PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY ADVERTISING RATES BY MOSIER BULLETIN If. C. KIBBFK, Proprietor SUBSCRIPTION RATES On* ....................... *...................................... « . » Si* M onths................................................................ d V Three Months............................................................. M ____ unr Entered as second-c’.ass matter March !?. 1909. at the post office at Mof»ier. Oregon, under the A ct o f Xarch 3. It"!». ■ —. ——_ VOL. II : - —:------------------------------- B — S9 ■' — — —-— -— : MOSIER, WASCO COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY Good Roads TINE LAUNDRY WORK" The following is from a speech Portland, Ore., July 19 (Spec'a ) Done with neatness anil dispatch m ale by Hon. Wm. Sulztr, in — Portland’s Autumn livcst ck che House of Representatives on s iow and race meet on the Coun­ Hood River Laundry Company tjune 9, 1910: try Club grounds will be known J . E. C O L E , M opieu A g e n t "M r. S peaker : One o f the » as the Harvest Festival, and the greatest and most important ----------------------------------------------- b ggest purs* ever offered in the onventiers ever held in this T A A A 7 X ^ X 7 T ) Y V " D u p Pacific Northwest for a single country will be the Third Na- JL /X x V -L-di-x IT \_y_Lv -L race will be hung up. It will be tional Good Roads Congress,, $10,000 and will be known as the which has been called by the Na- p| J\ |\ L O . i bankers’ purse. Another, of- tional Good Roads Association to fered by the hotel men, will be meet at Niagara Falls, N. Y., GAY YOWEI.L, Mgr. $5,000. Many smaller prizes will j ^ “ £ ¿ [T n T s O .'m O . The i Harness and Saddlery Goods be offered and it is believed the appointment appointment o of f delegates delegates is .. in- Tents, Wagon Covers, Etc festival will attract a larger yUed by the o£jdals o f even gathering than any similar m eet. s county and city o f the Hand-made Harness a Specialty j ss g—= * = = 22, 1910 NICHOL | L ARAWAY General Merchandise \ Hood Rivers Reliable Jeweler for Watches, Diamonds, Jewelry held in this part of the country. Unjted State8f and by every ag- HOOD RIVER JamesJ.H.Uw.11 Probably b e; ricultura,r automobile, commer­ c e biggest attraction of the fes -1 da] educationaI. good roads, in- tival. A strong telegram of in-1 dustrial kbor> tran8portation, v.tatmn has been sent him, which |and wotnan«B 01.ganizaljnn in OREGON fo r each inacrtion. I ririil xlvertfcsaMaaswWIa aB cam b* ehar(«l NO. 20 OUR PORTLAND LEITER He can make your watch keep time M r - - B u trin s Iced « w ill be A t t a r i a t I w a ti pm 11 m *&&**>* ADVERTISE IN THE BULLETIN and Get Results. M o sier a» O regon Church of Christ Notes. NOTICE TO CREDITORS 2 North, Rangel2 East, in Was­ Notice is hereby hereby given given that that the the un co County, Oregon. Said order at The meetings have begun. H «*?«<:•* is „ . b deraigned has been appointed admims- the court directa that said sale be made Bl’O. Swander, IS here and is tratrix o f the estate o f George Sellin- at private sale for one-half cash and it is believed he will accept. It j such number as each may deter- one-half secured by M ortgage upon the preaching Gospel . . . sermons. _ . His &'rv t Y ‘aT h by tl,e, cSVnty Court of is planned to put the great em- ! i mine. L , the State o f Oregon for Wasco County, premises, subject to confirmation by themes are as follows: Friday All persons having claims against the court. From and after the 23rd pire builder on the program for | For yerrs, Mr. Speaker, I have said estnte are hereby notified to pre­ day of July, 1910. at the hour o f 10 o f Mosier. Oregon, evening, "Why I am a Chris- an address. sent such claims, duly verified ss by law o ’clock A. M., I shall proceed to sell been an honest advocate of pos- itian” ; Saturday evening, “ The required, within six months from the the real estate above mentioned and de- Dates of the festival are Sep j talsavings, parcels postsand good ! acribedat private sale for one-half cash F or you r Drugs. Sundries. Patent Medicines, Station­ Making of Man” ; Sunday even­ date hereof to me at the luw office o f and one-half secured by mortgage ypun tember 5—10. The amusement road building. They are sure to Frank Mencfco, The Dalles, Oregon. the premises us directed by the order ing, "The Church That Jesus Dated this 5th day o f July, 19IU end of the festival will be far come, and I shall discuss some o f ; ery, Toilet Articles, Candy and Cigars, IceC ream and o f the court. Built’ ’ , a chart sermon; Monday A d e l in e S e l l in g e r , more prominent then ever be-; : their advantages. Offers and bids for «aid real estate Coed roads Administratrix o f the estate of Soda Water. Everything in the Drug line. evening, "A Piece of Sticky Fly- win be received by me, or by my at­ fore. The attractions will be se-J ! mean progress and prosperity, a George Bellinger, deceased. torney, W. H. Wilson, at The Dalles, Paper.” lected with a view to meeting j benefit to the people who live in j First issue July 8, last Aug. & Oregon, at any time from and after the Mosier people seldom have the date above mentioned. the varied tastes o f the multi­ ¡the cities, an advantage to the: Dated this 22nd day o f June, 1910. i opportunity to hear as able and tudes in attendance and it is Notice for Publication E arl D. V ickers , people who live in the country, distinguished a preacher as now, [Publisher.] promised there will be a good Guardian. and it will help the whole o f our L , eyepy edifice in our cities 'Department o f the Interior. J and we ask you to avail your­ CALL FOR BIDS time for all. vast domain. Good roads, like U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon CONTEST NOTICE. The Western Forestry and Con­ good streets, make habitation and labor will rebuild them, but Notice is hereby given that the selves of the chance. July 2nd, 15)10. Department o f the Interior. abandon the farms and the cities School Board o f District No. 52 will servation Association, which em­ H. C a m p b e l l C l a r k , Notice is hereby given that Lee Hun­ along them most desirable; United States Land Office, accept bids for the construction o f an „ , they! . will disappear forever, ter, of Mosier, Oregon, who, on Octo­ Minister. braces the states of Oregon, Cal- The Dalles, Oregon, June 14, 1910. enhance the value of farm lands, Qne (>f the . needs in addition to the school house in the ber 18th, 1907, made Homestead, (Ser­ A sufficient contest affidavit bavin* ifornia,' Washington, Montana; ial No. 071.11), No. 15786, for SWI-4 facilitate transportation, and add tbjg countrv> egpeciallv in the town o f Mosier. All bids must be in been filed in this efilee by George WL SE1-1, S1-2SW1-4, and NE1-4SW1-4, and Idaho, is carrying on a cam­ FOR SALE 'untold wealth to the producers j South and West, is good roads. the hands of the school board by Mon­ Section 25, Township 2 North. Range Kindred,conte stant, against Homestead paign to save the forests from and consumers of the country: |,,n day, July 25. The contract will be 11 East. Willamette Meridian, has filed Entry No. 04584, made March 8, 1909. By H. C. Clark, Agt., good notice I’he establishment of good roads iet to the lowest responsible bidder o f intention to make Final com­ for W 1-2 NW 1-4 Section 8, Town­ the usual fire losses that occur they are the milestones marking would in a great measure solve and is to be completed by September oak, pine and fir cord wood at a mutation Proof, to establish claim to ship 1, North, Range 12 E. W M.„ each summer. This organization by Francis M. McCartney, contestee. the ;........... land above ....... described, before the in which it is alleged that said entry- the advance of civilization; they question o f the high price of i lst- The successful bidder must reasonable price. This wood ■ a represents 13 minor associations. economize time, give labor a lift, 1 the u - ö - man failed to establish residence j .< • i f ! sign a written contract for the satis- winter and spring cut. * _j I an^Offlce'' » ! 'nail ° f ,nun has nas railed to estal food and the increasing cost of> 8 Printed matter, fire warnings the lit” " ¿ v o f August IWO g° n’ ° n ! ° n Ra:;i ' T ' » nee ^ e l.nd and make millions in money; they iV C i n tr” ‘ At v T«- ri 1 LI ^ ^ ^ Y o A of factory ,,erformance of the work and . . . ' 1 ts without improvements s f any kind, . ^ - — j ..........| living, c y reducing tne cost or furn{sh a bond sufficient to i cover the and circulars, are being sent out I Claimant names as witnesses: j unfenced and open to the publfo range; save wear and tear and worry Thomas Henningson, Gus Godlierson, that said alleged absence was n*4 due to timber owners, milimen, fa rm -jand waste; lhey beautify the transportation it would enable coat o f construction. The school board hereby reserves the Robert Simpson, Charley Bennett, all to his employment in the arm ny, navy ers and others directly con­ ! country—bring it in touch with the farmer to market his produce o f Mosier, Oregon. or marine corps o f the U nited______ right to reject any or all bids. ■d State» at a lower price and at a larger cerned. In its literature the as­ the city; they aid the social and in time o f war; said parties sre hereby C. W. M o o r e , Register. Plans and specifications may be seen profit at the same time. It notified to appear, re»[«nd and offer sociation states that half the the religious and the educational First publication July 8, last Aug 6. at W. E. Chown’s store, Mosier. evidence touching said allegation at 1* would bring communities closer merchantable timber in t h e and the industrial progress of the Signed o’ clock a. m. on July 28, 1910, before Notice for PubKeaJtiut*. the Register and Receiver at the United’ G eo . R. W ood , Chairman. United States is contained in the people; they make better homes together and in touch with the States Land Office in The Dalles, Ore- A lf . x S t e w a r t , Sec’y. centers o f population, thereby (I solated T ract .) five states in the association, and and happier hearthsides; they are gon. W . H. KERSLAKE, Mgr. PUBLIC LAND SALE. that their production of lumber the avenues of trade, the high­ facilitating t h e commerce o f The said contestant haviag, in a proper affidavit, filed June 11, 1910. Administratrix Notice No. 05841 is one-fifth of the total in the ways o f commerce, the mail ideas as well as of material We deal in improved and unimproved | set forth facta which show that after products. Notice is hereby given that the un­ United States Land Office, I due diligence personal service can not country. routes o f information, and the dersigned. Adeline Sellinger, has been fruit land in Mosier district. Send for The Dalles, Oregon, June 27th, 1910. I be made, . it is ordered and directed that _ ___________________ When the agricultural produc­ duly appointed administratrix o f the es­ What is said to be the biggest agencies of speedy communica- our Booklet o f Bargains. Notice is hereby given that, as di- 8U?’j , be iPv,n by due and prop*r tion alone o f the United States tate of George Sellinger, deceased. event in the history of Coos tion; they mean the economical j?or ^be eleven vears totals ■ ¡persons having claims against said ' We are agents for the MOUNTAIN rected by the Commissioner o f the Gen- Iml)l,catlon- Land Office, under provisions of i L W. MOORE, County will be the Carnival to present | V iew O rchard T ract , located South- Act of Congress approved June 27, Register. transportation of m a rk eta b le $70,000,000,000, a sum to stagger the*same tome property'verifiedPatS they promote social inter- wben the saving in cost o f mov- above-described lands are ad.ised to F rank M enefee , w. A. HUSBANDS Notice is hereby given that Verl L.. file their claims, or objections, on er people and big illuminations °f| course, prevent intellectual sta g-1 Attorney for Administratrix. ., ^ r> ... „ j ,__ . „ |--------- -- ----------- -------- - ;ing this product of agriculture before the day above designated for Maston, o f Mosier, Oregon, who, on* B l a c k s m it h A| ril 13th, 1908, made Homestead- First pub. July 15, last Aug. 12. the Coos Bay cities and harbor. , nation, and increase the happ> over good highways instead of sale. [S< rial No. 04381] No. 15958. for E 1-2: The arrangements now being, negs and the prosperity of our bad wouid have built a million C- W. M oore , Register. Horse Shoeing and General SK 1-4 Sec. 2», and NW1-4SW1-4, f « « . made are on a larger scale than ; producing masses; they con- 1 2H. T p . 2 N., R. 12 E . WM., Repair Work. miles o f good roads, the incal- NOTICE TO VOTERS was ever attempted in the Coos1 tribute to the glory o f the coun­ NOTICE OF GUA RDIA N SA LE. notic‘,.of Intention to make’ final* Satisfaction guaranteed »j .• « , mutation proof, to t*staltlish claim to culable waste of bad roads in Pri election is September Bay country. try, give employment to our idle this country is shown to he o f j ^ * h*reby K,ven- That on the land above described, before the - - OREGON loth day of j{egjstry booUs close Sep_ MOSIER June, 1910, an order wa$ Register and Receiver, U. S. Land* Portland has organized a group workmen, distribute the neces- F | such enormous proportions as to temb(,r 10 A „ voters must reg. ____________________ _ _ _____________ regularly given and made in the County office at The Dalles, Oregon, on th» of "Live Wires” that proposes garjeg of fife—the products o f ; demand immediate reformation ^ ~ Court o f the State o f Oregon for Wasco *“ ¡ day ° f JuIy’ ,9 ,°- ister this year whether they were to do things for this city. The the fields and the forests and the and wisest and best states- CEO. C h a m b e r l a i n ■¡«•••nsing the undersign, “ wtt n " ~ * : membership is composed of those factories—encourage energy ar.d manship; but great as is the loss registered at last election or not. guardian o f the person and estate of ' ,■* . Sundborg, C. J. E. Carlson. John A Re|| . „.I v a . „ , f :'‘8tav Ernquist and Richard Wilcoa. best fitted to be expert boosters husbandry, inculcate love for our ^ transportation, mercantile, in- It is much to be desired that John A. Bell, to sell the West Half o f all o f Mosier, Ore. REAL ESTATE the Southwest Quarter o f the South- C W M« ;E. Register. for their home town,' and the scenic wonders, and make man- dustrial and farming interests, every voter in Mosier precinct we>t Quarter o f Section 16, Township plan is to ginger up the city to kind better and broader and incomparably greater is the loss register this year and then vote. Fruit Lands an extent • never before at­ greater and grander. to the women and children and Registry books now open at J. E. Cole’ s barber shop. tempted. The plain people of the land are *-^e 90C'al l'fe> a matter as im- portant as civilization itself. Specialty acquainted with the truths of The truth o f the declaration of TWENTY TWO BOYS AND GIRLS history. They know the past. Charles Sumner fifty years ago, Come Sunday evening and Mosier Oregon Of Mosier and vicinity They realize that often the dif- that "the two greatest forces for hear about the Church that Je­ QUEEN OF THE NORTHW E ST RESORTS have accounts with the MO­ ference between good roads and the advancement of civilization sus built. It is in the Scriptures. Nnar the Mouth o f the Columbia River, on the Washington Coast. SIER VALLEY B A N K -an d bad roads is the difference be­ are the schoolmaster and good C. H. JENKINS, D. M. D. J. W. Smith and family arrived roads,” is emphasized by the ex- there are three or four times tween profit and loss. Good D e n t is t , , - . , perience o f the intervening years here from Portland this week OFFICE OVER BUTLER RAN KIN G COMPANY that many more in the com­ roads have a money value far be- and pointB to the wisdom o f a PHONES: and will make their home here. munity who ought to have. yond our ordinary conception. unj0n o f the educational, com- Office 28 Residence 28 B Mr. Smith is an expert worker HOOD RIVER - OREGON In this age no parent would Bad roads constitute our greatest mercial, transjiortation and in­ in marble and will probably put Twenty-five Miles o f Magnificent Beach dustrial interests of our country expect a child to go out into drawback to internal develop­ Laveti. Cvtnnact and! Smooth :r in a stock of marble, represent­ in aggressive action for perma­ the world and succeed if he ment and material progress. ing The Dalles Marble Works. nent good roads.” could not read and write and Good roads mean prosperous had no knowledge of the Many thriving and tidy communities, delightifttfihotel».cottage;, farmers; bad roads mean aban­ common branches. Then why tent and camp life. All the comforts of heme and the doned farms, sparsely settled D. P. H ARVEY, Pro’p. expect him to succeed in any healthful, invigorating recreation of the seaside—surf country districts, and congested DEALER IN line o f business if he knows | populated cities, where the poor bathing, fishing, clam, diggiitg. beach bonfire»* nothing—in a personal, prac­ 1 are destined to become poorer. riding, racing, hunting, strolls and drive* Fresh and Cured Meats ON tical way—about the value of 1 Good roads mean more cultivated through picturesque wooded head I an ah;. Country Produce money or the handling of it farms and cheaper food products Reduced Rates from all parts o f Oa«gon according to modem meth­ for the toilers in the towns; had ods? He can get this knowl­ roads mean poor transportation, V IA edge only from actual ex­ lack of communication, high perience. The little theory prices for the necessaries o f life, gotten in the ordinary school the loss of untold millions of Season Rate: From Portland Round Trip, $400 course is not sufficient. wealth, and idle workmen seek­ Three Day—Saturday to Monday Rate, $3.00. Many grown people do not ing employment. Good roads Regular $50.00 Bridge-Beach make..................... $42.50 I A Tiltiaount nlo/'o to anoml fa a/i. even know how to write a will help those who cultivate the $40.00 Charter Oak........................ $32.50 cial hour is at Purchssr tickets and make r»*scrvavion» at City Ticket OIQre, 3rd check properly or safely, and soil and feed the multitude, and $42.60 Reservoir Steel Range ............. $37.50 Washington Streets, Portland, or RMpirr o f any O. R. A N. agent are easy prey to the check whatever aids the producers and S. E. Francisco’s Pool Room elsewhere far information. raiser and others o f that ilk. the farmers of our country will See to it that your boy or girl increase our wealth and our is not in that class. greatness and benefit all the peo­ ple. We cannot destroy our Miss May Littlepage returned farms without final decay. Thej on Wednesday morning to Cor­ are today the heart o f our na­ vallis. after visiting week with tional life and the chief source o f our material greatness. Tear he: parents at Grand View. Go To The Arthur & Burt Drug Co., j i j j j Prescriptions a Specialty. j j The M o s i e r Hills Land & Orchard Company j j NORTH BEACH THE PLACE TO SPEND YOUR SUMMER VACATION MOSIER MARKET Special Prices Steel Ranges Until July 1,1910. Mosier MOSIER Oregon THE OAKS W. E. C hown a - OREGONL^. aad< The Oregon Railroad & Navigation Co