.t o l l SMITH PAYS 18 c TOR GOOD, UVE EAT MEINS SHIP SMITH YOUR VEAL SHIP SMI1H YOUR PORK SHIP SMITH YOUR EGGS W e can uae unlim ited quantities o f all kinds o f Draeaed M eats. P ou ltry and Etttfs- Ship us all you have. W e never ch a rg e com m ia- ■ion. A d dress all ahipm enta FRANK L. SMITH MEAT CO. *Tlchting the Beef Trust“ PORTLAND, OREGON C o u v e n ie n t X 'la h H o le . "I have fished here for the last twen- > years.” "Ever caught anything?" “ No." “ Then why do you fish here?" "W ell. It's so near my house.” —File- Tende Blaetter._____________ Not All «»gel her. Promoter— I'd like to bring a trolley road into your town if I can raise the wind here. Uncle SI— Waal. I’ll be g09h derned! I s'posed they wuz still runnln' em by electricity.— Boston Herald. S ir . M e c h a n ic . MORE CHINESE RIOTS FEARED Scotch h gltlanders, who still apeak the Gaelic at times, settled much of the country north of Toronto. One day Dr Rutherford, locally famous, was j looking for some men to do some work for him. He went to a village black- ' smith shop and found several of these Scotchmen standing about. “ Are you a mechanic?” he asked on* of them. "N ay,” he replied. "I'm a McCulg.” — Philadelphia Saturday Evening Post. A lm o s t a F a ilu r e . th e K je of Boxer Revolution, F a it h . “Dr. Fourthly, don't you believe th* time is coming when the swords sha-l be beaten into plowshares and the spears into pruning hooks, and men shall learn war no more?” “Indeed I do, Brother Millsap.“ “ But when?’ “ About the time when that other prophecy Is fulfilled—‘and then shall the end come.’ “—Chicago Tribune. a.DT 7 »n< raw raw I'lti. coax tne uvey Into activity by gentle methods. They do not scour, grip, or weaken. They are • tonic to the stomach, liver and nerves; Invigorate Instead of weaken. They en rich the blood and enable the itoinach to get all the nourishment from food that Is put into It. These pills contain no calo mel; they are soothing, healing and atlm- slating. For sale by all druggists In 10c and 25c alics. If yon need medical ad vice, write Manyon'a Doctors. They will edvlse to the best of their ability abso lutely free of Charge. MUNYON’S. a** and Jeffcraoa Sts., Philadelphia, fa , Spring-Cleaning SICK WOMEN (Bicooes lor ally: tablets lalerully.) It is an honest reliable treatm en t used b y physicians everyw h ere every day in all cases o f inflam m ations, ulcers, discharges, irregularities, nervous sym ptom s, etc. ON E M O NTH TR E AT M E N T $1.00 A t D ru g g is ts o r Sent D irect P repaid. W EJUST REMEDY CO. Forest Grove, Or. CHEAP INSURANCE Idaho M inidoka Project -TL 8 , Government irri* ? a ’ ed land. AtljoLaTflH fan'Otw Tw in-Fall» tract Good clim ate. rich ant. ftf;nnaarb<k> o f water. There is an ouportunivy tat this lilg, new country fo r you, Mr. Farmer. iW »tgrow er. floriieseeKer. Hunt net« Man o r Investor. Yon heed to know o f these //ood things It in j our Privilege to know the facts. Tell da t#> send them. Address W ill J . . Tones. Secretary. Settlers Development League, lieyburn, Idaho. est CRIMSON W IN T E R RH UBARB $£.00 P er H undred. $40.00 P er Thousand April-Man Is the Time to Plant Rhubarb and Berru Plants J. B. W AGNER. The RHUBARB ahd BERRY Specialist ____________________ Pasadena, California If i n III u y a f e a agii V w i 111 U T L You no longer need w eary our- self out with the weakening heat o f an intensely hot kitch- en. You can cook in comfort. Here is a stove that gives no outside heat. All its heat C n rte n ta r o . JVc Per/eciicm F L A M E D Oil Cook-stove entirely removes the discomfort o f cooking. Apply a match and immediately the rtove is ready. Instantly an intense heat is pro jected upwards against the pot, pan, kettle or boiler, and yet there is no surrounding heat — no smell —no smoke. W h y? Because The New Perfection Oil Cook-Stove is scientifically and practically perfect. You cannot use too much wick — it is automatically controlled. You get the maximum heat —no smoke. The burner is simple. One wipe with a cloth cleans i t — conse quently there is no smell. The New Perfection Oil Cook-Stove is wonderful for year-round uae, but especially in summer. Its heat oper ates upward to pan, pot, or kettle, but not beyond or around. It ia useless for heating a room. It has a Cabinet T sp with shelf for keeping pistes and food hot. It has long turquoise-blue enamel chimneys. The nickel finish, with the bright blue o f the chimneys, makes the stove ornamental and attractive. Made with I, 2 and 3 burners; the 2 and 3-burner stoves can be had with or without Cabinet. Y t . tj d n l e ,T fT T .) - r - : If no, yrmn, w rit, oeaieetagaocj of U m for Dwcrlpuw Circular l > the —------------------------ B r o n c h ia l T r o c h e s A . bTUMdta«. m 1**1 Its. H a i m s , C i a l . , S m T h roat, Bronchial a l A rtw ritte T n i t l a . A a art0:1« of aipm a. marft. ,Wnkrtaiy f r ,. h . O o f harmful t a f n e n t . P n c « , 2 5 c m to, SO c m . sa d $ 1 .0 0 pm h e . - mrlr motlrM an nquML IO H N 1. B R O W N Mt SO W . B m . M a m Standard O il C o m p a n y •Incorporated i ' MONEY IS TIED UP, New York Bankers Try to Sell Stocks — Few Buyers. New York, April 26.— The fianneial Review says the markets o f last week registered a sharp revulsion o f senti ment from the hopeful temper o f the week before. It was the commonly accepted view o f the close market ob servers that the advance has been or ganized by important capital and by banking interests to stimulate outside interest in the dealings and to pro claim a feeling o f confidence at the financial center which might react on general business. The action o f the market at the opening o f last week was sufficient to demonstrate the failure o f the experi ment. Instead o f buying orders, the country sent orders to sell stocks and took advantage o f the higher prices established. The professions o f contentment with the conditions o f the steel trade which had come from official sources in con nection with the marking up o f stocks and the predictions o f an increase in the dividend rate on United States Steel and o f a favorable quarterly statement o f earnings, had to be con trasted with the yielding price o f pig iron, proposals for reducing output to avoid an unwieldly surplus accumula tion, and a falling off in new orders for different lines o f finished products. GRAZING LANDS N O T INCLUDED It’s Pettit’s Eye Salve Secretary Wilson to Take All Such that gives instant relief to eyes; irri From Reserves. tated from dest, heat, sun or wind. Washington, April 26.— Although All druggists or Howard Bros., Buffalo, N. Y . __________________ stockmen who hold permits to graze in forest reserves are protesting against E n v ir o n m e n t . the elimination o f non-timbered lands The person with the Van Dyke beard from forest reserves, Secretary Wilson and the artistic temperament had died announced today that the law does not ! and gone to the abode of the blest. contemplate the inclusion in the re “ Well, what do you think of It?” they serves o f any but timbered lands and asked him. * “ The scenery Is not bad,” he answer that whenever non-timbered lands are ed, “but the music is hopelessly crude found within reserves they must be re stored to the public domain. and archaic.” In making the elimination he will use discretion to protect the water sup Simpleton«. Senior Partner— Keep a sharp eye on plies o f cities and towns, but beyond Holdfast. I’m afraid he’s robbing the that he w ill insist that all large areas firm. Junior Partner— Eh? Is he liv o f grazing lands, particularly around ing extravagantly? Senior Partner— the outer boundaries, be taken out. He Well, I passed him in the street yester holds that grazing lands cannot be re day, and he was smoking a cigar that served to prevent stream pollution. didn’t smell at all bad. Hermann Is Improving. R e a s o n to r t h e N a m e . Roseburg, Or., April 26. — A fter First Milliner—You have designed spending a restful night, Binger Her the north pole hat? mann awoke this morning showing evi Second Milliner—Yes; It will be a dence o f slight improvemenL Not matter of dispute between the pur chaser and her husband.—New York only is he able to lie in bed com fort ably for the first time since his severe Sun. illness began, but he is also spending’ much o f his time in conversation with members o f his fam ily, whom he readily recognizes. According to a bulletin issued by K. L. Miller, the attending physician, late this a f “ I have suffered with piles for tliirty ternoon, the patient is resting easier six years. One year ago last April I be g in taking Casearets gan Cascarete for constipation. In than at any time during his illness. the- course of a week I noticed ced the tl piles Phones for Dispatcher«. began to disappear and at the end T . weeks they did not trouble me at all. SL Paul, Minn., April 26.— The Cascareta have done wonders foe me. I Great Northern railway has ju st order atn entirely cured anti feel like • new ed the telephone train dispatching ap man.” George Krydcr, Napoleon, O. paratus to be installed on six more di P e a sa n t. Palatable. P otent. Taste G ood. visions o f its road. This road is al Do G ood. N e v e r Sicken. W eaken or G rip«. 10c, 25c. 50c. N ever sold in bulk. T he gen ready using telephones for this purpose uine tablet stam ped C C C. G uaranteed to on approximately 2,100 miles o f line, cu re o r your m oney back. and in every new extension which in cludes the Fergus Falls, Brerkenridge, North Dakota, SL Cloud and Cascade Portland is (he big market place tí the divisions, reaches in the neighborhood o f 1,900 miles. The telephone system Northwest o f the Great Northern will extend Send Your Producá THERE 1 over the entire main line. We are handlers o f Fggs, Butter, Veal, Dressed Hogs, Poultry, live or B rid g e'D on or Is Found, _ dressed: also Apples, Onions. Pota Boston, April 26.— The mystery sur toes. Consignments, whether large rounding the identity o f the Harvard or small, are solicited. We can give you good pnces for good stuff. alumnus who had offered $300,000 to W rit* Us. build a new bridge over the Charles river to the stadium from Cambridge, M cEwen & Koskey was cleared today when it was learned commission M u a u x n that L ari Anderson, class o f ’99, o f 129 Front S t Portland, Or«. Brookline, was the man. The proposed bridge would replace the present struc ture which has been found inadequate to accommodate the crowds that flock annually to the stadium for games. PILES is concentrated at the burners. An intense blue flame (hotter than either white or red) is thrown upwards but not around. All the beat is utilized in cooking — none in outside heating. B L U E by "Is our new Congressman homely? Well, I should say! Did you ever see | a photograph of him?” “ Why, no, but I've seen caricatures of him.” “ Oh, they flatter him ; you should see one of his photographs.” —Catholic j Standard and Times. TIME o f th e year to have your teeth ou t and p l a t e a n d bridge work done. Forout* of-tow n natron» we finiah p l a t e a n d bridge work in one day i f necessary. “ Woodlark” Squirrel Poison is the most reliable and destructive agent yet devised for the extermination o f Gophers, Squir rels, Sage Rata and Prairie Dogs. It is the cheapest insurance against their ML W. A. WISE, Pintsnr am Mtains B E S T M E T H O D « as m u ( stibium is M rtRTuao ravages. Every kernel is warranted to Painless Extraction Free wl___ when plates o r bridge work is oraered. is ordered. Consultation Freo. Free. Y o u cannot got better kill. Climatic changes or moisture of the , painless work anywhere, n o m atter how m uch you pay, fo r fifteen years. earth do not destroy its strength. Re- _ A _ l l _ w _ ork fu lly _ guaranteed _ quires N O M I X I N G O R P R E P A R A T I O N . Is W i s p I l p t l f 5 ) 1 I j A always ready for use. No other is so T T 1 S C INCORPORATED good. Dealers will refund the purchase P a i n l e s s D e n t is t s price If not as claimed. Pamphlet free. NW nfBul illdlng. Third ft Washington. PORTLAND, OREGON Office Hoars: 8 A. M. to 8 P. M. londays, 9 to 1 H oy t C h e m ica l C o ., Portland. Oregon W I C K S p e c lfy ln a r A n y b o d y . F la t t e r e d Molar Crowns $ 5 .0 0 22k Bridge Teeth3 .5 0 Gold Fillings 1. Enamel Fillings 1« _ _ Silver Fillings .5 0 Good Rubber Plates 5 .0 0 Best Rubber Plates 7 .5 0 Painless Extr'tion .5 0 FOR G R A IN G R O W E R S to No the Farm. NOW ' I ( ^ M ^ D o n ’ t a c c e p t a n y s u b stitu te. Sam ple A d d re ss A . S. O lm sted. L e R oy, N . Y . _ FARMERS R. R E IE R S O N 1 8 2 Morrison St., Portland, Oregon $1.60 Per D ozen. Stores. FREE. “ I'd like to have you meet Mr. Lobs- come. He's the vice president of our literary society.” “Why, Is It any particular honor to be a vice president? I thought------“ “ Not of the kind you are thinking about, perhaps, but It's some distinc Fresh, ju s t o ff the press, tion to be a vice president of our liter a book that tells ary society, let me tell you.”—Chicago How to Keep the B o y on Tribune. __________________ F re e fo r the asking. W rite now, postal card, b e fo r e the su p p ly is exhausted. Doctors prescribe very little, if any, alcohol these days. They prefer strong tonics and altera tives. This is all in keeping with modern medical science. It explains why A yer’s Sar saparilla is now made entirely free from alcohol. Ask your doctor. Follow his advice. May Have to Unite As In the Barit yard Itepartee. "Seeme to me.” grumbled the old rooster, “you're laying smaller eggs R e l i a b l e U r e a k fu .t F o o d ., than your regular average." "W hat sort of breakfast food do “Well, then,” clucked the old hen, “I don’t need any assistance In cackling you find the best?" “ Well," replied the well-nourished over 'em. Kindly chase yourself around the yard."__________________ citizen, “ I haven't run across any thing yet that beats bacon and eggs, A p o l o g i e s t o M o t h e r U oosO e though sausage and buckwheats af Old Mother Hubbard, S end 10c fo r trial package. ford a pleasant change occasionally.” She went to thè Clipboard, As always had been her habit. — Philadelphia Ledger. “I can’t afford beef,” la Modern Tim e«. The women of Alllngtown, Conn., She murmured, w ith.grief; "Hang It all, Ethel, must your aunt Bo she made her poor dog a Welsh rab have organized for the protection of their village from Are. They are to \ go along?” b it “ Yes, George; but when everything’s hold a country fair, the proceeds of which will be used to buy apparatus. going nicely you can pretend that H a ts Cleaned a blocked 5 0 c , They will also form a woman's bri something's wrong with the machinery with New Tritaarin£B $1—P an gade of the Are department. am as $ 1 — Ladies Straw Hata re and that It’s absolutely necessary to modeled. 5 c postafe mails your lighten ship so we won’t he all killed, softhattous. 3 15 *17 A ld e r H I . T im e W a s n ’ t. S t. P ortland« O re g o n . and then we’ll drop auntie overboard “ Time Is money.” with the parachute.” — Life. “Cut that lie out.” PIPE REPAIRING ttntrj descrôtioii It, nul. AMBER.BRIER M o t h e r , w ill fin d M rs. W l n .l o w * . S o o t h in g “ Why do you call it a—” « 4 MEERSCHAUM. A,until Colon» B yrup th e b e s t r e m e d y to uae fo r t h e ir c h ild r e n “ Say, I’ve just done ten year9 In l u r i n g t h e tea t h in g p e r io d . BIG SICHEL Sc CO. (2 TWA Strut Portion! the penitentiary and come out bust S a r c a a tle . e d !"— Cleveland Leader. “ You will admit that a court la a necessity,” said the Judge. “ Yes,” answered the audacious at torney. ’ “ But I don’t like to be so fre quently reminded of the adage, ‘Neces fT c O F F E E C The Human Syatem Need« It. sity knows no law.’ ”— Washington T E A S P IC E S B AK IN G POWDER _______ Mrs. M. Morgan, 411 4th Ave., E., Star. f EXTRACTS Brainerd, Minn., writes: “ I take from L a te P o la r C o n t r o v e r s y . one to two bottles of Hood’s Sarsapa JUST RIGHT rilla In the spring to purify the blood 9*he king of France marched up the as regularly as I do my house- hill with 40,000 men. CL0SSET&DEVER3 i Just cleaning, and go around light-footed PORTLAND. ORE. “ I wish plenty of witnesses,” he ex and light-hearted. I believe It Is the plained. best blood purifier known.” His purpose accomplished, he forth Hood’s Sarsaparilla so combines the curative principles of roots, barks and with marched down.— New York Sun. herbs as to raise them to their highest efficiency; hence Us unequaled cures. Shake Into Your Shoes Get it today In usual liquid form or A lim 's F o o t-E a se , a p o w d e r f o r th e fe e t. I t co r e s W ill Find Speedy R e lie f and tablets called Sarsatabs. painful, sw ollen , sm artin g, s w e e tin g fe e t. M akes A b solu te C ure by U sin g the new shoes e a sy. S old b y a ll D ru g g is ts and Shoe '• '' ---------------- Wejust Treatment BAKING POWDER 25c. FULL POUND j In Event o f Serious Trouble, Nations Washington, April 26.— There is con cern at the State department over the Chinese riots in Hunan province be cause o f the possibility that the trouble may spread rapidly at any moment. It is realized here that information in the Chinese provinces travels with lightning-like rapidity from mouth to mouth. So, with flaming anti-foreign liosters being posted in the streets o f Changsha, it is readily understood wnat the effect may be on the neigh- | boring districts. If the riots spread it is believed that the foreign nations will stand together with the Chinese government to help j bring about order and prevent blood shed, as during the Boxer troubles. Effective naval vessels in the vicin ity appear to be the United States cruiser Cleveland, the Japanese gun boat U ji, and the British river gun boat Snipe. The Cleveland, which has just ar rived at Hankow is o f 3,200 tons dis placement and carries ten 5-inch guns, eight 6 pounders, two l-pounders, four Colt automatic and one 3-inch field gun. The Snipe is a British river gunboat, which has just been refloated after having run aground near Changsha. She is 58 tons displacement, carries two 6-pounders and four 45-inch Max- ims. The Japanese gunboat is 620 tons displacement and carries four 12- pounders and three Maxims. 1 REDUCE THE COST OF U M »« »«CRESCENT Governments Begin to Realize Gravity of Situation. “ Doctor, you operated on that patient In No. 49, didn't you?" “ Yes." “ Make a successful Job of It?" “ No, I didn't. The operation was dls gustlngly simple, and the man wasn't in the slightest danger at any time. The elaborate preparations I had mad. for handling a critical case were whol ly wasted.”_________________ W ith FASHION HINTS A i/ers Vi a p u b l is h o u r fo r m u la » This outing suit of rose colored linen has small tucks panneled in the sides of the blouse and skirt. Black linen is used for the belt, collar and deep cults. A jaunty tie is drawn through the slash in the blouse front, giving just the required dash to the whoie __ .■■ .a m a A torr «* m B ln O il — V .a t w f. T h r a .s h B orin s la It* ■ #*. ▲ light for title to 4,400 acres o f Car ry Lake In Caddo parish, southwest Louisiana, and said to bs an oil field valued at approximately $5.000,000, has been begun before Commissioner Den nett of the general land office. The claimant Is John B.Klng of Texarkana. Texaa, who made entry over one year ago under the placer mining act. Ha claims that the area of the lake was never turned over by the government to the State of Louisiana, and as the attorney general of that Stats did not put In an appearance yesterday It le believed that the State la content to let the general government deal with the proposition before it In any manner It may deem advisable. Farmer Representative John J. Lents of Columbus, Ohio; J. A. Telller of Little Rock, Ark., and J. D. Korner, also of the capital of Ohio, made up the legal array which presented Mr. King’s side of the case. At the close of the argument Commissioner Den nett took the matter under advisement. He did not announce when a decision will be rendered In the matter. For several months past It has been believed that the State officials of Lou isiana were going to put up a vigorous fight for the lake, which also has a considerable area In the Stats of Tex aa Several years ago, whlls prospect ing over the general oil field In the section where the lake Is located, Mr. King discovered that while the Stand ard Oil Company had located Its wells on all sides of the property, no attempt had been made to locate on the lake. He then went to work, and made a close examination of the records bear ing on the question of title to the land on which the lake lies. This was for merly government land before the back water from the Red River overflowed the section and left the lake. He ascer talned, so It was pointed out In the ar gument of the attorneys before Com missioner Dennett yesterday that the lake was never turned over by the general government to the State of Louisiana, and he lost no time In mak ing an entry on the 4,400 acres In ques tion, which Is believed to be the rich est In the section In point of possible oil fields. With his entry he theu made his plans to bring the matter to the atten tion of the commissioner of- the gen eral land office, so as to perfect the ti tle before he begins operations for lo cating oil wells. He talked at length yesterday of the question and pointed out that aa the lake Is only about two or three feet deep It will be a compara tively easy matter to locate oil wells In all parts of the area covered by the 4,400 acres In question. Mr. King Is positive from the Investigations he has made that the area Is of Immense value and hopes as soon as he gets title to begin operations The section In which the lake Is lo cated In both Texas and Louisiana Is looked upon by oil experts everywhere as a particularly rich oil country, and this fact has been singularly brought out, It Is declared, by reason of the fact that the Standard Oil Company has come Into the section and bought up all the land bordering on the lake.— Washington Star. A B ed d in g M crchaat. The Jeweler had left his new boy In charge o f the store whlls he went home to his dinner, but not until he cautioned the youth that all ths goods were marked and that he must not let anyone take goods with him unless they were paid for. “ Well, Sam," hs asked upon his r o torn, “ did you have sny customers?” "You bet!” said Sam, glssfully. “ And I got his money, too! I sold on* man all those brass rings you had that were marked 18c en the Inside, and hare’s ths money—a dollar and ninety- sight easts I " —Judge. R .a a r d la g Unless there is daily action of the bow els, poisonous products are absorbed, causing headache, biliousness, nausea, dyspepsia. We wish you would tsk your doctor about correcting your constipation by taking laxative doses of Ayer’ s Pills. ST E IN W A Y AN D O TH E R PIANOS latta ll M a m . Union Hade 1 O I r ! E? O V S ft— O Beys' Shoes $ 2.00 A $2.64 XV. L . D o u g in s s h o e s tiro w o r n by lu o r r in c u t hail an y oth er m ake, BECAUSEs \V. L. I »ought» •3 .0 0 93.50* and » h o « » are th e lo w e ttt p r ice , q u a lit y c o n s id e r e d , , in t h e w o r l d . 1 W .L allniigla» 91.00 a n d 9 5.0 0 »hoe« e q u a l, in sty le, fit a n d w e a r, o th e r m ak e« j coat inic*Ml.OO to 9K.04I. * Fast Color E yelets. The genuine have \V. L . Dniut!»» nam e and prim St&Hiped on the botlom . 'I ' u k e .\ «» M u h « l l t u t e . Ask your dealer for W .L . D ou gla s shoe». I ft h e y a r s not for »ale in you r tow n write fo r M a ilo rd e r C a talog , fi r i n g fu ll direct ions how itty order bjr m all. Shoe« pidered dlrei-t from fa ctory delivered to the wearet il l charge» prepaid. \V. L. D ouglas, B rock ton . M rf* Sherm an p a y & C o. VICTOR TALK ING MACHINES SIXTH AN D MORRISON, OPP. POSTOFFICE, PORTLAND, OREGON A Beautiful Book FREE This beautiful booklet, con t.ln in s 7 3 splendid pho togra v u re. o f the w orld*, most celeb ra ted musician«, may be h .d fre e upon request, p rovid in f the follow - in . questions are answ ered. W . will also send free S cop y af “ Old r .v o e ite S on gs.” Do you expect to buy a Piano ? ............................. W hen?. A a Advantage. Brown— Yes, I’m acquainted with your wife, old man. I knew her be fore you married her. Smith— Ah, that’s where you had the advantage of me— I didn’t.— Life. __________________ i Say. l*a«lor (loodm as, “Those sleepers may be sinners. But their sleeping Is no sign; Brethren, If they can’t keep awake They’re not to blame— make no mis take I— For I know the fault Is mine!” J o lin D. He accumulated many rocks, ’’ And this Is his explanation: ”1 need them all—In spite of your knocks— To make a «»cure Foundation.” —Chicago Tribun?. Corre<*44ngr a M isapprehension. Caller—I have been told that your bachelor brother Is an avowed mis ogynist. Mrs. Gaswell—Why. Mrs. Jlpea, there Isn’t a word of truth In that. He’s * Congregationalism—Chicago Tribune. w i l l i n g to C om p roa s t o .. on tn e L o o ,. Woman of the House— No. I haven’t Stranger—How about those elevated any old garments to give you. Needham Quick—I ain’t so dead sot cars? Are they the pay-as-you-entar kind, too? on havin’ of ’em old, ma’am. If you’ ve Suburban—No; they’re the pray-as- got any that’s on’y slightly soiled they’ll do Jls’ as well.—Chicago Trib you-enter kind. une. It’s a Wrong Idea To suppose that Nature alone will correct any dis turbance o f the Stomach, Liver or Bowels. Very often assistance is needed, and it is then you ought to take the Bitters. You’ll find it Nature’s best aid in cases of Poor Appetite, Heartburn, Sour Stomach, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Cos tiveness, B ilio u sn e s s and Malaria. Always insist on having lOSTETTER’i CELEBRATED STOM ACH B IT T E R TO 1 EXCHANGE. G eneral m erch andise » to re rig h t in the h eart o f P ortland, W eat Side, on m ain th orou gh fare, dow n tow n ; caah business o f last year, $40.000; thia ia a fo rtu n e m aker; w e value atock and fixtu re« from $10,000 to $12,000. W ill e x ch a n g e fo r cash or live-, stock o r acreage, farm land or som e good real es tate In Portland. D escribe you r p rop erty In full. A d dress A B 866, O regon ian , Portland, O re g o u. MONEY H O W TO M A K E IT OIL S E N D F O R P R O S PE C TU S H YG R AVITY OIL COMPANY 404 Story Building Los Angelas, CaL KASPARILLA This sterling household remedy has long been recognized as the best and Safest Blood Purifier, the most successful prescription for spring humors and such lisorders of the blood as boils, pimples, pustules, blotches, sores and cutaneous •ruptions. Knsparilla is admitted to bs .he best remedy for that lack of energy gild the peculiar debility so prevalen) luring the close of winter and theopenins }f spring. For derangements of the d l festive organs it is a natural corrective, iperuting directly upon the liver and alt lientary canal, gently but 'Persistently | itimulating a healthy activity. Its leneficial influence extends, however, t< ;very portion o f the system, aiding in th« ^ processes o f digestion anil assimilation oi I iood, promoting a wholesome, natural ippetite, correcting sour stomach, bad oreath, irregularities of the bowels, con- itipation and the long list o f troubles > directly traceable to those unwholesoms ' conditions. Kasparilla dispels drowsi ness, headache, backache and despond ency due to inactivity of the liver, kidneys and digestive tract. It is s itrengthening tonic of the highest valne. THE BIST 8PRIN8 MEDICINE H oyt C he m ica l C o . Portland, Oregon P N U [W N o . IS — ’ 1 0 HEN writing to »dvertlitrt pio muni l«»n thl« pnp«r. SEND THIS AD. FOR FREE PREMIUM LIST Pacific Coast Biscuit Company Portland Seattla Spokana Ask for Their Good« and » SAVE T H E S E SWASTIKA END SEALS THEY ARE VALUABLE They Will Secure You Many Useful Article« W ithout Coat G u a ra n t e e d Under i r 3 1 TRADE MARK Jaquee Mfe. Co. Chicago. all Para Pood Low« Im m ig r a n ts » There has been during the peal rest an Increase of 600,000 In the Immigrant population of the United Statea. In tha meantime about 260,000 Immi grants returned home. Inveetlgatlon shows that o f those who return to their European homee the vast majority are unskilled laborers whose stay hare has been comparatively brief. The me chanics and artisans stay In thalr new homes. T il« W # b a n is h a lc o h o l f r o m o u r m o d io iu » » W e u r g e j o u to o o n su lt y o u r d octor W. L. D O U G LA S S 3 . 0 0 , 9 3 . 5 0 , $ 4 . O O & 8 0 .0 0 A c to r * « K C BAKING POWDER Stands for Quality E con om y Purity D ile m m a . T h e stage detective must bo donbly elover.“ "H ow so?" "H e must disguise himself so that he will be recognised by everybody In the audience and nobody on the stage.” —Tlt-Blts. I .a k a . S a v in g . "W hy do we long-necked people got Tennessee Has 8now fall. Nashville, A pril 26. — Flurries o f into the funny columns so oftenT” ■■ Because the humorists find Jt east- snow were intermittent here all day. So far the damage in Tennsesee from •r to draw a foot of nock than to write the present cold snap has been slight. i toot of Jok es."- Kansas City Times. Lounces/ In providing the famfty's menls,don’t be satisfied with anything but the best. K C is guaranteed perfec tion at a moderate price. It makes everytl^ng better. , Try and see,: iLv^^^FPerfect F or ! Money back. IÍUJ