/■» SMITH WANTS LOSS IS $ 5 , 000,000 •* H O P E F U L V IE W IS T A K E N . W a ll Street Optimistic Over Prospective Lxbor Troubles. and w ill pay aa follo w * fo r food, fa t »tu ff— w e never charge com ­ mission on anything: V eal under 130 lbs.................. 110 L arge veal less, according to size and quality. Dressed H o g s ......................... 9Jc Hens and Springs, a liv e ....... 1 *0 Hens and Springs, dressed.. .............. 16 to 160 Turkeys, dressed.................. 22]C Geese, d ressed ........................15c Ducks, dressed....................... 200 FRANK L SMITH MEAT CO. "Fifking the Beef Trtst" PORTLAND, OREGON. A M ir a c i« of S c ie n c e . Aeroplanlng Is another miracle o f practical science— another Impossibil­ ity shown to be possible— another dreazn of èenturies realized, but real­ ized in a manner which non* but this generation could have understood W ill the history of the steam locomo­ tiv e repeat itself? The actual maxi­ mum speed on railways is no higher to-day than it was sixty years ago, though, of course, the train loads are very different. W ill It be so with the aeroplane? l i w v i r f r i s f It. “ Josiah, what is the house o f lords?** “ It's one branch of the British par­ liament. You've heard o f the house of commons, haven't you?" "Y e-es.'' "W ell, the lords are the uncommon*1 A Peep Ahead. They were about to open the Pana­ ma canal In due form. "W h at are we waiting for?" asked the man who was to deliver the ora­ tion. "W e are waiting," answered the mas­ ter of ceremonies in a husky whisper, "to see if we can’t scar* up a few American built ships to go through flrs tl"— Chicago Tribune. W eeded A tte n tio n . The Parent— Are you sure you g iv t my boy as much attention in school as you do the other boys? The Teacher— Attention? Why, say, I'm afraid to take my eyes off that boy of yours.— Yonkers Statesman. MODCRN D EN TISTR Y EXPERT A t P ric e s that D e fy C o m p e t iti«« mm W IThO U T PLA TE S A SPECIALTY P A IN L E S S E X T R A C T IO N ...................... . . . . 6 0 c S IL V E R F I L L IN G S ..............................x .$ 0 c u p G O LD F I L L I N G S .................................¿ 1 .0 0 U p t2 K G O LD C R O W N .....................................* 5 .0 0 GOOD R U B B E R P L A T E .............................$ 5 .0 0 T H E B E S T R U B B E R P L A T E S ................. SB.OO W H A L E B O N E P L A T E S ......................... S I 0 .0 0 Out-of-tow n patien t« can obtain p erfect work and save money by callin g a t our office. N O S T U D E N rS NO GAS N O C O C A IN E A ll w ork guaranteed fo r ten y e a n CHICAGO PAINLESS DENTISTS 3 2 3 tb W ashington St., C or. Sixth Established 15 y e a n . H ere to stay. A LEADER WATER SYSTEM IN YOUR HOME Means an unfailin g w a te r euppty. It means that you w ill have the most practi­ cal Domestic w ater supply system now In use. N o elevated tank, no frosen pipes in winter, no stagnant w atar in summer, no w ater supply troubles o f any sort. Tank placed in basement, out o f sigh t and way. made o f pressed s te e l w ill not rust and w ill last a lifetime. You w ill be pleased w ith the L E A D E R system o f furnishing Domestic W ater Supr *y. A sk for our catalogue and fre e booklet. “ H ow I Solved My W ater *upply Problem .“ jm e ik LEWIS & STAVES CO. Portland, Ore. Spokane, Wash. Boise, Idaho. TH E S A F E W AY T o travel B e ie vie tke Oregon Railroad & Navigation Company’s NEW FAST TRAINS Oregon-Washington United Portland to Chicane Gucago-PortUnd Special CbUago. 8 t Loefa. E m Soo-Spokane-Portland 'Train da La no" taM. M Latest equipment, Pullman. Tourist and Dining Cara, siectri* lighted and up-t<>-data. , B l a c k Signal System Portland to C E t *| *. For literature, rates, reserva­ tions. etc., call on or w rite te any O. R. A N. agent, or to WM. M cM URRAY General Passenger A gen t Portland, Oregon Eastern Tidal Wave and Blizzard Spread Rnin. MANY LIVES ARE BELIEVED LOST W recka ge C om ing M arine A sh o re Indicates Disasters— Thirty-two C ities L e ft in Darkness. N ew York, Dec. 28.— Preparations were in progress last week to meet heavy obligations incident to the Janu ary disbursements, which in New York are estimated to be $225,000,000. H eavy remittances to foreign markets to meet payments o f dividends and in terest to holders o f American securi­ ties made it a question until the mid­ dle o f the week whether gold would not have to be shipped to London. Volatile rises occurred in individual stocks, most from vaguely rumored causes, but there were enough dividend increases to keep up a hopeful spirit among stockholders. The census bureau’s cottonginning estimate was regarded as confirmatory of the agricultural department’s view of the cotton crop shortage, and the rise in cotton to above 16 cents pointed to causes responsible for the high cost o f livin g and the disadvantages this involved. Added interest was given to this question by steps taken by railroad em ployes to formulate demands for an in­ crease in wages early next year. Senti­ ment is not free from apprehension that labor troubles may have to be reckoned with in reaching settlements. The disposition in financial circles, however, is to take a hopeful view. This same is true o f the subject o f legislative and executive activities is the direction o f corporation regulation, which promises to bo brought forward early through special messages from the president Hood’s S a r s a p a r illa FREE! HARP-GUITAR! FREE! F A C T S LH T A B L O ID F O R K . A new and wonderful in u n i c a t tnstn ment, which us m combination o f the grand Italian harp and guitar. It haa a beautiful tone and ia iitively the easiest trument to play ever made. W e teach you at your own home. A t an advertisement w e are The first horse railroad was built In 1826. B The velocipede was Invented bj Acts directly and peculiarly on 1 Drala In 1817. the blood; purifies, enriches and | The only self-supporting territory of revitalizes it, and in this way the United States la Alaska. builds up the whole system. The Chilean government hae under contract 698 miles of railroads at an Take it. Get it today. In usual liquid form or chocolated tab­ estimated cost of $24,207,660. lets called Sursutabs. 100 Dose* $1. A chimney o f concrete block was recently built In Germany without the O s t S n r r r a a fa l C ass. use of scaffolding, which represents a "Doctor, you're not so foolish as te great economy In the cost think you can make people food by Levantine newspapers report that performong operations on them, are Turkey has granted a conditional con­ you ?" "That depend» upon what you call cession to an American syndicate for through Asia making peopls good. You can check a 1,243-mlle railroad Minor. their disposition to commit crime.“ “ As. for exam ple"----- Alaska has three times tha placer “ W ell. I once knew a man who was cured, by a simple operation, of a ten­ area California had. California has dency to rob banka and hold up rail­ produced In fifty-nine years $1,400,000,- 000 In gold and Alaska w ill produce way trains." three times as much when properly “ Did you perform It, doctor?" "N o ; I was merely called on to ver­ developed. ify the result after the operation was H err Rosenthal, the pianist, Is noted ever." for his quiet humor. An unsuccessful "W ell, who did perform It?" " A frontier sheriff."— Chlcage T rib ­ pianist said to him one day: " I am losing a tremendous lot of money In une. ___________________ connection with my recitals. What in ju r y u o a e D r e io e q n it o a .. shall I do?" "G ive fewer concert»," Before the draining and diking of replied Rosenthal quietly.— M. A. P. England and Holland, mosquitoes, ma­ Thirteen grams o f radium chloride laria, chills and fever were as bad as In our Southern States to day. Un­ have been produced at the Imperial diked and undrained, neither o f these Austrian radium factory, located at countries had risen to Its place In his­ St. Joachlmsthal. It Is estimated that tory, but had been balked by m alarial this mineral has a value of $45,000 to $50,000 a gram, or more than $500,000 degeneration. for the entire amount Pure metalllo radium Is never seen. D ie d a t E l r k t r - e l s k t aa P r .d la t .d - Prophesying early In life that she In Jewish houses of worship per­ would live to see her eighty-eighth sons who are In mourning arise at a birthday, Miss Julia H. Hancock, ol certain tim e during the service and Brockton, Mass., died a few days ago repeat the Kaddlsh. According to the on the day she had previously set for Hebrew Standard, there are trades her death. Infirmities of age are given people for whom the mourners' prayer as the cause. She gave no particular Is no bar to business. In a recent reason for her prediction, although she I b s u s that paper says: "T h e trustees seemed Imbued with the belief that her of Tem ple Israel o f Harlem, should prophecy would come true. suppress the Individual who on Sab­ bath mornings distributes pamphlets S t . E l m o 'a F i r e . to those saying Kaddlsh, advertising St. Elm o's fire is a peculiar condi­ the wares o f a monument dealer.” tion o f low electric intensity In the Britons are ceasing to look to the atmosphere, such as often occurs In United States for their beef and are fair weather, when by supposed In­ turning more and more to Argentina duction and Insulation, pointed objects for meats and cattle. Prominent Eng­ projecting high above surrounding ob­ lish ship owners and Argentina cattle jects become surcharged with the elec­ raisers have organized a company tric fluid and a brush discharge takes place, without audible noise, but wlith which w ill undertake to ship supplies a feeble luminous glow. It has been o f chilled meat regularly each week* observed on spires, on tbs masts and from the R iver La Plata to London and Manchester. W ork already has spars o f ships. been begun on nine new fifteen-knot refrigerator steamers, which w ill be Save This Recipe for Colds. “ M ix half pint o f good whiskey with added to the fleet already at the com­ two ounces o f glyceriue and add one pany's disposal. half ounce Concentrated pine compound. Many Japanese women gild their The bottle is to be well shaken each teeth. Women of Arabia stain their time and used in doses of a teaspoonful fingers and toes red. In Greenland to a tablespoonful every four hour*.” Any druggist has these ingredients or women paint their faces blue and yel­ In India the women o f high he will get them from his wholesale low. house. This is wonderfully effective. caste paint their teeth black. A H in­ The Concentrated pine is a special doo bride is anointed from head to pine product and comes only in half foot with grease and saffron. Borneo ounce bottles, each enclosed in an air­ women dye their hair In fantastlo tight case, but be sure it is labeled colors— pink, green, blue and scarlet “ Concentrated. ” In N ew Holland scars, made carefully w ith shells, form elaborate patterns on W h a t ’, la a N a m .T In some South An amusing story has been told con­ the women's faces. cerning Mr. Phillips’ classic drama, American tribes the women draw the “ Ulysses.” When It was being played front teeth, esteeming as an ornament In America, two young girls wsre sit­ th* black gap thus made. Boston, Dec. 28.— Three million dol lars is the estimate today o f the lose in and around Boston by the tidal wave and blizzard which swept over New England Sunday. F ive million dollars is the estimate o f the damage along the N ew England coast. F ifteen lives were certainly lost, if the five masted schooner, the Davis Palmer, went down, and it is believed that many more perished at sea. W reckage borne into Boston harbor today iB believed to be the mute e v i­ dence o f the loss o f the schooner Davis Palmer, bound from Newport News for Boston, Bomewhere near the entrance to the harbor. The wreck itself has not been located. Cape Cod is still cut off. With the restoration o f communica tion there, it is feared that a tale of marine disasters and storm damage un­ equaled in years will be related. Thirty two cities and towns were F E A S T TO F R E E C O NVICT. plunged in darkness owing to the elec trie lighting service being cut off, and wires o f the telegraph and telephone Minnesota Prisoner Proves to Be Sec­ ond Burbank. companies were laid lown in every d i­ rection. Stillwater, Minn., Dec. 28.— A Christ­ mas dinner given at the Minnesota New York, Dec. 28.— W ith the news state prison has started a movement o f the probable loss o f the five-masted for a pardon for “ Sinbad the Sailor,” schooner Davis Palmer, with her crew an illustrious life convict, supervisor o f tw elve men, off Boston harbor, and o f everything that grows on the state o f the wrecking o f nine other vessels penal reserves, on a basis o f his “ serv­ along the Massachusetts coast, the ices to the state o f Minnesota and gen­ opening chapter o f the toll taken on eral scientific knowledge.” the sea by the storm that swept New Among Warden W o ife r ’s guests was Kngland Saturday night and Sunday a member o f the pardon board, who w ai bared to the world today. commented on the immense lemon, The three-masted schooner Nantaska weighing three pounds nnd measuring was hurled ashore at Scituate and 18% inches, major circumference. probably w ill be a total wreck. V o l­ The guests, excited by the warden’s unteer iifesavers with the breeches buoy story o f the presence o f a second Bur­ rescued her crew o f ten mer bank as a convict, directed him to bring The schooner Belle H olliday is in the creator o f the monster lemon. ashore at Brant point, exposed to the H e took the guests to the greenhouse fury o f the sea. The fate o f her crew and explained how he had grafted trop­ is unknown, but it is believed they ical lemon and grapefruit. He also have been rescued. She is from Phils showed many other graftings, producing delphia, loaded with railroad iron. rare fruits and flowers. On t,he rocky shores o f M artha’s His roses for years captured first hon­ Vineyard w aterlogged schooners are ors. His real name is Charles Price, being swept by every sea. They arq and he was sent up for life for killing the A. K. McLean, a British vessel, a laborer with a pick. bound from Perth Amboy to Halifax, and the Stonington, Maine, schooner Maud Seward, Port Reading for Provi- ORDERS FOR S T E E L FE W E R . dencetown. The crews have been taken off. Consumers, However, Press fo r D e­ A t Providencetown the sloop Benita liveries on Past Contracts. is aground, and in the fiats at Plymouth N ew York, Dec. 28.— H eavy specifi­ harbor are four small schooners simi­ cations on contracts for finished steel larly distressed. products continue to roll in upon the mills, and consumers generally are S T R IK E C O N FE RE N C E F A IL S . pressing for deliveries. But new busi­ ness in both finished products and raw Labor Leaders Off to Washington to material is being contracted. Rail contracts placed in 1909 fo r 1910 Seek Advice. delivery have aggregated almost 3,300,- St. Paul, Dec. 28.— Contrary to ex­ 000 tons. N ew orders for fabricated pectations, developments today in the steel for bnildings and bridges have controversy between the railroads o f aggregated only 25,000 tons, but it is the northwest and the striking switch­ probable that the December business men, instead o f resulting in an ami­ will total 100,000 tons at least. cable settlement o f the strike, resulted Evidence o f contraction in the v o l­ in a wider breach than has existed ume o f business in sheets and tinplate tin g together In the stalls at a matinee heretofore. is shown by a less heavy output and , Not only have the switchmen declared the closing o f several mills fo r the holi­ performance, and before the curtain off all negotiations with the railroads, days. Great activity continues in wire rose the follow ing conversation was but labor leaders say there is a strong products, and shipments for November heard: "Say, Maude, I know this play possibility o f a general strike by all were 175,000 tons. Prices o f mercan­ Is going to be funny.” “ What makes allied orders belonging to the railway tile pipe w ill be readjusted on Janu­ you think so?” asked Maude. “ Why, branch o f the American Federation of ary 1. anybody could tell that from the Labor. Additional orders have been placed H . B. Perham, acting as chairman o f for cars by railroads, bringing the total nam e!” was the reply.— M. A. P. the railway council in session here, left for the month thus far to 11,200. The next tim e you feel that swal­ tonight for Washington to seek advice. low ing aensation, the sure sign o f sore “ There may be a more general W hisky Is Whisky. throat, gargle Hamlins W izard O il im ­ strike,’ ’ said Mr. Perham. Washington, Dee. 28.— Whisky is m ediately with three parte water. It President Hawley, o f the switchmen’s union, asserted: “ Several other mem­ whisky, President T a ft has at last de­ w ill save you days and perhapa weeks bers o f the railway council besides Mr. cided. I t is whisky when made o f neu­ o f misery. Perham le ft for their headquarters to­ tral spirits, says the president, i f re­ night to make preparation for a strike duced to potable strength. But it must E d Fam in e. be branded so that those buying it may o f their respective orders.” W illie, a little country boy, • years Mr. Perham, in speaking o f today’ s know just what they are getting. The decision, made after a long serios o f age, was taken one Sunday night developments, said: “ Friday we were on the verge o f a o f hearings participated in by members to a large city church, where he saw settlement, and wc thought that the o f the governm ent’s pure food depart-1 for the first time a vested choir. T o matter would bo fixed up today. But ment and distillers, was announced to- > his mother's surprise and gratification, this morning the railroads presented a day. The president covered various d e-; he not only kept wide awake, but mysterious change o f front and as­ tails in his decision and gave directions seemed greatly Interested In every sumed such an arrogant attitude that for the proper branding o f the various part of the service. A t Its close he we decided at once to have nothing varieties o f liquor, holding among other turned to her and said, “ I like this things, that whisky made from a m ix­ more to do with them.” church, it is so nice to watch tha ture o f “ straight” whisky and “ neu­ preacher when he comes out with all tral spirits” may be called a blend. Legacy H eir Found Dead. According to Mr. T a f t ’s instructions, his wives In their nightgowns.’’— H ar­ Seattle, Wash., Dec. 28.— Patrick M. “ straight whiskies” hereafter w ill be per’» Magazine. Smith, aged 57, janitor o f an apart­ branded as such, but the brand may be Good for Sore Eyes, ment house, who was found dead in his accompanied by the legend, “ aged in wood.” and whisky made from rectified, fo r over 100 years P E T T IT ’ S E Y E room last night, received a letter from distilled, or neutral spirits w ill be S A L V E has positively cured eye dis­ friends in Ireland, saying that be had branded so as to make known the prin­ eases everyw here. A ll druggists or fallen heir to $30,000. He refused to cipal ingredient. In addition, i f they Howard Bros., Buffalo, N. Y. return to claim his legacy, although an so desire, manufacturers o f straight offer to send $1,000 for his expenses ■ -o tn t a t u i w . r e n e a . whisky also may use the word “ bour­ waB made. The old man had become bon” or “ rye ,” as the facts may war­ "Y ee,” said the bride of three short despondent over his apptite for drink, rant. months, " I had mad* up my mind to and fe lt that the money would do him remain In tha spinster class, then John no good. T a ft and W ife Take Walk. appeared upon the scene and I ac­ Washington, Dee. 28.— President and cepted him because he was so unlike Car Chained, Suit Is On. Mrs. T a ft took a long walk this a fte r­ other men.” Columbus, O., Dec. 28.— The Pullman "Oh, of course he’s different," re­ company today filed a suit in the United noon, being gone from the W hite House States court against Sheriff Linke, of more than an hour. The people of joined th* envious lady friend. "H e Licking county; Attorney Fred W. Washington are becoming so accustomed proposed."— Yonkers Statesman. Black, and M elville Gillette, o f N ew ­ to seeing the president abroad like a n y ' ark, O., fo r $20,000 damages. The other citizen that his appearance has1 company asserts that on November 20 almost ceased to cause comment. The one o f its cars was taken oat o f a Bal­ sight o f Mrs. T a ft, however, was un­ timore k Ohio train bound for Wash­ usual, and those who passed the dis­ ington, and chained to the tracks tinguished couple remarked how well through the action o f the defendants. Mrs. T a ft was looking. Her appear-' Mr. Gillette is said to have taken the ance is a complete contradiction o f action because he could not get payment numerous reports about her ill-health. for $120 worth o f clothes stolen or lost from one o f the Pullman cars. Flood Drowns Shepherds. Is it inclined to run aw ay? Madrid, Dee. 28.— Official report* to­ Schooner Wrecks Light. Don’t punish it with a cruel day indicate that the eitoetion in the Newport News, Vs., Dec. 28.— Having regioni recently swept by storms and brush and comb! Feed it, nour* been rammed and almost eat in two floods is improving. The cabinet de ish it, save it with A yer’s Hair eided to grant financial relief to suf­ by the four-masted schooner Malcolm Vigor, new improved formula. ferers. Belated advices give details of Baxter, Jr., the Thimble shoal light, the destruction caused by the overflow ­ Then your hair will remain at four miles east o f Old Point Com^or*, ing o f r iv e n in the northwest. The home, on your head, where it and near the trail o f the 1 * Horseshoe ” j Else and Orbidge, in the northern part belongs. An elegant dresaing. in Low er Chesapeake bay, eanght fire o f Leon, rote 15 feet, destroying sev­ Keeps the scalp healthy. and was totally destroyed. The sehooner eral hamlets. A large number o f shep­ was inward bound from Hampton Roads herds, surprised by th* floods, took Dom not chrnngt tht color #/ Ik* How, in ballast, and was proceeding under refuge in tree tope. sail. The strong west wind and the •h ew n ie r « e * sw ift tide threw the veseel off her Czar Promotes Ketten. coarse, and she crashed into the frame 8t. Petersborg, Dee. 28.— Colonel Von lighthouse. V ta m e .m a .a w « Ketten, ehief o f the eeeret police o f Moscow, bet been appointed to suc­ W * certainly believe this, or w* would Count Tolstoi Falling. ceed Colonel Karpoff, ehief o f the secret act say so. A yer’* Hair Vigor, as naw 8t. Petersburg, Dec. 28.— The health police o f 8t. Petersburg, aseaseinated on mad* from - J our aur new improved formula, formula. o f Count L e e Tolstoi is again causing December 22. Severn! attempts hare is a great preparation for the hair and anxiety, and physicians were snm bees made against the life o f Coloael Stop* falling heir. Corea daa- moned today from Moscow and Tula to Von Ketten. who fo r many y e a n has Promotes the growth of hair. been hunting revolutionists. • > W A O . W a it s t o * « attend him. Y o u r H a ir C ontrary? A tiers The completion of raftin g operations on the Penobscot R iver for the season shows that nearly 129,000,000 feet of logs have come down the boom from the east and west branches of the river and Its tributaries. When the few straggling rafts now In the river arrive at the boom It Is likely that the total w ill reach about 134,000,000 feet for the season. Th is Is a great Increase over the number o f loga handled at the booms last year, when only 13,000,000 feet were rafted down. The total this season, however. In eludes 9,000,000 feet which were cut last year.— Lewiston (M e .) Evening Journal. In an article by Dr. Hans Schnel- kert, of Berlin, on police Identifica­ tion, the errors which may easily be mad* when only physiognomy Is taken Into account are dwelt upon at length. The w riter tells of many Interesting cases o f “ double,” where nothing could so easily save an Innocent double from being mistaken for the crim inal original as the finger print lost, which he believes to be Infallible. The arti­ cle contains the portrait o f the double of Count Zeppelin, who is the keeper of a restaurant in Berlin, and of K ing Alfonso, who Is a merchant in that city. Both pictures are “ Bpeaklng likenesses’’ of the men whom they do not represent. "Pneum onia and consumption follow frequently In the wake of the often neglected 'cold,' when the resistive powers o f the body are at their lowest ebb,” declares Dr. Neff, Philadelphia's director of public health. In a bulletin. "One of the best preventives agHlnst tuberculosis,” Dr. Neff adds, ” U ro­ bust health, which gives great resistive power to th* disease; and one of ths first signs o f depreciation In health Is fatigue. Although this, with other minor ailments, may seem of slight importance, yet It is frequently th* forerunner of more serious conditions. I f ‘colds' were ¡ess commonly neglect­ ed, many cases o f consumption would be discovered end cures effected, and pneumonia and many allied disease* would be prevented.” Many of the famous women In h i » tory loved children, though deprived o f children's love most of their lives. On* was Queen Adelaide, whose two little ones died in Infancy. She mourned her 'os* the rest of her life, and sought solace In bringing happi­ ness to tbs children of other*. It b » ram* her custom to give a great Christmas tree aa a g ift to the boys and girls wherever th* court spent tbs festive season. T b * tree always stood under Chinee* dragons suspended from the celling. T b s children walked In two by two, nnd each on* was kissed la ta re by the queen Adelaide also distributed all o f th* Christmas pres­ ents. It l* said ah* always enjoyed these gatherings until th* little guests had gons, when eh* would be overcome by a sense * f loneliness in tb * thought * f her own childless household. G0INC TO GIVE AWAY one o f our $12.50 Harp Guitars to each o f the first ten persons in each county who fend us their name, address and whom the rtaro m for. Sit down R IG H T N O W and drop us a card and be one o f the lucky few , as they are go in g fast. H A R P-G U ITAR MPG. CO.. 4 2 8 Lum ber Exchange Building, Portland , Ore. C hance fo r a B a r g a in . Am Dejected Youth— I would like to re­ turn this engagement ring I purchased here a few days ago. Jeweler— Didn't It suit the young lady? Dejected Youth— Ye«, but another young man had already given her one just like it, and I would like to ex­ change It for a wedding present— Tld- Annual L u xu ry. C a m o m ile . An English boy went to visit his two Scotch oonslns during his summer raoation. His breakfast svery morn­ ing consisted of plain oatmeal, and h* got very tired of It. "Say, Jack,” h* said, “ don't you ever have m ilk with your porridge?" Jack turned to hie brother. "Eh. Tom,” he said, “ the lad thinks It's Christmas."— Success Magazine. It Is Bald not only that decoctions or the leaves dried and powdered of the common camomile w ill destroy Insects, but that nothing contributes so much to the health of a garden as a number of camomile plants dis­ persed through It. No greenhouse or hothouse should be without camomile In a green or In a dried Btate; either the stalks or the flowers will answer. A . Som etim e. H appen.. “ You'd lik . to have m . give this a notice, I presume,” said th* literary editor. "Indeed, I would,” answered th . au­ thor of th . b.ok; “ th . bast In th. world." But the consclsntlsus literary sdltsr, after reading It, claasltlsd It as ons of th* worst In th* world. 1311«. _________________________ T ree« D ro u gh t It a ls . ■a Ill lower Egypt rain fell very sel­ dom. During the French occupation, about 1789, it did not rain for slxteea months, but since Mahomet A ll and Ibrahim Pasha completed tlheir vast plantations— the former alone planted more than 20,000.000 olive, fir, cotton, acacia, plane trees, etc.—*thera mow falls a good deal of rain. L ik a s H aa. "George, did you g * and order that parlor lamp I told you I wanted?" "No, Laura; I clean forgot I t " ' "W hy, I asked you to tlo a string around your flngor to remind you of It, and you said you would." " I know I did. but In tho abstraction o f tho moment I tied It »round my pocketbook." T o -D a y an d T o -M o rro w . w hor Hnppy men nr* full of ths present, For who, to dumb forgetfulness a prey. for Us bounty suffices them: nnd wise That letter In his pocket e'er resign« men »Iso, for Its duties engage them. ed. Without receiving, on some later day, Our grand business undoubtedly Is A good-sized portion of somebody's not to se* what lies dim ly at n d l » mind? tance, but to do what lies clearly nt band.— Edward FltiG erald. "Polonlue." T a k in g H im at H ie W ord . Upgardson—It goes without saying Atom —Then suppose we let It gc that way. Lovely afternoon. Isn’t it? Bad BLOOD "Before I began using Caacarets I had e bad complexion, pimples on my face, and my food was not digested as it should have been. Now I am entirely well, and the pimples have all disappeared from u y face. I can truthfully say that Caacarets are just as advertised; I have taken only two boxes of them.” Clarence R. Griffin, 8h*ridan. Ind. The carrot grows spontaneously throughout Europe, Asia Minor, Slber. la, Northern China, Abyssinia, N orth­ ern Africa, Mad.lrn and th* Canary Islands. 1 OW SUD E. BURTON - » i > t •■>let stamp •