PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY ADVERTISING RATES BY H. G. KIBBEB. Proprietor ^ ^ fe] -N M P rofessional C a rd s............................ par meaHi $ . • ■ ? ? O ne s q u a r e .............................. Ona-qHarter C olu m n .......................... SUBSCRIPTION RATrZS 0 » e Y e a r........................., ........................................... #1.5C tlx M U S « . . . Thrc e M -n th s. lin t red AS second-ela*s mmtter M arch 1?, 1»*W at th e poet ulti e at M oaier. Orciron, urnl.r ill* A c t o f ! > r - h 3. W S . ** ** “ i.t f ** $ j§ O n e-h alf C olu m n ................................ " “ S.M O ne C olu m n ................................ “ ** f .Qg Husnu-».» local* w ill be charged a t 6 cants par M m for each insertion. Legal advertisem ents w ill in all easas ba eharrad VOL. I MOSIER. W ASCO C O U N TY, OREGON, FR ID A Y, F E B R U A R Y to the party orderin g them , a t legal rates, and 4, 1910 NO. 48 paid fo r l»eforc affidavits are furnished. hi. «—» - .»«> îfoWÆMM ¿jfl *c *1 j ' ^ W •*>' *¿. n'. ■ time previous Art hi r FOR MOSIER. f G e C h a m b e r l a i n S -e T S T iO ----- Kuhn received a postal from his That Hosier is drained to Ue^j brother who. w ith a party o f REAL ESTATE ¡i i l o Fie center of great activity in Chicago friends, left on Jan. 7th J Fruit ).>nd matters this coining season fora lh ee months' trip to Japan. Lands j ; evidenced by the number of This same party made a three if r D l H CS 1 dials already put through durii g months’ trip to the Old World * V . t le past month, and the many last summer. Mr. Kuhn’ s broth- inquiries by letter and persona! er is one of ti e Premier V/hole- J i ivestigations. And if further sale Clothing salesmen o f the U. He can wake your u atch keep time j Mosier Oregon ; | ! roof were wanting, it is "fur­ S.p he being connected with r. $ w **aPZPt*G**» t,. is»'» nished in the fact that a couple large Cleveland, Ohio manufac- , --------- T - \ ( f enterprising business uien oi turer. He will visit here this ie Dalles, Messrs. Burgraf and coming summer on a flying* trip, j As yet we have seen no air Y >gt, have made arrangements of Mosier, Oregon. o s ie r regon t » ooen a real estate office here ships, but we have noticed C. J. • i i H o s ie r , and to that end have LittlepageUsing his field glasses, ••• MP5Tr?vr.'Tasa5srr the real estate men. and that1 country road to visit a friend, t are is room here for more o f ¡and passing a stranger on the t i latter as well as the former, j road he inquired for the home of ’. . >y will open their office about; Jeff Davis. The stranger said it i . e 15th of the present month, j was “ three sights, a go by and a DENNY & HARVEY : . i will use and automobile for hollow.” The \yriter was after- DEALERS IN 1. 11 ease an convenience o f their wards informed of the distance Fresh and Cured Meats and definition of the stranger’s t ¡»turners. Country Produce directions. Three sights meant] three times as for as you could Low one-way colonist rates see; then you had to go by the fro a aU parts of the East to Pa­ place and then you were to hal­ ri “c Coast terminals are offen d loo. Tne dogs would n otify1 I .• the railroads from March J to your friends o f your coming and April 15. The opportunity to they would appear on the scene l Tig thousands o f new settlers to meet you. This is the way Notary Public t • Oregon is a valuable one and the rural farmers of Arkansas ( om.rcial organizations o f the and !• itp will rake ad.antage of it to give you the correct distances in , Fire Insurance Ranges, Alcohol, Gasoline and Coal Oil Stoves, Sporting the country. l j i i 1 ■ t extent. They now say that to avoid the j : Mosier Oregon Goods, Sewing Machines, Crockery, Tin and Graniteware, high price of meats one should Paints. Oils, Doors, Sash and Glass. ‘¡’he attractive literature sent raise poultry. A s a singular co- j JOHN G. ZOLLS & SONS ji . < ; daring the past year and the incidence vve mention that Ar­ H e pay prompt attention to out-of-town orders. Contractors in Stone, llrick and Con­ n Me publicity given all parts of thur Kuhn’s hens started to s it1 crete Work Oregon h iv e been fruitful of re- right away, as though influenced i fits a:i 1 inquiry about this state by the high price of meat. Pos­ Hood River - Oregon i n never so general as at the sibly the Grand View climate has i resent time. Because o f this something to do with it. DAVID ROBINSON, M. D. > ides,¡read interest in Oregon, On Friday evening at 6:40 i may be expected that the state o’clock, the much-talked-of com- i P h y s ic ia n a n d S u r g e o n \/iil receive a large immigration et was plainly seen at Grand during the coming Spring. View right over Mt. Defiance. | W . D. ROGERS, Pioprfctor MISS M. L. METCALF, ood iv e r regon MOSIER OREGON When first seen it was quite bright, but soon became much GRAND VIEW. dimmer. The head api>eared to Photographs and Phonograps School commenced at District be about 4 feet long and the tail g w » i io l l « ) l l l !« i « i« » i w w i W ( X i > i » i i« m m i i » w i i n n « H ( i i i Hood River No. 8 on Jan. Slst. Miss Edith about 50 feet long, the latter , J J >iins.;n resumed her duties as curving toward the north and ^ t tacner after a serious illness throwing out a hazy though j revious to tiie first o f the year, bright light. j S Razors put in first-class condition. E. Y. Dundas came up Tues-l Mrs. M. A. Evans came up ^ FIRST NATIONAL BANK day from Portland to look after from Corbett last week to pack, m HOOD RIVER, OREGON Iris lar*.f interests in the Grand her household goods, which she j| View district. will ship to Corbett. fi J. C. Wilford will soon get to ------------ • * ------------ 5 Capital and Surplus...............................$120,000 C. H. JENKINS, D. M. D. work on hi3 land here. He will Mosier BoofcfetsIArrive. Resources over....................................... 450,000 D e n t is t wiortiy return from a two months The new booklets of Mosier I Interest paid in Savings Department and on O F F IC E O V E R B U T L E R B A N K IN G C O M P A N Y PH O NES: visit witn relatives in the Wil- have arrived and anyone wishing 3 Time Certificates o f Deposit. Call or write O ffice 28 Resilience 28 B for further information, 1 imette Valley. to have copies to send to friends 1 HOOD RIVER - OREGON D. B. Mathews has been clear- jn the East can get them by ap- * i ¡g his recently purchased 80; plying to the secretary of the 5 A. J. Derby W. A. HUSBANDS acres he bought o f William Me- Commercial Club. f B l a c k s m it h S. E. BARTMESS Clure, and will soon have a fine; ---------------------- 5 Horse Shoeing and General L aw yer Undertaker and Embalmer place. This is the kind of set-j Repair Work. Satisfaction guaranteed tiers that are good for any vicin- * Furniture and Carpets, Etc STOCK IN TRADE. HOOD RIVER OREGON MOSIER - - OREGON ity— not speculators, but home- The stock in trade of the HOOI) RIVER, seekers. OREGON I Home Phone 6 2 K E. C. BROCK r Res. Manager i business man or institution ►#+*- Stock have been seen browsing may consist of goods to be on the hill sides on bunch grass, “ FINE LAUNDRY WORK’ ’ sold or services to lie render­ in the vicinity o f Grand View. Done with neatnes* and diapatch ed. That of a bank consists The blasting o f ice at Lyle, Rough dry clothes 7c. per pound. o f the capital it lends to its Wash., has been heard at Grand YOUR MONEY’ S WORTH. IN EVERY INSTANCE, IS customers and the various View the past throe weeks. Hood River laundry Company WHAT YOU GET WHEN YOU PURCHASE YOUR DENTISTS — kinds of service which it is J. E. C O LE , MuaiKK A g e n t Mr. Arthur Kuhn recently re­ DRUGS AND SUNDRIES HERE. ALL GOODS GUAR­ in position to render to the ceived a letter from his sister at H o o d R iv e r , O r e g o n . ANTEED AS REPRESENTED. Fargo, N. D., sb ting that this' public. The MOSIER VALLEY has been one o f the stormiest1 Especially Prescriptions, BANK lias endeavored to winters they have experienced j call attention, from time to m the past 15 years. Snow was » 4 and 5 feet deep and the ther-! time, to the different ways in which it can serve you, but mometer 25 below z. fo. The Drug Store On the Corner, Hood River, Oregon The comet has bean seen very j by no means all of the ways have yet been mentioned. plainly at Grand View by some W e will pay car fare from Misier By establishing business con­ *.lo_:c: and j _,uu have, why an e »J-r sh u l r, »t be Seal o f said Court affixed, this 9 t h day CITATION. Freight and Passengers Solicited Hood River dis riots, which d’»-i Tn fi,« Cou.Ay Court o f t*»e S t '* ' c f f-rr* ted to the administrai >r oi said o f January, 1 j K i . to stU t :* real proi-erty belong­ played C.C.e .c apples, anui Or , >n. for the County o f Waseo. A ttest: F. R. A ngle , ¡S o f t D r i n k s , C andy ClV ON APPLICATION ing to »aid relate, d«ecrib?4 ss the D O R S E Y E. S M IT H . many p^opl* ha-e ;>*.V her of [Seal] Clerk. • Tor ACCO In th< m atter c f iLt» o í Otri*- South haif o f the Southwest quarter o f their intention c f becoming Ore General Manager. ♦ ction thirteen, in towrship i tvo north (First pub. Fab. 4. Last pub. Mar. 4.) la I WyS", de- a«- gonian ; during the coming spring ( t u Oregon. i * W _. » » . ( i e r a l - i Vyr%, Arnold o f range eleven E. w. If , containing feO I Ponían 1, Oregon Mo^er - Oregon Mosier, n LARAWAY Hood River's ReUctble Jeweler for \ Watches, Diamonds, Jewelry ! The Arthur & Burt Drug Co., HOL irai ere handise i JL Specialty DAVENPORT! HARNESS Co. M O CS HOTEL ‘ T he Cigars. Prescriptions a Specialty. GIVE US A CALL. MOSIER MARKET Good Accommodations Rates $1.00 per day and up OREGON Mosier - Oregon Alex. Stewart Builders and General Hardware. P Franz Hardware, H O O D RIVER, H R B O r id a l V e il LUMBERING CO. OREGON Hood River Studio MOSIER B a rb er Shop Oregon J. E. COLE. (Branch) j HOOD RIVER - OREGON i l ARNOLD & RUPP i Ì All Our Work Guaranteed ! At PLATH' S. j I J. N. TEAL i i Contractors Room Builders