Go to the Mosier Lumber Co, M r s . D . Robinson visited The Mosier Lumtier (io. can Church of Christ Notes. I. for your sash, doors, srceensetc. friends in The Dalles last Mon- fill your orders for lime, cement The meetings being at an end j I Mrs. E. E. Fraedrick and so n s !day «^1 Tuesday. | brick and plaster. we can all get rested good, and T O liETS! w ere visitors in The Dalles yce- Gladys Phillips, of The Dalles, M»*s. T. W. DePussey, of Hood' be ready for our regular ser- terdav is staying a few days with her River, spent a couple o f days vices. Furnishbd Rooms, by week or this week on her ranch east of Next Lordsday morning our; month, in privat* family. Apply Miss Irene Fisher, o f Hood aunt, Mrs. D. Robinrcn. town. subject will be “ Bread of Life” , D. W. H u d s o n , P.O. B ox 156. ¡River, visited her parents here Mosier real estate has been and our evening subject will be this week. moving rapidly this week—pos W. H.. McRao and wife, of Mosier, Ore.. “ He hath Killed.” The evening «-22 tf. 1 Wm. Marsh went to Portland sibly sibly it »i the tbe rate rate ofaOor'47 o f 50o r '47 miles miles Spokane, spent several days in discourse will tell of a great mur Reg. Prifce Special; ■ --------------- “ “ -" “ ““ —“— “ Tuesday to see his mother, who an hour. Mosier this week, investigating derer. 2 1-2 in. Wagons with bolster spring jnd A. L. Sundborg and 'fam ily is stitti in tbb hospital. Paul Harmsen went to The real estate values. Mr. McRae spring seat, Don’ t forget that our Bible $100.00 $85.00’ 7 isitedLn H*od River'on Monday | Mr q 60 Mathews went to'Dalles on Wednesday to make >8 a prominent lumber dealer in School is ¡looming, and we want 2 3-4 in. Wagons; same as above;. 110.00 90.00- | Portland on Monday to a tte n d ! arrangements for proving up on *"s clty and has been air over list. you to help us boom more. 3-in.. Wegons, same as above, IT5.00 95.00* his homestead. Oregon and Western Washtng- John Burggi'af wasm'business the 3-in half truck, gear only,.wide tire,' 95.00 75.00; , | ... ..................... ton looking for a location suitable Young people, remember our visitor in Portland the first* of returned Tuesday. Miss Irma Phillips 15ft on Loyal Bereans, a fine class for 1 l-4.in. platform Spring Wagon, with brake, 135.00 120.00> „ „ , „ _ , , for fruit raising. He said of all week. 1 1-8 in. Studebaker 1st grade-Buggy, leather Miss Emily Husbands and Bes- Wednesday for Portland, where the p|aces he had visited none young people. We have classes top and brake; 125.00 100.00 Orie Hodge^aftd D. C. Nappei |sie Jones visited this week at her mother is reported in a very appea|ed (o }dm s0 much as Mo- for everybody, old or young, 15-16th Studebaker Buggy, same as apove, Remem 1.10.00 100.00- were visitors- a** The Dalles last Collins Springs with their grand- serious condition. sier, and itsis probable that he good or bad looking. 15-16th “ ...................... ber, you a-e wanted. 100.00 85.00 BhKrday. mother, Mrs. A. Root. Wentworth Cooper, of Idaho, , wil> dec 'de "*a ie here- Studebaker Juniors,. 8.50 6.50 H. C ampbell C lark , J. M. Elliott returnediaSt'Sun-j \ws. \ Stark came up at present located at Hood River, The Mosier Commercial Club Minister. day night from a fortnight’ s | from Hood River on Wednesday was a business visitor here sev- is getting ready to entertain a visit at Portland. and visited a couple o f days with eral days this week. large number o f guests at the GRAHAM - DENNY Wm. McClure is hauling lum- her daughter. Mrs. Wm. Akers, Froderich and Mr. Brat- big booster meeting to he pulled On Friday evening last, in ber for the erection of a resi-| Misses Alice Mosier, Nada ing, of Portland, are spending a off a week from tomorrow night Lamb’s Hall, occurred the mar A large sign I dence on his ranch east of town, j Clark and Mattie Hudson, and week’ s vacation here with their —the 13th inst. riage o f Mr. Gordon Graham and has lieen painted and placed o n 1 -\iibvney W. H. Wilson, of ¡Guy Wilson and “ Gib” Imhollz friend, Dr. D. Robinson. Miss Elsie Denny, t w o well the Stroup building, where all k n o w n residents o f Mosier. Tife Dalles, was attending to'visited in Hood River last Sun- j The Fields brothers, who have may see it and where it will l>e I Rev. Mr. Stark performed the business matters in Mosier last day* spent, the summer on their ID- a constant reminder to every citi -1 A . J. Derby j ceremony, after which the bridal : Mondayl Thos. McCusker, o f Portland, acre tract south of town, left on zen of Mosier district that h e ! ” '" '7 J ’• A T ”. ‘ “ 7“ V‘v' L aw yer up Tuesday evening and; Wednesday for their home at will neglect a liusiness'and a so-1C ,e’ W1 1 ie 1,1X1 ec i>aes s> | M. H. Craft, a former resident came of Mosier, now living at Mt. went Wednesday m o rn in g to Wallace, Idaho. cial duty if he does not attend. | ^ n^0VVn t0 elaborate refresh* HOOD RIVER OREGON Hood, was a visitor in town last : look after this Mountain View Razors put-in first-class condition. Miss Ruth Littlepage left for ^ ut‘b good is expected to obtain | j^r Graham and wife left on j Orchard Tract. Saturday. from this meeting, and all are c „, , , 4i | ¡Portland on Wednesday in com 'Saturday tor a brief honeymoon, Ed. Burt, W. L. Dresbach and Dr. C. A. Macrum came up j pany wjth her cousins, Marjorie ! earnestly requested to he pres- in the valley. Their many Paul Higley i4ft’ last Sunday for from Portland Tuesday and w ill, nnd’ Billy Hurlburt, who have ent It will wake up the dream- friends wish them much joy in a ten days’ hunting trip at Bad-¡spend a few days here recuper- been visiting herb for the past era and do them good. their journey o f life together. Notary Public ating The doctor is recovering ten days. ger Lake and DAVID ROBINSON, M. D. _ Amos Root came home from from a two weeks’ serious ill- Want competent orchard-, Fire Insurance E. H. Shepard, editor of “ Bet-1 One Learn of geldings, weight Collins Springs last! Saturday. ness. ter Fruit” left Friday for Niaga- about 950 each, double harness ist—corporation, nursery or yjosjer P h y s ic ia n a n d S u r g e o n Oregon His wife will remain a month or Jin, Sturgess m resting from: Fa|ls N. y where he wm and single buggy. One Smith individual--to contract with h „ labors as a .sal estate agent attend the (.„nve„ ti„ „ of the so longer. stump puller and plow; also purchasers of five, ten and MOSIER OREGON As- , lnall tools. Apply to J. E. Car twenty acre tracts of Mosier J. A. Andrew, who has been and on Wednesday left for The | ternaU„ „ al App!e Shippers’ As~ fruit land, to be sold by us, MVAsherard will He-1 penter, M ^ e tO re . spending the summer with his DaHes to work with the tele-1 to clear, plant and develop. Brother-in-law, R. D. Chatfield, phone outfit that is changing the !)jver an address to ^he apple 1 Leading Dealers in * i f you have anything to sell, left Monday morning for Port p es an wiles. | buyers on the northwestern Drop into the B ulletin office Must be sold to furnish bond, land. Geo. Evans and family re--methods of handling an apple anil get a receipt for that year’s ! State terms to bsar every see me as I am in a position ORCHARDS and FRUIT LAND expense. to handie good buys in short | turned last Saturday from a fish-1 crop. While in the-east he ex- subscription. Messrs. Wm. 0 . Coleman, Jr., in large and small tracts. order. OLIVER L. BROWN, ing trip to Lost Lake. George pects to visit a number of the - --------------------- , ,, „ _________ ftnd Clyde Monroe, of Chicago, 709 Bulletin Bldg., I now have parties waiting (/( pays to list your property are spending a month at Lehowa, says the fishing was good and large markets and Will he gone Sanitary Fittings that huckleberries are plentiful several w e e k s .-H o o d ' River Philadelphia, Penn. for 160 to 320 acres close with us.)1 as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. tlui'year. Glacier. in at a reasonable price. L. Howe. NOTICE McGregor & Bothfur, The forty-foot addition to the Also a good buy in 40 acres 501- A iòcial dance will be given to packing plant of the Mosier Parties wishing to pack prunes, ß mjie3 out. Must be cheap. morrow night in Stroup's Hall. MOSIER - OREGON during the coming season, who Newman’s Orchestra will fur Fruit Grower’s Association is have not already registered, kind nish the music and «a good time completed and /ferythin!*-' in ly call at the office of the Fruit readiness for prune packing, is assured every one. j Growers Association and regis- which opens the first o f next! 1 ter, so you can he notified when O r e g o n Mrs. Pauline Leedy and two week. j work begins. Packing expected ifrrft;- friends of Mr. and Mi;s. J. G e o . H a a c k e , P . m *. ! to commence soon after 5th. Mr. Lee Irving and family, of H. Porter, arrived last Sunday SUMMONS.. H osier F ruit G rowers All kinds o f Building For sale by Burggraf & Wil1 from Youngstown, Ohio, and Y Vlvima, spent Tuesday night in IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE , A ssociation . arul fort m-all parts o f Mosier Dis^ Material on hand, in town, tEer guests of Mr. will remain until Spring. STATE OF OREGON FOR WASCO Mrs. Wm. Akers. They were trict. Fine Bargains? Bee US 1 cluding lath and shingles COUNTY. Mrs. Alex Stewart was taken enroute home from an autemo- b e fo r e buying elsewhere. We , ... Estimates given for ma to the hospital at Hood River on Agnes Lee, Plaintiff, bile trip thru California and Old have small and large tiacis. Ten Jeri Not mer(|y het,llhy ¡n thlir construc- terial for building. . . Monday morning, where she vs. Mexico. Mrs. Irving is a cotisin acre tracts that we can serf you | Lkm, but neat and cleanly .in their ap- N O T A R Y P U E L IC coub*. be under Dr. Dumble’ s of Mrs. Akers. Augustus F. Lee, Defendant. MGSIER - - OREGON j at the right price on easy terms, pea ranee. We are expert sanitary To Augustus F. Lee, the defendant ! special eft rè and receive profes - - - O regon j All correspondence promptly i Plumbers with a practical reputation, M o s i e r above named: sional nursing. Rev. Ralph Chaffee last Sun-1 an gw ^(^ d yye w jjj take care o f ancl a record for excellent work. Wei In the name o f the State of Oregon, V A /p -i | u ; <lo new plumbing or attend to repairs W ork ’ Hardwick & Wright, who have, day completed his services as A ll B usiness entrusted t o ' you are hereby required to appear and : V pastor o f the Methodist Clltfrch !in a moat workmanlike manner. Our answer the complaint filed against you the contract for building the ad- T he C are of the W ell D o n e ih the above entitled suit on or before rlition to the sch’oolhouse, are at Mosier. He will go from 'note six wee.ks from the date o f the first _ _ , making rapid work with the to Long Beach, Cal., where hod The undersigned is thoroujpfiy The Reliable Dealers G O U L D 3c S N Y D E R . I publication of this summons, hereinaf- will spend a month or so. and foundation and will be ready for o f The Dalles, Oregon ter stated, and if you fail to appearand prepared to put down open wells - - OREGON ?he lumber as soon as it arrives. this Fall will continue his minis MOSIER said complaint, the plaintiff will in an y p a rt o f th e Stirroundircr - - OREGON , WILL HAVE PROMPT ATTENTION answer H O O D R IV E R -■ -- ____ 1 . .. .• - . . p 1 m e a u rrou n a in g terial studies in a theological apply to the court for the relief prayed country. Has a Complete OUtfiT Mr. C. R. Cressman and fam univeUi! ¡Capital - - $100,000.00 j ofl including pipe cutting and thread! BOOKS, STATIONERY, PERIODICALS and SCHOOL ily, Of Portland, who have been i SurpluB and undivid- g ^ n d ^ cruerandfnhuman W tools. Does all kinds o f ce- Miss Nada Clark was the vic ¡camping near town for about a SUPPLIES'. - OUD BOOKS BOUGHT, SOLD and eii pi ills iuu,uuu.uu 1 anij permitting the plaintiff to assume ment, rock and concrete work. (month, left M- wr I’ w for their tim of an agreeable surprise par e s id e n t | her former name o f Agnes Leslie. Has had 30 years’ experience in J. S. SCHENCK, P resident EXCHANGED SUBSCRIPTIONS TAKEN FOR You are notified that this summons is ! the weil business. May be found ,home. Mr. Cressman, who was ly last Tuesday evening, when a E d M. W illiams M ax Ä. V ogt uNY PERIODICAL AT PUBLISHERS’ PRICES. j served upon you by publication for six in very poor health when he goodly number of her friends Vice Pres. Cashier I weeks in the Mesier Bulletin by order by addressing him at The Dalles, Local Agent for The Oregonian. of the court made May 17, 1910, di-1 Ore., or inquire at Maier & came to Mosier, is very much dropped in on her at the Clark’ s recting that said summons be so pub- Schanno’s store, The Dalles, Of. temporary quarters in the base c o l e .improved. fished for a period o f six weeks from i \ tt , v r . _ A. E. N egus . ment of the Christian Church. the date o f the first publication thereof. JOHN G. ZOLLS & SONS ’ H. M. Perry, a railroad man j The date of the first publication of Several very pleasant hours were ! Contrae-eftrs in Stone, Brick and Con this summons is May 20, 1910. of Chicago, arrived in Mosier! .»•M'S’** spent, after which refreshments ? WOW MM W. II. WILSON, crete Work last week and will spend th e1 DR. H. L. DUMBLE were served, the guests then Attorney for Plaintiff. II xh I River Or <fcon summer and fall with his friend. dispersing to go to their various PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON R. D. Chatfield. Mr. Perry ex- homes. .pressed himself as well pleased HOOD RIVER OREGON with the country here, this being DortU’ be a knocker. Don't he DEALER IN a clam. Don’ t get frost in your his second visit to this section. i A whale was caught off the pedal extremities. BOOST fori Will practice in Mosier and MRS. A. M. NILES. Prop. Japanese coast recently which MOSIER! Are YOU boosting? * , May lie reached by long dis measured over 200 feet in length. Get your shoulder under and lift up. Have everlasting, abiding tance phone. Home phone 61. The jaw bones were 40 feet long and weighed 55 tons. The tai faith in your town and show measured 30 feet. The jaw . j your faith by your works. Prove HIDES! HIDES!! HIDES!!! bones were sent to the Museum that Mosier has no mosshacks Call at the BuLLETiN’office and- •of Natural History, in New York. 1 who “ ride the saw and draj? their feet.” Get busy and don’ t' • J. M. Swirsky, of Portland, forget the big Commercial Club i k t get tai?s to sb'11 your *iides to Ì J F f Ì T j ì j t J l \ / Kauffman, Davidson, Semmel, of was a Mosier visitor on Monday meeting to he held August 13th Portland. 1 and Tuesday. Mr. Swirsky owns in f i r »up’ s Hall. { m m e m ■•»**<*** /two tracts of fruit land in the M IM I ■ ■ ■ i H I W III Ä 3B K M PBK M k lM H I I I Ï Ï W Grand View' neighborhood. His smaller ttsfOt of 20 acres has 10 Ladies’ Kahki Outing Suits with and without divided Comfy-Cut Vests fovLaufes, with Can’ t-Slip straps. Vres set to appiè trees. On the mm^ m I AT A |> C During Hie month o f July I will selK For Cash, Studebaker Wagons, Hacks and Buggies at prices below:— Alex. Stewart, j Mosier,, Oregon.- MOSIER B a rb er Shop Alex. Stewart J- . REAL ESTATE D. D. H AIL Lands Mosier Lumber Co. H. G. K I S B E E Burggraf & W U fe rt& 'U S S ï‘^ “!ity °f“' JA S. E. First National Bank ;. A. E. LAKE "'The Popular Clothier T PINES HOTEL he Men’s Clothing, Furnishings and Shoes I Good Accommodations Rates $1.00 per day and up THE DALLES. O REGON ! i Corner 2nd and Washington Sts. i .larger tract, consisting o f 160 •»crea, he will install a system o f ! water works, which, when com- j dieted, will supply water to the residents of his neighborhood. A new fruit, which the oaVner of the tree upon which it grows | calls "Almondcot” , is l*t*ing! shown by G. L. Aggers, of White Salmon. It is the product ! of grafting an almond to an apri- j cot tree. The fruit-is about six in-*he‘ in cireemference,, o f a dfyk wine colui' and snaned like a tomato. The*, fruit is described as h nig very palatable, and Mr. Aggers thinks it will prove a good runner Try them. tiach - “THE PARIS FAIR Pk- HOOD R I V E R ’; Lillies’ Sleeveless Vestl» in fine Jersey ribbed and l.i-de thread, sleeveless w ith silk ta|)ed yokes and arm holes. Good grade o f lace trimmed \ attics i -om 15c up t<* 4t\- a garment. Special for one week commencing Thursday. August 4th. your choice . . . 15c SPECIAL Ladfii' Cotton H« while ri ey last the khidyou p«y 10c for elsewheit1. $1100 »1.1.00 M l. 75 ” - ” . stripe. Blues, Grays. Blacks. Well weaves. . . . $ 6.67 . . . $ 6.00 - . - . - . Ladies’ Canva Oxfords, I’ I'ichcr cut, medium heavy soles •76c grade I. dies’ (’ anvas 0 ” ford?, Blucher c v t . Reguh r -<1.*K> i nb.ii s •mg.--- I -h ? p $10. ti s4.00, $5.Of), and $5.50.. ¿nil floor. Ladies' Canvas Oxfords, welt and turn soles, plain, cap and embroid ered toe. regular $1.35 values special the pair - - $1.C0 $ 10.00 SPECIAL Ladies’ Canvas Oxfords, with welt and turn soles in colors white, gray anil blJF. Splendid values at the regular price o f $L50 a I pair. | Special the pair - - - , - 31.29 SPECIAL $12.00 Men's Oxfords and Shoes, welt soles. Iducher cut. Color» white. gray and tan. Shoes”have full leather tip and trim. Values up to SI.50. special the pair - - - . _ « 1.00 SPECIAL Special Men*« Suit» including som* o f HART. SC H AFFNE R & V .A il.t make, reduced $17 77. $22.00 suits for $16. '«I $20.00 " $is oo •• $16 n " Ladies Tailored Suits in Brown made, o f this summer’s style* and $10.00 Values Reduced . $ !>.00 “ . $18.00 aw>. 25. L A R G E S T 8c B E S T S T O R E Special Special skirts. now 59c 75c I 8.50 S 6. Oil Men’ s Balbriggan Underwear worth 50c a suit. Special to close out ....................................J 9 c Men's Fancy Balbriggan Underwear worth $1.00 a suit. Special the garment - 29c