Jn»t R ig h t fo r T h a t. T R I A L S o /ü t e N E E P K M S The visitor’s host was showing him through the more or less celebrated town that has grown up around the We will pay aas follow» for firat-claaa pro­ duce. Ship by expreaa. Pullman shops. | "I don’t see very much vegetation Veal ............................................. 10c I here,“ observed the visitor. "The soil Pork ............................................ 12c seems to be too sandy.” Live H en s...................................... 18c "W e raise the juiciest melons here Live Spring Chickens, lb 20 to 22 you will find anywhere in the world," E ggs................................................ 23c briefly responded his host, who hap- Address ! pened to be a stockholder In the com ­ FRANK L. SMITH MEAT CO. pany.—Chicago Tribune. “Fighting the Beef Trust“ PORTLAND, OREGON Mothers w ill find Mrs. W inslow 's Soothing Smith W a n ts V e a l Dr. B. E. Wright st&H STU f Í gig? Ä ------------------------------ Albany to New York, 137 Miles, With One Stop. Syrup the b*-»t rem ed y to u se fo r th eir children d u rin g the teeth in g period. All W o rk Fully G u a r a n te e d f o r Tifteen Y e a r s Dr. B. E. Wright Co. 3 4 2 } Washington St., Portland, Oregon Take rar at depot and transfer to Washington St. P ro tra cte d . “ Hello. Barker!" said Smitkln, meet­ ing his triend on the street. “ How goes It?” “ All right, I guess.” said Barker. “ Seen Bobble Sponger lately?" "Yes; Bobble U down at my place at Westbampton now. I Invited him down for the week end— —” "Why, I thought that was three weeks a g o!” “ It was." said Barker, "but, you know, Bobble Is an expert at making both ends meet.” — Harper’s Weekly. A id in g M ia L ore. Patience—Peggy Is very happy. Patrice—She’s engaged, Isn’t she? "Yes. and the man she’s engaged to Is cross eyed and he’s looking at her all the time and no one can tell It but herself.“—Yonkers Statesman. Denmark’s co-operative agricultural societies, to which England largely owes her cheap supply of dairy pro­ duce, have an annual turnover of ovei $ 1 3 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 . DAISY FLY KILLER gSiSB K h* Neat, c le a n , oi taL convenient, cheap. L a i n a l l ■ • a to m . Made of metal, cannot spill or tfp over, will not soil or Injure anything. Guaranteed effective. O f nil dealers or sent prepaid lor 20 cents. H A R O L D 80M E R S ISO DeKalb A m . B raoU ys. H . Y » BEST READY R O O F IN G KNOW N C o n ced ed DINAH WONDERFUL HOW T — PAW PAW PILLS GIVE < .V a n a p p e t it e It. T oo S lo w fo r T ills ( there is hope ' f A ge. “Grandma, you never took a Joy ride, did you?” “ Yes, child, once; but you wouldn’t call it joy riding nowadays.” “When was it, grandma?” “ Sixteen years ago. I took a ride In the Ferris wheel.” “ How fast did you go?” “The wheels made one revolution In about fifteen minutes.” "Shucks!”—Chicago Tribune. T it I I i Jkiun^von’s l ’ a v l ’a w n i l * c o a x t n e liv e r In to a c tiv it y b y g e n t le m e th o d s . T h e y d 6 n o t s c o u r , g r i p e o r w eak e n . T h e y are a t o n i c - t o t h e s t o m a c h , liv e r a n d n e r v e s ; In v ig o r a t e In s te a d o f w e a k e n . Th ey en­ r ic h th e b lo o d a n d e n a b le t h e s t o m a c h to g e t a ll t h e n o u r is h m e n t f r o m f o o d t h a t 1* p u t in to it . T h e s e p ills c o n t a in n o c a lo ­ m e l ; t h e y o r e s o o t h i n g , h e a lin g a n d s t im ­ u la t in g . F o r s a le b y a ll d r u g g i s t s in 10c a n d 25c s iz e s . I f v o n n eed m e d ic a l a d ­ vice, w r ite M n n y o m a D o c t o r s . T h e y w ill a d v is e to t h e b e s t o f th e ir a b ilit y a b s o ­ lu te ly fr e e o f C h a r g e . M T N Y O N ’8, lo r T a t . Stranger (to prominent clergyman) -I came In here, sir, to criticise your church management and tell you how it ought to be run. Prominent Clergyman (amazed) — What do you mean, sir? How dare you? Who are you, anyway? “ I am the humble editor of the pa­ per you have been writing to.”— Life. W e ll M e a n t, b a t R ade. The wedding was over and the guests had departed, when a terrific din broke : upon the stillness. The tooting of fish horns, the beat­ ing of tin pans, and the ringing of : cow bells could be distinguished clear- I ly, while agonizing screeches from un­ identified instruments and the diaboli­ cal noise produced by drawing a scant­ M o t l i e u II y .‘N e c e s s a r y . ling across one edge a dry goods “Wo don’t use wins as a beverage, box contributed their share to the vol­ you know, Mrs. McGarvey,” said Mrs. ume of sound. Lapsling; “ but It’s good to have a lit­ The bride, a young woman recently tle of it in the house for medicinal pur­ from Boston, turned pale. poses. You know how grateful I $m "Harold,” she said, turning to the for the bottle you sent over the other bridegroom, "those friends of yours day. To thank you in words would be doubtless mpan well, and I appreciate merely a work of super-irrigation.”—• their heartiness and sincerity, but I Chicago Tribune. shall consider it a great favor if you will go out and request them to dis­ Haroslilps of Plutocracy. continue their epithalamium. It is His Pastor—My dear sir, don’t you quite too boisterous and may attract think you ought to try to come more in attention.”—Chicago Tribune. contact with your fellow men? Mr. Muntoburn—My dear doctor, so She W .a F ran k . many people touch me every day of my Miss Mary Morris, daughter of the life that I have been compelled to em­ ploy a secretary at a good salary to act late William Morris, poet and crafts­ man, said at a dinner in New York: as a buffer. “ I like the American taste for Its Growlers. frankness. Better be frank, even if Cabb> «-No, times ain’t wot they was wrong. The pretty American girl was — the dignity of the perfession’s gone. by no means hopeless whose comment Everybody wants a blooming taxi and on first seeing the Incomparable glory when they’ve blovved ’emselves ’oarse of the Venus de Medici’ was, ‘I and can’ t get one they ’aves you as a wouldn’t be seen dead with ankles like thatl’ ** __________________ hapology.— The Sketch. Useless Study. P A C IF IC Majestic Roof­ ing Go. Mr. Fond Father reproved his little son for having only 76 per cent in arithmetic. "Mathematics, my boy,” he said, ‘is a very useful study, and you must try to do better.” “ I thought that was only useful for sailors,” said the boy. “ Why for sailors?" “ Well, people on land have adding machines, don’t they?"— New York Tribune. EM PLO YM ENT CO. o f Portland, Oregon FURNISHES HELP FREE 326 Worcester 8 dg PORTLAND, ORE. U n io n Painless D entists TO EMPLOYERS Main office. 12 North Second St. Main 5670; A 1406 Ladies Dept, 205Vi> Morrison St. Main 1062; A 2064 Phone or wire orders at our expense. Wanted a Small One. jad Free examination and perfectly fitted glasses as low as Customer— My wife told me to stop In and buy her a bathing suit. What are your prices and sizes? Dealer— We have a very nice one here that I’m sure she will like. A $50 bill will Just cover It. Customer— That la just about the size she wants. How much la It?— Springfield Union. $ 2 .0 0 C o u ld n 't S ta n d E x p o s u r e . EXCLUSIVE OPTICIAN First class work at reasonable prices. Full Set o f Teeth...............................................$ 5 .0 0 Bridge Work or Teeth without Plates $3 50 to $5 Gold Crowns...................................... $ 3 .5 0 to $ 5 .0 0 Porcelain Crowns..............................$ 3 .5 0 to $ 5 .0 0 Gold or Porcelain Fillinga........................ $ 1 .0 0 Up Silver Fillings....................................... 5 0 c to $ 1 .0 0 Best Plate Made $ 7 .5 0 No charges for Painless Extracting when other work is done. 15 years’ Guarantee with all work. Hours. 8 a. m. to 8 p. m. 221 Vb Morrison Street. T r ia l B o ttle F ree The member of the legislature, of whom some graft stories had been Suite 4 2 7 , Marquam Building circulated, was about to build a bouse. Fourth Floor “ You will want a southern exposure, Opposite Portland Hotel, Portland Ore. I suppose,?” asked the architect. "No, sir,” said the man; “ If you B jr M a i l Alcohol, Tobacco, Cocaine, Morphine, | can’t build this house without an ex­ posure I’ll get another architect”— Cigarette or Other Yonkers Statesman. DR. C. L. HAYNES No faking methods. DOPE HABITS CURED yon euffer from Epilepsy, Fits, Falling Sickness, Spasms, or have children that do so, my New Dis­ covery will relieve them, and all yon areaekedto do is to send fo r a Free Trial$2 Bottle o f Dr. May’s If E p lle p tlo ld e O u re has enred thousands where everything «1 m failed. Guaranteed by May M edical Laborato y Under Pure Food and Drugs Act, June 80 ih,lP 0 fl Guaranty No. m 971. Please write for SpecialFreo $2 Bottle and give AGE aud com plete address G ot th e E sse n tia l F a c t. Nan—Yes; I’ve released Jack from his engagement. He told me yesterday over the telephone that his rich uncle who was going to make him his heir you know, had gone broke. Fan—Did Jack ask to be released? Nan—I don’t know whether he did ot not. As soon as he told me about hi3 uncle I hung up the receiver. Positively and harmlessly in short time by the new Olconeia Method. Treat- j ment is not expensive or painful. You need not remain a slave to your habits, when a short stay at our Sanitarium will make you free. Address It OH. W. H. MAY, 548 Pearl Sired, New York OLCONEIA CO., Arleta Station. C. Gee Wo N O W ' b Y st TIM E o f the year to hare your teeth oat and p l a t e a n d bridge work done. Forou t- of-tow n patrons we finish p l a t e a n d bridge work in one day i f necessary. This wondeful man has made a lifestudy o f the properties o f Roots, Herbs and Barks, and is giving the world the benefit o f hi» services. Molar Crowns $ 5 . 0 0 Gold Fillings Enamel Fillings Silver Fillings Good Rubber _ - - Pletee Best Rubber — . A 1 Plates O p e r a tio n s o r C uttin g SU R E C AN C ER CURE received from Pekin, China—safe, su re and reliable. Unfailing in its works. I f you cannot call, w rite for symptom blank md circular. Inclose 4 cents in stamps. Just CON SU LTA TIO N TREE __________________ _______ B E S T METHODS Painless Extract ion Free when pistes or bridge work is ordered. Consultation Free. Y o u cannot get better painle*« work anywhere, no matter how much yon pay. A l l w o r k f u l ly g u a r a n t e e d f o r f i f t e e n y e arn. Wise Dental Co. IN C O R P O R A T E D The C. Gee Wo Medicine Co. iS 2 V i First S t., c o r . M o r r iso n , P o r tla n d , O r . v 1. 1. _ _ .50 5.00 7.50 Painless Extr'tien .50 - P a in le s s D e n tis ts M i n i Building. Third & Washington. PORTLAND, OREGON Office Honrs: S A . M. V* S F. U . »uadaya, 9 to 1 They were looking at a famous col­ lection of paintings, and had stopped in front of a "Portrait of a Lady.” "Why, that’s a Rembrandt!” delight­ edly exclaimed Mrs. Upsome. "I'm not so sure about that,” said Mrs. Gaswell, bringing her lorgnette to bear upon i t "It looks to me more like a Merry Widow.” 1 22k Bridgs T oath 3 . 5 0 No Guarantees to cure Gatarrh, Asthma, Lang, Stomach and Kidney troubles, and all Private Diseases o f M n and Women. i j ! T hicesi # j N o M e rcu ry , P o iso n s I or D ru gs U sed. C o u ld n ’ t F o o l M r * . Q. Portland, Or. The Chinese Doctor A u! Loud but U eep. Village Constable (to villager, who has been knocked down by passing motor cyclist)— “ You didn't see the number, but could you swear to tbi man?” Villager—“ I did; but I don’t think ’# 'eard me.” — Punch . LTHE K E Y S TO N E j T O H E A L TH IS H O S TE TTE R ’Si STOM ACH B ITTE R S WE WELCOME ALL VISITORS A TTE N D IN G T H E ROSE FESTIVAL T o our wareroom s. W e will offer special induce­ ments to those wishing to purchase a Piano during the Festival W eek. Y our railroad fare to Portland and return will be paid should you purchase from D on’t fail to call and get one o f our Handsome Souvenirs. BUSH & LANE PIANO CO. 3£6 Waihio^to* Street Bet West Park and TestL New York, May 31.—Glenn H. Cur­ tiss flew from Albany to New York City in an aeroplane, Sunday, May 29, winning the $10,000 prize offered by the New York World. He covered the distance of 137 miles in 2 hours and 32 minutes, and came to earth as quietly and aa lightly as a pigeon. His average speed for the distance—54.06 miles per hour—sur­ passes any other record made by an aeroplance in long-distance flight. In its entirety, his flight perhaps eclipses any flight man has made in heavier- than-air machines. The start was made from Albany at 7 :03 o’clock under weather conditions as nearly perfect as the most fastid­ ious aviator could demand. One hour B ed JclTcrsoa fits., P h iladelph ia, f a . Send 10c for trial package. LoadvdJo, Colorudo. Specimen prices: Gold, Silver. Lead, II. Gold, Silver, 75c; Gold. 50c; Zinc orC opper.il- Mulling envelopes and full pricelist sent on application. Control and Umpire work so­ licited. Reference: Carbonate National Bank. Send for Sample» and Prices. A Actual Time in Flight 2 Hours 32 Minutes—Wins j$ l0 ,0 0 0 — Train Could Not Keep Up. SOME MORE OF THOSE BlSCUim “Colonel, don’t you think, as th« re­ sult of your observation during many Have your teeth out and plate and bridge work done. For out-of-town patrons we finish plate years of public life, that the holding and bridge work in one day if necessary. of a government position tends to take ^ „ PRICES: away a man's Independence and make him merely a machine?” asked the In­ ■ A L c T V 22k Bride T «4 $3.50 quisitive acquaintance. U i F>«-o ............. $1« “ Undoubtedly,” said the Internal revenue collector. “There was a time, Silver Fillings __ 50c up for Instance, when, if you had asked Good Rubber Plates $5 00 me such a question as that, I should Best Red iUbbcr <7 - - have kicked you out of my office, buf Plates ................... $7.50 _ Paiaiess Eitradioe 50c I have become used to such things no* BEST METHODS and don’t mind them at all.“ Pirnless Extraction Free when plates or bridge work is ordered. Consultation Free. You cannot get better painless work anywhere, no matter how much you pay. S r CURTISS MAKES RECORD FLIGHT Pedlar,d. Ore*os f 8 ' \ uà: » V*? GLENN H. CURTISS and 23 minutes later Curtiss made his first stop near Poughkeepsie, where there was an hour’s intermission. Re­ suming his flight at 9:26, he sped southward, and landed within the boundary of Manhattan Island at 10:35. Paulhan’s flight from London to Manchester, 86 miles, exceeded the Curtiss feat for distance, but not in speed or in danger. The Frenchman’ s average was 44.3 miles an hour and below him lay English meadow land. Curtiss followed the winding course [of the historic Hudson, with jutting head­ lands, wooded slopes and treacherous palisades. He swung high over the great bridge at Poughkeepsie, dipped at times within 50 feet of the river’s broad surface, and jockeyed like a fal­ con at the turns. Only once did his craft show signs o f rebellion. This was off Storm King, near West Point, when, at a height of nearly 1,000 feet a treacherous gust struck his planes. The machine drop­ ped 40 feet and tilted perilously, but Curtiss kept his head and by adriot manipulation restored the equilibrium o f the machine. With his eyes and brain cleared of the cobwebs of sleep, he went with his mechanician and a handful of specta­ tors to Van Rennselaer Island, in the Hudson, three miles south o f Albany, where he was to start. Waiting at the river brink was a special train charter­ ed by the New York Times for Mrs. Curtiss and her party. From the train they could not see the actual start, but those on the island witnessed a re­ markable scene. With the signal that Curtiss was off, the special train of five cars and a lo­ comotive gathered impetus and sought to follow. But so quickly had he flown that for 21 miles the locomotive, run­ ning nearly a mile a minute, was un­ able to catch un. Grain Fields Fire Swept. Chico, Cal., May 31.— News has been received here of the first serious grain fire of the season, in Butte coun­ ty. It occurred 10 miles south of Chico, on the farm o f E. Davis and ad­ joining places, and burned over 800 acres of ripe grain, worth about $40,- 000. Some of the grain was insured. Scores of farmers fought the flames for six hours before its progress was stopped. Many men were overcome by the intense heat and smoke and had to be carried from the fire, which trav­ eled almost as fast as a man could run. Dr. Cook After Records? New York, May 31.—The mystery of the whereabouts of Dr. Cook, the American will B a y tomorrow, was solved last night. He is in Scotland, preparing for a trip to Etah, whence he plans to bring back his records o f his discovery and his instruments which are cached there. He also intends to bring back the two Eskimos who ac­ companied him on his dash to the Pole. Dr. Cook’s objective point when he shall have recovered his records and instruments, says the newspaper, will be Copenhagen. Rice is Higher in China. Amoy, China, May 31.— The price of rice has risen 50 per cent and the poor are unable to buy food. As a consequence of this a demonstration took place at Changchow. Owing to the practical failure of the rice crop in certain of the interior provinces this year, an almost prohibi­ tive price already prevails for the cer­ eal. A further advance means famine conditions among the teeming coolies, whose principal article of food is rice. FIRE BLIGHT IN APPLE TREES SH O E S * 0 , « 4 , * 3 .5 0 , * 3 , * 2 .0 0 A * 1 By H. S. Jackson, Orearon Agricultural College. Corvallis. Fire blight is the most serious of all the diseases which attack the pear and apple. It is a contagious disease of bacterial origin which, under proper conditions, may attack any part of the tree. Besides the pear and apple, the quince, wild crab apple, hawthorns, mountain ash, serviceberry and some other pomaccous trees are subject to attacks of this disease. Myriads of germs are present in all freshly blighted portions of the tree and in the sticky ooze exuding from cankers. The germs live almost en­ tirely in the sappy portion of the bark, though in some vigorous-growing vari­ eties of pears the germs have been known to invade the sap wood to a limited extenL Fire blight occurs in more or less severity in nearly all parts of the United States where pears and apples are grown. In Oregon Are blight has appeared in two general localities — one in the Southwestern part of the state, includ­ ing the Rogue River valley, the other in the Northeastern part. Beginning in the spring the first ap­ parent damage produced by the disease in an infected orchard is the blighting of the blossoms. Infection is brought about by insects, principally bees, which have visited a case of hold-over blight and become covered with the organisms contained in the sticky ex­ udation, inoculating the flowers in their search for nectar. The organ­ isms divide and multiply in the nectar and are able to enter the living tissues through the unprotected nectaries. Having entered the tissues they quick­ ly blight the blossoms, pass down the blossom-stem and into the fruit spur, killing the tissues and cutting off the leaves from water supply, causing them to shrivel and dry, thus produc­ ing “ fruit spur blight.” The latter occurs several weeks after blossom in­ fection. In very serious rases nearly all the fruit spurs may be blighted in this way and the trees set no fruiL Usually the germs die out and do not grow into the twig or branch on which the spur occurs, but occasionally the germs may continue into the bark of the branch at the base of the fruit spur and form a typical canker. Fruit spurs on the larger branches are a fruitful source o f body infection and many cases of blight canker originate in this way. The name “ fire blight” is given to this disease because of the characteris­ tic appearance o f pear foliage on twigs or branches which have been killed by the organisms. The leaves turn black as though scorched by fire and fre­ quently remain on the tree during the following winter. It should be noted that this color o f the foliage is charac­ teristic o f the pear when it has been killed during the growing season. If a grower not familiar with the pear blight desires to known how the “ twig blight” looks let him girdle a twig in mid-summer and watch the results. The cankers are also quite character­ istic, but are very variable in appear­ ance. The disease progresses most rapidly in the fleshy outer layer of the bark and at first produces a watery appearance in the affected area. Later the tissues of the bark are more or less broken down and the cankers become dark in color. Besides the blight cankers found on the limbs and trunks, one frequently finds in some varieties of pears and Spitzenberg apples a larger canker at the surface of the ground extending up on the trunk for some distance and down the large roots. This condition is called “ collar rot,” and may result from a blight canker A pear tree when badly cankered is easily recognized at a distance in the early autumn by the general reddish cast to the foliage On the apple the foliage of twig and fruit spur blight turns brown and dry. THE STANDARD FOR 3 0 YEARS. M illions o f m e n w e a r W . L. D ou glas .h o e s b e- cause th e y are the low ­ est prices, quality con ­ sid ered , in th e w orld. M a d e upon h o n o r.o f th e best leathers, by th e m ost skilled w ork m en , in all th e latest fash ions. Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral is a regular cough me d i c i n e , a strong medicine, a doctor’s medicine. Good f o r e a s y coughs, hard coughs, desper­ ate coughs. If your doctor endorses it for your case, take it. If not, don’t take it. Never go contrary to his advice. iters W . L . D ou glas an d $ 4 .0 0 sh oes C u sto m B en ch costin g $ 6 . 0 0 to Boys'Shoes, $3, $2.5 0 A $2 W . L. Douglas guarantee» their ralae by stamping his name and price on the bottom. Look for W. I te a L. «* .» .%.► \ .. S . a u n b l i s . l t i t u t e . L’ . , Color ' ' - Eyelets, »“ lu Past A » k y i . u r « ( r u le r for W . L. D our ] ns shore. If not forsalefnyour townwrltefor Mail<>riler(’atalog.Bhow- 1r \ i .r .iu . Kw n ... 1 c i ............... a___ a j , ___. . ______ In* how to order by mail. Shoes ordered direct fro* factory delirored free. W.L.Douglas, lirocktoo, i~ W » p ub lish our form ulas . W o banish alcohol from our m edicines W e urge you to consult your doctor The dose of Ayer’s Pills is small, only one at bedtime. As a rule, laxative doses are better than cathartic doses. For con­ stipation, biliousness, dyspepsia, sick- headaches, they cannot be excelled. Ask your doctor about this. ■ M ade b y th e J. O > nn . T o w e l ) . W i• •• $ 5 .0 0 eq u al W ork $ 8 .0 0 , PIPE REPAIRING Of every description by nuil. AMBER,BRIER sad MEERSCHAUM. Artuxul Coloring, j S IG S IC H E L & C O . 92 Hurd Sir set Pertlaad 1 $ 3 . 0 0 S A M P L E D E R B Y . F E L T . S T R A W $1.1 Hst»Cleaned. Blocked 5 0 c ; F HnuCle $ 1 . Trimmings 2 5 c each. Ladies’ Hate Remodeled, Willow Plumes retied sod Dyed. Complete Line of M illinery* U Ll i l l Dv**d. - ^ ^ ^ " ^ » 3 1 ' 5 j A L D E R S T .. P O R T L A N D A jb lfim $ 1. Trir SHERMAN, CLAY & CO. ESTABLISHED 4 0 YEARS SIXTH, A T M ORRISON ST., PO R TLA N D , OR. We want you to try this Piano IN YOUR ' HOME FREE. We want you to try it at ^ our expense because— At the end o f thirty days the Piano ITSELF will convince you of the following facts: It’s the best value on earth for the price 4 1 ($275). It’s MUSICALLY and MECHANICALLY | riKht! g: ¿.v ■ We know there is so much real value in this Wellington Piano—we’re selling for $275—on easg payments—that we’ re willing to let it be IT’S OWN SALESMAN. It will tell It’s own story to you—in your home—if you’ll send us the coupon. Please send me full particulars concerning this unusual Plano offer. Name................................................ Address................................................... A N G E L A HOTEL O n « R a te ; R o o m w it h 625 W a s h i n g t o n S tr e e t P O R T L A N D , OR. P r iv a te B a th , New brick, »plendidly furnished. Undies' parlor; spacious lobby; elevator: steam heat; running water; phones in ail rooms. In quiet neighborhood. Take » car from Union Depot, transfer to W ash. ington street. Phone Marshall 1850. $1 The S h a h 's P E R G reat L earned D agger. One of the treasures of the shah of Persia Is a diamond set In one of hlB sclmiters, which renders Its possessor invincible. There Is also a dagger wlin the same property, but It Is or­ dained that those who use It should perish by It. It Is therefore carefully shut up In a sandalwood box on which Is engraved a verse from the Koran.— Chicago News. A D A Y H e lp . It b y E ar, The dear little girl then arose, bow *4 and recited It In this manner : “Lettuce Denby up N. Dewing, Widow Hartford N. E. Fate; Still H. E. Vlng, still per Sue W in * Learn to label Aunty Waite.” Then with the tumultuous applause of the audience ringing In her ears, she sat down In happy confusion.—Chlcag* Tribune. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ When young a girl wonders If ah* will ever meet a man she would mar­ ry; after ahe gets older, she wonder« If she will ever meet one ahe wouldn’t marry. __________________ “ T look forward to having ■ great garden this year.” “ You do? Bought some new vari­ Joweled sunbursts In which one set eties of seeds?” of rays Is made to revolve over anoth­ “ No, but I’ve found a man in the er by clockwork have been Invented neighborhood who owns a wheelbar­ gy an English woman. row, and that will he a great help.” — Detroit Free Fross. H arness C atalog Free! H eadach e Send lor our UtO-page Harness Catalog Free. Will save you 20 to 50 per cent sure. “ My father has been a sufferer from sick headache for the last twenty-five years and never found any relief until he begnn taking your Cascareta. Since he has begun taking Cascarets he has never had tile headache. They have entirely cured him. Cascarets do what you recommend them to do. I will give you the privilege of using his name.” — K. M. Dickson, 1130 Kcsiner St., W. Indiauapolis, Ind. Plcaaant, PalatubK Potent. KELLER HARNESS CO. 49 North Sixth St. Portland. Oregon j COFFEEC) TEA SPICES Taste Good. BAKING POWDER Do Good. Never Sicken. Weaken or Grip#. One of the most fruitful sources of - EXTRACTS 10c, 26c. 50c. Never sold in bulk. The iren- infection has been by the pruning uine tablet stamped C C C. Guaranteed to JUST RIGHT cure or your money back shears or saw. In pruning, if an ■^SnSDISEBB^ active canker is cut into, the tools be­ ChOSSET A DEVERSi PORTLAND. O a f come infected and serve as inoculating REDUCE THE COST OF LIVING; instruments to spread the disease. The only method known of control­ use ling fire blight is to cut out all cases ATRIP TO PORTLAND FREK of cankers wherever they appear. CUT RATES IN Spraying with fungicides is of only PAINLESS DENTISTRY 25c. FULL POUND supplementary value and the various P a in le ss E x t r a c t io n ........... P ro* Silver P i lli n g » ...........................30» blight cures are worse than useless. G old F illin g » ...............................79« Experience has shown that it is of 22 K . Gold C r o w n » .................... $fl . f '¡¥ P orcelain C r o w n s ...................... $S little permanent value to attempt to L. M o la r Gold C r o w n » . . . . , . . . . $4 N a m M e i d ic O cut out the fruit spur and twig blight W B ridge W o r k , 22 K . G o l d .. . $S ll In la y F ill», Pure G o l d ............. f t as they appear. Unless these forms ABSOLU TELY CURES V e r y N ic e K u b b ar P la t a .. . .$4 of the disease extend into the branches B e»t R u b b er P late on E a r t h ......................................... $ f A L L T H I S W O R K IS G U A R A N T E E D . D R . W H I T I N G ’S R E M E D IE S on which they occur and a canker is D o n 't throw you r m on ey aw ay. A dollar m t « 4 M AH tTACTU BK Il HY formed the disease usually becomes 1» t w od ollar» earned. O y r origin al reliable Modena N A T I O N A L M E D I C I N E C O ., L T D . PainleHH M eth ods and our p e r fec ted offica •qu ip - 4 2 2 'v S h e l l e y B lk ., N o r r l s o n S t., naturally limited and the germs gradu­ men t save » uh tim e and your m oney. R o o m s 3 a n d 4 , F o r la n d . O r, ally die. B O S TO N D E N T IS T S . 5 t h It M o r r i s o n . P o r t i o n * I'l.o .■ Miir-lmll 2 1 19 Entrance 291V4 Morrison, opposite Pontotfice and Meier A 1. A P P E N D I C I T I S R E M E D Y . The efforts of the grower should be The only known cure for Appemiicrila without Frank. EitablUhed in Portland 10 years. Open evening» the aril of the knife (ih c * immedinta relief. directed to cutting out all cases of until 8 and Sunday« until 12s 30. for people who work. nniabet«M. Kidney and Bladder Trou­ the cankers have become more or less ble« PRICK 6. 'I hi* New Hcienriflo Work In a home treatment. limited in their growth and are not I TTTHKlf w riting _ to ndrertlonm plano« 1 W rite or cull anti we will explain. External I fV m ention t thl h l f paper. j actively spreading. treatment only. Summer cutting is intelligently ap­ plied is frequently of great value, particularly where there is only a little SEND THIS AD. FOR FREE PREMIUM LIST blight. In the autumn before the leaves fall is a good time to do the cut­ ting, as all oases o f twig blight are Portland Seattlo Spokane easily observed. The trees should be particularly ex­ A»k for Thoir G ood» and amined for cases of the collar rot. It is this form of the disease that causes many trees to be killed outright. In cutting out cankers it is neces­ sary that the tools be kept moist with some good disinfectant. If this is not done each cut will reinocúlate the germs into the bark at the edges They Will Secure You Many Useful TRADE. M A R K of the canker and the labor may thus Articles Without Cost be useless. Corrosive sublimate in a solution of one part to one thousand of water has been found to be the most satisfactory Health will be their rew ard. I f your teeth are Decayed have them attended to at oar o A o o by disinfectanL The solution is a violent, Bottor D R . W Y T H E or one o f our expert W orkm an who are skilled In DR . W Y T H E 'S ayatem. poison. It must be kept in glass. I K N O W w hat to do and how to do It. T h a t’s w hy all my work is positively P A IN L E S S . That*» CRESCENT BAKING POWDER mo Pacific Coast Biscuit Company ►SAVE T H E S E SWASTIKA ENDSEALS THEY ARE VALUABLE LET EVERY PERSON TAKE CARE OF THEIR TEETH Information Free to Orchardists. The Bitters has clearly proven, during the past 56 years, that it is an k f^ l tonic and invigorant for those in a weak and debil­ itated condition. It aids digestion and keeps the bowels open. Try it to-day. W. L. DOUGLAS A Brief Description of the Disease and Its Cure. alao w hy all m y work in G U A R A N T E E D to give lasting satisfaction. Popular pricaa w ithin tho raoah o f everyone, are charged. Coupled w ith m y incom parably low prices for d en tistry o f guaranteed reliability lo tho fo o t t h » l w e do not expoct the pay until the work is *at is factory to you. Bear Lassoed From Auto. The Department of Entomology and Cody, Wyo., Ms 31.—When a big Plant Pathology of the Agricultural Pilling» tn Gold. Silver. Pla­ tinum and Porcelain 5 0 c te $ l brown bear paused to look at an auto-1 College at Corvallis, Oregon, will be Gold C row n» and B ridge- mobile near the ranch of G. C. Rude- glad to answer inquiries relating to work $ 3 . $ 4 mi $ 8 son at the foot of the Big Horn moun-' insect peats or plant diseases at any taina today, Rudolph Rovingo, the cow­ time. Always include with your in- j boy chauffeur, holding the steering quiries as full a description o f the wheel with one hand, lassoed bruin as trouble aa possible and send specimens the car swept past him. The captive for examination. Address Department was dragged to the Rudeson ranch and of Entomology and Plant Pathology. is on exhibition there, with several . Oregon Agricultural College, Corval­ bare spots on his coat. lis, Oregon. h » « r» 8 :3 0 te 4; Sunday«. I A m M aking • S pecia lly o f P o r c e ia la B rid gew orlu Thin is w ithout d oubt tho m oot bo« « tlfu l and lasting work known to d en ­ tal science. Space* w here one or M N teeth have been lust I replace to Ieoh no natural that detection in impomiblo, Aek to see «amplea o f this boautifttl work. AU dentists hero ore gra d u a l«» of from 12 to 20 years’ experience. 148 Fifth Street. Opp. M«i»r A Frank'» Fifth-Str««t Entrance h:JO to 2 . Lady Assistant» Always In AUondaaah