PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY ADVERTISING RATES BY Professional Cards...........................per month f .M H. G. KIBBEE, Proprietor i One square.......................................... “ l /i SUBSCRIPTION RATES ,i p One Year...................................................................$1.50 , Six M onths........................................ 7» Three M onths...............................................................50 ML lo t J.Ot One-half Column.............................. 44 44 If* One Column........................................ 44 44 f.Ot Business locals will be charged at 5 cents per line ■ Entered as second-class matter March 12, 1909, at the post office at Mosier, Oregon, under the A ct of March 3.1879. 44 One-quarter Column......................... 44 * 44 for each insertion. Legal advertisements will in all case« be rhsrged VOL. II MOSIER, WASCO COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, A YEARLING. I Set With this issue the BULLETIN starts on its second year of ex istence. A t its birth we gave as an excuse for its existence our desire It* assist in boosting the town o f Master and Mosier Dis trict This we have endeavored to do. Much more is generally | expected o f a newspaper in the b H e can make your match keep time I way of boosting and write-ups » - m than of the average citizen who reads the paper, no matter bow Much the latter may he interest- * 1 in the growth o f his»commu nity. W e have an abiding faith o f Mosier, Oregon, in the future of Mosier and a fr iendly feeling for iss citizens. n o w o p e n F o r b u s in e s s , Vhe articles we have written Carrying a full line o f Drags, Patent Medicine, Station from time to time in regard to t :is district, its present advant ery, Sundries, Toilet Articles, Ice Cream, Candy and ages and future prospects, were Cigars. r ispired by a firm belief in those advantages and that future. If &u§y were not up to the standard wf excellence required by the community or any member there of, the fault was “ of the head i nd not the heart,’ ’ due to the C. H. JENKINS, D. M. D. fact that we were a stranger sands of prospective home seek- D e n t is t feere and not acquainted with ei'3 all over the United Statts. OFFICE OVER BUTLER BAN XING COMPANY { conditions. One could not rea- This booklet, o f course, cost PHONES: i OfTi-'o 28 Residence 28 B sonably expect a stranger to money._ It is the desire of ti e HOOP RIVER OREGON fruit culture, for instance, to Club to continue this publicity write intelligently on the proper campaign but without sufficient A. J. Derby < dtivation, spraying, pruning, funds it will be impossible to 1 illenizing, thinning, etc., of an ca>'ry out this plan to the full L aw yer orchard wtkaea ho bad never been extent. It is therefore desira- OREGON i i a position to acquire this hie—nay, urgent, that every res- HOOD RIVER ident or of Mosier District, every _____ knowledge. The people wanted : went t mse artic ¿s and we would have individual who has property or CE O . C H A M B E R L A I N L -en only too glad to furnish business interests here, should s' REAL ESI ATE i enti. Realizing, however, that get in line—get the boostingJiab-! it—put his shoulder to the w heel: ]?r u jt i e were Handicapped in this and PUSH for MOSIER. matter, we started out a year Lands W e take the liberty £*> suggest ago by asking several intelligent fruitgrowers in the community that a general public meeting he to write timely articles on the held in Mosier at an early date Specialty growing of fruit, or any other for the purpose of further 'con sidering the great need o f Mosier imtenesting subject. Mosier Oregon These articles iiave not been —publicity. As Ihe Mosier Com forthcoming, except in rare in- mercial Club has taken the initi- sjances, and the readers of th is!?H vein this publicity campaign, l >aner feel that they have cause ! t wo.1} ^ naturally fall to the club LARAWAY Hood River 5 Reliable jew eler for j Watches, Diamonds, Jewelry MARCH to the party ordering them, at legal rates, 11, 1910 T he FINES NO. 1 f I General - a . ' -*«. S-»-».•- EL? JOHN WELLBERG, Prop. ami paid for before affidavits are furnished. _ / Good Accommodations Rates $1.00 per day and up § The Arthur <£* Burt Drug Co., ADVERTISE IN THE BULLETIN is Mr. Farmer? you must have one of these Prescriptions a Specialty. GIVE US A CALL.' The Kimball Cultivator for Up-to-date Orchardists They are made in three sizes, 5 1-2 feet, 8 1-3 feet and 12 foot extension. Each size is provided with^fenders on both ends which prevent striking trees with knife, and allow such close work that hoeing around trees is un necessary when the K IM BALL is in use. D A V E N PO R T It is the best tool ever made for the money. 5 1-2 ft., $15, 8 1-3 ft., $20, 12 ft., $22.50. F. O. B„ The Dalles. tor complaint. V/e regret both ges(. Not a single individual x t a T ' ) ' \ T T T O O ASK US MORE ABOUT T H E M -W E W ILL BE GLAD TO TELL YOU. facts. Altho having lived here! should absent himself from the L I A L C I N l i i O O U O . REMEMBER, W e carry all kinds of Farm Machinery, Garden Tools, Spray Pumps, in fact A N YT H IN G you may a yenr, we cannot say that we i meeting but come determined to | GAY YOWELL, Mgr. know any more about the fruit do his share, be it much or little, need.on the farm. Before buying elsewhere, get our prices, as we POSITIVELY K N O W we can save you money business than when we came, to advance his own interests and Harness and Saddlery Goods , , , ________ . j the welfare ot the entire com- h iv!ng employed our energy In munity. Remember, a long pull, i Tents, Wagon Covers, Etc crowding many good things out a strong pull and a pull all t o -: Hand-made Harness a Specialty of the paper.” However, if it gether will accomplish wonders. i ; possible to secure the articles We would further suggest that HOOD RIVER - OREGON d isired in no other way,- we will this meeting be made a social FOR SALE buy them, in order to give our as well as business occasion, where the new comers may get Thoroughbred S. C. White readers what they want. better acquainted with the old. eggs at 75 cts. per set- In beginning this second year, Meetings like this bring people Leghorn .• . f i n J n o . B e l d in , we wish to thank our readers in closer touch and are great fa c -; ting 01 10‘ - Lehowa Farm. for their patronage during the tors in welding the residents of j past year and to assure them a community into one big family, —-------------- ■ - that if we have been remiss in whose interests, hopes and am- bitions are one. YOUR M O N E Y ’ S WORTH, IN E V E R Y INSTANCE, IS any of our journalistic duties, it Remember, you people of Mo W H A T Y O U GET W H E N YOU PURCHASE YOUR will be our effort in the future sier, that you have a country of » DENNY & HARVEY t > correct those faults. We also which you may well be proud; a DRUGS A N D SUNDRIES HERE. A L L GOODS GUAR D EALER S IN extend a Isearty invitation to all country that is particularly for A N TE E D AS REPRESENTED. te co-operate with us in our en- tunate in possessing all the nat- Fresh and Cured Meats Especially Prescriptions. deavor to Boost Mosier. ural advantages which make for « Country Produce __________ health, wealth i. 1 happiness. Hide not, thereto , your light ood iv e r regon I under a bushel, b. keep boost E V E R YB O D Y BOOST ! * * ing and shouting toe praises of Tiie Pacific North W est and all ' your magnificent district in such The Drug Store On the Comer, H ood River, Oregon commercial clubs connêctedthere- ringing tones that the name JOHN G. ZOLLS & SONS vith, are in the field in a closely MOSIER will become a house-1 Contractors in Stone, Brick and Con- » associated way in order to ad- hold word from ocean to ocean, crete Work vanee the intere3tJT8f their par- Hood River Oregon ticlar neighborhoods. Now, w « USEFULNESS OF THE < f Mosier have done fairly well CHECK. heretofore, but we have not by ; any means set the pace and we When you sell your fruit, | of LUMBER, Finished or take this opportunity to present ; produce, or anything e'sje, ; Dimension, call at to every Mosierite, resident and how often are you paid in non-resident, the idea that we actual cash? In a very small » need a closer affiliation, that we percentage of cases. Usual may work in harmony and" with ly you are paid with a check greater strength for a bigger and on some bank. *If it hap The management of the Oregon Railroad & Navigation Co. better MOSIER. pens to be a check on a hank takes great pleasure in announcing that the low rates from MOSIER .*. OREGON. It is a certainty that any pub in some*other town or state, Eastern cities, which have done so much in past seasons lic movement that benefits one to stimulate travel to and settlement in Oregon, will pre what do you do with it? Or Shingles at Market Price. vail again this Spring D A IL Y from March 1 to April 15, w i ï benefit all,-Erectly or >ndi- dinarily you take it to your A N D BROODERS inclusive. rectly—every individual profits I >r.:J hark, and get cash or ------------- T R Y US. ---------- — W a lth er- WilliamHdw. The Dalles, Ore. MOSIER MARKET ARNOLD t A t P L A T H ’ S. Mosier - Oregon — I & RUPP DENTISTS H R , O — . Í I COLONIST RATES FOR ALL KINDS ! 12 OREGON ANDTHE Ì SWETLAND Great Northwest t LUMBER CO., All Our W ork Guaranteed We will pay car fare from Misier and return for patrons «vhose work amounts to $5 or over Manda Lee Incubators J N o n a : f o r r t W U C A llO C L thereby. Consequently every in dividual should be eager to do all in his power, by his influence and money, to advance the interests of this community. - No one could reasonably ask a few to bear the burdens ot any j public movement, intended for his benefit as well as others, and refuse to do his share. The .Mosier Commercial Club, as ifc well known., has undertak-1 en a project which is already bearing frirt. We spe.d; the pttblicii.. campaign was launched la. t IV-fi. the result. <*f whichîi» the ha^dsom'1 Mo^ er Booklet now being sent to th<. - credit for it and thus save titxe and expense in getting your money. -This is just one of many ways in which a bank is of value in the com munity. Remember that the M O- S IERV A L LEY BANK will take checks on any hank in the United States and col lect them without one cent o f cost to you. (Don’ t for- is •io Bunk Money O p ’ T s , at a nominal cost, gr«'4 .!,eL’ face any where in the U. 'L. a ron-t c'riven V-.«. • ay o f making r.nvittt. ^ u. PEOPLE OF OREGON The railroads have done their part; now it’s up to you. The colonist rate is the greatest of home-builders. Do all you can to let Eastern people know about it, and encourage them to come here, where land is cheap and home-building easy and attractive. F ares C an be P r e p a id at home if desired- Any agent of the road named is au thorized to receive the required deposit and telegraph ticket to any point in the East. Remember The Rates—From Chicago. $33: from St. Louis. ■£: from Omaha and Kansas City, $25. This reduction is proportionate from all other cities. W m . M c M U R R A Y . GENERAL PASSENGER AGENT. PORTLAND, OREGON. Diamond Chick Feed, etc. (Publisher.) Department o f the Interior. United States Land Office.The Dalles, Oregon, February 7th, 1910. Notice is hereby given that Fedal Yackie, of Mosier. Oregon, who, on July 15th, 1908, made Home stead, No. 0186. for NE1-4 S W 1-4,See. I 19, Tp. 2 North. R. 12 E W M „ has tiled ‘ notice o f intention to make Final com mutation proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before the Register and Receiver o f the United i State# Land Office at Tiie Dalles, O r e -( gon, on the 12fh day of March, 1910. Claimant names as witnesses: Thomas H. Gordon, Gerald W y w , ! Waiter H . Kerslakc and Alfred L. ^ Sundborg, all o f Mosier, Oregon. C. W . M O O R E . Register. I POM ONA B A ! REL SP R A Y PUMPS AN D GOOD SU PPLY of NOZZLES, Bamboo Rods, Hose, Etc. Grubbing Tools o f A ll Kinds. Stumping Powder, Caps and Fuse. W. E. C hown MOSIER, - Í OREGON