PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY j BY M0SIER BULLETIN Hi C. KIBBEE, Proprietor SUBSCRIPTION RATES .$1.50 One ".%ar.. Six Months.................................................................T5 Three Months.............................................................. 50 Entered as second-class matter March 12, 1909, at the post office at Mosier, Oregon, under the A ct o f i March 3.1879. Motie School Room Needed. AVERTISING RATES Professional Cards......... ............. One square................................... , v per month $ .$• ** ** One-quarter Column....................... ** ** One-half Column.........7 .................** M One Column...................................... ** ** j . q § 3. go 5.50 9 .0 9 Business locals will be charged at 5 cents per line for each insertion. Legal advertisements will in all cases be charged VOL. II to the party ordering them, at legal rates, and . MOSIER, WASCO COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, JUNE 24, 1910 ning o f time till’ now and that! ‘ FINE LAUNDRY WORK’’ done by child labor in one d a y! there is no comparison possible.: Done with neatness and dispatch The latter is so much worse that the difference; approximates the Hood River laundry Company infinite. Yet alL the power of j J. E. COLE, M osiek A g e n t the state can he brought to bear1_____ against the fight without much apparent difficulty, while in or­ der to protect the children there must be a tedious legislative pro­ cess supplemented by endless e f­ forts in the courts, and. after all CAY YOWELL, Mgr. the evil goes on much the same. Why do we pay so much heed to Harness and Saddlery Goods appearances and so little to reali­ Tents, Wagon Covers, Etc ties? Is it another evidence that Hand-made Harness a Specialty i mankind is largely a race of fools, as the great British scold H O O D RIVER - OREGON telJb us?—Oregonian. NO. 16 paid for before affidavits are furnished. See The question o f more room, ia Mosier’ s school house for the ac­ commodation of the rapidly in­ creasing number of pupils, now confronts the board of directors and the patrons generally. For the past year or two the teachers have been greatly handicapped in that there are too many classes and grades for two to handle with justice ta themselves, the pupils He can make your watch keep time and the parents. Every parent wants to know that his child is getting proper cgre and instruc­ tion in his studies. No teacher can give this, no matter how good an instructor she may be, oí ¡1 E R if she is- compelled to rush thru regon the work o f the classes in order toget them all in the day’s work. The teachers in the Mosier school for the past two terms Long Beach, Wash., June 6, 1910. 2 North, Rangel2 East, in Was­ ANNOUNCEMENT. co County, Oregon. Su'd order o f have been competent, painstak­ OUR PORTLAND LETTER. The fine weather prevailing on Acting on behalf o f the the court directs that said sale be made ing and conscientious. It is not Portland, Or., June 14 (Special) the North Beach, is bringing churches for which we are Min­ at private sale for one-half cash and o f Mosier, Oregon, improbable that there may be a —Tom Richardson,, manager of hosts of visitors to the Ocean isters, we desire to announce one-half secured by mortgage upon the few parents who think their the Portland Commercial Club for shore, intent on securing rest that the following arrangements premises, subject to confirmation by IS N O W O P E N F O R B U S IN E S S . the court. From and after the 23rd children have not progressed in the past six years,, and Secretary and a coat of tan. have been made between the day o f July, 1910, at the hour of 10 Carrying a full line o f Drugs, Patent Medicine, Station­ their studies as rapidly as they o f t h e Oregon Development T h e outlook is particularly Baptist, Methodist and Christian o ’clock A. M., I shall proceed to sell should. If such is the case, it League, who retired this month, ery, Sundries, Toilet Articles, Ice Cream, Candy and bright for a remarkably busy Churches for the summer, in re­ the real estate above mentioned and de­ can easily be seen that one very will he succeeded in. the work by scribed at privateeale for one-half cash season this summer, the number gard to union services. and one-half secured by mortgage upon Cigars. good reason for this would be C. C. Chapman. The latter is by of visitors at this time being fat- Beginning with June, meet­ the premises as directed by the order the fact that the school room and j no means a stranger to Oregon greater than ever before at the! ings will alternate with the Bap­ of the court. school work i s overcrowded, and is an acknowledged adver- same time of year. tists and Methodists, and will he Offers and bids for said real estate Another reason, not to be fo r -! tising expert with several years will be received by me, or by my at­ The march of Progress is evi- held on the Sunday evenings of torney, W. H. Wilson, at The Dalles, gotten, is that it is possible th e! experience that especially fits 1 dent throughout the entire length their respective appointments. Oregon, at any time from and after the pupils do not apply themselves as him for the position. He was of Long Beach, and development On June 12, a union service! date above mentioned. they should, or take advantage nominated by H. Beckwith, Pres- day o f June, 1910. being assured, prosperity is a was held with the Baptists, Dr. I Dated this 22nd o f the instruction given. In ident of the Club, and the nomi­ E a r l D. V i c k e r s , matter of course. Work on the Bentzein preaching. Next Sun- j Guardian. neither case is it the teachers’ nation was seconded by Manager Automobile Boulevards is pro­ day night union services will he fault, but to-some parents it re­ Richardson. He was chosen AN ERROR. gressing very rapidly, beach held at the Christian Church, and CONTEST NOTICE. flects more to the disadvantage unanimously. houses by the score are being- Bro. Stark will preach. On the o f the teachers than the pupils. Department of the Ulterior. Just because your business In a letteirto the members of erected, and new rooming houses first Sunday night in July we There is no doubt that the the Oregon Development League, United States Land Office, happens to be small and the and old are being rapidly put in­ meet with the Methodists, and ; The Dalles, Oregon, June 14, 1910. teachers will do their part, if announcing the change in offi­ occasions when you abso­ to shape to take care o f the Bro. Clark is to preach. Two A sufficient contest affidavit having given the proper time, facilities cials, Secretary Richardson be­ lutely have to go to a hank hordes o f summer transients weeks from then we meet in the been tiled in this office by George W~ and encouragement. speaks all possible assistance and which will soon he down upon us. Christian Church and Bro. Chaf­ Kindred,contestant, against Homestead infrequent, you may think W. H. KERSLAKE, Mgr. Mosier has prided herself on support for Mr. Chapman, whom , Entry No. 04584, made March 3, 1909, The North Beach Push Club, fee will preach. When any of for W 1-2 NW 1-4 Section 8, Town­ that you can get along all her school facilities and the he recommends to the various We deal in improved and unimproved with its combined effort, shoul­ these Churches has a foreign ship 1, North, Range 12 E. W. M., right without its help and standard of excellence in educa­ communities as a man who is fruit land in Mosier district. Send for dering the wheel of Progress, has Minister here he will l»e asked to by Francis M. McCartney, contestee, which it is alleged that said entry- that it is a matter of no con­ tional methods. To maintain t thoroughly conscientious, earnest awakened an era of activity, preach instead of the visiting i in our Booklet of Bargains. man has failed to establish residence sequence to the hank wheth­ Minister. this excellence, it will be neces­ and capable, a natural born ad­ which will undoubtedly secure on said land since filing; that the land We are agents for the MOUNTAIN vertiser and a tireless worker. er you do business with it or is without improvements of any kind, the proper recognition o f the un­ sary that the two highest grades The object o f these meetings V iew O rchard T ract , located South­ Oregon communities will be surpassed advantages of the is united action in saving souls, j unfenced and open to the public range; o f a public school be taught—the not. This is a mistaken idea. ! that said alleged absence was not due fairly busy this year welcoming east of Mosier. This land will be cut North Beach for enjoyable out­ and strengthening saints. ninth and tenth. There will ! to his employment in the army, navy new railroads. Prairie City is up in small tracts to suit purchaser, O f course you can get ings, and, at the same time, all probably, not be at any time We ask every one to come and or marine corps of the United States one o f the first o f the season to and sold on easy payments. along without a hank, but ; the comforts o f home. many pupils in these grades, but help in these services, whether in time of war; said parties are thereby notified to appear, respond and offer y«u can get along just a lit­ there will be some, and these hold a Railroad Day, celebrating Negotiations are now pending Christians or no. Let us all en­ evidence MOSIER, - - ORE. touching said allegation at 10 the advent o f the Sumpter Val- should be given the opportunity with Portland capitalists for the ter in for the good of Mosier. tle better with it; and your o’clock a. m. on July 28, 1910, before H ey line to that thriving city. to take these grades at home and installation o f a water system to the Register and Receiver at the United account is a matter of im­ W. A. S tark , W. A. HUSBANDS States Land Office in The Dalles, Ore­ not be forced to leave home for Addresses were made by many ( supply the beach and surround­ It. W. C h affee , portance to the M O S I E R gon. the purpose. This brings us prominent men, telling o f the ing countryside with fine moun­ B l a c k s m it h H. C. C lark , The said contestant having, in a VALLEY BANK. We would &ack to our opening remark, good to be expected from the tain water. With the culmina- Ministers. proper affidavit, filed June 11, 1910, Hoise Shoeing and General tjon 0f ^he project, one of the ob- like to have the names of namely, that we need more room railroad and a big barbecue was set forth facts which show that after Repair Work. ; stacles to an otherwise incom- for the accommodation o f the in­ held. c due diligence personal service can not every man, woman and child A moral wave has struck ban j be made, it is ordered and direflted that Pioneers of Oregon are honored creasing number o f pupils, and Satisfaction guaranteed parable locality is obviated. in the Mosier District on our Francisco and prize fighting has such notice be given by due and proper we need more teachers to take guests o f Portland this week, the MOSIER - - OREGON = = = = = = ledger, regardless of the been tabooed. Prize fighting is no ! publication. care of them. As has been said, occasion being the annual reun­ C. W. MOORE, --------------- Douglas county is taking act- doubt brutal and perhaps a raa- j size of their deposits. We ion o f the Oregon Pioneer Asso- two teachers cannot properly » Register. ive steps in securing good roads. jority of those who make a prac-1 know we can be o f service handle the present number.' It ciation. The white haired band (Firet Pub. June 24 Last Pub. July 29) ( jrEO. U H A M H E R L A I N A county association has been tice of attending them will notj is patent to everyone therefore,! ° f pioneer builders who blazed to you in one way or another formed at Roseberg to boost the be found frequenting churches I that another teacher is needed, Ithe trail to Old Oregon will he and all we want is the oppor­ movement in that section of the lo any great exten t; hut if the NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. REAL ESTATE which will mean a separate room ¡greeted bv an address of wel­ tunity to show you. state and the result of this ac­ San Francisco city fathers would Department o f the Interior, for her use. In securing this come by Mayor Simon and there Fruit tion will he valuable. The or­ put a ban on many more evil third ttSicher, it would appear will be other notable talks. A United States Land Office, ganization was perfected through practices that are allowed full Lands the part of wisdom to get one ca- ; big banquet at the Armory is a Tbe Dalles, Oregon, June 15, 1910. the e; bits o f the state associa sway, corrupting the morals of Church of Christ Notes. a pable o f teaching the higher feature o f the reunion, Notice is hereby given that Veri L. tion and M. O. Eldridge, the the youth o f the city, o f both Maston, o f Mosier, Oregon, who, on grades. She could take at least | Because the Eastern bond mar- Specialty Next Lord’s Day morning the government road expert. Meet­ sexes, they would rise higher in April 13th, 1908, made Homestead, two of the other grades from the ket is “ off” , Portland people are [Serial No. 04381] No. 15958. for E 1-2 ings are now held throughout the estimation of the public. subject will be, “ Continuing Mosier Oregon intermediate room. This would ; buying the1 city's improvements ______SE 1-4 Sec. 29, and NW1-4SW1-4, Fee. Oregon in the interest of better Steadfastly” . In the evening enable the intermediate and pri-i bonds, determined that better- ! 28, Tp. 2 N., R. 12 E.WM., has fled highways and much progress is NOTICE OF GUARDIAN SALE, notice of intention to make final com- mary rooms todivide their .grades iwentfs shad I go ahead without de- will he a union meeting in our XT ., mutation proof, to establish claim to being made. so that each grade and class lay because o f financial condi- Church at which Bro. W. A. NoUce is hereby given, That on the the |and ¿ boV(; (lt.soribed, before the C. H. JENKINS, D. M. D. could be given proper time and i tions elsewhere. Bids made for Stark will preach. 16th day o f June, 1910, an order was l!eKjster and Receiver, U. S. Land Apparently all danger of high D entist regularly given and made in the County Office at The Dalles, Oregon, on the attention. I the bonds by bond-buying firms water in the Columbia is passed O F F IC E O V E R B U T L E R B A N K IN G C O M P A N Y Let all attend. How this will be accomplished I ^be^ Eastern money centers for this season, all prophecy to Court o f the State of Oregon for Wasco 25th day July. 1910- PHONES: O ffice 28 R esidence 28 B H. C ampbell ” C lar k , the contrary notwithstanding. County, licensing the undersign- d I * laimant names as witnesses: is to be decided on at a public were far below what was consid­ HOOD RIVER - OREGON _ ^ r“fl Sundborg, C. J. E. Carlson, The river has been falling rapid­ guardian o f the person ami estate of Gustav meeting of the sctoool! district, to ered satisfactory by Mayor Si­ Minister. Krnquist and Richard Wilcox, mon, in fact the best offer was ly during the past week and the j John A. Bell, to sell the West Half of all of Mosier, Ore. be held on July 2nd, at 2 p.m., This bottom land below the railroad the Southwest Quarter of the South­ notice of which appears else­ to take the bonds at 91. C. W. M o o r e , Register. west Quarter o f Section 16, Township I will soon he dry. where in these columns. As this meant a loss to the city and then is a question o f vital importance securities were offered local- to the parents, it is earnestly I ¡y aiJ?aU. the first block of the ........ hoped that they will all be pres­ $2,000,000 issue authorized to b u i l d the Broadway bridge, ent. . amounting to $250;O6o, is now D. P. HARVEY, Pro’p. being taken at home so-there wilf j OREGON. HOOD RIVER A Comparison. QUEEN OF THE NORTHWEST RESORTS be no delay or loss to the city. DEALER IN How rare the sense o f propor- Unfortunate children of the Near the Mouth of the Columbia River, on the Washington Coast NOW LOCATEDIN Fresh and Cured Meats tion is among human beings i s 1 city, in whose lives there is too illustratecTbv the extraordinary little sunshine, were given a O P E R A H O U S E B ’L D ’G . Country Produce . , r .. . •___ treat this week when Portland SgSHStof .attention a p r o o fed autornobiliat9 pave the use of A C om plete line of furniture, mattresses, bedding, prize fight receives, both f rom j their cars for rides about the city stoves, ranges, tin and granite ware dishes, trunks, valises. those who promote it and those \ that were much enjoyed by the | Twentj-five Miles o ' Magnificent Beach W e will pay the freight on hills of $20 or over to who seek to'preverrt it. Ration-! children. Wards of the Boys’ & :; Level, Compart and Smooth :: ally considered, a prizefight is j Girls’ Aid Society, the Children’s Mosier. nothingmore than a bout of fist-| Home and the People’s Institute were the recipients of this outing Many thriving and tidy communities, delightful hotel, cottage, icuffs between a pair of brutes a n d it w a s a hap ippy bunch o f chil- tent and camp life. All the comforts of home and the who are too strong to hurt each dren that touret ea the city in the j A pleasant place to spend a so healthful, invigorating recreation of the seaside—surf other.^ When'it is all over neither big autos for two hours. cial hour is at bathing, fishing, clam digging, beach bonfires, o f them is materially injured, j -------------— -—= riding, racing, hunting, strolls and drives Swc+i bruises as they happen t o ; The price on- w«al t i n year is S. E. Francisco’s Pool Room ON through picturesque wooded headlands. receive soon heal and then all >8, ratherdisappointing and discour- as if it never had happened, ex-|ag jng to sheep men, ranging S oft D rinks , C a n d y , C igars . Reduced Rales from all parts o f Oaegon and Washington c e p t "th a tf possibly t h e two from three to five cents lower fighters are a little wealthier than the price obtained last year. T obacco V IA If the cost of living had dropped than before. in proportion, the wool growers Think o f the fuss and fury would not have so much of a kick Oregon Mosier, spent over this foolishness and coming. The buyers say the n g . Season Rate: From Portland Round Trip, $4.00 compare it with the real evils o f \ manufacturers claim they lost Three Day—Saturday to Monday Rate, $3.00 Regular $50.00 Bridge-Beach make..................... $42.50 the world which go on almost money on the price they paid for “ $40.00 Charter Oak................................. $32.50 without notice. Pretty near all wo° ' ,a^ >'ear- ,Tjiey . Pr” ,)a ’ ye W IL L BU Y FR O M O W N E R ___meant that thev did not inake as Pureh«F>- tickets ami make reservations at City Ticket Office, 3rd and “ $42.50 Reservoir Steel R a n g e...............$37.50 the preachers in California seem much profit M thpy wantPfl an(] Washington Street.», Portland, or inquire o f any O. R. A N. agent About 10 acres in 3 or 4 year to have combined and used every the woo| growers must make it elsewhere for information. trees; ten acres undeveloped, _______ weapon at their command from op to them thiiyear. both in one piece or closely lo­ prayer to legal writs to stop the Shaniko wi,j hold a big three cated. Will not pay fancy or W IL L IA M M C M U R R A Y , prize fight. How many o f them day9> celebration on the 3d. 4th “ boom” prices. Address, before would display as much zeal to and 5th of July. All the sports GENERAL PASSENGER AGENT, June 6th, “ Chicago, G. A. J .” keep a little child from working and pastimes common in the Mosier, Oregon, care of The itself to ruin in a factory? West, including bucking and rop- PORTLAND. OR EG ON, Pines Hotel. Between the harm done by all > g contest», will be held, with the prize fights from the begin-' purees hung up for all o f them. [ LARAWAY I Hood River’s Reliable Jeweler for DAVENPORT! Watches, Diamonds, Jewelry HARNESS Co. ADVERTISE IN THE BULLETIN and Get Results. Merchandise M O The Arthur & Burt Drug Co., Prescriptions a Specialty. GIVE US A CALL. The M o s i e r Hills Land & Orchard Company O. P.DABNEY and SONS. Furniture Store. MOSIER MARKET Mosier - Oregon NORTH B EAC Ji THE PLACE TO SPEND YOUR SUMMER VACATION THE OAKS Special Prices Steel Ranges Until July 1, 1910. C hown MOSIER OREGON The Oregon Railroad & Navigation Co