CONGRESS IS OPENED in force. pow era. Fear has been expressed that this power W h en It appeared that China s likin rev e­ nues were to he hypothecated to foreign conferred and duty lu.pused on the Execu­ hunkers In connection with a great railw ay tive is likely to lead to a tariff war. 1 project, It w a« obvious thut the governments whose hanker« hold thla loan would have a beg to expres» the hope and belief that no The dis­ certain direct interest in the question of the such result need be anticipated. carrying out by China of tne reform s In cretion granted to the Executive by the In question. Because this railroad loan rep re­ terms "un duly discrim inatory" is wide sented a practical and real application of order that the maximum duty shall be the open-door policy, through co operation charged against the imports from a coun­ with China by Interested powers, as well as try, it is iie«.-essary that he shall find on because of it« relations to the reform s re ­ the part of the country not only dlscrlm- ferred to above, the Adm inistration deemed inati ii . s in its law s or the practice under Follow m * m a ’summary o f tho niata polnta of Am erican participation to be of great N a ­ them against the trade of the United State», Proaultrnt T a ft'» m w w f tional interest. Happily, when it was as a but that the discriminations found shall be u rM „ which convened Tuesday. Dei. 7. 19JV- matter of broad policy urged that this op* undue; that is, without good and fa ir re a ­ To the Senate and the House of R®Pr* ' portunit> should not be lost, the indispen­ son. The generosity of Congress has provided •sn U t Ives—The relations of }*>• United sable Instrum entality presented Itself when a group of Am erican bankers of Interna- j in the present naval observatory the most «tAtea with all foreign government» ha\e cui •by M b S . A . L E J T A . / t b B b upoa the normal b a il, of amity and tlonal reputation and great resource» agreed magnificent and expensive astronomical es­ i^ l o X m t a n d .n * and a r . very fo n .ra lly at once to share in the loan upon preclaely tablishm ent in the world. It is being used for certain naval purposes which might Author of “ A Crooked Port»." "Maid. Wlfo or Widow.” "S y such terms as this Governm ent should ap- The chief of those terms was that easily and adequately be subserved by a ^ P u ra u a n t to th* provlaiuna of th. l* n .r a l prove Woman's W it." "Beaton'» Bargain." " A L ife Into#oaf." Am erican railw a y m aterial should be upon sm all division connected with the N a vy D e ­ treaty of arbitration th at only • fraction of the cost of "Nona*. Cheloe." " A Woman'* Heart." iTnited State» and Great Britain, A p r ^ . ■ an exact equality with that of the other partment the present naval observatory. The official SixtyFirat Congres* I* Likely to Qo 190 « a special agreement w as entered into• be­ nations Joining la the loan in the placing board o f visitors established by Congress tween the two countries on January 1». ^ ■ of o rd e .s for the whole railw a y system. Down in History at Law Station A fte r months of negotiation, the equal and appointed ln 1941 expressed Its conclu- . AiibinlMS un o f question» relating to the a e r l í s ^ S t S North Atlantic Coast to a t r - participation of Am erica seems at last a s ­ »ion that the official head of the observatory —Will Investigate Nicaragua. It is gratifyin g that Am erica will should be an eminent astronomer appointed S £ 5 l to bs formed from members o t 'U . sured. thus take its share in this extension of by the 1'resident by and with the advice these great h ig h w a y « of trade and to be­ and consent of the Senate, holding his place > T : ! Í S : of ----------- lieve that such activities w ill give a real by a tenure at least as permanent as that Impetus to our commer- e, and will prove a «*f the Superintendent of the Coast Survey ! Washington Dec 6 u. m The kevnote practical corollary to our historic policy ln ! or th«* head of the Geological Survey and not merely by a detail or two or three year»' " a s a n ig i o n , e » .e / u o ie the F a r East. CHAPTER IX. Channel my only habitation Is an airy I fully concur in thla Judgment 0f the Taft administration will be 1 The Im perial Chinese government, In pur- I duration. The platform of the successful party In , , . .. . . - suance of its decision to devote funds from . Mine Dacre wax a very persevering bedroom, outside which a whole world sounded at the first regular se ssio n o f the portion of the indemnity remitted to the last election contained the follow ing: - . . . , young woman, nor wai ahe reetralnod of cafes and restaurants are them to sending student» to this country, 1 "T h e R epublican party will uphold at all . . . . before authority and integrity of the the sixty-nrst congress, which opened ha« already completed arrangem ents for times the ^ i i by any aenaltlve delicacy In puraulng me where to choose' ray breakfast and carrying out this purpose, and a consider- | courts, state and Federal, and will ever insist that their pow ers to enforce their process today With the usual ceiemoniett and able body of students have arrived to take , her designs. Hitherto *he had rather dinner, where I meet pleasant, Intel» nd to protect up their work in our schools and unlversl- » prp°rVaervid'' mvioiite. benedictions by the chaplains of the liked Mr*. Savllle in a aurface faah gent people of every shade of opinion tfOfl NO OHO '.in doubt tile happy OffOCt «h a ll be however, . that the rules of procedure in the fwro h ou ses the associations form ed by these representa- I two houses. ion. flattering herself that she wa. a with whom I can converse freely ln tive young men w ill have when they return Federal courts with respect to the Issuance That important action and quick ac- favorite with the .tern little woroam happy Ignorance of their names ami to take up their work In the progressive of the writ of injunction should be more accurately defined by statute and that no . ... . . , , , . . . n m tX c ¿ ‘ » 1 ° iS^lSSS a"nd « ? n e ¿ .y h'p í L c . developm ent of their country. The results of the oi>lum conference held at Shanghai Injunction or tem porary restraining order tion W ill be taken on the Nicaraguan On thla »upposed favoritism she wa* condition, as they are of mine; an.l K p la d tlü atfontlon of thl. without notice, except I ia«t Spring, at the invitation of the United should be issued enlisted the sympathy of our beat occasionally 1 stumble on old acquaint Hope De a*m nnen but In a more hopeful M ag«. ****** Stutis, have been laid before the G overn­ where irreparable injury would result from i dispute Over the execution of the tWO always ready to presume. ment. 0.JIdh' ^ C X ai j r dr h**r“ “ ‘ - r- I Amexicd«., Groce and Cannon, is a raond and Mr. Ra*son were therefor, ances who enjoy life ln my own fash The report sh ow « that China Is m aking ^ : ? ' . ‘h I recommend that ln compliance with the | foregone conclusion, as the president somewhat appalled when th. sounds of Ion, cheerfully accepting the contemp rem arkable progress and adm irable efforts ° r toward the eradication of the opium evil, promise thus m ade appropriate legislation and Secretary Knox are much wrought voice* and approaching footsteps >n tuous treatment of Dame Fortune, who and that the governm ents concerned have should be adopted The second «ubject worthy of mention ln ... not allow ed their com m ercial Interests to ln emptying our pockets also relieved the pleasure ground to which the *he l n l . r u « « ! powera. di-alyn.d to carry opt Interfere with u helpful co-operation In this the Postoffice Department 1» the real n e ce »-! up over the move of President ZeJaya » ,. « , , A « *• T* us of tiresome responsibilities. It U reform. Collateral investigations of the ally and entire practicability of establishing dows of the smaller dr» * ' " Ka r“ ° “ i»«»rtai saving» bank» The successful party ot the Central American republic. It opium question In this country lead me to **T pro* recommend that the m anufacture, sale and opened made themselves heard abou wonderful the clearness of Judgment Jv!nhiJ ra „^ ;C,L,^ d7 1 lt*hr,?udK!,n 18 Prul"*ble th*t action on this dispute v,-on".n of U t ^ " o . r m a n p ..«n t use of opium and Us derivatives In the “ and general enlightenment of those tea time, when Mr*. Savllle ha com Inapplicable to ‘f * . K l b r u í n S , 1 M . anU United States be, so fa r as possible, more Pn^ 0K n,: J'nth r nfh.P*i?op,ii ‘i.V r r .lS ; wiU devel°P iut<> a “ “ tr°versy be- in from a short .troll with her confl who are not weighed down by this vigorously controlled by legislation. In one of the Chinese-Japanese conven­ banks, and am sur«; that when the banks are | tween the supporters o f the adminis* furnished they w ill be productive o f the ut- i . rr de.itlai advlaer, and Hope had *««■•«»<» world's goods." ventlon. looking to th. ?oot|BK aa national» tions of this year there was a provision | mo»t good. The postal saving» bank» are n o t 1 tration and the advocates of peace in which caused considerable public apprehen­ “ I dare say you are right, Lord Ev id from her own room, «...r e » h® h* , , sion, ln that upon Its face It w a « believed constituted for the purpose of creating com- enjoyed a couple of hour, solitude. erton. Still, s few of them are a.lvan In some quarters to seek to establish a petition with other bank«. The rate of Inter- | the tWO (houses, est upon deposits to which they would be lim­ monopoly of m ining privileges along the The president’s message of 16,000 These sounds were followed by the ap tageous; though 1 do not see that small as to prevent their South M anchurian and An tun g-M ukden ited would be w o r d s w i l l h e r e a d t o m o r r o w a s k in ff railroads and thus to exclude Am ericans drawing deposits away from other banks. pesrance of Miss Dacre. Savllle. Lutn money can purchase any essential of Following the course of my dl»tlngul»hed w o r a s W1U De r e a a t o m o r r o w a s a i n g on American crfleers United State« and from a wide field of enterprise, to take part life." In which they were entitled by the treaty predeceMsor, I earne»tly recommend to Con- f or radical action in the alteration of lev and Lord Kverton. gate the °Ha Upday Is the chief medium of ex- to force a monetary reform The Norwegian government, ° r ( * e twpart- Ar a consequence of section two of the «’ hange. and la In some respects a measure of effort and accept the olive-branch. a rope or ropes, loses hold or balance 1909, It becomes the value, furnishes a substantial explanation of along the lines of asset currency. dreiwed on Jim u»ry ®fi. Invitation to the tariff act of August "You are. as ever. Just and gener and drops Into the black depths of rhf ment of State c/in , ^ Ued Htate» lo take part duty of the Secretary of State to conduct at least part of the Increase In prices. The President T a ft ’s belief in the issu­ diplom atic business necessary to him In a Government ° ‘ . ,h * K i ,, {» underntood. will Increase In population and the more expensive raging waters. Captain orders boats In a conference W“ *c,¡' March 1910. for the position to advise me whether any particu­ mode of living of the people, which have not ance of bonds for the completion of ous." returned the impecunious peer I», held In t ' ,^ I,nlTymeana1* o remedy ealatlng lar country unduly discrim inates against the been accompanied by a proportionate Increase irrigation projects now under way as with a delightful bow and smile. 1 to he lowered. He'll he gone before United States in the statute referred to. The tn acreage production, may furnish a further well as the development of navigable am quite charmed with the vision of you can reach him.' they say. He can groat sc o p « and com ploxlty o f this work, rea»«*n. as well a « the obligation to lend all proper ^ ^ - - h ^ S « r í í ¿ X It is well to note that the Increase In the rivers and harbors will meet with myself as a dove, which you kindly not swim.' cries another officer, throw nld to our expanding commerce, It may ac ­ oo«i of living Is not confined to thjs coun­ oppositiou among the eastern suggest." S K I ? * « " . h i .Vianda - 7 . " complish by the expansion of the Bureau of try. but prevails the world over, and that some Ing off his boots while he spoke, and Trn«l«* Relations, as s«*t forth in the esti­ th«*»«* who would charge Increases In prices states, but the west to a man will un­ »Mr*. Savllle turned from him with springing over at a bound. mates for the Departm ent o f State. to the existing protective tariff must meet doubtedly be with him on the irriga I regret to refer to the fa«*t of the dis­ the fact that the rise In price» has taken should not be rnl^ed. tinlian of Turkey, ! " This Is suicide,' exclaimed the undisguised contempt, and addressed H is Majesty M ahiM d «w « J" *m - ! covery of extensive frau ds In the collection place almost wholly In those pro«1uct» of the tion proposition. recently rent to this nr* w eighing and other departm ents were In many Instance« a very considerable re­ rigid investigation of the. sugar weigh directly concerned, and In which the bene- duction. W IL L IA M H. T A F T . ing frauds, opposed by the attorney How does your regiment, or your with a will, the boat la lowered, a life S T . T o n ^ t u ^ . r - ^ v í r » wHh ^ ib la.les wero the Am erican Sugar Refining The White House. December 7. 1909. general as hampering the prosecution, troop, get on without your valuable as boat probably, they Com pany and others Tho fraud consisted surmount the i í r r nánd,n íubTi'c « ¡ g o « ™ » « , „ ' - « r c i J P In tho payment of duty on underweights of and also of the controversy between slstance?” waves and slide Into the watery hoi sugar. The Governm ent has recovered from Secretary Richard A. Ballinger, of the the Am erican S ugar Refining Company all PE AR L NECKLACE SEIZED. "Disagreeable old eat!" thought Iowa, they come up with the gallant that It is known to have been defrauded ______ | interior department, and Chief For- ' “# 2 . « ^ ¿ ' f ú r n e d th. « « ^ ¡ of The sun. w as received in full of the supporting the Lumley, while he said, "Oh, I ride ove. lieutenant, who Is world upon the .JJ*ujJRiJi’ States has eprsad amount due, which might have been recov­ Alleged Attempt to Smuggle Jewel» Into | ester Gifford Pinehot, will umloubt every other day, and the Intermediate senseless sailor and nearly exhausted the prestige of thfh_l ,\*oVeful Influence of ered bv civil suit against the beneficiaries ely come up at this session. Country Leads to Loss. widely through *hf . * [ £ , and mUwlon- of the fraud, but there was an express res­ ones they stumble on as best they can himself, they drag them Into the boat American schw ls. unlv phould ervation In th«* contract o f settlement by New York, Dec. 2.—The Chesbrough There I » e Sf ” h* commerce of which the settlement should not Interfere they regain the ship, the men crowd without me." obtain a * r e « Hinfon pos "I have heard the tale before. The and the certain deficit of the current year session, but was given what proved to sent away the audience without panic. "Oh. a good deal more so,” said the prompt«'«! Congress to throw a greater re­ Pierce, when he emerged from his only difference Is that the weather was be an imitation. handsome hussar, showing his white sponsibility upon the Executive and the fiery ordeal, his hair and clothing not quite so stormy as your correspond Secretary of the Treasury than had here­ He continued to press the govern scorched and painful burns upon his teeth ln a pleasant smile. "You know ent represents It." said Mr. Rawson. tofore been declared by statute. This dec­ ment’s claim, and on July 28 ho ob laration Imposes upon the Secretary of the I haven’t many Ideas." hands, said he was at work when Treasury the duty o f assem bling all the es­ tained the originals. He has held them something went wrong with the wires. RrTng.,1 I", i f « « ' f n "Yet I dare say you would be lees playing with his double glasses. timates of the executive departments, b u ­ “ It was really mueu worse than I reaus and offices, of the e x p e n d itu re neces­ since, pending proof that they had In an instant the fire had communi­ easily taken ln than men who have,” a r e - K a í ‘e n t 'e r p r * sary In the ensuing fiscal year, and of m a k ­ never been in this country. Such proof cated from the crossed wires to the represent," exclaimed Miss Dacre. ing an estim ate of tho revenues of the scornfully. , Governm ent for the same period; and If a lias not been forthcoming, according to highly inflammable films and the en­ with an air of profound conviction. "Very probably, my dear aunt. probable deficit Is thus shown. It Is made Mr. Loeb, and today the ncklace was tire room was a mass of flames. The the duty of the President to recommend "What is the matter with you?" “ Now, does no one want the name of seized as a preliminary to action against rooms in which the moving pictures th«« method by which such deficit can be my hero?” Mrs. Chesbrough. ‘ o " ,,r r*pV.nnc . p r 5 mot are operated are surrounded with asked Miss Dacre, in a low tone, draw The report o f the Secretary shows that There was a moment'» pause. Mrs. Ing a chair to the tee-table, where walls, floors and ceiling of steel and S h : r‘¿ ¿ d ’ fln?c?n.,ilo*n".dl i if d U * I n 'm p lo m « 5 tho ordinary expenditure« for tho current fis«nl year ending June fiO, 1910. w ill e x ­ Wilhelmina Shows Speed. fixed with handy devices for closing Hop* Desmond presided. "You look Savllle sat silent In her armchair. ceed the estim ated receipts by $34.075,020. Newport News, Va., Nov. 30.—Tn all openings. When the trouble with pal* and 111. and as If you had been Lumley’s laughing eyes sought Miss If to this deficit Is added the sum to be dis­ rem ain» unchanged. « J h t n rc n a .y Desmond's, but she was sheltered be bursed for tho P anam a Canal, am ounting her official trials today the big freight the wires started, the fire extinguished crying. Pray forgive me,” she added r u m . l . n c « of the l w hl,„ to $;iS,000 8ome venr, a'R0, a pap„ occur to me. 8he Is not popular, you for the fiscal year <*ndlng June 30. 1911— helmma was for the Matson Nav, that I*, for th«* next fiscal y e a r--a r e less gat,on company, an.l w.ll ply between I ^ ^ Miguil was in financial know, though I always get on with dially. by $33.003,000 than the total appropriations a» and the syndicate advanced her. 1 am going to play a bold strokf "Give me your arm. Mr. Rawson. I for the current fiscal year, and les« by $94,- j Honolulu and San frane.seo. 000,000 than the estlmat«*» for that year. ' him a large sum, payable when he just now; It will astonish you all. have letters to show you In my study. So fa r as the Secretary of the Treasury Is I Oral Betting Under Fire. should make a rich marriage. The Nothing venture nothing have,’ you 1 avoided church because I did not able to form a judgm ent as to future In- como .and com pare It with the expenditure Oakland, Cal., Pec. 2.— With the claim is so great that following nego know.” think prayers or sermon would Ira aml*l^ *” l l ^ 1 r r l a f l P ^ ^ b b ’b * Jdnd togaihcr for th«* next fiscal year, ending June 30, «¡«“ ions that resulted in his marriage prove my headache. I did not bargain this ««p u b lic and the «rest rsM b llo Immedi 1911. including the paym ents on account of service of subponas on !>. J. Treat, sec •’ ’Jockey of Norfolk, be not too „ A l _. ... , , to Miss Anita Stewart, the prince Ltely to* thn south between which there is th«* Punnna Canal and the public debt, alifornia .lockey promise(| t0 recoup the syndicate with hold,’ ” quoted Miss Desmond, with a for being obliged to sit out a dramat .her«* w ill be no deficit In the year ending rotary of tho New June 30, 1911, but a sm all surplus o f Ic recital.” said Mrs. Savllle. dryly club; George H. Smith, who came t o ! one-fifth of the dowry. somewhat tremulous smile. $712,000. wlih V enagüela have N a n e » l l l , d « l ' b l n l h r In the present estim ate* the needs o f the i Emeryville to inaugurate the oral bet 8h# has been crying— I am certain then added to the company. "You will d«*partmenta and «»f the Government have j b«*«*n cut to the «p.lck, so to speak, and any | ting system, and on William F. Forsee. Calhoun Trial Reopens, the baa; though she Is braving It out excuae me. I do not feel equal to gen assumption on the part of Congress, so i San Francisco. Dec. 7.— The second At any rate, she I* going to stick to eral conversation.” and she touched often m ade In times past, that the e*tl- ' a detective, and Robert McKibben late mat« » have been prepared with the expects- j today, at tho Kmcryvillo racetrack, l)is fr|a, of ,.atrick Calhoun, charged with Mrs. Savllle. I wonder what she Is Mr. Rawson's with the finger tips of H f ^ U*J¿ íy>1S0,1'l» t |». the governmrnt of I'an- on that they m u be r t d ic « $ , w ill result: trict *»**v»«*v Attorney W. ........ It. Donahue, of Ala „ ^ ^ a ^ member ..... , __ of e the board x_” , of s ^ saying to Georg# Lumley. Nothing her right hand, and walked with ama agreed after ooneld, rabie negotiation to In .seriously ham pering proper adm inistra­ *■«»•> \ ..................... , offering much dignity through the door which Vn.vmnlfv the r e la t iv e of the American of- tion. 1 meda county, announced that the grand p0rv;j,or, „ bribe to secure an ov< er amiable. I am sure.” fb «Mreand -M o re who were .brutally treated, Most o f the great Industrial « orporatlon« I would take up the subject ot bet ^ iivurv trolley ■ franchise for iuc the united Unit j Here Lord Everton. who had been Lord Everton with a sad and solemn one of them having been killed by the 1 an- and many of the well-conducted railw a y « Jury :. .. m. « ...... , i i iir #'i rsucuinv lur I : __ _ . i____ «P L - ------- — --- - - « » . . - i ama pollcs this year. court. he ing is sn e i g i . peremptory challenge, and four ac patent of respectability to any man Ml*» Dacre. deserved success; and yet under the treaty « r» r' porl'd o te mak- l- > «»f our Governm ent to assum e; but I am t(,,| with f urther examination. ins good progress and. since the congress stio n g l) convinced that no other practical | tubercular affect .on of the » > < £ • « ■ ' epte.1 You have been a good deal on th# Con It has not been successful.” he said, solution of the difficulties presented by the | Pr. Monroe, of Bordeaux, has performed provided for the continuance of the ^ * P r'''n* with an atr of deep svn1 athy. to the Commercial arrangement w ^ n C t . b a and »nt «t animation of civil servants can b e , | tlnent. I believe. Miss Desmond?" three slight operations to check this the United Ptates. assuranc* has bren re^ ^ e rt found than that of a system of civil pen- Special Message Talked. “ 1 have traveled occasionally In my fair narrator, and sat down on the ot­ disease. Now a serious operation has that no nsgotlatlons liU«rlotaplsr • ¡ J j 11" « n- i i ! I ue business and expenditures of the toman bealde which ahe at« «Ituatlot) w ill be undertaken without consul Washington, I>ee. 7.— President Taft aunt's lifetime." Government have expanded enormously become necessary, and the queen is "1 never saw any one Ilk# Mrs. Sa • m e the Spanish W ar. but as the revenues much concerned about the result, in had an extended conference this after U Many yesrs ago diplomatic Intervention be •'Ah’ and enjoyed It, I der* aay?" came necessary for the protection or n have ln*rease«1 In nearly the same pr«»por- viow of tho king's weakened consti­ noon with Attorney General Wicker "Yes; but I also enjoy returning to Tmo— niTar” ’ cried Mia* Dacre. grow tioM is the expenditures until re« ently. the American claim of Alsop A C<*. His tubercular condition ni» sham an.l Secretary Nagel, ot the de England." Ing red with disappointment and mor go%emment of Ch !e. The » '» '« n m e < attention of the public and o f those respon­ tution. n illa h *" frequently « M N jt b 'n *’ sible for th«' Governm ent has not been fast- doubtedly was inherited. His father part.nent of commerce and labor, re j "indeed’ Well. I do not. The mo tlflratlon " I really hoped that such the case and had promised this O o w n m a n t t o ened up«*n the question «»f reducing the cost died of tnberculoaia, with complication» gar.ling tho sjiecial message he ia pre asttle It There bad been tm n abortl a story of bravery and humanity ration W e cannot. In view o f •tf a « l m ment I set foot on my native toll, I w h ich tempts to do so through arhltrat t l ^ n hieh are also present in the case of paring on tho proposed amendments to i g prl «** of living hope to save th e n«!v failed through lack of Jurisdiction, N o w . h a p tho interstate commerce law. This -eaee to be a free man; Invisible detec would have done so thing towards a reduction In the standard of Alfonso X III. ptly. as the result of the recent d i p l o m a t i c « a l a r l e * Id Indeed. If any change Is tlve# put me In »octal Iron»; cruel softening her heart; and I flatter my message will be sent to eongresa with »eg..flat ions, the government of t h e U n i t e t i m a d e 1 lint regard, an Increase rather in ten days and will go into the de warder* Imprison me with adamantine self I did It prwtty well.” -ease w ill he necessary; and the Suicide Trie* Three Method*. States and Chile, actuated by the • I n c c r e d e ­ t h a n « of economy will he In reducing o n ly m « a n d . " I f you had asked my advice.” said tail* of changes which the president barriers, where I am obliged to eat sire to free from any strain thoju* c o r d l a i -"y of em plo>e» ami In obtaining a N'ew York, Dec. S.—Charles Schaffer, friendly relations upon ^ ^ . h ^ V i b m l l th believe, are needed to make the inter and drink and speak and have my be Richard Savllle. ” 1 could h-ve told rage of efficiency from those re- store, have agreed by a pr«docoi to suomii . a salesman out o f employment, tried >ie service contrmeiwy to definitive settlement b> H» Ing according to rigid rule*. 1 must you It would be elmple waste of ure« o f the new tariff act call three methods of suicide today before *'**• * '* mere effective, Urltannic Maje *ty F«iw ard V U reference By virtue of th# ho succeeded in killing himself. In the Far Ka«t thi* 0 * v « r run ent pre- First, live my money for what eatlalleth breath.” vn as the "m axim um and m in ­ jp p o rtln f policy o •fi*rvM unrhan fed It• f *i Pilot Take* A ll Blame. is«' it Is the d u tr of the Execu- he lay on hie cot at hi* home and at not. and go to the funereal hoetelrlee "But,” exclaimed Miss Jarre, with equality of op port unit y the principle of stder the la w « and practice« o f tempted to garrote Philadelphia. Pee. T.— F. M. rrequented by my peer». I muit don a sound of tear* In her yoice. "Mr* himself with a and •crupulou«i re*pf ct for the Int ejrrlty of [»les with reference to th « Im- alley are the C h in *** em piri► to w hirl I» P1 towel. Unsuccessful, he slit his throat ber. pilot’ in charge of th* United it«» those countries of the prod- pled fe d the in tercRti-<1 r o w . r , of both Fast xrenlng dree*, and wear unlimited pur Savllle always used to mind what 1 erchandlse of the United States. and wrists with a raxor. 8till death States transport Frairie. which ground B y the treaty of 19«33 China and W e i t Exccuttxe finds such law * and pi* and fine linen. Then my exaeperat laid, and—and seemed so fond of me. undertaken the abolition of the Ilk___ did not come, and Schaffer staggered ed Thursday near Delaware Citr, said ot to be undulv discrim inatory ; * a m oderate and proportionate raising I wa* rather proud of It, she like* eo United Ptates. the minimum du- , to the bathroom and turned on the today that he alono was responsible Ing relative* will peeter me with lnvt the customs tariff along with currency * Me M il are to go Into for. e rma These reform * being of manifest water in the tub. When the tnh was for the aeeident »ad that Captain tatlons. because they think they murt few people.” President m akes such a finding. | an tage to foreign commerce, a* well as la ilm u m duties provld««A in the half filled he climbed ia and lay face Kellogg, eomamnder of the Prairie, i, aot neglect that poor old baggar Ev " I a a afraid there le eome differ the Interests of China, thla Government an Increase of $3 per rent ad 1 downward until he drowned. >ndeavorlng to facilitate the#« measures in no way to be blamed. trtaa.' Vow, on tho othor aUa of tho •nee between past and praaaat,” *a!4 r the minimum duties a r « to b « the needful acquiescence o f the treaty PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE Usual First Day Ceremonies Held in Both Houses. MANY CONTESTS ARE EXPECTED mrM S B S ss mmmm tlr s r w H ? r a -*s s r t t f g f f a : ñ S B ^ .i S f e s f s .'f e r l r i S S a » “ " s * “i-asw‘V q>» S r i « azxy«* ■>*» >« •»« lururysssi W iS -ís s r .: r : : ; i r « r : ‘i Ks.-. ^ u^ , r to2 ov^ r ,Á d n r& ..^ IlilS P P I lilis p il r^ r « r as":':r Sir ?• «,s?» ™ n.ú r What Gold Cannot Buy tdimley, poshing a chair forward. “ Come, Mlsa Dacre, you have don* your best, and your best Is very good. Now take a cup of tea. and pardon my aunt her want courteny. I am go­ ing to write to Hugh, and I'll tell him of your championship." "You ought." said Miss Desmond, who had not spoken before, but whose voice showed she had not been un­ moved. “ Very few can count on such courageous advocacy of the absent and of a losing cause." ’’You are very kind to say so. Yes, I will have a cup of tea. My mouth feels parched." "No wonder!" cried Lord Everton. " I am sure my tongue would have cleaved to the roof of mine, had I dared to utter such words to the Lion of Inglewood. Excuse me. my dear Richard.” "Do not mention It. my dear uncle." " I wish you would come out and take a little walk with me. Miss Des­ mond.” said Miss Dacre. " I feel fright­ fully upset.” “ I should like to do so very much, but Mrs. Savllle may want me to write for her. or something, and I do not like to be out of the way.” "What penal servitude!" "You must not say so. 1 agree to perform certain duties, and It would not be honest to run away from them." "Why do you always take her part?” and Miss Dacre made an Impa’Vent grimace. Then, addressing the gentle­ men. "Just walk back to the court, and I can follow by myself. Then I can have a quiet talk with Miss Dee mond.” "Very well." said Lumley. rising. "I will escort my uncle to the court, and return for you." Miss Dacre gave him a nod and smile, and the gentlemev left them. (To be eontlnned l W H IT E HOUSE CHINA la \ r t r r fà lveu t e a r a n d S old O n ly A f t e r «"’ o r i n i t i I o l i t i m i n o t l o o . Custom at the \Vhite House de mands that no dish shall appear on the table (especially on state occa­ sions) that Is not absolutely without defect. Not merely a chip, but the slightest scratch ln the gliding on the edge of » plate or cup, or the almost imperceptible wearing of a color de­ sign. Is sufficient to condemn the piece. It Is put aside, and by-and-by, when a number of such "rejects" have accu­ mulated, they are Inspected by the steward (who is official custodial, of all executive properties), and sent off to auction, writes Rene Bach. Under the law-, the official china cannot be given away under any clr- cuinstances, and can never be sold ex­ cept in the manner described, after formal condemnation. Condemned White House china always brings very high prices at the auction sales—espe­ cially pieces of the Lincoln. Grant and Hayes sets. Even a badly cracked Lincoln cup and saucer, or damaged egg cup. may fetch *15 or $20. On the other hand, a Franklin Pierce plate in good condition Is not likely to command more than $6. Washington and Jefferson crockery Is always sala­ ble at fancy prices; but none of It comes from the White House, where only a few specimens remain and are kept on exhibition In the cabinets ln the basement. The first and original executive chlnaware was Imported front England by George Washington — who, of course, never occupied the White House. Nearly all of It has disappear­ ed, only a few pieces still existing ln the hands of collectors. But even more interesting, perhaps, are the rare rem­ nants of the crockery set (likewise of British manufacture) Intended for the Confederate executive mansion at Richmond, but which, It Is understood, Jefferson Davis never had an oppor­ tunity to use. It was captured, confis­ cated. and scattered, only an occasion­ al fragment ot It being to-day discov­ erable ln the cabinets of curio lovers. At the time when (ln 1902) the pur­ chase of a complete new service of queensware was contemplated by Mr. Roosevelt, a careful Inventory was made of all the china In the White Hortse. It was found to comprise 143 pieces of the Lincoln set. 125 pieces of the Grant set, 371 pieces of the Hayes set. 30 pieces of the Arthur set, 1,745 pieces of the Cleveland set. 459 pieces of the Harrison set, and 321 pieces of the McKinley set. The Roosevelt china, which was or­ dered from England <$23.0UU being paid for It), Is white and gold, and, as might be Imagined, exceedingly handsome. Each plate and platter baa the of the United States, ln gilt, ln the border. This set orig­ inally comprised 3,000 pieces. Includ­ ing cups, saucers, etc., and Is to-day almost Intact, great care having been taken of It. so that very few of tbe pieces are broken. Hence It Is exceed­ ingly unlikely that the Tafts will be obliged to buy any more crockery for the White House. A D e lic a te M la t . "Poor Miss Oldgirl! Did you hear of the Jolt she got at th* seedsman's?" "No; what was it?” "She told the man she had a little garden of her own and asked him to recommend some suitable plant. He gave her one look and then suggested a wallflower.”— Baltimore American. A 4 h a n s e l««» > «(* • «. De Quii— Was that an unmarried woman you met Just now? De Whl*— Yes. I knew her several years ago. How her fac» has changed! De Qui*— Has It? Well, when a woman's fare changes as much as that ahe can never hope to change he* name. too. Tho O il Moa’e Joke. “ Mary." called her father, "has that young man gone yet?" “ So. pa,” replied th* maid. "But he't going right now.” "Then aak him to empty the pall underneath the Icebox before he goes, will you? I forgot It?"— Detroit Fro* Preen. A boot th* tlao o f It. "A ll men are born equal," quoted th* mornllaer. "Tee.” rejoined the demoraltaer, "and the equality elope right theiV*