I, PUBLISHED EVERY FT ) ADVERTISING RATES FR ID AY Professional Cards....................... per month $ .M BULLETIN H. C. KIBBEE. Proprietor SUBSCRIPTION KATES One Y ear........................... iT.fn: S ix Month*..........................................................75 Th ree Months ..................................................... 50 One square.................................... “ “ One-quarter Column..................... “ *4 , One-half Column................... 1.00 3 00 “ ** 5.50 " 9.00 One Column.................................. “ business locals v. ill be charged at 5 cents per line for c&cb insertion. Legal advertisements will in all cases be charged EntePefi as second-ctoss matter Maroh 12, TiX 0, at ’ HX. 15, 1910 NO. 6 paid for before affidavit» are furnished. c. G. NICHOL f | i Hood LARAWAY f Rivers Reliable Jeweler for I - JlPs?T ¡ v { = ***% A P R IL | % « Ki s 3 Watches. Watches, Diamonds, Diamonds, fewelru Jewelry i i He can make your watch keep time ► m ^2 -56^ 1.. C •: ADVERTISE IN THE BULLETIN and Get Results. General Merchandise M O oscer regon Mr. Farmer, you must have one of these 7^t ■*HT r ' -i" — Demonstration Train and group of interested citizens at Mosier, Ore., March LOtli, 1 10. [Courtesy o f F. A Shogreiv. who took photograph and furnished plate.] *. . .,'7 -**.• i > LOOKS GOOD TO M ANY BANK DEPOSITORS HIM. R. L. Dwight, o f Memphis, Tenn., arrived in town yester­ day, coming from a tour o f d if­ ferent sections o f Oregon, v h e ie good f A fit lane is ad vertised. His brother will meet him here today, and together they wil look around for a tract of apple land. -Mr Dwight says thaï, a fte r thoroughly investigating several sections o f noted fruit ¡lands in the state, he has decided that Mosier offers the bestoppor- ttunities for investment, and that b e will no doubt purchase here, î l e said ‘“Tell the neighbors th a t1 Mosier looks good to me— better than any place I ’ ve yet seen in Oregon.” Returns to Mosier. The many friends o f Mrs. Ella B. Stevenson were made glad by 'her return to Mosier, last Tues- •tiay, from Arizona, where she Went last Spring to join her hus­ band, and where they expected to loeate. Mr. Stevenson’ s health was not good there, however, and they decided to return to good old Oregon. Mr. Steven­ son will probably return in a few . days. Having a bank account is a stimulus to thrift, and thrift means progress. The more bank depositors there are in a community, the more prosperous that community will be, both as far as the individual citizens are concerned, and also as regards the community as a whole. There is no doubt at all that a large number o f hank balances mean MUCH PRO SPER ITY. Tie MOSIER V A L L E Y B A N K wants to co-operate in every way possible 'With the citizens o f the Mosier District in increasing -the prestige and prosperity o f the town and community. W e know that we can help you and we know that you can help us. I f you do not know our officers personally, will you not come in and get* acquainted? Come in any­ way, whether you are ready to opd’ an account or not. The M o s Hills Land & Orchard Company y -V r A ■; 4 • ’ L L ! ¿ v - * ■ • . '•* *i - v fr : - iTiôÇüt- •• , . . 4 : -e . " • : •1 f “> : ‘ - J \ ¿ - V r ii ' W . H. KERSLAKE, Mgr. ! \Wedeal in irnnrovsU and unimproved fruit land in Mosier district. Send for our Booklet o f Bargains. ■ m Atti -acama W e are agents fo r the MOUNTAIN VIEW O r c h a iid T k a c t , located South­ The Kimball Cultivator for Up-to-date Orchardists east o f Mosier. This land will be cut up in small tracts to suit purchaser, and sold on easy payments. MOSIER, - - ORE. They are made in three sizes, 5 1-2 feet, 8 1-3 feet and 12 foot extension. on both ends which prevent striking trees with knife, and allow such close work that hoeing around trees is un­ G eo . C h a m b e r l a i n necessary when the K IM B A L L is in use. It is the best tool ever made for the money. 5 1-2 ft., $15, 8 1-3 ft., $20, 12 ft., $22.50. F. O. B„ The Dalles. REAL ESTATE Fruit ASK US MORE ABOUT THEM —W E W IL L BE G LAD TO T E L L YOU. Lands REMEMBER, We carry all kinds o f Farm Machinery, Garden Tools, Spray Pumps, in fact A N Y T H IN G you may a need on the farm. Specialty j Mosier Before buying elsewhere, get our prices, as we P O S IT IV E L Y K N O W we can save;you-m».n*,y. TR Y Oregon ; DAVENPORT HARNESS Co. W alther- CAY YOWELL, Mgr. W ill Hold Qtfastttv.ly Meeting. William The Dalles, Ore. Harness and Saddlery Goods Tents, Wagon Covers, Etc The Rev. Walton Skipworth, A B AD OUTLOOK, À most outlook to to D. D „ District Superintendent Hand-made Harness a Specialty' most unsightly unsightly outlook **• A l l B usiness e n t r u s t e d t o strangers coming to Mosier or to of The Dalles District, Method- j t q o D R IV E R - O R E G O N T he C are of t h e travelers passing through, is the ist Episcopal Church, will hold _________________________________ D. P. H A R V E Y , Pro’p. dot of rubbish and piles *ef wood the Third Quarterly Conference § _ _ Strewn along the right o f way of the Cascade Locks Circuit at M O S i e i * L u m b e r C O . DEALER IN of The Dalles,'Oregon just in the town’s 'front yard, the Baptist Church, in Mosier, G e o . H a a c k e , Pres. Fresh and Cured Meats This eyesore should be cleaned Saturday evening, April 16th, at ATTENTION W IL L HAVE PROMPT All kinds o f Ruilding Country Produce Up and kept clean. N o doubt if 7:30 o’ clock, $100,000.00 Capital Material on hand, in­ this land, which belongs to the Sunday morning, the 17th, at Surplus and undivid­ railroad company, were once ! 11:30, he will preach and admin- cluding lath and shingles 100 , 000.00 ed profits cleared up, the company could ister the Sacrament o f the Lord’ s Estimates given for ma­ J. S. SCHENCK, P resident be induced to issue orders that Supper, h . JENKINS, D. M. D. terial for building. . . E d M. W illiam s M ax A. V ogt no more wood be piled there and All are most cordially invited D e n t is t Cashier o f f i c e o v e r b u t l e r b a n k i n g c o m p a n y Vice Pres. it is more than probable that the to come to these services. PHONES. Office 28 Residence 28 B citizens o f Mosier would be not — -— -•*--------- HOOD R IV E R - OREGON only allowed, but encouraged, to Church o f Christ Notes, make the front view o f the tow n April 10 was another red letter attractive by clearing and grad- day for ug 0(U. $ ible School ing the slope^WV o f Main street ^ notch tiian ¡o f LUMBER, Finished o r !’ and setting it to lawn grass. ever, and both the morning and 12 ANDTHE This is merely a suggestion, evenjj,g congregations w e r e I Dimension, call at but one that it would behoove ]arge_ we are g ]a(j the Commercial Club, the Civic April 34 , Minister A. J. Ad- Improvement Club, the Ladies ams> 0f Hood’River, W ill preach, Aid Society and the citizens gen- momjng an(] evening. We ex- The management o f the Oregon Railroad ¿N avigation Co. erally to act upon, and we opine cbange pulpits for the day. takes great pleasure in announcing that the low rates from that the result will more than Remember the month o f July. MOSIER /. OREGON. Eastern cities, which have done so much in past seasons .justify the effort. , N ext Lord’s Day morning our to stimulate travel to and settlement in Oregon, will pre­ ------- --------- ! subject will lie ‘ ‘Jesus at Jacob’s vail again this Spring D A IL Y from March 1 to April 15, The White Salmon Enterprise W ell,” and in the evening, ‘ ‘ Pi- inclusive. toas been sold to Fred C. IXfLni- late’s Question/’ Come and be MOSIER MARKET First National Bank Mosier - Oregon M O S I E R - - OREGON COLONIST RATES FOR ALL KINDS:/ OREGON Great Northwest SWETLAND LUMBER CO., Shingles at Market Price. •cliffe, o f Minnesota, who tetk w* ^ u^j C am pbell C lar k , ipossession last week. M r Dun- Minister. micliffe is evidently a man well lifted for the task o f ‘ ‘moulding public opinion,” and starts out NO TICE OF DISSOLUTION. w ell w ith his initial number. H ere’ s the glad hand, brother. Notice is hereby given that the part- and may you miss all the hard nership heretofore e x itin g under the things that are generally thrown firm name o f Denny & Harvey, ron- at a country editor by the knock- ducting the Mosier Market, at Mosier, ers that are found tn outit, and encourage them to come here, where land is cheap and home-building easy and attractive. F ares C an be P r e p a id at home if desired. Any agent o f the road named is au­ thorized to receive the required deposit and telegraph ticket to any point in the East. Remember The Rates - From Chicago. $33: from S t I/mis. $32; from Omaha and Kansas City, $25. This reduction is proportionate from aii other cities. W m . M c M U R R A Y , GENERAL PASSENGER AGENT. PORTLAND. OREGON. | A pleasant place to spend a so­ cial hour is at S. E. Francisco’s Pool Room. I ! 1 S o ft D r in k s , C a n d y , C igars T o bacco Mosier, H ID ES! Oregon H ID E S!! HID ES!!! Call at the B u l l e t in office ami get tags to ship your hides tn Kauffman, Davidson, Serwnel, of! ’ Portland. ARNOLD & R U P P — DENTISTS — H o o d R iv e r , y q r e g o m . All Our Work Guaranteed We will pay car fare from M isier and return for patrons *vhose work amounts, to $5 or over Kimball 5 1-2 foot 8 1-3 Cultivator 12 Stock on hand. W. E. C hown MOSIER, - OREGON