PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY ADVERTISING RATES BY ; H. G. KIBBEE, Proprietor /*> ¡ H k v IL%, SU B S C R IP T IO N RATES O i » Y n r ....................................................................... 11.511 S i* M on th s............. * ................ ......................................75 T h ree M on th s................................................................... 60 ip T Sr' » a s ? j f e V F j s r « A tv -,' 1 SCI 'V i i , - . * O ne s q u a re...................................... nth $ l.ftft O ne-quarter C J u m n ................... . - l.ftft One-half C* lumn...................... ** 5.M Professional C ard s....................... i $1 I O ne C olu m n ................................... O- - - 9.0ft Business loeals w ill be charvod a l 5 cen ts per I s m fo r each insertion. Legal advertisem ents w ill in all cases b e etiargetf Hi red as second-class m atter M arch 12, 1909, at th • post office a t M osier, O regon , undvr the A c t o f M arch 3 , 137ft. VOL. I MOSIER, WASCO COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 18. 1910 ANOTHER BIG REAL ESTATE the poultry show. . Irs. A. Kuhn 1 rought firm TRANSFER. the East some Gleason Came One o f tjie largest denis in Chicken eggs and Mr. K. will I.Iosier real estate ever pul led off try his hand at raising gar. e A here was that which occurred ciuckens. last week, when George Sellin- K-L. g t sold tn E. Brong, o f Port­ land, his farm two miles east o f : Now is a good time renew your town,- containing 22 8 a eras o f) subscription to th B u l l e t in . i; le farming and fruit land. The p ice paid was $31,500, which i s 1 F J R SALE • remarkably cheap, considering Thoroughbred S. C. White its proximity to town and rail-i Leghorn eggs at 75 Cts. per set­ ro id facilities, and there are al- J NO. B eluin , tvady 100.acres o f the land im-: ting o f 15. Lehowa Farm. proved. Mr. Brong is to be con- ? atulated on his purchase, which will net him handsome re- terns on his investment in a very si-.ort time. „ Mr. Sellinger intends moving i- to town where he can take liie t\ sy. > î#*- Stoffe- ^ i»-: teen hundred Its. in weight. Also a one-horse wagon and single harness, and an oj.en buggy and single harness. Apply to D k . J o h n s o n , Mosier, Ore. ? G eo . C HAMBERLAIK See 1 LARAWÜx Y JL IViCHOL REAL ESTATE JL I Fruit Hood River's . Reliable Jeweler fer Watches, Diamonds, Jewelry He can make your watch keep time t Lands j[ J Mosier O regon DAVENPORT: HARNESS Co.1! t The Arthur & Burt Drug Co., o f Mosier, Oregon, Merchandise re n e Specialty I •V>* M GAY YOW ELL, Mgr. ery, Sundries, Toilet Articles, Ice Cream, Candy and Harness and Saddlery Goods Tents, Wagon Covers, Etc Hand-made Harness a Specialty Cigars. Prescriptions a Spedcdty. HOOD RIVER GIVE US A CALL. - OREGON Alex. Stewart T O r eg o n o s ie i | . Carrying a full line o f Drugs, Patent Medicine, Station­ GRAND VIEW. »•aid for before affidavits are furnished. <*•*>*. -5»-^ i IS N O W O P E N F O R B U S IN E S S , ! WANTED. • To buy a horse, from twelve to fif­ NO. 50 i to the party urdetinjr them, at legal rates, soft jM c r r œ s -s K he SÏ3K.I PINES HOTEL JOHN WELLBERG, Prop. Good Accommodations FOR SALE. Don Littlepage again started Registered Buff Leghorn cock- t school this weeJ^. I erels at $2 each. Also pure Notary Public C. H. JENKINS, D. iM. D. A. J. Derby John Miler spent a few hours | blood Rhode Island Red cocker and D e n t is t it: Hood River last Monday. | els at $1 each. O F F IC E O V E R B U T L E R H A N K IN G C O M P A N Y Fire Insurance L aw yer PH O NES: Mr. Nord and son, Erick, W . W . WlNEGAR, Offi 28 R esidence 28 B spent last Sunday at Stevenson, HOOD RIVER Oregon OREGON M osier OREGON H O O D h i v e r . Ivlosier, Ore. V ash ., returning home Monday, j --------- Mr. Tom Evans and wife, with j ■^23T5ai\Hf5T3EI15 L '.àiJjaB ttH 'iU K M gH gaK is; tCXL'fmGfr -v jy y a ; t :ee mep, a l l ' o f Corbett, came 8 up last .Monday to start work o r 1* * i. -> Grand View ranch, where he v ¡1 set out 20 acres o f apple tr os. II. M . Huxley, o f Hood River, 0 v. is up last Tuesday on business. u Id A li. .Mis us that he is getting ■} i tt ngs :i siiape for some new P e t a l u m a i s m & b & .o .i r s a i valuable improvements on m I s place here. Stanley Eastman, o f Seven- We carry the famous PETALUMA INCUBATOR which Spray Pump Filth gs, Hose, Kozrlis rnd all kinds of supplies. id le , owner o f Fairmont Ranch, represents years of experience in successful construction and We carry a complete line of MEYERS’ BUCKET BAR­ v ill put in a gasoline pumping | a REL and LOWER STRAY PUMPS, also engine outfit, to force the water j | from springs toa reservoir which ! $ ' GOULD’S rOMONA BARREL PUMPS he will place on the highest It is self regulating, most economical and has'perfect ventilatk n, p h u t o f his ranch and distribute which is a very important feature. W e carry them in 54, 126, water all ever his land as he The HARDIE Spray Pumps for bucket, barrel or power. wishes it. It will also make con- 216 and 326 egg capacity. Also other makes in stock and our Before buying a Sj ray Lump ask to see the IIARDIE—the spray n ctions with a hose, for use in prices are right. case o f fire. Stanley says he pump with the BRASS BALL VALVE. expects to raise not only straw- b fries, but tropical fruits. It is predicted that when Mr. F .stman finishes his improve­ ments, there will be “ something j | doing’ ’ at his house. Wonder 1 v hat it will be. Clarence Dunsmore, of Mosier, spent a part o f last Wednesday in this neighborhood. We understand that the Agi deus ranch was sold for $12,000. ! sy? arî-wjran.s. i This tract, o f 320 acres, is locat­ ed on Seven-Mile. The pur­ TAXES. YOUR M ON EY’ S WORTH, .IN EVERY INSTANCE, IS chasers were Devlin & Fire- In response to our notice baugh, o f Portland. WH AT YOU GET WHEN YOU PURCHASE YOUR DENNY & HARVEY o f last week a number o f Arthur Kuhn went to Port­ DRUGS AN D SUNDRIES HERE. ALL GOODS GUAR­ Mosier residents have paid DEALERS IN land Thursday, returning Satur­ ANTEED AS REPRESENTED. their 1909 taxes through this day evening, accompanied by Fresh and Cured Meats Especially Prescriptions, » his wife, who just returned from ! bank, but a few. who did Country Produce a four months’ trip Fast. While^ not know o f the arrange­ ment we have made, have, H ood R iver , O regon . in Portland Mr. Kuhn attended * at some inconvenience and I * t > business and met many old expense, gone to the county friends who seemed surprised at The Drug Store On the Corner, H ood River, Oregon JOHN G. ZOLLS & SONS seat to pay them. his. rugged appearance after We wish« to again call at­ Contractors in Stone, Brick and Con­ nine months o f ranch life. Mr. tention to the fact that you crete Work Kuhn was a sick man when he ✓ i can save yourself this time Hood River • Oregon came to Grand View. and extra expense by .paying The roads in this neighborhood ; your taxes here at home, and are not in such a bad state, b u t( at the same time help to in­ they need graveling and several crease the volume o f busi­ of LUMBER, Finished or new culverts in places. If the ness in the local community. telephone polg3 were removed Dimension, call at The officers o f the MOSIER from the middle-ot the road the V A L L EY BANK are mak­ appearance would be greatly im­ ing every effort they can ABSOLUTELY FREE, a set o f STUDEBAKER HARNESS proved. The ’ phone company consistently to advance the would do the necessary work if .«K»« with every Buggy we sell. This is strictly a bona fide sale. interests o f this community notified by the proper officials. and they desire the co-oper­ —We have not added the price o f the iiarness to the cost Most o f the taxpayers in This ROSIER /. OREGON. CHARTER No. 7272 ation o f each and every citi­ o f the buggy. No guessing game, no game o f chance—but district were hit pretty hard, hut zen o f the Mosier District. Condensed Report of the Condition of Shingles at Market Price. an outright gift. We are not disposing o f any old shop­ if the other part o f the township was assessed equally, we have worn goods—all harness is new, just received from the NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Notice for Publication nothing farther to say. (Publisher.) (Publisher.) factory. HOOD RIVER, OREGON Dave Freisch, w ho has been Department of the Interior. D e p a r t m e n t o p t h e I n t e r io r , visiting Arthur Kuhn for the past , Don’ t fail ttTcall when you are in Hood River. It will At the close o f business, Jan. 31, 1910, to the Comptroller o f the United States Land Office,The Dalles, U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon , neb -ton, D. < ten days has returned to Port­ Curre> February 16, 1910 Oregon, February 7th, 1910. pay you to make a special trip to investigate our offer. land. Mr. F. has traveled exten­ Notice is hereby given that Josrah Notice is hereby given that Feda) Resources I. abilities sively over the United States, Osbum, of Mosier, Oregon, who, on ! Yackie, of Mosier, Oregon, who, April 30th, 1908. made Homestead - $• (05,681.?? »7 itilito c 8t00.000.00 on July 15th, 1908, made Home­ l.oai.s and Discounts and says that from present ap- Eiitrv, (Serial No. 04402,) No. 15985, stead, No. 0186, for NEl-4 SW 1-4,Sec. United States Bonds and pearance the Mosier District will for SI'S NEl-4 sl-2N\vi-4.Sec. 29, T, Surplus anil U n d i v i d e d Premiums 25,500.1» , f 2 North Range 12 EWM., has filed 19, Tp. 2 North, R. 12 EWM.. haa filed Profits 21,408.14 be the banner fruit cbuntiy oi not|ee of int* ntion to make Fin 25,181.98 Reserved for Taxes notice of intention to make Final com- Other Bonds and Warrants 2,537.86 commutation Proof, to e a t a ! hah claim the states. 10,000.00 : mutation proof, to establish claim to Real Estate . . . to the land above described, befor» the National Bank Notes in While Mr. Kuhn was in Port R egister and Receiver of the United the land above described, before the Banking House, Furniture Circulation 26,000.00 7^* ni ami Fixtures Register and ReCeiver of thè lfnit"d last Saturday ho met many prom S'atea Land Office at The Dalles. Ore- DEPOSITS 314,661.91 j e r r,-t the 4th day o f‘April, Did. r.l CASH 81.329.28 States Land Office at The Dalli s, Ore­ inent busineoa ii.c.» wh Claimant names as wiUu-SS.*: gon, un thè 12th day of March, 1910. $463,497.90 HÎ3.497.W) in their pr,rises o'" the Aoziz“ r X \ F. 3. Carlson, A lfre d L. Sund- Claimant names as witm-sses : District. A. L a.ui John W. Thomif 11. Gordon, CeraiU Wyss, Attest Correct, E. O. B lanchar , Cashier C. J. L 'tlr'P -C t r. cr i tiut i ri- b.otv.i, all of Mosier. Oreçon. Walter H. Kerslake and Alfred L. V, W. MOORE B O A R D O F D IR E C T O R S : Sunuborg, all of Mosier, Oregon. day at the county seat attending Register. C. W. MUORE, J . W H I N R IC H S A. S. I L O W E R S r c stanlkv lo business n » u . r j and v.s iny Rates $1.00 per day and up MOSIER, OREGON i| il e Carry a full Stock of HERCULES STUMPING POWDER, FUSE and CAPS at All Times. It will pay in to write us for prices if you are figuring on clearing any land. Don’t forget that we are agents for TH SMITH AMD FAULTLESS STUMP P U L L E R S hantS a n ti F e w e r S p r a y e r s U Always Gives Splendid Results Something Entirely New W e Carry a Big Line of Green and Dry ...BONEM ILLS... Our Stock Contains Nothing but ...The BEST... . Hardware /, MOSIER MARKET A t P L A T H S. Mosier From Feb. 14 to 26 - f i Oregon I I FOR ALL KINDS W e will G IV E A W A Y SWETLAND LUMBER CO., ARNOLD — & RUPP DENTISTS — All Our W ork Guaranteed We will pay car fare from M ^sier i and return for L work amounts to »$5 or over patrons .vhose FIR S T N A T IO N A L B A NK ;Gilbert:Vaughan plement Co., ÏÏII irto Pub. Fsb. 18. Last Pub. A ) « l .) H o o d R iv e r O r eg o n Regi iter. Me CON ALO A . O. M O S