INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AND PROGRESS OF OUR HOME STATE CURRENT EVENTS OF THE WEEK Q U ICK AC TIO N OR STRIKE. chance Jie pad made a discovery. "Chance!" Interrupted Altamont,hot­ ly. “ Do you meanvto assert that It la Bituminous Coal Miners in East Will not to Kane’s energy that we owe his Fight for Raise. great discovery?" Cincinnati, March 30.— Only imme­ "I mean to say that Dr. Kane’s name HOLD W ATERW AYS C O N V E N TIO N diate increases in wages will prevent a EXTEND PORTAGE ROAD. Is not worth mentioning in a country great industrial war, numerous and made Illustrious by such names as widespread strikes in the bituminuos State Commission Arranges to Fi- Willamette Valley Delegates to Meet Parry, and Franklin, and Ross, and Belcher, and Penny; In a country coal mines, according to action taken in Albany April 14. nance Project at The Dalles. where the seas opened the Northwest by a special committee o f the United Albany — The improved waterway Passage to an Englishman— McClure!" The Dalles— Work will be commenc­ Mine Workers here late today, follow­ "M cC lu re!” exclaimed the American. ing the final disagreement and dissolu­ ed on the construction o f the extension convention which will be held at A l­ "W ell, If ever chance favored anyone it tion o f the joint conference of the cen­ o f the state portage road from Big bany on April 14 for the purpose o f se­ Kin, as Hatteras had declared so vehe­ was that McClure. Do you pretend to General Resume o f Important Events tral competitive field. Eddy to The Dalles as soon as the curing the co-operation of Willamette mently that he would never consent deny it? " contract can be signed up and the con­ valley towns in organizing a syste­ The terms proposed by the miners to use a morsel of American wood; yet Presented in Condensed Form Hatteras started to his feet. and it was high time he were brought to said: for the continuation o f work after the tractors get their plant on the ground. matic campaign for the improvement fo r Our Busy Readers. reason, as June was at hand, the only expiration of the present agreements Judge W. J. Marriner, member of the of the Willamette river, promises to "I will not permit the honor of an season for distant expeditions, and English captain to be attacked In my at midnight Thursday will admit o f no state portage commission, and Mr. bear early fruit. The United States they could not start without a ship. compromise so far as wages are con­ Newell, o f the enigneering firm of government will be asked by the eon- presence any longer!" He thought over it a long while, cerned. On other questions there is Newell, Clossett & Walsh, who at the veniton of all commercial bodies in the “ You will not perm it!” echoed A lta­ Snow storms and blizzards are and at last drew the captain aside, mont, also springing erect. “ But these suggestion o f the commission has done valley to make a $3,000,000 appropria­ sweeping the entire Rocky mountain room for agreement and the general In the kindest, gentlesi way: Follow­ the engineering work on the extension, tion for river improvements. are facts, and It is out of your power trend o f opinion is that no lengthy sus­ region. "Hatteras, do you believe I ’m your to destroy them !” had a meeting with the city council ing the action of the joint meeting of pension w ill be the result except in a friend?” Senator Allds, o f New York, is con­ few fields. “ S ir !” shouted Hatteras, pale with and arrangements were made that in­ the Albany Business Men’s association “ Most certainly I do,” replied the rage. victed o f bribe-taking and resigns his The most threatening aspect over­ sures ;the speedy completion of the and the Albany commercial club, held captain, earnestly; "m y best. Indeed, "M y frien ds!” Interposed the doctor; seat in congress. here recently, invitations to attend the shadows Pennsylvania and Illinois sec­ road. my only friend." "pray be calm. . This is a scientific It was explained by Mr. Newell and convention have been issued by the Coal miners o f the East demand an tions. Briefly, the miners demand that "And if I give you a piece of advlco point that we are discussing.” Judge Marriner that the cost o f the ex­ commercial club to the following cities without your asking, will you consid­ But Hatteras was dead to reason immediate increase in wages or a Corvallis, Brownsville, tension would be about $70,000, and and towns: er my motive is perfectly disinterest­ now, and said angrily: strike will follow. Canby, Dayton, Dallas, Estacada, Eu­ ed?" that only $60,000 o f the appropriation 'T il tell you the facts, sir." The Supreme court o f California has made by the last legislature is avail­ gene, Harrisburg, Hillsboro, Indepen­ "Yes, for I know you have never “ And I ’ll tell you,” retorted the Irate decided that oral betting is not illegal been actuated by self-in terest But American. able. Therefore the commission would dence, Jefferson, Junction City, Lafay­ under the Walker-Otis anti-betting what are you driving at?" be short about $10,000. This state of ette, Lebanon, McMinnville, Mount "Gentlemn,” said Clawbonny, In a "W alt, Hatteras; I have one thing firm tone, "allow me to speak, for I law. affairs was anticipated by the city Angel, Newberg, North Yamhill, Ore­ more to ask. Do you look on me as a know the facts of the case as well as Scio, Sheridan, council some time ago, and an ordin­ gon City, Salem, The English house o f lords will not true-hearted Englishman like your­ and perhaps better than you. and I ance was passed authorizing the sale Springfield, New Era, Stayton, W il­ give up their privilege o f the veto pow­ self, anxious for his country’s glory?" can state them Impartially.” o f $10,000 bonds, the money to be ex­ lamette, Gervais, Brooks, Turner, Hub­ er and a tight is on with the Irish Hatteras looked surprised, but sim ­ "Yes. y e s !” cried Bell and Johnson, party and the Laborites. pended in building bulkheads at the bard, Halsey, Aurora and Silverton. ply said: who had been anxiously watching the lower terminus of the portage road and "I do." A United States attorney "at Tacoma strife. Ten Acres Bring $19,000. the inclines leading to it. "You desire to reach the north pole," "W ell, go on,” said Altamont, finding declares he is certain that smuggling The extension of the portage to be Hood River— An indication that the the doctor went on, "and I understand himself In the minority. o f Chinese is practiced continually by built commences at Big Eddy, some $2,000 mark for Hood River orchard and share your ambition, but to With charts the doctor told the his­ trans-Pacific steamship lines. three miles above The Dalles, and land is not far away was shown recent­ achieve your object you must employ tory of McClure’s voyage. Still Hat­ the right means." A brilliant meteor struck the earth reaches navigable water and a safe ly when ten acres were sold for $19,- teras and Altamont were dissatisfied. Well, and have I not sacrificed e v ­ harbor at the foot o f Washington 000. The highest price for Hood R iv­ "W ell, If arriving on one side and in the neighborhood o f Ravalli, Mon­ erything for it?" street. A t the terminus will be bulk­ er orchard property was paid by Felix leaving at the other is not going tana, and the Indians on the Flathead No, Hatteras, you have not sacri­ through, I don’t know what is !” said reservation are terror stricken. heads on which freights may be con­ von Hake Vonegut, a resident o f In­ ficed your personal antipathies. Even Hattera^s. veniently transferred from river dianapolis, Ind., who will come here Mrs. Joseph Jefferson, w ife o f the at this very moment I know you are “ Yes, but he went 470 miles over Ice steamers to wharf boats or onto cars to reside. The orchard, which is eight noted actor, has been sued for $200,000 In the mood to refuse the indispensable fields,” objected Altamont. that may be run in on the incline, or years old, is situated on the East side conditions of reaching the pole." by James Morrissy for malicious prose­ "W hat of that?” may be discharged from cars directly o f the valley and consists o f a solid cution, false imprisonment and slan­ Ah! It is the boat you want to talk "E verything; that is the gist of the into the steamers. block o f Newton and Spitzenberg about, and that man----- " der. whole argument. It was not the Inves­ The construction of this extension trees. The tract sold to Mr. Vonne- Hatteras, let us discuss the ques­ tigator that went through." JOHN DALZELL Andrew Carnegie passed through tion calmly, and examine tv ~ ~-se on Senior member of the hous' 'ommittee on rules, will complete the connecting link of gut has the distinction o f being the "Altam ont," said the doctor, "w e all Trinidad,, Colo., en route East, where who will in all probability become chairman of river transportation with the lower first piece o f orchard at Hood River to all sides. The coast on which we find consider that you are wrong.” that committee, succeeding the recently deposed river and the upper Columbia and he met a daughter o f a boyhood friend ourselves at present may terminate sell for $1,000 an acre, which was in "You may easily do that,” returned “Uncle Joe” Cannon. abruptly; we have no proof that It the American. "It is four against one, who gave him his first employment at Snake rivers. Since the completion of 1906. Later it was sold to Mr. Hills stretches away to the pole; Indeed, If but that will not prevent me from $2.50 a month as a weaver’s assistant. the state portage around the falls o f f or the highest price at that time, $1,- all operators agree to pay increased Celilo there has been a connection be- ■ your present Information prove cor­ holding my own opinion.” 700 an acre. Again changing hands A 17-year-old boy and 15-year-old wages of 5 cents a ton on pick-mined tween the upper and lower river, but it rect, we ought to come to an open sea "Keep it and welcome, but keep it it still maintains the high mark for during the summer months. Well, sup­ to yourself, If you please, for the fu­ girl eloped from San Diego, Cal., and screen coal, with proportionate ad­ has not been practicable to handle orchard realty here at $1,900 per acre. went to camp in the mountains. They vances for other methods o f mining posing we reach this arctic ocean and ture,” exclaimed Hatteras. were heavily armed and beat off a and outside labor, as a prerequisite to heavy freight over this line, because find it free from Ice and easy to navi­ "And pray what right have you to o f the poor facilities for transferring Rhododendron Fair tor Florence. gate, what shall we do if we have no speak to me like this, sir?” shouted posse who went to capture them, but negotiations on the other question. it from boats to the portage road at ship ?’’ finally surrendered at the pistol’s point. Eugene — Preparations are being With the advance in pay assured, work Altamont, in a fury. the lower terminus. Hatteras mado no reply. made by the people of Florence for the "M y right as captain,” returned H at­ Nearly every banker in Pittsburg may be continued in the mines affected "Tell me, now, would you like to find teras. equally angry. annual rhododendron festival, which pending solution o f the minor points, will feel the graft probe. Rush Work on Coos Bay Road. yourself only a few miles from the will be held this year on May 20. The "Am I to submit to your orders, provided the National executive board That the Harriman interests will pole and not be able to get to it?” A seven-year-old boy in Denver, shot then?” o f the union approves action to this rush construction of its proposed road festival has been held for the past Hatteras still said nothing, but bur­ "M ost assuredly, and woe to you if and killed his four-year-old brother. three summers, and has proven a great effect by district officers. led his head in his hands. across the Btate o f Oregon from Qoos Representative McCredie delivered The National board is made the final Bay to Vale, by way o f Burns, is the success each time, attracting hundreds "Besides," continued the doctor, The doctor did not allow him to power so far as the union is concerned, latest report in railroad circles on the of visitors from all over the Coast. "look at the question In its moral as­ proceed, for he really feared the two quite an eulogy on Speaker Cannon. The water pageant is the crowning pect. Here Is an Englishman who antagonists might come to blows. Bell A Chicago insurance man and soci­ but it is expressly forbidden to modify coast. It is impossible to get confir­ feature of the celebration. The sacrifices his fortune, and even his and Johnson seconded his endeavors the wage demands. mation, but the news emanates from rhododendrons grow to perfection along ety leader is under arrest for robbing a wife, to win fresh glory for his coun­ to make peace, and, after a few con­ excellent sources, leaving little room the Siuslaw, and they are at their pret­ blind man. try, but because the boat which bears ciliatory words, Altamont turned on for doubt of its authenticity. tiest about the middle o f May. This him Across an unknown ocean, or his heel, and walked carelessly away, Over 300 persons were killed in a According to these reports comple­ year’s festival will surpass all others. touches the new shore, happens to be whistling "Yankee Doodle.” Hatteras panic at the burning o f a dance ball tion of the Coos Bay-Drain branch will made of the planks of an American went outside, and paced up and down in Hungary. be rushed with all possible haste while vessel—a castaway wreck of no use to with rapid strides. In about an hour Brick Plant at Lakeview. Associate Justice Brewer, o f the Albany, N. Y ., March 30.— Jonathan at the same time large forces will be anyone— will that lessen the honor of he came back, and retired to bed with« Lakeview— A. T. Zeek, who has been United States Supreme court died sud­ P. Allds went to his home in Norwich put to work between Vale and Burns, the discovery? I f you yourself had out saying another word. denly o f appoplexy. found the hull of some wrecked ves­ tonight, a private citizen, branded as a thus hurrying along the work from engaged in the manufacture of brick (T o be continued.) about three miles south o f town for sel lying deserted on the shore, would The reported death o f King Menelik, bribe-taker by his former colleagues in both ends of the line. Construction o f \ some time, has purchased five acres of you have hesitated to make use of It; the senate, and by his own act no long­ a line from Bums to Crescent City, o f Abyssinia, is denied, but a regency Q U EER TH ING S IN N IC A R A G U A . and must not a sloop built by four E n­ er a member of that body. Senator near Odell, would complete the line land from Roy Woodworth, on Indian has been established. glishmen and manned by four English­ Conger, who filed the charges against across the state, as it would give con­ creek. He will abandon the old works M in is te r s U n n ecessa ry , as Z e la jm and set up a new plant on the new site. men be English from keel to gun­ Alexander J. Moody, a rich Chica­ Allds, stayed here to fight. nection with the Natron cut-off from M a n n «r e s R e p u b l i c b y P h o n e . wale?" The clay which will be used is said to The senate vindicated Conger today Springfield and Eugene. According to the statement of an goan who died a month ago, is believed be better suited for brick making, and Hatteras was still silent. to have been poisoned. when it voted, 40 to 9, that the charges It is said that to the activity of the Mr. Zeek expects to turn out a much "N o," continued Clawbonny. "the American resident of Nicaragua, who had been sustained by the evidence Hill interests in Western Oregon may Representative Martin asks investi­ real truth Is, it Is not the sloop you has the confidence of President Zelaya better brick than he has been able to brought before it. be attributed the progressiveness of of that republic, the Mexican Herald gation o f attorney general’s alleged care about; It is the man." Conger’s enemies admit he is a fight­ the Harriman people, as they will be before. "Yes. doctor, yes,” replied the cap- says, the reports of the difficulties suf­ aid to sugar trust in acquiring land of er, and the belief is expressed that he compelled to fortify themselves against tain. "It Is this American I detest; I fered In paying the Emery claim have the friars in the Philippines. Holds Banner for Alfalfa Seed. will oppose any attempt to drive him the Hill invasion o f Western Oregon hate him with a thorough English ha­ been exaggerated or based upon misap­ A two-year-old child at Vancouver, out of office as vigorously and with as by means of the Oregon Electric and Vale— Vale is the banner alfalfa tred-. Fute has thrown him in niy prehension. B. C., fell asleep with his head across free an expenditure of money as he at­ the United Railways. seed point in Malheur county, ship­ path." The above gentleman was In Nica­ a swing rope with which he had been tacked Allds. Work on the Coos Bay-Drain line ping nine o f the 14 cars o f alfalfa seed "T o save yo u !" ragua quite recently and while there playing, and was strangled to death. Before the vote was taken in the was suspended about three years ago, sent out from Malheur county in 1909. "T o ruin me. He seems to defy me. and speuks as if he were lord and mas­ visited President Zelaya. He saw that Roosevelt denounced recent assassin-’ senate this morning, Ailds resigned his after an expenditure o f several hun­ The country in the Vale vicinity is un­ ter. He thinks he has my destiny In though the amount o f the Emery ation o f Egyptian premier, causing position in that body, thereby releas­ dred thousand dollars, for no apparent excelled for the production o f the finest An average his hands, and knows all my projects. claim, $600,000 gold, was a consider­ quite a sensation and some apprehen­ ing himself from the jurisdiction of reason except that it was thought safe quality o f alfalfa seed. Didn’t we see the man in his true col- able sum, there are some redeeming sion is felt for his safety while in that body. to let the work rest for awhile, there car holds about 30,000 pounds o f alfal­ ors when we were givin g names to the features, principal among which Is the Egypt. The question o f what shall be done being no imminent cause for fear of fa seed, which at 15 cents per pound, different coasts? Has he ever avowed fuct that the railroad track, houses, with Senator Conger, Allds’ accuser, serious competition at that time. But the price paid for most o f the seed, Two accidents marred the opening of his object in coming so far north? You still remains to be settled. now that the Hill people are rapidly makes a carload worth about $4,500, log cutting plant and other property the international aviation meet at Can­ will never get out of my head that this The resignation o f Senator Allds is pushing their way through the W il­ or approximately $40,500 for the nine man is not the leader of some expedi­ of the Emery company, valued at up­ nes, France. Both areoplanes were taken to amount to a tacit acknowl­ lamette valley by means o f extenisons cars. tion sent out by the American govern­ ward of $376,000, gold, all revert to smashed and one operator badly edgment o f guilt, since it was an­ o f the Oregon Electric, the danger of the Nicaraguan government, according bruised. ment.” Addition to Madras Sold. nounced recently that if he resigned as losing a rich field is apparently dawn­ "W ell. Hatteras, suppose it is so. to the terms of settlement. The gov­ Sixty-five members o f the class of a member o f the state senate, it could ing upon the Harriman people. Madras— The recently platted Boyce does it follow that this expedition Is ernment can use all these facilities on addition to Madras was sold to W. H. to search for the north pole? May It Its own account, so that their value Is Yale ’78, among them the president of be in effect a plea o f participation in the United States, dined in private at the bribe-taking o f which he was ac­ not be to find the Northwest Passage? Taylor, of Spokane, and Max Luedde- Begin Big Logging Operations. no loss. Furthermore, he says that But, anyway. Altamont is In complete the University club in New York. cused by Senator Ben Conger, who Klamath Falls— The Long Lake Lum­ man, o f Portland, for $7,000. There ignorance of our object, for neither the government owns all Its steamship There were no set speeches and report­ himself stated that he had paid bribe ber company has contracted with W. is about 17 acres in the tract. The Johnson, nor Beil, nor myself, have lines, railroads and other public utili­ ers were barred. money to Allds. H. Mason for logging about 7,000,000 Oregon Trunk line railway psaaes ever breathed a word to him about It. ties, which pay 35 per cent annually, feet o f logs on the upper lake. The through the land. The plat lies well John Redmond is coming to the front and I am sure you have not.” and are not hypothecated to the slight­ Railway Men Vote on Strike. contract price is $22,500, and it is to for warehouse and railway siding pur­ as a leader o f the English Radicals. "W ell, let him always remain so." est extent, and that money could easi­ Cleveland, March 30.— A strike be completed by fall. There are 10,- poses. "H e must be told In the end, for we ly be raised on these If the situation Roosevelt shook hands with over 400 vote was ordered taken today on the 000,000 or 15,000,000 feet o f lugs can’t leave him hero nlone." PO R TLAN D M ARKETS. "W h y not? Can't he stay here in were serious. The same gentleman Americans during a reception in Cairo., Lake Shore & Michigan Southern rail­ where the camps are to be established, said that he had an offer from a for­ Egypt. Fort Providence?" way by the officers o f the Brotherhood and it is quite probable that Mr. Mason Wheat — Track prices; Bluestem, "H e would never consent to that. eign syndicate to lend tho Nicaraguan The eruption o f Mount Etna is sub­ of Railway Trainmen and the Order will be given the contract for the re­ $1.01(o 1.03; club, 97(398c; red Rus­ Hatteras; and, moreover, to leave a government £ 1 , 000,000 some three siding and all danger is believed to be of Railway Conductors. About 20,000 mainder o f the work next year. This sian, 96c; valley, $1. man In that way, and not know wheth­ months ago, but that President Zelaya men are involved. The oriignal de­ is really the first big contract that has Barley— Feed and brewing, $27(q) er we might find him safe when we refused the opportunity, saying that past. mands of the men were rejeeted two been let, and is the forerunner o f big 27.50 per ton. came back, would be worse than im ­ A St. Louis woman finds contract days ago. The result of the strike vote logging operations. the need for the money was not great Corn— Whole, $34; cracked, $35. prudent. It would be Inhuman. A lta ­ marriage a failure and wants a di­ will not be known until April 8. Hay— Track prices: Timothy, W il­ mont will come with us; he must enough to ju stify the governm ents vorce. While neither side will discuss the Water Pipe Coming. lamette valley, $20((721 per ton; East­ come. But we need not disclose our taking on the debt causes of the failure to agree, it is un­ Insurgents suggest a substitution of Central Point— C. B. Bade, of the ern Oregon, $23(324; alfalfa, $17.50(8) projects; let us tell him nothing, but Tne reported closing of the war col­ simply build a sloop for the ostensible lege, he said, was due to annual vaca­ a “ pure parliamentarian” for Speaker derstood both sides were willing to Jacobson-Bade company, which has the 18.50; grain hay, $17(319. compromise on wages. purpose of making a survey of the tions. He was doubtful If It were true Cannon and will continue their fight contract for installing Central Point’s Oats— No. 1 white, $29(330. coast." water system, has received advices j Fresh fruits— Apples, $1.25(3:3 peT that telegraph lines had been sup­ for his removal. Hatteras could not bring himself to Body Drifts 60 Miles. from the East that the pipe had been box; pears, $1.50(ql,75; cranberries, pressed. As for the cessation of mu­ Officials of the state o f Washington consent, but said: Mr. Bade $8(ii 9 per barrel. Bellingham, Wash., March 30.— The loaded and started West. "And suppose the man won't allow sic and festivities In the public plazas, would like to exchange school lands in corpse cast up Saturday on the beach expects the pipe to begin to arrive in | Potatoes— Carload buying prices; this had been brought about by entire1 forest reserves for lai ds of equal value his ship to be cut up?" o f Luirnni Island, across the bay from from three to five weeks from the Oregon 50(u60c per hundred ; sweet "In that case, you must take the law ly other considerations than those of adjoining the reserves. P°- this city, was identified as that o f W. time it was shipped. This should I tatoes, 3(3 -3Jo per pound, In your own hands, and build a vessel economy. As for the dismissal of all Four children in Hartford, Conn., J. McGranahan, of Vancouver, B. C ., bring some o f the pipe by April 15. Onions — Oregon, $1.50@1.75 per in spite of him." the cabinet ministers, this matter, were rescued by the police just as captain of the schooner Arthur B., Work w ill commence immediately upon hundred. "I wish to goodness he would refuse. which the size of Nicaragua enabled their maniac father was about to mas­ which foundered off the Fraser River receipt o f the pipe. then!” Vegetables— Turnips, $1(31.25 per sacre them with an axe. The family sand heads March 22. A second corpse "H e must be asked before he can re­ them easily to he dispensed with. sack.; rutabagas, $1(31.25; carrots, Good Roads Meeting For Hood. Ths Nicaraguan president, he said, had just been evicted by their land­ was picked up on San Juan Island and fuse. I ll undertake the asking," said 85c(u $1; beets, $l(u,1.25; parsnips, 75 Clawbonny. kept In touch personally by telephone lord. Hood River—The Grange bodies of Oft 1. is believed to be another member of He kept his word, for that very same with all the affaire of the republic, Hood River are plannig a good roads the crew. Five seamen were drowned Butter— City creamery, extras, 36c; Several Tacoma women had express­ night, at supper, he managed to turn making the duties of the cabinet min- when the schooner was overturned. campaign in tho valley. The officers fa n c V o u ts id e 'ire a m 7 ^ ^ 4 (o 3 6 c ? s t^ the conversation towards the subject liters practically nil on all ordinary ed a willingness to adopt a certain McGranahan’s body was picked up 60 o f Pme Grove grange have .nvited 20c. Butter fat prices average l*c per promising baby which was being cared of making excursions during summer Judge Webster, o f Portland and Judge [lound under rP6rular butter priceg' ** miles from the scene o f the wreck occasions, moat persons preferring to for hydrographical purposes for in a foundling home, but all backed , Derby o f Hood River county, to ad- Eggs Fresh Oregon ranch,22*3 23c. negotiations directly out when it was discoverd that the j "You will Join us. I suppose. A lta ­ conduct their Gun Exploded; Eight Killed. dress the citizens on the subjecL Pork-Fan cy. 13(313Jc per pound. with the president, who was easy of child was colored. mont." he said. Manila, P. I., March 30,— The re­ approach. Economy could have had "O f course," replied the American Coburg to Have Lights. Veal Fancy, 11)(" 12Jc per pound. Through the efforts o f their grand­ port that a fatal accident had occurred "W e must know how far New America nothing to do with the dismissal of Eugene— The little city o f Coburg is i;an?b8 -Fancy, 15(3 18c per pound, son, Cody Boats, a reconciliation has extends." on the United States cruiser Charleston Poultry- | the cabinet ministers, since they held soon to have electric street lights, the Poultry— Hens, 20(321c; broilers, 27 Hatteras looked fixedly at his rival, tholr offices merely through patriot­ been effected between Colonel W. F. was confirmed today. Eight men were (u28c: ducks, 22)(3 23c; geese, 27(3 28c; but snld nothing. Cody (Buffalo B ill) and Mrs. Cody. killed and several others slightly in- council having decided to put them in. turkeys, live, 22(325c; dressed, 25(3) A small electric light plant has been "And for that purpose." continued ism, the salary being, at the most, mot Colonel and Mrs. Cody became es­ jured. During practice at sea off in operation there for some time, but 29c; squabs, $5 per dozen. Altamont. "w e had better build a lit ­ at>eve $62 a month gold. V Doings of the World at Large Told in Brief. C H A PTER VIII.— (Continued.) *T shot it this morning," he con­ tinued, "we’ll use it.” "W hat do you mean?” asked Alta- mont "I mean tc blow up the bears en masse with 100 pounds of powder." "But where is the powder?" exclaim­ ed hie friends. "In the magazine. This passage I dug will lead to It. I made it pur­ posely." “And where Is the mine to be?" in­ quired Altamont. "At the farthest point from the house and stores." "And how will you manage to entice the bears there, all to one spot?" *TU look after that. Let us set to work. W e have 100 feet more to add to our passage to-night, and that is no easy matter. There are five of us— we can take turns. Bell will begin, and we will lie down and sleep mean­ time." One by one, all went to work, and In ten hours— that is to say, about 8 in the morning— the gallery was entirely open. With the first streak of day the doc­ tor reconnoltered the position of the enemy. The patient animals were still occupying their old position, prowling up and down and growling. Hastening away to the mine, he had a strong stake fixed firmly on the granite foundation, on the top of which the dead fox was fastened. A rope was attached to the lower part of the stake, long enough to reach the pow­ der stores. "This is the bait," he said, pointing to the dead fox, "and here is the mine," he added, rolling in a keg of powder containing about 100 pounds. "And how will you manage?" asked Altamont "By hauling in this rope we leave the dead fox exposed to view. The bears are so famished with their long fasting that they won’t lose much time In rushing toward their unexpected meal. Well, Just at that very moment, I shall set Are to the mine, and blow up both the guests and the meal.” “Capital! Capital!" shouted John­ son, who had been listening with in­ tense Interest. Hatteras said nothing, for he had such absolute confidence In his friend that he wanted no further explanation. But Altamont must know the why and wherefore of everything." "But doctor," he said, "can you reckon on your match so exactly that you can be quite sure it will fin the mine at the right moment?” "I don’t need to reckon at all; that’s a difficultly easily got over." "They you have a match a hundred feet long?" "No." "You are simply going to lay a train of powder." "One of us must light the powder,” said Johnson. "I’m ready— ready and willing." "Quite useless to risk your life, brave fellow." replied the doctor, hold­ ing out hli hand. "All our llvea are precloua, and they will be all spared, thank Ood! “W e have an electrlo battery,” he continued, "and lines long enough to serve our purpose? W e can (Ire our mine whenever we pleuse, In an In­ stant. and without the slightest dun- ger." "H urrah!” exclalnfed Johnson. "H urrah!” echoed the others, with­ out heeding whether the enemy heard them or not. The doctor’s Idea was Immediately carried out, and the lines connected. By » o’clock everything was ready. Johnson was stationed In the powder magaxlne, In charge of the cord which held the bait. "Now," said Clawbonny to his com­ panions. "load your guns. In case our assailants are not killed. Stand be­ side Johnson, and the moment the ex­ plosion Is over rush out.” "All right," said Altamont "W e have done all we can to help ourselves. May heaven help us!” Hatteras, Altamont and Hell repair­ ed to the powder magaxlne. while the doctor remained alone beside the pile. Boon he heard Johnson’s voice In the distance calling out "Heady!” “All right!” was the reply. Johnson pulled the rope that brought the body of the fox on top the Ice. The next Instant the bears had eager­ ly rushed to seise the booty. "Fire!” called out Johnson, and at once the eleotrlo spark was sent along the llnee right Into the keg of powder A formidable exploaton ensued; the house was shaken as If by an earth­ quake. and the walls cracked asunder. Hatteras. Altamont and llell hurried out with the guns. But four of the bears lay dead, and the dfth, half roasted, though alive, was scamherlng away In terror, as fast as his leg, could carry him. "H urrah!” Three cheers for Claw- bonny!" they shouted, and overwhelm­ ed the doctor with plaudits and thanks Next morning there was a singular rise In the temperature, the thermom­ eter going up to 15 degrees above xero This comparative heat lasted sev­ eral days. In sheltered spots the glass rose as high as II degrees, and symp­ toms of a thaw appeared. The Ice began to crack here and there, and Jets of salt water were thrown up. like fountains In an English park. A few days later the rain fell In torrents. For about a fortnight hunting was the principal occupation. There was an abundant supply of fresh meat to be had. They shot partridges, ptarmi­ gans and snow ortolans, which are de­ licious eating. "Do you think we shall have a long spell of this weather. Dr. Clawbonny?” asked Johnson. "No, my friend, I don’t; It Is a Inst blow from the cold. You see these are his dominions, and he won't be driven out without making some resistance.” "What Is the reason?” "Because generally there is a peri­ odical frost In the month of May. and II Is coldest from the 11th to the 11th That Is the fact." The doctor was right, for the cold lasted till the end of the month, and put an end to all their hunting expedi­ tions The old, monotonous life In­ doors recommenced. C H A P T E R IX. During this compulsory leisure. Clawbonny determined to have a talk with the captain on an Important sub- loot— the building of a sloop out of the planks of tho Porpoiso. Tko doctor hardly know how to bo SENATOR ALLDS IS FORCED FROM OFFICE. j tle ship out of tho remains of the P o r­ poise It Is the best possible use we can make of her." "You hear. Bell.” said the doctor, ea gerly. "W e ’ll all set to work to-m or­ row morning." In the end o f May the temperature again rose, and spring returned for good and all. Rain fell copiously, and before long the melting snow was run­ ning down every little slope in falls and cascades. But while they were building their boats arguments spring up. Dr. Kane was the first bone of con­ tention on this occasion, for the Jeal­ ous Englishman was unwilling to grsnt hie rival the glory of being e discov­ erer, saying that It was by mere A l.e u o n la P o lite n e s s . He was dining at a restaurant. 3ao while he was sipping his black roffee, a stranger gracefully commandeered hit overcoat. He had Just reached the door when the owner tapped him oa the shoulder. "Pardon me, elr." he said, m ••kly. "but would you allow me to get another cigar from my coat pocket. In case I do not meet you again?” —Ttt Bit*. Y .r r Llkvly. ’ She thanked him with a look." ” 1 e’pose her gown was so tight that she couldn't trust herself to speak, eh."— Louisville Courier Journal. tranged three or four years ago and Olongapo, the breech block o f a three- since that time they have lived apart. inch gun blew out and its flight across only residences and business houses have heretofore been lighted. the deck cut through a steel stanchion A Wisconsin man set fire to a wid­ and mowed down the men. Seven were Increase Capital Stock. ow's house, claiming that the insur­ instantly killed, while the eighth died j Central Point — The Central Point ance money would do her more good. while being taken to Cavate. State bank has increased its capital He got three years. from $12,500 to $30,000. The growth Natives Fire on Foreigners. o f the business has been so great that Their supplies stolen by Cree In­ Liverpool, March 30.— A fight be - 1 the piesent capital was inadequate to dians in the wilds o f the Rocky Moun­ tween Liberians and hostile natives | handle the volume o f business. tains, and with every one o f their 44 was being waged March 9 at Cape Pal­ Many Trees for Hood River. horses dead of starvation, 22 men be­ mas, according to reports brought by | longing to a Canadian Northern Rail­ fhe steamer Salaga, which arrived Hood R iver—Several hundred thou­ way survey party, headed by Engineer from Liberia today. The natives from sand trees have already been shipped C. F. Hanington, arrived in Vancou­ behind a stockade at the mouth of the into the Hood River valley this season ver, B. C., after having fought their Palmas river, were firing upon an Eng­ on account o f the inability of the three way to civilisation through midwinter lish factory and the Liberian troops. local nurseries to supply the heavy de snowdrifts. The latter replied with a machine gun. manda. Cattle— Best steers, $6.25(36.75; fair to good steers, $5.50(36; strictly good cows, $5.50(3 6; fair to good. $5 oi 5.25; light calves, $6(37; heavy calves. $4 (a 5; bulls, $3.60 @ 4.25; stags, $4(3 5. Sheep— Best wethers. $7.50(38; fair 8°°d, $6.50(37; good lambs, $8(312. Hogs — Top, $11.25; fair to good. »10(3 11. Wool— Eastern Oregon, 16(320c per pound; valley, 22(824c; mohair, choice, 23(325c. Cascara bark, 4}<35c. Hide*— Dry hides, $16(317c per pound; dry kip, 16(.i 17c; dry calfskin 14(315c; salted hides, 7 *3 8 «; salted calfskins, 14c; green, le less. /