PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY BY H. C. KIBBEE, Proprietor S U B S C R IP T IO N R A T E S O n e Y e a r........................................................................ S ix M o n th s ........................................................................ 75 .50 T h r e e M o n th s .. . . ........................................... ADVERTISING RATES M0SIER BULLETIN P ro fessio n al C ard s . p e r m o n th $ W i O n e sq u a re ................. " ' TfOO O n e -q u a rte r C o lu m n . O ne-luilf C o lu m n .. . . *00 O ne C olum n f B u sin ess l<*eafc w ill be ch a rg e d a t 5 c e n ts p e r Im e ; fo r ea ch in sertio n . L e g al a d v o rtls e m ttits w ill in all ca ses be ch a rg e d E n t e r e d a s seco n d -class m a tte r M arch 12, 1909, a t *the p o s t office a t M osier, O reg o n , u n d ? r th e A c t o f B f a r c h 3.1879. Portland Capital In Mosier Land One Hundred and Forty Acres to be Subdivided -Into Small Tracts. MOSIER, WASCO COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL VOL. II NO. 4 LARAWAY C. G . NiCHOL JOHN WELLBERG, Prop. j Hood Rivers Reliable Jeweler { Watches, Diamonds , Jewelry for paid f e r bef'.>re*affldavits a r e fu rn is h e d . I x. »:**>«&* « inkï PINES HOTEL T he See te th e «party o rd erin g 'tfrtem , a t le g al rate», a n d 1, 1910 General O r e g o n Merchandise \ i Good Accommodations f Rates $1.00 per day and up ¡ A deal was consummated last He van make your watch keep time S week whei’eby the Willamette j 5 Trust and Investment Co. of ’s*'» - Portland becomes the possessor | •of 140 acres of tine apple land, •known as the I. M. Thomas place ¡and situated about 7 miles south ‘of Mosier. B. E. Duncan of Hood River bought the tract last of Mosier, Oregon, fall from Mr. Thomas as an in - j IS N O W O P E N F O R B U S IN E S S . vestment. j The Willamette Trust and In­ Carrying a full line of Drugs, Patent Medicine, Station­ vestment Co. is composed of the following Portland capitalists: ery, Sundries. Toilet Articles, Ice Cream, Candy and President, Fred J. Ziegler; vice Cigars. president, D. W. Taylor Jr.; sec­ retary and t r e a s u r e r , J. B. Knapp. E. C. Brock of Hood River is general manager. Of this tract of 140 acres about 25 acres are in orchard. The re­ in a i n d e r of the la n d will 1he cleared at once, set out to fruit trees, and put on the mar- E. N. Stroup of Portland is in j ice t in 5 acre tracts on the con­ ST. B. DE BUSSEY DIES town on business. ON OPERATING TABLE tract basis. That is, each tract Mrs. John Burggraf arrived will be taken proper care of until the trees come into bearing, or The following dispatch from from Portland last night. for a period of five years. This J. N. Mosier and Wm. V ogt: is for the henefit of the small in­ Hood River appeared in Tues­ went to The Dalles last night. vestor who cannot buy outright day’s Oregonian: Dick -Fisher left ‘ here this “T. B. DeBussey, proprietor of but can make monthly payments without inconvenience. He is a restaurant here and an exten­ morning on a business trip to given seven years in which to sive landowner at Hood River j Portland. pay for the i&nd, and during and Mosier, died suddenly to-day ! this time he pays neither taxes from th% effects of an operation j to remove a carbuncle from his *fenders OP both ends which prevent striking trees with knife, and allow such close work (hat hoeing around trees is un­ necessary when the KTMBALL is in use. It is the best tool ever made for the money. 5 1-2 ft., $15, 8 1-3 ASK US MORE ABOUT THEM f t ., WE WILL BE GLAD TO TELL YOU. REMEMBER, We carry all kinds of Farm Machinery, Garden Tools, Spray Pumps, in fact ANYTHING'you'mar need on the farm. Before buying elsewhere, get our prices, as \ve POSITIVELY KNOW we can save^you money. a Specialty Oregon Mosier — TRY DAVENPORT HARNESS Co. Thp Dalles, Harness and Saddlery Goods Tents. Wagon Covers, Etc Hand-made Harness a Specialty OREGON A ll B u s in e s s e n t r u s t e d T he C are of the ^ to MOSIER MARKET ^ Mosier Lumber Co. First National Bank G eo . H aack e , i Capital I Surplus and undivid­ ed profits J. S. SCHENCK, - O R EGON * Fresh and Cured Meats Country Produce Mosier 100 , 000.00 P r e s id e n t M ax A . V o g t C. H. JENKINS, D. M.:n. Cashier D e n t is t PEO PLE OREGON F ares C an be P r e p a id at home if desired. Any agent of the road named is au- thorized to receive the required deposit and telegraph ticket to any point in the East. Remember The Rates - From Chicago. $33; from S t Ixiuis, $32; from Omaha and Kansas City, $25. This reduction is proportionate from all other cities. W m . M c M U R R A Y, G ENERA L PASSENG ER AGENT. PO RTLAND. OREGON. .. H o o d R iv e r ,'O r e g o n . We will pay car fare_from_M_>sier and return7 for patrons ,vhose work amounts to $5 or over % __________ ______________________ LUMBER CO., OREGON. Shingles at Market Price. O F OREGON The railroads have done their part; now it’s up to you. The colonist rate is the greatest of home-huilders. Do all you can to let Eastern people know aboutit, and encourage them to come here, where lard is cheap and home-building easy and attractive. DENTISTS I # All Our Work Guaranteed o f LUMBER, Finished or # • Dimension, call at MOSIER HOW ABOUT IT ? ACME, SIMUNG or PEG TOOTH NOTICE OF PUBLICATION. United State* I,an 2». * L ast P /h . \ a r & :RUPP t COLONIST RATES i FOR ALL KINDS i? OREGON I Ì Great Northwest SWETLAND The management of the Oregon Railroad ¿Navigation Co. takes great pleasure in announcing that the low rates from Eastern cities, which have done so much in past seasons to stimulate travel to and settlement in Oregon, will pre­ vail again this Spring DAILY from March 1 to April 15, inclusive. ARNOLD I * O F F IC E O V E R B U T L E R H A N K I N G C O M l'A N Y PHO N ES: Office 28 R esilience 28 B HOOD RIVER Ore. : 55 O r e g o n * I » $ 100 , 000.00 Vice Pres: i D E A L E R S IN WILL HAVE PROMPT ATTENTION E d M . W il l ia m s MOSIER D E N N Y & HARVEY of Tiie Dalles, Oregon Pres. All kinds of Building Material on hand, in- cluding'lath and shingles Estimates given for ma­ terial for building. . . US* Walther- Williams Hdw. Co. GAY YOWEliL, Mgr. HOOD RIVER - ■ ..... _ 9 $20, 12 ft., $22.50. F. O. B., The Dalles. Harrow Kimball Weeder CANTON or rv» COTTON KING fir UlSC HdYYOtJD WE HAVE THEM W. E. C hown MOSIER, - OREGON i