PUBLISHED EVERY FR ID AY ADVERTISING RATES BY BULLETIN î t C. KIBBEE, Proprietor SUBSCRIPTION' RATES #>a, Yea?.......... Í1A: Six Months....................................................... 75 ■ Three M onti»............................................................... Su ¡ Entered as second class matter March 12, 1909, at the post office at Mosier, Oregon, under the Act of March 3,1879. Professional Cards....................... par month 9 .19 One square................................... M ** 1 0 One-quarter Column..................... ** ** 3 09 ** ** 9.09 One-half Column........... ?** One Column................................... “ § Business locals will be charged at 5 cants par line for each insertion. Legal advertisements will in all cases be charged VOL. II MOSIER, WASCO COUNTY, OREGON, FR ID A Y, AUGUST 26, 1910 LARAWAY OUR P O R T L A N D L E T T E R to the party ordering them, at legal rates, and. N ichol & CO. NO. 25 paid for before affidavits are furnished. w-T» •'i'* ^ V i V ) Vÿ £>uecess;ui Fruit Kaisers FINE LAU ND R Y W O R K ” Í When Mr. Geo. Mathews and ¡S e e Portland, Ore., Aug. 23 (Special) Done with neat atas anil (’¡»patch his two nephew s came to Mosier —Two announcements o f the * ! Î greatest moment to the state las, November and purchased o f i X £ have come from the Hill railway M s. A. M. Forsberg her 28 ; ere Hood River Laundry Company Î J. E. COLE. M oaikk A g e n t interest the past week. One ranch, they made one of the best was the public statement of investments to be found in tb s Situated about tw o President John F. Stevens that district. the Oregon Trunk would com­ miles southeast o f town, and mence work on a line between sheltered from both tiie east and He can make your watch keep time Medford, Josephine county, to west winds, it is an ideal spQt J for fruit raising. The so;! is; connect with the Oregon Trunk GAY YOWELL, Mgr. volcanic ash, deep and fertile. east o f that point beyond the O f the 28 acres comprising Harness and Saddlery Goods Cascades. The other wag con­ tained in amendment to the Ore­ this place, about 14 are set to Tents, Wagon Covers, Etc gon Trunk from a point near fruit trees, mainly apples o f the Hand-made Harness a Specialty i Bend, Crook county, to the heart Spitzenherg and Yellow New- o f Harney county, near Burns, town varieties. Between three HOOD RIV ER - OREGON1 a distance of 155 miles. Simul- and four acres o f these fourteen taneously with revelation o f are *n bearing this year, but an People coming to Mosier who Prison Reform j some regenerating process, with r¡n those great plans, Mr. Stevens1 experienced fruit grower has es- wish to he “ shown” what we Movement is n o w general an unfaltering faith that there was elected president o f the Spo- timated the crop o f apples at can do here in the raising o f ap­ among the states to remodel the a treasure, i f you could only kane, Portland & Seattle Ry.. 2300 boxes. The apples are fr e e j ples, or any other fruit, should hi treatment o f offenders in our find it, in the heart of every better known as the North Bank, ] from sunburn, scald, scale and all means he taken thru some of prisons by reducing the idea o f man.” making him president o f all the worms, of good si2e and shape. \ the orchards in the vicinity 0 ! detention therein as punishment Well may these words find en­ o f Mosier, Oregon, Hill systems in this state and the and the percentage o f market-' town. A visit to the J. P. Car- and increasing influences tend­ trance in the hearts of all whose North Bank. With the work able fruit will be very high. I f j roll orchard, for instance, will ing to reform. F o r your Drugs, Sundries, Patent Medicines, Station­ This will gain duty it is to make and to apply deemed consequent to announced apples bring anywhere near last; speedily convince them as t< support if the recent speech o f the criminal law. So may pris- ery, Toilet Articles, Candy and Cigars, Ice Cretan and construction projects, the Hill year s price, the M athews or-, what intelligent, painstaking the English Home Secretary, |ons for many an offender open interests will have in Oregon chard will yield about 25 per care and systematic weak com | Winston Churchill, is studied, | a way to restoration and recov- Soda Water. Everything in the Drug line. from 800 to 900 miles o f railway cent interest on the investment. ; hined with the natural advar,- j detailing the features o f the plan , ery. So may the old inscription costing for roadbed and tracks Besides apples, there are on : ; tages o f soil and climate, will ac­ ion which he and other English lose its fatal force, “ All hoi e upwards o f 40,000,000, perhaps j this place peaches, pears, prunes. complish. It is a sight that as­ | authorities have long been la-1 abandon ye who enter here.” — ! grapes, and small fruits, all more. tonishes, bewilders and delight1 boring. So many o f the evils Oregonian, liead yielding the finest kind o f fruit, j Mosier Fisherman Champion I the Eastener, or anyone else, to referred to prevail in regard t o 1 A Modern Improvement Judge Robert S. Lovett, '* • * ' Mr. Mathews, the uncle, has; walk thru this orchard and be­ prison life in this country that it of all the Harriman railway sys-i Three doctors were operating W AN TE D The party consisting o f E. J. had years o f experience as a 1 terns, has j use finished a thorough | on a man for appendicitis. A f- hold row upon row o f trees so is hardly too much to say that Mixed ear o f Oak and Fir. fruit raiser in the valley, as is Middfi swart ar.d w ife and Geo. tour o f examination through Cen- j ter the operation was completed I'eavily laden with apples that similar reforms could be applied State price o f each and whether Chamberlain and wife, returned evidenced by the care which is tral Oregon, starting at Ontario j -me o f the doctors missed a small the branches are borne to tht in well nigh every state o f this four foot or sixteen inch, and ! taken o f this orchard. He and > Tuesday fiom a month s fishing and taking automobiles across! sponge, 'file patient was re- Fr°und with their weight. In Union, Oregon included. shipping point. his nephews had investigated ! and l'unl ' nR on Hood River. Up country to Burns, Lakeviev opened, the sponge found with- this, as in most other well-kept C. I . I r e l a n d , It is proposed to check im- R j i ’ T ’ j many other fruit sections o f Ore- ^ di\te’ E. J. Middleswart holds Klamath, Bend, and ..cioss the| . I the championship fn-j jj , j hut wound up his record by hook­ Then the third doctor missed a ! by standing on the ground, lad- ciple o f reform schools to o f­ ty, at my ranch a mile east of ruemn nn Prices than any other they diLions in the vast ing and landing, after forty pair o f scissors. “ Gentlemen,” ders being used very little. This fenders up to 21 years old, sub­ town. Price 1 cent per pound. which a multitude o f re -o rts 1 seen> anL' they believe their juug- minutes o f exciting play (and said the victim, as they were orchard .is one.of the “ showjne” stituting for imprisonment a E d . F. R eeves , had been made. When he tin I men* was !io( at fault. about to open him up again, “ for siffhLs o f Mosier and no one who curative and reforming influence: Mosier, Ore. Mr. Mathews also owns two; work) a fifteen pound steelhead ished his trip, lie stated specific-j heaven’s sake, if you’re going to comes here to look at fruit land to substitute wherever possible other tracts, one o f 80 acres, trout that measured 35 inches in ally that his company would j length. The hook used was a ; keep this up put buttons on me!” should leave without seeing it. outdoor work on roads and in Notice for Publication which was a part o f the McClure build a trans-state line across (Publisher.) Mr. Middle- ~ L x . The Mosier Lumber Co. can National or state forests for con­ tract, and one o f 44 acres known 1 No. 2 bass hook. partm ent op t h e I n t e r io r , Eastern Oregon in an east-west | fill your orders for lime, cement, finement within prison walls. U. D S. e Lurid swart is naturally elated at his Ullice at The Dulles, Oregon as the Pearl place. Those tracts FOR S ALE direction, but the time when it ■ brick and plaster. success and his photo, with that August 1st, 1910. Both in Germany and in Switzer­ wonld be done, and the terminal he is improving and will soon 1 o f his prize catch, should adorn Notice is hereby given that Paul One 4 year old black Harnble- land this has been found prati- Harnrsen, o f Mosier, Oregon, who, on were not stated. He further! have set to Spitzenherg and N e w -! the temple o f fame. tonian mare, weight nearly 1000 cal. It is also proposed to re­ March 17th, 1909, made Homestead, j town apples, said that all the available acre-itown aP’>,les- The Mathews gen- No. 04600, for Lot 1, and El-2NWTl-4, lbs. f i ne driver. Also one, duce largely the term o f solitary Section p 7, Township Î North, Range 12 age o f the region would have to tlemen tlemen are are Provin« their fa,tb ln nearly new, single top buggy, Mammoth Peaches confinement permitted to be East, Willamette Meridian, has filed Mosier by their investments, and be brought up to a high state o f . . . . . . o f intention to make Final com­ I with harness. Inquire at Buile- awarded in prisons for offenses notice Mosier to the fore again!! I f mutation Proof to establish claim to cultivation before one line would j rt;sults are justitying both. .u • • ,1 ..¡tin office. 2t against prison rules; to arrange the land above described, before the there is anything in the way of; _______ pay- This exhaustive inspection j and Receiver o f the U. S. for periodical lectures and other Register Surprise Party fruit that Mosier doesn’ t grow’ ! FOR SAI E Land Office, at The Dalles, Oregon, on by the chief of the Harriman j W . H. KERSLAKE, Mgr. forms o f educational interest in the Hth day o f September, 1910. _________________________________ lines is believed to ante-date ac , A genuine surprise party was to per:lection in size and quality | 0ng tpam o f peldlngs weight Claimant names as witnesses: prisons where good conduct can We deal in improved and unimproved tive construction by the g re a t! given last Wednesday evening at | we haven t heard o f it. We | al)out 950 each, double harness Frank S. Roberts, o f Mosier. Oregon, be recognized and rewarded; to Alfr ed L. Sundborg, o f Mosier, Oregon, system on an extension o e! the o f Mr. weea °t - a ....... mammoth am] Smith fruit land in ? osier district. Send for ot f th the| ms home nome 01 mi. and anu Mrs. mis. E. u. L. u. ‘ , ------ .. aim single single buggy. ouggy. One une ¡smith place convicts under license or CarlG. K. Carlson, o f Mosier. Oregon, our Booklet o f Bargains. joining the Oregon Root, when the Royal N e i g h b o r s j Tel low Transparent apple grown stump puller and plow; also small line now Herbert C. Maitin, o f The Dalles, Ore- W e are agents for the M ountain indeterminate sentences under • on. Apply to J. E. Carpen- Short Line j at Ontario, and in -!o f America drove in about 9 ‘n Mr. Dick Evans orchard. | tools. C. W. M o o r e , Register. V ie w O rchard T ra c t , located South­ control o f committees drawn both Natron-IClam-1 o’ clock, . and found the family tended to t tap a p the __ _____________ _ re- This week Mr- Evans brought in . ter- Mosier, Ore. from officials and from represen­ F irPt publication A n * , 5, ’«»»t F«*pt. 2. — o j . i i a ____ ; omi „Auz-urnlli- aii-AT-imr and piesentod to us a box of , • — " — east o f Mosier. This land will he cut ath line near Odell. A promi- tired and peacefully sleeping, ian<» presented to us a box o f | up .in small tracts to suit purchaser, tatives o f prisoners’ aid socii - A couple were recently mar- nent official of this system re -1 A genuine Royal Neighbor song j Yellow Crawford peaches, which ties. The ceremony over, the and sold on easy payments. cently announced that the O re-1 served to rouse the sleepers, who lor si^e a,ld flavor certainly heat ried. W. A. HUSBANDS Not treating these plans as gon appropriation for work this quickly made ready to entertain anything- we have seen. They w ife began to weep copiously. MOSIER, - - ORE. B lacksmith conclusive against further, im­ y e a r was 26,0-30,000, which I their guests. j * r e v v o n a five-year old tree and “ What’ s the matter?” asked the “ I never told you provement, Mr. Churchill closed Horse Shoeing and General reveals the tremendous program! Music, singing and refresh-, many o f them measured 9 inches new husband, G e o . C h a m b e r l a i n his eloquent address in the-; Repair Work. outlined to offset rival Hill con-|ments, consisting o f water in circumference, several o f them that I don’ t know how to cook,” words: Tireless effort must h sobbed the bride. “ Don’ t fre t” ! melons, cantaloupes, peaches and measuring 9 1-2 inches. Mr. struction Satisfaction guaranteed REAL ESTATE said lie. “ I ’ll not have anythin? put out towards the discovery o f MOSIER OREGON J t. Ho-A P X Rnllimrer 9of*re- cream, and delicious cake served Evans has one of the finest or- to cook; I ’ m an editor.” —Ex. Fruit •y o f "the In terio r,’ passed by the hostess, were the order chard» for its size in the coun- tary o f the Interior, passed Lands The August number o f “ Bettor ^ .... . _ during __ x the u -.......1. . try* through Oregon week, i j o f fh « evening. evening'. Fruit” is beautifully ^llustrat d, a being entertained at Portland! This is the beginning of a ser-, partly in colors, descriptive o f Specialty and Klamath Falls. A t Klamath *ea ° f surprises planned by tne: Candidate For County Commissioner the Rogue River Valley. T1 e Falls the Secretary declared that R °yal Neighbors for _________________, ^ their inem I herfeby announce to the vot­ Mosier Oregon Account ile favored extension o f the exist-’ bers> so he readj for you know ers 0f Wasco county that I am a front cover shows a life like pic­ ture o f Comice pears—the high­ not at what hour they come and ing project there, h u t said candidate for the nomination for est priced pear grown. Beth r further that the Board o f Regu­ it may be your turn next. ; county commissioner on the Re­ C. H. JENKINS, D. M. D. -------- -------- Fruit is growing better with lar Army engineers soon to come publican ticket at the primaries D e n t is t each issue and is increasing all rEEICE OVER B UTLER A C LE A R IN G HOUSE HAN KIN G COMEAN Y would have almost absolute say Sept. 24th. I f nominated and V IA the time in circulation and use­ PHONES: » elected I will serve all the people in regard to future work. Is an organization main­ Ofli .• Ke»HÍ«Mi<‘ * 2ft R fulness, being indispensable to o f the county to the best o f my IOOD RIVER tained by the banks in the OREGON A real estate organization has the fruit grower, whoever or ability. larger cities for convenience been perfected in Medford, with wherever he is. Long live Bet­ in handling business. Clerks D . P. H a r v e y . the idea o f givin g out definite ter Fruit. ♦ For the above occasion a round trip rate o f from all the banks that are and authentic information o f the members meet once a day price of lands thereabout, and in ONE AND ONE-THIRD FARE and exchange tire checks D. P. H A R V E Y , Pro’p. a manner preventing inflation, that each has on all the will be made in territory shown below if the tendency develops. DEALER IN others. The Clearing House A t North Powder, Baker coun­ SALE DATES: Fresh and Cured Meats totals give the approximate ty, a strong artesian well was ON volume o f business o f each opened in a bore o f 225 feet Country Produce From points south o f Riparia in Washington and from all city every day. depth, that being the second of points in Oregon east o f The Dalles, September 6th. The MOSIER V A L L E Y the place. B A N K is practically a Clear­ From The Dalles and points west, Sej>tenil>er6th U. S. Grant, of Dalias, has ing House for this commun­ and 7th. Final re urn limit September 12th. shipped eight angora goats to a ity and the totals o f the en­ Virginia breeder, all being ex­ tries on our liooks each day THE EVENT OF THE SEASON! GRAND PRIZES! ceptionally choice stock. North­ give a fair idea o f the amount west breeders are reaching out HORSE RACING! o f business done in the Mo­ Regular 850.00 Bridge-Beach make................... ? 12.50 i A pleasant place to spend a so­ for the best livestock markets. sier District. You would $40.00 Charter Oak......................... $32.50 cial hour is at $42.50 Reservoir Steel R a n g e ............. $37.50 perhaps be surprised at the Passenger agents o f all rail­ p0r further particulars apply to any O. R. &. N. Agent or to daily volume we have some­ ways terminating here announce S. E. Francisco’s Pool Room times. Much the larger per­ that an immigration o f at least centage o f our citizens have lhO.OOO people is expected in the accounts with us and are W IL L IA M M cM U R R A Y . S o ft D r in k s , C a n d y , C i g a r s j Northwest this Fall, in the ex­ thus helping to make a busi­ T obacco G E N E R A L PASSENGER AGENT, cursion period between Septem­ ness record for Mosier. We ber 15 and October 15. About respectfully invite YOU to PO RTLAND, OREGON. 55,009 are estimated to have add your business to the to­ Oregon Mosier, tal. cotne last Spring. DAVENPORT HARNESS Co. \ Hood River's Reliable Jeweler for W cliches, Diamonds, Jewelry A D V E R T IS E IN T H E B U L L E T IN and Get Results. Go General Merchandise M o s ie r O regon io The A rth u r & B urt Drug Co., Prescriptions a Specialty. The M o s i e r Hills Land & Orchard Company Excursion R a t e s T o Portland Portland Fair and Livestock Exposition The Oregon Railrcad & Navigation C a Special Prices Steel Ranges Until July 1, 1910. W. E. C hown MOSIER OREGON M OSIER M A R K E T Mosier - Oregon TH E OAKS