SMITH WANTS menagerie of Insects. Dressed Veal H oney Potatoes Dressed P o rk O nions Apples Dressed Pigs F ru it o f a ll Kinds. L ive Chickens Fresh Vegetables. Dressed i hit le n s A l l K ln ls o f Livestock. L ive D ink s Dressed Ducks L ive Geese Dressed Geese Fresh Eggs Cream ery D u lle r Address all Shipments, F R A N K L. S M IT H M E A T CO. " F ig h t in g th e B e e f T ru s t” PO RTLAN D . OREGON D r . B . E . W rig h t H&ye your teeth out a r i p la t« and bridge work done. For out-of-town patrons w e finish plate and bridge work in one day if necessary. PRIC ES; «• !» Civww ... . $5.00 22k Bn4** Tmh $3.50 QMf9m*......$1 9 Fund Fillup* . $1.00 Silver filling!___ 50c up Good Rubber Plate $5.00 Bek» Red Rubber Plate..............$7.50 Panins E iM b . 50c BE ST M ETH O D S Pain'ess Extraction Free when platea or bridge work is ordered. Consultation Free. You cannot get better pa b I m s work anywhere, no matter how much you pay. All W ork f ully G u aranteed fo r Fifteen Y e a rs D r . B . E . W r ig h t C o . 342fc Washington St., Portland, Oregon f . t i . r „ r . » rfrpot nmt tm n sfer to W ashington St. Montana City Holds Record. Miles City, Montana, holds the rec ord for variation In temperature. The highest temperature recorded there Is 111 deg., which Is within 8 deg. of the highest, recorded In the United States. Miles City's lowest mark has been 67 deg. below zero, which la truly arctic. The range between these two ex tremes Is 178 deg., which Is a record. Australian Rabbit Industry. In many towns rabbit killing and freezing and preparing the skins for export Is a growing asset of great value, especially during the winter season, when It enables men who have no other occupation to make ■ good living and spend considerable money at the country stores. KODAKS AND KO D AK S U P P L I E S W rite for catalogues and literature. Developing and printing. Mail orders given prom pt attention P o r t la n d P h o t o S u p p ly C o . 149 Third S treet P O R T L A N D . ORE. À menagerie of insects will soon be installed In the Paris museum of nat ural history. Cages of glass. Instead of steel, will be occupied by spiders, ants. bees, caterpillars and beetles. Instead of lions, tigers, wolves and hyenas. Then it will be possible for the public to sutdy the lives of ante underground and of bees in their hives. Hood’ s Sarsaparilla Eradicates scrofula and all other humors, cures all their effects, makes the blood rich and abundant, strengthens all the vital organs. Take it. Get It today In usual liquid form or chocolated tablets culled Sarsatabs. A Doubtful Member. In Miss Wood’s kindergarten clas. there were eight pupils, four girls an< four boys. One of the boys, however had not yet reached the estate of kilts not to mention trousers. Acciedlngly when little Susan Phelps was asked bj a visitor to tell how many boys and how many girls there were, her con fused reasoning went as follows: "There's eight, one, two, three, four five, six, seven, eight, Miss Elliott,” she replied. “ And if he’s a girl” —sh« pointed at one who wore dresses In stead of manly garb— “ why, there'i five girls, and one, two, three boys But If she's a boy, there’s one. two three, four girls, and one, two— foul boys. She’s really a boy, you know Miss Elliot,” she confided, in conclu sion.—Youth’s Companion. A A B a d S to m a c h will cause you untold mis ery, for when this organ is out o f order the entire di gestive system becomes de ranged and the first thing you know, you are real sick. The best medicine to correct, sweeten and tone the stomach is Hostetler’s Stomach Bitters and a trial will convince you o f that fact. It is for Headache, Indigestion, Dyspepsia and Malaria. Get Hereditary Instinct. When baby turns away from the amiable visitor who Is trying to make friends, and rushes to mother and buries his face In her skirts, he Is do ing exactly what It was wise for chil dred to do In the ancient forest, when stranger and danger were the same thing, and not Just rhymes as they are now. OSTETTER’ CELEBRATED Tents, Awnings, Sails Cols, Hammocks, Canvas and Covers STOM ACH 1 or 1,000 at fa ctory prices. PACIFIC T IN T A ND A W N IN G CO 27 N . First St.. Portland. Or n«T *«| Un PTind pr n 1«. I n a il Un Suiti, Eipositioii lisi pilliteli il f oriiind i boi ! bn,tifai Mirimi. I iree I Hn> I « ire pili pliais br euren Semi pestìi for a b iu re Indir. THE SIBbON ipreiL ROSE NURSERIES. 1180 C. Hilniilùe Aremn. PoitUnd, Ore««. S S rre. Many years ago soma admirer« 0 1 Lord Byron rala-d • subscription lot m monument to the post to ba placed In Westminster Abbey. Chaatrey waa requested to execute It. but on a » count of the smallness of the sum subscribed he declined, and Thorvald sen was thru applied to and cheerfully undertook the work. In about 1838 the finished status arrived at the customs house In Lon don. but to the astonishment of the subscribers the dean of Westminster, Dr. Ireland, declined to give permis sion to have It set up la the abbey, and owing to this difficulty, which proved Insurmountable, for Dr. Ire land's successor was of the same opin ion. It remained for upward of twelve years In the customs house, when (1848) It was removed to the library of Trinity College, Cambridge. The poet Is represented In the statue of the size of life, seated on a ruin, with his left foot resting on the fragment of a column. In his right hand he holds a styls up to his mouth. In his left a book. Inscribed 'Chllde Harold.” He Is dreseed In a frock coat and cloak. Beside him on the left Is a skull, above which Is the Athenian owl. The likeness Is. of course, posthumous. Thorwaldsen was born November 19, 1770, and died on March 24. 1844. BITTER >v ECONOMICAL LIGHTING CO. RY MURINE EYE REKED Far Red, Week, Weary, Watery Eyes end G R A N U L A T E D E Y E L ID S S I Murine Doesn ’t Smart—Soothes Eye Pair Druggists Sell Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25c, 50c, $1.01 M u rin e E y e S a lv e, in A s e p tic Tu bes, 25c, $1.0( E Y E BO O K S A N D A D V IC E F R E E B Y M A 1I M u r in e E y e R e m e d y C o .,C h ic a g c 46 NORTH SIXTH STREET, PORTLAND. OREGON Dealers in Gasoline L ig h tin g Systems. Mantlet and Glassware. Aladdin Kerosene Mantle Lamp and supplies fo r all makes o f Mantle Lamps. A gen ts wanted. Send fo r Catalogue and Prlc« L ist. GCO. C. N O G A N , M anager. "F IL L YO U R O W N TEETH " FILL-O If you have aching teeth or cavities and you at* too nervous fo r the dental ordeal, try Fill-O, the home dentist. A t druggists or by mail, 25c. ± COFFEE! TEA SPICES FILL-0 MFC CO.. 351 Enpire Bldg.. Seattle. Wask. Blum aer-Frank D ru g Co., distributors for Oregoe FINKE BROS. 183 M adison S t . P ortland , O regon JU S T 3 R IG H T P o r t l a n d ,O r e g o n . Compare Our Prices I Molar Crowns $5.00 1 22k Bridge Teeth4- 00 | Gold Fillings 1.00 1 Enamel Fillings 1 .0 0 I Silver Fillings .50 ¡Good Rubber _ I fiii„ 5.00 I Best Red Rubber _ _ A Plates 7.50 M . W. A. WISt, P mshmht ass M asasis Painless Extr'tion . 50 SS VIMS UTASLUHIS IS PORTLAND BEST METHODS A H w o r k fu lly g u a ra n te e d fo r fift e e n yea rs. W i s e D e n t a l C o . , m e. Painless Dentists PaHInc BuildIng. Third and Washington. PORTLAND, ORE. O ffle* Hoars: • ▲. M . is f t. M. Aandays. • to 1 ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦*♦♦♦♦♦ by mail for those xrho cannot attend in person. A ll instruction, including final examinations, is FREE. For teachers, student« preparing for college or universi ty. women's clubs; granges, enghm rs and home makers. N o preliminary examina tion is required. This mail coutbo means opportunity for you. Send for a descriptive bulletin to the circular. W ith those you have been in the habit o f paring, and you will see that wo offer you a substantial sav ing on all work and you cannot got better painless Work anywhere, no rnattor how much you pay. SW e finish plate and | bridge work fo r out* 9 o f-to w n putrons in ■ one day I f desired. ■ Painless* oztraction I free when plates o r I bridge work is order- |ed. Consultation free. PORTLANO. ORE." (S tm ca tio n OPIUM— TOBACCO H abit« Positively Cured. .........................Keelei Only authorized 1 iley In- r it« etitute In Oregon. W ------ illustrated CL0SSET A DEVER5 U n tb e m ij» C orrespon den ce S tu dy D ep a rtm en t : “ FACTORY TO HOME U n iv e r s it y o f O re g o n E ugene - « - O re g o n W. L. DOUGLAS H A N D -S E W E D pr ocess C O PETERS MANUFACTURING CO. w Seventh u d Hiwtkrere Are. Parliaad, Ortson M E N ’ S $2.00, $2.50, $3.00, $3.50, $4.00, $5.00 W O M E N 'S $2.50, $3,$3.50, $4 BOYS’ $2.00, $2.50 & $3.00 THE STAND ARD FOR 30 YEAR S T h ey are absolutely the most popu! # and best shoes for the price in America. T h ey are the leaders e v ery where because th ey hold their shape, fit better, look better and w ear lon ger than other makes. Th ey are positively the most economical snoe9 for you to buy. W . L . Douglas name and the retail price are stamped on th ; bottom — value guaranteed. T A K E W O S U B S T I T U T E ! It your dealer cannot supply you w rite for M ail Ordrr Catalog. W . L. D O U G L A S . Brockton. Mass. "ENOUGH for th e flGGEST GAME 'e m in e . AUTOLOADING RIFLE F iv e one-ton » h o t s ! A * qu ick ax you can pull the trig g er and a* straight to the m ark as you can look. M ee tin g a * b ig 'un * w ith this gun is like shooting a bole m a bam from the inside— and if the first bail shouldn't stop him, he can’ t gain SPLINTERS. Big Income—ship entering the har bor. Too many people judge the world by their own breadth. A man can be run down In tb« street as well aa In health. You want to be aure of your foot Ing before you climb too high. The Increase In the price of leather has made shoes pinch more than ever. Benners— A woman is always chang Ing her mind. Jenners— Not when Bhe decides that she wants a new gown. It Is • poor friend that will pat you o* the back and kick your feet out from under you at the same time. Boyce— 1 wonder what makes a dog howl when music plays. Joyce— 1 don't know, unless the music awakens the fleas Paris— Henry Wynmalen, the Dutch aviator, and holder o f the world’s alti tude record, and M. LeGagneux, the French aviator, each with a passenger, made remarkable trips in biplanes from Paris to Brussels. They started an hour and a half apart, in an attempt to win the $30,000 offered by the Auto club and the $5,000 offered by the mu nicipality o f Paris for a successful flight with a passenger to Brussels and return. Wynmalen, after reaching the Bel gian capital, le ft almost immediately on the return trip and arrived safely in the evening at St. Quentin. LeGag neux decided to stop for the night in Brussels and will start for Paris early in the morning. The distance between the two points is about 170 miles as the crow flies, 8nd the distance between Brussels and St. Quentin approximately 80 miles. The daring Hollander therefore cov ered about 250 miles with a passenger. On the trip to Brussels both aviators made a landing at St. Quentin to re plenish their gasoline. Man Busy; Wreck Ensues. Augusta, Ga.— Five were killed and 17 injured when two trains on the Charleston and ¡Western Carolina crashed together at full speed two miles south of McCormick, South Caro lina. A ll the dead and seven of the in jured were members o f the train crew. Shortly after the wreck, operator Browden at McCormick it ia said, tele graphed the "Augusta officials o f the road, and said he waa so busy selling tickets that he forgot to show the sig nal to stop the southbound train for Augusta for orders. Kraut Scatters Loafers. Sacramento-—Quite a crowd o f wharf employes, steamboat men and others were thrown into a small panic at the city wharf when a barrel o f sauerkraut exploded during the midst o f a discus sion aa to what caused the wrecking of the Los Angeles Times building two Lack. weeks ago. The explosion under ordi “She always was a lucky woman.* nary conditions was enough to strike "What's happened now?" fear into the hearts o f brave men, yet "A neighbor of bers has bought a to have it come at such a pyachological vacuum cleaner and she can borrow moment caused terror to reign for sev It whenever she wants to.” — Detroit eral minutes. The kraut had been left in the sun and had fermented. Free Press. RELIABLE DENTISTRY RtASONAIlE RATI! h i i r e u .h « am B r4ft w h m Tre* via OMetSM Store fire, to TJ* R em ington Au toload in g R ifle— solid breech, hammerless— ejects, reloads and cocks b y recoil without the lots of an ounce o f muzzle energy. T h e only automatic rifle which locks the cartridges in the Safest and best o f b ig guns. Made is .25. .30-30, .32 and 35 Remingloa calibre*. “ Th. Gas Ire th- game laapcct it at any dtalre*. " C-are I n . hr l i l t " mml.J free. THE REMINGTON ARMS COMPANY. Aasacri * » * Brewhray, N r - Yrek CRy London— Another chapter was added to the history o f aviation when the French dirigible balloon, Clement- Bayard, made the voyage from Com- piegne to London in the remarkable time o f six hours, a journey requiring seven hours by the fastest express trains and boats. Compeigne is 45 miles northeast o f Paris and about 195 miles by air route to London. It was the first occasion on which a dirigible balloon has crossed the Eng lish channel. The over-water trip oc cupied 45 minutes. The Clement-Bayard, with a crew of six, left Compeigne at 7:15 o’clock Sunday morning and reached London at about 1:15 in the afternoon, making the trip without a stop. Atmospheric conditions were ^perfect and the big airship traveled with a slight breeze behind. The behavior of the dirigible was splendid and the 440 horsepower motor worked to perfection The pas sengers experienced no discomfort and were only troubled by the mist in crossing the English channel. There was nothing to interrupt the smooth, swinging motion o f the bal loon, which averaged 33 miles an hour. An altitude varying from 300 to 700 feet was maintained, and all along the route over the land the aeronauts were cheered by thousands o f specta tors. The balloon made a safe and easy landing at Wormwood Scrubs. The dirigible carried M. Clement, of the Clement-Bayard firm, in com mand; Baudery and Leprince, steers men; Hebatier, engineer and designer; two mechanics, and Arthur Philip Du- Cros, members o f the British parlia ment, representing the British parlia mentary aerial defense committee. Only these seven were aboard, al though the airship can accommodate 39 passegners in addition to the crew The course was by way o f Amiens, Abbeville atnd Boulogne, and the bal loon was steered readily with the aid of a compass. The aeronauts experienced some trouble with the varying air currents. On this account they circled St. Paul’s and the Tower bridge twice,, dipped several times and flew close to the tops o f buildings. They passed over the houses o f parliament and along to Hyde park, where there was a wild scramble o f spectators. The dirigible landed safely after de scribing large descending circles. Teacher— What Is the meaning of the word “ procrastinateT” Pupil—To put off. Teacher— Right. Illustrate It In a sentence. Pupil— I tried to steal a ride on a street car yesterday, but I was p r* rrastlnatcd.— Toledo Blade. a yard b efo re he gets it again. Fishing. W a still contend that If a man wants really good fishing ha can only get satisfaction In the railway fold ers or In a n "b e r man's stories—AA Qfeb* « U A C Q n v C i O IK chamber. ÌÌ T D O Y O U K N O W what Sectiona l F u r- n ltu re is? I t comes to y ou in sections, knocked down. You set It up y ou rself and save a ll dealers’ profits and freight. I t is a ll solid oak. I t is sim ple to set up. M oney back I f you are not satisfied and pleased. B u y fro m the factory. Save on e-third to one-half. S E N D F O R C A T A L O G U E . A, Carries Seven Men From Compeigne, France, to London, in Six Hours Without Mishap. Aviators, With Passengers, Go From Paris to Brussels. h «E B B !!E ra C H > ALCOHOL Big Clement-Bayard Dirigible Makes Splendid Flight 260 MILE FLIG H T MADE. BAKING POWDER v EXTRACTS F o r th e A m b i t i o n s — WRECK RESTORED TO FRENCH AIRSHIP PHYSICAL HEALTH BY GREAT KID NEY REMEDY. CROSSES CHANNEL O ur W i r i B uarartkb pirfict Hperinl • ( 'r a tio n ts ont o f »own p s'ron «. D rop ns • postal to r appointm ent. Ont o f tow s wo-li coiDLlofe-4 is • flay Wo b-*ttsr work any w h *r* M odern sq a lp m ra t Fesry operator • sport Allst Loé y a ttra rra i T H E N EW YO R K D E N T IS T S sa a A avvenir awr. <tm ■rev I • ■ * l — s . U a l i s s B a U ( > FreS mi f Start Anti-Profanity Campaign. Pittsburg, Pa.— F ifty thousand per sons headed by singing choirs instead of brass bands, paraded through the streets in a remarkable demonstration against profanity and growing use of impure language. The line o f march waa packed by curious thousands, but there was no enthussism displayed. The promoters o f the parade had feared disorder in rougher districts, but no demonstrations were made against the marchers. I feci it my duty to furnish you with my testimonial us to what your remedy Swamp-Root did for me when I was a physical wreck from kidney and bladder trouble. Some years ago 1 was not able to do any work and could only just creep around, and am satisfied that nad it not been for Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp- Root I would not have livfed. A fter using the preparation for one month I was able to work some and when 1 had used $8.00 worth o f Swamp-Root 1 could do a good day’s work. I used about $10.00 worth altogether and would not take $10,000 for the good that it d d me. I consider it a God-send to suffer ing humanity for the diseases for which you recommend it and have recommend ed it to many sufferers. H. L. HUGGINS, Welch, Ark. Personally appeared before me this 20th o f September, 1909, H. L. Hug gins, who subscribed the above state ment and made oath that the same is true in substance and in fact. W. A. P a g e , J. P. Lettre to Dr. Kilmor à Co, Binghamton, N. Y. Fascinating Forty-Flvst A typical, well preserved, well-edu cated woman of the present day who confesses to forty, but whose heart and complexion are both as fresh as If at least ten years younger, has a keener zest for life than many a wom an only half her age. Perfectly groomed, exquisitely polished In style and manner, she Is a thing of beauty In a very real sense of the word, and she knows her power.— Gentlewoman. Th o “Toothbrush Plant." One of the most curious plants In the world Is what Is called the tooth brush plant of Jamaica. It Is a species of creeper, and has nothing striking about Its appearance. By cutting pieces of It to a suitable length and fraying the ends, the natives convert It Into a tooth-brush; and a tooth pow der to accompany the use of the brush Is also prepared by pulverizing the dried stems. Wasted Time. At present too much leisure time is spent in search of that knowledge which meanb anything that In Interest ing—especially hobbles.— Exchange. Prove What Swamp-Root Will Do For You Send to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bingham ton, N. Y., for a sample bottle. It will convince anyone. You will also receive a booklet o f valuable information, tell ing all about the kidneys and bladder. When writing, be sure end mention this paper. For sale at all drug stores. Price flfty-cents and one-dollar. Memorial to a Discoverer. The town hall of Luneburg, In Han over, contains a touching memorial to a pig who breathed hla last three hun dred years ago. This consists of a handsome glass case Inclosing a ham In excellent preservation, and under neath a black marble tablet, with the following Inscription In gold letters: "Passers by, here you behold the mor tal remains of the pig which acquired for Itself the lmperlshablo glory by the discovery of the salt springs of Luneburg."_________________ Mother» will And Mrs. W inslow 's Soothing Byrup tUo best remedy to use lot th eir children lu r in g the teething period. O live O il to Remove Cinder. The man with the cinder In his eye was suffering great pain. Every one had a different method of relief to sug gest. but nothing had the desired af fect. At length one of the bystanders procured a little olive oil from the lunch room. This was poured Into the eye and relief was Instant. “ I learned that method of dealing with cinders while abroad,” said the bystander, "and I guess It Is about as effective as anything after all.” Highest Good In Llf*. The highest good Is found In the way of doing good, giving what we have, our best selves, to others. Let a man seek efficiency In his business, let him seek leadership In hit profes sion, let him seek enriching some other Uvea This Is the myrrh that preserves to ns all that we gain and perfumes all, while selfishness Is the moth that breeds decay and death. S h erm a n Colds on the Chest Ask your doctor the medical name for a cold on the chest. He will say, “ B ro n e hit!».” Ask him if it is ever serious. Lastly, ask him If he pre scribes Ayer’s Cherry Pec toral for this disease. Keep in close touch with y o u r family physician. A Acquiring Real Knowledge. W e begin to understand a thing truly only after we have forgotten that which we had studied. I will not come nearer knowing a subject so long as I will suppose that my attitude toward It had been estab lished by a learned man. In order to know a subject thoroughly I must approach It as something entirely foreign to me.—Thoreau. Worms MC a cc «ret« ar* c erta in ly line. I g a v e a frien d ■oe w hen the doctor was trea tin g him fo r cancer th e stomach. T \ 3 n ext m o rn in g he passed lo u r pieces o f a tape w orm . H e then go t a box and in three davs he passed a ta p « w orm 45 f— i long. It was Mr. M att Wreck, o f M illerabu rg, Dauphin Co., Pa. I am q u ite a w ork er fo r Caaca- tets. I uae them m y s e lf sod find them ben eficial fo r moat anv disease caused by im pure b lo o d ." Chaa. B- Condon, L ew isto n , Pa., (M ifflin CoJ Pleasant. Palatable, Potent. T a a t« Good. Do Good. N«v»3r Sicken. W eaken or G r ip * 10c. 26c. 60c. N ever sold in bulk. T h « gen uine tablet stam p'd C C C. Guaranteed to cure or your money back. 9 ifers from sue m e d ic i»«« w « u r n you te oonault your When you tell your doctor shout th* bad taste in your mouth, loss of appetite far breakfast, and frequent beadacnes, sod when he sees your costed tongue, he will say, “ You are bilious.’ * Ayer’ s Pills work well in such cases. — -Mnde b v tbre .T r> 4 - - - A » p a y & * — .re. C o . ESTABLISHED 40 YEARS SIXTH, AT MORRISON ST., PORTLAND, OR. We want you to try this Piano IN YOUR HOME FREE. We want you to try it at our expense because— At the end of thirty days the Plano ITSE LF will convince you of the following facts: It's the best value on earth for the price ($275). It’s M USICALLY and M ECHANICALLY right! .. ,z-: . : ' . We know there Is so much real value In ihis Wellington Piano— we're selling for $275—on easy payments—that w e’re willing to let it be IT 'S O W N SALESMAN. It will tell it t own story to you—in your home—if you'll send us the coupon. Fleas« sena me lu ll particulars concerning Ihu unusual P ia n o offer. Nam e ............................................................. Adores i. LAMP UPSET; TWO MEN LOSE LIVES R O O M E R S SU FFO C A TED W H E N FIRE CAUSES $ 20 ,0 00 LOSS AT 411 W A S H IN G T O N . Th e accidental overtu rning o f a lamp In the 8torer<x>m o f E. H. Moorehouae & Com pany's establishment. 411 W ashington street, resulted last niuht. in the death o f tw o men and the destruction o f approxi m ately $20,000 w orth o f property. (New« item In Evening Telegram. October 8. 1910.) PROTECT YOUR LIFE AND PROPERTY Quick As Wink. I f your eyes nche with a smarting, burning sensation and dizziness, use P E T T IT ’ S E YE SALVE . All druggists or Howard Bros., Buffalo, N. Y. Comfortable Prison. Cettlnje, the capital of the kingdom of Montenegro, has probably the most remarkable prison In the world. No walls surround It and the Inmates, who furnish their own cells Just as they please, seem to stay there only because they find their quarters com fortable. The diet Is liberal, with wine on occasions and cigarettes to taste. There la no work to do; no distinctive garb Is worn; and com paratively free Intercourse Is sdlowed with the outside world. On certain feast dnys the prisoners are allowed to entertain their friends. W « pxbliáh our form ula« I f lamp 1« upset, dropped, or m eet« w ith an accident o f any kind, the automatic «x - tinsruisher on our sa fety burner clones in stantly, pu ttin g out the ilame, thus p r e ven tin g fire and explosion. A gen ts w ant ed fo r open territory. Send 2ft eta. fo r sample. U. S. SAFETY LAMP RURNER CO. Priceless Rello Found. The first original description of America ever written has Just been discovered. It waa pononed by Dr. Diego Alvarez Cbanca, physician to the second fleet of Columbus, and was dated at the Port of Isabella, Santo Domingo, In January, 14D4. Dr. Fer nandes de Ybarra, of the New York Academy of Sciences, with the Smith sonian Institution of Washington, aid ing and abetting, uncovered the docu ments. A n d Neither M eant It. A man who has kept accurate says that of ten men you meet will say something disagreeable, nine out ten woman will say thing agreeable. ATRIP TO PORTLAND 905 ^ ■* PORTLAND, 0RE60N. Star o f the Evening. Hesperus, golden lamp of the lovely daughter of the foam, dear Hesperua, sacred jewel of the deep blue night, dimmer a* much than the moon, as thou art among the stars pro-eminent, hall, friend, and as I lead the rovel to the shepherd’s hut. In place of th . moonlight lend mo thine, for to-day the moon began her couro«, and too early she sank. I go not free boo ting, cot to lie In wait for th . benighted traveler, but a lover am I, and Yla well to favor lovers.— 11 Ion. transfer tlon of Andrew I.ang. count eight Uncertain. while Our climate Is a series of surprises, some and among our many prognostics ot the weather, the only trustworthy one that I know Is that when It Is warm. It Is a sign that It Is going to be FREE cold.— R. W. Emerson. CUT RATES IN PAINLESS DENTISTRY Pain less E x t r a c t io n .......Free S ilver F illin g s .....................50c Gold F illin g s ........................75c 22 K. Gold C r o w n s ................$3 P o rcelain C r o w n s ................$3 M olar Gold C r o w n s .............. $4 Dridge W o r k , 22 K. G o ld .. .1 3 In la y Fills. Pu re G o l d ........ ¿2 I V e ry N ic e Rubber P la t e . .. .$4 Beat R ubber P la te on E a rth ................................ |7 A L L T H I S W O R K IS O U A R A N T F .L D . Don’ t th row your money away. A dollar saved j Is tw od o ila rs earned. Our o rigin al reliable M odem Paialeea Methods and our p erfected office «q u ip - j mei. t saves uh tim e anti your money. fO S T O M D E N T IS T S , 5th H M o r r is o n , P o r t la n d I fcntranc* 291 Vk Morrlton. Ofpodte f’owtolfice and MHer 4 ! Prank. Eatabllshed in Portland 10 yrnr*. Open evening* ■■til I and Sunday* until I2i 10. for people who work. Drink c“ Habit Cured in Three Days r N o H ypoderm ic injection*. Yon can tnkc thin treatment at the Institute or your homo, and your money will be returned if a perfect cure in not alfsicted. In vestigete thin, it will only take a few momenta to phone un for information. Personal and Anan«lul reference on application. For full inform a tion. phone, « r i t e or call at the N E A L IN S T I T U T E Phone. M arshall 2400 \ J . U Ita li S i P O R T I M ND . O R K . J ink Dole’s C Gee Wo T i n Chines« Doctor T h !« w ondefu! man has made a life study o f the rro p ertiee o f Roots. Herbs and Barks, ana in g iv in g the world the benefit o i kM The Drink Delightful Nfiture ha» blended the pineapple’* con- Aituents *o perfectly that this pure juice, bottled in Hawaii, needs no added sugar or other assistance to increase its delight to the user. It'» a fine drink, a healthful drink, an all-the-year-round drink. I he rough throats o( winter and the delicate Stomachs o. .ha cold season are peculiarly in need of > t this delightful appetizer from tropical H a w au. D rink It P u re I t ( i P u re W ire ilrurelC* sed woeen haraa'l Dole'* Pur- H«w. .«s PiaeappU juic*, read im thaw aama* aaJ get a ireful booklet. | N o M ercu ry, Pi [ o r Drugs U sed. | O p erelio n s o r C Guarantees to cu re Catarrh, Asthm a, Lung, Stomach and K id n ey troubles, and all P riv a te «es o f M n and Women. A SURE CANCER CURE Junt received fro m Pekin. C h in a - u a f* M M and reliable. U ..fa ilin g in Its works. I f you cannot cell, w rite fo r «ym ptom and circular. Inclose 4 cents In stompa. CONSU LTATION PR C t The C. Gee Wo Medicine Co. i 162 V* fir s t S t , ca r. M o rrieeo , P a rt i s ite. O P N U N o . * » —' t o Thirty Mine Victims Fonnd, H A W A I I A N P I N E A P P L E P R O D U C T . C O ,L M . a « «w ax TMi « » « « I « H K l f w r i t i n g ko a d r a r « « • I* CM TM« i f i M i IIS Market Street. Saa rraretac*. Cal. Starkville, Colo.-—Thirty bodies have m i n i t i * « t h him li p a g e r. now been removed from the Starkville mine. Many now being brought out are in such an advanced stage o f de- compoeition that they can never be identified. Twenty-five bodies are I ■till in the mines and, according to the! © •tor m or- goods brighter an « la tla t color* than any othar dy*. O n - IOc packaga oolora atlk, w o o l and eottoai «qu aB y w i g d~ * ' ’ 01— w rn ton.. rescuers, have not yet been located. I ] W PUTNAM FADELESS DYES