EVERY FRIDAY BULLETIN BY H .C . KIBBEE. Proprietor SUBSCRIPTION RATES « « Yw-............................................. S ix M o n th s........................................................................ Three Months............................................................. 60 Entered as second-class matter March 12, 1900, at the post office at Mosier, Oregon, under the A ct of March 3, 1879. « OUK PORTLAND LETTER VOL. II ~ » v a va **** » » va v i » Professional Cards. RATES par i m a * ! , One square.............. One-quarter Column. One-half Column. One Column.......... Business locals will he charged at 5 cents par Ha#' for each insertion. ¡.egal advertisements will in all case« be to the party ordering them, at legal ratea, MOSIER, W ASC O C O U N T Y , OREGON, F R ID A Y , AU G U ST 19, 1910 MOSIER BOOSTERS BCOsT ADVERTISING NO. 24 v -» paid for before affidavits are furnished. .ESBT'awse, n d rim mi i iim . ‘ FINE LAUNDRY W O R K ” Î See Portland, Ore., Aug. 16 (Special) The well advertised meeting of if —Portland s Harvest bestnal, jfl()Sjer Commere’al Club, Done with neatness and dispatch September 5-10, will have no eou h l , , Saturday night in , * of amusement features and quan- **fia , A * , ,) tities of bioode^l livestock on Stroup s Had was a piard sue- Hood River laundry Company J . F . C O L I’ . M o s ie r A o k n t view, together with stirring ces and was attended by almost races by tne best trotting, pac- every one in the country, people ing and running stock to be had, coming from the further confines but perhaps the most interesting „fth p district feature on the grounds to many _ . who will attend will l * the C- C- chapman, manager of demonstration of tuberculin tests the Portland Commercial Club, He can nuikc your watch keep time for dairy cows to be given by Dr. with his wife, w as present and (JAY YOYVELL. Mgr. W. H. Cytle, state veterinary, addressed the large gathering Animals wiLli tuberculosis will he upon upon the wonderful natural re­ Harness and Saddlery Goods given the tes s and t leir value ....... ... n1 A sources of Mosier as a producer Tents, Wagon Covers, Eie explained in a lecture. The ani- mais will be slaughtered and the ot truit ut 1,10 lmf st variety ana |iand_niade Harness a Specialtj evidence of tubercular conditions quality, t h e bvignt prospects shown and discussed. Tins is and wonderful prosperity await- HOOD RIVER - OREGON expected to be a great attraction ¡Mg- further development, a n d ----------------------------------------------------- for large numbers of danymen ^ jmportance o f presenting with vaseline and charcoal, se­ GREENWOOD. WOOD W A N T E D and others interested. . , „ . .. i Estimates o f Oregon’s hop tl,ese STteaf advantages ti the cure gloves, an alpine stock and Sunday School Picnic The School Board of Schoo^ crop for the year place the figure ge ieral public. Mr. Chapman goggles, join the other climbers A very pleasant day was spent District No. 52. Wasco County, at 9 J.IKX) bales. T h j q al.ty of expressed the sentiment, in dif- and off to the mountain at 7:10 la t Saturday by the members will receive bids for wood for the tue yield is reported to be ex- lerent phraseology, that ‘ ‘the; coming school term until Aug. a. m. Just six hours later we , , , and friends of Greenwood Sun- 25th. 1910. cellent and it is expected a g< od nian who whispers down a well were on top and what a gram 1 a , , ■ .. price will be paid tor the crop u , , _ 4 _ o f Mosier, Oregon, rn, b . d iy School 111 the pine grove 5 cords seasoned Pine 4 ft. picked clean. Special elf ores to about he goods h e has to view. 1 lie crater was steaming 1 „ ,, .. , . about halt a mile south of the lengths. secure clean picking* will be made sell, will never reap shimi g and the smell of brimstone was. For your Drugs, Sundries. Patent Medicines, Station- senoo!house. The day was beau- 7 rords seasoned Fir 4 ft. by growers. dollars, as he w’ho climbs a treei in evidence. Remaining on top tiful and the grove ample and lengths. Tqat neid peas should be and pollers” . In ether words, j erg, Articles, Candy and Cigars, lee Cream and 50 minutes, a t2 p . m. the descent quite ideal. Less than thirty 8 cords half seasoned Oak 4 ft. grown on the big" acreage of hosier must advertise, must tell ■ began, which is hazardous if the Soda Water. Everything in the Drug line. persons w ere present, all between lengths. Summer tallow ' " Yi i o n of to the world what we at home instruction of 'the guide is not gon each year is the opinion or Pine and Fir to be made from the ages of six and sixty, to per­ experts. There is pront in the already know, that the sun] followed, as part of the descent large trees of live timber. Oak form their part on the program, practice, while the fertility of doesn’ t shine on a better section is 65 per cent and is 12.50 feet in to be good sound wood either on the playground, and around the soil is increased and weeds for lruit raising. All the other! split or straight pole wood not length. A rope or life line is the dinner table. kept down. H. Grebe, a wheat noted fruit countries have ob­ a-large tarpaulin. All feeling less than 3 inches in diameter. stretched over the entire dis­ Good Climbing Up Mt. Hood grower o f Condon, rinds he tained their prominence thru ju ­ A creditable program, consist­ greatly refreshed by sleeping in T ie Foard reserves the right tance to help one climb. makes more oil his peas, acre Summit ing of twenty numbers, began to reject any or all bids. the cool mountain air, rose with There is no danger in climb­ for acre, than from his wheat, dicious use of printer’ s ink, Found, between . the hour ° f the sun about half-past eleven, and at Rif’ s to be sealed and left with a.iu wi.cai sown - on ........... It and wheat the ........ same backed up by “ the goods” . ing the mountain if the official one o’clock all sat dow n (on the ♦bo Clerk on or before August August 3. After breakfast a land the following* year produces is up to Hosier to follow the ex- Min se anc* sun llse a ^ . c‘n OJ) guide is employed. In fact it is one-third more than ¡and merely amp|e ] portunity, an opportunity thaf little walk was in order, which ground) to such a dinner as only 25tb. and wood to he delivered a pleasure, for instance, after Summer fallowed and allowed to Mr. Chapman is a young man ¡ everY person should grasp if did not extend very far from the Greenwood mothers know in baser' ent. in good corded reaching the top one becomes so shore bv Pent. 10th. 1910. lie idle. Hogs grow fat < n the how to prepare. Everything | camp. In the afternoon -the ^ e’ G. R. W ood Chairman. peas, adding enormously to ti e ¡ 4 chuck , . full of vim , and , up-to-date , ,. , : P°s8* There was quite a stir among party started for the Inn, which inspired with the sublime beauty was so good and so plentiful that wealth of the grain growing s e c - .ideas in the work of conducting] A lex S tewart , Clerk. of the country that to stay longer the residents ot Bear Wallow consumed nearly all of the after- the only regret was the limited tion of the Northwest. publicity campaigns, and Tris on top becomes the desire, which FOR SALE of Tuesday, capacity of the eaters. Dinner President Stevens, of the Ore- suggestions were most helpful | Farm l’ arm on on the the morning morningof luesday, noon. The distance is short,. to do becomes' far more danger­ One team of geldings, weight gon Trunk Line, the Hill road up atld uracticaf. The evening was August 2d, 1910. All were asl.ii oldy 5 miles, but the elevation is was followed by ice cream. ous than the ascent. After the, -about 950 each, double harness the Deschutes, announces that After the immediate effects of being about 3(00 feet « taken up with iddresses by local i at two a- m- and ^ three ‘roadv great, sun casts the shadow on the e a st 1 and single buggy. One Smith his company will build south to a connection with the Pacil’c & men, among whom were R. M. ^01 the much anticipated caajP_ j through timber, some of which sid" the rocks begin to freeze the repast began to wear off, stump puller and.plow; also s m sl ing trip to Mt. Hood; Mrs. G. has been destroyed by fire, per- young and old alike played Drop tools. Eastern, reaching out trom Med- Ross, Rev. H. C. Clark, A. P. Apply to J. E. Carpen­ loose and slide down the nioun- ford. This will give the Hill sys- Bateham, Dr. Nick Johnson, ! with her tvvo boy s, Chas, and ¡ ¡iapR y^m-s past. Otherwise one tain, and the snow becomes ice, the Handkerchief and Ruth and ter. Mosier, Ore. Jacob with a surprising vim and Lem a main trunk line down, xiail, Mr. Scarce, a new- r>etor- and tvvD £ ir,s> Caroline would think of the forest prime- ¡ n „1 Notice for Publication through Central Oregon, ' 0, for Ix>t 1, and K1-2NW1-4. James Wilson, Secretary of A g- the people of Mosier district. stopping at 8 3 a. m. m for breajc - 1 evening meal on August 3rd th e 1 Good cold, pure water at a Section 7, Township 1 North, Range Ut riculture, to engage in fruit;could accomplitB wonders in ,ast’ over some loutth ¡'oad 5 | boyg sallied forth to see Mr. j ; depth of 12 feet is what F. A. East, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice o f intention to make Final cotn- 1 Mark Wiengart, the guide, and growing in the Pacific North- bringing Mosier to the> attention sometimes almost unable Shogrcn struck on his ranch east mutation Proof to ^ gu b iiah claim” "to west. He will develop only 20 0 f the commercial world and to i Breathe for the dust, we pushed ascertain what was necessary for of town. Mr. Shogren sunk tlie ; .larul » ’ ’ovc described before the . . ... . , Register and Receiver o f the U. A forward determined to accom­ climbing the jnountain. The in­ acres at present, considering this , h0me8ed make went to camp. . , . . „ . , . . ., , , U lliic u ltlts on account or tne roi- ] p rank s . Huberts, o f Mosier, Oregon, choose horticulture in the North- '»ponded to liberally by many distance in one day, and _ o f Moeier, Oregon. Thursday morning there was fruit land in h osier d s tn e t. Send for mation; but to his surprise and Alfred L. Sundborg, * rego west as the best opportunity is 1 )resent. The intention of the after partaking of a concoction quite a stir. The cook was up om' B®okfet o f Bargains, satisfaction there was nothing U>lturlG- K (> rl“ n’ ° f Mo.jyr. Oregon. highly significant and is a splen- C1|i|) jg to push tl)e publicity: o£ dirt- dust aad lava ash, co- early and soon had breakfast,] We !,r‘‘ aK*‘n,s for ,hl' M ountain pH rfere with free digging. He M on. : liert C. Martin, o f The Dalles, Ore- did endorsement of this 8ectlon , caini)aign to the.limitand several !,ious|y wet down with cool, re- but was informed by the guide V iew o r c h a r d I h a c t , located South- sunk the well 20 feet, and now C. W. M oore , Register. o f the country. . , i . , i • fr^Qtuner water, from springs, This land will he cut PirFt publication Aug-, 5 . last Sept. t. Eight'bi’g ocean steamers and methods to this end are being, freshitij? has over nine feet of water in it, that the wind was too strong", t‘ast of U)> in small tracts to suit purchaser, ., , i ditches and streamlets, all being one sailing vessel were in the considered. which will furnish abundant sup­ and to wait until the next day and sold on easy payments. Willamette River on August 9, At the conclusion of the speak­ ! fed by the huge glaciers from ! was his request. ply for all purposes. W. A. HUSBANDS loading Oregon products lor va’ - jn{r refreshments were served ! the mountain, the jolly party, WaitinR in camp is irksome, so MOSIER. - - ORE. lous ports across the sea, in an- . , , ,. after some inquiry concerning: off t(J Cooper>a Spur on the gla- FOR SALE B l a c k s m it h dition to the usual number of and a Keneral good tune wu; coasting vessels, one of the most] had. every one departing with the best camping place, found ¡cier was the order of the day. One 4 year old black HamhI - Horse Shoeing and General G e o . C h a m b e r l a i n tonian mare, weight nearly l 1 0 formidable fleets to assemble in | the feeling that the evening had | (heir mecca in the hlk Beds Tlie climb to the Spur is lahori- Repair Work. The Elk Beds is a place about ous, toilsome and tedious, being lbs. Fine driver. Also one a Pacific Northwest port for lioen most pleasantly and profit- REAL ESTATE Satisfaction guaranteed nearly new, single to]) bugg.', months. The combined cargoes' ably spent. 5 nubs from Cloud ( ap Inn, at three miles from the Inn on rod with harness. Inquire at Bulk- MOSIER amount to 23,000,000 feet o f - - OREGON an elevation of 3190 feet, wheie fi|| xhe Wa.y. But the glacier h Fruit tin office. 2 t Oregon fir, together with mis­ BOOSTING, Lands the elk, in former days, came so interesting that every memlier cellaneous freight, and destina­ Like Charity, should begin for water and bedded at night, of the party was greatly bene­ tions include Hong Kong. New at home. In a broad sense, f i t is now a homestead. fjted. The formation of the Specialty Zealand, Manila, Shanghai, Aus­ We arrived at the Elk Beds in moraines, the action of the water tralia, and other orient?! norts. boosting means not only to Mosier Oregon A dairy farmer of Washing- advertise abroad the natural the late afternoon A fire was and manv 0ther things not men- ■| mi County makes the statement resources of your community, QUEEN OF THE NORTHWEST RESORTS built in a hurry and preparations tioned in text books could be s< he has cleared $13 net on each of but means also the mainte­ lor the evening meal liegan, readj|y seen and understood that his nine cows every month, m-’k-i Near the Mouth o f the Columbia River, on the Washington Coast C. H. JENKINS, I). M. I). which was soon ready, vege- a|| had a Iretter understanding ol ing a snug income from th at! nance and further develop­ D e n t i s t tables of all kinds cooking very the glacier, source alone of $1046 in the o ast 1 ment of the industries and OFFICE OVER BUTI.KIt RAN KING COMPANY nine months. This is an indus­ enterprises that you already quickly. After eating freely of Fridayi August 5th. three of PHONES: try that is capable of almost il­ Office 28 Residence 28 II have, insofar as they are the Innintiful repast, a place to paldy presented themselves HOOD RIVER OREGON limitable expansion in this state. creditable and deserving of sleep was next in order. Placejat the ¡ nn for final preparations, Twenty-five Mil»s o f Magnificent Reach support. Without this no found, tent put up for the ladies, t() c)im|) the mountain. The first j :: Level, (Vmnncl nil Smooth Church of Christ Notes. business institution tlmt is the boys sleeping soundly under thing done was to |,|ack the face’ We had a good service last! dependent on local patronage Sunday morning and our hearts can hope to succeed. Many thriving and tidy communities, delightful hotel, cottage, were gladdened by a new mem­ D. P. H A R V E Y , Pro’p. The MOSIER V A L L E Y tent and camp life. All the comforts of home and the ber joiqjng our circle. L 11 the BANK has succeeded beyond healthful, invigorating recreation of the seaside—surf evening we heard Dr- Bar-] DEALER IN bathing, fishing, clam digging, beach bonfires, the exi>ectations of its or­ greaves who gave us something Fresh and Cured Meats about which to think. riding, racing, hunting, strolls and drives ganizers and is constantly ON Next Lordsday morning our increasing the volume of its through picturesque wooded headlands. Country Produce subject will be, “ John,, the Bap- business, but A L L the bank­ tizer” , and in the evening the ing business o f the Mosier M o s ie r - O r e g o n ^ et*ucctl Rates from all parts of Oaegon and Washington subject will lie “ Dad’s B*y and District is none too much at Ma s Girl” , Come and hear this, VIA this time. If we cannot sup­ and most especially do we want all the boys and girls to come. ply your needs then noobjec­ Remendier that o u r Bible tion can be raised to youv#o- School has suitable classes for Season Rate: From Portland Round Trip, $4.00 ing elsewhere, but if we can all. Three Day—Saturday to Monday Rate, $3.00 Regular $50.00 Bridge-Beach make........................$42.50 then we feel entitled to your H. C ampbell C lark , A pleasant place to spend a so­ $40.00 Charter Oak..................................... $32.50 consideration and you will Minister. cial hour is at $42.50 Reservoir Steel R an ge................ $37.50 PurehMi' ticket« ami pmaki* reaervationa at City Ticket Of!i«a, 3rd 1 further your own interests Washington Street«. Portland, or inquire o f any O. R. A N. agent by giving us your business. S. E. Francisco s Pool Room BEAT IT elsewhere for information. --------- ^ ---- We were shown this werek REGISTER! what is probably tlve largest Notices f ick Evans’ orchard, perfect in next, have lieen posted. shape, without a blemish and those who wish to vote at this weighs an even pound. If any­ election must register on or be­ PO R TLA N D . O R EG O N . Oregon Mosier, Otherwise one can beat it let’s hear al»out fore September 10. they cannot vote. iC } DAVENPORT HARNESS Co. L A R A WA Y ; H ood R ivers Reliable Jeweler for Watches , Diamonds, Jewelry ADVERTISE IN THE BULLETIN and Get Results. I NiCHOL & CO. General Merchandise M osier O reg o n Go To The Arthur & Burt Drug Co. Toilet Prescriptions a Specially. The M o s ie r Hills Land & Orchard Company 1 « I S I I PUBLISHED NORTH BEACH THE PLACE TO SPEND YOUR SUMMER VACATION Special Prices MOSIER MARKET Steel Ranges Until July 1, 1910. W. E. C hown MOSIER OREGON THE OAKS The Oregon Railroad & Navigation Co