*í PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY BY ADVERTISING RATES « 1 H. G. KIBBEE, Proprietor , Professional Cards One square 1 'One-qwttrUcr Ceiu.nr* ... ; One-half Column.......... SUBSCRIPTION RATES O ne Year......... Six M >iG.h« Three Mouths ..51.54’ ;. ^ 1:1 ]L x \ jw , i One Column . . . . . . . v .. JLi. iv L i^ s:^ i-ik \ ^ k J UuslnetH locals will be charged at 5 oenta per Una for each insertion. I.etra! advertisements wJU in all cases be charge! Entered as second-class matter March 12. KVfi). at the p >-t office at Master, Oregon, um kr the A ct of March 3.1879. MOSIER. WASCO COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 21, VOI,. I Lave. O JA Pe if : / I j AND u L .'i.-'b. ” • importent rea nre Port kind, Or. , Jan. 18. (ó. vi: i) i A big con ,- •ntion of tbi. com- ; G ti: - - st-.-m of Bank ftion- ey On 1 'rn which has been ing yoevr for Portland i.î i at f the Ancient Order o f Hiberni-j p-rfect ’ to answer the same ana. The rnuunl gHtii^rin-:- of purpose'S as Postal and Kx- the national body will be held ! press ft [oney Orders. One of the first acts of the here July 15-2 i and it is thought VALLEY C.K the greatest meeting in the his- j U Osi tory of the order in America will r was to become a member of ? tn ., non, ti ; n • • • ur- occur at that. time. There are ing for it custom; rs the 1400 accredited delegates who bene, t o f i s protective fea­ will be in a¡ icmiene* -t id .¡¡ a u­ tures. We are now • arrang­ dition, many other members and in'!- to i t h e Association their friend ! will make the trip ; form money Order and to the Northwest. Ic is expect­ will he glad to explain its ad- ed that no lo3s than 30,000 visit- tors will be attracted to the¡ vn tages < ver the Postal and North Pacific Coast by this con-j -Express Money orders for general use. vention. Committees are at work planning entertainment for Thc-y are just as available the Hibernians and every indica­ in making remittances, cost tion now points to the gathering! less and afford better receipts being a big success. for .youx money. Wool growers of the country1 wil: .tacher in Portland ui 1L-. !, GRAND VIEW. bringing to this city a conven­ It has been suggested to have tion .epresentative o f a great in­ dus..-. . Delegates to the recent a coyote drive, All in favor of convention of the wool men at it report to ti e Bulletin office, oru the Pacific Norlh,- : imt and place to be Oecided ¡ .ra a unit for Portland as later. the next meeting place and they Ed D insmore, C. J. Litile- captured the gathering without:page and Arthur Kuhn are well much rioas opposition. ¡Ninety supplied with gatlings, army per cea. of the wool growers of juns and other new improved the -id in try are memebrs of the and dea l] , weapons anil they; ©rg ::ihv a and the convention think that a drive centering to thousands of visitors the mouth of Hog Canyon would wili h i : 'Joe next meeting have some desired effects, and to Part! ; a > nal bo lv will.be held furthermore these -gentlemen o f th : : have good dogs and have Jseil her,* in .¡January, 1911. Grocers o p the state,will gath-jt -Teat experience in hunting | | BANK MONEY ORDERS. «r One o f the strongest and ■most effectual organizations •in this country is the Amer­ ican Bankers’ Association, the membership o f v u!ct' mow comprizes more than 11,000 banks in the United States. Its relentless huntingdown and prosecution o f profes- .■sional criminals during re- -cent years makes a are inker* «hip card in the Associât, m tone o f tits be . .f x.i: i d. a 1910 JNO. 46 i c. G. NICHOL General erchandise G eo . C h a m b e r l a i n I fi jjj REAL ESTATE Fruit floods River’s Reliable jew eler for Watches, Diamonds, jew elry H e can make your u atch keep time pz&m v^a» Lands Specialty J $ Mosier Oregon The Arthur & Burt Dray Co., D A V E N P O R T ij o f Mosier, Oregon, H A R N E SS Co. 1 is n o w o p e n F o r b u s in e s s , Carrying a full line o f Drugs, Patent Medicine, Station­ ery, Sundries, Toilet Articles, Ice Cream, Candy and Cigars. Prescriptions a Specialty, Harness and Saddlery Goods Tents, Wagon Covers, Etc Hand-made Harness a Specialty j GIVE US A CALL. - Good Accommodations Rates $1.00 per day and up MOSIER, OREGON Builders and General Hardware. Fresh and Cured Meats I ÏL Country Produce tí?* SB* Hosier f'ii Ì y Oregon Alex. Stewart l 1 - Ü Notary Public arid Fire Insurance Mosier Ranges, Alcohol, Gasoline and Coal Oil Stoves, Sporting Oregon Goods, Sewing Machines, Crockery, Tin and Granitewar*, Paints, Oils, Doors, Sash and Glass. JOHN G. ZOI.I.S & SONS Franz Hardware, W e pay prompt attention to out-of-town orders. Contractors in Stone, Brick and Con­ crete Work Hood River O f8 ’ ¡.i B,u>CXI .ji • :A 5 n N I f f Rñ - ood H O O D R IV E R , DAVID ROBINSON, M. D. O R iv e r ' * ' and ' “ u S urgeon MOSIER W. I). KOCKUS. Proprietor OREGON MOSIER B a rb er Shop Photographs and Phonograps Hood River Raion; put in fhat-clasB condition. E. COLE. HOOD RIVER. OREGON Capital and Surplus.......................... .....$120,000 Resources over ................................. 450,000 Interest jmid in Savings Department and on Time Certificates of Deposit. Call or write for further information, C. H. JENKINS, D. M. D. D entist - OREGON A. HOOD RIVER - OREGON L aw yer Umlrrtaker and Kmlialmer Furniture and Carpets, Etc. E. C. BROCK, Res. Manager : HOOD RIVER Hood River Ixtundry Company .Especially Prescriptions, M. E. WELCH The Drug Store On the Corner, Hood River, Oregon — J. E. COLE, M ohikk A gent R e g is t e r V e t e r in a r y - All Our W ork Guaranteed O regon We will pay car fare from M jsier and return for patrons »vhose work amounts to $5 or over THE OAKS w.'.h ins ad vorLie.ii :uit. I l  ^ î a « W k *Til "1 T V T ‘ gon; George W. à e ro e . o f The D ali« Oregon, and Edgar Burlingame, c f Cooke, .Washington. C. W M OOP^. R< gii e * — S urgeon . n o t i c e 1’ claim ant names as witnraaes: Ole OI«*on, Thomas C. Godtiersen. William C. K m ger. Joeeph H. Kruger, all o f Mosier, O n gnn. C. W. MoOltE. Register. I pub.Dec (Fii-st RUPP DENTISTS NOTICE OF PUBLICATION. f o r p u b l ic a t io n . NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Not Coal Land. Not Coal I.and. Not Coal Land. Department o f the’ Irtterior, Department o f the Interior. Department o f the Interior. United States I.and Office, United State* I.and Office, United States Lami Oftice.The Dalles, The Dalles, Oregon, Nov. 10th, 1909. The Dalles, Oregon, Nov. 11th, 1909. l three and a half days. Oregon, December 9th, 1909. Notice is hereby given that Howard Notice is hereby given that George We were surprised to see what Notice is hereby given that John H. H. Smith, o f The Dalles, ®*egon, who M. Powell, o f Mosier, Oregon, who on a good wielder of the lariat Mr. January 16th, 1904, made Homestead, Surface, o f The Dalles, Oregon, who, on April 14th, 1903, marie Homestead, ArthurlKuhn is, deftly catching (Serial No. 03066), No. 1319Z, for El-2, on September 1st, 1908, made Hom e-j (Serial No. 02856), No. 12468, for El-2 ' SW 1-4, Sec. ., ; NE1-4, E l-2 Sel-4, Section 13, Twp. a 300 pound hog. When he NEl-4, SW1-4 NE1-4, Section 35, Twp. stead, No. M 0877, for S l-2 r.TT,w . - 1 I learned who the owner was he 2 North Range 11 East Willaaiette 15> T P- i North. R. 12E W M ., has filed i North, Range 11 East, Willamette Mer- Meridian. has filed notice o f intention to o f intention to make Final c o m -, idian, has filed notice o f intention to , sent it home with his dog. make final five year Proof, to eatablish n’ ut» tK,r’ P™>f - *» ‘•stahl.sh cla.m to , make Final five year Proof, to establish I LIE . claim to the land above described, he- ' “ ** lan u busi­ Dalles, Oregon, on the 21st d i y o f Dec- on the ^ '1ay Tfin'Jary- l s , °- | 1>a11^8- Oregon, on the 21st day o f D e c ness man very much what row - S. E. Francisco's Fool Room. her i'.«>9 Claimant names as witnesses: -mber, 1909. , :n" ver. | ¡ - if, the iH’vnor. It may tike £ liuJe time tor .be results to oe'-’uire appaxutt, hut they nre s jr * tacoiite. m e wise liw- mer is r t niggardly wiJi his s e e 'J ro -t'.e wis« business mm & H o o d R iv e r , O r e g o n . Office at Fashion Stables H o o d R iv e r Shoeing and General Repair Work. Satisfaction guaranteed - - OREGON OREGON MOSIER ARNOLD Rough dry clothes 7c. per pound. KODACKS and SUPPLIES - MCDONALD’ S CAN­ DIES - PALMER’S PERFUMES - FLEMISH ART CO’ S. PYROGRAPHIC MATERIALS -------------------- At P L A T H S. B l a c k s m it h Horse , Dorn- with m-atm-s« ami diapatoh at plath s . - W. A. HUSBANDS OREGON “ FINE LAUNDRY WORK’’ E x c l u s iv e l y J. Derby S. E. B A R T M E S S HOOD RIVER, Oregon BANK FIRST NATIONAL . J HOOD RIV ER MISS M. L. M E T C A ir ., Hood River Studio OFFICE O V E R BUTLER BANK INO COMPANY PHONES: Office 28 Residence 28 B (Branch) Home Phone 6 2 K OREGON » I» » » » « regon RID AL V EIL LUMBERING ' Oregon n 3 P h y s ic ia n H PINES HOTEL he MOSIER MARKET T regon JO H N W ELLBERG, Prop. D EALERS IN O T OREGON DENNY & HARVEY ti I O M o S iE R CAY YOWELL, Mgr. HOOD RIVER I I paid for before aJIkiaviu are farnUhed. i . JtiÄ-jt'XiSJfiltaüi .M i j LA R A W A Y o r at Huge .e January £6 anji 27 • coyotes* for tiie an mini convention of the; 1 ‘,e weather in Grand View Ore,-or. A.vbl Grocers’ Associa-!the past few days has been very tio.i, rj ,o ■! is a splendid pro-; Springlike and C. J. Litt.epage gram o f de?p interest to the 1 l,as started to dig his potatoes, dealers in foodstuffs and the at-j the frost not having hurt them tendance it expected to be the a !’art'c*!e. largest in the history of the state j ^!r- Lee E vans, o f Corbett, association. Problems coming up I Ore., came up on Wedneday and in the grocery business will be 1 is visiting Ins mother and invalid tJiscussed and mutual help gained sister at Grand View, iro n the interchange o f ideas o f Miss Irma Pnillips left 1 ues- the various dealers. .day for Portland, where she will Portland is entertaining today visit { rien‘J8 aa^ relatives for what is said to be the biggest «everal tveeks excursion ; art over organized Mr- Sta,llcy Eastman returned Saturday from a month’s stay at in the Northwest and which in- clud s 225 r -¡dents of Spokane, Portland and Washington points. Miss Agnes Phillips came up the C.ieur d’ Alene country, Wal- . t , , la Walla and the Palouse country fro,ra . ,he Metro' ,ol,s iHsl ,W( ek and o f the Canadia provinces o f and will make an extended stay Alberta and Saskatchewan. The with her father and mother. Mr. Arthur Kuhn has had all party occutiies a special train of kinds of experience in coaching Pullmans and is bound for Cali­ his hens to lay and at fornia. It was organized by the last has succeeded in rgetting his Spok me Chamber of Commerce and tlxe Waiia Walla Commercial ^ v/ard when ° ^ s are worth Club iii connection with the Har- iavlnK- Mrs. Arthur Kuhn will soon riman lines, it having become return from her three months’ the custom to run a midwinter . . . excursion to California each £ . P ,n 0,lla- Io^ 'a’ IU,no,s aad year. While in Portland the ex- VVisconsm In Champaign, 111., eursionists are being entertained M,r- Kuhtl ? birthplace, she visit- by the Portland Commercial ed their relatives. Ed Dunsmore has trapped two •Club. wild cats and Frank Middle-, An example o f the big money swart has caught two. in hog raising was given here j Messrs. Norton and Vance Ev­ •during the past week when a ans have returned to Corbett, single porker, wifghing 680 Ore., their home, after a week’s pounds, brought $Gi.20. lhis is - .. ... ,, . .. ». f, ... , . ., . . , visit with their mother, Mrs. M the highest price that a single A ' | A. Evans. hog ever brought at the stock- Road District No. 10 voted a ■yards. The hog was raised by three mill tax for improving the Henry Larkin, of Colfax, Wash. state road. The real live prop­ Hogs reach $9.20 during the erty owner’s wanted a larger tax week. . . with the object in view of im- Coos Bay seems to be in line proving the road so that it would •for some real railroad building be possible to have a rural deliv- and Doth the Hill and Harr man erj.. as f rujt growers ar- systems ate rejxirted to , e show- g.ue(i that it had Iven a bad year ing interest in- that section. It an(j they not any nron- is said work is about to be tv cy, tl\ey could not stand any „surued <>n the Southern Taci c larger tax. •line from Drain and the North­ Grant Hinckle and Don Little- ern Pacific is said to Ire negotiat­ page have been showing the in g for big coal holdings, which Grand Viewites how to saw and -lie close to Marshfield. split wood, handling 20 cords in I to the p a rt/ ordering them, at legal raue, aog. « » ¡m a n t names as witnesses: j Bert .Ja. tin, John Slagibeii, Horace | ‘" art,n and L. O. Dawson, ab c f 1 h# SOFT Dailee, Oregon. I (J. W. M ooltff R> . [ * r . CorttrtwL ‘V& Builders ESTIMATES F Ü U N Í S H E I ) S r .- DRINKS, CANDY, . Motior« ■ ■ • ! Hardwick M l Nord on Oregon .. APPLICATION -A -ie •> ft* 'lu.'> 01 '