Mosier bulletin. (Mosier, Or.) 1909-19??, September 23, 1910, Image 2

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    the : quickening
Copyrtcht. 1906. by F rane 1 1 LyncU
Hut slowly as he looked ft curious
change came over him. She was the
same Nan Bryerson, bareheaded, bare­
legged, with the same tousled mat of
dark hair, and the same childish In­
difference to a whole frock. And yet
she was not the same. The subtle dif­
ference, whatever It was, made him get
up and offer to shake hands with her—
and he thought It was the newly-made
vows constraining him, and took cred­
it therefor.
"You can revile me as much as you
like now, Nan,” he said, with prldefol
humility. “You can't make me mad
any more, like you used to. I'm older
now, and—and better, I hope. I shall
never forget that you have a precious
soul to save.”
Her response to this was a scoffing
laugh, shrill and challenging. Yet he
could not help thinking that It made
her look prettier than before.
“You can laugh as much as you want
to; but I mean It,” he Insisted. “And,
besides, Nan—of all the things that
I've been wanting to come back to,
you're the only one that Isn't changed."
And again he thought It was righteous
guile that was making him kind to her.
"D ’ye reckon you shorely mean that,
Tom Gordon?" she said; and the Ilf
which lent themselves so easily to
scorn were tremulous. She was Just
his age, and womanhood was only a
step across the threshold for her.
"Of course I do. Let me carry your
bucket for you.”
She had hung the little wooden plg-
gln under the drip of the spring and
It was full and running over. But
when he had lifted It out for her, she
rinsed and emptied It.
"I Just set it there to cool some,” she
explained. “I’m goln’ up to Sunday
Rock afte' huckleberries. Come and
go 'long with me. Tom.”
He assented with a willingness as
eager as It was unaccountable. If she
had asked him to do a much less rea­
sonable thing, he waa not sure that he
could have refused.
And us they went together through
the wood, spicy with the June fra­
grances, questions like those of the
boyhood time thronged on him, and he
welcomed them as a return of at least
one of the vanished thrills—and waa
grateful to her.
When they were fairly under tho
overhanging cliff face of Sunday Rock,
she darted away, laughing at him over
her shoulder, and daring him to follow
her along a dizzy shelf half-way up
the crag; a narrow ledge, perilous for
a mountain goat.
This, as he remembered later, was
the turning-point In her mood. In Im­
agination he saw her try It and fall;
saw her lithe, shapely beauty lying
broken and mungled at the cliffs foot;
and In three bounds he had her fast
locked In his restraining arms. Shu
strove with him at first, like a wres­
tling boy, laughing and taunting him
with being afraid for himself. Then—
. Tom Gordon, clean-hearted as yet,
did not know precisely what happened.
Suddenly she stopped struggling and
lay panting In his arms, and quite us
suddenly he released her.
'N an !" he said, In a swiftly sub­
merging wave of tenderness, “I didn't
go to hurt you!”
She sank down on a stone at nls
feet and covered her face with her
But she was up again and
turning from him with eyes downcast
before he could comfort her.
(To be continued.)
of the vision, dropping on his knees at
CHAPTEB VIII.— (Continued.)
The limeHtene pike was the same, the bedside. "O God, let me see Thee
And the creek was still rushing noisily and touch Thee, and be sure, sure!
over the stones in its bed. as Tom re
he prayed, over and over again; and
marked, gratefully. But the heaviest » finally sleep found him still on his
of the buffets came when the barriei knees with his face burled In tha bed­
hills were passed and the surrey hors«*i clothes.
made no motion to turn in at the gate
of the old oak-shingled house beyond
For the first few vacation days Tom
the Iron-works.
“Hold on!** said Tom. “Doesn’t the rose with the sun and lived with the
Industries, marking all the later expan­
driver know where we live?”
“That’s the sup’rintendent’s office and sive strides and sorrowing keenly that
lab’ratory now, son. It was getting to he hud not been present to see them
be tolerably noisy down here for your taken In detail.
One morning he ran plump Into
mammy, so nigh to the plant. And w«1
allowed to s’prise you. W e’ve been the Major, stalking grandly along the
walk and smoking a war­
bulldin’ us a new house up on the
time cheroot of preposterous length.
knoll Just this side o’ Major Dabney’s.
The despot of Paradise, despot now
It was the crudest of the changes-
the one hardest to bear; and it drove only by the courtesy of the triumphant
the boy back Into the dumb reticence genius of modernity, put on bis eye­
which was a part of his birthright. Had glasses and stared Thomas Into re­
spectful rigidity.
they left him nothing by which to re
' Why, bless my soul!— If It Isn't Cap­
member the old days— days which were
Well, well, you
already beginning to take on the tain Gordon’s boy!
young limb! If you didn't faveh youh
glamour of unutterable happiness past
Tom saw well-kept lawns, park-like good fatheh In eve'y line and lineament
groves and pretentious country villas of youh face, I should neveh have
where he had once trailed Nance Jane known you—you've grown so. Shake
through the “dark woods,’’ and his hands, suh!"
Tom did It awkwardly. It Is a gift
father told him the names and circum­
stance of the owners as they drove up to be able to shake hands easily; a
the pike. There was Rockwood, the gift withheld from most girls and all
summer home of the Stanleys, and The boys up to the soulful age. Hut there
Dell, owned, and Inhabited at intervals was worse to follow. Ardea was some­
by Mr. Young-Dlckson, of the South where on the peopled verandas, and the
Tredegar potteries.
Farther along Major, more terrible In Ills hospitality
there was Falrmount, whose owner wai than he had ever appeared In the old-
a wealthy cotton-seed buyer;
Rook time rage-fits, dragged his hapless vic­
Hill, which Tom remembered as the tim up and down and around and about
ancient roosting ground of the migra­ In search of her. "Not say 'Howdy' to
tory winter crows; and Farnsworth Ardea? Why, you young cub, where
Park, ruralizing the name of Its build­ are youh munnehs, suh?" Thus the
er. On the most commanding of the Major, when the victim would have
broken away.
hillsides was a pile of rough-cut Ten
nessee marble with turrets and many
It was a fiery trial for Tom—a way-
gables, rejoicing In the classic name of pleklng among red-hot plowshares of
Warwick Dodge. This, Tom was told, embarrassment.
How the well-bred
was the country homo of Mr. Farley folk smiled, and the grand ladies drew
himself, and the house ulone had cost their Immaculate skirts aside to make
passing-room for his dusty feet! How
a fortune.
At the turn In the pike where you one of them wondered, quite audibly,
lost sight finally of the Iron-works, where In the world Major Dabney had
there was a new church, a miniature In unearthed that young native!
native stone of good
Stephen was conscious of every fleck of dust on
Hawker’s church of Morwenstow. Tom his clothes and shoes; of the skllless
knot In his necktie; of the school-desk
gasped at the sight of It, and scowl
when he saw the gilded cross on the droop In his shoulders; of the utter
superfluousness of his big hands.
And when, ut the long last, Ardea
“Catholic!” he said. “And right here
wus discovered sitting beside a gor­
In our valley!”
attired Queen of Sheba, who
“No,” said the father; “It’s ’Piscopal-
lan. Colonel Farley is one o’ the ves­ also smiled und examined him minute­
tries, or whatever you call 'em, of St, ly through a pair of eye-glasses fas­
Ml chael'a yonder In town. 1 reckon he tened on the end of a gold-mounted
wanted to get his own kind o' people stick, the place of torment, wherever
round him out here, an he built this and whatever It might be, held no
deeper pit for him. What he had
church, and they run It an a sort of
alde-ahow to the big church. Your climbed the mountain to find wns a
mammy alwaya looka the other way little girl In a school frock, who had
sat on the yellowing grass with one S le e p s B e t t e r a n d I s M u r e C h e e r f u l
when we come by."
Tom looked the other way, too, arm uround the neck of a great dog,
T h a n I .e a a U r u t h e r .
watching anxloualy for the flrat Bight looking fesrlcssly up at him and tell­
Despite the fact that Julius Ctesar,
of the new home. They reached It 11
good time, by a graveled
driveway away. What he had found was a very through his authoritative spokesman,
leading up from the white pike between staturesque little Indy, clud In fluffy Shakespeare, expressed a preference
rowa of foreat trees; and there waa a summer white, with the other Ardea's for men of flesh, "sleek-headed men,
second negro waiting to take the team, slate-ldue eyes and soft voice, to bo and such as sleep o' nights," succeed­
tyhen they alighted at the verunda sure, but with no other reminder of the ing degenerate ages have shown a dis­
lost avatar.
position to admire the lean and poke
The new houae was a two-storied
From first to last, from the moment fun at the fat man.
brick, ornate and palpably assertive, she made room for him, dusty clothe
Women are not to be considered.
with no suggestion of the homely com­ and all. on the settee between herself
fort of the old. Yet, when his mother und tho Queen of Sheba, Tom was con­ Forever Inscrutable, while the prevail
had wept over him In the wide hall scious of but one clearly-defined Ing fashion of their dress would seem
and there was time to go about, taking thought—an overmastering desire to to Indicate their admiration of slen­
It all In like a rat exploring a strange get away— to be free ut any cost, nut derness In their own eex. It by no
garret, It was not ao bad.
the way of escapo would not disclose means follows that they are attracted
Hut there were compensations, and Itself, so he sat In stammering misery,
to the bean-pole type of man. Simi­
Tom discovered one of them on the answering Ardea's questlous about the
larly. when sex Is considered, man
first Wednesday evening after his ar
sectarian school In bluntest monosyl­
rival. The now home waa within easy lables. and hearing with his other ear himself Is of various taste; a Turkish
Walking distance of I.lttle Zoar, and he a terrible Major tell the Queen of She­ woman who Is not absolutely fat Is a
went with his mother to the prayer- ba all about the railroad Invasion, and Turkish woman destitute of charm
how he—Tom Gordon— had run to find The subject Is a broad one, with many
The upper end of the pike was un­
punk match to fire a cannon In the and historical aspects, from the time
changed, and the little, weather-beaten Dabney cause.
when I’eshurun. as we read In Deuter­
church stood In Its grovlng of pile
He e sea pod finally from the entan­
the same yesterday, to-day and for glements of Mnjor Dabney’s hospital­ onomy, “ waxed fat and kicked.”
Just now It is given a serious and
ever. Hotter still, the congregation, the ity. On the way down the cliff path
small Wedneaday-nlglit gathering at the fire burned nnd the revival zeal wus very Interesting discussion by Dr.
least, held the familiar fares of the kindled anew. There had been times. George M. Niles, In the Journal of the
country folk. The minister was a In the last year, especially, when he American Medical Association. Every
young missionary, zealously earnest, had thought coldly of the disciple's one Is aware of the value of fat as n
and larking as yet the quality of hard­ culling and was minded to break away
source of energy for the development
ness and doctrinal precision which had and be a skilled cruftsmnn, like his
been the boy's dally bread and meat ut father. Now he was aghast to think of heat. That phase of the fat man's
the sectarian school. What wonder, that he had ever been so near the brink condition may be passed by. Another
then, that when when the call for testi­ of apostasy. With the river of the one is of larger Importance. Says Dr.
mony was made, the old pounding and Water of Life springing crystal clear Niles:
heart-hummerlng set In. and duty, at his feet, should he turn away and
"It has been commonly known from
duty, duty, wrote Itself In flaming let­ drink from tho bitter pools In the wil­ the earliest antiquity that fat people
ters on the dingy walls?
derness of this world? With prophet­ are more contented, more optimistic,
Tom set his teeth and swallow'd ic eye he saw himself as another Hoan-
than lean ones, and that their view­
hard, and let a dozen of the others rls»
rges, lifting, with all tho Inspiring point of life In general Is largely gov­
and speak and alt again. He could feel
loquence of the son of thunder, tho
erned by this prosaic attribute. Now, I
the beating of his mother's heart, and
laptlst's soul-shaking cry, Repent ye:
he knew she waa praying silently for for the kingdom of heaven Is at hand! might compare the supply of fat to the
him, praying that he would not deny
The thought thrilled him, and tho ample bank account of a busy and
his Master. For her sake, then • • • fierce glow of enthusiasm became an provident man. That he possesses this
but not yet; there wus still time enough Intoxicating ecstasy. The tinkling drip
surplus does not prevent him from
—after the next hymn—after the next of falling water broke Into the noonday
diligently following his usual avoca­
testimony— when the minister should
Hence of the forest like the low-voiced
give another Invitation. He was chain­ cnll of a sacred bell. For the first time tion (sic), but the knowledge of Ita
ed to the bench and could not rise; his since leaving the mountain top he took presence lends a mental satisfaction
tongue clave to the roof of his mouth note of Ills surroundings. He was that would be absent were he living
and his lips were like dry leaves. The standing beside the great, cubical boul­ right up to his dally Income.”
silences grew longer; all, or neurly all. der under the cedars—the high altar In
This may be true; who can say? It
bud spoken. He was stifling.
nature's mountain tabernacle.
Is so easy to generalize and, as a mat­
"Whosoever therefore shall confess
Thoinua Jefferson had the deep peace
me before men, him will I confess also of the fully committed when he rose ter of fact, so Impossible to be certain
before my Father which la In heaven. from his knees and went to drink at about such things. One might partlcu-
larlze through a column or two and
Hut whosoever shall deny me before
the spouting rock lip. It was decided
men, him will I alao deny before my now. this thing he had been holding arrive at no definite conclusion. Naix>
Father which la In heaven." It wns the
half-heartedly In abeyance.
There leon was a fat little man and Infinitely
solemn voice of the young minister, and
would be no more dallying with temo- greater than the lean Wellington; Dr.
Tom staggered to his feet with the
tatlon, no more rebellion, no more Ir­ Johnson and Gibbon were grossly fat,
lamps whirling In giddy circles.
reverent stumblings In the dark valley but Emerson and Carlyle were bare to
"1 feel to say that the I,ord is pre­
of doubtful questions. More especially, the bone. And so forth.
cious to my soul to-night. Pray for
ho would be vigilant to guard against
One thing, at least, seems clear; the
me. that I may ever be found faith­
those backslldlngs that came ao swiftly
fat man may not be as spry on his
He struggling through the words of
feet as his lean brother; he may not,
the familiar form gaspingly and sat ing. Ills heart was fixed, so Irrevocx- as a rule, be as agile of mind, but he
down. A burst of triumphant song
wish that Satan would try him there eats a better meal and enjoys a
and then. Hut the enemy of souls was sounder sleep. He Is more cheerful;
nowhere to be seen In the leafy arches his laugh Is heartier. In fart, some
“O happy day, that fixed my choice
of the wood, and Tom bent again to of him have laughed and grown fat.
On Thee, my Saviour and my Clod!"
take a second draft at the spouting
And then, again and finally, It Is prob-
and the ecstatic aftermath came. Tru­ rock lip.
ably easier to be fat and get lean than
He was bending over the sunken bar­
ly, It was better to be a doorkeeper In
to be lean and get fat.— Philadelphia
the house of God than to dwell In the rel A shadow, not his own, blurred the
tents of wickedness. What bliss was water mirror. He looked up quickly.
"N a n !" he cried.
there to be compared with this heart­
r k s a t l r l r r l » i ia G a n ia w a a ip .
She was standing on the opposite
melting, soul-llftlng blessing for duty
Hank Stubbs— Slme Hadley hea
side of the barrel basin, looking down
It went with him a good part of the on him with good-natured mockery In moved all his henhouses an' chicken
way home, and Martha Gordon respect­ the dark eyes.
coops Into his front yard an’ onto his
I 'lowed maybe you wouldn't have front plasxy.
ed his silence, knowing well what
heights and depths were engulfing the such a back load of religion after you'd
lllge Miller—Yea. Slme thought et
young spirit
been of? to the school a spell,” she said,
how It would make a great hit with
But afterward—alas and alas; that pointedly. And then: "Does It always
there should always be an "after­ make you right dry an' thirsty to say folks looking for summer board.— Bos
ton Herald.
our prayers. Tommy-Jeffy."
When Tom had kissed his
mother good-night and was alone In
Tom sat t>ack on his heels and re­
A D lffe r e a e * .
his upper room, the reaction set In garded her thoughtfully. Ills first Im­
Patience— What reason had «he for
What had he done? Were the words pulse was out of the natural heart
th e outpouring of a full heart?
Did rageful. wounded vanity spurring It on. marrying him?
Patrice— Why, he had money .
th ey really mean anything to him. or It was like her heathenism Imperti­
“ That la not a reason; that Is aa ax-
to those who heard them? He grasped nence to look on at such a time, and
«eeualrlngly at the fast-fading glories then to taunt him about It afterward. cuse."—Gateway klagailne
Joings of the World at Large
Told in Brief.
General Resume o f Important Events
Presented In Condensed Form
fo r Our Busy Readers.
Exporters are again buying wheat
for shipment from Coast ports.
Statewide prohibition will be the
slogan of the Idaho Republicans.
The Southern Pacific has advanced
the rate on lumber to San Francisco.
Sever meat dealers at Lawrence,
MasB., were indicted for giving short
England's Chain-Makers Striving to
Better Conditions.
Birmingham, England — Just how
hard the struggle is sometimes be­
tween capital and labor, is shown by
the strike of the women chainmakers
of Cradley Heath, England's most cry
ing industrial scandal.
When the Trades Boards act was
passed last year to fix the rate of pay
for such sweated trades as this, the
employers got the women to contract
out; that is, to sign away any benefits
under the act, by presenting to them
documents they did not understand. So
still there are 500 women, mothers
most o f them, slaving at the hardest
labor o f forging chains, for not more-
than a dollar a week, made up o f six
14-hour days.
It is an eye-opener to visit this ac
cursed district, where women toil
harder than men.
Now they are
struggling to gain five cents an hour,
an increase of 150 per cent.
It will
bring them about $2.65 a week if they
Sickly children are seen in numbers
round these home forges, and even the
mere tots are pressed into the labor,
Many of the women are not trade un­
ionists, because they have never been
able to afford even four cents a week
as subscription to the union.
fight for existence is one o f the worst
that has ever stained modern indus­
Joint Eugene Y. M. C. A. in Organ­ Commercial Club to Send Excursion
to Wild West Show.
izing Work for Children.
carrying Portland rail­
Corvallis— The poultry department
of the Oregon Agricultural college, un road men will go out on the faat mail
der Prof. James Dryden, is organizing on the evening o f September 30, bound
» ’ poultry raising contest for the boys for Pendleton, where the railroad rep­
and girls o f Eugene, in co-operation resentatives will witness the final
with the Young Men’s ¡Christian asso­ day’s festivities in the Pendleton
ciation here.
Some 50 entries have “ roundup.”
The “ roundup” ia advertised by Pen­
been made. The^college offera $200 in
dleton to be “ wild and woolly, faat and
cash prizes.
A t the college ten acres of land are furious.’ ’ Among the frontier sport»
given over entirely to the poultry and pastimes to be shown will be bron­
husbandry department, which has now cho buating, steer roping, relay and
about 2,000 chickens. /There are 20 pony express races, wild horse races,
colony brooder coops and^H colony lay­ packing contests, horseback tugs of
ing houses, beside thejneubator house, war, steer riding, horseback pistol
containing 16 incubators [o f six d if­ shooting, fancy riding and roping.
ferent makes, and the brooder house,
The work of the department is largely
that o f proving the laying qualities of
the principal varieties, including P ly­ Scarcety of Labor May Prevent Some
The resignation o f Senator Lorimer
Being Harvested.
mouth Rocks, Leghorns, and crosses of
from the Hamilton club, o f Chicago,
these two breeds.
The hop crop about Eu­
haa been accepted.
In a recent letter from St. Peters­ gene this year ia large and o f fine qual­
burg, Russia, Prof. Dryden was as
All o f the 13 racing balloons which
sured by one o f the government lec­ ity, but the help is ao scarce that it ia
left Indianapolis Saturday afternoon
have alighted safely.
turers on poultry raising there that the doubtful if some o f the growers will
O. A. C. poultry bulletins have been of be able to harvest their crop.
On account of danger from hydro­
great value in her work, teaching her, picking ¡ b now in full blast in the most
phobia, General Funston has ordered
she said, “ juat what to say, and how
all cats removed from the post at Fort
to Bay, many things in a few words.” important yards, and on account of
Leavenworth and all dogs kept se­
The bulletins are published for general the dry weather the hops have develop­
curely tied.
distribution in the state, and may be ed to a large size with very few leaves,
Account o f Option Law.
Germany has discarded dirigible bal­
ao that picking ia easy.
In the Rob­
had upon request.
Lincoln, Neb.— In a statement in
loons for army use, on account of the
ert Hayes yard 150 more pickers could
many accidents that have befallen the
ROAD C O S T S $100,000 PER MILE be used to advantage, and unless some
Zeppelin airships. Aeroplanes will be which he feels impelled to wage
unforeseen circumstance relieves the
used exclusively.
situation some o f the hops in this yard
and nation overshadows a personal and O, R. & N. Cutoff From Pendleton
cannot be harvested.
Stockholders o f the O. R. & N. at political friendship o f 20 years, W il­
;to Yoakum Nearing Completion.
their annual meeting at Salt Lake liam J. Bryan announced he had bolted
Pendleton— One o f the most expen­ Mosier Apples Pay Better Than Ever
City October 12 will be asked to in­ the head of the Democratic state ticket
crease the capital stock by many mil­ in Nebraska and would not support sive bits o f road building the O. R. &
Hood River— Great excitement pre­
N. Co. has ever undertaken is now in
lions, the money to be used in con­ James C. Dahlman for governor
vailed among the Hood R iver fruit
structing a line across Oregon from
Mr. Bryan says he regrets that he is
growers when they learned that the
east to west.
compelled to take the stand he does— kum and will be completed within the Mosier fancy apples had been bought
next two or three months.
The work
T aft and Roosevelt held a conference his first departure from political regu­ covers but 12 % miles o f construction by the Davidson Fruit company o f this
and T a ft promised to aid in the New larity— but says he feels it his duty to but will cost approximately $1,200,000. city at a price in advance o f that re­
ceived by the Hood River Apple Grow­
do so because of the position taken by
York campaign.
The improvements in progress in­ ers’ union for the Hood River crop sold
the Democratic nominee on the liquor
volve a complete change o f the main to Steinhart & Kelly, o f New York.
A Louisville pastor was forced to re­ question.
sign because he indulged in baseball
The statement, which in a way is line o f the O. R. & N. Co. between The Hood River crop always has
Pendleton and Yoakum; none o f the brought the highest price o f any ap­
and other athletic sports.
apologetic in tone, does not indicate
old line will be used. The work short­ ples sold in the Pacific Northwest,
The attempt to cross the Alps in that Mr. Bryan will support the candi­ ens the present line 1.7 miles; elim i­
aeroplanes met with failure, though date o f any other party, but announces nates 1361 degrees o f curvature; re- and if reports are true Mosier growers
will hold the record for the year 1910,
that he is a pronounced advocate of
one machine rose 7,456 feet.
duees'the maximum degree of curves
county option and the early saloon
from 10 degrees to 4 degrees, and re­
Evidence o f manipulation o f stocks
Farmers Will Study Irrigation.
closing law, both of which he insists
duces the grade from eight-tenths o f 1
by railroads to hide dividends was
are menaced by Mr. Dahlman’s can­
Weston — Promoters of the Pine
per cent, uncompensated, to six-tenths
brought out at the rate hearing.
Creek irrigation project have planned
o f 1 per cent, compensated.
A Klamath Falls bricklayer collected
a public meeting for September 16
$7 due him for work, at the muzzle of
with a view to acquainting farmers
a shotgun, and was immediately ar­
with the benefits o f irrigation.
It ia
horseshoe bend; a high fill and a steel
Grand Army Men Begin New Pension bridge o f two 150-foot spans with con­ proposed under this project to conserve
the flood waters o f Pine creek with an
The senate committee has begun its
crete piers and abutments, through the
immense dam, to be built about three
official investigation into the alleged
Atlantic City, N, J. — Veterans at­
miles above Weston, and to irrigate
bribery in connection with the election tending the national encampment of company.
thousands o f aares o f rich land devoted
of Senator Lorimer.
the G. A . R. were formally welcomed
to wheat raising.
Plans and maps
Two children were burned to death to Atlantic City at a monster meeting
have been prepared.
in their home st Douglas, Alaska, on the Million Dollar pier.
The big event is the parade Wednes­ Catch o f Fall Fish on Columbia
while their aunt, with whom they
Coos County May Get Sawmill.
day. Vice President Sherman will re­
lived, was gone to the store.
River is Very Poor.
view the veterans, with Commander in
Marshfield— It is reported that the
Prince Tsai Hsun, head
o f the
Astoria — Reports from all the Brookings Lumber & Box company, of
Chief Van Sant and Lieutenant Gen­
Chinese navy, arrived in San Francisco
eral Nelson A. Miles, U. S. A ., re­ streams, both along the Oregon and California, may build a sawmill in
Buffering severely
from bronchitis
Washington coasts, are to the effect Curry county either at Chetco or at
and threatened with pneumonia.
One thing noticed at the various that good runs of fish are coming in Arch Rock. The company owns 25,000
Chaa. R. Heike, an ex-ofHcial o f the meetings waa the definite shape the and the packing plants are doing ex­ acres of timber in Curry county.
sugar trust, was fined $5,000 and g iv ­ movement for increasing the pensions ceptionally well. The gasoline schoon­
en eight months in the penitentiary of veterans ia taking. The cry waa er Gerald C, which arrived Saturday
for his share in the sugar weighing “ A Dollar a Day for L ife .”
The na­ from Nestucca, brought 871 cases and
tional encampment ia expected to take ten tierces o f salmon for Elmore & Co.
Wheat— Track prices, export basis;
The catch of fall salmon on the
A member of the royal Holstein up the matter.
The National Association of Naval Columbia river ia very light at the Bluestem, 92c; club, 84c; red Rus­
family of Denmark, and heir to many
present time, and some of the gillnet- sian, 82c; valley, 88c; 40-fold, 87c;
millions, was found working in the Veterans believes it haa a solution of
ters who have been fishing with large Turkey red, 84@90c.
commissary department o f a railroad the matter of placing a statue o f Gen­ mesh nets have taken them out o f the
Barley— Feed, $22«;,22.50 per ton;
company at Seattle.
The association at ita water. Now that the weather condi­ brewing, $23.
Hay— Track prices: Timothy, W il­
Contracts have been let for a rail­ convention adopted
in tions are changing, however, a good
lamette valley, $19<fr:20 per ton; East­
road from Fernley to Lassen, in North­ which it did not oppose the placing of run of silversides ia looked for.
ern Oregon, $21@22; alfalfa, new, $15
ern California, which road will event­ Lee’s statue in the capitol provided it
@16; grain hay, $14@15.
ually be extended to Klamath Falls, appeared in civilian attiae. The naval
Salt Salmon Prices Rise.
Com— Whole, $32; cracked, $33 ton.
Oregon, giving the Northwest another veterans elected William G. McEwen,
Astoria—Judging from the present
Millstuffs — Bran, $23@24 per ton;
road through to Los Angeles.
Philadelphia, commodore.
market conditions the Alaska salmon
middlings, $31; shorts, $25«z:26; rolled
American apples are bringing 8 to
packers who have not yet sold their
barley, $24.50<ffi25.50.
packs o f salt salmon will make unus­
12 cents a pound in England.
Fur Catch Unusually Big.
Oats— White, $27.50 per ton.
Edmonton, Alberta— Edward Hagle, ually large profits this season.
Secretary of War Dickinson met
Green Fruits— Apples, new, 60c@
year Alaska salt salmon waa selling
with a hearty reception at Pekin.
$1.25 per box; plums, 40«i)76c; pears,
dealers in the North country, who haa for $6 a barrel, but it ia now quoted at
Two freight trains met in head-on passed half a lifetime B t the business, $9, with a strong demand and the in­ 76c@$1.25; peaches, boxes, 40«;:76c;
collision near Cairo, III., killing four ia authority for the statement that the dications are that the price will ad­ lugs, $1.10@1.25; grapes, 25cffi$1.26
box; $1.35 per lug; 20(w22}4c basket,
fur catch o f the past winter, which is vance to $10. It ! is understood that cranberries $8.50 per barrel; water­
President Taft will ask $2,000,000 now beginning to arrive from the
melons, $1 per hundred; cantaloupes,
to begin the fortification of the Pana­ North, will net the trappers more than pany, of this city, haa fully 3,000 bar­ 75c@$1.50 per crate.
$250,000. Mink and marten have been rels of this salmon, which it has not
ma canal.
Vegetables— Beans, 3@5c per pound;
more plentiful this year, he says, but yet disposed of.
cabbage, 2c; cauliflower, $1.50 per
The Spanish parliament ia expected foxes and beaver were very scarce, sil­
dozen; celery, 90c; com, 12<i£15c; cu­
to fully endorse the policy o f Premier ver foxes especially so. This year only
Pears Bring Top Price.
cumbers, 25@40c per box; eggplant,
15 foxes were taken in the Mackenxie
Medford — Banner prices are being 6c per pound; garlic, 8(ajl0c; green
Union and Confederate soldiers min­ river district.
realized by Rogue River pear growers onions, 15c per dozen; peppera, 6c
gled at Grand Army reunion at A t­
in Eastern markets. Dillon Hill, who pound; radishes., 15«z20c per dozen;
lantic City, N. J.
Noiseless Gun Kills Man.
received an average price o f $3.33 a squash, 40c per crate; tomatoes, 30«$
Los Angeles— While he was enjoy­ box for three carloads of Bartletta, re­ 60c per box; carrots, $1@1.25 per
By an alliance with Bulgaria and
Servia, Montenegro is elevated from a ing the moving pictures in a roofless ceived as high as $3.90 a box for some sack; beets, $1.50; parsnips, $1@1.26;
principality to the ranks of a full “ airdrome” here, Rudoplh Gastelum, of them. George E. Marshall received tumipa, $1.
a visitor from Calexico, was mortally $5.90 a box for his shipment o f Buerre
Potatoes — Oregon, $1.25 per hun­
fledged kingdom.
wounded by a bullet fired by someone d’ Anjous. The prices reported from dred; sweet potatoes, 3c per pound.
New Orleans is disappointed at the whom the police ao far have been un­ the East for the late shipments of
Onions— New, $1.50 per sack.
poor showing made in the census, and able to find.
Gaatelum died on the pears ate higher than those o f earlier
Eggs— Oregon current receipts 31@
fears it may affect her chances for the way to the hospital.
There waa no
32c; candled 32@34c.
1915 Panama exposition.
warning of the shooting until Gastelum the California pears are now out of
Butter— City creamery, solid pack,
Three out o f 13 entries in the balloon toppled over in the aisle. There waa the markets.
36c; prints 37«£37)*c; butter fat 36c;
country store 24«z25c.
contest which itarted at Indianapolis much confusion in the darkness for a
Stock Stalls Secured.
returned to earth within 24 hours, few seconds. _ One police theory ia
Poultry— Hens 17c;
springs 17c;
that the bullet was fired from one of
The Dalles— The management o f the ducks white l e o n i n e ; geese 1 0 @ llc;
having made about 400 miles.
the new noiseless guns.
district fair, which w ill be held in this turkeys, live, 20c; dressed, 22>y@26c;
Sccretsry Wilson pays postage on
city October 4 to 8, has secured stall squabs, $3 per dozen.
copies of his speech which were sent
False Light Causes Wreck.
room in the east end o f town for the
Pork— Fancy, 13c per pound.
through the mails, refusing to take
Vancouver, B. C.— Mistaking a light atock exhibit. In former years this
Veal—Good average, ll@ 1 2 c pound.
advantage o f the franking privilege.
on shore for a light on a landing float, exhibit haa been held at the grounds
Cattle— Beef steers, good to choice,
the small steamer Belcarra, Captain J. o f the Driving Park association, about $5.25?a6.60; fair to medium, $4.25«$
Captain Klaus Larsen, in a small
E. Fulton, owned by the Sechelt
4.75; choice »payed heifers, $4.60«$
motor boat, traversed Niagara rap­
Steamship company, dashed on the both for exhibitors and those wishing 4.75; good to choice beef cows, $4.25
ids for a distance o f 4 ^ miles below
rocks at Dempeey’a camp, Agamem­ to view the atock. With the change (d4.65; medium to good beef cows,
the falls, but was finally thrown on the
non channel, Jarvis inlet, early Satur­ which haa been made, there will be $3.75«i:4.26; common beef cows, $2@
rocks and hauled ashore by a rope.
day morning and ia now a total losa in many more exhibits entered.
3.75; bulls, $3.75@4; stags, good to
The boat was losL
65 fathoms o f water. The [crew and a
choice, $4«t.4.25: calves, light, $6.75
German Families Coming.
@7; heavy, $3.75@5.
Charles M. Schwab, ex-president of dozen passengers got off in safety, but
Hogs— Top,
$10@10.75; fair to
Medford — H. A. Vogel baa pur­
the Steel trust, says that San Francis­ all hope o f saving the vessel waa aban­
chased the C. W. McClendon farm in medium, $9.50@10.
co is “ obsessed with unionism," and doned.
Sheep— Beat ML Adams wethers, $4
Sams valley, 20 miles from Medford,
that in case he gets the contract for a
Japan Buying Cotton Again.
for $50,000. The farm contains 604 (d.4.25; best valley wethers. $3.25«$
number o f new battleships for China,
Seattle—The ateammahip Minnesota, acres of land. Mr. Vogel intends to 3.50; fair to good wethers, $3(o3.25;
they will not be built there.
■tiling for Japan, took in her cargo subdivide the property and improve best valley ewes, $3(o..60;
King Emmanuel, o f Portugal, haa 560 4>ales of cotton, the first big ship­ each division to suit the tastes o f Ger­ choice Mt. Adams, $5.25(ii6.50; choice
appointed 16 new peers, all supporters ment in two years. This consignment man families from Iowa, his home valley, $5(o5.25.
Hops— 1910 crop, nominal; 1909, 10
of the present ministry.
ia looked upon as the beginning of state, who are planning to move to
@ llc ; olda, nominal.
Oregon in search of a milder climate.
Governor Haskell, o f Oklahoma, heavy shipment», the trade having
Wool— Eastern Oregon, 13@17e per
been heavy before the business depres­
charges Roosevelt with insincerity.
sion from which Japan ia emerging.
Train Service Alleged Poor.
choice. 32@33c.
Roosevelt defends his “ New Nat­
Cascara bark— 4 S @ 4 \ c .
ionalism” in an address at Oyster Bay.
Cleveland Has 660.663.
the Upper Hood River Valhy Progres­
Hides— Salted hides, 7@ 7X e per
sive association with the State Rail- pound;
______ ____________
“ Uncle J oe" Cannon haa been re­
salted calf, > ___
13c; salted kip, 8c;
nominated for congress by a «mail ma­
road commission alleging that service salted stags, 6e; green'hides 1c H’l eM:
on the Mount Hood Hood railway ia in- dry hides, 16.S@17c; dry calf 17«$
r l o n u a f o on.i
------------* -------.
___ __ ______
pared with 381,768 in 1900. The pop­ a adequate
and that on some occasions
a < 18c;
dry stags, 11(h:12c.
San Francisco police are charged by ulation o f Joliet, III., ia 34,670, an in­ distance o f 23 miles between Hood
Pelts— Dry, 10 l*c; salted, butchers’
the mayor with protecting dancehall crease of 5,317, or 18.1 per rent, as River and Parkdaie is made in
six take-off, 40«t76c; spring lambs, 25«j
compared with 29,353 in 1900.
Representative Tawney was defeat­
ed for renomination at the Minnesota
4 8 c*