Ih a n g e a Sm ith W a n t s V e a l W e w ill pay as follow s fo r first-class pro­ duce. Ship by express. V e a l ....................................................... IOC P o rk ............................................ 12c L iv e H e n s .................................. 18c L ive S p lin e Ch.ckens, lb 20 t o 22}C E «* s .......................................... 23c Address T R A N K U S M IT H M T A T CO. ‘‘Fighting the B eef Trust" P O R TLA N D , OREGON K xp ert O p in io n . c o u d ltlo n s . UNITED EFFORTS TO SAVE TIMBER First Guest—This place is healthy, Isn’t It? Second Guest— It has been up to the time that a noted specialist from New York got into the habit of spending his summers here. Now we hnve an operation every week or so.— Life. W a n te d M oney. Railroads, Timbermen and Of­ ficials Co-operate. W arden— Y ou’ll get six month* fo? this job. Prisoner— Just my blooming luck. Only had my hair cut last n ig h t Threepence chucked away, as you m ight say.— Illustrated Bits. What U the use ot a child's going to school to learn mere gram m ar? Such evidently is the opinion of the mother o f a g irl whose teacher instructed her to purchase a book on that subject. According to a w riter in the Burr Oak Herald, Lulu came back the next day with this explanatory letter: I do not desire for Lulu shall In* | Cures all humors, catarrh and gage In grammar, as I prefer her in­ rheumatism, relieves that tired gage In yuseful studies, and can learn her how to spoke and write properly feeling, restores the appetite, myself. I have went through two cures paleness, nervousness, grammars, and I can't say as they did builds up the whole system. G e t It t o d a y in u s u a l l i q u i d f o r m o r me any good, I prefer her lngage in german and drawing and vocal music ; c h o c o l a t e d t a b l e t s c a l l e d S a r s a ta b s . on the ulano. F r i g h t f u l r o H s I !»m t y . G l a d d e n i n g 111 m H e a r t . “ But what will you do,” asked his “ Dear papa,” wrote the little girl at confidential friend, “ if they imprison the summer resort, ‘‘I have gained six you?” ounces in weight since we came here. “ I f they threaten to do that,” answer­ Mamma sends her love. Please write ed the financial magnate, with a frown, to us to-morrow. Send your love and “ I ’ll send orders to my agents to start all the money you can spare.” — Chica­ the biggest panic this country ever go Tribune. s a w !” ___________________ W h ere It P in c h e s . I t e l a t i o n x h i [> n i n S o u th D a k o ta . “ I notice she bowed to you. Is she an old acquaintance?” “ Y -ye s ; we’re slightly acquainted. In fact, she’s a sort of distant rela­ tion. She was* the first w ife of my second w ife’s first husband.” $ 3 .00 S A M P L E D E R B Y , F E L T . S T R A W $1.50 Hats Cleaned, Blocked 50c; Panamas. $ 1. Trimming* 25c each. Ladies Hats Remodeled, Willow Plumes retied and Dyed. Complete Line of M illin ery . 315 A L D E R S T .. P O R T L A N D PIPE R E PA IR IN G Ofmry fte-Hptio.i b, auil. AMBER.BRIER Artificial Colon*. m J MEERSCHAUM. SIG SIC H EL & CO. B2 Third Street Bauland i r PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO. o f Portland, Oregon FURNISHES HELP FREE TO EMPLOYERS Main office, 12 N orth Second St. Main 5670; A 1406 Ladies Dept., 205Va Morrison St. Main 1062; A 2064 Phone or w ire orders a t our expense. BEST READY ROOFING KNOWN Send fo r Samples and Prices. S orry, but D e n r ln K Up W e ll. JUST RIGHT CM SSET a DEVERS ^ PORTLAND. ORE.' J 326 Worcester Bldg PORTLAND, ORE. IES0LVED- THAT CHARITY GENERALLY BEGINS WHEN THE LJV LR A ND liO W E L S ARE RIGHT M I J N Y O N S P A W - P A W P I L L S K E E P THEM IN GOOD C O N D IT IO N IQ IM IL S IN A P O X IQ * London's raw l'avv Fins coax me iiY C t Into activity by gtutle methods. They da not scour, grl^e or weaken. They are A tunic to the t to much, liver and nerves; Invigorate instead of weaken. They en­ rich the blood and enable the stomach to get all the nourishment from food that Is put Into It. These pills contain no calo­ mel ; they are soothing, healing and stim­ ulating. For sale by all druggists In 10c and 25c sizes. I f you need medical ad­ vice, write Munyon’s Doctors. They will advise to the best of their ability abso­ lutely free of Charge. MUNYON’S, -*$41 and Jefferson fits., Philadelphia, Pa* A lw a y s sh a k e in A l l e n ’s Foot-E ase, a p o w d e r . ft cures h ot, s w e a tin g , a c h in g , s w o lle n fee t. Uures corn s, in g r o w in g n a ils a n d bu n ion s. A t i l l d r u g g is ts and sh oe steres, 25c. D o n t a ccep t m y su b stitu te. S am ple m a ile d F R E E . A d d resr A lle n 8. O lm sted, L e R o y , N . Y . To U nion P a in le s s D entists N amedic O M ARK AB SO LU TE LY CURES DR. WHITING’S REMEDIES M ANUFACTURED BY N A T IO N A L M E D IC IN E CO., LTD. 422' i Sh elley Blk., M orrison St., R oom s 3 and 4 , Por: land, Or. Pilone Martellali 2119 1. A P P E N D IC IT IS REM EDY. The only known cure for Appendicitis without the uld o f the knife. Gives immediate relief, and effects a permanent cure in u short time. PR IC E » . 6. “ SP E C IA L” REM EDY. For Women's Ailments, Tumors of the Bow­ els. Alno I'iabates. Kidney and Bladder Trou­ bles PR IC K >5. This New Scientific Work is a home treatment. W ri-e or call and we w ill explain. External treatment only. F it th e C r im e . **I ain’t no saint, boss,” said the ho­ bo. “ I wunst voted a couple o’ hun­ dred repeaters in my precinct, an’ they sent me to the penitenchry for i t ” “ Great C aesar!” exclaimed the man who had Just befriended him. “ I did the same thing once, and they sent me to Congress for it !” — Chicago T rib ­ une. ____________________ O b je c tio n S u s ta in e d . Judge—The witness told all that Full Set o f T e e th ............................................ $ 5 .00 Now, B ridge W ork or Teeth w ithou t Plates S3 50 to $5 happened on the second floor. Gold C row n s..................................... $ 3 .5 0 to $ 5 why .00 do you object to his telling what Porcelain C row n s............................. $ 3 .5 0 to $ 5 .00 Gold or Porcelain F illin g s ....................... $ 1 .0 0 Up happened on the third floor? Counsel— Because, If It please your S ilver F illin g s ...................................... 5 0c to $ 1 .00 Best P late M a d e................ ............................$7.50 honor, that Is another story.— Brook­ N o charges fo r Painless E x tra ctin g when other w ork is done. 15 years' Guarantee w ith all work. lyn Eagle. Hours. 8 a. m. to 8 p. m. 22114 Morrison Street. A N G E L A HOTEL O n « Rate; R oom w ith Private Bath, $1 PER D A V 625 W a sh in g ton Street P O R TLA N D , OR. N e w brick, splendidly furnished, La dies’ parlor; spacious lobby: elevator: steam heat; running w ater; phones in all rooms. In quiet neighborhood. Take car from Union Depot, tra n sfer to Wash- Ington street. Phone Marshall 1950. W E G RO W W e Cure HAIR all Scalp Diseases, stop F allin g Hair, Preven t Baldness. G row L a d ies’ and Children’s H a ;r rapidly, soft, glosay and beantiful. W e Furnish out o f town people home trea t­ ment. W rite us today fo r question blank and particulars. THE G A R L O W H AIR G R O W IN G CO. SPECIALISTS 2 0 7 -8 Rothchild Building, fo u rth and W ash in gton S treets, P O R T L A N D , OREGON. Consultation Free. 8 to 5. Pacific Coast Biscuit Company Portland S eattle Spokane Ask for Their Goods and »SAVE THESE SWASTIKA ENDSEALS THEY ARE VALUABLE They .Will Secure You Many Useful Articles W ithout Coat H A N S E N ’S Hansen H ires H elp EMPLOYMENT Free to E m ployer» TRADE MARK O F F IC E S 26 N orth Second St. Phones Main 1526; A 1526. r Departm ent, M 3 H W ashington St. Phones Main 2692; A 2692. Portland. Oregon. G u a ra n te e d u n der a ll P a r e F o o d ___________ Law e More Friends Every Yei W e ’ll soon count you among them. It’s just a matter of time. More and more housewives are giving up the old- style, high-priced, Trust-made Baking "’owders. Thousands are turning to kOUNCE*/ \ Pleasing Sense of Health and Strength Renewed and of Ease and Comfort follows the use o f Syrup o f Figs and E lixir o f Senna, as it acts gently on the kidneys, liver and bowels, cleans­ ing the system effectually, when con­ stipated, or bilious, and dispels colds and headaches. T o get its beneficial effects, always buy the genuine, manufactured by the California F ig Syrup Co. SEND THIS AD. FOR FREE PREMIUM LIST BAKING POWDER One trial does it. You’ll never go back. Speak to your grocer. Lighter sweeter baking or m m « y r e f u n d e d . Far bet­ ter. Costs much less. You won’t believe it till you try for your- sell H a rn e s s C a ta lo g fre e ! Send tor our lOO-page Harness Catalog Free. W ill save you 20 to SO per cent sure. K E L L E R H A R N E S S CO. 49 N o rth Sixth SL. Portland, O regon M IS S M O R G A N The mines o f Butte, Mout., have a combined pay roll of $3,000,000 a year. The Argentine Legislature la con­ sidering the construction of under ground railw ays for Buenos Ayres. It Is Just being realized that the Trans-Blberlan R ailroad was a poor lob from an engineering standpoint Daughter o f Financier Mingles Aqueduct Laborers. Madriz Ready for Mediation. Bluefields, Nic., June 7.— General Estrada, leader o f the provisional gov­ ernment, has repeated the offer that he made last March to Madriz lookidg to the establishment o f peace. The conditions of his proposal pro­ vide for the friendly ¡mediation o f the United States, that country to desig­ nate the Nicaraguan whom it considers most fit to occupy the presidency pro­ visionally, neither Dr. Madriz nor Gen­ eral Estrada being eligible; the pro­ visional president to convoke elections for a constitutional president. EXCLUSIVE OPTICIAN First class work St Free exam instimi and p erfectly fitta * $ 2 .0 0 No fakin g i S u it e 4 2 7 , M a r q u s m B u i ld i n f Fourth Floor O p p w iU Portland Hotel, Portland O ra Though hydrophobia has stamped out o f Britain, It Is still pant In Germany, where every over 2,500 dogs and cats afflicted the disease are destroyed. $36.59 Each Man’ s Portion. Washington, June 7.- Treasury offi­ cials figure that i f all the money in circulation in the United States were divided equally, every man, woman and child would have $35.59. The total amount in general circulation is $319,- 382,284, o f which $298,076,537 was held in the treasury as assets o f the government. Have your teeth out and plate and bridge i done. For out-of-town patrons w e finish p la t« and bridge work in one day if net PRICES: Malar Crewaa --- $5.0$ 22k In te T e * .. $3.50 If you wish a high-class h ain dressing, we are sure Ayer’s|j Hair Vigor, new improved for-| mula, will greatly please you.” It keeps the hair soft and’I smooth, makes it look rich and ] luxuriant, prevents splitting at^ the ends. And It keeps the scalp free from dandruff. Does not change the color o f the hair. A y e rs Form ula w ith each bottle { p Bhow • : it to y o u r j doetor d o o to r A e k h him im about i it, ' b u n . * ...... $ 1 « C u te M ix , . $1.00 Silwr Filian ... 50c * Cte Rrfte PkW $5.00 Km Red Rate PfaM........... $7.50 Pialas EUradte 50c BEST M E TH O D S Pa nl«*8s Extract.on Free when plates or bridge w o ik ordered. Consultât on Free. You cannot vet better pa nless work anywhere, no m atter how much you pay. A ll W ork Fully G u aranteed fo r F ifteen Y e a rs Dr. B. E. Wright Co. 342 ¿ Washington St., P o r t la n d , O r e g o n Take car at depot and tran sfer to Wafthington St. D A IS Y F L Y KILLER lr N N rat. xf an J îüUkU ‘«À* e x t c .C le*n. . »™aiaa- am tal conv«n . in a Hhort tim e by using “ H e’s a champion, Is he? He doesn’t P L U M M E R ’S I T C H look It. Champion of what?” REMEDY “ You don’t keep abreast of the In 50-cent can. only. Address times. H e’s the champion clgaroot PLU M M ER D R U G C O M P A N Y smoker; lights one with the stump of Third and Madison Portland, Of. another, rolls them himself as he goes along, and smokes sixty without let­ Alcohol, Tobacco, Cocaine, Morphing, ting any o f ’em go out.” Cigarette or Other DOPE HABITS CURED Are You Dieting And thereby hoping to cure yourself o f that annoying stomach distress? I f so, w e w ant you to try a better plan — Take Hostetler’s Stomach Bitters. I t tones the entire d igestive sys­ tem and prevents any a f­ ter-eatin g distress, such as Gas on Stomach, Sour Risings, Belching, Indiges­ tion, Heartburn, Costive­ ness, Biliousness and Ma­ laria. A lw a y s ask fo r OSTETTER’ RATED Positively ami harmlessly in short time hy the new Olconeia Method. Treat­ ment is not expensive or painful. You need not remain a slave to your habits, when a short stay at our Sanitarium will make you free. Address OLCONEIA CO.f Arleta Station. Portland, Or. A TRIP TO PORTLAND FREE CUT RATES IN PAINLESS D EN TISTIT Pain less E x t r a c t io n ....... F ree S ilver K illin g s .....................30« • Gold F illin g s ........................75« 22 K. Gold C r o w n s ................$ f P o rcelain C r o w n « ................$t M ola r Gold C r o w n s .............. $4 Hridge W o r k , 22 K. G o l d . . . . « In la y Pilla, Pu re G o l d .........fit V e r y N ic e Rubber P la te ....$ tf Rest Rubber P la te on E a r t h ................................ fir A L L T H IS W O R K IS G U A R A N T E E D . Don’ t throw you r money aw ay. A dolla r m ved ifl tw o dollars earned. Our origin al re lis h !« M odem Painless M ethods and our p erfe c te d office equ ip­ ment saves us tim e and your money. BOSTON DENTISTS, Stlt ft H arris«». P «r tl* M STOMACH Entrance 291H Morrison, opposite Pnstoffice and Meier A Frank. Katablished in Portland 10 years. Open $ until I and Sunday« until 12:10. for | * * B IT T E R W. L. DOUGLAS SHOES NOW VI! TIME • 5 , * 4 , * 3 .5 0 , * 3 , «2 .0 0 A * 9 T H E STANDARD FOR 30 YEARS. o f the year to h r yoar teeth out end p I e t e e n d bridge work done. For out- of-town petr.»ne we finish p l a t e e n d bride* work In one der I f necessary. Pm ioM« Millions of m «n w «a r W . L. Douglas shoes b e­ cause they a r « the low­ est prices, quality con­ sidered, In the world. M ade upon honor.o# tho Molar Crwret $ 5 .0 0 22k Britff. Tteh3.5 0 Gold M in « 1.00 C kiim I Finiitn 1-00 I ’tef Fl'lte«« .5 0 New . “Has yonr wife found a house yet?” “No. You see. we’ve moved so often In the last ten years that It’s almost Impossible for her to find a place with some improvement that we haven’t had at one time or another.”— Detroit Free Press. ____________________ M m le a tr * A t th e A r t iilib lb it , MHas your wife found a house yet?” Mrs. Highmus—O, isn’t this a lovely "No. You aee, we’ve moved so often In the last ten years that It's almost one! What a delicate touch that artist Impossible for her to And a place with has! Don’t you think so? Mr. Highmus—I don’t know. I never some Improvement that we haven’t had met him. at one time or another.”— Detroit Free Press. Ardly Keap— W 'y don't ye roll fur- der along under de tree, an' git out •’ de sunshine? Solon Bo'Cl-y—Too blame muoh like work. __ _______ A o th ln jc J o u r n a lis tic “ Going to start a paper, a r« you? W hat do you Intend to call It?” "The Nebula.” “W h at’s the explanation?” “ Why, some day, I hope, It will grow to be a World, a Globe, a Star, a Sun, or Bomethlnrr of that kind, you know." uhkte • fian v w d R nHuear . Plate« M $a.w.«. win, H 0 Best Rubber Ptetee leathers, b r the most skilled w o rk m en , in all the latest fashions. W . L. Douglas $3.00 and $4.00 shoes equal Custom Bench W o rk 6 . 0 0 I costing $6.00 to $6.00. — mm Boys’ Shoes, $3, $2.50 A $2 a jaja 7 .5 0 mm **----Ptiftlese Cxtr'ftan .50 R U T H ITNO O fl n m u wtmubns n rsefuss aleas Extraction Free when le | le te e o r bride« work rdered. Coasoi tat Ion Free. T Toe o o raoaot recen t get «*»1 better pel niece work anywhere, no matter how mark yon p-y. A i l w o rk fu lly g uaran teed fo r fifteen yeara. R W .L . Douglas guarantees their rales by st map ten Wp 2 »™ * 4nd pH*«« on the bottom. Look h r k T a k e N»# 4 o i».$ l# »»te , / W C olor T * A s k r i n i r d e n i e r for W. L. Donelaa * _ ___ for tale town fo c j M Mai -j—— * fn . your — ^H s n r writ m t e s fo all I Order Cat ( ’st alog.aheqs alogjibeqs lng how to ordsr by mall. 8ho*a ordered direct t a q fa e to n delivered fres. W .L .Imagina, liroefctoe, M a n jtefc/ w a W ise D en tal Co. P N IN C O R P O R A T E D Painless Dentists Ttee i i n t t e M . roar uko , oenoa i t - k u ir . a t e t e i . l u i j y Y U m e n tio n t h i s p a p e r . _J