jzrzrr imh & s ä .% . m ui*t£&£ï ’ì M irri« dài — LOCAL OUR EXPERIENCE Buggy for sale cheap. Inquire at livery stal)le. Have you subscribed for If not, why not?' gaper n 3 *.bis I M •i Why-buy a suit? Leave your 4 old oiie-at.tlie Bulletin office ¡#iul nave it made new. S. D. Fisher can furnitf, baled bay and straw in any quantity, from a bale to a oarload. Inquire at livery stable.. li-12-m I? Is worth lU< ORCHARD Davidson Building, . Tama h h b w ! - * M ONEY TO YOU m * III ' 'l l !« NOTICE. There will be a meeting o f the Have you seen the Aladdin In- j Mosier Commercial Club in aandescent Kerosene Lamp? On | Lamb’s Hall at 2 p. m. on Sat- trial at Bulletin office. lurday, Feb. 12. Everybody, whether a member or not. in- High Grade Pianos; Gash or easy terms. Paul Hubbard's Mu­ ¡cordially invited so attend. sic House. Hood River. Q 1 • ,c v 0 0 . WILL I H I M BE l l l l l i W 1 1 M l M il I B IMI HI v HAVE Hardware, Dry Goods, Shoes, Fur­ PROMPT ATTENTION nishings, W agons* Buggies, H acks or any kind o f peciai u £l eau un us. tff fo p s r\ y * f 't H. G. K I B B E E t; i 7T T N O T A R Y F U B L IC MosrzR - - - O regon Stewar* A 1 a v Jr i i w l o Leading Dealers in Transportation ORCHARDS AND FRUIT LAND Mosier, Oregon. in large and small tracts. (It pays to list your properly with us.) McGregor St Bothfur, MOSIER - REAL OREGON ESTATE are our Tooth Waal-ers and the praise of them. They are pure, fragrant and antiseptic, cleansing both cbetli and gums, r. moving the tartar and giving a s.vect perfume to the breath. W e «M.* have Teeth Crush* •, Pow iers^m d So;- s for dental purposes, uul evi qy i eq .isito for the bathroom and toil-H. Our lines of Fancy Soaps, Pecfiunes and Sachets are second to none in quality, but rather low in price, In large or small tracts, at all prices, from 1 to 9 miles from Mosier. If you are looking for something really good do not fail to see me before buyipg. Can make you fine offererin improved and unimproved orchard lands at from $20 an acre up. Have also a few good homesteads, homestead relinquishments and and timber and stone claims al. reasonable prices. List your, property with me, it pays». D.. D. Hail! Mosier, Ore. Address, — Lock Box 84 THE GLACIER PHARMACY CHAS. N. CLARKE - HOOD RIVER, OREGON For Sale At a bargain, if taken soon, | GOOD COOKING QUICK SERVICE an oid established Restaurant in When in Hood River take your meals at Hood River, Oregon. Good loca­ ¡ j tion; 8 lodging rooms in connec­ tion, four of which are furnish­ ed. Price $¿50. $350 cash, bal­ ance on installments. Rent $25 per month. P. 0. Box 567, Hood 3 River, Oregon. j21tf I DEBUSSEY’S | Restaurant and Oyster House NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Not Coal I and. Department of the interior. United States Land Office, The Dalles, Oregon, January 19, 1910. Notice is hereby given that Viret R. Brooks, o f Mosier, Oregon, who on February 27th, 1905, made Homestead - (Serial No. 03490), No. 14230, for Sl-2, j N W I-4, SW 1-4NE1-4 and NW1-4SE1-4 Sec. 32 Tp. 2 North, Range 12 E W M ., has filed notice of intention to make Final five-year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, be- [ fori the Registe r and Receiver of the United States Land Office, at The Dalles, Oregon, on the 5th day of March. 1910. Claimant names as witnesses: Alfred L. Sundborg, Lawrence H. Leinihger, Wm. A. Davis and' Carl J. Fi. Carlson, all o f Moarier, Oregon; and John W. Brown, of The Dalles, Oregon i C. W. M oore , Register. (First pub. Jan. 28. Last pub. Mar. 4.) F. H. COOLIDGE W .•w ow w ie- A. E. LAKE ■.«'•»NHI*»* l “ The Popular Clottlier” DEALER IN Men’s Clothing, Furnishings ( ' and Shoes j « O N D Corner 2nd and W ashington Sts. j i* t* aWUMSB- :VV«)«4.-*lc * A N D S U P P LIES O F BURN3 COMMON KCRCSEKK; ^ S it .IF L Z , S A F C ,C A N N O T E X P L O D E . 3 A n M l* 3 rt.s s L rm p , Hand« In the matter of the Es-ate of Chris­ LAMPS COAL E R t » 1 T H E B K iG H T F S T L IG H T I T H E ’»» H I ’ATKbT I .I G H T t T i l l ! B T IIO N G E S T L I G H T ! T H K * IIK A P E M L IG H T ! T H K C U .u k N E b T L I G H T ! Eis tim es b righ ter than eloe- fcricity, gas c r ortliaary o il lam ps. Oregon, for the County o f Wasco. A L L K I N D S IN S T O C K soincly Mad«. J>.r Hot u-s, Stores, S ch ools, H alls amt Churches. ÎF!i tian Wyss, deceased. CUTS ; iGHUNti DILLS iM HALF 100-C.mdlo Power. 6 hours for One Cor..I Every User Buy o n e or m oro fo r j o u r ow n hom e. -I JAS. E, COLE, Agent, M o s ie r , O r e g o n . gove, Elizabeth Kretzer, and lha? Rhi- n’er, the heirs and next o f kind o f said deceased, and to all other heirs un­ known, and to all persons interested in said estate, G R EETIN G ; Notice for Publication^ Pianos, Organs, [Publisher.] Department of the Interior. S e w i n g Machines U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon 10th, 1909.. and Sheet Music j December Notice is hereby given that Charles In the name of the State o f Oregon, You are hereby cited and required to appear in the County Court o f the State o f Oregon, for the County of For Sale by Wasco, at the March term o f;, said Court, at the Court room thereof, at a u l u b b a r d Dalles City, in said County, on Mon­ Hood River. Oregon. day, ih.-"7th day o f March, 1910, at ten ----------------------------------------------------- o’ clock in the forenoon of that day. then and there to show cause, if any Pianos Tuned you have, why an order should not be' granted to the administrator tf said Sewing Machines Repaired estate, to sell the real property belong­ ing to said estate, described as the South half o f the Southwest quarter of section thirteen, in township two north of range eleven K. w .'M ., containing 80 acres; also 45 acres off o f the West end A pleasant place to spend a so­ o f the North half o f the Northwest cial hour is at quarter o f section twenty-four in town- ’ shin itvo oorTh o f rangy “eleven E.~w. m ; ; S. E. Francisco's Pool Room. also ten acres off o f the North side of the Southwest quarter o f the North- j w .st quarter o f section twenty-four in S o f t D r in k s . C a n d y , C ig a r s township two north of -mnge eleven E. T obacco W. M.; less one acre sold to F'red W. . P H , W ilson which is describe«! in Book 37, I page 299 o f Deed Records for Wasco Mosier, Oregon County. Oregon, which said amount of land belonging, to « i d eatu;v ie 134 S. E. BARTMESS acres. Undertaker and Emhalmer Witness The Hon. A. E. Lake, Judge c f t' l s.-.U CVur.ty Court, with Cie j THE DALLES, OREGON f j e w e l e r Repair Work left at C.. G. NichoFs Store will receive prompt attention_ Will be in Mosier every Wednesday* CITATION. W yss. Christine Schorcn, Bertha Tren- a n d H O O D RIVER, O R E G O N In the County Court o f the State of To Maria W yss. Gerald Wvsn, Amok! a t c h m a k e r TH E OAKS • w r «*••*•- Farm ing Irrple- monts. jfc E d M. W ili iams M ax A. V ogt Vice Pres. Cashier to our I want 80 or 100 acres o f good STEAM tiR land in Mosier District. De­ scribe, depth of soil, whether J. N. T E A L rocky or steep, etr.. Improve-I q w NED BY THE PEOPLE fnents, location by section de­ scription; best terms. Address. Leaves Portland every Mon- B uyer . day, Wednesday and Friday at £-11-18. Bulletin Office. 1 A. M. ■ i Leaves The Dalii-S every Tuos- Attcntioif. day, Thursday and Saturday at The Y. P. B’s will hold their " A. M. rte.xt meeting Wednesday, Feb. h'reiyhi and Passengers Solicited £ 16th. They will debate on the following question! “ Resolved, D O R S E Y B SM ITH . That the Indian has more cau«r (■em •ral Mar ?er. for complaint than the N tvni." Ore m. Por ¡land. , Program Coimnii tee i ~ CJi I T r a a K S a t t K » B g S -T -- J. E. COLE. Company For Anything in to h ie LANDS Ti , n . >n. iloocl lover, Ore. p j . s . cx henck , president MOSIER B a r b e r Shop L /O ïl i p a i i y of Capital - - $100,00(1CO Surplus - nd urdivid- I c,i I I V . - ICO,000.GO This offer withdrawn March 1st LAND. en tru sted T he C arl of The Dalles, Oregon Subscribers ORCHARn. B u s in e s s ll l First National Bank Celebrate Tin Wedding. LOST. Lat;t Friday night a number of On Saturday, January 22nd, £ j friends gathered at the “ suburb- scarf pin, with o; al setting. Reward will be paid for its r<- a i ” ‘’«■Mence of Mr. and Mrs. J. K. McGregor, to assist them turn to the Bulletin office. in celebrating the tenth anniver­ We are making a special offer to our subscribers that sary of their wedding, each guest FOR SALE will appeal to them, particularly those who are fruit Good baled alfalfa hay in any quan- bringing some useful article of growers or are interested in fruit* growing. £ty, at Mosier. Inquire of A. Stewart, ti nvare. Homer, Ore. Our offer is to give the M osibr BULLETIN and B etter The evening was most pleas­ antly spent in social chat, music, F ruit One Year for Two Dollars. For Sale. and a brain-racking word con­ Every person in Mosier District should- subscribe for Fifty head o f young grade Angora test, which consisted of filling in joats at per head. Inquire of his home paper, and every, person should have that missing words in sentences, each A. L..SUNnHOrtO, puli,»cation, B etter F ruit , which is invaluable to the word to be supplied containing Mosier, Ore. man-who woule makd, a success of fruit-raising. In the word “ tin,” as a prefix, suf-| fact, he can’ t afford to he without it. Here is your J. K. McGregor returned on fix or syllable.. The guests had opportunity to get the two. papers for almost the price Wednesday from a business ti ll previously drawn slips o f pap *i of one. This offer is for alb our present.subscribe'.«, from two boxes, one for the la- to Portland. who renew their subscriptions to the B ulletin on or lies, the other for the gentle-; before March 1, as well as far all new subscribers. Mrs. J. FT.. Higley was sho| - m m, each slip containing a num­ yiug it) Hood River on Tuesday ber and tne name of some article afternoon. o! tinware. When they hail j E. T. Johnson, of Portland, c >m| ared numbers and names wa»in town yesterday, halting a id 1 a I paired off, the guests after his land interests here. CHURCH- DIRECTORY. SCHOOL NOTES. then set to work to solve the C. T. Bennett was a business problem of "Jane.” At the con-; M e t h o d is t E p is c o p a l visitor at the county seat on elusion o f the contest it was Young and Lyle Cook are M’anday last, returning home found that of the 28 missing; again in school, after an absence Services first Sunday in each .Tuesday morning. month, 11:80 a. m. and 8 p. m. words to be supplied, the two ° f several weeks. R e v . R a l p h C h a f f e e . P a s to r . Henry Page wras absent from C.’ J. Litt'epage, Park Stur- “ dishpans” had correctly filled gess, John Strang and H. C. in 21 of them, winning the prize, ¡school Wednesday, B a p t is t Kibbee were transacting business a handsome cake plate for the j Mattie Hudson is absent on ac- lady and a transparent picture count of illness, Second and Fourth Sunday in at the county seat* last; Saturday. each month, 11:30 a. m .; 8 p. m. lor the gentleman. ! This being the patriotic month, Goo. Carroll moved bis family R e v . W. A. S t a r k , Pastor. At the conclusion of the con- the (lag will be raised on every back onto the ranch this week, test dainty refreshments were (jay which the weather permits. preparatory to. beginning his served. Mrs. J. H. Porter and C h u r c h o f C h r is t . Friday afternoon the Literary Spring worlfj Lord’s Day. Bible School at Mr. T. Lelliott favored the com­ Society upstairs will give a Lin­ Geo. Parrish and family re­ pany with solos, and at a late coln program. Visitors cordially 10:80 a. m. G. L. Carroll, Supt. turned on Tuesday from a fort- hour the guests departed, having Preaching 11:80 a. m., 7:30 invited. night’ s visit with friends in ¡spent a delightful evening, and , p. m. Thursday evening, 7:30 p .m ., Eastern Oregon and Washington. I wishing the host and hostess “ FINE LAUNDRY W ORK’’ ; Prayer Meeting and Bible Study. Visitors from Hood River in j »«any happy returns of the occa- Cordial invitation to all. Doue with neatness and dispatch Mbsier last Monday were Mayor sion. H. C a m p b e l l C l a r k , Minister. Rough dry clothes 7c. per pound. Q: McDonald, B: E. Duncan, 1!. | The guests were: Mr. and Mrs. M. Huxley, Chris Nickolsen. C. j A. D. Moe, Hood River; Mrs. H. Hood River Laundry Company U nion S unday S chool At. Bell and H. A. Casa. E. Waite, Portland; Mr. and J. E. C O L E , M osikk A g e n t T , J . , .. . . .. ¡Mrs. Wm. Akers, Mr. and Mrs. Every Sunday morning at Jack Bortchett and, family, ol ; . . ,, ... . 10:30. D r . D. R obinson , Supt. _ . l . , . ' I A. Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Dayton, Wash., arrived in, town T ..., .. , , ,, S e v e n t h D a y A d v e n t is t : z O 1 \jr r, u » Littlepage, Mr. and Mrs. J. II. DR. H. L. BUMBLE Iftst Saturday. Mr. Burtchett. „ . .. ... , ., n . . . . ...... ,, .. Porter, Ms. and Mrs. J. E. Car- Sabbath School. wlio is a sou-in-l*w of'D. P. Har- , rp . ... . y , pen ter, Mr. and Mrs. 1. Lelliott, Meets every Saturday at 11a. vey has taken a position a s , Ml._ an(1 M,-s. E. E. Fraedricks. PH YSIC IAN a n d SURGEON nt., at Baptist Church. ' E. S. Ulock man-in Denny & Harveys lV1|. am| M,.s „ F Bl)thll|1. i Erntson, Superintendent. meat market. | ,, v ., OREGON l Mr. and Mrs. V. ( . Young, Dr. HOOD RIVER County Surveyor A. W. Mohr, [ an 1 Mrs. D. Robinson, Dr. and Y. P. S. C. E. af The Dalles, came down last ¡Mrs. N. Johnson, Mr. and Every Sunday evening at 6:30. »Wednesday to do some surveying Mrs. H. G. Kibbee, Mr. and Mrs. Will practice in Mosier and for J. N. Mosier and to run out Frank (linger, Mr. and Mrs. R. L a d i e s ’ A id S o c i e t y May he reached by long dis­ a line on the proposed new road M. Ross. J. N. Mosier.. Second anil fourth Wednesdays dong the river between Mosier tance phone, Home phone 61. of each month. and .The Dalles. Church of Christ Notes. E. Brong, a prominent capi­ We had good congregations on talist o f Portland, was in town HIDES! HIDES!! HIDES!!! Feb. 6 and our Bible School was yesterday. While here he ac­ Call at the B ulletin office and the largest yet. Come, and see quired a chuuk of Mosier real : get tags to ship your hides to a live school. aotate—we- know this to a cer­ Kauffman, Davidson, Semmel, of Next Lord’s Day morning our Razors put in first-class condition. tainty, fur we saw it sticking to Portland. subject will be "Personal Evan­ his feet. He wouldn't say how gelization,” and in the evening. C. E. Townsend vouches for much move he contracted for. “ Citizens o f Aliens, Which?*’ these people. Deputy Sheriff W. F,. Huskey Conte and hear these themes pre­ returned-homo-Sunday, morning sented. Welcome to all. W. A. HUSBANDS DAVID ROBINSON, M. D. from a weekis hunting trip on H. C a m p b e l l C l a r k , B l a c k s m it h the DesChwies. He was hunt­ • Minister. Horse Shoeing and General P h y s ic ia n a n d S u r g e o n ing two boot-leggers and bagged Repair Work.. one, the other being too slick, Satisfaction guaranteed MOSIER OREGON ijven foe. the astute Uige. MOSIER - - OREGON » Ji>hn Deany has determined to BOOKS, STATIONERY, PERIODICALS and SCHOOL work off smne>of his superfluous SUPPLIES - OLD BOOKS BOUGHT, SOLD and avenlupois and with that end in view he will leave the meat mar- EXCHANGED - SUBSCRIPTIONS TAKEN FOR i« t for awhile and work outside. ANY PERIODICAL AT PUBLISHERS’ PRICES. He has taken a contract to grub Local Agent for The Oregonian. <4T a piece of land for Ed F. J A S . E. C O L E . Reeves. WANTED. A * Sea! o f Court atf »<1. thi- 29th -lay Fumit"re a” '! Cnr- ets. Etc. HOOD RIVEI OREGON E. Hawver, whose post office address | is Salt Lake City, Utah, did, on the 5th day o f March, 1909, file in this o f - !ice Sworn Statement and Application* No. 04597, to purchase the S W 1-4N E j 1-4, NW1-4SE1-4, E1-2SW1-4, Sec. 12* Tp. 1 N . , R. 11 E W M ., and the timber thereon, under the provisions o f the act o f June 3, 1878, and acts amendatory* known as the “ Timber and Stone L a w ," at such value as might be fixed by appraisement, and that, pursuant to ! such application, the land and timber thereon have been appraised, the tim­ ber estimated 259,000 board feet at 175 cts per M, and the land $205.75;; that said applicant will offer final proof in support of his application and sworn statement on the 2nd day o f March.. 1910, before the Register and Receiver of. the United States Land Office, at The Dalles, Oregon. Any person is at liberty to protest this purchase before entry, or initiate. a contest at any time before patent is­ sues, by filing a corroborated affidavit in this office, alleging facts which, would defeat the entry. C. W . MOORE. Register.. (First Pub. Dec 31 Last Pub. Feb.25 . \ of Ianu:*ry, 1910 A ttest: F. R. A n * u . f ., ifi<-alj ( rirst p»ib Feb. 4. Clerk.. Last ru ' d . Mae. 4,) A D V E R T ISE IN TH E BULLETIN.