PUBLISHED AÛVÉRTl£lNt.iKÀTfib EVERY FRIDAY BY H. G. K1BBEE, Proprietor SUBSCRIPTION RATES One "Year........................................................................*1.50 .......................................................... 75 1 Six Months........................................................ '^Three M o n t h s ..,.............................................................. 50 I 15 A tired as second-class matter March 12. 1909, at the post office at Mosier, Oregon, undvr the A c t of March 3. Ib79. MOSIER BULLETIN perm eatili Professional Cards. . . 1.1» One square................... IN One-quarter Column. One-half Column. . . . • I .M One Column.................. • te li Business locals will be charged at fi cents par MM f o r each insertion. Legal advertisements will in all cases be ehargad to the party oAWring them, at legal rates, and V O L . II MOSIER, W A SC O C O U N T Y , OREGON, F R ID A Y , A P R IL 22, 1910 NO. *7 paid for before affidavits are furnished. ■■ ■■ PREPARE YOUR SPECIMENS. endeavor to get the Legislature! Mrs L. M. Bailey was-* visitor at its next sitting to make a Hood River yesterday. The secretary of the Portland special appropriation for a prop-! The 91st anniversary of the . .. _, Chamber of Commerce has re -, , ... *■ er representation of Oregon hor foundation of Odd Fellowship will quested me to send Ivina from 1 ticulturai products at this great be observed next Tuesday eve- time to time, as opportunity International Horticultural Ex- ning at the Christian Church in offers, any kind of fruiborgarden ■ i Mosier. The Rev. W. C. Gilmore ! hibiticn.1” products that would be specially ss pof Hood River will deliver the fine as specimens for exhibition HOAfE- address. All Odd Fellows and »in their rooms in Portland. This THE JOHN BROWN the public generally are invited to ‘fruit must be perfect in quality, 1 STEAD CHANGES HANDS. attend. Messrs R. L. ami C. G.-Dwight, and be particulaily excellent. 'Only a small quantity is neces-; formeriy-ef Memphis, Tertn., who “ FINE LAUNDRY WORK” sary; for instance, a direb o f j have been investigating the fruit 'cherries six inches or a foot in bearing -sections -of dhe north- Dont- with neatness anil dispatch 'length, well loaded With perfect; west, from the California boun- rcherries of large size, would make dary to British Columbia, -have a good specimen, or a whole again returned lo Mosier, after Hood River Laundry Company J . E. COLE, M o s ie r A g e n t strawberry plant with many large three week’ s absence in different «•ipe strawberries on it. Apples counties. They both afcree that NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. may be single, and prunes and Mosier has the best land and th e; dther kinds of fruit in small quan- greatest opportunities, and have Notice is hereby given that the part Cities. : badkiB up their decision By in-. nership heretofore existing under the 1 These specimens will he recei- vesting in the bdlartte «of -the firm name of Denny & Harvey, con -1 *ved by the Chamber of Commerce John Brown honStsttad. The ducting the Mosier Market, at Mosier, ( and put into a fluid which will price paid was between $5,000 Oregon, was dissolved, by mutual con- j preserve the color and size intact, : and $6,000. This is orfiyanother sent, On The 7th day o f April, 1910. the work being done by an ex- instance of-tha< business entOr- John Denny retiring from tiie film and pert from California, whom they \ prise, which come; to all those ! D. P. Harvey continuing the business, | ' assuming'ail obligations and collecting, have recently hired at a large who Visit Mesiec <dnd -vicinity, I all accounts of the above named firm. salary to do this work. They The very fait that strangers-are Signed J ohn D en n y J want to have each county and" quicker to Seize opportunities like D. P. H a r v e y district in the state represented, 1 these than the residents thern- and will label each product, where selves, speaks well for this com -} it comes from, by whom grown, munity, for it shows go all «that and name and variety of fruit, there is a prosperous future for In this way we can have a great Mosier. The Dwight brothers deal of free advertising, as many intend t o ’bling their fairtiltes Up people coming from all parts of from Portland and settle down -the country go to the Portland ; right away, and clear and culti- W . H. KERSLAKE, Mgr. •Commercial Club rooms, then tojvate their land. R. L. Dwight W e d e a l in improved and uhimprovt d the rooms of the Chamber of purchased forty acres, while his Commerce, which are located on brother purchased sixty acres, fruithartH in Mosier district. Send fir the ground floor, and are open t<.; Thus changes hands another of our Booklet of Bargains. W e a re a g e n ts f o r th e MOUNTAIN visitors at all times. the choicest tracts o f Mosier fruit On a recent Visit there, the land* The sale was made by j east Vli;w of Mosier. This land will f be ut^ cut first exhibit almost that my e y e s i W . H. Kerslakfe, Mosier ; up in small tracts to suit ¡purchaser,. fell on was a jar containing two Hills Land and Orchard Co, and sold on easy payments. v e r y large potatoes, labelled IMO&ÈR, - - ORE. “ Grown by Peter Dohm, Hood A CLOSE CALL. River County.” I told Mr Gilt- An accident Which came very ner, tche secrelary, that Peter near being serious occurred last G eo . C h a m b e r l a i n was from Mosier, that the pota Monday forenoon on the main toes also came from there, and line near Hood River, when the REAL ESTATE that we were in Wasco county. second section of No. 5 struck a Fruit He said he would change it hand car in charge of section ! Lands directly. Foreman Geo. Parrish. The car, | ^ I believethere is no more effec- c a r r y j n g - ties, which the foreman Specialty tive way of advertising the coun-1 an(j bjg crevy were unloading, try than by this method of having wag on a p curve) ____ and w ht n Mosier _______ - Oregon fruit on exhibit where large the crew heard the train ap- numbers of people can see it, and proaching they tried to get it i rzzi ìà C «*7 See CO. NICHOL & LARAWAY General Merchandise Hood River's Reliable Jeweler for ) Watches, Diamonds, Jewelry \ H e can make yo u r watch keep tim e } ADVERTISE IN THE BULLETIN and Get Results. M ft Q o s ie r regc M M r. Farmer, you must have one ù f these The M o s i e r Hills Land & Orchard Company DAVENPORT The Kimball Cultivator for Up-to-date Orchardists They are made in three sizes, 5 1-2 feet, 8 1-3 feet and 12 foot extension. on both ends which prevent striking trees with knife, and allow such close work that hoeing around trees is un necessary when the KIMBALL is in use. It is the best tool ever made for the money. 5 1-2 ft., $15, 8 1-3 ft., $20, 12 ft., $22.50. F. O. B., The Dalles. ASK US MORE ABOUT T H E M -W E WILL BE GLAD TO TELL YOU. REMEMBER, We carry all kinds of Farm Machinery, Garden Tools, Spray Pumps, in fact ANYTHING you may need on the farm. Before buying elsewhere, get our prices, as we POSITIVELY KNOW we can sfr*e,.tou rttnfr.y. ------------ TR Y US. Walther- Williams Hdw. ® 6ha11 be very £ ,ad t0 take ca, e | clear of the track, but the engine of, and send promptly, any g o o d ,a tru ck a corn erofit demoli8hing ■specimens that the fruitgrowers j and hurling the ties j n every1 T T A fo f Mosier may have, and as this direction. «• m , crew jumped i and — « , U kJkJ The is such a good' fruit yeal- we escaped injury> but Mr Parrish C A Y YOWELL, Mgr. should be able to send a good wag ^ go {oitan^ Onfe of many first-class specimens toi the ties struck him on the leg Harness and Saddlery Goods Tents, Wagon Covers, Etc them. below The knee, f u s i n g a very Hand-made Harness a Specialty D a v id R o b in s o n , painful bruise. He was taken to A ll B u s in e s s e n t r u s t e d t o Secretary Commercial Club of Hood River, where the injured HOOD RIVER OREGON T he C ar e of the Mosier Valley. limb was bandaged. He then came home on a hand car and OREGON’ S CHANCE IS SEEN. Dr. Robinson dressed and re of The -Dalles, Oregon G e o . H a a c r e , Pres. bandaged the leg. It is thought [Wednesday’ s Oregonian.] j ^ no b?neg were broken. A t WILL HAVE PROMPT ATTENTION All kinds of Building Calling attention to the enor- i present -IV!r- Parrish is getting $ 100 , 000.00 Capital Material on hand, in mous amount of fruit imported aiong nicely, Surplus and undivid cluding lath and shingles by Great Britain each year and —____ ______— 100 , 000.00 ed profits predicting that Oregon’ s part of Estimates given for ma USING YOUR BANK J. S. SCHENCK, P r e s i d e n t English consumption will be terial for building, , . E d M . W il l ia m s M ax A . V ogt greatly increased with the open in your dealings with firms or M O S I E R - - O R E G O N Vice Pres. Cashier ing of the Panama Canal, H. B. individuals at a distance is a Miller, American Consul at Bel feature of business to which fast, Ireland, in a letter to II. C. you have perhaps ndt .’ ¿Wen Atwell, president of the Oregon much thought. State Slortichltural Society, urges that an exhibit of Oregon fruit' All large business concerns products be sent to the interna have bank directories, and as tional horticultural exhibition to this bank is listed therein we lie held in Lontloh during May get numerous requests for in and June o f 1912. formation as to the standing Speaking o f the enormity of and reliability of firms and British fruit importations, the individuals in this community. The management of the Oregon Railroad & Navigation Co. Idfcer says: We are glad to act takes great pleasure in announcing that the low rales from “ Great Britain imports of Eastern cities, which have done so mueh in past seasons AS A REFERENCE fresh apples each year more than to stimulate travel to and settlement in Oregon, will pre $10,000,000 worth: o f pears, vail again this Spring DAILY from March 1 to April 15, in this way, and are especially more than $2,500,000; of plums, inclusive. pleased when we can give a more than $2,000,000. The total favorable report. This we can PEOPLE O F OREGON value of green and «¿b it d fruits nearly always do where a man imported into Great Britain The railroads have done their part; now it’s up to you. has been a regular customer, amounts to over $50,000.000 per The colonist rate is the greatest of home-builders. D>> ah and lias been straightforward annum. This country is the you can to let Eastern people know about it, and encourage them to come here, where land is cheap and home-building greatest foreign market in the and punctual in bneeting his obligations. easy and attractive. world for American fruits, and as soon as the Panama canal is Besides advancing the general F a r e s C a n b e P r e p a id completed the opjxirtunity for interests of the Mosier District, at home if desired. Any agent o f the road named is au shipping Oregon fruits will lie so it will pay you, personally, to thorized to receive the required deposit and telegraph materially increased that the become a customer of the ticket to any point in the East. markets of the state for fruit Remember The Rates - From Chicago. $33; from St. I/iuis MOSIER VALLEY BANK. products will he unlimited. It $32: from Omaha and Kansas City, $25. This reduction will be of enormous value to is proportionate from all other cities. Oregon to send‘to this exhibitio n Mrs L. M. Bailey sold her resi all its finest displays in various m c departmerfs'of ■ horticulture. and dence on the heights this week general passenger agent , I have to suggest that it would to Wm. Stevenson, from whom to she purchased it a year ago. PORTLAND. OREGON. be well worth while for you Mosier Lumber Co. First National Bank T he Dalles, MOSIER MARKET ARNOLD DEALER in Fresh and Cured Meats Country Produce Mosier - Oregon C. H. JENKINS, D. M. D. D e n t is t OFFICE O V E R BUTLER B A N K IN G C O M P A N Y PHONES: HOOD RIVER . M MURRAY, i Finished or Dimension, call at M OSIER .-. DENTISTS hood r O regon . • W e will pay car fare from M isfer and return for patrons whose work amounts to $5 or<over Kimball Cultivator THE OAKS A pleasant place to spend a so cial hour is at S. E. Francisco’s Pool Room. D r in k s , iv , — OREGON. Shingles at M arket Price. I S o f t RUPP OREGON ------------------------------------------------11 o f LU M B ER , — & All Our W ork Guaranteed i O ffic e 28 Re id enee 28 H Co. Ore. ! I D. P. H A R V E Y , Pro’p. COLONIST RATES FO R A LL KINDS if 22 OREGON t . 1 Great Northwest SWETLAND LUMBER CO., W Each size is provided with fende# C andy , C ig a r s 5 1-2 fo o t : : $15 « .1-3 : : $20 “ 12 : $ 2 2 .5 0 T obacco Oregon Mosier, HIDES! 'HIDES!! 'HIDES!!! Call at the B u l l e t i n office and get tags to ship your hides to Kauffman, Davidson, Semmel, of ¡-Portland. Stock on fiatici. Buy NOW. W. E. C h o w n M O S IE R , - OREGON i