Mosier bulletin. (Mosier, Or.) 1909-19??, September 09, 1910, Image 2

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    termediary between cause and effeot;
the cause being the capital of confiding
investors In the North, and the effect
the dissipation of the same in various
and sundry development schemes In
the new iron field.
To Paradiae, In the course of his go­
ings to and fro, came this purger of
other men’s purses, and he saw the
fortuitous grouping of the possibilities
at a glance: abundant iron of good
quality; an accessible vein of coal, sec­
ond only to Pocahontas for coking;
land cheap, water free, and a persuad­
able subject In straightforward, sim­
ple-hearted Caleb Gordon.
Farley had no capital, but ho had
that which counts far more In the pro­
moter’s field; namely, the ability to
reap where others had sown. His plan,
outlined to Caleb In a sweeping caval­
ry-dash of enthusiasm, was simplicity
itself. Caleb should contribute the raw
material—land, water and the ore
quarry—and It should also be his part
to secure a lease of the coal land from
Major Dabney. In the meantime he,
Farley, would undertake to float the
enterprise In the North, forming a
company and selling stock to provide
the development capital.
A company was formed, th# charter
was obtained, and the golden stream
began to flow into the treasury; into
it and out again in the raceway chan­
nels of development. Thomas Jeffer­
son stood aghast when an army of
workmen swept down on Paradise and
began to change the very face of na­
ture. But that was only th# begin­
For a time Chlawassee Coal and Iron
flgu red buoyantly In the market quo­
tations, and delegations of stockhold­
ers. both present and prospective, were
personally conducted to the scene of
activities by enthusiastic Vice-Presi­
dent Farley.
But when these had
served their purpose a thing happened.
One fine morning It was whispered on
'Change that Chlawassee iron would
not Bessemer, and that Chlawassee
coke had been rejected by the Bouthcra
Association of Iron Smelters.
Following a crash which was nsver
very clearly understood by the simple-
hearted soldier Iron-master, though It
was merely a repetition of a lesson well
conned by the earlier Investors In
Southern coal and Iron fields. Caleb's
craft was the making of Iron; not the
financing of top-heavy corporations.
So, when he was told that the company
hud failed, and that he and Farley had
been appointed receivers, he took It as
a financial matter, of course, some­
what beyond his ken, and went about
his dally task of supervision with a
mind as undisturbed as it would havt
been distraught had be known some­
thing of the subterranean mechanism
by which the fullure and thd^recetvur-
shlp had been brought to pass.
(T o be continued.)
:B Y :
Copyright. 1906, by Francis Lynda
One purple and russet afternoon,
When all the silent forest world was
steeped in the deep peace of early au­
tumn, Thomas Jefferson was fishing
luxuriously In the most distant of the
upper pools. There were three fat
perch gill-strung on a forked withe un­
der the overhanging bank, and a fourth
was rising to the bait, yhen the peace­
ful stillness was rudely rent by a
crashing in the undergrowth, and a
great dog, of a breed hitherto unknown
to Paradise, bounded into the little
glade to stand glaring at the fisherman,
his teeth bared and his black hairs
"Oh, please! Don't hurt my dog!"
■aid a rather weak little voice out of
the rearward void.
"You come round here and call him
off o' me."
"He is not wishing to hurt you, or
anybody," said the voice. "Down, Hec­
The Great Dane passed from sus­
picious rigidity and threatening lip
twitching« to mighty and frivolous
gambolings, and Thomas Jefferson got
up to give him room. A girl was try­
ing to make the dog behave. So he
had a chance to look her over before
the battle for sovereignty should be­
There was a little shock of disdain­
ful surprise to go with the first glance.
Somehow he had been expecting some­
thing very different; something on the
order of the Queen of Sheba—done
small, of course—os that personage
was pictured In the family Bible—a
girl, proud and scornful, and possibly
wearing a silk dress and satin shoes.
Instead, she was only a pale, tired
baby in a brlor-torn frock; a girl
whose bones showed brazenly at every
angle, and whose only claim to a sec­
ond glance lay in her thick mop of
reddish-brown hair and In a pair of
great, slate-bluo eyes two sizes too
large for tho thin face. A double con­
clusion came and sat In Thomas Jef­
ferson's mind: she was rather to be
contemptuously pitied than
and as for looks— well, she was not to
be thought of In tho same day with
black-eyed Nan Uryorson. When the
dog was reduced to quietude, thq small
one repaid Thomas Jefferson's stare
With a level gaze out of the over-sized
"Was It that you were afraid of
Hector?" she asked.
"H uh!" said Thomas Jefferson, and
the scorn was partly for her queer wav
Of speaking and partly for the foolish­
ness of the question. "Huh! I reckon
you don’t know who I am. I’d have
killed your dog If he'd jumped on me,
"You are Thomas Gordon.
mother took care of mo and prayed
for me when I was sick. Hector is a
—an extremely good dog. Ho would
not Jump at you."
"It's mighty lucky for him he didn’t,"
bragged Thomas Jefferson, with a very
creditable imitation of his father’s
grim frown. Then he sat down on the
bank of the stream and busied himself
with his fishing-tackle as If he consid­
ered the incident closed.
"What is it that you are trying to
go?" asked Ardea, when the silence
had extended to the third worm im­
paled on the hook and promptly ab­
stracted therefrom by a wily sucker
lying at the bottom of the pool.
"I was fishln’ some before you and
your dog came along and scared all
the perch away,” he said, sourly. Then,
turning suddenly on her: "Why don’t
you go ahead nnd say it? Is it 'cause
you’re afeard to?"
"I don’t know what you mean."
"I know what you’re going to say;
you are going to tell me this is your
grandfather's land and run me otY. But
I ain’t aimin’ to go till I'm good and
"You are such a funny boy," she re­
marked, and there was something in
her way of saying it that made Thom­
as Jefferson feel little and infantile
and inferior, though he was sure there
must bo an Immenso age difference n
his favor. "I think you are mean,
mean!" she sobbed, with an angry
stamp of her foot. "I—1 want to go
"Well, I reckon there ain’t anybody
holdln' you," said Thomas Jefferson,
brutally, lie was Intent on fixing the
sixth worm on the hook in such fash­
ion as permanently to discourage the
bait thief, nnd was coming to his own
In the matter of self-possession with
grateful facility. It was going to be
notably easy to bully her—another
point of difference between her and
Nan llryerson.
"I know there Isn’t anybody holding
me. but—but I can’t find the way."
"You want me to show you?” he
asked, putting all the ungraciousness
he could muster into the query.
"You might tell me, I should think!
I’ ve walked and walked!”
"I reckon I’d better take you; you
might get lost again," ho said, with
gloomy sarcasm. Then he consumed
all the time he could for the methodi­
cal disposal of his fishing-tackle. It
would be good for her to learn that
she must wait on his motions.
She waited patiently, sitting on the
ground with one arm around the neck
of the Great Dane; and when Thomas
JefTerron stole a glance at her to see
how she wns taking it. she looked so
tired and thin and woebegone that he
almost let the better part of him get
the upper hand. That made him sur­
lier than ever when he finally recov­
ered his string of fish from the stream
and said: "Well, come on, if you’re
He told himself, hypocritically, that
It was only to show her what hard­
ships she would have to face If she
should try to tag him. that he dragged
her such a weary round over the hills
and through the worat brier patches
and across and across the creek, doub­
ling and circling until the easy mile
was spun out into three uncommonly
difficult ones. But at bottom the mo­
tive ■■
In .ill tlM
range of sentient creatures there 1s
none so Innately and barbarously cruel
as the human boy-child; and this was
the first time Thomas Jefferson hail
ever had a helplessly pliable subject.
The better she kept up, the more de­
termined he became to break her
down; but at th very last, when she
•tumbled and fell In an old leaf bed
and cried for sheer weariness, he re­
lented enough to say: "I reckon you’ll
know better than to go projectin’ round
in the woods the next time. Come on—
we’re most there, now."
But Ardca’s troubles were not yet at
an end. She stopped crying and got
up to follow him blindly over more
hills and through other brier tangles;
and when they finally emerged In the
cleared lands, they were still on the
wrong side of the creek.
"It’s only about up to your chin;
reckon you can wade It?" asked Thom­
as Jefferson, In a sudden access of
heart-hardening. But it softened him
a little to see her gather her torn frock
and stumble down to the water’s edge
without a word, and he added: “ Hold
on; maybe we can find a log, some­
There was a foot log Just around the
next bend above, as he very well knew,
and thither he led the way. The dog
made the crossing first, and stood wag­
ging his tail encouragingly on the bank
of safety. Then Thomas Jefferson
passed his trembling victim out on the
"You go first,” he directed; ”s« *t I
can catch you If you slip."
"Oh, you please go first, so I won’t
have to look down at the water!"
"No; I’m coming behind—then I can
catch you If you get dizzy and go to
fall," he said, stubbornly.
’’Will you wulk right up close, so I
can know you are there?"
Thomas Jefferson’s smile was cruelly
misleading, as were his words. "All
you’ll have to do will be to reach your
hand back and grab me," he assured
her; and thereupon she began in inch
her way out over the swirling pool.
When he saw that she could by no
possibility turn to look buck, Thomas
Jefferson deliberately sat down on tho
bank to watch her. There had never
befen anything In his life so tlgerlshly
delightful as this gams of playing on
the feelings and fears of the girl whose
coming had spoiled the solitudes.
For the first few feet Ardea went
steadily forward, keeping her eyes fixed
on the Great Dane sitting motionless
at the farther end of the bridge of peril.
Then, suddenly the dog grew impatient
and began to leap and bark like a fool­
ish puppy. It was too much for Ardea
to huve her eye-anchor thus trans­
formed into a dizzying whirlwind of
gray monsters. She reached backward
for the reassuring hand; It was not
there, and the next Instant the hungry
pool rose up to engulf her.
In all hie years Thomas Jefferson
had never had such a stab as that
which an Instantly awakened con­
science gave him when she slipped and
fell. Now he was her murderer, be-
yong any hope of future mercies. For
a moment the horror of It held him
vise-like. Then the sight of the great
Dane plunging to the rescue freed him.
"Good dog!” he screamed, diving
headlong from his own sldo of the
pool; and between them Ardea wag
dragged ashore, a limp little heap of
saturation, conscious, but with her
teeth chattering and great, dark cir­
cles around the big blue eyes.
"I’m awfully sorry!" he stammered.
’’If you can’t make out to forgive me,
I'm going to have a miser’ble time of It
after I get home."
"It will serve you quite right. Now
you’d better get me home as quick as
ever you can. I expect I'll be sick
again, after this.”
He held his peace and walked her us
fast as he could across the fields and
out on the pike. But at the Dabney
gates he paused. It was not in human
courage to face the Major under exist­
ing conditions.
"I reckon you’ll go and tell your
gran'paw on me," he said, hopelessly.
"Why should I not tell him? And 1
never want to see you or hear of you
again, you cruel, hateful boy!”
Thomas Jefferson hung about the
gate while she went stumbling up the
driveway, leaving heavily on the greut
dog. When she hud safely reached the
house he went slowly homeward, wad­
ing in trouble even as he waded in the
white dust of tiie piko. For when one
drinks too deeply of the cup of tyran­
ny the lees are apt to be like the Utile
hook the Revelator ate—sweet as honey
in the mouth and bitter In the belly.
That evening at the supper-table ho
had one nerve-racking fear dispelled
and another confirmed by his mother's
reply to a question put by his father.
* Yes; the Major sent for me again
this afternoon. That child is back In
lied again with a high fever. It seems
she was out playing with that greut
dog of hers and fell into the creek. I
wanted to toll the Major he is Just
tempting Providence, th« way lie makes
over her and indulges her, but I didn’t
dare to."
Ami Thomas Jefferson knew that hw
was lbs on« who had tempted Provi­
Fr«m th« grave and thoughtful van­
tage-ground of 13. Thomas Jefferson
could look back on the second Illness of
Ard«a Dabney as the closing incident
of his childhood.
The tnduetrlul
changes which were then beginning,
not only for the city beyond the moun­
tain, but for all the region round about,
had rushed swiftly on Paradise; and
the old listless life of the unhusttng
period soon receded quickly into a far­
away past, remembermble only when
one made an effort to recall It.
First had come tho completion of the
Great Southwestern. Diverted by the
untiring opposition of Major Dabney
from its chosen path through the val­
ley, it skirted the westward hills, pass­
ing within a few hundred yards of the
Gordon furnace. Since business knows
no animosities, the part whleh Caleb
Gordon and his gun crew had played
in the right-of-way conflict was Ig­
nored. The way-station at the creek
crossing was named Gordonla, and It
was the railway traffic manager him­
self who suggested to the Iron-master
the taking of a partner with capital,
the opening of the vein of coking coal
on Mount Lebanon, the Inetnllatton of
coking-ovens, and the modernising and
enlarging of the furnace and foundry
plant—hints all pointing to Increased
traffic for the road.
With the coming of Mr. Duxbury
Farley to Paradise. Thomas Jefferenn
lost, not only the simple life, but the
desire to live It. This Mr. Farley,
whom we have aeen and heard, mo­
mentarily. on the station platform In
South Tredegar, the expanded, hailed
from Cleveland, Ohio; was. as he was
fond of saying pompously, a citizen of
no mean city. Ilia business In the re­
awakening South waa that of an in­
f lin n ll T r a d e r W h o s e Iliie ln e H a a
lia s
IVot l l e e a
A b so rb e d .
Joings of the World at Large
Told in Brief.
General Resume o f Important Events
Presented In Condensed Form
fo r Our Busy Readers.
The International Harvester com­
pany has been declared a trust by the
Missouri courts.
It is believed Secretary Ballinger
will be vindicated by the conservation
investigating committee.
Governor Crothers, of Maryland,
promises some startling disclosures in
connection with the cocaine business in
A brilliant meteor passed over
Northwestern Oregon Sunday, and re­
ports are that pieces of it were picked
up near Woodburn.
California legislators cheered at the
reading o f a constitutional amendment
to allow the Btate to raise money for
the San Francisco fair.
A lone robber shot a flagman and
then robbed the passengers in a Pull­
man car while the train was passing
through the yards in St. Louis.
Two men were drowned in the St.
Lawrence river by the overturning o f
their motor boat, while their wives
stood helpless on shore but a few feet
State of Missouri Wins Suit Against
Local Company.
Jefferson City. Mo.— Special Com­
missioner Theodore Brace, in his re­
port to the Supreme court in the ouster
suit, declared the International Har­
vester company, o f New Jersey, a
trust and a combine for the purpose of
destroying competition in the manu­
facture and sale of harvesting machin­
The International Harvester com­
pany o f America is declared to be used
merely as a selling agent by the New
Jersey company.
The subsidiary corporation, accord­
ing to Commissioner Brace, once had
capital, but now has none.
Its exist­
ence as a separate croporate entity is a
mere fiction to evade the laws.
The commissioner found that the
McCormick Harvester company, the
Deering Harvesteing Machine com­
pany, Warder, Bushnell, Glessner &
Co., the Plano Manufacturing com­
pany, D. M. Osborne & Co., and the
Milwaukee Harvesting Machine com­
pany, the latter being a respondent,
were in active competition prior to
1902. In June, 1902, Cyrus H. McCor­
mick went to George W. Perkins, of
J. Pierpont Morgan & Co., o f New
York, and sought his aid in relieving
competitive conditions.
According to the findings, Mr. Per­
kins Boon perfected a plan whereby the
McCormick company and the other
named companies, excepting the Mil­
waukee company, ostensibly sold their
properties to William C., Lane. Lane,
the commissioner found, pretended to
sell them to the International Harves­
ter company.
Judge Refuses
The Catholic bishop o f Detroit,
Against Unions.
Mich., protests against the reading of
the bible in the public schools, claim­
St Louis — The opinion o f Judge
ing that only churches have a right to Smith McPherson, who denied the ap­
teach religion.
plication o f C. W Post, of Battle
Louis Sherry and John B. Martin, Creek, Mich., for an injunction to re­
leading restaurant men o f New York, strain the American Federation of
Stove &
and also Martin’s wife, were arrested Labor officials and Buck
for smuggling valuable wearing ap­ Range company, o f this city, from en­
tering into a closed shop agreement,
parel at New York.
was filed in the United States Circuit
Western governors have protested court here. Judge McPherson decid­
against being excluded from the pro­ ed the case in chambers at his home in
gram of the National conservation con­ Red Oak, la.
gress at St. Paul and will call another
The tentative agreement, the ratifi­
conference to be composed of Western cation of which Mr. Post opposed, the
court says, was reached some six
Society people at Narrangansett weeks ago.
Judge McPherson continues;
Pier, R. I., are watching each other,
“ Complainant then knew o f iL
in the belief that it is one o f their own
number that has committed many dar­ has remained silent until the last few
ing and successful burglaries o f fash­ days, when he filed his bill o f com­
plaint asking for the injunction. He
ionable residences lately.
has given notice o f this hearing to no
Moissant, a French aviator, suc­
defendant. Many of them are accessi­
ceeded in carrying a passenger from
ble and no doubt would have been pres­
Paris to London in an aeroplane, but ent had they been notified.
owing to many accidents, it took him
“ Restraining orders should not be is­
three weeks to make the trip. He al­
sued except on notice to the defendants,
so carried a kitten as a mascot.
and then only when irreparable harm
Mayor Gaynor took a six-mile walk will follow if such restraining order is
not issued.
I utterly fail to see
and was not the least injured by it.
wherein the harm can come if this re­
The Portland Fair and Livestock
straining order is not issued.”
show opened with an attendance o f 11,-
Number of Cheyenne Features to Be Blaze in Vicinity of Prospect Is Not
Brought to Pendleton.
Yet Under Control.
Pendleton — That thousands o f
people w ho are not able to attend
the first annual round-up w ill still
be able to see what a w ild west
show is like was assured when the
Tournament Film Com pany, the
largest m oving picture com pany
doing business in Am erica, applied
fo r and was granted the exclusive
m oving
fo r
Pendleton’ s inaugural fron tier e x ­
hibition. The contract has just
been signed by Mark Moorhouse,
son o f M ajor Lee Moorhouse, o f
Indian fame, representing the fro n ­
tier exhibition association, and H.
E. Smith, president and general
manager o f the film company.
from Cheyenne, w here he had been
to line up some o f the leading at­
tractions fo r the local show, and
he carried, as a result, in his pocket
a contract w h ich insures the ap­
pearance at the round-up o f Buf­
falo Vernon, the man w ho catches
and throws a vicious steer w ith his
hands and holds him down with
his teeth. Vernon is the only man
in tiie w o rld w ho ever wrestled
barehanded w ith a bull, the feat
having been p erform ed in old M ex­
ico not many months ago. lie still
bears the scars o f that encounter.
“ Steamboat”
“ Theodore
Roosevelt,” the tw o greatest buck­
ing horses the w o rld has ever seen,
w ill also probably be brought to
Pendleton as a result o f Moorhouse’s
visit. Clayton Danks, last year’s
champion rider, and Sain Scoville,
this yea r’s champion, assured M oor­
house o f their w illingness to come
and bring these tw o animals. For
years “ Steamboat” has been con ­
sidered the hardest bucker ever
produced by a western range, blit
in the opinion o f the Pendleton
tnan “ T h eodore Roosevelt” is his
Goldie St. Clair, the champion
woman broncho buster, also sign i­
fied a desire to attend the round­
up, and it is m ore than probable
that she w ill be one o f the attrac­
tions w h ich the management w ill
have to o ffe r.
dredge n e a r l y r e a d y .
Dipper Dredge No. 1 to Begin Opera
tions on Clatskanie Next Week.
P ortlan d —By the end o f this
week it is expected that repairs to
D ipper Dredge No. 1, belonging to
the United States engineering d e­
partment, w ill be com pleted, and
she w ill be ready to begin op era­
tions either on the Clatskanie river
o r on the I.ew is river. The dredge
has been at the governm ent m oor­
ings fo r several weeks, undergoing
repairs p reparatory to taking up
the w ork o f im provem ents on sev­
eral o f the tributaries o f the Colum ­
bia. She has had a new boom,
buckets and new spuds installed,
and her engines have been o v e r­
hauled. She w ill be sent out as
soon as the repairs are com pleted.
It has not been decided w h eth ­
er she w ill proceed first to the
Lew is riv e r or to the Clatskanie.
but it is thought probable that she
w ill w ork in the channel o f the lat­
ter riv e r first. Th is yea r’s a p p ro­
priation fo r the w ork on that river
amounts to $5200, and the dredge
has about six weeks’ w ork ahead o f
her there, as she w ill w ork on the
channel from the town o f Clatska­
nie to the draw bridge o f the A. &
C. railw ay, a distance o f about a
mile. She w ill rem ove about 20,-
000 cubic yards o f m aterial from
the channel. T h e appropriation
fo r the Lew is riv e r was $2'00 fo r
No w o rk w ill be done this year
on the C ow litz river, as both Ihe
engineers and the people o f Kelso
are o f the opinion that it w ill he
better to aw ait the next a p p rop ria­
tion, w hich, added to the present
one, w ill allow better w ork to be
done in the w a y o f im provin g the
One small business that has not yet
been swallowed up by the big ones
is that of the small tailor who makes
clothes for men and women and cleans,
repairs and presses.
There are hundreds of such tailors
scattered in residence districts all
over the city employing one, two or
three hands, the New York Sun says,
and there are plenty of such shops
that yield their proprietors a good liv­
ing profit and maybe something more.
Hero Is a business In which polite­
ness and a desire to please play their
proper part, for the proprietor comes
Portland's Labor Day parade had 3,-
In personal contact with the customer, 250 people in line and reached 32
Aerial Passenger Lines to Be Kept
and If to politeness the shop adds blocks.
From Frontier.
good work and businesslike prompt­
I t is said Mayor Gaynor would ac­
ness In completing jobs at the time cept the candidacy for governor of
Berlin— So widespread has become
specified It may In almost any neigh­ New York.
the alarm in military circles at the
borhood build up a substantial trade
danger o f espionage that the airship
with regular customers and with a
passenger line recently
opened at
to take part in the Chilean centenial
steadily Increasing clientele.
Strassburg may have to be abandoned.
Many such shops call for clothes and celebration at Valparaiso.
The military authorities complain
make deliveries; few keep a boy, for
Two non-union streetcar men in Col­ that many passengers on the initial
there might not be oonstant employ­ umbus fired without warning on two trips were foreigners and that some of
ment for him, and in these small shops policemen, but neither was hit.
them carried cameras. Fear that pho­
everybody keeps constantly at work;
A Brazilian steamer collided with a tographs will be made o f the fortifica­
they have to do that to work out a
schooner at sea, and was badly dam­ tions of Strassburg andjother defensive
profit. The boss himself on occasions
aged. The schooner disappeared in works near the French border has led
will carry things home, and do It w ill­
to the demand that the airship line be
the fog and has not been heard from.
ingly and cheerfully.
Still for the
transferred to some other place.
A t the close o f Roosevelt’s Labor
most part customers requtreing clean­
Since the arrest of two Englishmen
ing. repairing and pressing done take Day address at Fargo, N. D., he was on the island of Borkum on the charge
their c* n things to the shop and take called a liar by a shabbily dressed of espionage, the spy scare has been
them away when done, and In this crank, who was quickly hurried away. growing. Military experts assert that
carrying to and fro the customers show
Budlgaria is much incensed at Tur­ espionage is carried on among the Eu­
various peculiarities or they may be key’s action in disarming all Bulgar­ ropean powers to an extent hitherto
governed more or less by where they ians, and Turkey is alarmed at the unprecedented.
One result o f the
friendship between
and alarm is the demand that the regula­
If a man lives In a tenement house Greece.
tions regarding the admission o f visit­
he may throw his clothes over his arm
ors to the North Sea islands be made
The engineer o f a gasoline launch much more stringent.
It is proposed Government Makes Second Shipment of
and walk with them so to the tailor;
If he lives In nn apartment house with , umped overboard and was drowned that civilians shall be warned away
Thoroughbred Stock.
from Heligoland entirely and the island
an elevator and that sort of thing he
would be more likely to do them up in ner ran the boat ashore and extinguish­ converted into a second Gibraltar.
Klamath F alls—Indian Agent F.d-
son Weston is here to receive 100
a bundle. And when you get these ed the flames.
head o f fin e pu re-blood H ereford
Recent floods in Japan caused the
clothes at night on your way home,
Black Hand Still Active.
If you live In a tenement house you death of over 1,400 persons.
New York— Activities o f the dread­ and Shorthorn bulls, w h ich are to
be issued to the Klamaths b y the
take them back on your arm; the
Black Hand show no diminution, government.
Hop harvest has begun in many
tailor will lay the trimly pressed yards in the Northwest, but pickers are two attempts being made to destroy
The cattle w ere purchased in N e ­
clothes over your arm smoothly; or If scarce.
the homes o f Italians who refused pay­ braska and shipped from South
you live In an apurtment you have
A blackmailer Omaha, and are to he distributed
Two Chinamen were shot down in ments to the soc'. y.
them done up, because you want them San Francisco at the reoponing of a sought to blow u and burn the house over the Klamath Indian reserve bv
so or because you know that other tong war.
o f Frank V iz ita, a contractor, in Agent W atson, w here they are most
people In the house wouldn't fancy see­
Thirty-eig :h street,
Brooklyn, be­ needed bv the Indians in raising
William Barnes, Jr., a political leader : cause he would not pay $10,000. Mrs. the standard o f their stock. These
ing a tenant walking through the hall
to the elevator carrying a lot of old of Albany, N. Y., makes a fierce attack Mazetta had fled to Europe with her hulls w ill be issued free to the In ­
on Roosevelt.
clothes. The tailor will ask you whe­
children, fearing they would be kid­ dians, but they cannot dispose o f
A whale and two sea lions became naped. Firemen checked the flames them.
ther you want them done up or not,
This is the second consignment
and if you do he will do them up entangled in a big fishing net near in Mazetta’s home and threw unexplod­ o f fine blooded cattle issued to the
gladly and not consider you proud or Cape Flattery and will probably be ed bombs out of the window.
Indians here b v Uncle Sam. Tw n
saippy for wanting them so.
The drowned.
years ago 4000 head o f young h e if­
neighborhood tailor
knows about
Minister Proves Thief.
ers w ere issued these Indians, and
Joseph A. Holmes, of the U. 8. geo­
things and he Is a man of business.
logical survey, has been appointed di­
SL Louis— The misfortune of having with these the hreed o f cattle has
8o as to most of the things that find rector of the new bureau of mines at never learned a trade by which to earn been considerably raised from what
their way to the tailor over the arm Washington.
an honest living was held responsible they w ere previously. W ith the ad­
dition o f the new bunch o f males
or In a bundle, but the modern young
Roosevelt says the United States is by Rev. Arthur A. Hauderich for his it is the intention o f the govern ­
man has discovered another way which the best place to live in. He also de-1 downfall when he pleaded guilty to
ment to have the cattle on this r e ­
Is not without ils merits and advan dares the Pauuma canal should be theft in SL Louis county.
He was serve equal lhat o f anv o f the better
He puts his clothes to be re­ well fortified.
sentenced to three years in the peni­ class o f cattle raised b v the whites
paired n a suitcase and when he goes
tentiary for stealing $18.10 and 17
Complete reports show that 131 per-1 watches from fellow students at a theo­
down town In the morning he just
New School Building.
leaves the suitcase at the tailor's and sons sacrificed their lives to the 1910 logical school. Hauderich was arrest­
Grants Pass—The Merlin district
then when he comes home at night he Fou-th of July celebration.
ed in Miltonberg, O., recently, where
Many widows in Chicago claim that j he had become pastor o f a congrega­ is constructing a fou r room school
stops at the tailor's on the way to
find his things all ready. The tailor
tion and had entered upon an era of building to cost *10.000, to meet the
needs o f its greater population.
lays them neatly in the suitcase again Banker Walsh in his defalcation, has prosperity.
Í swindled them out of sums aggregating
and so the young man carries them F-'OO.OOO.
Bonds have been voted by the tax­
Lawyers Decline Fees.
fr the district to p rovid e
The steamer Wataon went on a reef
New York— Several attorneys, aaked money fo r the im provem ent. W o lf
A I H •«'!»«■ r n it I ii it T h e o r y .
near Cape Flattery at 11:15 at night,
"Why do those critics say such dls , Init no trouble was experienced in trsns to defend some o f the men indicted for Creek w ill build a less expensive
agreeable things?" ssked the unhappy (erring her 92 passengers and entire murder in the first degree in connection though a very modern and substan­
crew to another steamer, and all wero with the lynching of Carl Etherington, tial building, fo r which bonds to
refused to accept the appointment from the amount o f *"-000 have been
"You mustn't blame them," an ' saved.
the hands o f the court.
Theae men voted. The building w ill probably
swered the manager. "Probably they
be ready fo r occnpanev at the be­
A Federal grand jury will investigate
want to avoid being overlooked in the violations of the corrupt practices act j said they were opposed to lynching. ginning o f the spring term.
etruggle for attention."
Three prisoners in an Iowa jail beat appointment o f the court. Nearly a ll!
"But can t they attract attention by
Fruit Display To Be Elaborate.
. the sheriff into insensibility and es of the 58 persons indicted in connec-'
saying pleasant things?"
When the exhibit o f processed fruits
tion with the disorders here on July 8
"Not so much. When I was rough­
and products is completed for the Port
A Placerville, Cal., man while plowing j last were formally arraigned in court.
ing It I learned that the man who
land chamber of commerce. Oregon will
pulls a gun on you Is remembered
gets ranging in value from $1 to 1119.
have the finest display of this kind in
Eight Lose Lives in Flood.
twice as long ae the one who offer*
A Danish Count is said to he working I Comanche. Tex. — Eight persons; existence is the way member« of the
you a cigar."—Washington Star.
witb piek and shovel in Tacoma. Hr were drowned near Guatin Texas, as exhibit committee express t*- -nselves.
H o s a r k r f p f r ' a Heaasoaa.
1 <s heir to the throne and vast fortunes the result o f a flood in the South Leon Professor H. B. Wright, with four as­
sistants. is rapidlv assembling the var-
"What Is your chief objection to
Isaac W. Hallam, aged SI years, h river, following a downpour o f rain. ions specimens and hopes to have h!s
moving pictures?”
lead at Wilmington. Del. He hat been George Temey, with his baby in his ; work completed by the latter part of
"The duet that has accumulated be­ s Western Union operator continuously arms, saved himself by climbing a tree.
October. Every eonnty In Oregon Is to
hind them."— Birmingham Age-Herald. ( for over 52 years.
The rain was the heaviest in ten years. have a display of ita products.
Medford— All forest fires in South-
era Oregon are under control except the
blaze west of Prospect, and a new lire
which hus broken out at Deadwood, in
the Dead Indian country. Clover Creek
and the Three-mile Creek fires are out
and 100 men who have been fighting
them were discharged. Assistant Dis­
trict Forester Buck hus a large force
ot rangers patroling all the forests in
Southern Oregon, on the lookout for
new fires and for the breaking out of
old ones now under control.
The Prospect fire continues serious
on the east side along Innalio Creek.
Assistant District Forester J. B. Knapp
sent 26 soldiers from the Butte Falls
district today to help the fighters along
this creek.
As many men as can be found are
being hurried from Ashland to the
Deadwood fire. It is burning through
valuable timber but no settlements are
in danger. Some of the companies of
soldiers will be able to leave the lira
districts for Vancouver district.
Fiscal Agent Cousins said that fire
in Southern Oregon had already cost
the Forestry department $10,000 in
extra expenses.
Many Improvements Made In Buildings
and Grounds.
Salem— With a general atmosphere of
newness hovering over the entire
ground, the Oregon State Fair will open
in this city September 12 for a five
days’ run, which promises to be the
most successful in its history. Land­
scape effects, buildings, amusement fea­
tures and general improvements all go
toward increasing the added wonders of
the fair.
A general resume of the features at
the fair indicate only a portion of
what may be seen, according to the
The dairy department
will have a number of new features, in­
cluding a model dairy barn, which
Superintendent Paul V. Maris considers
the leading addition in his section. An­
other new barn has been erected for
the stock exhibit and is constructed on
different plans than those which have
been in use. Each stall in the new
barn has a concrete floor and is pro­
vided with running water.
Clean Picking Demanded.
Forest Grove— Hoppieklng in this
section about Forest Grove will begin
September 5 and there will be an
abundance of pickers to handle this
year’s crop.
The same prices as paid last year
will be offered this year. Growers will
insist on clean picking this year as
dirty picking is said to be a cause of
the Oregon hops not commanding as
high quotations as that of other states.
The yards near Cornelius will run
wagons to and from this city to accom­
modate persons who want to pick.
W ill Dredge Locks.
W ork o f dredgin g out the upper
entrance to the Cascade Lonks w ill
be started tom orrow by the United
States engineers, and the small
“ orange p eel” dredge used fo r that
purpose is now ready to begin op e­
rations. High w ater during the w in ­
ter and spring freshets deposits a
large amount o f silt in the entrance
to the locks and it is necessary fo r
the engineers to put a dredge in
there every summer.
Five Ranch Houses Burn.
Astoria— Persons who arrived from
the Nchalem Valley, via the Necanicum
trail, report that during the past few
days the homes of five ranchers residing
in the valley of the north fork of tho
Nehalem River, between Elsie and Ah-
lers, have been destroyed by fires, which
caught in the clearings and swept over
quite a large tract.
Portland Markets.
Wheat— Bluestem, 95c; club, 87c; red
Russian, 80c; Valley, 90c; 40-fold, 89c;
Turkey red, 86@92c.
Barley— Feed and brewing, $21.50(3)
22.50 per ton.
Hay— Track prices: Timothy, Willam­
ette Valley, $18@19 per ton; Eastern
Oregon, $20(3)21; alfalfa, new, $13@14;
grain hay, $13(3)14.
Com— Whole, $32; cracked, $33
Millstuffs— Bran, $20 per ton; mid­
dlings, $30; shorts, $21(7?22; rolled bar­
ley, $25(5)26.
Oats— New. $28(3)28.50.
Eggs— Oregon candled, 295 30c per
Butter— City Creamery, solid pack, 35
(5) 36c per pound; prints, 37%e per
pound; butter fat, 36c per pound; coun­
try store butter, 24c per pound.
Poultry— Hens, 17<517%c; Spring, 17
(3>17%c; ducks, white. 16%e(3)17e;
geese. 22l£(525c; tnrkeys, live, 20e;
dressed, 2214(525c; squabs. $3 per doz.
Pork— Fancy, 13c per pound.
Veal— Good, np to 140 pounds, 11c
per pound.
Green Fruits— Apples, new, 50e(5)
$1.25 per box: apricots, 75c(u$1.00 per
box; plums, 75c(5$l per box; pears,
$1.25(311.50 per box; peaches, boxes, 40
(5)75c; lugs, $1.10(5)1 25; grapes. $1(5
1.50 per box; watermelons. $1(51.25 per
hundred; cantaloupes, $2.50(53 per
Vegetables— Beans, 3(55e pound; cah-
bage, 2l^(53c; cauliflower. $1.50 per
doz.; celery. 90e; corn, 12(515e; cucum­
bers. 25(540e per box; eggplant, 6e per
pound, garlic, 8510c per pound: green
onions, 15c per dozen: peppers, 5<V per
box; radishes, 15(520e per dozen;
squash. 10c per crate; tomatoes. 30(560c
per box; carrots. $1(51.25 sack: beets,
$1.50; parsnips. $1(51.25; turnips, $1.
Potatoes— New. $1.25(51.50 per hun­
Hops— 1909 crop, 10512Ue; olds,
nominal; 1910 contracts, nominal; 1910
fuggles. nominal.
Onions— New. $1.50(52 per sack.
Livestock — Beef steers, good to
choice, $5(55 25 fair to medium. $4(3)
4.50; cows snd heifers, good to eboiee,
$3.75(54. fair to medium. $3.2553 50;
bulls. $3.25(54; stags, good to choice,
$4(54.25; calves, light $6(56.75, heavy.
$3.75(55; hogs, top. $9.75(510, fair to
medium, $9.25(5 9 75: sheep, best Mt.
Adams wetheTs. $4 54.15, best Valley
wethers. $3.25(53.50. fair to good weth­
ers. .$3(53,25. best Valiev ewes. $3(3)
3 50; lambs, eboiee M* Adams, $5.25(3)
5.50. choice Valley. #5(55.25.
Wool— Eastern Oregon. 13(517e per
ponnd; Valiev, 18520c per ponnd; mo­
hair, rhoiee. 32533c per ponnd.
Ctseara Bark— 4Ue per ponnd.
Hides— Salted hides. 757*4e pound:
salted calf, 13e; salted kid. $e: salted
Stags, fie; green hides. 1e less; dry
hides. l«H (5 1 7 c; dry ealf, 17<518c; dry