PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY ADVERTISING RATES BY Professional Cards............... H. G. KIR SEE. Proprietor SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Year....................... ................................... ....... $T.&' i ix Months......................... .. ...................................75 T iir e M >nths................................................ .................. •*<*> Fnt red as second elass matter March 1?, I * “.*, at to • post office at Ussier, Oreit <•*. uruiar tbs Act of Ï arch 3, 1879. n fit o “ l.y § One-quarter Column........................... “ ** 3 0# Onedialf Column it v JÜL ......... par mm.tli | One.square.............................................. *4 .................. 47 '■ ¿ L ** 5 M ** 9 U# ** One Column........................................... “ i 7 B ukìiuss lot al» will be charged at 5 cents per line for each insertion. Lcjru! advertisement)! will in all ease« be charged VOL. I 11 MOSIER, WASCO COUNTY, OREGON. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1010 Real Escat-j e i are ilustlers. TAXES. '.he new iva! create men. Not a y pleasant sub­ I. essrs. Burggiaf & Vogt, who ject to contemplate, peril ps, \ i.l open an office in Nosier next hut one that is sure to recur week, have not wait ’d to become every twelve months. Of e .Lablished here before petting course you want to pay them down to work. They air. ady with as little inconvenience i -port a sale of Hosier land and extra expense as possi­ which they made last week, ble. when they sold the Stevenson Desiring to be o f service tract o f 320 acres, situated about to you iii every way possible, four miles south o f town, to the HOSIER V A L L E Y Ferguson & Reuter, o f The BANK has arranged with Dalles. The price was not made the Coun y officers to allow l iblic. The Stevenson land is the citizens o f the Hosier s 'id to contain some of the best.; Distinct to pay tjieir taxes apple land in Mnsier District and, h *re. When you are ready, whatever the price paid, the new bring in you • n tices. leave e.vners are fortunate buyers.) the amount specified, nd They will have the land cleared your tax receipt will be pro­ t nd set to commercial orchards, cured. ; .id will probably subdivide it. And don’ t forget that we There is every indication ofj can be of service to you in a f e a t activity in Hosier land lot of other ways, too. v t i 3 year. In fact, as home- s'ekers and investors begin to ; dize that they can buy more FOR SALE. j >d land far less money right Reg's.tered Buff Leghorn ccck- I re in this wonderful apple ercls at $2 each. Also pure «..strict than in any sectu n o f blood Rhode Island Red cocker C rogon, or the Pacific North- els at $1 each, v js t, they will flock in. Hosier w. W. WlNEGAR, ii> the Mecca for land buyers. Hosier, Ore. NO. 49 «r' V». ;l C 'i Watches, Diamonds, 5 « Lands fi or i Ì if Oregon H A R N E S S Co.!I B U S IN E S S . GAY YOWELL, Mgr. \ i 1 ® OREGON H O O D RIVER M oss O bses ? 9 Alex. Stewart 0 « sffisc.-xrfmsaEMmI t.i-^o HOTEL t ip i JOHN WELLBERG, Prop. Good Accommodations Rates $1.00 per day and up Notary Public A . J. Dei by regon — ;---------------- Harness and Saddlery Goods ! A"| Tents, Wagon Covers, Etc j 1 Hand-made 1 larness a Specialty Prescriptions a Specialty. and D e n t is t O F F IC E O V E R B U T L E R B A N K IN G C O M P A N Y ph on es : Offi o 23 Residence 28 B - hS___________________ DAVENPORT; GIVE US A CALL. HOOD RIVER MCHOI ii—J -A. ¡r s q y \ i \_SJL jl L A X j L » -ili- ery, Sundries, Toilet Articles, Ice Cream, Candy and C. 11. JENKINS, D. M. D. ® u en era \ l Vi v Carrying a full line o f Drugs, Patent Medicine, Station­ Cigars. t Q Tl J Master o f Master, Oregon, FOR »V Soocialtt y u % _ The A rthur S Burt Drug Co., IS N O W O P E N iS - Fruit h e can make your watch keep ihr.e .v i, T- "i. «S.M . 'A T ( REAL ESTATlj >L 4«*.- S W UIc, ^ l a in the party ordering them, at 'legal rates, and paid for before affidavits are fum bhed. OREGON Fire Insurance L awyer S?gtfBa7Æ Ala It is nredicted that the influx i-**®'’***«*» k « » iM L M k a i «■ prospective land buyers into | | - - t is district this year will be sc 5: avy that the resources of this ‘ 1 t vn will be wholly inadequate; 1 O r their accommodation. With H -1 1 itone hotel in town and this ( ten filled to overflowing, and | x ry f «.v outside rooms to be | e i id A, h ’ d, it is evident that the lack | 0 ■' proper accommodations will jj j t; tor many from coming here to j We carry the famous PETALUMA INCUBATOR which 1 vesti gate, or coming, to he represents years of experience in successful construction and f »reed to leave town to get a j to sleep. This has fre- ICO r enlly happened already and v ill certainly happen continually this season unless some enter- It is self regulating;, most economical and has perfect ventilation, poising individual or company which is a very important featuie. We carry them in £4, 1L6, p its up a commodious rooming 216 and B26 egg capacity. Also other makes in stock and our house. This should be done with- e it unnecessary loss o f time, in prices are right. order to properly care for the e rowds that will undoubtedly be i t here this Spring. A building of this kind would be a good in- [I vestment. «- T O'- is Oregon OREGON M °s ie r HOOD RIVER d-TCT- iz ru .;'- " J. LI k»£J ^ r M T T t f g T i i i W B r C v — en OREGON M CB— BB— MSta'A.rT. We Carry a full Stock of HERCULES STUMPING POWDER, FUSE and CAPS at All Times. It will pay you to write us for prices if you are figuring on clearing- any land. Don’t forget that we are agents for TH E S M IT H APsJD F A U L T L E S S S T U M P PU LLER S h & ? ;L P & ia ia m a A i w c j s Gives Eplcr.did Results H *:#:&■ # c r c r Z. p r & y c r s Spray Pun p Fi tii g , Hcje, Noz: hs :nd all kinds o f supplies. We carry a complete line of MEY1 PS’ BUCKET BAR- REL and FCWER SPRAY PUMPS, also GOULD S POMONA BARREL PUMFS Something Entirely New The HAPD1E Spray Pimps for bucket, barrel or power. Eof ore buying a Sj ray Pump a.^k to see the HARD1E—the spray pump with the BRASS BALL VALVE. We Carry a Big Line of Green and Dry ...BONEMILLS... Our Stock Contains Nothing but ...The BEST... GRAND VIEW. We understand that some Port- I md parties itave taken an option on J. H. Johnson's place of 240 a ‘res. s*. misi*»"» It seems to us that this specu- I - tion by speculators will hold kick the progress and improve­ N O . 3 3 . YOUR MONEY’S WORTH, IN EVERY INSTANCE, IS ment o f any district. What is REPORT WHAT YOU GET WHEN YOU PURCHASE YOUR needed is settlers and -home- O f the condition of the seekers who will develop and im-1 DRUGS AND SUNDRIES HERE. ALL GOODS GUAR­ MOSIER VALLEY BANK I rove their farms. ANTEED AS REPRESENTED. We notice that a good deal o f ! At Mosier, in the State of Ore- Especially Prescriptions, slashing is being done by C. J. ! £ °n> the close of business, Phillips, Grant Hinckle, C. J. January 31st, 1910: Littlepage, Arthur Kuhn and D O L L A P.3 CTS RESOURCES others. ! B. C. Chick lost a horse some) IXMln5and dfacoOBto...................... » 17.30053 The Drug Store On the Corner, Hood River, Oregon None time ago, bleeding to death from ;, «<-^«1 «nd unsecured.... 10 00 776 Oô eilts, caused by mixing up Wltn B.nkm,bau,.. furniture mni fixture., 416 (X» j barb wire fence. Other real estate owned................ 7 » 93 ,Tr .. 1 . Due from b-inka (nut reserve banks)... W6 notice many robins the | Due from approved reserve banks....... 11.4*46 56 past three week3. Checks and other cosh items 56 92 Wanted, a man who is w illi n g Expensea ^ earn:ni„ todate ........... «t *• to. work. Inquire of A. Kuhn. T o t a l .............................$33,771 93 i Mr. Firebaugh, tlve real estate ___________ DOLLAfc.V CTS , man of Hood River, was up here UADimW _______ __ last week with a customer who capital ,to.k paid ¡n..................... » 10,000 was looking at land with a view Individual» .ubject to .hack »•*«“ . , Cashier s cheeks outstanding 1,824 67 to purchasing. Mr. Firebaugh L,ahditie» other than tho»e above .tated: ABSOLUTELY FREE, a set o f STUDEBAKER HARNESS has been up here several times Letter, of credit..................... 1,27500 with every Buggy we sell. This is strictly a bona fide sale. T o t a l ........................... $33,771 93 lately and there will be some­ STATE OF OREGON, << — We have not added the price o f the harness to the cost thing doing shortly. COUNTY OF WASCO, 55* Last Sunday meadow larks >. Robert m . r .»«. ca»hier of the buggy. No guessing game, no game of chance—but _ 1 1 ___ 1 „, ri _ • 1 of the above-name»! bank, do solemnly swear that were seen and heard at Grand llleabov, ,utPmwM. „ trje t, the ^ my an outright gift. We are not disposing o f any old shop­ View—no more winter. Don knowledge wd belief R o b e r t M. R obs , Cashier. worn goods—all harness is new, just received from the Littlepage is authority for this. CORRECT- Attest. Mr. Dave Freisch, of Cham­ J. P. C a r r o l l , J. N. M o s ie r , D irector*. factory. paign, III., is spending a few Subscribed and «worn to before me th is 8th Don’ t fail to call when you are in Hood River. It will days visiting his old fFiend. Ar­ day o f February, 191». D. D. H am ,. • thur Kuhn. pay you to make a special trip to investigate our offer. Notary Public for Oregon. We would like the committee [Seal.] on the Herd Law to come up and take up the stray horses which have been running at large in Local Train Service. this vicinity for several days. G i ! b e r t : V a u Mrs. Clayton and Miss Steph­ 0. ft. & N. ens. of Portland, were up Sun­ Trmfn X » , Due day to look at their properly ano W est Bound. to give directions for some work which they wdl soon hxVe > r » M S A. M. o l e m e n t T. W. DeBussev. o f Hard Ti ­ 11 3:16 V. M. I m er, who owns 16C acres of Kait Bound. in this vicinity, is having a car 10 1025 A. M. load of building material hauled' 12 10:40 P. M. to his place, preparatory to the (All unii tr a i.s.) ood iver regon erection of a country re t i r ee. A t P L A T H ’ S. From Feb. 14 to 26 W e will GIVE A W A Y H R O 1 .Vi (JS1KKMAKKLT DENNY & HARVEY ARNOLD DEAl.KKS IN Fresh and Cured Meats — Country Produce Mosier - RUPP DENTISTS — ----------------------------------------------- ( on trac tor« in Stone, liriek and Con- + crete Work - & H ood R iver , O regon . Oregon JOHN G. ZOLLS & SONS Hood River 14 } j ( i All Our Work Guaranteed j Oregon I____________________________ * We will pay car fare from M isier and return for patrons «vhose work amounts to $5 or over FOR ALL KINDS) ¡of LUMBER, Finished ori j Dimension, call at ! f J S WETLAND 1 LUMBER CO., MOSIER .-. / . OREGON. Shingles at Market Price. CHARTER No. 7272 Condensed Report of the Condition of NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. F IR S T N A T IO N A L B A N K (Publisher.) HOOD RIVER, OREGON Department o f the Interior. At the close of business, Jan. 31, 1910, to the Comptroller o f the United States Land Office,The Dalles, Currency, Washington, D. C. Oregon, February 7th, 1910. Notice is hereby given that Fedal Resources Liabilities Yackie, o f Mosier, Oregon, who, 1305,531.73 Capital Stock - - $100,000,00 on July 15th, 1909, made Home- j l * '" “ DireounU Surplus and U n d i v i d e d steaii. No. 0186, for NE1-4 SW 1-4,Sec. United States Bonds and Premiums 25,500.00 Profits • 19, Tp. 2 North, R. 12 EWM., has hied 21,408.14 notice o f intention to make Final com- Dther Bonds and Warrants Reserved for Taxes 2.537.85 10,000.00 mutation -roof, to establish claim to R*3' * National Bank Notes in the la >bove described, be for- the Banking House, Furniture Circulation 25,000.00 and Fixtures 15,775.01 Re«*i*?er and Rec-lver o f the U "i‘, i 314,551.91 - 81,329.2$ DEPOSITS - Stati-s Land Office at The Dalles, Ore­ CASH gon, on the 12th day o f March, 1910. $463,497.9« $463,497.20 Claimant names as witnesses: Thomas H. Cordon, Gerald Wyss, Att st Cornet, F. O. Ri .»vente Cnshie* Walter H. K*rs!ake and A ifr e ! L^ 1 BCA3C O f DIRFCTOR3. Sunaijor ’ , all o f Mosier, Ore own. r S STANLEY J. Mr H I N S IO H S A . S. S L O W E R » C. W. MOORE. Register. D H c rO N A U U A O M CI