T h e Q uest of Betty Lancey H y M A G D A T. W E S T Ossyrtght, 1909, fcy W 0. Chapmsa. Oppyrlfht Is OrMt Britala CURRENT EVENTS OF THE WEEK "Well, buf you did It," rstorted Bet A E R O P L A N E D R O P S “ B O M B S .” ty. "I know, but I had a wife to start Curtis Lands Orange* Accurately on out with, and felt I ought to «et Larry- W ar Ship's Deck. tied up, too. Besides, 1 think It will be a Joke to assist at the wedding, oh Atlantic City, N . J.— Glenn H. Cur I know Larry hasn’t asked you yet, but tiss tossed oranges as mimic bombs then he's afraid to. He’s planning to within three feet of the decks of the Just carry you off." yacht John E. Mehrer II, used in place "I'm going to draw the line at be of a battleship during the sham battle ing abducted twice, till I get a prodl arranged to demonstrate the utility of gal's return on the strength of the the aeroplane in coast defense. flrst kidnaping," laughed Betty. "Do The mock “ bombs” were dropped you suppose that the Man-Aperilla from a neight of about 300 feet and could have stolen me? And If so, why General Resume o f Important Events Curtiss purposely failed to strike the I'd like to find Le Malheureux, perhaps Presented In Condensed Form deck of the yacht for fear of injuring he’d tsll me. The why of things as they are is troubling me.” the officials and passengers on her fo r O u r Busy Readers. "W e’re going to find Le Malheureu decks. right now," said Meta. “If we don’t Experts agreed that the experiments we’ll never find ourselves again. We showed that a fleet of aeroplanes armed must make haste out of here. Miss Roosevelt will press the fight for with bombs could wreck any warship Lancey." direct nominations. before guns could be trained on them. "Oh, call me Bettista, like you have Curtiss was flying about 45 miles an The congress o f American republics done,” begged Betty, mimicking the hour when he dropped the “ bombs” is in session at Buenos Ayres. name Meta had given her in the day and officials on the deck declared that of their broken dialect. "I like it bet A ll pupils in the Chicago public he was within accurate distance of ter.” schools will be taught to swim. rifle fire less than half a minute. Col "Anything, only make haste," cau A Hungarian aviator committed sui onel W illiam Allen Jones, retired, tioned Benonl. "W e cannot take you formerly o f the United States Engin women where we men have gone. cide because of a series o f mishaps. eer corps, who is an advocate of aero Time Is life Just now." Germany denies any intention of an planes for coast defense, stated after Meta aided Betty to don some heavy tagonizing the United States in N ica the trials his belief that the air ma wraps of panther skin, brought h raguan matters. chine has proved its efficacy. stockings and the dancing slippers, so “ The armored battleship is ap The house of commons passed the economically used because they were the only shoes the American girl pos woman suffrage bill to its second read proaching its last days as an engine of sessed and her feet were not inured ing, but it probably will not get any attack against a city or country guard ed by aeroplanes,” he said. the hard ground and cold stones like further. “ I believe a fleet o f a score of air Meta's. Henonl had stowed some pro Cattle rustlers are said to have machines would absolutely protect any visions in a leather wallet and Meta carried a similar bag heavy and hard. killed some of their Indian competitors coast city. A night flight by such a "What have you there, my wife?" in Southern Idaho, and considerable in fleet not only would probably demolish dignation has been aroused. questioned the black. an entire fleet of battleships, hut would “ A few of the Jewels," she answered, A fter a long conference on Alaskan so demoralize the crew o f the attacked "I thought we might need them. No. affairs, President T aft has decided to vessels as to make them useless.” there are not many left.” Curtiss also dropped oranges over a They were an odd cavalcade. Be send Attorney Genera! Wickersham fortification marked out on the beach, non! was at the head of the proces and Secretary Nagel to Alaska to make making practically every shot a “ hit,” sion, then Johnny, close behind him a personal investigation. although the trajectory was sometimes Betty, with City Editor Burton tug It is reported that the huge glacier as great as 30 degrees, because of the gtng at a leash, then Larry, and last in Rainy Hollow, near Haines, Alaska wind and his speed. of all Meta, Each of the men carriad is moving 12 feet per day. Earth Walter Brookins’ flight here was a pistol, and Meta had put a tiny re quake disturbances are believed to sensational, the adept driver gliding volver Into Betty’s hand. They went down the steps, retracing their way have accelerated its speed. his machine toward the ocean until its along the same corridors down which Dr. G. Stanley Hall, professor of runners were submerged in a breaker. Tyoga had brought Betty so many psychology at Clark university, W or He arose safely and glided to the weeks before. In the lower passage cester, Mass., says girls about 16 seem beach. three pigeons flew out and rested on to have no souls. He says they are Betty's shoulder, hovering there an In nothing but “ rats,” fudge and giggles, stant, then darting away, up towards the rain-gray sky. Henry W. Savage, noted playwright, The boat that awaited them was has severed all connection with the smaller model of the yacht that had Klaw & Erlanger theatrical syndicate, borne Betty across seas, and of less and will hereafter allow his plays to Washington— Evidence that the en elaborate construction. Benonl dlsap be used only by independent houses, deavors of Secretary Knox to bring peared below deck to a location similar The late Chief Justice Fuller left an about a concert of action of the powers to the one where Le Malheureux had to obtain the neutralization of the been wont to station himself. Betty, estate valued at over a million. looking backward through the arch Manchurian railroad and to further the Three were killed and four hurt in way, saw to her surprise hundreds f construction of another railroad in stalwart negroes embarking from t powder explosion near Ottawa, Ont. Manchuria and Mongolia had. in real fleet of bouts that hud suddenly ap An offer to arbitrate has been made ity, the opposite effect of cementing peared upon the swollen bosom of the by 50,000 striking cloakmakers of New relations between Russia and Japan, river. She started to cry out, but York City. was manifested when the text o f the Meta's hands closed over her mouth. Health officers of N ew York City Manchurian convention between those The yacht ducked Its nose to the water seized 4,500,000 ice cream cones, two nations was received in Washing and went spinning along the tunnel. ton. 'Benonl, Benonl," called Meta, when claiming they contained boric acid. The convention is a brief document they had gone a distance of several The University of Michigan has — so short as to be remarkable among rods. "They have come! They are granted the degree of Master of Arts the important treaties of modern times there! I must help him," she added to the Americans, and followed her hus to a girl graduate only 17 years old — but it tells the story o f the com band below stairs. During naval maneuvers off the plete understanding of two nations only Doings of the World at Large Told in Brief. I ndustrial development and PROGRESS OF OUR HOME STATE W ILL M AK E W H E A T RECORD. O W Y H E E P R O JE C T R U SH E D . Weather Ideal for Wheat and a Boun tiful C rop Will Be Harvested. Engineer Called to Chicago After In quiry on Irrigation Plans. Wasco— From Wasco to the Shaniko hills, a distance of 40 miles; from this place to the John Day, about 12 miles, and about an equal distance to the Des chutes river, wheat is ripening very fast. Sherman county intends to make a record for itself in wheat production this season and while it is not likely that all previous records will be bro ken, the showing of the grain fields is pleasing to all concerned. Cool weather at a time when the moisture in the ground was not too plentiful, was the saving grace this season. For several weeks weather conditions in Sherman county have been close to the ideal, and the grain has in consequence ripened very slow ly, but surely. During the critical period— when the fall wheat was put in the “ dough,” hot weather would have pulled down the prospects to an alarming degree. While it is very true that the spring sown wheat is not all out of danger, with present weather conditions con tinued for awhile longer, nothing ex cept a strike of harvesters could possi bly stop Sherman county from giving an unusually good account of a very good all around wheat producing sec tion. Good farming is one of the secrets of Sherman’s generally good showing, and whenever nature helps out a little, the outcome looks like magic. Sher man county wheat growers know how to farm and they are practicing what they know. Ontario— George H. Binkley, field engineer for th e. Arnold Construction company, of Chicago, has been called to the home office of the company to consult the Trobridge-Njver company relative to the plans and specifications for the Owyhee irrigation project, which covers the Kingman colony ani Gem projects also. Mr. Binkley took with him the data gathered during the past year concerning this project, and upon his return the plans will be sub mitted to the engineer selected by the water users of the district. The plans afterwards will be submitted to the state engineer for his approval and the district will then be in shape to re ceive bids on the construction of the reservoirs and canals. Secretary W . L. Blodgett, of the district, at the meeting of the directors in Nyssa, was instructed to investigate the quali fications of several engineers, who are applicants for the position of local en gineers for the district. The directors w ill meet again soon, when it is ex pected an appointment will be made. tnd the police—of course It’s foolish of C H A P T E R X VI.— (Continued.) hem, hut the police, you know, think One bit of documentary evident le may know something about her dis- that materialized in the Hackleye hom ippearance, and they’re holding him at Cairo was bruited about in all th III they find her." papers. On the fly leaf of a French Bible, ir “ Is he In jail?” asked Mrs. Har ourt. a woman’s hand—an odd hand wltl "Why, yes," admitted Philip, “ but peculiarly forcible strokes— were thes hey've made him very comfortable entries: Vou can be comfortable even In Jail •‘Married January 10, 1899, Ceriss ou know. He doesn't seem to be Corella Wayne, daughter of Desire minding It much.’ and John Francis Wayne, and Ham leye Hackleye, third son of Sir Waite "Sometimes I have thought—of late —I don't know, hut there seems to oe and Lady Evelyn Hackleye. i shadow between my husband and "Born, November 1st, 1000, to Ce rlsse Corella Wayne Hackleye and me. What Is It? I know and yet cannot tell. Answer me, are there two Hamleye Hackleye, a son, Waite Me’s? Else why have I seen myself Hamleye Hackleye. walking In the garden when I was “ Born, October 15, 1901, to Cerlss T O HEAR C O P E N H A G E N M A N . sick, so sick, and In my bed? Why Corella Wayne Hackleye and Hamley Hackleye, a daughter, Paula Ceriss* have I seen myself beneath tha trees caressing my husband when I was in Hackleye.“ Will Address State Dairy Association; Gradually there became fixed more the house with my baby on my knee? Father o f Industry. What is It? And why? I cannot till securely the public idea that Hackley derstand at a ll!” Portland— Dairymen of the W illam had murdered his wife. And the grow Philip tried to soothe her. Ho fear ette valley wi|J be given an opportun Ing impression was that Hackleye and ity of hearing one of the greatest ex Harcourt were one and the same, but ed she had overtaxed herself and blamed himself. He rose to go, hut she perts in dairying in the world, lecture the most inexplicable of all was th dual resemblance between the two detained him. when Professor Bernhard Boeggild, of “ No, don’t !” she pleaded. “ You rest women, but at that the Man-Aperil the Royal Danish Agricultural college me. Just like the cool water does a la puzzled. at Copenhagen, arrives here July 18. Mark Flanders, the old attorney from weary throat. My throat doesn’t burn Although Portland wus not in the whom Hackleye had rented the hous* any more like It used to. I wonder eminent authority’s itinerary, through RACE C O U R S E T O BE C LE A R . at 94 Briarsweet place, was so upse why. They don't give me so much the efforts of Philip Bates, publisher by the sensation in which the staid old medicine here uny more. Harold used of the Pacific Northwest, he has been to give It to me all the time. My head borne was figuring that he nearly wen Government to Patrol River During induced to come here and address and feels so much lighter than It did—as If wild. As it was, he cut short his Eu Astoria Regatta. visit with the people for three days— ropean trip, and came home in a Jiffy It would tilow away." Dr. Fotherglll had come in the room Astoria — For the first time in the July 18, 19 and 20. to see that the beloved old homestead while Mrs. Harcourt was speukln«. At The professor and his wife will reach history of the Astoria regatta the was not whittled to bits by enterpris the last words a triumphant look course on the river will this year be Portland Sunday, July 17, but immedi ing sleuths who were seeking furthe for secret pussages und subterranean flashed across the physician's face, and officially taken notice of by the Fede ately upon their arrival Mr. Bates will her lips formed the words, "I told you ways. ral government. Steps are now in whisk them down the Willamette val Mrs. Desterle died early in the fal> so." progress to this end, and that they will ley in an auto, where they will visit "1 don’t believe I ever want to go and her heart-broken husband took he successful is undoubted, as proceed the cities of Oregon City, Corvallis, their accumulated savings und went back to India," continued Mrs. Har ings are being taken through the prop Albany, Salem, Forest Grove and Mc home to Paris. Harold Harcourt was court, absently following the patterns er channel. A survey of the proposed Minnville. They will be entertained still stifling behind the bars of tin In the celling. "I feel so different here. course was made and submitted to Col by the commercial clubs of these cities Jail. The British government did not As It it were another life. And you, lector McGregor, who approved of it, and will visit many dairies on the trip. dear friend, you have been so kind, I come arid lead him out of captivity, and then forwarded it to the depart Harcourt's wife was slowly getting love your visits so. You must come Easterners Invest $90,000. ment of commerce and labor at W ash better in the hospital to which they oftener.” ington, which has authority over such Medford— A syndicate of Kentucky, Philip blushed under her unconven had removed her. There had been matters. He was well aware that Ohio and Indiana parties, represented shocking days of ravings so extraordi tionally. The survey was returned without ap by J. E. Thompson of Brown county, nary that the nurses had stood abash even under the guise of newspaper de ed at the horrors revealed; there had mands that a penniless |.?0-a-week ro- proval and a suggestion was made as Ohio, and J. W . Hogsett, of Rushville, been times when Mrs. Harcourt’s rorter had no right to cull too fre to a change in the survey. This has Ind., has closed a deal whereby they strength outranked that of even th quently upon the wife of an East In- )een done, and the resurvey re became owners of 620 acres two miles strongest attendants, and in her vio lian magnate, herself possessed of u turned, and when it is approved the de northeast of Eagle Point, paying $90,- lence she had essayed to kill herself, large fortune. Fartlculahly when this partment will promulgate a general or 000 for the property. The purchasers but oftenest she was weak as a sick said wife was u young, lovely and der directing that all vessels of every will incorporate and plant 300 acres kitten, and lay inert and helpless on seemingly unfortunate woman. character and description shall keep this winter to fruit, and the balance He made his adieu« confusedly. Dr. her narrow bed, moaning as if within (To be continued.) Atlantic coast one submarine was ac recently at war. Diplomatically, it is off the course during the hours of the next year. The property purchased lies Fotherglll followed him out into the her slender frame fermented the an cidentally rammed by another. N o a document with which masters of in races. The course will be patrolled by along the line of the Pacific & Eastern hall. "You must, as she says, come guish of the world. Philip Hurtle ternational law can find no fault. The government launches, and the master railroad, which will construct a siding COUNTED IN . lives were lost. came dally to see her. His quiet pres oftener," tlie doctor Insisted, with the treaty will be objected to neither by of any vessel violating the order will for the big orchard. mphusis of all gray-haired women. ence always had a calming effect upon A well known citizen of Tacoma Great Britain, Germany nor the U n i be subjected to a fine of $500. the sick woman, and she seemed n ".Site never speaks of herself except The o l d M a n A p p r e c i a t e d A t t e n t i o n s who came from Canada when a boy, is F ro m th e Y o u n g Peo p le. when you are here. It Is the only way recognize him. Philip called first be ted States. Engine to Haul Lumber. The buckboard stood In front of the found to not be a citizen of the United cause the paper sent him, and yet, ns to clear this thing up. Mind whut I Autos Will Carry Mails. Union— The first traction train, con say. And mutters are muddled badly steps and the crowd was gaily collect States, as his father was never natural the months drifted by and the Wayn E N G LIS H A V IA T O R KILLED. L ak ev iew — An automobile stage sisting of an engine and three cars, What ing. Old Mr. lleekman watched them ized. murder mystery was relegated grad enough now. goodness knows line, the first in Lake county, has been has begun the task of hauling lumber Idiots—Mr. Mor wistfully. It was Carol Frost who, ually from a first to a second, and then with two young Four children have been stricken for the Union Pine lumber company. to a fourth and even to a fifth pagt ris and Mr. Johnson—both heading for turning to call back a gay word to with paralysis in one family in Kansas. Trying to Land on Marked Spot, M a established between Lakeview and Paisley. S. B. Chandler has the con Heretofore the lumber from the Cath chine Collapses. place in the puper, he went because Africa on a wild goose chuse, Mrs. some one, noticed the lonely figure Two are dead. It is believed that tract for carrying mail and has estab erine creek country has been hauled by tcsterle’s death, and the disappear he wanted to, not confessing to him Bournemouth, England— In full view self why. Ho couldn't have told. 11« ance of Miss Lancey, thero has been with the pathetic eyes and dangling Hies carried the infection from one to of thousands of persons, Hon. Charles lished the new service to shorten the teams, but this year, owing to the trumpet. another. time between the- two places. The scarcity of teams, it was thought ad couldn't resist the emotion that drew far too much woe und ruin accumutut- Rolls, the daring young aviator, ‘Excuse me just a moment,” she I ut the feet of one murder. A tine him to the sick womun. A pioneer miner and prospector 100 whose feat of flying across the English question of carrying the mails in auto visable to try the traction engine as •t of police they have here. I must said to Juliet Beekman. “ I want to years old died at Butte, Mont., as the The most expert doctors were called mobiles was taken up with the depart motive power. The outcome o f this channel and back recently thrilled Eng In attendance. Mrs. Harcourt’s condi say. Come to-morrow, young man, speak to your grandfather.’ result of hardship endured in an effort land, fell 100 feet to his death when ment some time since, and Postmaster venture will be watched with much in come to-morrow." tion was most baffling. One day thei She ran back up the steps and held to keep mining property from being Miller was instructed to assist Mr. terest by other lumber companies. the tailpiece of his W right biplane drifted in an aunt of the Interne, Ami Philip needed but little urging. out her hand for the trumpet. Chandler in every w a y possible. wrested from him. suddenly snapped off, causing the ma gruy-huired doctor who had done mis Ills sentiments for the woman who was Prize Offered tor Apples. “W e are going to climb Old Bald, so slowly convalescing were far too she explained. "W e expect to reach sionary work in India for thlrty-llv The G ulf coast of Mississippi and chine to plunge with terrific speed to Corvallis— A t a meeting of the exe Surveyors Finsh W ork. years. The Interne discussed the cas tender to suit his reason, when he the top about noon. We have mirrors Louisiana is suffering from a scourage the ground. Newport — Morris W ygant has fin cutive committee of the Commercial with his aunt, and took her around to stopped to use It. Hut Philip wus The tragedy could not have been to signal with and a field glass. Won't of mosquitoes. Stock is being choked club a fund of $1,000 was voted to be see the patient. The old doctor—Foth- young, and youth is ever Irrational, so ished a location railroad survey along The wrecked aero to death by the swarms of mosquitoes more dramatic. used in premiums for the best exhibits ergill was her name examined tin- he counted each hour with Mrs. Har you wave to us? I am sure we could getting into their nostrils. the coast from Siletz bay to Yaquina plane struck the earth directly in front by Benton county apple growers at the young woman closely. court as rarer than the gems that fas see you.” bay. The preliminary survey was made of the grandstand. Rolls was dead November meeting of the State Horti Tha old man's face brightened. Hot weather is sending wheat prices “ I think, John," she said, niter sin- tened her hair, or her soft lounging before the doctors could reach his side. two years ago. W ygant would make cultural society in Portland. It is ex had looked at Mrs Harcourt, accord robes of wonderful texture and color “Surely! Surely!" He nodded eagerly. up. Wrapped about by the twisted and no statement, but from remarks drop ing to the prescribed ritual for medici ing. lie read to her, he played that I'll watch." President Diaz., of Mexico, advises tangled wreckage of the broken air ped around camp it is believed the pected that the premiums will interest Id Indian game, parchesl, with her. nal inspection, “ that the poor little many local growers of good fruit and All the morning he was restless and Taft to modify his Nicaraguan policy. ship, it was several minutes before his Spalding Lumber company, of Falls thing hus been drugged to death. They tnd one day proposed a game of cards, excited. He climbed to his room for that the showing at the meeting of the City, is behind the proposed railroad An aviator in a W right biplane mangled body could be extricated from do these things beneath the tropic suns hut the sight of tile pasteboards turn- his largest handkerchief, and went horticulturists this year will be an ex On the other hand, the United Rail very frequently. There are weird drugs d her faint, and she suffered a sink reached a height o f 6,175 feet at A t the mass. The doctors found that he ceptional one. ways company has let a 24-mile con ing spell that put her recovery back Into the house half a dozen times to lantic City, N . J. had sustained a fractured skull. put to queer purposes over then compare his watch with the clock. I f the falling plane had struck a few tract for a line into Tillamook, which Where they stop at murder, even by for weeks. Build Telephone Line. Finally the flashes appeared. A num A burglar serving three and a half feet more to the side, it would have is 25 miles above Siletz bay,. slow poison, death In life Is no more The Dalles—Thirteen tons of gal her of people wore watching, and an years in San Quentin, boasts that he crashed directly into the grandstand. CH APTER XVII. than u convenience to them If they so vanized telephone wire arrived here to Meta and Henonl made ready the re swered from the steps. In his corner has $18,000 cached in the hills. desire. I think she's drug-sick. Give Byllesby Will Commence W ork. be used in constructing telephone lines her light food, stimulants, and plenty past. Hetty and lairry und Johnny he waved his handkerchief alone. Explosion is Felt Atar. Eugene— Byllesby & Co., who re At the international aviation meet on the Warm Springs reservation. of morphine. It's the best reagent l \- traded experiences. He was walling when the crowd re just closed at Rheims, France, the cently purchased the gas and electric Pittsburg— A powder magazine at "Think, Hetty, think hard," urged turned. Carol went to him at once. found for those Indlscrlmlna e drugs monoplanes proved to be the best all- Cabot, Pa., exploded here killing one plant in Eugene, as well as numerous P O R T L A N D M AR K ET S. irry, "whut was it that stole you that grow over there. Also j powder "I brought you the prettiest stone around machines. person and injuring 20 others. The similar plants throughout the North that night, or who, and why?" I ’ll bring you." I could find on the top," she said. W heat — Bluestem, 87<ic88c; club, west, announce that they will lay seven "Tall me the whole story again,' The Interne quoted hl.s aunt to the Vital statistics of Kansas show a magazine was the property of the "I thank ye— thank ye kindly!" the miles of new gas mains in Eugene this 83(»84c; red Russian, 80c; valley, 84c. Standard Plate Glass company, and attending physicians. And because of mused the perplexed Hetty. "M y brain old man answered; and then, his eag large decrease in the birth rate, and contained 1,000 pounds of dynamite summer and will at once put 100 men Barley— Feed and brewing, $1907 20. the fame of Dr. Fotherglll. which I,.„I has slipped u revolution." the cause is said to be the great in Corn— Whole, $32; cracked, $33 ton. Bo the hoys recounted to her the erness conquering, "Are ye sure ye to work digging ditches for the mains. t raveled even across the broad and 5,000 pounds of blasting powder. terest in autoing. Hay— Track prices: Timothy, W il •lid the line of «ex. they listened to night In the Directory Hotel. As they saw me?" The man killed had gone to the maga The superintendent of construction is "Sure,” Carol answered. “You were Sunday, July 10, was the hottest zine to get powder for what she said. They r,.||„w,.,| ,,r proceeded Hetty's eyes widened, her quarries. already in the city, laying his plans lamette valley, $200/21 per ton; East face paled, and In her eagerness she standing right on this corner; the day of the season. Temperature at Shortly after he was seen to enter, the for the improvement. The gas manu ern Oregon, $220(24; alfalfa, new, $13 Kut hers Ilia advice ami «lowly but sure others were on the steps." Dayton, ¡Wash., was 104; Roseburg, explosion occurred and he was blown to facturing plant will be rebuilt. ly Mr* Harcourt began to Improve paced the floor excitedly, The @14. 'Oh, yes, yes, I remember now," she Ono day «he roused from her stm„,r The old man's face was almost radi Or., 98; Portland, Or., 97. Oats— No. 1 white, $260127 per ton. company says it will expend $250,000 fragments, leaving no clew as to how said. "1 went Into her room—what do ant. Some one had watched for him ■at up ami looked at her nurse*. Butter— City creamery extras, 30c; A fireman was knocked from the cab the powder became ignited. The in in rehabilitating the system. "I do not remember." she stammer ou say her name In— Mrs. Harcourt? — for him! fancy outside creamery, 290/30c; store, of a North Bank engine at Cascade and jured will all recover. ed "I cannot remember, and I’m Yes! Well, I went In there and I pre That was the way It began— the old nstantly killed, and his absence was 23c. Butter fat prices average l% c Lebanon Says Train Service Bad, «lad. for the hurt has all «one from tended I was III. And then she tele here.” phoned to the clerk and begged him to man's happy summer. Presently a few not discovered until the train had gone Gunboat Rests on Beach. Salem— The railroad commission re per pound under regular prices. E ggs— Oregon candled, 27c dozen; As «he «poke «he pressed one hau l send up and get me, and then I ran, others fell Into the habit of stopping seven miles and the steam began to run Provincetown, Mass.— With only a ceived a complaint from the citizens of Eastern, 25c. to her heart, anil the other to her heat! ran as fast as I could, and at the cor a minute or two to tell him of their low. bent periscope tube and a twisted rail Lebanon, Ore., o f the passenger ser Poultry — Hens, 190/20c; springs, There 1’hlllp Hartley found her wlion ner und then—well, I bumped Into trips: and when they had a "stripping The engineer and fireman of a St. ing around her conning tower to show vice afforded them between Lebanon something soft and furry, and—and— bee." at Carol’s suggestion he was in Louis passenger train prevented a rob 22,^0/.23c; ducks, 14c; geese, 100/12c; he came an hour later. He had a glow a result of her collision, the sub- and Albany on the Southern Pacific In« liuneh of aster» for her lavenders lon't laugh, but It smelt and felt the vited. It did not trouble him that he bery by slipping away from the robbers The complainants allege that turkeys, dressed, 22',0/25c; live, 20c; whites, soft pinks and ashes of roses same as that horrid, horrid beast—the could not hear: It was happiness in the darkness and dashing to the en marine torpedo boat Bonita proceeded ! line- squabs, $3 per dozen. to the Charlestown navy yard, leaving the Southern Pacific passenger trains “Sweet flowers with their colors Man-Aperllla, you know! And I don't enough to be doing something with Pork— Fancy, I2'.,(i/T3c per pound. gine, where they jumped aboard and are seldom on time and its coaches are the gunboat Castine, which had to be burned away," she murmured as she know any more except being sick, as other p«'ople. Ills old. trembling fingers V eal— Fancy, 110/Tl ^ e per pound. got the train under way before the inadequate to comfortably carry pa beached to prevent her from sinking reached out for them There was the 1 told you, and waking up on board Green Fruits— Apples, Oregon N e w fumbled eagerly over the fragrant fir. robbers realized that they were being trons from Lebanon to Albany. after the Bonita came upon her off ■ame Innocent friendliness between hat yacht, and getting here!" town, $2 per box; new, $1.750/2; cher Juliet did not wholly like it. "You tricked. Cape Cod. The plates along the star Now, who could that I.e Malheu- these two pure-souled ones as there ries, 5o/12‘ .jc per pound; apricots, might huve been between two sera- reux have been?" asked I.arry, "and mustn't let grandfather bother," she board side o f the Castine were opened Gold Find Arouses Town. Count Apponyi, a leading Hungarian $1.250/1.50 per box; currants, $2.250/! told Carol. phlma. why «lid they want to steal you?" for a distance as great as the length of Marshfield— It is reported here that 2.40; pears, new. $1.35; peaches, 500i "Maybe It was Ilenonl,” suggested “ He doesn’t," Carol answered, quiet politician, has warm praise for Roose the Bonita. The gunboat lies easy o "Your flowers of the north eoun- there has been much gold found in the 85c; raspberries, $10/1.25 per crate; trles seem so pale -and .vet so pure." Johnny He took us to her, maybe he ly. " It Isn't a bother; It's a pleas velt. soft bottom. mountains about 30 miles southeast of loganberries, 40c0/$l; blackcaps $1.25 the contlnuew. as she burled her face brought her heA." ure." The first death from bubonic plague Myrtle Point. There is a rush of "Oh, Henonl!" called I-arry, "did you within the aiiuggy petals. "Hut they @ 1.50 per box; blackberries. $1.75. A month after she reached home in three years has occurred in Hon France May Change Time. people from Myrtle Point to the sup- steal this girl?" have no perfumes-----” Carol received a package and a note olulu. Paris— The cabinet has decided .to posed rich district. For many years . '¡j ° e8, ( h o c per "Ah. yes. they have," denied Hart Henonl clinched his hands at the Ths package contained an old medal. that ’ ’ " C per pound; cab- uggestlon. "I steal her?" he raged. ley. "We have rose «unions here, loo. President Taft has withdrawn 35,- aubmit a bill for the adoption of West- ' mining has heen carried on in in mat bage, 2 J i@ 2 ^ c ; cauliflower, $2 per The note was from Juliet. And I with a w ife!" and violet beds In sprln«tlme. and car 073,164 acres of coal land in North and ern European time in France. During part of the state, but never ** l’al dozen; celery, 90c; cucumbers, 500È "Poor grnndfather left us last week." the old days of enmity toward England well, nations In June, when the roses are "Nonsense," said Hetty. "H e does South Dakota. 60c; eggplant, 1 2 ^ c p e r pound; head the French steadily refused to accept sweet; and mignonette, and flowering not talk like la* M.tlheureux, and—well Juliet wrote. "H e wasn't HI; he Just lettuce, 500/60c per dozen; green fell nsleep one night and did not wake A receiver has been named for the standard time, maintaining the solar 1 don't feel the repulsion for him I Prizes for Apples Offered, almond, syrlngu. and sweet alyasuin— P*aa. 2c per pound; rad- we have our perfumes, too. my lady had for I.e Malmeureux. I don't know again. Afterward we found this old j Rcaton Herald, which is bankrupt with time of Paris, which is nine minutes Salem— As a premium for the best ?n' on*’ But they're not musk-laden like your what It was, I can't explain It. I shlv- school medal marked with your name $2,200,000 indebtedness. slower. The confusion resulting, es- apple exhibit from Marion county ; lO ^ M r TOund ^ I n ^ t î 6" ! ^ feverish India.” r still!” You won't care for It, I know, but I pecially in telephone communications at the State Horticultural society h r.,. _ ' sack> Experts say that oiling o f roada and "Feverish India,” mused Mrs. Har Perhaps It was Man-Aperllla who send It for his sake We misa him with England, aa well as the change in show in Portland in November, the - Parsnips, <• » S I . court. "I wonder If It Is so! I am ,o stole you, Betty," volunteered Johnny. more than we would have thought pos- street* goes s long ways toward ex Franco-English . L'__ i : . « . _________ _■ __ ,_____ j , . , • . . . roia to es Old Oregon, 75cf//$l per relations, is _______ tesponsi- Salem board of trade has just offered much better to-day. I can't remember You remember you went out to the alble. I wish I had the chance to talk terminating flies and mosquitoes. hundred: new, l '^ c per pound. ble for the decision. $25. A local concern has also offered anythin«; It's all s dim, «ray waste !n park for the Inquirer with a photo- Onions— W alla W alla, $2.50 sack. to hhn again— he wanted so little, and a barrel of spray for the best box of San Diego Cal., would elect A. G. my head, hut It doesn't hurt any more, rapher to get the brute's picture. Cattle— Beef steers, good to choice, we were so thoughtless.” Parents o f 13 Honored. Spitzenberg apples grown in the W il Spalding, vrteran sport and sporting and I’m so «lad. My husband—where Have you forgotten? Perhaps ha fell $4.75(1/ 5 25; fair to medium, $4@4.50; Carol touched the tittle old medal lamette valley. Is h e r goods manufacture, for U . S. senator. Pensacola, Florida — Mr. and Mr*. In love with your charms, and stole cows and heifers, good to choice, $4.25 It was the flrst time she had asked you to make you his bride, like Larry tenderly. It had cost sometimes, that: Baroeri. of thia city, received from A select commission from parlia N/4.65; fair to medium, $3.500/4; summer— but she was so glad now.- about Hareourt. Hartley hesitated here Is going to do." Woolen Mill Busy. Governor Gilchrist a handsome spoon ment has recommended a raise of $65,- bulls, %3oi4; stags, $30/4; calves, He did not know whether to break the "H e might have stolen me." admit Youth's Companion. bearing the seal of the state o f Flori Bandon— Manager Bedillion o f the 000 per year in the salary of King light, $5.600/6.65; heavy, $40/5.25. blessed peaca that surrounded her. lie ted Hetty, "but, Johnny, don't be non da. The w ife is now only 37 years old, Bandon Woolen Mills has just closed By Pr««*y. George. Hogs— Top, $9 750/10.25; fair to did not know what to tell her. Final sensical I" but Mr. and Mrs. Barberi are the par- another big contract with the Detroit medium, $ 8 . 50079 ~ 5 o" The king Is going to try to raise! ly he decided to tell the truth — a rash "About what?" asked Johnny Without warning or explanation the enta of 13 children. Governor Gil- firm for which he has been manufac- Sheep— Best wethers thin« alwaya. "About Larry marrying you? A man some pin money by starring his court Western Union cut off it* tucket shop christ suggested that the legislature hiring goods'in'the past.' T h e « n t « c t fa H t o ^ T e t l T e ^ V l ^ O ^ q 2« . 4^ ; "Why, Mlaa laincey disappeared, you doesn’t risk his fool neck like latrry's Jester* In vaudeville H r o U . m i r . » w i r o « in t*»n o f »H o l.r«s-.> * » ♦ - • „ •„♦ » k . ________* __________ : _____ « r .. » _____ . ... * ‘ # o . .V •<?! «S. 7 5 ; b e s t "H e « try to live by his wits. « H ? -_ |>rokPra Kt’ J*'™ * ln ten of >a rK « P*** »n «et allowing the parents a pen- is sufficiently large to keep the mill ewes, $3.75/i/4; Iambs, choice, $5.50(3 know; or do you remember the young done for you If he Isn't coin« to marry _____ City Time*. I '* * of “ * E* st* ,ion- | running at full blast for • year. (I I I who went to your room th*< niaht. tbs woman at tbs and of tbs risk." 6.85; fair, $4.50(a5. JAPAN AND RUSSIA SIGN CLOSE COMPACT