r- i School Notes Arta and Carroll Cole were afc- Go to the Mosier Lumber Co. for your sash, doors, srceens etc. Dculh O f “ Bobbie’ Ross ness idea is forgotten, and the Robert Fessenden Ross, the Qnly thing uppermost is a plea t o , , only son of Dr. and Mrs. R. M. get out o f jjaying what th e y , ■ G. Wm. Johnson was a busi­ wJ-ol-v, I i i C l I c il X 1*6 iVcA-ilCS l i o S p l O u i honestly owe Lue paper. Blanche and ru/beri’ Ross were ness visitor al Bridal Veil «on FOR SALE 1 absent Monday. Monday. I t o d a y afternoon o f U * week. Those some men will meet the ] ) u r j n g t } - g m 0 n t h 0 f O c t o b e r I W Ü l S e l l One team i 6*year-oid horses, Evertt Fraedrick was tardy from injuries sustained on the af--newspaper man with a smile, color, one s^ re!,1 one black. Miss Lucy Mullins, o f Hood W eight 2800 lbsi Guaranteed River, spent Sunday and Mon- Tuesday morning, details o f the accident were given then ask him to say in his paper -j 1 0 good workers, double or single. day in town with friends. Mrs. Gove is absent this week in these columns at the time, but! that he is the most enterprising cU lC l u D U g g lO S a t p i i C O S U o l O W !- “ - Apply to Geo. Chamberlain, M ti­ Mrs. J. E. Iligley and little owing to illness. During her ab- * if the ar)d progressive citizen. ThaL’s : nothing has been said dier, Ore. 10-14 tf Rejr. Price Special daughter w e r e over-Sunday sence thePnmary b'.'P118 are hav* brave fight the little fellow made, their idea o f business. 2 1-2 in. Wagons with bolster s; ring and guests o f her sister in Portland. j'T a forenoon session and the or the constant care, tender nurs­ Now, tiie newspaper is a busi—} spring seat, Now is the time to look up higher grade work is being con- $100.00 $85.00 ing and the best medical and-ness- It is not a glory making ytour subscriptions for Maga­ 2 3-4 in. Wagons, same as above, Mrs. Ed. L. Howe was a pas- ducted in the afternoon by Miss 110.00 90.00 surgical skill that could lie se- machine. It can no more live on zines.' Ask . for catalog of Cut senger on Tuesday’6 local for Booth. 3-in. Wagons, same as above, 115.00 95.00 cu ed, or the agonizing prayers sentiment than its employes. \ 3-in. half truck, gear only, wide tire, Rates. tf Portland, returning home yes­ 05.00 75.00 The eighth, ninth and tenth of the stricken parents and rela- It niaJ’ surprise you but type- j terday. M orier B ook S tore . 0, 135.00 120.0O; grades have moved into the new tives, who were constantly at his setters don’t work for nothing, i :r W. if. Cook was a passenger room upstairs; and the interme-J bedside, or the sympathy and and no amount o f persuasion w ill! top and brake. ^ a n t m R^-A good homestead 125.00 100.00 on yesterday morning’s local for diate grades have moved up anxiety o f the entire population make them do it. I t ’ s true you i rfelftiquishment. Call at Bulletin 15-lGth Studebaker Buggy, same as apove, 110.00 100.00 Portland. stairs, in the room formerly oc- Qf Mosier, among whom Bobbie may owe 81 for a year’s back 15-16th “ ................... . “ office or write, stating price and 100.00 85.00- Eric Nord and family, o f Ste- copied by the higher grades, was a great favorite. Bulletins subscription, yet if 3,000or 4,000 Studebaker J uniors, ■ 8.50 6.50- gfiving rjft description. venson, Wash., are here visiting |he old room down stairs will be o f the little' fellow ’s condition reason like you—that we collect fitted up for a playroom and were asked for daily and hopes the news for the fun of it, \ relatives and friends. Ed Burt left on Monday for a lunchroom during the winter for his eventual recovery printers work all night just to J. T. Davenport spent last Sat- visit to Portland. months. were entertained by many even print it for you, the paper mill u 'W y and Sunday at Odell with ------------- ■ ----- up to the morning before the end ¿fives us our paper just because | Mrs. Geo. Wood left on Mon­ his sister, Mrs. R. H. Kemp. October Strawberries Ripe: came. j it wants to see us do well, the ! day for a visit in Portland. In a fire at Shanikolast week, F. E. House is hot after the The body was brought fro m ; machinery men give us our| ffr. C. A. Macrum, o f Port­ one man lost his life and the Hood River strawberry record, The Dalles Wednesday afternoon machinery for the same reason- land, spent last Saturday at the property loss was estimated at not being satisfied with bringing and on Thursday morning at 9:30 then it becomes a different niat-[ rkneh. A. J.JJerby B usiness entrusted to $10,000.-' Jin the first local berries to mar- short services were held at the ter. Instead o f $1 worth o f glory J-. K. McGregor was a business T he C are of the C. G. Stoltz, o f Greenwood, ^HSt spring, lie coaxed the residence, conducted by Rev. A. it is $96cash each week for help L awyer visitor at the county seat on and J. A. Cooley his brother-in- plants to ripen some o f the lus- Q_ Corbin, pastor o f the Chris- and supplies, -News, Montgom- Monday. First National Bank HOOD R IV E R - OREGON law, o f Norwalk, Iowa, were clous Iruit the other day and as tian Church, of Mosier, and Rev. ery, W. Va. I f i Pickering and w ife were pleasant callers at the Bulletin a-result Hood River strawberries D. V. Poling, o f the Congrega- o f The Dalles, Oregon Thomas Lelliott returned on visiting in Portland fib first of office on Tuesday last. | were on the menu at the Hotel tional Church, o f The Dalles. I tfce week. Oiegon Monday. Last spring Tin's morning ¡he remains were Wednesday from Salem, w h ere! will have PROMPT ATTENTION C. G. Stoltz and w ife and Mr. ¡yjr j he has been working with the ., * , ,, — House brought in nine Imxes taken to Portland for cremation , i ^ ^ Capital - - $100,000.00' The Misses Bertha Booth and a„,l Mrs. Cre caught in the cog wheels¡Thev reirard it. not as a business! at Grand View, is now convales- Laraway, parents of MrS. Amy land badly mashed. Dr. Robin- . L Razors put iii first-class condition. MOSTER, - - ORE. but as a convenience. I f the pa- cfeht. L. Gove, came up from Hood J son dressed the injured hand and Pictures and Picture Frames is recovering nicely. He petereafches them late or fails to Mrs. J. E. Cole and children River last Saturday night and , Shelley will no doubt “ take it fur give every item o f news, or its le ft on Friday last for Portland, spent Sunday visiting the latter. granted” next time. conduct toward them is in a man­ where she will have her eyes Rev. Ket'y, pastor of the Bap­ ner they do not like they then +>ieat*d. tist Church of White Salmon, Mrs. A. Stewart’ s m a n y very properly make a business Mrs. G. H. Page, who returned will preach in the Baptist Church friends will he pained to. know matter o f it because they bar­ should be in every modern bathroom. that her condition is very little, D AVID ROBINSON, M. D. Not merely healthy in their construc­ ffom California about a week here next Sunday, Oct. 23d, if any improved :nd will svn.- gained for something they are tion, but neat and cleanly in thtir ap­ morning and evening ago, was recalled to Los Angeles , . . , . ,, pathize with her and her h u - not getting. They make these pearance. W e are expert sanitary P h y s ic ia n a n d S u r g e o n i011g. continued ill- issues every day in the year ex­ very hastily on Monday by a body is cordiahy inviteu to Uiese j [mntj jn Plumbers with a practical reputation, j service«.* I ness. cept dm first day when the Lusi- tMegram announcing the serious and a record for excellent work. We For sale by Burggraf & Stur- MOSIER - OREGON iHness of her brother. do new plumbing or attend to repairs in j Mrs. Am y L. Gove "was taken gess in all parts of Mosier Dis­ a most workmanlike manner. Our VT. H i Huffines has erected a suddenly ill last Sunday morning | f ^ _ r „ f.-.— trict. Fine Bargains. See us charges, considering the_quality_of our bto(WingtottfiJ*e lot in the rear of and on Monday was taken to her I thx £0 aal r«i o , f líi before buying elsewhere. We work, are admittedly low. She re­ the barber shop, which he will home at Hood River. have small and large tracts. Ten kn \mA T1ÌK STHONOKSr I.IOIITI AND SUPPLIES OF u*st> as a carpenter and cabinet turned Wednesday evening and G ould & S n yd er . G e o . H a a c k e , Pres. sS \ tM T U B t ’ H K A V K S T l - I U H T l acre tracts that we can sell you 5k W A t u i ; n . i : v - i , T LMin i t shnp, Mr: Hihffines ¡3 making a resumed her duties in the school 84» timeR triN ty , Kti* or S 'Â S n .s îs : I a l l k i n d s i n s t o c k at the ri«'ht i)rice 0,1 easy tei’nis- HOOD RIVER All kinds o f Building room Thursday morning. specially o f mission furniture. OREGON B U N N * COMMON K rnO SFNE| s * »1MCN KmosEMiitt! All correspondence promptly S IM P L E , S AFL,C AN N O T C X P L O a r. Material on hand,, in­ An A II-B rA ss Lamp, hand* W. A. Husbands is erecting a answered. We will take care of On Saturday night, Oct. 29, i 'JM nomely Marta, r H* mk s . Storci, i J K n l S ch o o ls, H u lls un<1 t liu reh cs. JAS. E. CO LE, Agent cluding lath and shingles you. Rev. S. W. Bettes will lecture in house on bislot north o f Amos T J r y CUTS LISHTING BILLS IN HALF! JOHN G. ZOLLS & SONS Hi"TT a U * 00 -<’audio Power, 6 hours for Estimates given for ma­ the Baptist Church on his cow- Root’ s residence. Mr. Husbands O n « C en t! Cvary U ser Am aaadl Huy <•! Mb :*■*»&«. ++*~«Sa ¡OrttCIKX ç lecture in the Baptist Church, ‘ill you ''or feTs for li f e, cem en t, tiMWie^Kv- ment, rock and concrete work. Remember the.plaee, downstairs, under Stroup’s Hall. Has had 30 years’ experience in last Sunday night, which was brick and plaster. the well business. May be found MOSIER - - - OREGON strong and to the point. Last « County Clerk F. R. Angle was by addressing him at The Dalles, Sunday was the day set apart all down from The Dalles last Sat­ Ore., or inquire at Maier & over the state for the preaching Schanno’s store. The Dalles, Or. urday shaking hands with the I? of temperance sermons to further A. E. N egus . DEALER IN boys and receiving assurance o f L j efforts o f the Prohibitionists to their hearty support at the polls put Oregon dry this Fall. The next month. Frank feels that it JOHN WELLBERG, Prop. Rev. Bettes is a forceful speaker DR. H. L. D U M B L È is not too grasping to ask for a atod made many good points in second term as county clerk and, PH YSICIAN and s u r g e o n tfis discourse. as he has served t'v« oountV m *t The town of Milahukie, Ore Satisfactorily the past two years, HOOT) RIVER : OREGON ¿on, is in Clackamas' ebunty. It we predict that his smiling coun­ CUn only receive 5 cent fares by tenance will he seen in the court becoming a part of Multnomah house another two years, altlio Will practice in Mosier and tJbunty, and then being annexed his opponent on the democratic! May be reached by long dis­ ti> Portland. Pive-cent fares ticket, Geo. Ross, has many tance phone. Home phone 61. T ,hOO*(bD. I ifiean increased population and friends and is a good man. * 7 very greatly enhanced land val­ SSSKSOaHHES« M W W » mm v ahes ; ip * ¡T.TFïW ■ H H M B H E B B B H B i ■U. . ■amoBLUBu ues. I f left to the people of that H ffart o f ClackaYnas' eftunty they M E N ’ S W OOLEN UNDERW EAR. Splendid values If- you want a genuine argnin get 1n on those Ameri- would sweep it into Portland j at $2.00 a suit. About all sizes in this lot, but not a full can Lady Shoes $3.( 0 and 50 values while i tfnanimously and thereby change run o f siz*'S o f one color. Your choice, the tliov last your choice only ekeir farms into tbwn lots. garment only . . . ! iO C D R IV E R 'S L A R G E S T & B E S T S T O R E — LO CA L — A T COST -1 - f. - 1 . P il ' 1 i _• F O n o r* 1r l\ • vye ' f/•, • o- 1, !.. . and p ov Cash,. S t u d e b a k e r W a g o n s , H a c k s j uex. Stewart, M o s ie r , O r e g o n . Alex. Stewart & j MOSIER Barber Shop Fruit j. k c o l e : £ LAMFS WONDER M o s i e r L u m b e r C o .. i The A. E. LAKE Pass-Time 7 s “ The Popular Clothier" } Í H • PINES HOTEL Men’s Clothing, Furnishings and Shoes Good Accommodations Rates $1.00 per day and up j TH E DALLES, OREGON 5 C o r n e r 2 n d a n d W a s h in g to n S ts . ÌMOSIER, OREGON TH E P A R I S F A I R 80c There are strbrfg hopes that the O. R. &. N. Co. will sortn pass tie order along to grade the 1 >wer ends o f Main and Wash-‘ ihgton streets, where they cross the right o f way to the d£pot. A t least one of the railroad o f­ ficials intimated such the other day when he stop|ied off here ¿bout 30 seconds. This work is iinperative and should la» done before bad weather sets in, so that the 0, R. & N .’ s passengers deed not wade thru mud or ¿tumble over rocks in coming iMhther. W IW R men an-1 stand tin w e a r Hart, Schaffner & Marx S.i'M an l Overeoatî for 17.3 ). 14.03,20.00, 22.00 and $23.00. Other makes for 7.00, 8.50, 9.00, 10.00, 12.00 and $15.00. I f )Y S ’ SPITS, just the very best you can find. Some o f the neatest lit : le suits front 2 to S years in Buster Brown and Russian styles you can v ish t > see for 2.75. 3.60. 4.00. 5.00 5.50 and 6.00. Made right an i lit perfectly. We want you to see them. Ml, \v ( î'1 v with 1 - 4B B . W: or r ear for Men. Women and Children in l Separate gar me fits or Union Suits. -fleece. M ci< rtw Taih ltd Sl its rrd Ccsts fer I rdics j i st le- ceived, thus giving you the. very newest the market a f­ fords. We have the largest and best line ever displayed in the city and at most reasonable prices. I ¡d ies’ Tailored Coats and Suits for 4.50, 5.00, 6.00, 8.(0, 1(.(0, 12.03 and up. I f you prefer to make y w suit or coat re mem be r v e have all the newest weaves and patterns in our piece goods department, in Sergis, Broadcloths, Mi x e d Suit­ ings and Silks at money saving ¡ rices. We have an exciptii r.a.li it e let o f auto fcarfs, veils and shawls from 2-5c up. For your Fall and Winter Hals visit »or Millinery D e- partmert. 2