% EVENTS OF THE DAY GREAT PAIN TIN G RECOVERED. Stolen by Young German Artist and Found in His Studio. HAPPENINGS FROM AROUND OREGON San Francisco, March 16.— Declar­ ing that he took the picture merely to make a copy o f it, William Kunze, a T O U R IS T MECCA; PELICAN BAY PRED ICTS W ATER RIGHT FIGHT young German artist, recently from Portland, Or., was arrested this after­ noon in possession o f the $10,000 Mil­ Southern Pacific Said to be Planning Engineer Says Laws o f Nation and State are Radically Different. Development o f Harriman Resort let painting “ The Shepherd and His Flock,” which was stolen last Sunday That a water right war between Klamath Falls— Pelican Bay is not C H A P T E R V. from the Golden Gate Park Museum. to be lost to the tourist o f the Pacific Western states will be the outgrowth "Can you prove to me," said A lta- Kunze was arrested in his studio af­ coast, and Klamath county is not to o f present jumbled authority, is the aiont, "that an Englishman haa set ter a search o f the city which has been be denied the pleasure o f seeing car­ opinion o f John H. Lewis, state engi­ foot here before an American T" For a few minutes there was an L m i Important but Not Lnsa Intar* prosecuted with the utmost vigor ever ried to completion the plans o f develop­ neer. Laws of nation and state relat­ since the valuable painting was cut ment o f this resort that the late E. H. ing to use or conservation o f water are awkward silence, which the doctor •sting Happening* from Pointa from its frame by an unknown thief Harriman had in mind when he pur­ widely diverse in operation and intent, broke by saying: Outside th* State. last Sunday. "M y friends, the highest human law and only a constitutional amendment chased the property. Detective Sergeant Edward Wren According to information, it is the can avert serious difficulties, he says. Is Justice. It Includes all oth er* Let refused to divulge the clew which led intention o f the Southern Pacific to Speaking before the Oregon State us be Just, then, and don't let any bad feeling get In am ong ua The prlorlt.’i It i* said Bryan will not again be a to the arrest. Immediately after book­ make Pelican Bay and Odessa the Academy o f Science, he said: ing the prisoner on a charge o f grand greatest resorts on the Pacific coast. leader o f Democratic party. “ We are at the dawn o f a great na­ of Altamont seems to me Indisputable. larceny he left the city prison accom­ Heretofore it has been supposed that tional movement for the improvement W e will take our revenge by and by. President Taft in a special message panied by several detectives and it is when Crater Lake was opened to the o f our waterways, and Tor the use of and England will get her full share In urges protection for Alaskan sealing believed that they went in search o f | people o f the world, magnificent hotels our streams for irrigation, power and our future discoveries. Let the name New America stand for the continent industry. possible accomplices. would be erected in close proximity to domestic purposes. Already it is ap­ Itself, but I suppose Altamont has not Efforts to have Peary rewarded by To the questions o f Sergeant Wren that scenic wonder, but this may not parent that the available water supply yet disposed of all the bays, and capes, congress were voted down by a large the arrested man answered that he was be done, at least not at the present is inadequate to the demands of the and headlands It contains, and I Im ag­ majority. led to take the picture by his love of time. The Southern Pacific recognizes immediate future and it is the desire ine there will be nothing to prevent ua Standard Oil is scored by a govern­ the beautiful and a desire to make a that lying between Pelican Bay and of all that these conflicting uses be ad­ calling this bay Victoria bay?" ‘Nothing whatever, provided that Odessa and Crater Lake is a section justed in conformity with some care­ ment attorney as a menace to the busi­ copy of it. The painting which was lent to the unsurpassed for natural beauty; that it fully devised plan so that the greatest yonder cape Is called Cape W a sh in g ­ ness world. museum by Miss Sarah Spooner, of is a section that would be particularly good will result to the greatest num­ ton." replied A ltam ont San Diego has raised over a million this city, was the work o f Jean Fran­ **You might choose a name, sir," ex attractive to the tourist, and that the ber. dollars for her proposed Panama ex­ cois Millet in 1832. It was found in best way to open it up would be to “ The fundamental point in the form­ claimed Hatteras, almost beside him position fund. the room used as a studio by Kunze make Pelican Bay the starting point. ulation o f such a plan and one concern­ self with passion, "that Is less offen­ sive to an Engllsbm an." The plans under consideration pro­ ing which there is a great diversity of Rooaevelt takes ride on camel's and it is now in the custody o f the "But not one which sounds so sweet property clerk o f the police depart­ back to see scene of great historic bat­ vide for the erection o f a magnificent opinion, is the right o f the state or to an American," retorted A ltam ont ment. tle, accompanied by Soudanese cavalry. tourist hotel close to the site occupied nation to legislate as to interstate proudly. The theft occurred in the morning A system o f waters. A t the present time there is “Come, come," said the doctor again, A ll efforts to arbitrate the Philadel­ shortly after the museum was thrown by the lodge building. highways are to be constructed be­ no legislation, either state or national, no discussion on that subject An phia street car strike have failed, and open to visitors. While the curator unions throughout the state are pre­ was absent for a short time the canvas tween that point and Crater Lake that bearing upon this subject and but few American haa a perfect right to be proud of his great countryman! Let will make accessible to the tourist all court decisions. paring to join the strike. was cut from the frame and carried o f the points o f interest. “ The control o f waters within a us honor genius wherever It Is met A woman at Tonopah, admitting away from the building* Already the Southern Pacific com­ state is at present divided between the with; and since Altamont has made his that she was "o ld and homely," was pany had commenced the preparation state and the United States govern­ choice; let us take our turn next; let about to marry a Jap, but the pair o f descriptive literature o f this section ment. This divided responsibility and the captain------ " •Doctor!" Interrupted Hatteras, “I were forced to leave town. o f the country, and it is Btated by the complicated nature o f the problem have no wish that my name should fig­ is doubtless the the cause o f inaction those who have seen some o f it that it Under a decision o f the Supreme ure anywhere on this continent seeing In Oregon, that It belongs to America." will be the finest ever issued by the by many o f the states. court the forest service will no longer company. where a complete system o f state con­ be permitted to institute criminal pro­ "Is this your unalterable détermina­ Chicago, March 16.— Danger o f an trol has been provided, we may be tion?" asked Clawbonny. ceedings against persons who violate immediate strike o f 27,000 locomotive confronted with this uncertainty. Sup­ “It la * ita regulations governing forest re­ firemen, the throwing out o f employ­ Eugene Claims Best Schools. pose the non-navigable tributaries of "V ery well, we’ll have It to ourselves serves. Eugene— Lane county maintains a ment o f more than 126,000 other em­ the Willamette river be diverted for then," he continued, turning to John­ high degree of efficiency in its school ployes and the temporary suspension of The wedding o f Theodore Roosevelt, irrigation under state sanction to the son and Bell. “W e ’ll leave our traces business on practically every railroad system. As a result o f prudent fore­ detriment o f navigation. Jr., has been set for June 16. Upon com­ behind ua I propose that the tsland sight, provision is made by the Eugene between Chicago and the Pacific coast, plaint the United States authorities we see out there, about three miles Roosevelt arrives in Khartoum, in was averted today through the accept­ school board for the steadily increas­ could probably enjoin this use, to the away from the shore, should be called best o f spirits and looking the picture Many families ance o f offers for mediation from the ing number of pupils. great damage o f those interested in Isle Johnson, In honor of our boat­ o f health. are coming to Eugene and as yet no swain. Federal authorities. irrigation development. Ezra Meeker has begun hiB third trip ‘Oh, Mr. Clawbonny," began John­ A t the request of the general mana­ complaint has been recorded as to over­ “ This division o f authority between son, In no little confusion. across the continent by ox team from gers of the 47 railroads involved. crowded school facilities In the year state and nation is further illustrated 'And.that mountain that we will call The Dalles. Chairman Knapp, o f the interstate ending June 30 last the schools of by the annual tax imposed upon water Bell Mount, If our carpenter Is w ill­ Lane county expended $176,368. The commerce commission, and Commis­ The big plant o f the Union Meat power within national forests by both ing." estimated expenditures for the current company on the peninsula at Portland sioner of Labor Neil! telegraphed an the state and the United States.” "It Is doing me too much honor." year are $197,000. This is the only dis­ offer o f mediation to the union officials. begi is operations. replied Bell. This offer was accepted, W. C. S. trict in the state where high school "It Is simple Justice," returned the For More Water in Willamette. Banker Walsh, now serving time in Carter, president o f the Brotherhood of courses are provided for rural pupils, Washington — Senator Jonathan doctor. the penitentiary at Leavenworth, Kan­ Enginemen and Firemen, stipulating, placing them on the same basis as city 'Nothing could be better,” said A l­ sas, is suffering from heart disease. however, that action must begin at students. The first one, oragnized a Bourne has procured from the senate tamont comimttee an amendment to the rivers year and a hulf ago, offers four years A strike has been declared byl fire­ once. "N ow , then, all we have to do Is to and harbors bill providing a survey for The appeal to Washington was taken o f standard high school work. christen our fort," (a id the doctor. men on all roads West o f Chicago, the Willamette river between Portland "About that there will be no discussion, affecting 26,000 firemen and 126,000 as an eleventh-hour move to prevent a and Oregon City looking towards an Establish Nursery Near Stanfield. walkout, which, it was declared, I hope, for It Is neither to our gracious other employes. J threatened the greatest railroad strike Stanfield— A plat o f ground has been eight foot channel to do away with the ■overelgn Queen Victoria, nor to W a s h ­ Louis W. H ill, the "railroad prince since that of 1894. Thirty-seven mem­ purchased near town and about 200,000 rapids at the mouth o f the Clackamas ington, that we owe our safety and o f the W est," has purhased an orange bers o f the Western Federated Board apple trees and 60,000 peach trees are which intervene and on which there is shelter here, but to God. who brought grove at Redlands, Cal. He makes o f the brotherhood last midnight form­ being set. This planting is made up only three feet of water during the low about our meeting, and by so doing light o f Pinchot’s policies. ally voted for a strike. The hour for of what are known as "June budded” water stage. The senator has also pro­ saved us all. Let our little fort be cured an amendment for a survey and called Fort Providence." Bellboys at the St. Francis hotel in striking had been set for next Monday stock, which will make prime trees for estimates on the cost of improvement 'Tour remarks are Just," said A lta­ San Francisco, where Carnegie stop­ morning, and the members were pre­ planting next year. The planting o f mont; "no name could be more suita­ of Tillamook bay and bar. pared to start for their homes and put orchards on the Furnish-Coe project, ped, are mourning the fact that he ble. the strike into effect when the media­ near Stanfield, is in full swing. failed to distribute any tips. Orchard Sells for S30,000. In our future excursions, then, we tion steps were taken. Among the heaviest planters are Page A matador at Juarez, Mexico, was Central Point— E. M. Andrews and shall go by Cape Washington to V ic ­ & Son and Dr. Watts, both of Port­ toria bay, and from thence to find food trampled and severely wounded by the PAULHAN OFF IN HUFF. land, each setting out a full quarter Conro Fiero have bought the Hoagland and rest at Doctor's H ouse!" infuriated bull. He was brought to section, the former using peaches and place o f J. P. Knudson for $30,000. 'The business Is settled, then, so the American side for treatment. Injunction Obtained Prohibiting Tak­ pears and the latter apples. Some 40 The place sold about a year ago for far,” resumed the doctor. "A s our dis­ $17,000. The place contains 79 acres, A woman who kept a small store in or 60 smaller orchards, ranging from ing Away His Four Machines. coveries multiply we shall have other Armourdale, Kansas City, and carried five to 15 acres, are being planted by part of which is in brush and about 30 names to give; but I trust, friends, we New York, March 16.— " I am ready acres in orchard, one half o f which is her money in her pocket to prevent shall have no disputes about them, for owners. just coming into bearing. The orch­ placed as we are, we need all the help the banks from getting away with it, and glad to leave this country,” de­ clared Louis Paulhan, the aviator, to­ ard is one o f the most promising in and love we can give each other. Let Complaint Against Valley Rates. was murdered and robbed by a negro. day, in reiterating his declaration that Salem Complaint has been made to the valley. Mr. Fiero has also bought us be strong by being united. W h o William J. Calhoun, the new minis­ he had made his last flight in America the old Alford place at Talent, con­ knows what dangers yet we may have ter to China, has arrived at San Fran­ and would return to France by the the railroad commission by the Canyon sisting o f 160 acres, for $25,000. to brave, and what sufferings to endure City Commercial company that the cisco, with his wife. They did not first steamer. before we see our native land once rates charged by the Sumpter Valley have a servant o f any kind with them, more. Let us be one In heart, though Paulhan packed up his machines and Plat Suburban Tracts. railroad on barbed wire and steel nails saying they would be able to get plen­ prepared to leave, despite every effort Wallowa— A. G. Wigglesworth and five In number, and let us lay aside are excessive. It is set forth by the all feelings of rivalry. Such feelings ty o f native help in Chinn. which his manager, Edwin Cleary, Commercial company that the Sumpter W. H. Vertner have bought 40 acres are bad enough at all times, but among A Chinese tong war murderer has made to induce him to stay and com­ Valley charges 37 cents a hundred lying east o f town and will plat it as us they would be doubly wrong. You been sentenced for life in San Francis plete his contract. pounds for transporting barbed wire suburban tracts. A strip near the cor- understand me, Altamont, and you, Cleary obtained an injuction today on. and nails from Raker City to Austin, a |>orate limits will be sold as town lots. Hatteras T~ prohibiting Paulhan from taking with Neither man made reply. A strike is being considered by 30,- him any o f the four aeroplanes he distance o f 62 miles, while the rate Farm Brings $250 Per Acre. A new project now struck the doc­ 000 railroad firemen on 47 Western bought in this country. There are two from Portland to Baker City, over the Central Point— D. D. Sage, o f Table O. R. & N., 357 miles, is but 80 cents tor's mind th* next day. He said: linen. Blériot and two Farman machines. Rock, has sold his place containing 80 "I am going to build a lighthouse on a hundred. J. P. Morgan laughs at reports that With his craft tied up and Clarey acres, to J. II. Lydard, o f Medford, for th* top of that cone about our h e ad s" threatening a damage suit for $160,- he is dead, and says he is alive and $20,000. The place is one o f the best " A lighthouse!" all exclaimed. Alfalfa Land $360 Per Acre. 000, friends tried to pursuade the garden anil berry tracts in the valley. glad o f it. "Tes. It would be a beacon to guide Central Point— H. T. Hull has sold Frenchman to reconsider his decision, us In distant excursions, and also Illu­ The American legation at Rogota is his farm one mile west o f town to Mr. but he was obdurate and is determined mine our plateau In the long winter PO R TLA N D M ARKETS. being closely guarded and anti-Ameri­ Heron, a recent arrival from Iowa, for months." to sail. can feeling is high. $17,600. The tract contains 49 acres "V ery true," replied Altamont, "but Wheat —- Track prices — Bluestem, and is nearly all first class alfalfa land. A rich heiress o f Lakewood, N. J., $1,100/1.11; club, $1.030/$1.04; red how would you make It?" Law Requires Strenuous Journey. Mr. Hull recently sold 30 acres o f the suffering from nervous trouble, W ith one of the lanterns out of the Russian, $1.01; valley $1.04; 40-fold, The Orlopp $1.06. Cleveland, Or,. March 16. Joseph same tract for $9,000. Porpoise." drowned herself in a near-by lake. "A ll right; but how will you feed Liberals in the English parliament Burns, who recently raced from the in­ place, formerly the Van V leit farm, Barley- Feed and brewing, $28.50 your lamp? W ith seal oil?" have again taken the aggressive, and terior of Alaska to Cleveland in a fu­ was also sold a few days ago for $17,- 0/29 per ton. "N o, seal oil would scarcely bo visi­ will force the Tories to grant another tile effort to reach his baby before she 500. This is one o f the finest fruit Com - Whole, $35; cracked, $36 ton. ble through th* fog." died, was today summoned by the Fed­ farms in the valley and has produced election or resign. Oats- No. 1 white, $310/31.50 ton. A re you going to try to make gas eral government to return to the anow- much prizewinning stuff. Hay— Track prices— Timothy: W il­ out of our coal, then?" Seven men escaped from the Pendlc- laiund territory as a witess in a stab­ lamette valley, $20o/21 per ton; East­ tonl jail by saving off the bars to a bing affray, in which he was injured. Freewater Seeks to Sell Water Bonds No. gas would not be strong ern Oregon, $22o/23; alfalfa, $170/18; enough; and. worse still. It would back window while the sheriff was In a wooden hut in the wilderness Freewater- The city council at ita California alfalfa, $160/17; clover, waste our com bustibles" busy with a rush o f taxpayers. near Fairbanks, Alaska, a grand jury last meeting instructed Recorder G. P. $15o/16; grain hay, $16o£18. "W ell," replied Altamont, "I'm at a L ife savers at Marshfield, Or., are has been summoned and it will take Sanderson to call for bids for bonds for Fresh Fruits Apples, $1,250/3 box; loss to see how you------ " undergoing strict investigation by rev­ Mr. Burns 40 days o f strenuous travel the construction o f the new water pears, $1,500/ 1.75 per box; cranber­ I'm prepared for everything after enue officers on charges o f misconduct and cost the govermennt $1,040 before works system. The bonds are for $16,- the mercury bullet, and th* Ice lens ries, $80/9 per barrel. during the wreck o f the steamer Czar­ he can give his evidence,. 000 and will run for a term o f 16 Potatoes Carload buying prices— and Fort P rovides)** I believe Mr. ina. years, bearing interest at 6 per cent. Oregon, 500/60c per hundred; sweet Clawbonny can do anything." exclaim ­ Robbers attempted to blow open the Russia Sorry for Action. ed Johnson. The surveys have been made and the potatoes, 8c ponuil. "Corns Clawbonny, tell us what »o u r safe o f the Valley Ford bank in Bloom­ St. Petersburg, March 16. During contract for the pumping plant and res­ Onions — Oregon, $1,500/1.75 per light Is to b a then." said Altamont. field, Cal., but the noise o f the explo­ debate in the Douma upon the appro­ ervoir will lie let as soon as the bonds hundred. "V ery well." replied Clawbonny. "I sion drew a crowd ami the thieves es­ priations for the foreign office. Profes­ are sold. Vegetables Turnips, nominal; ruta­ mean to have an electric light." caped without obtaining anything. sor Milukotf sharply criticised the bagas, $10/1.25; carrots, $1; beets, "A n electric light?" Freewater Roads Inspected. Pinchot’s admission o f high-handed Far Eastern policy o f Foreign Minister $1.25; parsnips, $1. •Tes. why not? Haven't you a g a l­ Freewater County Judge Gilliland, Taking as a text Russia’s policies astound the investigating com­ Iswolsky. Butter City creamery extras, 39c; vanic battery on board your ship?" Walker and fancy outside mittee. Witnesses admit that engin­ rejection o f Secretary Knox's proposal Commissioner Horace creamery, 350/39c; "T es" eers o f reclamation service op|iose Bal­ for the neutralization of the Manchur­ County Superintendent D. F. Lavender store, 200/ 23c per pound. Rutter fat "W ell, there will bo no difficulty, linger because o f failure to gain pro­ ian railways, he declared that the situ­ were in the city recently and drove out [ prices average 1 l-2c per pound under then. In producing an electrlo light, ation in Manchuria was far more seri­ on an inspection tour o f the roads in | regular butter prices. and that will cost nothing, and be far motion. A ous than that in the Balkans. The this section o f Umatilla county. Egg* Fresh Oregon ranch, 22oz 23c blighter." M. Loraine, a French aviator, fell minister, he said, had made a danger­ contract has been let for the building F in s " said Johnson; "let us set to per dozen. SO feet in a Blériot machine and was ous mistake in making common cause o f a new steel bridge across the Walla work at o n es" Pork Fancy, $130/ 14c pound. badly injured. Walla river at the McCoy settlement. All went to work and soon erected with Japan. Veal Fancy, 120/ 13c pound. A Colorado woman stopped a runa­ Poultry Hens, 19c; broilers, 250/ a ten-foot Ice column. The lantern way horse which she had been driving Cable Fouled on Wreck? Hotel at Klamath Falls. 27c; ducks, 20c; geese, 120/13c; tur­ was put on top. The conducting wires were properly adjusted within It and and then died from the shock. Victoria, B. C., March 16. A report Klamath Falls — Mayor Sanderson keys, live, 22o/25c; dressed, 25o/29c; as soon as It grew dark the experiment A t a meeting o f representatives of has been made to the Marine depart­ has sold to Mrs. Livermore and sons a squab*. $8 per dozen. was m ads It was a complete success practically all o f the shingle mills of ment by Captain Heater, o f the whal­ half block on Pine street for $10,000. Cattle - Best steers, $5,750/6.25; An Intense, brilliant light streamed the redwood belt o f California, at Eu­ ing steamer Orion, that the steamer A hotel to cost $75,000 will be built on fair to good steers, $5o/5.50; strictly from the lantern and Illumined th* en­ reka, it was derided to organise a sel­ fouled her cable when taking a whale the property. The buikling will he good cows, $5o/ 5.25; fair to good cows, tire plateau and th* plains beneath. ling association which will work for six miles south o f Uelulet on what three storiei. and basement, and will $40/4.75; light califs, $5.50o/6; h*»nvy Johnson could not help clapping his the expansion o f the redwood shingle some assert to lie a submerged rock. contain 66 room*. The equipment ami calves, $40/5; bulls, $3.600/4.25; hands, half beside himself with delight A regular course of Ilf* commenced Captain Heater is o f the opinion it furnishings are to he modern in all stags, $3o/4.50. market on the Pacific Coast. may prove to lx- the Rritish sloop of respects. Hogs -— Top, $llo/11.10; fair to new. and the Saturday after th* Instal­ lation a hunting excursion was o rg an ­ good, $9.50o/10. Six persons were injured, two ser­ war Condor, which foundered in De­ Land Values Increase. Sheep Rost wethers, $6o/.6.50; fair ised. iously, by a collision between a freight cember, 1901, with 104 officers and Lakeview Three year* ago last fall to good wethers. $5.50oz5.75; good ( As they tramped along over th* Ice and passenger train on a Seattle subur­ men. th* doctor talked about th* Mbits of a quarter section o f land was offered ewes, $6; lamhs, $7.75. ban road. th* Eskimos Guatemala to Borrow $40,000,000 for »ale at $3.50 per acre. This piece Hop*- 1909 crop, 16o/20c per pound; "M y good B elt your voracity would of land was on the "W e s t side,” about New York. March 16. Guatemala okls. nominal; 1910 contracts, 16c The mayor o f Trenton, New Jersey, never equal th* O reenlanders* for they 12 mile» from Lakeview. A recent has closed a deal for a $40,000,000 nominal. orders the street car company to run cars devour from U n to fifteen pound* of Wool Eastern Oregon, 160/2Oc; per meat a day." even if it has to give in to its striking ioan, but F. Sanches la Tour, national offer o f $25 per acre was refused. treasurer of Guatemala, who made pound; valley, 22o/24c; mohair, "Fifteen pounds I* said Bell. "W h a t •mployes. Buys at Hood River. stom achs!" choice, 25c. this announcement, refused to make "Arctic stom achs” replld the doctor, Hood River— Edwin Pilson o f Wash- Cascara bark 4(>f5c per pound. Th» Northwest Corporation, owning public today the names o f those had It is generally intgon D. C., has bought 20 acres of Hide* Dry hides, 17(iz 18c pound; "are prodigious/ they can expand at th* gaa, electrie and water plants o f | negotiated the loan. Mr. dry kip, 17»/18c; dry calfskin,18»i20c; will, and I may add. contract at will; Oregon and Washington towns, ha* { t/elieved here that the loan was ar- William Stewart for $12,600. been taken over by an Kaatem syndi- ranged by promit ent New York bank- Pilson will remove hi* family front the salted hides, % i 10c; salted calfskin, ee that they can endure starvation quite as well as abundenes W hen an 14c; green, lc lea«. East shortly. eat«. I ing houaes. Revsy Items Gathered from All Parts el the World. REPAKED FOR THE BUST READER BIG STRIKE IS AVOIDED BY MEDIATION OFFER. / ■eklm e alt* down U dinner he to • thin, and by the time he has finished he Is so fat you would hardly recog tilse him. But then we must remem­ ber that one meal sometimes lusts a whole day." "This voracity must be peculiar to th* Inhabitants of cold countries," said Altam ont “I think It Is,” replied the doctor. "In the arctic regions people must eat enormously; It Is not only one of the conditions of strength, but of exist­ ence. The Hudson Bay Co. alw ays reckoned on this account: Eight pounds of meat to each man a day, or twelve pounds of fish, or two pounds of pemmlcan." "M ust be strengthening," said Bell. “N ot so much as you Imagine. An Indian who guzzleB like that can't do a whit better day's work than an E n ­ glishman, who has has pound of beef and pint of beer.” "Things are best as they are, then, I suppose.” " N o doubt of It, and yet an Eskimo meal may well astonish us. In Sir John Ross' narrative, he states his s u r­ prise at the appetites of his guides. He tells us that two of them— Just two, mind— devoured a quarter of a buffalo In one morning. They cut the meat In long strips, and the mode oj eating was either for the one to bite off as much as his mouth could hold, and then pass It on to the other, or to leave the long ribbons of meat dangling from the mouth, and devour them gradually, like boa constrictors, lying at full length on the ground." " U g h ! ” exclaimed Bell, "w hat dis­ gusting brutes!" "E ve ry man has his own fashion of dining,” remarked the philosophical American. Soon a walrus was sighted. It was of huge dimensions, and not more than 200 yards away. The hunters surround­ ed the animal, crept along cautiously till within a few paces of him. Then they fired simultaneously. The walrus rolled over, but speedily got up again, and tried to make his es­ cape. But Altamont fell upon him with his hatchet, and cut off his dorsal fin. H e made a desperate resistance, but was overpowered by his enemies, and soon lay dead, reddening the Ice field with his blood. It w as a flno animal, measuring more than fifteen feet In length, and woiild have been worth a good deal for the oil. But the hunters contented themselves with cutting oft the most savory parts, and left the rest to the ravens, who had Just begun to make .heir appearance. N igh t was draw ing on, and It was time to return to Fort Providence. C H A P T E R VI. It Is a dreary affair to live near the pole, for there Is no going out for many months, and nothing to break the w eary monotony. The day after the hunting excursion was dark and snowy, and Clawbonny could find no occupation except polish­ ing up the Ice walls of the hut, and emptying out the snow which drifted Into the long passage leading to the In­ ner door. The "S n ow -H ou se" stood out well, defying storm and tempest. The snow only Increased the thick­ ness of the walls. They could do nothing but wait. It wasn't time to try to build a boat The men were compelled to spend the greater part of the days In com­ plete Idleness. Hatteras lolled on his bed absorbed In thought Altamont smoked or dozed, and the doctor took care not to disturb either of them, for he was In perpetual fear of a quarrel. At meal t!me he alw ays led the con­ versation away from Irritating topics. He gave them dissertations on history, geography oi meteorology, handling his subject In an easy, though philo­ sophical manner, draw in g lessons from the most trivial Incidents. H is Inexhaustible memory was never at a loss for fact or Illustration, while his good humor and geniality made him the life and soul of the little com­ pany. H e was Implicitly trusted by all, even by Hatteras, who cherished a deep affection for him. On the 26th of April, during the night, there was a sudden change In the weather. The thermometer fell several degrees, and the Inmates of the Doctor’s House could hardly keep themselves warm even In their beds. Altamont had charge of the stove, and he found It needed careful replenishing to preserve the temperature at 50 de­ grees above zero. place. T o-m orrow If we find fresh ones. It will be evident that they are after us.” The three hunters set to work then, and scraped the snow over till all th* footprints were obliterated for a con­ siderable distance. Next morning at early dawn, H at- teras and his companions, well armed, went out to reconnolter the state of the snow. They found the same Iden­ tical footmurks, but somewhat nearer. Evidently the enemy was bent on the siege of Fort Providence. "But where can they be?" said Bell. "Behind the Icebergs watching us,” replied the doctor. "D on’t let us ex- puse ourselves Imprudently." "W h a t about going hunting, then?" asked Altamont. “W e must put It off for a day or two, I think, and rub out the marks again, and see If they are here to-m or­ row.” The doctor’s advice w as followed, and they Intrenched themselves In the fort. The lighthouse was taken down, as It w as not of actual use meantime, and might help to attract the bears. Each took It In turn to keep watch on the upper plateau. The day passed without a sign of the enemy' existence, and the next morning, when they hurried out to ex ­ amine the snow, they found It wholly untouched! , "C a p ita l!" exclaimed A ltam ont "The bears are put olf the scent; they have no perseverance, and have grown tired w aiting for us. They are off, and a good riddance. Now let us start for a day's hunting.” “Softly, softly," said the doctor; “I am not so sure they have gone. I think we had better wait one day more. It Is evident the bears have not been here last n igh t at least, on this side; but still------ ” "W ell, let us go round the plateau, and see how things stand,” said the Impatient Altamont. "AH right,” said Clawbonny. "Com * along." A w ay they w en t but no trace of the enemy was discoverable for two miles. "N ow , then, can't we go hunting?" said A ltam ont "W a lt till to-m orrow," urged the doctor again. The American was unwilling to de­ lay, but yielded at lust, and returned to the fort. (To be continued.) A T H O U S A N D -D O L L A R C IG A R . E c c e n t r ic S h e e p K i n g H as In c o m e In S ix F ig u r e s . From a country school teacher at $40 a month to a stock raiser with a yearly Income of $140,000 seems a long step, even though It took twenty-sev­ en years to accomplish the change; but that is the record of "B ill" Brown, Central Oregon's eccentric sheep king. 'B ill” controls many Bquare miles of Central Oregon. He owns 9,600 acres, so located that his land Includes the water holes and springs, making a large territory, where he la monarch of all he surveys. The land covers por­ tions of Harney, Lake and Crook Coun­ ties, each of which Is larger than many Eastern States. Brown started at the grass roots and after teaching school a while he, with two brothers, got a small band of sheep which they herded themselves on the eastern slope of Wagon Tire moun­ tain. In 1889 "BUI" bought out hi* brothers and has since gone it alone. He led a spectacular, nomadli life. With a bunch of raisins and a loaf of sour dough” bread In his pockets hs would start from Ills cabin and graze his sheep across the Central Oregon plains, sleeping on the ground, some­ times with a sheepskin for cover, of- tener with nothing. He would kill a sheep whenever necessary to give hlz dogs meat and would roast a haunch of mutton for himself over a fire. He was as much alone as Robinson Crusoe for months at a time. Only th* coyotes howling at the moon, his dogs and the sheep kept him company. Even now, when herders leave, "B ill” takes their places till others can be found. He has often herded bands of 6,000 and 7,000 sheep for weeks under these circumstances. He owns, as nearly as he can tell himself, about 6,000 horses and 1,000 cattle. He has 18,000 sheep and he branded 5,600 lambs this spring. His Income this year Is about as fol­ lows: Six hundred horses, sold at $70 per head. $42,000; 4,000 wethers at $3.50, $14,000; 4,000 at $3.25, $13,000; 18,000 fleeces of wool at $2, $36,000; cattle and other Items make the total up to about $140,000 for this year's work. BUI Brown Is a bachelor and relig­ ious. Many churches and schools are indebted to him for donations. He Is a Methodist and abhors tobacco. Re­ cently he was In an Eastern Oregon town where the Methodists wanted to build a church. He decided to give them $1,000. Soon after a man with a cigar In his mouth came up to Bill and Introduced himself as the pastor of th* flock. That cigar was an expensive one, for It cost the congregation a thou/ sand dollars. The Increase of cold betokened the coming end of the stormy w eath­ er, and the doctor hailed It gladly as the harbinger of his favorite hunting and exploring expeditions He rose early next morning, and with the others climbed up to the top of a hill nearby. Soon he found nu­ merous traces of animals on all sides, and this within a circle of two miles of Fort Providence. A fter gazing attentively as these traces for some minutes, the hunters looked at each other silently, and -ten C a t s In I k e N a v y . th* doctor exclaimed: The ships of the navy carry mors "W ell, these are plain enough, I think!" dogs than cats because the dog la a “Ay, only too plain," added Bell, better sailor and more easily trained, "bears have been here!" but a good many grimalkins go to sea "F irst-rate gam e!" said Altam ont under the stars and strlpee. The dis­ "There's only one fault about I t " cipline of the service Is not relaxed In "W h a t Is that?" asked Bell. their favor, and when they become "Too much of It." overfed and lazy they are put ashore "W h a t do you mean?" A cat doe* "I mean this— there are distinct to shift for themselves. traces of five bears, and five bears are not stand rough weather so well as a rather too much for five men." dog or a monkey, and one battleship "A re you sure?" said Clawbonny. that started on the voyage round the "Look and sec for yourself. Hero world with ten cats returned with Is one footprint, and there Is another I only one, all the rest having died on quite different. These claws are far the way. wider apart than those, and see here. | again, that paw belongs to a much L o ts I , l k * H i e . smaller bear. I tell you. If you look "1 d like to get a Job on a uewspn carefully, you will see the marks of all per.” five different bears distinctly." "Had any experience as a Journal "Y ou 're right." said Bell, after a istr' close Inspection. "None.” 'I f that's the case, then." said the doctor, "w e must be careful, for these "Then what could you do on a news animals are starving after the severe paper?" winter, and they might be extremely "Seems to me that I could dish on dangerous to m eet" excellent advice of some kind.''-* 'Tou think they have discovered our Louisville Courier-Journal presence here?" 'N o doubt of It, otherwise why w 1-0*1 e. should these footprints be In a circle Doctor (after th* diagnosis)— Well, round our fort?" said Bell. I am pleased to say yon are perfectly "Y ou 're rig h t " said the do. |..r, “and, sound. what's more. It Is certain that they — H'm, then n visit to the sen have been her* last n ig h t* "And other nights before t h a t" re­ won't do roe any harm, will it?__M e » tndorfer Blaetter. plied A ltam ont " W e l l we can easily find out If they Instead of using barley and rice fo. com* to -u U h V * said A ltam ont "H o w ? " thickening soup, try n»>»u*oi "By effacing all the marks In a «Iren ally. * S