PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY ADVERTISING RATES r j BY H. G. K IB B E E , P roprietor SUBSCRIPTION RATPS BULLETIN One Year................................................................... $ l.r< , Six Month*..................................................................7f> Three Months.............................................................. 50 Entere«! as second-class matter March 12, 1909, at the post office at Mosier, Oregon, under the A ct o f March 3.1879. Pr^eMtonal Carda.......................... M One square.......................................... ** • \ .m One-quarter Column....................... ** l i ** One-half Column......................... ** ** One Column............ 1.99 - Business locals will be charged at 6 «enti M r ÜM for each insertion. £egal advertisements will in all cases hi sharped to the party‘ ordering them, at legal MOSIER. WASCO COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 23, 1910 VOL. II NO. 29 paid for before-affidavits are fund>>Wd. V i Vi Death Of Mrs. Lee Evans OUR PORTLAND LETTER F1NE LAUNDRY W ORK” Tiie people o f Mosier were See Portland, Ore., Sept. 20 (Special) Done with neatness and dispatch —Portland Day at the State Fair saddened, on Wednesday m< r - at Salem was one of the biggest ing, by the news that Mrs. l.e- days in the history of that or- a ider Evans was dead. Wt ile Hood River Laundry Company J. E. COLE, M o . siku A gent ganization. Excursions from it was known that she was Portland took 2400 people from serious! ill, still it was hoped H ood R ivers Reliable Jeweler for the metropolis. The weather that the Angel of * was perfect and a warm welcome pass over without blighting her Watches, Diamonds, Jewelry But an Allwise was given the visitors upon their household. H e can make you r watch keep time Providence ruled otherwise, and arrival at the capital. . Í The excursion from this city she passed away at 5 o’ clock in GAY YOWELL. Mgr. was run under the auspices of the morning, after receiving all the Portland Commercial Club the care that medical skill ar.d Harness and Saddlery Goods and special greetings were given kind neighbors could give. Tents, Wagon Covers, Etc A D V E R T IS E IN T H E B U LLE TIN Mary Elizabeth Swasey was Hand-made* Harness a Specialty by city and state officials at Sa­ osier regon lem. The Portland visitors were born in Clark County, Mo., in and Get Results. OREGON highly pleased with their recep- 1855. In 1873 she moved to HOOD RIVER tion and the general excellence Cowley County, Kan., where she of the fair, whichj was a credit was married to Leander Evans, to the whole state. living in Kansas seven years. Roseburg is the latest com- She returned to Missouri with munity to testify that consistent her husband, and in 1887 came M eans The Arthur & Burt Drug Co., publicity work pays. Within the to Mosier, where she has since For constitutional am endm ent past month 44 families have no- lived. Three children were born giving to cities and tow ns o f Mosier, Oregon, I f it*s a surface to tified Publicity Manager Schlos- to her—George, Walter, (who exclu sive pow er to license, be painted, enameled, ser, of the Roseburg Commer- died in infancy) and Frederick, stained, varnished, or regulate, control, suppress, F or you r Drugs, Sundries, Patent Medicines. Station­ Fall is the time to touch up finished in any way, or prohibit tho sale oi in tox­ cial Club, of their intention to who, with her husband, survive there’ s an A cm e Quality ery, Toilet Articles, Candy and Cigars, IceC ream and icating liquors w ith in the locate in the vicinity of that her. shabby surfaces in the h om e, be­ •Kind to fit the purpose. m unicipality. place during the coming Winter I For the past three years Mrs. Soda Water. Everything in the Drug line. cause winter is the time your 328 X Y es or Spring. Evans has suffered from heart Portland people will turn out trouble, but only during the last home is used most. A little money E N D O R S E D P.Y Prescriptions a Specialty. to P e n d e l t o n ’ s “ Roundup” , ! year was it considered serious, 4 0 ,0 0 0 O R E G O N C IT IZ E N S which will be held on September1 causing periods of suffocating, spent now fo r paints and finishes 29, 30 and October 1. The Port- becoming more frequent and se- Mosier Men Take Stock which subject occupied the at- G r e a t e r O regon will make the hom e brighter, land Commercial Club will or- vere. In July Mr. Evans took H o m e R u l e A ssociation , When J. A. Douthit came tention of the PuWic here last ganize an excursion including his wife to tin coast, hoping that cleaner, more attractive, more 618 Electric Building, down from The Dalles last Tues- year* A new l’etition to tho many business men of the me-1 the change would benefit her; I county court is being circulated Portland, Oregon. day morning to dispose o f the re­ wholesome all winter long. tropolis who want to see the but while she enjoyed the trip. (Paid Advertising) for a county road to lie opened Wild West stunts o f the cowboys the damp climate only aggra- maining unsold stock in Capt. across the railroad tracks just and the many attractions offered, vated her trouble. In fact h er, Nelson’s boat, the belief was ex­ beyond Rock Creek, with the in­ School Notes There will be thrills aplenty for decline was more marked after. pressed that he would not be tention of building a road out to Eugene Root was absent Tues­ able to unload it here. But Bro. the visitors. The program ; s her return home. The last spell low water in the river and put­ day. Douthit has a “ winning way” P A I N T S A N D F IN IS H E S now outlined offers many things came on Friday. On Sunday Dr. This with him, and he put the matter ting in a floating dock. Mabel Nappar was absent reminiscent of the real frontier. Robinson, o f Mosier, and Dr. will stimulate business and lessen before the people in such a prac­ Wednesday. The State Good Roads Asso­ Ferguson, o f The Dalles, were refinish shabby surfaces stt trifling cost freight rates. tical manner that a number of Henry Page has returned after They in­ ciation is very anxious for the called to attend her. Expert advice at our store, by phone or our citizens couldn’ t resist him a Week’ s absence. people to become better ac­ formed her family that she could mail. Let us tell you Five Strong Reason* Mrs. Jas. W. Cooper, a sister and took all he had left, thus Wilbur Denny registered in quainted with petition number live but a short time and pre­ for Fall H ouse Painting. proving that Mosier knows a of Mr. Geo. Mathews, o f Walla Mrs. Gove’s room this week. 354 on the ballot, which reads: pared them for the end, which good thing when she sees it. Walla, Wash., returned to her At the time “ No county shall create any lia­ came peacefully. Jessie and Fronia Denny vis­ W . E. C H O W N, Mosier Oregon Some o f the men composing home last Friday, after a week’s ited the school last Friday after­ bilities which shall singly or in of her death her immediate fam­ the company have had years of the aggregate exceed the sum of ily a n d other relatives and noon. Akers, Secretary; and Aleforal experience in steamboating on visit with her brother and uncle. friends were at her bedside ar.d .$5000, except to suppress insur­ The attendance in Miss Brack­ Haacke, Librarian. Mrs. Cooper’s husband is in­ the Columbia River and are the rection or repel invasion or to she was enabled to bid them heaviest stockholders, w h i c h structor of Modern Languages at ett’s room this week has been I The third grade has been build permanent roads within the good-bye. perfect. transferred from Miss Booth’s Manufacturer of The deceased was a member augurs well for the success of Whitman College. county, but debts for permanent Mrs. W. A. Husbands was a L-onm to Miss Brackett’ s. They the enterprise. Capt. Chas. roads shall be incurred only on of the Methodist Church and by visitor in Miss Booth’s room last will take arithmetic under Miss FINE MISSION FURNITURE Nelson lias for several years past To The Tax Payers of Wasco County approval of a majority of those a long life of consistent Christian Thursday morning. run the little steamer Simons on Booth at 11:30 and other work Notice is hereby given that the voting on the question. ” Those living, by her kind and loving Rev. Clarke was present at under Miss Brackett. This And Cabinet ’Work o f all kinds the river between The Dalles and Equalization Boanl for Wasco County-, ways, has won the love and high j at work for the passage of the the opening exercises Monday change was made because o f the amendment permitting the bond­ esteem of a host o f friends, w h o1 Cascade Locks, and his success will convene in session at the Court House in The Dalles, Oregon, on Mon- morning and spent some time in large number of beginners and C O L E ’S I was limited only by the capacity B A R B E R SH O P ing of the county for road work mourn her departure. This was day, Oct. 17th, 1910, at 9 A. M., for j each room during the forenoon, lack o f seating space in the pri­ ■of his boat, whose size would not say it will be the biggest step evidenced by the large number the purpose of equalizing assessments, ., ,,, . ,,, , M osier - - Oregon mary room. Oregon has made toward per- who attended the funeral. The permit of doing a large business. and correcting any errors that may ap-j M essrs' W o o d - C h ow n and With the new boat, however, pear upon the Tax Roll o f said Wasco j Akers were visitors at the school manent improvement for a long j Baptist Church, in which the j Monday morning. We appre- time. services were held, was filled to which is very little smaller than County, for the year 1910. W. A. Husbands is on the sick Said Board of Equalization will re- \ cja(e the interest shown by the The Dalles City, he will be able list this week, with pleuro-pneu- The vanguard of the Fall colo- overflowing, many not being able main in session for the period o f one j b o a r d a n ( , p a t r o n 8 . monia. nist travel from the East and to obtain seats. The services to handle all the business that week, or longer if necessary to com- comes his way. plete its work. Work is being prepared in all ( N O T A R Y P U B L IC Middle West to Oregon is arriv- were conducted by the Revs. J. J. W . K oontz the rooms for the exhibit at The, ing on every train. Reports W. Rigby, of Hood River, and j The men here who subscribed j W. A. HUSBANDS M o s ie r - - - O regon Dalles. No special work is be­ from the immigration officials of H. C. Clark, of White Salmon, to the $500 worth of stock were: County Assessor for W as c o 'Cotin ty. B l a c k s m it h ing done, but samples of daily the railroads are to the effect both of them former pastors of'¡J- N. Mosier, N. P. Sturgoss, A. | ♦ that this travel will he heavy and the Methodist Church here, a s-! Stewart, Nichol & Co., Robt. HIDES! HIDES!! HIDES!!! work are being copied and will Horse Shoeing and General C .H . JENKINS, D. M. D. , _ „ , be sent. F. . that a large number o f new citi- sisted by the Revs. W. A. Stark, Hardwick, W. E. Chown, W. ^ Repair Work. ‘D entist : Call il^ the BULLETIN office and OFFICE OVER lirTTr.ER BANKING COMPANY zens will reach Oregon this year, of the Baptist Church, and H. Bnkpr and D D Hail The Literary Society has been PHONES: Satisfaction guaranteed People of the state will make C. Clark, of the Christian Church, This move on the part o f these *et ta^s to ship your hif,e9 to organized with the following o f - - OREGON HOOD RIV*ER* a OREGON special efforts to welcome the I The Odd Fellows and Rebekahs, men will undoubtedly re-awaken Kauffman, Davidson, Semmel, of ficerselected: LeoIIigley, Pres.; MOSIER interest in a dock at Mosier, Portland. newcomers and make them feei of which latter order the de- Ray Bailey, Vice Pres.; Stark at home in their new environ- ceased was a Past Noble Grand, ment. Help should lie given to had charge of the services. A G eo . C ha m b e r l a in help them find suitable locations, large concourse o f people fol- Oregon people have a distinct lowed the remains to the grave, Located A t R EAL E S T A T E duty to perform in giving aid ] where the impressive Rebekah and comfort to the home-seeker services for the dead were ren- Fruit Toppenish - - W ash. who will be with us in large num-! dered. Many beautiful floral of- Lands It Is N O W U p T o Y O U Guarantees all its stock true to name and will replace all bers this Fall. ! ferings were sent. a trees or plants, failing to live the firpt year, if due care has Chehalis, Wash., is doing some —— — Specialty The popular COLONIST FARES will again be in effect be­ been exercised. Our customers are always satisfied and good work in advancing new | WHO GOT THE MONEY tween September 15th and Octolier 15th, during which repeat their orders. Mosier Oregon methods of burning out stumps A line dropped to our agent, S. W. Heppner, at Hood period tickets to MOSIER will be on sale daily from That you earned last month River, Ore., will bring him at any time to attend to your on logged off lands. The Citi­ or last year? Did you lay wants. Chicago al zens Club of Chehalis recently1 by some of it so that you held demonstrations of the char M O S IE R M A R K E T S t. Louis might take advantage o f the pit method o f burning stumps opportunity that will come to d . p. H A R V E Y , Pro’p. Omaha and the tests were very success­ you sooner or later? Or did ful, It is thought the general d e a l e r in you spend it all—some of it Kansas City adoption of this means of clear­ for things that you did not Fresh and Cured Meats ing cutover land« will he of great St. Paul really need—and thus give ON value to the Pacific Northwest. Country Produce some one else the fruits of and from other cities correspondingly low. These are 'West­ your labor? bound, one-way fares only, but anyone here can PREPAY Primary election tomorrow. for relatives or friends in the East, ifdeairad. Consult The best friend that we Mosier - Oregon Polls at the rear of the Bulletin your local railroad agent. can have is the one that helps building. It is hoped that a full us to help ourselves. The vote will be cast, especially by MOSIER VALLEY BANK the republicans, as Mosier pre­ is ready at ail times to help THE OAKS to let the world knowof mir vast resources and splendid oppor­ cinct is anxious to give its candi­ you save a part o f your earn­ tunities for HOME BUILDING. Write to everyone you Regular $50.00 Bridge-Beach make..................$42.50 date for County Commissioner a ings to the end that you may | A pleasant place to spend a so­ know in the East. Send them good instructive printed $40.00*Charier Oak.............................. $32.50 good send-off. It is predicted matter, and tell them that the cost o f getting here make the most o f your op­ cial hour is at $42.50 Reservoir Steel R an ge............. $37.50 that he will be snowed under be­ is hut little more than half the usual cost, and portunities. to cal! on n representative'of the O.'R. & cause he got into the game too S. E. Francisco’s Pool Room N. Co. for all desired in formation, *or address late. That remains to he seen. \ Fair At Duiur Let every republican do his duty On next Friday and Saturday. S oft D rinks . C andy , C igars at the r^mary and show what September 30 and October 1, W ILLIA M M c M U R R A Y Mosier can do. T obacco Dufur will hold a Fruit Fair and GENERAL PASSENGER AGENT, W a n t e d ; — A good homestead Horse Show, at which the best relinquishment. Call at Bulletin products o f the country will he PO R TLAN D , OR EGON. Oregon Mosier, ■office or write, stating price and exhibited. Everyone who can giving full description. should attend. , n” ,h DAVENPORT HARNESS Co. L A R A WA Y | NÍCHOL & General Merchandise M Settle It Now Settle It Right Go To CO. O Fail Painting Winter Comfort ACME QUALITY W. H. Hifffines H. G. K IB B E E W a s h i n g t o n Nur ser y Special 1910. W. E. C hown MOSIER $33.00 32.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 Prices Steel Ranges Until Oct. People of Oregon OREGON NOW Is The Ti m«