Mosier Bulletin Twelve Bigg st Breakfast Food Mak­ ers May Combine. Issued tack frM a r MOSIER.. OREGON EVENTS OFTHE DAY Newsy Items Gathered from All Parts ol the World. '.at* Important but Not Less Inter­ esting Happenings from Points Outside the State. Looters sight. CEREAL TRUST FORMING. in Paris are being shot on Nine bodies in all have come ashore from the wreck of the Czarina in Coos Bay A schooner was driven ashore in an Atlantic gale and her crew o f 14 are missing. All kinds of Oregon lumber have ad­ vanced heavily in price in California markets. In the coming English parliament the Liberals will have 274 and the Un­ ionists 273. Thirty-one men were killed and many others injured by a mine explo­ sion in Kentucky. President Tatt has pardoned a full- blood llmal ilia Indian chief who was serving a life sentence at McNeil's Is­ land, Washington, for murder. A big cereal trust is being formed to include all the principal breakfast food factories, and it is thought many large flour mills will also join it. Cattle on Eastern Oregon ranges are too weak to be driven to where they can be fed, and in some cases are being offered for sale at $6 per head. The United States Court of Appeals has decided that a Jap is neither a white man nor an A fric in, and there­ fore can not become an American citi- sen. A fter going four days without meat, • Chicago sign-painter bought a huge beefsteak, cooked it himself, Bnd be­ gan eating so ravenously that he chok­ ed to death on almost the first mouth­ ful. It is rumored that the stork will vis­ it the royal house o f Spain in May. Henry W. Taft, brother of the pres­ ident, is dangerously ill with erysipe­ las. A big fight is expected on the postal savings banks bill and opponents say it will not pass. An observer at Cambridge says the new comet, known as Comet A, 1910, is traveling from the earth at the rate o f 41 miles per second. Ejection o f a civilian from a m ili­ tary ball at Charleston navy yard has resulted in a court martial, and the trial is arousing great interest. By changing checks on an old valise and a trunk containing $10,000 worth o f gems and jewelry, two clever thieves got away with the latter. Large quantities of strychnine have been found in the stomach of Million­ aire Swope, of Kansas City, who died ,recently under peculiar circumstances. The Postal department is consider­ ing the payment of back salaries due to postmasters in Oregon, and pi rhaps other states, amounting to many thous­ ands of dollars, and covering a period of over 45 years. Orville W right’s record of an aero­ plane flight with passengers, one hour 37 minutes, wan broken at Mourme Ion, France by Efitoff, who remained in the air one hour and 60 minutes, and by Vandenbern, who remained in the air one hour and 42 minutes. Rome is threatened with floods simi­ lar to those in France. It is believed the chances of the irri­ gation bill in congress are improving. Boise is to'have a thorough invesiga- tion into the high prices of necessities. The coroner’s jury on the Czarina wreck did not fix the blame on any­ one. Three Seattle policemen have been arreated, charged with levying black mail. Chicago, Feb. 2 — The hungry pub­ lic, turning from prohibitive meat and other foodstuffs to cereals, is apparent­ APPLE P R O F IT S GREAT. ly in for another hard shock, as there is every indication that a great com­ Former Mail Carrier Extols Life of Up-to-Date Fruitraiier. bine in cereals is on the verge o f com Portland— One o f the most interest­ pletion to be followed immediately by a general boost in prices. Snowballs ing addresses delivered before Portland and sand Beem about the only things Apple Growers’ association was given by I. A. Mason, a prominent Hood left that cannot be cornered. The subject was Advices from Minneapolis today and River orchardist. tonight are to the effect that a great ‘ T h e Apple from Start to Finish,’ ’ the holding company is forming to take speaker giving the large audience pres­ over several o f the largest cereal fac­ ent a clear, concise story of apple pro­ tories in the United State— in short, to duction from the practical standpoint. PerhapB the most interesting part of form a trust in breakfast foods. Ac­ cording to these reports, these com­ Mr. Mason’s address was that in which panies probably would be in the com­ he gave exact figures on the proceeds from an Oregon apple orchard. In bis bine : Hood River orchard he hai just two Northwestern Cereal corporation. varieties, Newtown Pippin and Spitz- Minneapolis Cereal & Milling Co. enberg. In 1906 hiB receipts from the Fruen Wheat Food & Milling Co. Spitzenbergs were $835 art acre, and Minne-Paul Cereal & Milling Co. Malta Vita Food Co., Battle Creek. from the Newtowms $750 an acre. This was the only year, he said, in which Pettijohn Pure Food Co. All Iowa plants of the United Cereal the Spitzenbergs brought larger returns than the other variety. In 1907 tbe Co. It is further declared that in addi­ average returns were $250 an acre; in tion to these concerns, seven white H08, $1, 00 an acre, and in 1909, $500 flour mills in the territory adjacent to an acre. This year bis trees are 43 Minneapolis would be in the merger years old. “ These figures are exact and not col­ and that there was a possibility that two of the large baking concerns of ored in any way,” said Mr. Mason. “ It will be seen that my orchard has Minneapolis also would be included. Thomas W. Hicks, o f the National brought me in groes receipts o f $700 an acre as an average for five years. Financing Company, said today : “ There 12 cereal-producing firms in All expense o f maintenance amounted this country, where one holding com­ to about $200 an acre, leaving a net pany could handle the entire output, j profit of $500 an acre. “ This, o f course, is paving 10 p«r We seek at present to combine these] 12 firms and avoid the throat-cutting] cent on a valuation o f $5,000 an acre. which has been going on for years and ; It looks big, but it is nothing more which has caused many failures. For than any young man who gets hold of a instance, Battle Creek, Mich., which good piece of Oregon apple land can do. has been the center of cereal-produc­ It can be done in the Willaimette val­ ing, has been the victim of 42 failures ley. I f you willl only select the right land, plant the best varieties and give in three years. “ The way things are going at pres­ them proper attention. "Y o u will notice that my orchard ent, the cereal output is a losing prop­ osition for the food companies. It is a brought in only $500 Bn acre last year. continual fight for contracts and the This, I believe, was because the crop result is that the jobber is the only one was so heavy the year before. The ex­ traordinary cold snap o f last winter who makes the big money. a ll i co itributed to it. But I want to say right now that this year gives LUMBER PRICES ADVANCE. every indication of being one of the Demand by Railroads Given as Cause best that Hood River has ever experi­ enced. I believe confidently that my o f Rise. orchard will again bring in at leaBt Los Angeles, Feb. 2.— Rough Ore­ $1,200 an acre. gon pine lumber has advanced $1, • o ] “ In raising apples it must bn borne $22 and $26 a thousand feet. Shingles in mind that it takes time before the have advanced 25 cents, to $2.26 and trees begin to pay. You will get a $3 a thousand. Shakes are up, $2, to small crop in five years, and a better $29 a thousand. yield each subsequent year. But all “ The reason for the advance in : that time you have been paying out rough Oregon pine,” said J. F. Mullin, ■ with nothing coming in. It w ill take of the Montgomery & Mullin Lumber the crops of the seventh and eighth company, today, “ is the heavy demand 1 years to bring you out even. Then of the railroad companies for this Ium- ] you are in clover. I t ’s all velvet after ber. Not only in the United States is that.” the demand heavy, but it extends to Mr. Mason advocated planting not China, where they are doing an im-1 more than three varieties in one orch­ mense amount of railroad building. ard, and said two are better, if the “ The railroads use so much lumber right two are selected. He also de­ that they practically make the market. I clared that in Oregon he does not con­ When there is a great amount of sider the slope of the ground as mak­ railroad building the price of lum­ ing a great deal o f difference, just bo ber goes up. the soil is o f the right quality. “ The outlook for the lumber busi­ Convention to Carve New State. ness is higher priceB. There has been a tendency toward higher prices since Medford—The Southern leaders in the slump caused by the financial de­ the movement to carve a new state out pression of a little more than a year o f Southern Oregon and Northern Cali­ ago.” fornia, to be known as Siskiyou, are active with arraagements to call a con­ vention to devise ways and means. Three More Bodies Found. According to present plans the con­ Marshfield, Or., Feb. 2.— Three more bodieB of the Czarina wreck victims vention will gather in Yreka. Siskiyou were found today. One was near the county, California, not later than mouth o f the Umpqua river, a second March 15, and remain in session three Prominent men from all over at Ten Mile creek and the third oppo­ days. site the wreck. l he bodies are not the territory affected have signified yet identified. This makes nine bodies their willingness to attend and aid in that have been found. It was thought ] the movement. by some that ihe headless body found | As planned, the new state will em­ several days ago was that of Harold brace seven California counties and The movement Millis, but the father, C. J. Millis, ] live Oregon counties. could not identity it, and the remains grew out of widespread dissatisfaction were buried as an unknown. A with the treatment, alleged to have been accorded the territory by the two watch is kept for more bodies. Btates. California, it is said by those advocating the formation of the new Cherry Mine is Opened. Cherry, III., Feb. 2.— Work was re­ state, has long neglected its northern sumed in the St. Paul mine tonight by portion, while Southern Oregon has scores o f men, following the removal suffered in a like manner, it is claimed, today of the hermetic seal that had ( at the hands of Portland and the W il­ kept the suhterreanean passages closed lamette valley. The move to create the for two months. Efforts will be made ; new state is popular through the affect­ to clear the mine o f noxious vnpors, to ed territroy. wall in any smouldering lire, and to re­ cover the 160 bodies that have been en­ tombed since the fire broke out on No­ vember 18. Spectators at the unseal­ ing of the mine were mostly young widows, some only 16 years old who Eight dead and thirty injured have had been married but few months. been.taken from a train wreck in Eng land. Paulhan Makes Flight. Florence Sees Bright Future. Eugene— Florence, at the mouth of the Siuslaw river, has been petitioned by T. J. Monroe of Coos Bay for a franchise for an electric light plant. The petition will probabply be submit­ ted to a vote o f the people. Florence is growing rapidly as a result o f the beginning of jetty work at the mouth Denver, Fch. 2.— Thirty thousand of the river. The citizens are working High food prices have driven thou­ sands of children to factory work in people swarmed into Overland park to­ for a railroad to the Willamette valley day to see Louis Paulhan in an exhibi­ via Eugene. It has been rumored that Chicago. tion flight in his Farman biplane. the Southern Pacific company would Loe Angeles is making a great effort A fter three preliminary attempts, build a line from Eugene to Florence to free her city employes from the Paulhan tw ee encircled the mile to reach Coos Bay, but the citizens clutches of loan sbaiks. track. That the exhibition was not place more faith in the promise of the more successful was due to the crowd promoters o f the Eugene & Western It is reported that Dr. Cook has been itself. They broke down fences, | company, which has made prelimi­ for several weeks at a German i-anitar swarmed over the field, and the police nary surveys and expect* to begin con­ ium, under a false name, and has now had difficulty in clearing sufficient struction work soon. gone to Vienna. space to allow the machine to start. It is reported that if the government 12 Cows Earn $18.21, Each, Month Gale Wrecks Sell loner. wins its suit against the railroad mer Roseburg — That dairying in this ger, a syndicate composed of Rockefel­ Norfolk, Va., Feb.2 — With a north­ county is a profitable business, when ler, Morgan, and Kuhn, Loeb Co., will west wind blowing at 52 miles an hour, conducted in accordance with scientific take up all the bonds and stock of the | the three ma«ted schooner Frances, rules and principles, is proven by a re­ roads involved. Captain Coombs, from New York to port made hy the Oakland Creamery Jacksonville, Fla., was washed ashore The recent trip abroad of the Immi­ on the IIalters! roast this morning and company, o f Oakland. The report is gration commisaion is alleged to have was pounded to pieces. Fourteen men made from 12 cows owned by L. E. been but a junket expedition and an in­ are supooeed to have been lost before Warner, who lives near Yoncalla, and shows that a total of 577.49 pounds of vestigation has been railed for. the life-savers could reach the vessel. butter fat was secured, which is esti­ Taft decides to continue the suit to None o f the bodieB have been washed mated at 861.43 pounds of butter, for dissolve the Harriman railroad merger. ashore. wh ch Mr. Warner received $218.52, or $18.21 per cow. This for the Violation of the rules o f etiquette Gait 41 Miles a Second. m mth o f December. may cause the retirement o f the Aus­ Cambridge. Mass., Feb. 2. Forty- trian premier. Flectric Clocks at Klamath Falls one miles a second is the speed at Transcontinental Passenger associa­ W iich "Com et A. 1910“ is traveling Klamath Falls—O. B. Gates, agent tion grants convention rates to Port­ from the t arth, according to statement for the Western Union Telegraph com­ land for Rose Festival. announced at Harvard college observ­ pany. has secured i2 c ntracts for in­ atory today, from Lick observatroy. stalling clocks with telegraph service Pinchot's friends are active in the Tbe telegram says that Albrecht pho­ in business houses in the city. The Ballinger investigation. tographed the spectrum of the comet company only sent Mr. Gates 12 con­ Both parties admit the British elec­ and found the sodium lines displaced, tracts. This is a most creditable ^hew­ tion was fought on the tariff issue, and indicating the motion of the luminary. ing for a city o f this aiz*. It v »< not both claim the victory. expected that over three of four clocks Los Angeles autoists are protesting il

£ *ee** ! taste?” It will contain eight class rooms, with i * _ . . . . Ai two rooms in the basement, and one I ' A " d 1 wonder wh° he 1bT contln’ large room 25x80 feet in the attic, |U€d, y >pe' . . „ which will be used as an assembly and I v I ^ r e say I shall soon find out at i the hotel, returned Jessop. "And now H 1 U B 1 L ruuill. j . . . . . . , _ _ ----------- we had better step out; for I am suro Negotiate for Light Plant. my mistress does not like being left Marshfield— Negotiations are on fo r .* 00 *on* by herself, the sale of the Coos Bay Gas & Electric ' Hope found Mrs. Seville surrounded company. Billingsby & Co , o f Chi- by P«nB- lnk- and PaP«r : she ba