For all kinds of plumbing ma­ Mosier People Picnic I Saturday’s School Meeting Birthday Party terial, see Forslund. While many of the Mosier The school meeting held last A pleasant party for a few of Miss Grace Husbands, of Port- people spent the Fourth at The Saturday afternoon at the school- the boy friends of Bernard Nich­ land, is spending several weeks Dalles, there were some who hnuse.w asw ella^endednrden- ol was given on Tuesday even­ TO L E T . ; in Mosier with relatives. stayed at home. About 35 of thusiastic. in fa c was en- ing from 5 to 8 o’clock at the Furnished Rooms, by week or i W L Dresbach arrived home these ^paired to a beautiful couraging to the few who gener- Nichol home on Washington month, in private family. Apply 1 safely Tuesday from Portland »rove on R<*k Creek, taking ally have the burden of routine street, the occasion being the D. W. H udson , P.O. B ox 155, i where he spent the Fourth. ’ ! wel1 filled ba8ket8’ ro»ie 8winKs- work to carrv- to see so many fourteenth anniversary of Ber­ Mosier, Ore. hammocks, blankets, pillows and ; of the residents of the district nard’s birth. Refreshments a-22t f. ( H. II. Nielsen is working in everything necessary to add to present and take such a lively in- were served and games were lag. iBiiee Special the blacksmith shop during Mr. | the pleasure of a lazy day in the terest in the proceedings. played, after which Mrs. Nichol 2 1-2 in. Wagons with bolster-spring and FOR SALE Husband’s absence in California. beautiful shady woods. The meeting was called to or- treated tiie boys to ice cream at spring seat, $100100 Two fresh milch cows, Apply ■*85.00 After a bountiful dinner to der at 2:30 by the chairman, Geo. th e d r u g store. Bernard's 2 3-4 in. Wagons, same as abowe, Miss Grace Hodge, of Hood or Bulletin to W. H. K erslake , 80 90.60 office. ¡River, attended the dance given which every one did a little more Wood, who, after the reading of guests were: James Carroll, 3-in. Wagons, same as above, •115.00 '95.00 -------------------------------------- in Stroup’s Hall on Monday than full justice, the afternoon the minutes of the special meet- Stark Akers, Ed Sturgess, Willie 3-in. half .truck, gear only, wide tire, 95.00 75.00 was spent in speaking, singing, ing, which explained the call for Depee and Shelley Hudson, and 1 1-4 in. platform Spring Wagon, with'brake, 135i00 No job too small or too big fo r1 n'ifht. ISfuOO 13L 00 me to figure on. See Forslund About fifteen couples danced “ loafing” and social chat. To this meeting, called for expres- it is safe to say that they all 1 1-8 in. Studebaker 1st grade Buggy, Heather those who did not care for a sion of opinions of those pres- wished there was a birthday an­ top rand brake, 125.00 IlOOiOO Go to the Mosier Lumber Co. some merry hours away at “strenuous” day in hot, crowded !ent regarding the erection of an niversary every day in the week. 15-16th Studebaker Buggy, same a s apove, M 0 .-0 0 looioe Stroup’s Hall, last Monday night. ,£or your sash, doors, screens etc. better way could have addition to the sehoolhouse. It 15-16th “ “ ~ *** “ 1 0 0 .0 0 85.00 All report a good time. Fred Forslund returned Wed­ been devised for enjoying one- was unanimously decided that an Studebaker Jra roars. Church of Christ Notes. 8.50 6 .5 0 nesday night from a business! Frank Ginger, alias Charlie self. addition was needed, and the We desire to call to your at­ 1 Bennett, is behind the bar—no Among those present w ere: method of raising funds for the trip to Portland. tention that Bro. Swander, our George Sturgess came up from counters, at A. Stewart’s during Mrs. Geo. Wood and Marian project was discussed. Argu- Oregon Secretary, will begin a Portland last Sunday and spent C. B.’s absence on a fishing trip. Wood, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. ments in favor of bonding the meeting here on July 17. Come the Fourth with his parents. John Burggraf, who has been Stark, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Akers district, and of a special tax levy and hear the Gospel in its sim­ and family, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. were given, but when put to vote plicity. M osier, O regon. Mrs. E. L. Howe returned attending to business matters at Ilaackeand family, Mr. and Mrs. the result was 19 to 1 in favor of Next Lord’s Day morning we the County seat for several days, Tuesday evening from a few J. K. McGregor, Mrs. Harry Da­ bonding. will h e a r State Convention days’ visit with relatives in Port­ returned home Wednesday even­ vis of Prineville, Harold Davis, It was decided to build and Echoes, to be given by Elder Mrs. Robt. Glenn, wnno has ing. land Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Kibbee and finish two rooms the size of the Geo. L. Carroll. Come and hear been here visiting her daughter, A. P. Nelson came up from Wm. Vogt, who recently sold family, Miss Foster, of Brooklyn, , present rooms, and bids for the him. In the evening the subject Mrs. F. A. Shogren, for a fort-1 Portland on Sunday last and bis interests in the real estate N. Y„ Mr. and Mrs. Kimber, of j building will be called for. It is will be “Cunningly Devised night, returned the first of the week to Portland, accompanied went out to his homestead, south­ firm of Burggraf & Vogt to F. Camas, Wash., Mr and Mrs. hoped to have the addition fin- Fables” . Hear some of them. by her granddaughter, Miss Ma­ Razors put in first-class condition. A. Wilfert, has decided to open Frank Ginger and little son, ished in time for the opening of east of town. H. C a m p b e l l C l a r k , rie Shogren. a gents’ furnishing store In Parke and James Sturgess, Mr. the Fall term. Minister. W. E. Chown and family re­ White Salmon. Slagle and family, and a number; The school board feel gratified turned Tuesday from. Portland Frank Goyette, of Elsmore, of others who dropped in during at the general interest and unan- where they spent the Fourth Kansas, was in town yesterday, the afternoon. The day wasjimity of the progressive spirit CALL ON with relatives. Notary Public visiting Mi-s. McLane, a former most pleasantly spent by all. It j manifested by the residents of D. G. Copple and family re­ resident of Elsmore. Mr. Goy­ afforded the childred a good the district, and the bright out- JiM STU RG ESS DAVID JtO&INSON, M. 3.1. and turned on Tuesday from Hepp- ette has been making a tour of time, and the older folks appre-! look for greatly improved school Fire Insurance For Bargains in ner, where they have been visit­ the Pacific states and was re­ dated the rest and relaxation facilities, ¡P hysician and .S urgeon Mosier Oregon ing a few days. from every day cares. Mrs. Geo. j - - - - - - - ■*— turning home. REAL ESTATE. Miss Alice Mosier came up You will save on horse feed by Wood performed the duties of j The Mosier Lumber Co. can ........ ........ and unim- MOSIER OREGON I deal ........... in improved from Portland last Saturday buying one of those whips at chaperone very happily and each ; fill your orders for lime, cement, proved fruit lands in the Mosier REAL E ST A T E one voted the day a great sue- brick and plaster, evening and will spend several Foisiund’s. district. List your properties cess. weeks with her father. Leading Dealers in Now is the time to buy th a t! with ME and Among Mosier visitors at Hood If you have anything to sell, __ _ _ , I piping and put in your water i SECURE QUICK RESULTS. C. A. MeCargar and family River yesterday were Mr. and Operated On l*or see me as I am in a position ORCHARDS and IRUITLAND Appendicitis ¡works before it advances. See ,.and J. K. McGregor left on Tues­ Mrs. C. G. Nichol, Mrs. W. A. J a m e s A. S t u r g e s s , to handle good buys in short “.Jack” Burtchett, our popular Forslund. in large and small tracts. day for a week’s outing and fish­ Stark, Mrs. R. M. Ross, Mrs. El­ butcher, went toThe Dalles Hos­ order. B U L L E T IN B U IL D IN G . ing at Trout Lake, Wash. mer Root and Leslie Webb. pital last week to be operated on j (It pays to list your property I now have parties waiting M O S IE R . O R E G O N . Sanitary Fittings W. R. Fessenden, a brother-in Mrs. Harry Davis, after visit­ for appendicitis. The operation with us.) for 160 to 320 acres dose entirely successful, and the law of R. M. Ross, arrived Mon­ ing a fortnight with her hus­ was physicians think he can return in at a reasonable price. day from Kansas. He will as­ band’s mother, Mrs. J. K. Mc­ home about Sunday. MoGtegm- f t BotlVfur, H. G. K I B B E E Also a good buy in 40 acres 5 or __ ___ ^ sist Mr. Ross in the bank. Gregor, left yesterday to visit 6 miles out. Must be cheap. MOSIER - OREGON Geo. Carroll and family re­ her relatives at Yakima, Wash. N O T A R Y P U B L IC turned Saturday from Turner, M o s ie r - - - O regon Ore., where they attended the Hotel Changes Hands state convention of the Christian On the first of this month The MOSIER - - o reg o n Mosier L um ber Co. Church. Pines Hotel changed manage­ MOSÖTR ------------.'j G eo . H aacke , Pies. Gordon Graham, who has been ment. John Wellberg, who has RESTAURANT SUMMONS. All kinds of Building confined to his bed several days conducted this hostelry for sev­ For sale by Burggraf & Wil,- IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE with illness is slowly recovering. eral years, leased it to Mis. A. Material on hand, in­ STATE OF OREGON FOR WASCO Jim Sturgess has been holding M. Niles, of Alaska. Mrs. Niles fert in all parts of Mosier Dis­ MEALS AT ALL HOURS cluding lath end shingles COUNTY. is a lady of years’ experience in trict. Fine Bargains. See us down his job at the depot. Estimates given for ma­ buying elsewhere. W e' s!,ou1,1 l,e cvery moi,l'rn batliroora- the hotel business and takes before Agnes Lee, Plaintiff, , .I* , * . . ' Not merely healthy in their construc- have small and large tracts, le n 1 Miss Lucile Clemens, of Port­ charge with the assurance to the terial for building. , , BAKERY vs. tion, but neat and cleanly in their ap­ land, who is teaching school in public that its wants will be care­ acre tracts that we can sell you pearance. We are expert sanitary Augustus F. Lee, Defendant. IN CONNECTION M O S I E R - - OREGON the Greenwood district, spent fully looked after. at the right price on easy terms. Plumbers with a practical reputation, To Augustus F. Lee, the defendant — ; above named: All cor respondence promptly ! and a record for excellent work. We the Fourth in town as the guest In the name of the State of Oregon, | answered. We will take care of ■ [lo new plumbing or attend to repairs of Dr. and Mrs. N. Johnson. LECTURE y()l( | in a most workmanlike manner. Our A ll B u s in e s s e n t r u s t e d TO j you are hereby required to appear and | W e ll W ork | answer the complaint filed against you [ ¡charges, considering the quality of our Miss Bertha Booth, who has Rev. Albert Ehrgott, pastor of T h e C a r e o f t h e W ell D ome j in the above entitled suit! on or before been the guest of Mrs. Amy L. the Central Baptist Church, of B urggraf & W ilfe rt work’are a(in,i.ttL,dly low- Gove, at Hood River, for a week, Portland, will deliver a lecture th e ........ summons, ...................... The undersigned ts thoroughly publication of this hereinaf- T h. Reliable Dealer, G o U L D & SN Y D ER. came up to Mosier on Monday to entitled, “ Scenes through our of The Dalles. Oregon te r s ta te d , and if you fail to ap p earan d prepared to put dtAvn open wells attend the dance, leaving Tues­ Bungalow Window, or Actual Ex­ MOSIER - - OREGON HOOD RIVER - - OREGON answer said com plaint, the plaintiff will in any part of the surrounding WILL HAVE PROMPT ATTENTION apply to the court fo r the re lie f p rayed country. H a s •& ■OOSnplelte *OUtfit, periences i n India” , Tuesday day afternoon for Portland. Capital - - $ 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 .0 0 fo r in h er com plaint, nam ely; f o r a c*i- including piipe CuOti’ng and thiPead- evening, July 12, at the Baptist BOOKS. STATIONERY, PERIODICALS and SCHOOL E. T. Johnson and two sons, of Church. A number of articles Surplus and undivid- 1 voree ,fr?m , d efen d an t upon th e b ig tools. Does ail kinds o f ce- ed profits 8U P P U E S OLD BOOKS BOUGHT, SOLD and Portland, came up on Monday from India will be exhibited. >fits - 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 .0 0 ant) p e rm ittin g the plaintitf to assum e a n i concrete work, er nam o f Agnes Atinea Leslie. i H a s had n a n 30 v years’ o o r o ’ experience •* “ J. S. SCHENCK, P r e s id e n t j her form former name e of Has in last and went out to the ranch The lecture will be Itoth instruc­ EXCHANGED - SUBSCRIPTIONS TAKEN FOR E n M W it tja m s M ay A V o p t Y ou are notified that this summons is the well business. May be found south of town. Mr. Johnson re­ tive and amusing, and a rare ANY PERIODICAL AT PUBLISHERS’ PRICES. ' v Vice Pres. ‘ r Cashier U- served upon you by publication for six by addressing him at The Dalles weeks in the Mosier Bulletin by order ~ Local Agent for The Oregonian. turned home on Wednesday, the treat is in store for those who at­ of the court made May 17, 1910, di- Ore., or inquire at Maier <® boys remaining to do some work tend. ------- - ------------------------------------------- recting that said summons be so pub- Schanno’s store, The Dalles, Or. JA S . E. C O L E . at the ranch. lished for a period o f six weeks from ! A r> Mirr.TTc There will he no charges at the JOHN G. ZOLLS & SONS the date of the first publication thereof. ' ' A loor. A free-will offering will George Chamberlain reports The date of the first publication \>f j Contractors in Stone, Brick and Con this summons is May 20, 1910. .«KÜISII«*4 ►*+++»'■ the sale, within the week, of 160 be token after the lecture. crete Work W. H. WILSON, DR. H , L DUMBLE Every one is urged to attend, acres of the Nancy Blakeney es­ Hood River Attorney for Plaintiff. Oregon -- tate to Messrs. E. D. McKee and * PHYSTCIAN and SVTRGEON J. P. Yates, also 160 acres be­ A Perfect Town longing to Wm. Davidson to the A perfect town, says an ex­ HOOD RÌVER : OREGON same parties. change, is that in which you see DEALER IN the farmers all patronize the Quite a delegation of Mosier- home merchants, the merchants W® piractrce in Mosrer awd ites went to The Dalles on Sun­ all patronize their neighbors for » . a . muss. Prop. day morning to attend the big goods they do not handle them­ May he Teached by long c T ts - celebration. Others went up on selves. th e laborers spending tance phone, Home phone 61. money they earn with thei the evening train, while more their tradesmen, and all animated 1 y .... ...............-, ^ — t went up Monday morning. They a spirit that they will not pur- report a good time. HIDES! HIDES!! HIDES!« rh ise articles abroad if they can be bought at home. The spirit Call at the BULLETIN office and D. M. McLaughlin and wife of reciprocity between merchants and Arilla Burkhart, of Port­ and mechanics, tradesmen and C orner 2nd an d W ash as in g to n . Sts. land, were in town last Sundav manufacturers, results in time in and and drove out to look at a tract making the town a perfect one -«k»0*0 the fight at Reno, to lie shown, A splendid assortment in all ages for just one-half We must make room for our fall stock and then we want Boys’ Suits at Special 1'rices. Summer weights. And suits with as th y only serve as a red rag you to try one of these suits any way. We know what their value. There’s some Big Bargains in this lot. plain knee pants. they are and we want you to know. to a bull and riots follow. A T COST — LOCAL — During the month o f JMy I \rill sell For Cash, Studebaiker Wagons, Hacks and Buggies a t prices below;— Alex. Steward MOSIER B a r b e r Shop Alex. Stewart Fruit Lands D. D. HAIL First National Bank sixj eeks fT ‘he date of I / /, K COLE. flrV; A. E. L AKE “The Popular Clothier T he PINES HOTEL Men's Clothing, Furnishings | K j and Shoes ji Good Accommodations I THE j D A LLES, OREGON I Rates $1.00 per day and up ^ J\10SIERy OREGON TH E P A R I S F A I R Hart, Schaffner & Marx Suits Flamilton & Brown Oxfords and Slippers