CHAPTER X I — (Continued.) The storm lasted for ten hours, and the weary travelers anxiously watched for the morning. About daybreak Its fury seemed to have spent Itself, and Hatteras accompanied by Bell and Al- tamont, ventured to leave the tent. They climbed a hill about 300 feet high, which commanded a wide view. But what a metamorphosed region met their gaze! All the Ice had completely vanished, the storm had chased away the winter, and stripped the soli every­ where of Its snow covering. But Hatteras scarcely bestowed a glance on surrounding objects; his ea­ ger gaze was bent on the northern horizon, which appeared shrouded In black mist. “ That may very likely be caused by the ocean,” suggested Clawbonny. “ You are right. The sea must be there,” was the reply. "That tint Is what w* call the blink of open water," said Johnson. "Come on, then, to the sledge at once, and let us get to this unknown ocean,” exclaimed Hatteras. Their few preparations were soon made, and the march resumed. Three hours afterwards they arrived at the coast, and shouted simultaneously, "The sea! the sea!” "Ay, and open sea!” added Hatteras. And so It was. The storm had open­ ed with the polar basin, and the loos­ ened packs were drifting In all direc­ tions. The Icebergs had weighed an­ chor, and wero sailing out Into the open sea. This new ocean stretched far away out of sight, and not a single Island or continent was visible. A fter a careful survey of the coast. Hatteras determined to launch the sloop that very day, and to unpack the sledge, and get everything on board. By S o’clock nothing more remained to be done. The sloop lay rocking grace­ fully In the little bay, and all the car­ go was on board except the tent and what was required for the night's en­ campment. C H A P T E R XII. The sight at the sloop suggested to Clawbonny the propriety of giving A1 lament's name to the little bay. Ills proposition to that effect met with unanimous approval, and the port was forthwith dignified by the title of Al- tamont harbor. According to the doctor's calcula­ tions. the travelers were now only three degrees distant from the pole. They had gone over 200 miles from Victoria bay to Altamont harbor, and were In latitude 87 degrees 6 minutes and longitude 118 degrees 35 minutes. Next morning by 8 o’clock all the re­ maining effects were on board, and the preparations for departure completed. A quarter of an hour afterward the little sloop sailed out of Altamont har­ bor, and commenced her voyage of dis­ covery. The wind was favorable, but there was little of It, and the weather was positively warm. Toward evening Hatteras and his companions lost sight of the coast. Night came on, though the sun re­ mained Just above the horizon. Since the departure from Altamont harbor, the sloop had made one degree fa r­ ther north. The next day brought no signs of land; there was not even a speck on the horizon. A t length, about 6 In the evening, a dim, hazy, shapeless sort of mist seem­ ed to rise far away between sen and sky. It was not a cloud, for It was constantly vanishing, and then reap­ pearing next minute. Hatteras was the first to notice this peculiar phenomenon; but after an hour's scrutiny through his telescope, he could make nothing out of It. All at once, however, some sure In­ dication met his eye, and stretching out his arm to the horizon, he shouted. In a clear, ringing voice; "Ijin d ! land!” His words produced an electrical e f ­ fect on his companions, and every man rushed to his side. "I see It, I see It !” said Clawbonny. “ Yes, yes, so do I I ” exclaimed John­ son. “ It Is a cloud,” said Altam ont "lum dl lan d!" repeated Hatteras, In tones of absolute conviction. "Bet us make right for It, then,” said Hatteras. It was Impossible longer to doubt the proximity of the coast. In twen­ ty-four hours, probably, the bold navi­ gators might hope to set foot on Its untrodden soil. But strange as It was. now that they » e r e so near the goal of their voyage, no one showed the Joy which might have been expected. Each man sat silent, absorbed In his own thoughts, wondering what sort of place this pole must be. At last sleep overcame the tired men, and one after another dropped off, leaving Hatteras to keep watch. While Hatteras dreamed o f home and fame, an enormous cloud of an olive tinge had begun to darken sea and sky. A hurricane was at hand. The first blast of the tempest roused the captain and his companions, and they were on their feet In an Instant, ready to meet It. The sea had risen tremendously, and the ship was toss- lr 4 violently up and down on the bil­ io s a Hatteras took the helm again, and kept a firm hold of It, while John­ son and Bell baled out the water which was constantly dashlr r over the ship. This sudden tempest might well seem to such excited men, a stern pro­ hibition against further approach to the pole; but It needed but a glance at their resolute faces to know that they would neither yield to winds nor waves, but go right on to the end. For a whole day the struggle Insted. death threatening them each moment. The next evening. Just as the fury of the wave« seemed at Its highest pitch, there came a sudden calm. The wind was stilled as If miraculously, and the sea became smooti* as glass. Then came a most extraordinary In­ explicable phenomenon. The fog. wlthour dispersing, became strangely luminous, and the sloop sail­ ed along In a tone o f electrto lig h t Mast. aall. and rigging appeared pen­ ciled In black against the prosphor- recent sky with wondrous distinctness. The men were bathed In light, and their faces shone with a fiery glow. “It Is a phenomenon," replied the doctor, "seldom met hitherto. I f we go en, we shall soon get out of this bril­ liant glow and be back In the darkness and tempest again.” "W ell, let's go on. come what may.” said Hatteras. The doctor was rig h t Gradually the fog began to lose Its light and then Its transparency, and the howling wind tvas heard not far off. A few minutes more, and the little vessel was caught In a violent squall, and swept back In­ to the cyclone. But the hurricane had fortunately turned a point toward the south, and left the vessel free to run before the wind straight toward the pale. At last they began evidently to near the couBt. Strange symptoms were manifest in the air; the fog suddenly rent like a curtain torn by the wind; and for an Instant, like a flash of light­ ning, an Immense column of flame was seen on the horizon. The wind suddenly changed to southeast, and drove the ship back again from the land. As Hatteras stood with disheveled hair, grasping the helm as If welded to his hand, he seemed the animating soul of the ship. All at once a fearful sight met his gaze. Scarcely twenty yards In front was a great block of Ice coming right to­ wards them, mounting and falling on the stormy billows, ready to overturn at any moment and crush them In Its descent. But this was not the only danger that threatened the bold navigators. The Iceberg was packed with white bears, huddling close together, and e v i­ dently beside themselves with terror. For a quarter of an hour, which seemed a whole century, the sloop sail­ ed on In this formidable company, sometimes a few yards distant and sometimes near enough to touch. The storm now burst forth with re­ doubled fury. The little bark was lift­ ed bodily out of the water, and whirled round and round with the most frig h t­ ful rapidity. Mast and sail were torn off. A whirlpool began to form among the waves, drawing down the ship gradually by Its Irresistible suction. All five men stood erect, gazing at each other In speechless terror. But suddenly the ship rose perpendicular­ ly, her prow went above the edge of the vortex, and getting out of the cen­ ter of attraction by her own velocity, she escaped at a tangent from the c ir­ cumference, and was thrown far be­ yond, swift as a ball from a cannon's mouth. It was 2 o'clock In the morning. For a few seconds they seemed stu­ pefied, and then a cry of "H a ttera s!" broke from every lip. On all sides nothing was visible but the tempestuous ocean. "Take the helm, Altamont.” said the doctor, "and let us try our utmost to find our poor captain." Johnson and Bell seized the oars, and rowed about for more than an hour; but their search was vain— H at­ teras was lost! I.ost! and so near the pole. Just as he had caught sight of the goal! At such a distance from the coast It was Impossible Hatteras could reach It alive, without an oar or even so much as a spar to help him; If ever he touched the haven of his desire. It would be us a swollen, mutilated corpse. . Longer search wus useless, t^nd noth­ ing remained uut to resume the route north. The tempest was dying out, and about 5 In the morning, on the 11th of July, the wind fell, and the sea gradually became calm. The sky re­ covered Its polar clearness, and less than three miles away the land ap­ peared In all Its grandeur. Thb new continent was only an Isl­ and, or, rather, a volcano, fixed like a lighthouse on the north pole of the world. The mountain was In full activity, pouring out u mass of burning stones and glowing rock. Tills enormous rock In the middle of the sea was 6,000 feet high. Just about the altitude o f Hecla. "Can we land?” said the doctor. “ The wind Is carrying us right to It," said Altamont. "Bet us go, then," said Clawbonny, dejectedly. He had no heart now for anything. The north polo was Indeed before hls eyes, but not the man who had dis­ covered It. As they got nearer the Island, which was not more than eight or ten miles in circumference, the navigators no­ ticed u tiny fiord. Just large enough to harbor their boat, and made toward It Immediately. They feared their cap­ tain's dead body would meet their eyes on the coast, and yet It seemed diffi­ cult for a corpse to lie on It. for there was no shore, and the sea broke on steep rocks, which wero covered with cinders above water murk. At last the little sloop glided gently Into the narrow opening between two sandbanks Just visible above the water, where she would be safe from the vio­ lence of the breakers. Before she could be moored. Duke began howling and harking again In the most piteous manner. "Duke! Duke!” called Clawbonny. But Duke had already disappeared. Duka was burking vehemently some distance off, but hls bark seemed full of grief rather than fury. He had found the body o f Hatteras. All four rushed forward, In spite of the blinding cinder dust, and came to the far end of a fiord, where they dis­ covered the dog harking rotir-A a corpse wrapped In the British flag! "Hatteras! H atteras!" cried the doctor, throwing himself beside the body of his friend. But next minute he started up with an tndcsrrlt>able cry. and shouted. "A liv e ! a liv e !" "Y es," said a feeble voice, "yes, alive at the north pole, on Queen's Island." For a few minutes the Joy of recov­ ery of their captain filled all their hearts, and the poor fellows could not restrain their tears. The doctor found, on examination, that Hatteras was not seriously hurt The wind had thrown him on the coast where landing was perilous work, but, after being driven back more than once Into the sea, the hardy sailor had man­ aged to scramble on to a rock, and gradually to hoist himself above the waves. Then he must have become Insensi­ ble, for he remembered nothing more except rolling himself In hls flag. He only awoke to consciousness with the loud barking and caresses o f hls faith­ ful Duke. A fter a little Hatteras was able to stand up, supported by the doctor, and tried to get back to the sloop. He kept exclaiming, "The pole! the north pole!” He had become quite delirious with exoltement, and fever burned la hls veiue. m e eyes shone with unnatural brilliancy, and hls brain seemed on Are. Perfect rest was what he most needed, for the doctor found It Impos­ sible to quiet him. Altamont speedily discovered a grot­ to composed of rocks which had so fallen as to form a sort of cave. John­ son and Bell carried In provisions and gave the dogs their liberty. But Hatteras would do nothing till the exact position of the Island was ascertained; so the doctor and A lta ­ mont set to work with their Instru­ ments, and found that the exact lati­ tude of the grotto was 89 degrees 50 minutes 15 seonds. The 90 degrees of latitude was then only about three-quarters of a mile off, or Just about the summit of the volcano. When the result was given to H at­ teras, he had a formal document drawn up to attest the fact, and two copies made, one of which should be deposited on a cairn on the Island. Clawbonny was the scribe, and In­ dited the following document, a copy of which Is now among the archives of the Royal Geographical Society of L on ­ don: "On this 11th day of July. 1861. In north latitude 89 degrees 50 minutes 15 seconds, was discovered Queen’s Island at the north pole, by CapL Hatteras, commander of the brig Forward of Liverpool, who signs this, as also all hls companions. "W hoever may find this document Is requested to forward It to the adm iral­ ty. "(S ig n e d .) "John Hatteras, Commander of the Forward. "Dr. Clawbonny. "Altamont, Commander of the Por poise. "Johnson, Boatswain. "Bell, Carpenter." A fte r the party made themselves a*, comfortable as they could, and lay down to sleep. (T o be continued.) CURRENT EVENTS OF THE WEEK Doings of the World at Large Told in Brief. G en era l R e su m e o f Im p o rta n t E v e n ts P re se n te d in C o n d e n s e d F o rm f o r O u r B u s y R e a d e rs. Prof. W. G. Sumner, o f Yale, is dead at the age o f 70 years. Senator La Follette calls the rail­ road merger a Morgan deal. A Chicago girl of 10 years has given birth to a fine girl baby and both are doing well. A Washington farmer was fleeced of $10.000 on a sure thing race game in San Francisco. Chicago women strongly resent the alleged slur in the census rules that "housewifery” is not an occupation. Roosevelt has accepted an invitation from Pinchot to speak before the na­ tional conservation congress the com­ ing summer. A party o f Alaskans claim to have climbed Mt. McKinley and found no trace o f the records Dr. Cook claims to have deposited there. A wealthy widow o f Hannibal, Mo., was found dead in a trunk. She was very timid and nervous and is believed to have hid in the trunk and suffo­ cated. A Nova Scotia man who had been off a farm only twice in his life, was ex­ onerated for stealing some goods in a E dw ards .Started as M in ister fo r store, as he evidently did not know it M exico, but N ev e r Got There. was wrong to take what he needed. The experience of Charles R. Crane An 18-year old girl of San Francisco, with the mission to China recalls the noted for her beauty, is in the hospi­ case of the almost forgotten Ninlan tal, with one eye destroyed, the other Edwards, who started out as United badly injured and her face and neck States minister to Mexico, but never fearfully burned by sulphuric acid, be­ reached the capital of the sister re­ lieved to have been thrown by a young public. man whose attentions she had refused. Edwards had been United States Roosevelt and Pinchot spent an en­ Senator from Illinois, and Monroe near the close of hls second term gave tire day together at Porto Maurizio, him the Mexican mission, says the Italy. New York Sun. The country was then Colorado cattlemen threaten war if nearing the end of the so-called era Utah sheepmen invade their grazing of good feeling, and Edwards had been grounds. contributing hls share to the political Governor Hughes, of New York, discord of that curious time by writ­ calls for an immediate investigation ing letters signed “ A. B." In a Wash­ into corrupt legislative practices. ington newspaper published in the In­ A Seattle man, as a memorial to his terest of Calhoun. These letters ac­ cused William H. Crawford, secretary dead son, has given $100,000 in land of the treasury, of corrupt practices and cash to establish a sanitarium to fight tuberculosis. In office, and they were Intended to The Supreme court o f the United kill ofT Crawford as a candidate for president. Calhoun himself was the States has ordered a rehearing o f the subject of similar attacks Instigated cases against the Standard Oil and by Crawford, but he easily disproved Tobacco trusts, on account o f the death o f Chief Justice Brewer. them. Edwards arranged that after he had I t is planned to have the face and started for hls post In Mexico the “ A. figure o f the late Thomas F. Walsh, the B." letters should be sent to the Colorado “ silver king,” carved in he­ House of Representatives as the basis roic size on the face o f an immense of Impeachment proceedings' against cliff which overlooks the famous Camp- Crawford, and It was then that the bird mine at Ouray. The mine laid the authorship of the letters became foundation o f the Walsh fortune. known. In transmitting them to the A New York man sutbbed his toe Speaker of the House Edwards avowed against a small oblong package in front himself their author and added to the o f a Sixth avenue jewelry shop and charges already made public others on opening it, found a $10,000 diamond that were sufficient as ground for Im­ necklace. He read the advertisements peachment. and received from the owner just half Crawford at the time lay 111 at its value as a reward for his honesty. home, having been attacked with par­ Theodore Roosevelt, Jr., will leave alysis about four months earlier, In his work in the carpet factory at September, 1823, and left In such con­ Thompsonville on June 1 to prepare dition that he transacted much of hls for his marriage to Miss Eleanor A lex­ business as Secretary of the Treasury ander, in New York City on June 20. by proxy. The attack In the House Young Roosevelt is now doing execu­ had been made by Edwards at such a tive work in the main office of the time as made It difficult for Crawford factory. Following his marriage he to prepare a defense before the polit­ will become district manager for the ical campaign of 1824 was finished. company at its San Francisco head­ Hls friends rallied to hls aid and quarters. asked that Edwards be fetched back. Premier Asquith dreads to involve The House accordingly sent the ser­ the king in the Irish controversy. geant-at-arms after the minister and Eleven sections of fine fruit land in he was overtaken near New Orleans. He came back 1,500 miles to Washing­ Eastern Oregon will soon be opened to ton In the custody of the sergeant-at- entry. CASE L IK E CRANE'S. arms. Crawford meanwhile had got togeth­ er a mass of evidence on hls side and Edwards completely failed to make good hls charges, so that a committee of which Daniel Webster and John Randolph were members unanimously reported In vindication of the accused Secretary. Although Edwards had had a long, honorable and successful public career as a Judge In Kentucky and as terri­ torial Governor of Illinois, and then as Senator, this affair was hls ruin In national politics. It wns known that Crawford had fought two duels and killed hls man In one of them, and maybe this fact was taken Into account by the public In estimating the qual­ ity of Edwards' performance In mak­ ing an attack upon a physically dis­ abled man and hastening to a distant j land Just when hls shnre In the matter should become known. At any rate, such a storm of con­ tempt broke upon him that he resign­ ed hls appointment to Mexico and re­ turned to Illinois. He was then under 50, but he took no further part In national politics, though he had a sort of vindication at home hy hls election as Governor of Illinois. He died less j than ten years after this affair. Craw-1 ford, the Invalid, outlived him by about a year. The incident between Roosevelt and the Vatican at Rome may cause the re­ moval o f the papal secretary, Merry de Val. Dr. Hollis B. Frissell, o f the Rocke­ feller Sanitary commission, says hook­ worm infection is spread largely by Southern people going barefooted. A duel between ex-Premier Count W itte and General Kuropatkin, com­ mander-in-chief o f the Russian forces in the war with Japan, has been avert­ ed through an explanation by the form­ er. Smugglers o f Chinese and opium have been driven out of Southern Cali­ fornia and are beieved to have trans­ ferred their operations to Northwest coast cities. Miss Anna Morgan, daughter o f J. Pierpont Morgan, attracted much at­ tention at Pasadena by going for a three-hour cross-country horseback ride arrayed in a "pants suit” riding habit. D. C. Jacklin, a Salt Lake million­ aire, has bought E. H. Harriman’s Pelican Lodge property on Klamath lake. Oregon. He will carry out the plans of Harriman for making a sum­ mer resort o f the pllace. Harry Thaw's mother, though aged Scot— A Bohemian is a chap who and worn, still continues her fight for borrows a dollar from you and then her wayward son. invites you to lunch with him. Chicago police will exercise strict Mott—Wrong. A Bohemian Is a fel-1 censorship over bathing costumes worn low who Invites himself to lunch with at lake beaches this season. you and borrows a dollar.— Boston i Rural carriers at Walla Walla are Transcript. quitting because of the small pay, and W e ll Deflned. no one seems to want the places. "Dad. what sort of a bureau Is s matrimonial bureau V New York saloons sell wood alcohol, “ Oh. any bureau that has live draw-! and four persons who drank it died, era full of women's fixings and one while several others are totally blind. man's tie In It.” — Houston Cost. Where and when the Pittsburg graft Beet W e i l Uet. probe ends is "contingent,” to quote "Well, the proofs are out* District Attorney Blakely, on develop­ "Of the pole discovery T" ments. Mr. Blakely has spread his "N o ; o f the bookT— Kansas City net and is waiting for more men to Journal “ come in and confess,” as a result o f T h e lungs of an adult human being the intimations contained in the grand jury presentment. have 175,000,000 cel* K «iv i Attacks of the ship subsidy lobby are resented warmly by members o f the house committee. D eflnltlon. F A R M E R F L E E C E D O F *1 0 ,0 0 0 W a sh in g to n M a n P la y s ‘‘S u r e T h in g ” R a c e s in S a n F ra n c isc o . INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AND PROGRESS OF OUR HOME STATE Los Angeles, Cal., April 13.— Louis Guilbert, aged 55, a rancher, of Ellens- M A Y W A T E R 3 ,0 0 0 A C R E S . burg, Wash., appealed to the police of Los Angeles today for assistance in re­ O w n e r s Plan to B u ild D a m and Re covering $10,000 which he declared he i claim V a lu ab le Lan d . uad lost yesterday on a fake wire-tap-1 Condon — Although Gilliam county ping scheme in a poolroom in San Frau- j has been considered entirely a dry cisco. Not until Guilbert reached this farming country, steps are now being city, in flight to escape arrest, as he taken to put upwards of 3,000 acres supposed, did he learu that he had been . o f splendid land under irrigation. Thi bunkoed. j land is in the Rock creek valley and some o f it is irrigated at present in a Guilbert arrived in San Francisco on | It has April 4, according to his story, with j small but unsatisfactory way. some cash and a bank book showing the already proved extremely valuable for posit of $10,000 in an Ellensburg bank raising alfalfa and fruit, but, owing to — the proceeds of the sale of his ranch, the fact that Rock creek goes dry each which he bad just consummated. He | year, the farmers feel that a more ex- made the acquaintance of two men, tei b ve and reliable system is neces­ who gave their names as Lane and Me-1 sary. Guire. The latter took him to a place An excellent site for a dam w ill be on Market street, which ha describes secured at D evil’s Gate, where prac­ as a poolroom. tically perpendicular rock walls 150 There they made several wagere on the Emeryville races on different days, feet high stand close enough for a dam Lane and McGuire drawing down $1500 to be constructed easily. The area of as the winnigs on a single bet. Guil­ the basin is sufficient to irrigate thous­ bert was informed that his companions ands of acres throughout the dry sea­ had won so persistently because they son. had "tap p ed ” the wires to Emeryville A t a mass meeting o f the Rock and learned the result of races in ad­ creek residents held in Condon a com­ vance of the poolrooms He was let mittee was appointed to perfect an or­ in on what was to be the final big ganization to carry out this project and cleanup. to inquire into its feasibility. An en­ The Ellensburg man drew upon his gineer w ill examine the site and re­ home bank for the entire $10,000, while Lane and McGuire pretended in ports will be made at a future meet­ the meantime to place that sum for him ing. The project w ill cost in the neigh­ in a single wager. Soon after he was told that he had won $18,000, but that borhood o f $60,000, which w ill be before drawing his winnings he would raised by issuing 10-year bonds and have to deposit the amount of the assessing the land improved. It will original bet. mean a cost of practically $20 an acre Guilbert surrendered the $10,000 to but will enhance the value of the land his companions. The latter engaged in many times that amount. a quarrel over the division of their own winnings, and while this dispute was at E L E C T R IC L IN E S F O R L A N E . its height the place was raided by sup­ posed detectives. Guilbert and the two confidence men escaped by a side door W ill C o n n e c t E ugen e, S p rin g fie ld , S iu - and the rancher was hurried to the sla w and M c K in z ie Valley. ferry, where he was supplied with a ticket to Los Angeles on last night’s Eugene— Chief Engineer Fornert, of Owl trains. It was hurriedly arranged the Lane County Asset company, of that he, Lane and McGuire should meet this city, which announces that it will in Tucson, Ariz., and divide their build a system o f electric railways in profits. this vicinity, inclduding a line between The rancher became uneasy on the Eugene and Springfield, one to the way down and confided in the train conductor. The latter advised him to Siuslaw and perhaps to Coos bay, also return to San Francisco at once and in­ up the McKenzie valley, has begun the form the police. He was given the work o f surveying for the line between same advice at the local station and re­ the two cities. The line w ill extend turned north tonight. In the mean­ east on West Fifteenth street through time the San Francisco police were no­ the suburb o f Fairmount to the city tified of the affair by wire. limits, then turn north to the river, which w ill be spanned with a first class double track steel bridge. The road A B A T E S T R U S T W AR. will then make a circle to the north A c tio n o f S u p re m e C o u r t T e m p o r a r i­ and east and enter Springfield by way o f its northern limits, passing through ly L im its P ro se c u d o n s . a thickly settled farming community. Washington, April 13.— One effect of i F. B. Kidder and John Baird, rail­ the postponement of a decision by the road men o f experience, who resigned Supreme Court in the Standard Oil and positions with the Minneapolis Rapid Tobacco Trust cases will be to defer action by the Department of Justice Transit company, o f Minoneapolis, against those combinations or trusts Minn., to promote this system of believed to be operating in violation roads, are directing operations and of the Sherman anti-trust law. This they claim to have the best o f backing. holds good where the vital points of Engineer Fornert also resigned as chief attack on such corporations are similar engineer of the same company to ac­ to those in the suits awaiting settle­ cept this position. They promise that ment. work on the bridge w ill begin this sum­ In the broad area of the law not cov­ mer and that the line will be in opera­ ered by the Standard Oil and the To­ tion between the two cities early next bacco Trust cases, there is considerable room for operation and where there is year. sufficient evidence of the existence of combinations in restraint of trade and M a s o n s D ed icate T e m p le A p ril 20 . Roseburg— The Masonic temple will an agreement to fix prices, prosecutions will continue. This attitude of the be dedicated with appropriate ceremon­ Government was made plain in Admin­ ies April 20. The dedication ceremon­ istration circles today. ies w ill be conducted by the officers of On the judicial interpretation of tho the grand lodge o f Oregon. Owing to word "m onopoly” by the Supreme the large membership o f the order in Court in the big cases hinges the the state, it has made it necessary for method of procedure by the Depart­ the local lodge to lim it invitations. ment of Justice in its future action in important trust prosecutions. That Between 500 and 600 Masons and their word is said never to have been de­ wives and members of the various fined adequately in English jurispru­ Eastern Star lodges are expected to be present. Invitations will be extended dence. An important matter in which the to every lodge o f Masons and Eastern Attorney-General has deferred action Star in the county, as well as to the pending a decision in the Standard Oil lodges o f Grants Pass and Eugene. and Tobacco Trust cases, is the inves­ tigation into the complaints of tho Ice Plant at Lu g e n e . American Federation of Labor against Eugene— The Weinhard estate has the United States Steel Corporation. What, if any, other cases are being purchased the Eugene vinegar factory, held back pending the court’s decision and will at once install a large and up The is not stated. In issues likes the al­ to date ice manufacturing plant. leged window glass combine against price paid for the property is $6,500. which indictments were recently ob­ The lot has a frontage of 160 feet on tained in Pittsburg and those similar the railroad tracks, and is approximate­ to the Northern Securities case, the de­ ly 100 feet deep, although it is irreg­ partment expects to continue prosecu­ ular, varying at one end from less than tion. 100 feet to over 100 feet at the other. An ice plant of 25 tons capacity will be E m o a r g o W ill G o on Pulp. Quebec, April 13.— That the Province installed at once. In conection with of Quebec soon will prohibit the ex­ the new ice plant, the estate will in­ portation of wood pulp cut on the stall a cold storage plant. crown lands of the province to the B u ild in g B o o m at Leb a non . United States was announced in the legislature this afternoon by Premier Lebanon— The year closing April 1 Gouin. The Premier said: " W e have marked the greatest epoch in the his­ not spoken of this question during the tory of Lebanon. The year has w it­ early part of the session, because when nessed the greatest building activity, the session opened a tariff war was threatened between Canada and the there having been completed about 70 United States. We have the right to dwellings. The coming summer will prohibit the exportation of pulp woods. see greater things even than the past Within a few days an order will there has seen. There are now assured five fore be passed by the council to this business houses, a $12,000 city hall, a effect.” concrete laundry building and a large sawmill soon to be in operation. There S w it c h m e n ’s S t rik e Off. are rumors o f other enterprises. St. Paul, April 13.— The strike of the switchmen on thirteen railroads in tho G ra ve l Fa m in e E n d s at Albany. Northwest, which began November 30 Albany— Councilman Miller has se­ last, was officially declared off tonight cured permission from United States after the votes of the men on the ques­ Chief Engineer McAdoo to take gravel tion of continuing the strike had been from the bed o f the river at Albany. counted. There were 2043 votes cast, The government had previously forbid­ 1653 voting to end the strike and 390 den the taking o f gravel from the river voting to continue it. The men who bed, which made it extremely difficult can secure work will go back uncondi­ for local contractors to obtain concrete building material tionally. Since the strike began the railroads have raised the wages of the L e b a n o n Is G ro w in g . switchmen 3 cents an hour. Lebanon — The Lebanon postoffice A c tr e s s R e ca lls M u rd e r. made a fine showing for the past year. The increase of the business over the preceding year was 34.4 per cent. The heavy increase was made mostly during the last six months of the year. March o f this year was just 47.1 per cent greater than for March of last year. Washington, April 13.— Having stood as a young actress on the stage only s few feet from the spot where Lincoln was assassinated in Ford's Theater on the night of April 14, 1865, Miss Jen­ nie Gourlay, now a gray haired woman, has returned to Washington for the first time since that eventful night and visited the spot where the tragedy oc­ B ig V e s s e l W ill Be Built. curred. On the night of Lincoln’s Marshfield—The Simpson Lumber death. Miss Gourlay played the part of company, o f North Bend, has announ­ Mary Trenehard, in the drama, "O u r ced that it will build a big new vessel American Cousin.” for carrying lumber from the Simpson mills. She w ill be one o f the best R o o se ve lt to H u n t in E ngland . lumber carriers in the coastwise trade, London, April 13.— What to Mr. and will have a capacity o f 1,000,000 Roosevelt probably will be one of the feet. most interesting features of his tour of England is the planned visit to the School Population Increases. Northumberland home o f 8ir Edward The Dalles— The last monthly report Grey. The Foreign Secretary who, while retaining his grasp upon the o f the city superintendent o f schools world of polities has gained some fame showed the total enrollment for the as a sportsman, has invited the former past month to have been 965, an in­ President to spend a few days with crease o f 48 over the number enrolled him. | for the same month last year. P R IC E IS $ 2 ,2 0 0 A N A C R E . H ood R iv e r A p p le L a n d S e t s H ig h R e c o r d Sale . New Hood R iv e r— The prediction that Oregon orchard land would sell for better than $2,000 an acre this year came sooner than was expected here, when Rede S. Delano, an Eastern man, paid $14,400 for six and one-half acres o f 8-year-old trees. The price per acre is a little better than $2,200, and reaches a mark $300 higher than the best previous price, which was obtained a week or two ago, when ten acres here were sold for $19,- 000. The orchard was purchased through B. E. Duncan & Co. Dr. Stanton Allen, a retired physician, who came here several years ago and went into apple growing. The land is situated on the east side o f the valley. In addition to buying the acreage o f bearing orchard, Mr. Delano bought seven acres of brush land adjoining, for which he paid $528 an acre. This is also the record price for unimproved land at Hood River. His total invest­ ment for the 13 acres is $18,000. Dr. Allen still has 15 acres o f bearing or­ chard which he w ill retain. B IG D I T C H C H A N G E S H AN DS. Deal M e a n s Irrig a tio n o f T h o u s a n d s o f A c r e s o f R ic h Lan d . Baker City— One of the most im­ portant irrigation deals in Eastern Ore­ gon was closed when the Eastern Ore­ gon Land company, which is controlled by Balfour, Guthrie & Co., completed the deal for the purchase o f a one-half interest in the Eldorado ditch. The property was bought through John Thomsen, formerly owner o f the Red Boy mine, who held an option from the First National bank o f Carroll, Iowa, owner of the property. The price paid was $12,500. State Senator Hart, who conduc­ ted the negotiations for the land com­ pany, announced that they would use the water in irrigating several thous­ and acres of land in Malheur county, of which they have recently secured con­ trol. It is also probable that some water may be sold to ranchers along the line, as they have been depending on the water for some time. The wheat yield o f Eastern Oregon w ill be increased several thousand bushels by this deal. M a y B e S t a r tin g on O r e g o n E a ste rn . Ontario— Healan Bros, have a con­ tract on the Brogan reservation on lower W illow creek, and indications to confirm the persistent report that they are to work on the Oregon Eastern is the fact that Harriman surveyors are rushing cross section work from Vale west. Healan’s outfit was taken to Vale by a special immediately on its arrival here. The heavy outfit resem­ bles railroad graders instead of ditch builders, and 150 teams are included. Build M o d e l R o a d In Lane. Eugene — The work of building the model road between Eugene and Spring- field has begun. John McElroy, the expert road builder from Portland, has a force o f men at work at the west ap­ proach o f the wagon bridge across the river from Springfield. A fte r that is finished the crew w ill work toward Eu­ gene and it is expected that the work will be completed early in the summer. Special attention will be given to the construction of the rbad along the places where the river overflows in the winter time. R. R. S u r v e y o r s T o w a r d C o a st. Eugene— People living near the sum­ mit of the Cascade mountains report that a party o f Hill railroad surveyors have crossed the summit o f the moun­ tains by way of the McKenzie pass, working toward Eugene. It is be­ lieved that they are making the pre­ liminary survey for a railroad to be built by Hill, connecting the Willam­ ette valley and Coos hay with the Ore­ gon Trunk via Eugene. PORTLAND M ARKETS. Wheat—-Track prices— Bluestem, 96 (d99c; club, 930795c; red Russian, 92c; valley, 98c. Barley— Feed and brewing, $24.50(d) 26 per ton. Corn— Whole, $34; cracked, $35 ton. Hay—Track prices— Timothy, W il­ lamette valley, $20(021 per ton; East­ ern Oregon, $23(9/24; alfalfa, $16.50@ 17.50; grain hay, $17(0:18. Oats— No. 1 white, $27.50(0 28.50 per ton. Fresh Fruits— Apples, $l(d'2.50 box; cranberries, $8(o9 barrel. Potatoes — Carload buying prices: Oregon, 500:60c per hundred; sweet potatoes, 31074c. Vegetables— Asparagus, 3(0 8c; head lettuce, 75cfd)$1.25 per dozen; hothouse lettuce, 50c(d$l box; horseradish, 807 10c per pound; green onions, 15c doz.; radishes, 30c dozen; rhubarb, 31074c per pound; spinach, $1 per box; sprouts, 9c per pound; turnips, $1 per sack; rutabagas, $1071.25; carrots, 85c(o$l; beets, $10/1.25; parsnips, 50 0775c. Onions— Oregon, $1.75 per hundred. Butter— City creamery extras, 33c; fancy outisde creamery, 320/33c per pound; store, 20c. Butter fat prices average 11c per pound under regular butter prices. Eggs— Fresh Oregon ranch, 25(d26c per dozen. Pork— Fancy, 1307131c per pound. Veal— Fancy, 120/121c per pound. Lambs— Fancy, 150716c per pound. Poultry — Hens, 190720c; broilers, 27/-/28c; ducks. 221(o23c; geese, 121c; turkeys, live, 200722c; dressed, 25c; squat«, $3 per dozen. Cattle — Best steers, $7077.25; fair to good steers, $6/«/6.25; strictly good cows, $5.75076; fair to good cows, $5 (-75.50; light calves, $6(o7; heavy calves. $4-/5; bulls, $40/5.25; stags. $4.5(Vo 5.50. Sheep — Best wethers. $7.75078.90; fair to good wethers, $70/7.50; good lambs, $80/12. Hogs—Top. $11.100/11.25; fair to good. $100711. Hope -1909 crop, 160/18c, according to quality; olds, nominal; 1910 con­ tacts, 150716c. Wrol — Eastern Oregon, 140717c pound' valley, 8-7 12c; mohair^ choice, 27)07 28 )c. *