to restore the sale of liquor. It is known that Douglas county has S T R IN G A N D B A N D again voted against the saloons and IN S T R U M E N T S Linn remains dry by a majority of A ll Sheet M usic 15c. Mail orders c a re fu lly at more than 500. Clackamas, now tended to. “ w et,” has refused to change its pol S M IT H & S T O R E Y Josephine county, now “ dry,” 127 F ifth St., P o rtla n d , Or. icy. has given a majority o f only 12 against the sale o f liquor, but it is reported a "F IL L Y O U R O W N TE E TH ” contest will be entered in the effort to throw out the vote in one dry precinct I f you have aching toeth or ca vit'e« and you are on account of alleged irregularities. too nervous fo r the dental ordeal, try Fill-O. the Coos, now “ w et,” it is reported, has home dentist. A t druggists or by mail, 50c. voted to oust the liquor dealers, but FILL 0 MFG CO.. 151 E a t * Bid«.. S e a * Wash. the report could not be confirmed. B lu m a e r- Frank D rug Co., distributors for Oregon Lake county remains “ wet” by a majority o f about 60. O f the 32 initiative and referendum an measures submitted to the voters in HOOD R IV E R ORCHARD LA N D the recent election, seven are known for sale by owner; choice ten acres 9$ miles from city, elevation about 1.G00 to have been approved, practically all feet, almost level, red shot soil, two doubt has been removed as to the ap acres six-year-o'd trees, balance raw proval uf the eighth— the presidential state. Price $1,700, easy terms. To primary bill— while a ninth measure, reliable party will give work clearing the county tax amendment, is still in and caring for adjo ning ten acres, doubt. amount to ai ply on purchase price. Ad The following measures have been dress P. O. Box 131. Portland, or phone adopted: A 5374. An act authorizing the establish ment o f a branch insane asylum in Eastern Oregon. A bill providing for the permanent support and maintenance of the Oregon state normal school at Monmouth. The home rule amendmenL An employers’ liability law. A bill prohibiting the taking of fish from the Rogue river except by an gling. The good roads amendment. An amendment changing judicial procedure, terms o f judges, etc. P § \ T , QUALITY CUTS CUT RATE MUSIC HOUSE F IL L - O EARN A Doubtful saemito.. WEST DEFEATS BOWERMAN ORCHARD TAKE NONE BUT THE BEST and that will be H osted tei^s Stomach Bitters every time. This is the opinio11 o f the thousands who have taken it during the pas*- 57 years. It is a real leader as a tonic, stomach remedy aud appetizer. Try a botlle today. It is for Poor Appetite, Headache, I nd igestio n, D ys p e p si a , Colds, Grippe and Malaria, Fever and Ague. Always insist on OSTEÌTE» CELEBRATED STOMACH B IT T E R Munyons Soap - to be dazzled with riches that they pay aa much deference to the under standing of a man of estate as of a man of learning; and are very hardly brought to regard any truth, how Im portant soever It may be, that Is preach ed to them, when they know there are several men of five hundred a jear who do not believe it.—Joseph Ad- dlson. ____________________ OLD SOLDIER WISHES TO HELP SUFFERERS FROM KIDNEY, LIVER AND BLADDER TROUBLES. P a s t e u r ’s Revenge. Ia that one of the hundred beet books Vallory-Radot's "L ife of Pa»- teur” we read the story of his misery. It Is nothing to say that the war nearly broke hts heart. But It broke neither his faith nor the straight line of his work. Only a sort of rage pos sessed him to redeem and console France by working for her. “ Hence forth,” he said, "every one of my books shall have written on It these words, Revenge, revenge, revenge^” And this was his revenge, to set the name of France In the honors list of science higher thnn ever; to give the rest of his life to her service, and to wear himself out for her sake. The Domestic Band. Father Is an adept at blowing hi* own trumpet, while mother Is equally expert at harping on one string. Moth er-in-law has to play second fiddle, and Aunt Jane leads n humdrum exist ence. Grandpa gives every night a solo on his nasal organ, without stops; uncle spends his time in wetting his whistle, John is foud of his pipe, and Emily is forever ringing tho changes on her lovers—and I’m a bit of a lyr, myself.— Judge. HOWARD K. nt’R'H IN - A— »y.-r sn<1 C h e m K * ■ Leud ville, Colorado. Mpucimen prices: Gold, Lenii, tl. lì.>ld, Silver, 75o; G old. 50e: Zino I am frequently troubled with kidney Kilver, o rC o p p e M ailing envelop«»« and fu ll pricelist and bladder trouble, especially in the tient o a application. Control » d Um pire work s o Spring and Fall. Being an old Veteran licitud. Reference: Carbonate Rational Rank. of the Civil War, a little exposure or cold settles on my kidneys, ami then 1 am laid up with kidney or bladder For Red, Weak, Weary, Watery Eyss sad trouble. Your Swamp Root was recoin G R A N U L A T E D E Y E L ID S mended to me a number of years ago, and I took a number of bottles of it Murine Doesn’t Smart—Soothes Eye Pain and was more than pleased with the re Droctufr Sell Marin. Era Rctodr. Liqaid, 25«. SOe, I I .M suits. I consider Swamp Root tho M u rin a E y e S a lv e , in Aneptic T u b a s , 25c, $1.00 greatest and best kidney medicine on E Y E B O O K S A N D A D V I C E F R E E B Y M A I L tho market anil it never fuils to give M u r in e E y e R e m e d y C o .,C h ic a «o quick results in kidney trouble, bladder trouble and lame hack. Dr. Kilm er’s Swamp Root has done me so much good that I feel if anv words of mine will be the means of & X H n ib c m tp ] relieving any poor sufferers, that you are at liberty to use this letter as you see fit. Yours very truly, b y m ail fo r those w ho cannot attend in pomon. A l l ill .struct ion, including fliiul GEORGE W. ATCIILEY. I examinationn. i*t F U K K . F o r teachers, State of Iowa, Des Moines, Ia. students p rep arin g for college or universi Polk County, ss. ty. w om en 's clubs, grange«, e n g 'n eersan d limns m aker«. N o preliminary exam ina A. R. Hanson, a retail druggist of this tion ia rofiuired T h is mail course menus city being first duly sworn deposes nnd opportunity fo r you. says, that he is well acquainted with Sond fo r a descriptive bulletin to the George W. Atchley who gave the above C o rre sp o n d e n c e S tu d y I>ep artm en t testimonial; that said Atehley made and U n iversity o f O regon signed said testimonial in my presenee E u ge n e . . . O regon and that I have sold said Atehley a part of the Swamp-Root referred to in above testimonial Affiant further says that George W. Atchley is a well known eitizen of this city and an honorable man, and that it was Mr. Atchley ’» de sire to give said testimonial. W ith you ha™ )<wsn In ths habit of paying, and jou will SCO that we tiffor you s substantial saw- A. R. HANSEN. Intfou all work and you cannot got better i uiaiasa Subscribed to in my presence, and work anywhere, no matter how much you pay. |W* flntnh plat« and sworn to beforo me, this 23rd of March, bridun work for out> 1009. E. J. FISK, Notary Public. of - town patrons Ira I RY MURINE EYE REMED Y F or the Am bitious— C im c a t io n J Compare Our Prices ns day if dealrad. f free alnlt*M ox traction when plates o r Lettsr to Dr Kilmer 4 Co, Binghamton. W. V. hrid«H work 1« order* Prove What Swamp-Root Will Do for You Send to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bingham ton, N. Y., for a snmple bottle. It will convince anyone. You will also receive a booklet of valuable information, tell- ing all about the kidneys nnd bladder. When writing, be sure and mention this paper. For sale at all drug stores. Price fifty-cents and one-dollar. ®'L mi „ M l l , OR. W. * Will, pMimtsT asa Miauia Pleaoant. Palatable. Potent. Do Good. N o v o r Sicken T a .t. Good. W onken or G r i p . 10c. 26«, 60c. Novor wild In btilk. Tho ran- ■ In. tablet stamped C C C Guaranteed to ■ o r . or f o n t money hock. Gold Fillings 1. Entmsl Fillings t o i 8ilvsr Fillings .51 Good Rubbsr _ Plates 5 .0 0 Bait Rad Rubbsr _ Plats» 7 .5 0 Palnfaaa Extr'tlon . 5 0 •■•T METHODS AJI w o r k fu lly gu a ra n teed fo r fift e e n yi W is e D en tal Co.,me. P a in le s s D e n tis ts FaHIng Building. Third and Washington FORTUNO, ORL Omoa Boaro: • A. M. to • P. II. BanAak/a. • ta 1 C. Gee Wo Headache “ My father has been a sufferer from sick hradacho for the last t wrnty five years and never found any relief until he began taking your Cascareta. Since he has begun taking Cascareta he has never had the headache. They have entirely cured him. Cmacarets do what you recommend them to do. I will give you the privilege of using his name.” — K. M. Dickson, 11* 0 Kesiner St., W. ludiauapolia, Ind. $ 5 . 22k Bridge T#atk4. ia ti * m (limitino is raaiusa Honor Trees snd Plante. The 8lamese always offer libations to trees before cutting them down. The natives of Sumntra pay special honor to certain trees supposed to embody the wood eplrlts, while the tn habitants of tho Society Islands pay similar respect to some plants. Consultation free. Molar Crown« The Chinese Doctor T his w o n d efu l man has mode a life study o f thra ropertioa o f Roots, !erh« and B arks, and 1« Kivinir tho world tha benefit o f his services. R | No Mercury. Pdsonra I or Drugs Used. No ! Operations or Cutting G uarantees to c u re C atarrh, A sth m a, Lung, Stom ach and K idney troubles, and ail Privato D isease» o f M n and W om en. A SU R E CANCER CURE J u st received fro m Pekin, Chinn safe, surra and reliable. U ..fa ilin g in its w orks. I f you cannot call, w r it « fo r sym ptom 1 an d circular. Inclose 4 cents in «Lamps. CONSULTATION fR t e Steamer It Total Lots. Seattle—The Alaska Coast company announces that they have abandoned the steamer Portland, which went aground on the Alaskan coast. The storm which has been raging in Alas kan waters has made salvage opera tions impossible. The Alasks Coast Ct'T RATES IN company will look to the underwriters P A M ! ESS DLNTI3TRY to make good the loss on the vessel. P n im eea Kx t r a c t io n ....... Fret “i S ilv e r F i l l i n g s ...................... 50c The Portland was worth $90,000 and $ Gold Fillings.................... 75c for 75 per cent o f her 22 K. G old C r o w n s .................$3 was insured P o rc e la in C r o w n s .................$3 value. The steamship Alameda did M o la r G old C r o w n s ............. $4 B rid g e W o r k . 22 K. C o l i ... $3 not call at Katalla harbor, and the pas I n la y P ills, P u re G o l d .........$2 sengers and crew are still at that port. A T R IP T O P O R T L A N D F R E E V e r y N ic e R u b b e r P la t e . U B eet R u b b e r P la te on E a r t h ................. $7 A L L T H I S W O R K IS G U A R A N T F i K D . D o n ’ t th ro w y o u r m oney aw ay. A d o lla r saved Is tw o d o lla rs earned. O u r original reliable M odern Pain less M ethods end o u r p e rfe c te d office eq u ip m ent eaves u s time an d you r money. Bullets Riddle Bed Man. Lexington—“ Bad Jake” Noble, who shot and killed Jailer Wesley Turner BOSTON DENTISTS, $th * Merrisea. Portland o f Breathitt county, in Jackson last Enrraare 2914 Morrison, Powoffice and M eier A Tuesday, was himself shot to death hy Prink. EitsM.ibed in PorrUod 10 ye art. Open ererdnft a sheriff’s posse in Knot county. It is earll I aog Suodajra until 12: l a for people who wo-fc said that, when the posse called upon Noble to surrender, he resisted and was riddled with shot by members of the posse. A reward aggregating «700 had been offered by ths authorities of Breathitt county for the capture of Noble dead or alive. K ç e le y [ALCOHOL OPIUM— TOBACCO The C. Gee Wo Medicine Co. v 162V* : First St., cor. Morrison, P o r tla n d ^ r ^ (u re PoRTLANDiOREGON I I I P N No. 47—'10 U rtrv IrilftlHTC. 711 llTMfl i l KW w r it in g t o radvertlararra m e n tio n this p a p ar. “Fighting the Dental Trusf F ir s t — By locating on the E A S T S ID E , w h ere our ex pen se« are very low, actually doing tha higheet class o f dental w ork for much lernt than tha big W e st Side "P a rlo rs .” S e c o n d -R e m e m b e r, w a have no hired dentists, no so-called "speciallata" nc wo do our ow n work. Third— W e do not c h a rg e Y O U 120 and then «ell the name thing to noma one also for J& That is what wa mean whan wa say O N E L O W P R IC E , T H E S A M E T O A L L A L IK E . W ra C h e e r fu lly E x a m in e a n d E s t im a t e Y o u r W o r k r r e e . The Big East Side One-Price Dentists C o r n e r U n i o n A v t . a n d C o a t M o r r is o n Ofltas B o o n —a . . m. to ft p. m. Su n d ara, • to I. 11II I I I I I I I > I 11 I l l l l l l W o h a v o l l v o d in O r e g o n a n d P o r t la n d m o w tita n 2d v a s r s .