Dentistry fi Out of town people can baro their plat and bridge work fin iahed In one da if Ws will give you • roc 22k gold er pore*1:- crown for $ 3 .5 ' Molar 5 . 0 22kBridg.TMtk 3 . 5 j Sold Filli«*« 1. 0 ¡ Enamol Filli«*« 1 .0 1 (llv«r Filli«*« .5 ' Inlay Filling« Good Rubber 2 .5 ■ _ Plate« 5«0( Best Red *Nb- - Oft. W. i Win, raww â»3l*ia>-u » tu ' i imKeii n «»Tun ber Plat«. 7 .5 * Painless Extrden . 5 ( ■a ora a reu . aA/u«ui«Dwuu & » o - j , * x nainleiw work done anywhere. All work fully guar nnteeil. Modern electric equipment, beet method* Live Ducks in demand, at per pound.......................... Dressed Veal up to 130 lbs Dressed H o g s ..................... Live Hens and Spr.ngs,. . . Dressed Hens and Springs Dressed Turkeys, 22Jc to. Dressed Geese, .................. an.nia FlILEl*» _ _ _ H iB i.aiFinu.8Td P O R T L A N D . O R E G O N ? DIIIOI aCGBl: « A. M. M • *• M. »uniiji. I « L E r» I I Bnailrrpint cmm *< M „ictiol h- K I ] dindunl ndice dnka Pt.Mil hek • L ,i • 629 Wwccstcr Uiku». Ptrdui ru tn r ot U IB crm ea, "Yes,” said the bride of three short months, "I had made up my mind to remaliy In the spinster class, then Joha appeared upon the scene and I ac­ cepted him because he was so unlike ether men." "Oh, of course he’s different,” re­ joined the envious lady friend. “ He proposed.” —Yonkers Statesman. If Your Eyes Bother You get a box o f PETTIT’ S EYE SALVE, old, reliable, most successful eye rem­ edy made. All druggists or Howard Bros., Buffalo, N. Y. A n A n n u al L u xu ry. An English boy went to visit his two Scotch cousins during his summer vacation. His breakfast every morn- Ing consisted of plain oatmeal, and he got very tired of it. "Say, Jack,” he said, "don’t you ever have milk with your porridge?” Jack turned to his brother. "Eh, Tom," he said, "the lad thinks It’s Christmas.” —Success Magazine A P eep A h ea d. T h e y w e re a b o u t to op en the Pana­ m a ca n a l in d u e form . “ W h a t are w e w a itin g fo r ? ” ask ed the m an w h o w as to d e liv e r th e o r a ­ tion. “ W e are w a itin g ,” a n sw ered the m a s ­ te r o f c e re m o n ie s in a h u sk y w h isper, “ to see if w e c a n ’ t s c a r e up a fe w A m e r ic a n b u ilt sh ip s to g o th rou g h first!”— C h ic a g o T ribune. The carrot grow s spontaneously! th r o u g h o u t E u rop e, A sia M inor, S ib e r ­ ia, N o rth e rn C hina, A b y ssin ia , N o r th ­ ern A fr ic a , M a d eira an d the C anary Islan ds. L A Z Y L IV E R “ I find Cascarets so good that I would not be without them. I was troubled a great deal with torpid liver and headache. Now since taking Cascarets Candy Cathar­ tic I feel very much better. I shall cer­ tainly recommend them to my friends as the best medicine I have ever seen.” Anua Bazinet, Osborn Mill No. a, Pall River, Mass. CUT THIS OUT. mail it with your ad- dress to the Sterling Remedy Company, Chicago, III., and rec ive a handsome sou­ venir Gold Bon Bon FREE. J. P. Morgan, T. F. Ryan and Levi P. Morton Form Combine. 16c 11c IOC 14c 16C 25c 15 c B.GGEST MERGER IN AMERICA Represents Three Banking and Trust Com panies, With Deposits o f Address. FRANK L SMITH MEAT CO. O ver * 1 3 3 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 . “Fighting the Beef Trust" W is e D e n t a l Co. PORTLAND, OREGON. New York, Jan. 4.—J. Pierpont Mor­ gan, Thomas F. Kyan and Levi P. Mor­ ton linked hands in New York today C a m o m ile . It Is said not only that decoctions in a trust company merger which or the leaves dried and powdered of unites resources of $150,000,000. the common camomile will destroy It is a triple combination, bringing Insects, but that nothing contributes the Guaranty Trust company, the Mor­ so much to the health of a garden as ton Trust company and the Fifth Ave­ a number of camomile plants dis­ nue Trust company, all of this city, persed through It. No greenhouse or under one head with the title o f the hothouse should be without camomile Guaranty Trust company. in a green or in a dried state; either The merger is perhaps the largest of the stalks or the flowers will answer. its kind in the United States. Directors Clip This Out. of all three companies met today and At the first sign of rheunlatic pains informally proposed the terms of or backache, _____ which . will ... . be put in • n ,, , or a feeling , ” , of being , . l gen-1 i merger orally run down and weakened, the fol- ", r lowing simple prescription should be definite form Wednesday, when another use(j. ¡directors’ meeting will be held and the “ One ounce compound svrup Sarsa-- plan ratified by stockholders. The for- parilla; one ounce Toris compound; h a lf. nial vot® wil1 Q°t be takea u*“ *1 >a‘ er- pint high grade whiskey. Mix them Levi P. Morton, president of the aud take a tablespoonful before each Morton Trust company and of the Fifth meal and at bedtime. The bottle mu9t;A v « “ " e Tru8t company— both known be well shaken each time.” as Morton Ryan concerns— has cou- Any druggist has these ingredients or sented to act as chairman of ^he Yioard 1 he will get them from his wholesale of * * the merged companies. No XT‘ presi dent has been selected. Alexander J. house. Hemphill, vice-president and acting m jt i r y « lo n e I, y M o s q u it o e s . president of the Guaranty Trust corn Before the draiuing and diking of pany, has been mentioned for the posi­ England and Holland, mosquitoes, ma- . tion. The new move in finance follows tho larla, chills and fever were as bad aa in our Southern States to-day. Un­ recent absorption of the Guaranty diked and undralned, neither of thess i Trust . , company by the . so-called . . . Mor- countries had risen to its place In his- f,an ln,erests- but uPo n .Ju,t "h a t terms x ‘ ° , , the merger was made is not disclosed, tory, but had been balked by malarial The Guaranty Trust company was or­ degeneration. ganized in 1891 and has total deposits of more than $88,000,000. The danger from slight cuts or The Morton Trust company, formerly wounds is always blood poisoning. The the banking house of Bliss, Morton & immediate application o f Hamlin’s Co., was organized in 1899. Thomas F. Its deposits Wizard oil makes blood poisoning lm- Ryan is vice-president. aK&re!?ate more than $45,000,000. Liko possible. the Guaranty Trust company, its capi­ So L ik e a M en . tal and surplus are $2,000,000 each. The Fifth Avenue Trust company, "G eorg e, did y ou g o an d o r d e r th a t founded ten years ego, is one of the p a rlo r lam p 1 told y o u 1 w a n te d ? ” better known up town financial insti­ "N o , L a u r a ; I clea n fo r g o t I t " With a capital and surplus " W h y , I ask ed y o u to tie a strin g tutions. arou n d y o u r Anger to rem in d y o u o f it, o f $1,000,000 each it has paid large and you said you would.” | dividends. The capital stock df the "I know I did, but in the abstraction company probably will be fixed at of the moment I tied It around my $-5,000,000, with perhaps a like amount for surplus. It is believed that the pocketbook.” merger will involve the large stock Obviously. and cash dividends to the shareholders “ A u n t H ep sy, w h at d o th ey u *s ‘In­ o f the three companies. The present premises o f the Fifth v is ib le h a irp in s’ f o r ? " “ T o fa sten up In v isib le hair, « Avenue Trust company will be retained as a branch o f the combined companies cou rse, ch ild ." while the main offices will be in the financial district. It is rumored that the Morgan in­ terests had acquired the holdings of Thomas F. Kyan in the Morton Trust company, but no statement on this point was obtainable. C ü w s ^ X v û w ovotcoto «» o CALIFOBNIA HAS NEW PEST. May ta CONCENTRATED FIR TREE OIL toy \>etsQwa\ wAVtae as­ sistance, oj \\ve ewe, Vm\y We$vc\a\ VaxaVvve t&me&y Sy cjFv^s &tlu\r pure, not a compound. Na‘ ure’s natural remedy, from the Douglas Fir Tree. Has wonderful anti­ septic and healing properties. On account of its penetrating power it is quickly taken up by the blood corpuscles and carried to all parts of the body, destroying and carrying off all impurities both of the flesh and bones, leaving the system in a purified condition. It is indispensable for all affections of the nose, throat and lungs, such as colds, hoarseness, tuberculosis, bronchitis, pneu­ monia. catarrhal troubles, rheumatism, eczema and all skin diseases, kidney, liver and bladder troubles, also for sprains, sore muscles and lame back. Mailed upon receipt of stamps or money order; bottles 25ets., 50 cts. and $1 sizes. Money refunded if purchaser is not more than satisfied. Agents wanted. P u g e t S o u n d W o o d P ro d u cts C o.. ANACORTES* WASH. C. Gee Wo The Chinese Doctor This wondeful man has made a life study o f the properties o f Roots, Herbs and Barks, and is giving the world the benefit o f his services. | No Mercury, Poisons or Drugs Used. No ! Operations or Cutting Guarantees to cure Catarrh, Asthma. Lung. Stomach and Kidney troubles, and ail Privata Diseases of M n and Women. A S U R E C A N C E R CURE Just received from Pekin, China—safe, sure and reliable. U-failing in its works. I f you cannot Call, write for symptom blank and circular. Inclose 4 cents in stamps. CONSULTATION TREE The C. Gee Wo Medicine Co. ^WHEirt^SL^cor^Morrison^ortla A LEADER W ATER SYSTEM IN Y O U R N O M E Means an unfailing «rater «upply. it n sans that you will havo ths rovt p* acti- cal Domes lie water an ply system now in use. .No < leva ted tank no froaen pipes In winter, no stagnant Wktsr in iuitu$ «r, no water supply troubles of any sort. Tank placed in ha.«' ment. out of 8isht and way. made of pressed steel, will not rust and wiH la*t a 'ifetime. You will bepieased with the LEADER system of furmshina Domestic Water S u n y A«k for our catalogue and free booklet. How I Solved My Water "apply Problem " Va\)v\s dd\\y so\W\ assistant« to notate, may be ^roAuaWy dispensed w\ltv when, no tender neeàeà.as the best oj remedies when teamed ate to assist to supplant the natataX ^unctvons. which must depend vWv— matety upon proper nourishment, proper ejjotls.atid tv^VtWva^ ÇeaeraWy F ig S y r u p C o . SOLO BV ALU LEADING DRUGGISTS RI SIZEOmy- RZOULAR PRICE SO* PCR BOTTLE -fo w a r, SUCKERS Ask your doctor about the wisdom of your keeping Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral in the house, ready for colds, coughs, croup, bronchitis. If he says it’s all right, then get a bottle of it at once. Why not show a little foresight in such matters? Early treatment, early cure. 9 Portland, Ore. Spokane, Wash. «f Boise, Idaho. Message In Sections. Washington, Jan. 4.— Following a forenoon conference with presidents of six of the great railroad systems, President Taft late this afternoon an nounced a ehange o f program in the sending o f his message dealing with interstate commerce and anti trust law amendments to congress. The message will be split into two parts. The section dealing with trusts will be sent to congress Thursday noon. The section dealing with the interstate commerce law, in which railroads are directly interested, will be deferred un til Friday. The president’s special message on conservation o f natural re­ sources is expected to be ready for con­ gress Monday. yers W « b a n ish a le o h e l fr o m o u r m od let nee We urce y o u t e eensult year dooter Many a boy is called dull and stupid, when the whole trouble it due to a lazy lirer. We firmly believe your own doc­ tor will tell you that an occasional dose of Ayer's Pills will do such bo vs a gresf deal of good. They keep the liver active. SV«**2. O. * r «r Co., u w i , Z i - line at Sonthampton pending the out­ come of diplomatic negotiations to de­ termine the man’s nationality. The negro was deported from South Africa after he had been eonvieted o f a crime and served a sentence in a British prison. He was returned to New York, but was refused permission to land there as he was unable to satisfy the authorities of his American citizenship. HARP-GUITAR! FREE! FREE I A new and wonderful m u s ic a l inatr mont, which is a combination of the vrand Italian harp und guitar. It has a beautiful tone and is positively the easiest instrument to play ever made. W e teach you h ' your own home. As si advertisement we arc GOING TO GIVE AWAY one of our $12.50 Harp Guitars to each of the flrst ten n r w n i in each county who rend us the r name, addreas and wrnm the ham h, for. SI* down ItlGiiT t ’ OW and drop us a curd and be one of the lucky few, as they are soina fast! HARP.GUITAR MfG. CO., 428 Lumber [«change Building, Portland, Ora C r r» | I Low Holiday rates now 'n< rv I I fr in each city • ty . — -r • C >1 w — ... u I.... p *i I r Gina« . 629 Warnltr Bnllaq. PaliuA O n e SaccenM ful l i n e . " D o c t o r , y o u 're n ot s o fo o lish as to think y ou ca n m ak e p eop le p ood by p e rfo r m o n g op e ra tio n s on them , are y ou ?” " T h a t d ep en d s u p on w hnt y o u call making people good. You can check their disposition to commit crime.” "As, for example"— ■ “ Well. I once knew a man who was cured, by a simple operation, of a ten­ dency to rob banks and hold up rail­ way trulns.” “ Did you perform It. doctor?" " N o ; I w a s merely culled on to v e r ­ ify the resu lt a fte r the o p era tion w as o v e r ." "W e ll, w h o did p e rfo rm It?” “ A fr o n tie r sh eriff."— C h ic a g o T r ib ­ une. N e e d e d A t t e n t io n . COFFEE' TEA SPICES B AK ING PO W D E R EXTRACTS J U S I RIGHT < S n 3211E a S E > CLOSSETaCaVEBS PoeruNO._0SE._j C h a n c e fo r n D a r g a ln , Dejected Youth—I would like to re* turn this engagement rin g 1 p u rch a sed here a few days ago. J e w e le r— D idn’ t It su it the young la d y ? D e je cte d Y o u th — Yes, bu t an o th e r y o u n g m an had alrea d y g iv e n her on e Just like it. and I w ou ld like to e x ­ ch a n g e It fo r a w ed d in g p resen t.— T ld - Blts. The Parent—Are you sure you give my boy as much attention in school as T a k in g Him at Ills W o rd . you do the other boys? U p g a rd so n — It g o e s w ith o u t sayin g The Teacher— Attention? Why, say, I’m afraid to take my eyes off that) Atom—Then suppose we let It ■« boy of yours.— Yonkers Statesman. i that way. Lovely afternoon, isn’t It? m m F o r In fa n ts and C h ild ren . The Kind You Have Always Bought AM 1 gelabte similaliiigitefbodandRfgula Bears the ling Ute Siomadis amliiowls of I Signature ALCOHOL 3 PER CENT. ft* nfants ^ C h u d k e n Promotes Digestionflwerfut ness and ResiContaios neitiw Opiuni.Morphine iwrMiaeral. of N ot N arcotic . k Htcjpe of Ofd DtS MUllimmi IhnpAuf Seodm JbcSmm * Z B ifr - jhiiseSud* dssSdM* him Seed - Dse For Over Thirty Years Aperfect tion, Sour Remedy Stomach, forConsflpa Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish­ ness and LOSS of S leep . Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. . E. B. U. CASTORIA A t b m o n th s o ld 35 “ GROCERIES WHOLESALE o « * - J 5 CEim Exact Copy o f Wrapper. YHC CKNTAUffi «OMFANT, MKW YORK CITY. CURE 000 , 000 . Town Nearly Wiped Ont. Watertown, 8. !).. .Tan. 5.— The town of Castlewood, 18 miles »outh o f here, narrowly missed being wiped oat by fire o f unknown origin tonight. The entire south side of Main street is in »»hen, entailing s lota estimated at $180,000, when 12 buildings were de- »troyed. The fire did not stop anti) the Inst building on the south side of March Cause o f Mutiny. Fishers Island, N. Y., Jan. 4.— Many the street was destroyed. Late tonight o f the non-commissioned officers snd the fire bad burned itself out on the men o f the One Hundred and Thirty- extreme edge o f Main street. First company, U. 8. Const Artillery, Paper Trust Probe Near. are confined in the guardhouse, at Fort H. G. Wright, as n result o f a mutiny Ne r York, Jan. 5.—The federal - Saturday. The company was ordered grand jury here is expected to take 1 out for a march of 15 miles nnd all up shortly the invejtigation o f tho al- ‘ 'nation w , but nine men declined to do the duty, leged paper combination which the fed- | It was declared authoritatively today eral authorities bars been looking into, ‘ that a majority o f tho men in the com- following the action which led to the 1 pany had been ordered before a eourt- dissolution o f the manila fiber paper martial. ¡pool. The RAYO LAMP 1« a high grade lamp fold at a low prleu There are I hhi |« that cost more but there 1« no better lamp at any prlt e The Burner, the Wick, the Chimney Holder — all « r e vital thing« lu a lamp; these Darts of ihe RAYO LAMP are |>erfcetly constructed aiui there 1« nothing known lu the art o f lamo-maklng that could add to th« Yulue of the RAYO a a a light-gi vTng device. Suitable for ly room in the house. Every dealer everywhere, f not nt yours, write for descriptive circular to th* nearest Agency o f ‘the Free from opiates. AU Druggist*. 28 casta. Train Is Lost In Desert. Salt Lake, Utah, Jan. 5.— Train No. 4, carrying 100 to 150 passengers from Los Angeles to Salt Lake, is marooned on the desert, 34 miles from Calinete, wear well Nev., the track before and behind it and they keep you having been torn out by the flood o f dry while you are Inst week. The train is well stocked wearing them with provisions and there is no suf­ < 3 0 0 fering. As soon as wagons can reach EVERYW HERE the stalled train, a matter of three or four days, the passengers will be Manila Haa Cancer Cars. GUMANTFED WAWfPOOOF X Manila, Jan. 4.— A conditional and brought to Barclay, six miles west of CATALOG TPEE Atom«, where a train will be waiting preliminary report o f what is hoped to bring them into Salt Lake. A J TD w e p CO. B oston . U SA. will prove to be a successful treatment TbwzR C anadian C o . umitco . to * for cancer was presented before the John D., Jr., Deep Delver. Manila Medical society today. The New York, Jan. 5.— “ I am heart and treatment consists in making the pa­ A ca r e fu l estim a te s h o w s th at th s tient immune from the further prog- soul in this investigation,” said John b u ild in gs and land on M a n h atta n Isl­ ! ress of the disease by the use of vac­ D. Rockefeller, Jr., today as he en­ an d from the B a ttery to C entral P ark cine prepared from his own cancer. tered the Criminal Courts building to arc w orth 12.900.000.000. I Experiments have been made during the last eight months, both in cases talk over the plans for the “ white where operation was possible and where slave” investigation. Mr. Rockefeller it was not. A number o f patients, ap­ was yesterday selected a foreman of parently cured, were exhibited before the grand jury which is to make the investigation. “ If these stories are the society. true,” he said, referring to the alle­ gations o f wholesale traffic in women, Negro Befused Entrance. London, Jan. 4.— A negro who claim* “ the truth about them should be known American citizenship is an unwelcome definitely. I f they are false they guest of the Union Castle Steamship should be silenced.” We publieh our fora elee LEWIS & STAVER CO. Insect Like Ladybug Lays Waste Many Grain Fields. Jackson, Cal., Jan. 4.— A bug, some what like the common ladybug, has made its appearance near here. In sowing a piece o f land to grain, a num. qj SeTOttYvtocV eivaUis ber o f sacks were left over night in the field. An examination the next day led to the discovery that each sack was swarming with small bugs with a dark yellowish back. Other parts o f this county were af fected by the same kind o f insects, it ! is believed, last year. The lands so visited were denuded o f all vegetation, and the soil produced nothing for that season. It was as if a fire had swept over the surface. One large ranch had fully 100 acres so affected last year. VVhllc there is no general appearance To^ fobcnsÿttaV^jcdvalvKtysbuy lhe denuttt», of the bug in the county, it has ap peared in localities wide apart. MANuF-ACTuRCO BV v».e CALIFORNIA COMET W ILL BRUSH EABTH. I * M ir .r t. «« ----------• | Aeroplaning Is another miracle of Facific Coast WiU Have Best View ,ractlcat science—another impoastbll- About May 18. , ity shown to be possible— another Oakland, Cal., Jan. 5. — H alley’s Iream of centuries realized, but real- comet will give the Pacific Coast a Ized in a manner which none but this feneration could have understood, close brush this year on May 18, be- tween the hours of 4 and 10 o ’clock Will the history of the steam locomo- p, ni., and the “ brush” will be some- five repeat itaelf? The actual maxt- thiug spectacular, says Professor num speed on railways is no higher Charles Burkhalter, of the Chabot ob- :o-day than It was sixty years ago. servatory. I ihough, of course, the train loads are The earth will then pass through the , ery different. Will It be so wi'h the last of the 20,000,000-nnIe tail of tho , er0„ i ane« celestial visitor, and the result ought i ’ __________________ to Mother, flnd Mrs. Mrs. Wimlow'« Window's Soothing Soothing to be ™ as dazzling * a piece t"“ ' of fireworks , Mothers win will find as this generation has jver witnessed, lyrup the best remedy to use (ox theirciiUUrsa r The ri,„ astronomer insists that k he . ha. 'uxlng the teething period. has “ nothing to say” about so dramatic a S m all Hu mining; Dlrd. situation, fraught not only with awe­ Cuba probably has the smallest hum­ inspiring possibilities to the dwellers on the globe, but fraught, as well, with ming bird in the world—Catypte Hel- possibilities of tragic moment. Whether snae (named after Princess Chris­ or not the earth's dive through the tian), but It may have a rival In ttml- com et’s tail will mean anything more ness in a Peruvian species of Acea- than a dazzling starry spectacle, Pro­ trura. The Calypte Helenas Is an ex­ fessor Burkhalter will not predict. He quisite little creature not quite two only says: Inches long, with a forked crimson “ Wait and see.” The news that H alley’s comet will gorget. be seen only on the Pacific Coast has . v.i. u ... . , „L . l I Pitts CURfO IN 6 TO 14 DAYS not hitherto been published, although ! , . ■. _ ..„ the fact has been known for some time •f - - ltchinic. - Blind. Bleeding or Protruding Pilu refunded. 60c. to the astronomers of the world, many I to 1* days or money * o f whom will journey to California to W h s t'a In « Suiuet be on the scene when the great phe­ An amusing story has been told con­ nomenon takes place. In discussing the comet, the astrono­ cerning Mr. Phillips' classic drama, mer says: “ Ulysses.” When it was being played “ Astronomers Crontelin and Cowell, In America, two young girls were sit­ of the Royal observatory at Greenwich, ting together In the stalls at a matinee have probably made the most exhaust­ performance, and before the curtain ive researches into the history of the rose the following conversation was comet. “ According to the computations Hal­ beard: “ Say, Maude. I know this play ley ’s comet will reach the descending Is going to be funny.” “ What makes node on May 18, 1910, when it will be 1 you think so?" asked Maude. "Why, in a direct line between the orbits of anybody could tell that from the the earth and the sun, and it so hap­ sa m e!” was the reply.— M. A. P. pens that the earth will reach that par­ ticular point of its orbit about the It Cures Whits You Walk. r same time. Should the calculations o f Allen’s Foot-Ease is a certain euro for hot, •wealing, callus,and swollen, aching feet. Sold the astronomers prove to be rigidly ex­ all Druggists. P r i c e t ’.-a'i iu, ,.t any act, the comet will pass directly be­ by nibst tuto. Trial package FULK. AUdreai tween the earth and the sun between Aliens. Olmsted, Lo Hoy, N. Y. the hours of 4 and 10 o ’clock stand­ tOu F a m in e. ard Pacific time. Willie, a little country boy, 6 years “ Assuming that it will happen dur­ ing the middle o f this time, or 7 p. m., of age, was taken one Sunday night it will be visible over the Pacific Ocean, to a large city church, where he saw Eastern Asia and Western North. Amer­ for the first time a vested choir. To ica. his mother's surprise and gratification, he not only kept wide awake, but BANK MBBGEB GBOWS. seemed greatly interested In every part of the service. At Its close he Big Money Trust Adda $61,000,000 In turned to her and said, “ I like this One Day. church, It Is so nice to watch the New York, Jan. 5.— J. Pierpont Mor­ preacher when he comes out with all gan and associates may control, through his wives In their nightgowns."— Har­ further trust company mergers in New per’s Magazine. York, the enormous sum of $210,000,000 in deposits alone. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY This Js approximately $25,000,000 Taka LAXATIVE BROMO yuinine TableU. more than the deposits of the National Drumfists refund money if it fails to cure. E W. 2Dc. City bank of this city, the largest finan­ GROVE’S sisnature ia on each box. cial institution in the United States. Reports of additional trust company Died at E l s h l r -e ls h t n i Predicted. Prophesying early In life that she consolidation are given credence in view of yesterday’s announcement of would live to see her eighty-eighth the merger by J. P. Morgan Jfc Co., of birthday, Miss Julia H. Hancock, ol the Guaranty Trust, Morton Trust and Brockton, Mass., died a few days ago Fifth-Avenue Trust companies, with on the day she had previously set for combined doposits o f about $150,000,000. her death. Infirmities of age are given This brought a revival in the finan­ sia the cause. She gave no particular cial district of rumors embracing the Hankers Trust and the Manhattan reason for her prediction, although she Trust companies in the same combina­ seemed Imbued with the belief that her tion. There were definite reports that prophecy would come true. the Mercantile Trust company and the T o -D a y aud To-Atorro«r* Equitable Trust company eventually Happy men are full of the present, would be taken into some eort o f a for Its bounty suffices them: and wise powerful alliance. In point of fact, the Bankers Trust men also, for Its duties engage ttuvn. company is closely affiliated with the Our grand business undoubtedly Is so-called Morgan interests in that two not to see what lies dimly at a dla- partners in tho Morgan banking houso but to do what lies clearly at — Georgo W. Perkins and Henr hand.— Edward FitzGerald. "Polonlua." Davison— sit in the directorate of th e , former. Beat School of Shorthand. Other directors o f the Bankers Trust We guarantee positions. company, including A. B. Hepburn and 629 Woiceslar BaikU. Pollasi Oref A. H. Wiggin, president and vice-presi-1 dent respectively of the Chase National SEND FOR PRICES AND BUY YOUR bank, and William H. Porter, president. o f the Chemical National bank, are active in affairs o f the Guaranty Trust company, which is to be made the titular head of the Guaranty-Morton-1 Portland Wholesale Grocery Co., Fifth-Avenue consolidation. I P o r t la n d . O r e . Relations between the Morgan inter­ 2 6 4 1 Taylor St. ests and the Manhattan Trust company always have been intimate, though the latter is not regarded as a Morgan ap­ QUICKEST W IT H SAFETY pendage. It is perhaps significant that the building once occupied by the Man­ hattan Trust company is to be razed soon to make way for a 30-story build­ ing to be erected by the Bankers Trust company. Deposits o f the Bankers Trust aggre­ gate $46,500,000 and those o f the Man­ t t l «1ST MUHUU TOR hattan Trust company $13,400,000, so that the two companies, i f combined F o r the b a b y often means rest for with those now in process o f absorp­ both mother and child. L.ittle ones tion by “ J. P. Morgan A Associates,” like it too— it's so palatable to take. would total in deposits more than $200,- JiaMNOHOO TRUST: Portland, Ore., Dec. 31, 09. These are the ruling pri :es in Portland today and we are paying likewise. We never charge commission. Ship any day. Let all Pro­ duce be of good quality. I The confidence felt br farmers and I j gardeners in Ferry’s Seeds to-i!ar I , would have been Impossible to led (nj 1 any seeds two «core ! ago. Wc have made I science ol «eed _ m. 1 r o « THE STEADY W HITEi LIGHT* j Standard ilncoiporatedi Oil Company BAKING POWDER always do 1 __ exactly what you 1 ^expect ol them. For tale I everywhere. «EMITS 1919 SUB 1 I Armi'U Free on request D. M. FERRY * CO., Detroit, Midi. COMPLIES WITH ALL PURE F O O D LAW S DENTISTRY Makes the Baking Sweeter. Lighter At Prices that Defy Competition f r r m without plates a specialty Always works ritfht NO F A IL U R E S % :f ß INLEtiS EXTRACTION... ^ ÍLVEK FILL1NG8 .1......... ......... C o sts YOU Less NO TRUST PRICES ............. . . . SOc ...........SOc up ..........¿1 .00 up ^ L^ ............. / l d *CROWN ................................ ., m J ) j*>W ACTÙM DORtf GOOD RUBBER PLATE.........................|5.00 w h a l e b o n e plates ....... htuokn rn no gas h i c a g o y 0&K, k a n s * s »«ax I no cocaini . All worh nanniwd for >»„ yew. j CD ilo .o o C no ST K , 2 3 Ounces for 2 3 Cents BEST AT ANY PRICE or your money back CHICAGO PAINLESS DENTISTS SS1H Weehlnct.n St.. Car Sisth bustini IS rasr. Hrra ta «tar MAPLEINE A flavoring used the same as lemon or ranflla. By dissolving granulated sugar in water and adding Mapleine, a delicious syrup is made and • syrup better than maple. Mapleine is sold by grocers. If not send 35c for 2 os. bottle and k. Cr«scant Mfg. Co., Saattla, W s . PUTNAM No. a->16 P N U I XXTnKJ* writing I f? to advsfl n a an tloo S h is p o p a r . FADELESS DYES