Hood’s a liv d . A sergeant was once drilling a squsn of recruits. They were Incredibly Ig­ norant. One of them could not tell his right hand from his left. The ser­ geant proceeded to teaeh them and at last attained some degree of success. Seigeant— Now, yer blessed Idiot, | hold yer hands in front of yer arid twist thorn round one over the other. Stop! Now, which Is your left hand and which la your right? Recruit (looking at his hands for a m om ent)— I’m b’ owed If 1 know. I’ve gone and mixed ’em !— Loudon An swers. Sarsaparilla Cures all blood humors, all eruptions, clears the complex­ ion, creates an appetite, aids digestion, relieves that tired feeling, gives vigor and vim. C ost ot T a rd y P L A N T S IB S O N ’S ROSES L iv in g . S ide L ig h ts on H lslu ry . Julius Caesar had Just organized the triumvirate. “This is something like It." he said. ”A decemvirute Is so jeju n e!” It was the recollection of this atroc­ ity that finally nerved the avenging arm of Brutus.—Chicago Traibune. T ry in g to Kneournge Him. "O, Guy, you mustn't allow yourself to be scared by papa's piercing eye.” “I’m not so much afraid of that, El- fledu, us I am of his cutting 'n o s !'" lie W ne N o t b in “ What was your husband saying tc H a n d ica p p ed . you last night?” Sagebrush Sam—Yer say Bill died of a lame arm. How could that be? Cactus Charlie—Why, yer see, his arm wuz so stiff that he couldn't draw A d v a n ced T h ou g h t, his gun quick, an’ the other feller got “Doctor, how do you account for the the drop on him.— Tit-Bits. existence of rheumatism?” D iH U M tl'O U N . “The mind, my dear sir, evolved the Doctor—Have you been taking an o c ­ disease to lit the word.” casional cold plunge, as I advised? Dyspeptic Capitalist—Yes, I’ ve been Investing heavily in Ice stocks—and 1 REDUCE THE COST OF LIVING; got nipped.— Chicago Tribune. use CRESCENT I ilo u « l 25c. FU LL POUND $ 2 ,0 0 0 A M oney f “ One day,” said Mrs. Dapsling, “1 saw a man thrash a big, brutal team­ ster for beating his horses. If I had my way’ about it he should have a share of the Carnage hero fund.” BAKING POW DER OWARD K. BURTON - Asnayer «m i (Tieni 1st, Leitil ville. Colorado. Specimen price«: Gold, Silver, Lead. SI. G old, Silver, 75c; G old. 50o; Zino o r Copper, SI. Mai lina envelopes and fu ll price Mat , j «♦■nf. on application. Control and Um pire work so­ ( licited. A oiereuce: Curbonate National Buuk. , j H Y E A R Is beinxr earned by hu n dreds o f C h iropod- iats. Th«i w o rk is easily learned, com p e t i- tion slight, returns lu cra tive A thousand Portland is the big market place of the Northwest. A Broken Down Foot-Arch J u s t ic e . Phidias had just finished sculpturing the decorations of the Parthenon. “The gall of it Is,” he said, “ that I’ll pet mighty little credit for these things. Some day they'll be wanted In the Brit­ ish museum, and they’ll be known as the Elgin marbles—Elgin, with the ‘g* hard, as In ‘gosh’ !“ His gloomy forebodings pro\*ed true, and It is with the high and noble pur- ; pose of doing full Justice to the mem* ! ory of a great man that after the lapse of twenty-four centuries this incident is for the first time given to the public. • —Chicago Tribune. The Sibson Rose Nurseries 20 A cres ol R oies! T w o-year-old bushes G row n in the open Held N o w is a ca ed Urne to plant Catalogue Free USO M ilwaukee Road, Portland, Ore. T w a s tough on the old philosophers, too; For Instance, If you please. Incessant strife was the cost of living With Mrs. Socrates. •—Chicago Tribune. “ Nothing.” “ Why, I was sure I heard him talk Ing to you for over an hour.” “ You did.”— Houston Post. Pettit’s Eye Salve for Over 100 Years has been used for congested and in­ flamed eyes, removes film or scum over the eyes. All druggists or How­ ard Bros., Buffalo, N. Y. U n c le ; A lle n . “You may not be as good as David or as wise as Solomon,“ said Uncle Al­ len Sparks, “ but If you know how to train children you've got the bulge on both of ’em. Each of the two had a boy that went wrong.“ PILES CURED IN TO 1 4 D A Y S P A Z O OINTMENT is primranteed to cu re an y case o f Itch in g , Blind. W eed in g o r P rotru d in g Piles in 6 to 14 days o r m oney refu n d ed . 50c. At the Artlatts* R ecep tion . “ Mr. D’Awber, what are you going to paint on this coal black canvas?” “ Madam, that is a completed paint­ ing. It is listed in the catalogue as ‘Early Morning in Chicago.’ “ —Chicago Tribune. __________________ Send Y ou r Produce TH ERE R a d le a l« We are handlers o f Eggs, Butter, Veal, Dressed Hoffs, Poultry, live or dressed; also Apples, Onions, Pota­ toes. Consignments, whether large or small, are solicited. We can give you good prices for good stuff. “ Talk about reformin’ foot ball!” j said Uncle Jerry Peebles. “The only | way you kin reform it is to take an ax to it !”—Chicago Tribune. W rite Us. CHEAP INSURANCE McEwen & Koskey COMMISSION MERCHANTS 129 Front St., Portland, Ore. Seeds “ Woodlark” Squirrel Poison is the most reliable and destructive agent yet devised for the extermination o f Gophers, Squir- rels, Sage Rats and Prairie Dogs. It is the cheapest insurance against their ravages. Every kernel is warranted to kill. Climatic changes or moisture of the earth do not destroy its strength. Re­ quires N O M I X I N G O R P R E P A R A T I O N . Is always ready for use. No other is so good. Dealers will refund tlie purchase price if not as claimed. Pamphlet free. H oyt C u km ical C o ., Portland, Oregon “ I have been using Cascarets for In­ somnia, with which I have been afflicted for twenty years, and I can say that Cas­ carets have given me more relief than anv other remedy I have ever tried. I shall certainly recommend them to my friends as being all that they are represented." Thos. Gillard, Elgin, 111. Don’t waste time and money plant­ ing poor seeds. Our seeds won First Grand Prize at the Seattle Exposi­ tion. Our pi ices are reasonable. Big Catalogue free. Send for a copy. FOR G R AIN G R O W E R S P leasant. P alatable, P oten t. T a ste G A ll Druggist«, 25 cents. DAVIS L BUITKAMP 510 Dekum Bldg. Portland, Ore C R IM SO N 1 Guaranteed under all Pure F ood Laws Improve Your Baking Cured by Electropodes f K C Baking P ow der wiL do it 1 G et a can. T r y it for your favorite cake. I f it doesn’t raise better, m ore evenly, higher, ’ — if it isn’t daintier, m ore delicate in flavor, — w e return your m oney. Everybody agrees K C has no equal. t New Electric Treatment. Metal Insoles— worn Inside «hoe*. Body become* magnet— nerve* the connecting wires. Positive cure lot Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Backache, Kidney and Lire* com ­ plaints. Only 11.00 pair. Guarantee signed with each »ale. If Electropode* tail to cure, money re- turned. If not at your Druggist's send us $1.00. W « will see that you are supplied. WESTERN ELECTROPODE CO. M7 Lo. Angelo St, L m Aanlo, Cel. You can't sow thistle, and reap lies. 11 you plant Ferry’ s Seeds you crow exactly what you expect and in a p r o lu s io n and perfec­ tion never excelled. B A K IN G POWDER OUNCES Sympathetic Strike Will In­ volve 125,000 Workers. BUSINESS COMPLELY TIED UP __________ G et it today in usual liqu id fo rm o r ch ocola te tablets kn ow n as Sarsatabd. XX) Doaea $1. N a C o m p u ls io n . * W hy do I havo to pay such enor­ mous prices for round steak?" grum­ bled the customer. “ You don’t,” said the butcher. "Here's a perfectly good shank you can buy for a good deal less money.”—Chicago Tribune. ___ ________ _ 140 UNIONS TO HELP Fifty years o l study and experience makethem re­ liable. F or sale everywhere. Ferry's Pure, Wholesome, Economical. 191 0 f e e d A n nul’ free o n request Pluladephia Citizens. Alarmed at Pros­ pects, Urge Company to Arbi­ trate—Two Killed in Riot. Philadelphia, Feb. 28.— A fter a ses­ sion of more than six hours, the Cen­ tral Labor union delegates last night voted to call a sympathetic strike of 140 trade unions in the organization, beginning next Saturday. The dele­ gates assert that 125,000 men will re­ spond to the call. This action of the Central Labor Union is fraught with momentous con­ sequences, the union officials say. The decision was made at a secret session of 700 delegates in Labor Lyceum Hall, which lasted more than six hours. There apparently was no question that the delegates would vote a strike, the split being on whether or not the strike would be started immediately. The more conservative element pre­ vailed, however, and the walkout was put off until next Saturday. Mean­ while, there is hope that the street railway strike will be arbitrated, de­ spite the repeated declaration of the Transit Company, controlling all the lines in the city, that “ there is noth­ ing to arbitrate.” Nobody doubts that last night’s ac­ tion of the Central Labor union makes the situation grave. There is a strong feeling, especially among business men that the strike ought to be Bettled speedily, as all lines of business suffer from the interference with traffic. Consequently there is much sympathy for the move for arbitration, made by clergymen of all denominations early in the week. There was surprise at the unanimity of the vote in favor o f a general s;, m- pathetic strike. The meeting yester­ day had been discussed previously and there was mixed sentiment as to the wisdom of calling out all classes of workmen. Leaders o f various trades unions said they were opposed to a general strike because it involved bro­ ken trade agreements. Others doubted their ability to order all workmen to lay down their tools and have the order obeyed. As the gathering was secret, little of an authoritative nature can be learned of what transpired behind the barred doors. That there was much oratory is evident, as the meeting lasted from a little after 2 o’ clock un­ til 8 :30. The great crowd gathered outside the hall would occasionally hear loud cheering, and a responsive cheer would go up from the outside. Finally when the meeting broke up and the an] nouneement was made that unless the Philadelphia Rapid Transit company made an agreement with its striking employes by next Friday, the greatest strike in the history of Philadelphia will be inaugurated, there was a cheer and the crowd dispersed. Not only members o f unions affilia­ ted with the Central Labor union and the Allied Building Trades council, but those of every labor organization in the city in any way connected with the American Federation of Labor, partic­ ipated in the meeting. Two separate meetings were held. The delegates to the Central Labor union met on one floor o f the building, while the president and bus­ iness agents o f the other organizations met on the next floor. Declaring the car strike here had become a battle between capital and labor, the members o f the Central La­ bor union unanimously adopted a reso­ lution that every union man and woman stop work on next Saturday if, in the meantime, the striking carmen have not reached an agreement with the company. Weston Ahead o f Time. Albuquerque, N. M., Mar. 1.— Leav­ ing McCarty’s station at 5 o’clock this morning, Edward Payson Weston ar­ rived late tonight at Sandia, a way sta­ tion 22 miles from Albuquerque, hav­ ing walked 60 miles today. Here he will spend the night, and leaving there at midnight, will reach Albuquerque next morning at 8 o’clock. He will be four days ahead of his schedule on ar­ rival here. To date Weston has aver­ aged 40 miles daily and the long climb of the continental divide is now behind him. ». n. naav a co, Mexico Seizes U. S. Plant. Nogales, Ariz., Mar. 1.—The pro­ prietors and employes of an American clothing factory on the Mexican side of the international boundary were arrest­ ed today on a charge of smuggling. Their factory, warehouse and retail store were closed and sealed by a Fed­ eral inspector. One o f the proprie­ tors, L. B. Fleisher, all o f the force |M S | H l •r unilj ■ and the male operators are in jail. $3.50 Only the girls were allowed to go free. Molar Cn C r o n . 5 . 0 1 Another o f the proprietors escaped to the American side. No formal charge 5 22VIrMnlMtli . 1 3.50 Gold Filling« has been entered against the suspects. D e tr .lt Mich. *J»ques M fg. Co, Chicago p r o o f p e r shoes for m en: shoes that look °k> feel and wear right. Made o f selected leather—leather that is best by every test. Correct in style. Made by the finest shoe makers, in the be3t equipped factory in existence. cTWAYER H O N O RB ILT shoes are “ built on honor“— built for combined style and service- built for absolute satisfaction and lasting comfort. Biggest values you can ever hope to get for the money. There is an Honorbilt style that will exactly suit you and fit you. A,k your shoe dealer; if be hasn’t It, write us. Look for the ACayer Trade c X cr^ on the sole. F R E P .—I f y o u w ill iw nd a s t h e n a m e o f a d e a le r w h o d e e s e a t h a n d le M a y e r Honorbilt S h o e , , w e w il l s e n d y o u f r o o , p o s t p a id , a h a n d ­ s o m e p ic tu r e , e ls e 15x20, o f G e o rg e W a s h in g t o n . We also make Leading Lady Shoes, Martha Washington Comfort Shoes, Yerma Cushion Shoes, Special Merit School Shoes and Work Shoes. Enarrisi Filling« Stivar Fitlwca .51 Tribe Near Starvation. 2.50 El Paso, Mar. 1.— In dire straits for 5.00 j food because o f the failure o f their 7.50 i crops and without even seed com for Painleu Extr • cl tktt .60 planting, the Tarahumare Indians of ta ru n tninm ii m pa»ru*a W O t K G U A R A N T E E D FO R IS Y E A R S Palnlea* Extraction F te e w h en pi «to* o r bridge w ort isnrdered. Con«nlt«tlon F roe, Yon cannot get fiettoa pain!« m work done anywhere. A ll w o rk fw lly g u a r ­ a n t e e d . M odern electric equipm ent. Reel method«. the Sierra Madrea are wandering , through the states o f Chihuahua and t Coahuila. The Tarahumarea are 1 peaceful and follow agricultural pur­ suits. Their condition is pitiable and F a ILTK « B n x M S « « O T ? n «i they are on the point o f starvation. T i n n a ^ a r r . I t i . PORTLAND* OREGON o m o i SOUM: • A. M. to • F. IL gandaya. • to 1. Captain Joaquin Chavez has appealed i to Governor Creel for aid for them. Wise Dental Co. 20 B r o n c h ia l T r o c h e s F . ¿T H A Y E R B O O T & S H O P o n .K jr 4 r n L U . M IL W A U K E E W td is c o n s in JO H N I, B R O W N % SO W , RwSw., F a m ilie s B u rn ed O u t. New York, Mar. I .— Twenty famil­ ies in Jersey City were burned out to­ night in a fire which destroyed 10 double dwelling houses and razed the plant of the New York Veneer Seating i company. The damage is $200,000. th e FACTS IN TABLOID FORM. M a n -O f-W a r Desperate U lr G . The frigate pelican, or man-of-war •trd, Is usually met with by travelers in the tropics. Although when stripped A balloon's life Is about eighty flights. Nearly thlrty-niae thousand persons visited Shakespeare's home In 1909. A ten-year-old clove tree will pro­ duce about twenty pounds annually. The dated sandwich Is an innovation In the railroad station restaurant servlcs. The number of foreign students In the United States Is constantly In­ creasing. Nine of the eighteen expedltlonr In search of the south pole have been of English origin. Of all European countries, only Hol­ land has a lower rate ot infant mor­ tality than Great Britain. When telegraphs were first employed the speed of transmission was only four to five words a minute. A Cincinnati man has patented an electric air heater for barbers’ use, compressed air passing through a cyl­ inder containing a resistance coll. From eight thousand to ten thou­ sand coal slack and pitch briquettes are manufactured and consumed in the city of Belfast, Ireland, each year. A building which, It Is believed, holds the record In this country in antiquity as a Presbyterian church Is still standing at Southampton. Long Island. Its erection was begun In 1707 and It was dedicated as a chqrch In 1708. Bendigo, Australia, has started a re­ form movement to stop the chiming and striking of all-night public clocks, the city being moved thereto by Mme. Melba. The prlma donna passed a sleepless night In Bendigo owing to the din of clocks and she has threat­ ened never to visit the city again. The complaint has been discussed by the Bendtgo city council and It was decided to silence the clocks from mid­ night to 6 a. m. Switzerland has a total population of 8.500,000 and there are 1,384 peri­ odicals in the country, or one publica­ tion to every 2,715 persons. Of the publications giving special attention to news and politics, 472 are printed In German, 101 In French, 21 In Ital­ ian and but one In Romansch. The religious publications Include 60 Ger­ man Protestant, 40 French Protestant, 24 Catholic, 9 Missions, 2 Jewish and 3 Free Thought. The Swiss newspa­ pers have limited telegraph service, as compared with newspapers in other countries, but they are, as a rule, well edited.—Consular Report. At thirty-three Napoleon was em­ peror of France; Phil Sheridan rode on a foaming Bteed twenty miles, seized his retreating army and, hurl­ ing It upon Early, snatched victory out of the Jaws of defeat, sending him, with his hosts, flying up the valley of the Shenandoah; Wolfe scaled the Heights of Abraham at Que­ bec, dispossessed the French of their possessions in Canada and gave two provinces to England; Correggio had produced his three world-renowned pic­ tures, “The Assumption of the Vir­ gin,” “Ecce Homo” and “ The Penitent Magdalen” ; George Stephenson made his first locomotive; Edison had har­ nessed electricity to the uses of man; Gray wrote his “ Elegy” ; Poe his “ Ra­ ven," and Thomas Jefferson the "Dec­ laration of Independence.” A fine cure for the whooping cough la made of offerings of hair. In Sunder­ land. The best way there Is to shave the crown of the head and hang the hair on a bush, or small tree, prefer­ ably, and as the birds or wind carry away the hair, the cough will dis­ appear. A still more potent remedy for whooping cough Is had In the Northumberland idea, which Is that the cough can be cured by putting the head of a live trout in the patient’s mouth and letting the fish breathe Into the latter. A still more strenuous way Is to pass a hairy caterpillar through the mouth, after which the worm Is to be put Into a small bag and tied around the victim’s neck. The cough ceases when the caterpil­ lar gives up this earthly life. The whooping cough Is not so bad after all, is It?—Chicago Tribune. There Is no city on earth where the tip system is more deeply rooted than In Paris; and yet. If we are to be­ lieve M. Jabosynat, secretary of the Chambre Syndlcale Ouvrlere des Ll- monadlers, the cafe and restaurant waiters desire nothing better than to see the abolition of the pourbotre. "When that day arrives,” he says, “our comrades will realize the necessity of grouping themselves together for the purpose of obtaining a fixed salary from their employers. To-day we re­ ceive no salary, only the pourbolre, and not always that. Some employ­ ers, finding that we make too much, deduct as much as 40, 50 and even 60 per cent of our tips. 1 could tell you of one cafe where eighteen employes hand over to the house over £2,400 a year. Most employes are paid for working; we others pay for the privi­ lege.”—The Caterer. The statistics of trade and Industry for the year recently closed, made pub­ lic by the Canadian government, shows that Canada has recovered In a strik­ ing manner from (file depression of two years ago. The bank clearings reached the enormous total of $5,189,- 994,363. an Increase of 20 per cent over 1908, while the new buildings erected during the season approximate $60,000.000. a gain of $20,000.000 over the preceding year. During the year 190.000 Immigrants entered the Do­ minion. of whom 90,000 came from the United States, most of them with cap­ ital. In 1908 the immigrants num­ bered 151,000, of whom 59,000 were from the United States. The crops of the prairie provinces yielded a total of 343.117.864 bushels, of wheat, oats, barley and flax, as compared with 243, 206,915 In 1907. During the last ten years Ontario has Increased In popu­ lation 447,000; Quebec. 450.000; Mani­ toba, 215,000; Saskatchewan and Al­ berta, 510,000; maritime provinces, 145,000, and British Columbia, 115,000, making the total population of Can­ ada 7450.04K o f its feathers it Is hardly larger than a pigeon, yet no mau can touch at the same time the tips of Its extended wing3. The long wing bones are ex­ ceedingly light, and the whole appa ratus of air cells Is extremely devel­ oped, so that its real weight Is v ery ; trifling. It flics at a great height above the water, and trim that elevation pounces down on fish, especially pre­ ferring the poor, persecuted flying flsh I for Its prey. According to some au­ thors, the name of man-of-war bird was given to It because Its appearance was said to foretell the coming of a ship, probably because the frigate peli­ can and real frigates are equally ad­ verse to storms, and both like to come Into harbor If the weather threatens. Coughs Dangerous coughs. Extremely perilous coughs. Coughs that rasp and tear the throat and lungs. Coughs that shake the whole body. You need a regu­ lar medicine, a doctor’s medi­ cine, for such a cough. Ask your doctor about A y e r ’ s Cherry Pectoral. A i/ers W « publiai* ou r form ula* Irou y . W o b a n la h a lo o h o l from o u r modlolnoa W « u r c a you t o oonault y ou * doctor Any good doctor will tell you thst i medi­ cine like Ayer’ s Cherry Pectoral cannot do its best work if the bowels sre con­ stipated. Ask your doctor if he knows anything better than Ayer’ s Pills for cor­ recting this sluggishness of the liver. “You’ re at hard as nails,” said his trainer. “Well.” Irritably answered the actor- pugilist, “ wouldn’t you naturally ex­ pect me to be? I wear my clawham­ mer coat two or three houra every night.” __________________ » > M a d a b y tha J. C. A y er Co., L ow a ll, 1 Distemper In all its forms, among all ages of horses At tlie Kidinir School. and dogs, cured and others in the same sta­ “ Mount your horse on the left side.“ ble prevented from having tliedisease with “ Why? What difference can thst Spolin’s Distemper Cure. Every bottle guaranteed. Over 500,000 bottles sold last make?” year. $.50 and $1.00. Good druggists, or “ It's the rule.” send to manufacturers. Agents wanted. Write for free bonk. Bpohn Med. Co., Spec. “ But why should It be the rule?" Contagious Diseases, Goshen, Ind. “ Because in the past horsemen wors F ree swords. They wore thorn on the left hip; hence had they mounted on the right side the sword would have got la the way. So they mounted on ths left, and we still mount on the left. Horses are accustomed to It, and U you try to get up from the right you are liable to be kicked.”—Philadelphia Bulletin. _________________ P otta g e. When the post office was first opened at Kal Feng, China, the clerks had a fight with some men who bought •tamps and refused to go away until the stamps were licked and stuck on their envelopes for them. The foreign post offices In Palestine are usually convulsed by a spirit of keen competi­ tion. If a parcel exceeding the regu­ lation weight or size Is taken to an office and refused the traveler In the majority of cases has only to threaten to take it to a rival office, and It Is straightway received without a mur­ mur. Bo keen Is the rivalry between some of these offices that residents In Palestine possess a frrt post within certain districts. Between Jaffa and the surrounding colonies and also with­ in Jerusalem the German and Aus­ trian offices make no charge for the delivery of local letters.—Chicago News. Dolly*« Retort. “ I won't wash my face!” said Dolly defiantly. “ Naughty, naughty,” reproved grandmother. “ When I was a UtUs girl I always washed my face.” "Yes, and now look at it!"—Every> body’s. Chronic. Mrs. Hewllgus—Absalom, we are out of coal. Is your credit at the dealer's bad again? Mr. Hewllgus—Not "again,” Amanda. Still!—Chicago Tribune. Hata Cleaned A blocked 80«* with New Trimming* $1—Pa*> am a* $ 1 — Lnùici straw Hat« rw- lodeled. 5 c postage mail* to «» soft hat to us. 315>17 A id « « Only One “ BROMO QUININE” r h » ti» L A X A T IV E BKOMO QUININE. Look for the niirngture o f E. W. Grove. Un«d the World ov«r to Cure a Cold In One Day. 25c An O b e d ie n t St. Portland, Oregon. D o ff. Schnapps Is a dachshund, and the C a ta lo g u e fo r people who know all about the breed th e A sk in g call the queer looking animal hand­ S en d fo r It. some. In the house In New York where he Is the pet he Is credited with J. J. B U T Z E R more than ordinary dog sense and with 188 Street Front Portland, Oregon understanding every word said to him In English or German. In order to demonstrate his sagacity his mnster said to him a few evenings ago: “Schnapps, the young people have been here long enough. Go down and tell the boys to go home." Downstairs * C0FFEEC he waddled and. stundlng before the TEA SPICES BAKING POWDER visiting youths, barked and howled, - EXTRACTS then ran to the front door and back J U S T R IG H T again and kept up the performance until, as his proud master explained, CkOSSET ft DEVERS “ the young men heard and saw the posriANn oac' point. Pretty smart for a dachs. eh?” SEEDS Kothen win find Mn. Winslow*» Soothing Byrup tho l>-»t remedy to uao tor their chUdrea 1 luring the teethlug period. • 1 . 0 In the l.oiiic 9 for this Ago. 1 6 -in . PLUME Benjamin Franklin, full of his schemes for drawing electricity from the clouds, had dropped In at a hard­ ware store. ’’Well,” said the salesman, “ what Is It?" "Wire, please,” answered Benjamin. "In s moment,” the nnlfsmun said, turning to wait on a woman customer who had Just come In. Even In those days, as we learn from this, the man who wns In a hurry got the busy signal sometimes.—Chicago Tribuns. __________________ TDI* plume I* Ju*t the k lad for w hich you would hava 1 « pay $5.(10 at any retail «tore. R Is extra wide, fully 15-lac. lo a f. In all color*.w ith willowy flue* ol great length that do not lose thelt curl easily. Send us $1.00 to-day, for this is an opportunity not to ha m issed. We oiler nl&o an eatra large and handsom e $7.50 plume at $2.50. Sen — ad your money by m all, express or money order. Remember that your money will be refunded II the plume Is not entirely satisfactory, fie n d t o -d a y t o r o a r fr e e o n t .ilo g a s o f b e a u t l fa l l* lu m « s a n d W illo w s . E x cep tion . Teacher—As I have been telling you, there are two general classes of work­ ILw Tw k Oat rick F u l W Co. Tommy, does your father make his living by using his brains or by using his muscles? Tommy— Neither one, ma’am. He’s a policcmun.— Chi­ cago Tribune. S ll-S lS tW IlR ers. P N U N o . W I 1 K N w r i t i n g t o n il v e r tla e r e p le o s o u in n llo a x t i l l . | m p .r . i e :.U I j I jflllfi A LCO H O L 3 PER CENT. AVegelable Preptrafion Er As slmilailngiheFbodandReiJula ling (lie Siommfis amllWts of I nfants /C hildren Promotes Digesttonflmfil ness and Resl.Cuntaiiuneithr Opium .Morphine nur Moral. not m a i l For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Hava Always Bought Bears the Signature of N a r c o t ic . ^reTtUtkOM Uam m fíamtmS*d- 0* torme ÉkérteUr- IS AA, Aperteci Remedy forCixnflp Hon, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea Worms f onvubwns J e w » ness and LOSS OF SUIF. fhcSsafc S t * * »