-er- JhaM*S23aC8ifcSeeR$B — LO C A L N wm tam m utm &sBsxz. ■ArilS ^ OUR EXPERIENCE Brggy for sale cheap. Inquire a at livery stnl !e. ^ 15 . L . Is worth r Y7S r ^ A A p A t ÌJ5L W liy buy a suit? I^oave your old one at the Bulletin office aiul have it made new. J. K. McGregor was a bu (¡ness H B a K c tiM iQSkEss-XLjaaaa. visitor in Portland this week. res dt was that the river rose up Mrs. C. A. McCargar returned on its h'nd lees for a-'out ten on Wednesday from a visit with iest, surprising the natives and friends in Portland. sweeping away several construe- E. N. Stroup came up from tion camps belonging to the two Portland last Saturd ly and spe t railroad companies. a coup’e o f days looking after j his interests here. Warning to Parents. to f^ A '/1 o f the IL V> JL Ti c ¿.‘¿dies, Oregon Capital - - $100,000. GO Surplus and undivid ed - lOi‘,000.00* J. S. CHINCK, Pal ■ ■ River, Ore C l i\I. W i L '. i a .'. s M ax A. V olt Vice Pres. R -A * * fr E i ^ L p y (L l ¿ i t * Jt."¡ J ¿ .I i liar aware, Dry Goods, Fhocs. nlshings, Wagons, Buggies, Iiacks or any kind of f a r m i n g Imple- merits, V\ WÎT.L HAVE PROMPT ATTENTION ■*/ c\n l i G Uvi entrusted I First National ÌJank gì t Davidson Building', D u s il g s s T*r.: C a k e MONEY TO Yf U U I N U \ 1> ORCHARD LANDS Have you subscribed IV»• this ’J paper? If not, v»hy not? A ll Cashier i llll■ll■lllliu • trrn n n m mmKfmr^» t. r.V’ i ? T V £■'£'" EiForts are being made to pro ing condition, both financially G. K i B B E E ( rs h ■ and numerically, and the pros cure tuno» for me purpose oi V ■ building ine automobile road pin ts are bright for a decided in- crease in membership this win- troni Portland to huoü Aviver. N O T A R Y FUEL 1C ter. The hoys are becoming ileceniiy .Jot) was aubacriotti - - - O regon quite proficient in their team in twenty minutes in imon iiiv* M o s i e p work and before winter is over ei, aim it is expected tnal vao ,- the work o f Beacon Lodge will Ouu wm tie lxiisea in loiuauu. v j-r p v Local run Service. S* Ä f »,_>• <L V V VLU. Ed F. Reeves was a business j Parents, imagine the horror of compare favorably with that of L is probable that the towns on o. R. & N. visitor in Pi 1 Hand the first of having your hoy brought home any lodge of its size and age in tue line o. uic piuppseu roau ix- Train No. Du- tween Ultoc tuu points Will £>UU- the week. some day mangled ou tof allsen:- tiie country. West Round. scviue eiioi.gu more to insure U.e 9 6115 A. M. Thos. Mc'Iusker, a prominent ¿lance of a human being or mi- 0 uiuiiig oi uie road. ¡>:ir. r. m . 11 SCHOOL NOTES. real estate broker of Portland, n is a e*g or arm. Pi»■:e-ant to East Bound. ¡contemplate, is it not? Well, was in town on Sunday la-1. Teddy Young was absent one 10 - 10:25 A. V. I you’ ll be “ up ag iinst” just, such D. D. Hail returned Wednes 12 - 10:40 P. M. half day. a proposition as that if you don’ t NOTICE OF PUBLICATION. (All mail trains.) day night from a business trij Maxwell Kibbee has discon Not Goal Land. keep your hoys away from the to Portland. Departin' r.t of the Interior. | railroad. Small boys have been tinued his school work. United .States Land Office, Fred Evans and wife spent j ;een recently climbing onto mov Mary Armstrong was sick The Dalfis, Oregon, Nov. 10th. 1909. j To tiie Taxpayers of Wasco last Saturday afternoon and eve ing freight trains. O f course Monday. Notice is hereby given that Howard County. ning in Hood River. every lad thinks he is a little bit! The Conner children have been H. Smith, of The Dalles, Ore on, who MOUTH on April 14th, 1903, made Horn stead. Notice is hereby given that Ihe smarter than a fool and can do absent this week C. A. McCargar is able to be (Serial No. 02856;, No. 12468, for El-2 Board o f Equalization for Wasco this stunt repeatedly without are our Tooth Washers and the praise Ray and Clyde Bailey were ab NE1-4, R!-2 Sel-4, Section 13, 'i wp. 1 ! out again after being confined to' County will meet in the Assess of them. They are pure, fragrant and the h’ risc for several weeks wilh danger; hut lome time some 1 o sent Wednesday. North, Rar.ge 11 Ksst, Wiliam-tl M. r- antiseptic, cleansing both t it.i and will attempt to he smart once too The whispering report is im- * >““ • >*»•* hied notice of mt nti-.-n t or's Office in the Court House a severe attack of sciatic rheu- ; u as, jvmoving the tartar and giving often and will get caught either for said Wasco County, on Mon- make Fluid five year Proof, to establish mat s n. a s weet perfume to the breath. Wo proving. claim t» the land above described, he- day, the lSth (lav o f October, between the cars or under them, also have Tooth Brushes, Powders and Mrs. Gove’s pupils were de- j fore the Kt pister and Receiver .f the 1009, and will remain in session * S. D. Fisher can furnish hah ci presenting a horrible example to Soaps for dental purposes, and every Lained rather late Tuesday to, United Lti.t.s Land Office, at Th« for one week, or longer if neces- jj hay and straw in any quantity, his foolhardy playmates. icq isim for the bathroom and toibt. Lialies, Oregon, on tiie 21st ¿ay of Dec learn a spelling rule. Our lints of fancy Soaps, Perfumes from a hale to a carload. Inquire Doubtless the parents o f these nary, for the purpose of equaliz ember. 1909. and Sachets are st-cond to none in Carl Seufert, o f Moscow, Ida Claimant names as v.’itnr sues: at livery stable. 11-12-m boys are ignorant o f their ac ing the assessments, correcting ] quality, but rather low in price, Pent Martin, John Stagin'.:!, Horace. errors in descriptions, etc. tions and it most cerla nly be ho, was a visitor this week. FOR SALE We have been requested to Martin and L. Ot Dawson, all of The hooves them to inquire into the J. W. K o o n t z , A fe w full blooded y o u n g Manner in which they spend give the entertainment again, Dalles, Oregon. Assessor for Wasco County, Ore. C. W. M oore . Register. - Rhode Island Red roosters at i heir time when away from home but have decided to have a box (Fisrt publication Nov. 19. Last pub. D.-c, 17.; $1.50 each. Inquire of C. J. Lit-1 , tlepage, Mosier, Oregon. ll-12tf or school. “ Litlle Johnnie” n i g h t 1 social on Dec. 18th. Place of make a very pretty angel, hut same will be announced k.ter. CH AS. N. C L A R K E HOOD* RIVER, O R E G O N Notice for Publication Notice for Publication. Phil. Arthur, an experience! what parent is ready to have his United Stati s Land Office, The Not Coal Land. ore hard is t o f Hood River, hasi hopeful wear wings? A good1 High Grade Pianos. Cash or Dali-s, Oregon, Nov. inner U), 1999. Departin'r.tof the Interior. sound spanking in time may save1 easy terms. Paul Hubbard’ s Mu- taken charge of the work on ’1’. Notice is hereby given that the North “ littie Johnnie’s” life and inci sic House. Hood River. W. DeBussey’s place in Grand ern Pacific Railway Company, whom U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon QUICK SERVICE $ September 27th, 1909 f\ GOOD COOKING View Fruit District, and has dentally the price o f a beautiful post office address is St. Paul, Minne CHURCH DIRECTORY. sota, has this 5th day of November, Notice is hereby given that Edward moved his family up. More land white casket. A word to the 1909, filed in this office its application C. Brown, of Mosier, Oregon, who, on When in Hood River take your meals at is to be prepared at once for 1000 wise is sufficient, 6 to select under the provisions of t; • February a, 1905,made Honest.» adEntry M ethodist E piscopal . trees that are now on the place ! $ Act of Congrt sn, approved July 1, 189.- (SerialNo. 01556) No. 14176, for the SE ready to be set, making in all Good Road Needed Services first Sunday in each (50 Stat. 597, 620) as extended by the Quarter NE Quarter, NE Quart« r S E Â over 3000 fruit trees of the best Act of Congress approved May 17, Quarter, Sec33, Tp. 2 NorC), Range 12 5 Mosier and Hood River are so month, 11:30 a. m. and 8 p. m. varieties which Mr. DeBussey close together and have so much R ev . H. C. C lark , Pastor. u* 06 , Lot l, Sec. 20, 'i p. 1 N., K. 12 E. EWM., has filed notice of intention to WM. Serial 05507. make Final Commutation Broof, to es- 5 will have on the rnneh. He also in common, their interests are so Any and all persons claiming adverse t-pdish claim to ti e land above de- contemplates building a new identical, it seems like a short B aptist ly the lands described, or desir s. l ii.ed, before the Register and Re house and making other im sighted business policy to keep Second and Fourth Sunday in ing to object because of the mineral ceiver of the Unit d States Land (¡dice provements as soon as the new the two towns so widely sepa-;each month, 11:30 a. m .; 8 p. m. character of the land, or for ¡#iy othi r at The Dalles Oregon, on the 22nd day Mosier-Dalles road is opened up. rated by such poqr roads. To be R ev . W. A. S tark , Pastor. reason, to the disposal to applicant, of November, 1909. should file their affidavits of protest in Claimant names as witnesses: sure, travel is easy and quick by this office, on or before the 21st day of Lawrence ri. Leininger, O. August Bazuar a Success. rail (when trains are on time), December, 1909. Ernquist, Viret R. Brooks, Electa E. ClIUISTIAN è. The ladies of the Aid Society hut the hours are so inconven C. VV. M oore , Register. Masten and Verl L. Masten, all of Third Sunday in each month, may congratulate themselves on ient that people going to Hood Mosier, Oregon. the signal success which attend- River are forced either to take 11:30 a. m., 8 p. in. C. W. MOORE, A complete line of all kinds of Harness constantly on R ev . J ii » son B rown , Pastor ed the holding of their Bazaar the morning train down and Register. PUBLIC NOTICE. hand, but if you prefer to have it made to order, (First Pul>. ( >e. 8. Last Pub. Nov. 19.) this is our specialty. We also have a fine line of ■n Stroup’s Hall, last night. A j i-ome back in the forenoon, often large crowd was present and all j fie fore they have time to trans-, U nion S unday S chool We, the undersigned taxpay S U M M E R A N D W IN T E R L A P R O B E S appeared to thoroughly enjoy , act their business, or go down in THAT CAN’ T BE B E A T ----------------------- Every Sunday morning at ers o f Road District Number HIDES! HIDES!! HIDES!!! themselves. The different booths the afternoon and wait until 11 10:30. D r . I). R obinson , Supt. S A D D L E S . W H IP S . G L O V E S . E T C . Nine, (9) in Wasco County, Ore were beautifully decorated with o’clock at night, usually, before S eventh D ay A dventist . Cali at the B ulletin office and iSM-i gon, and, comprising not less , various articles of fancy work)they can get home, get tags to ship your hides to Sabbath School. than ten per cent, of the taxpay and most of them were soon sold. With a good wagon road con- Meets every Saturday at 11a. ers o f said Road District, do Kauffman, Davidson, Semmel, of The refreshment lx>oth, when I necting the two towns, one that m., at Baptist Church. E. S. hereby give notice that a public Portland. dainty lunches were served, was people could travel with comfort G. E. Townsend vouches for Erntson, Superintendent. well patronized. meeting of the taxpayers o f said these people. to themselves and their teams, DR. H. L. DUMBLE * Annie Haacke won the sofa business and social relations Road District Number Nine will Y. P. S. C. E. cushion given to the most popu- , will increase wonderfully. We he held on Monday, December PHYSICIAN and SURGEON « lar young lady, and I)r. Nick I certainly need a bettor road, and , Every Sunday evening at 7:30. 27th, 1909, at 2 o ’clock p. m., at REAL ESTATE - Johnson proved to be the shrewd- it is stated that it would noi ro HOOD RIVER : OREGON Lamb’s Hall, in the town o f Mo- In large or small tracts, at all L adies ’ A id S ociety ost. guesaer on the number of j quire a large expenditure o f mon- I prices, from 1 to 9 miles from ! Second and fourth Wednesdays s* ei’. Oregon, fot the purpose o! ] beans in a jar, winning a beau-joy to put a good road across the voting a special tax levy for road , Mosier. Ii' you are looking for tiful doily. The grab hag fur mountain. Perhaps when the f each month. 1 purposes in said District: i something really good do not fail pished amusement for young and automobile road between Port- Will practice in Mosier and to see me before buying. Can bid. The art gallery” was an land and Hood River is completed ESTRAY. c A IIaRe Chas. Prather make you fine offers in improved 1 May be reached by long dis attractive feature. The ' ‘palpi ! it will l*e extended through to One large red cow. dehorned. Chas. Bennett J. M. Denny and unimproved orchard lands room, ” where you got your for- The Dalles and on to the Idaho tance phone. Home phone 61. no marks; one two-year-old steer T. C. Godberaen C. G. Stollz at from $20 an acre up. Have tune told, was crowded most of fine, as lias been suggested. dark red. right ear cropped; one G. A. Godbersen C. A. Frey i also a few good homesteads,! the time and great revelations' STEAM ER two-vear-old roan heifer with W. A. Husbands G. H. Wilson | homestead relinquishments and1 were made as shown by the lines A Pleasant Time. Notice for Publication small bell, no marks. Owner s. D. Fisher II. G. Kibbee!and timber and stone claims at J. N. T E A L in the palm of the hand. Last Tuesday night, at the can have above described stock Not coal land C. O. Perley Jar E. Cirpenter reasonable prices. List your OWNED BY THE PEO PLE1 Something over a hundred dol- regular meeting of Beacon Lodge Department of the'Interior. II. F. Bothfrr property with me. it pays, lars was realized, which will be of Odd Fellows, after the third by proving property and paying John Wellberg Leaves Portland every Mon- U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon Office in Bulletin Bldg. all costs. A. M. Roop J. K. McGregor j used in repairing the Baptiat ldegree had been conferred upon D< 1 >. 1 in . er, ( fiv. day, Wednesday and Friday at S. D. F is h e r , August 28th. 1909. Alex Stewart Earl J. Bailey j church two new menilx*rs. a fine lunch Address, — Lock Box 84 1 A. M. Notice is hereby given that John Mosier, Ore. Robert AI. Ross eon was served. A number of Leaves The Dalles every Tues- nf _Mos1,‘r. Oregon, who, on The Deschutes river has been 1 Rebekahs “ happened” in and dav Thursday-» rul salutday S aturday at nt September 7th’ No I907, 04200,) ma<1e Homestead BOOKS, STATIONERY. PERIODICALS and SCHOOL ua>. inursaaj-anu Entry (Serial No. 1571 00 , misbehaving itself shamefully of joined in the festivities, hring- 7 A. M. Leading Dealers in for W l-2 SW1-4 Sec. 34, Tp. 2 N. B. SUPPLIES - OLD BOOKS BOUGHT, SOLD and late and knocking in the head all ing some good things to eat, to Freight and Passengers Solicited 1 1 E » aml Lot 4, swri-4 n w i -4. Sec. traditions concerning its tem which everyone did full justice. EXCHANGED - SUBSCRIPTIONS TAKEN FOR ORCHARDS and FRUIT LAND -------- 3. Tp. 1 N., R. 11 EWM. has filed perate habits and inability, even, The sisters sure know how to ANY PERIODICAL AT PUBLISHERS’ PRICES. notice of intention to make Final in large and small tracts. Local Agent for The Oregonian. to get its back up.” It has cook and the brothers sure know D O R S E Y B. S M IT H , commutation Proof, to establish claim long been claimed that the river how to EAT. Resolutions were ; to the land above described, before the (It pays to list your property General Manager. JA S . E. C O L E . Register and Receiver of the United never rose more than a foot, and passed expressing regret at the Portland, Oregon. with us.) States Land Office at The Dalles. Ore that then» was more water in the absence o f Brother II Tin gon. on the 11th day of October, 1909. • river a hundred miles inland only jtossible excuse that could Claimant names as witnesses: than there was at its mouth. he offered for his non-appear McGregor Qc Bothfur. G. W. Grose. V. C. Young, C. J. This peculiarity is due, so it is ance was that he hadn’ t been Fredrickson and Henry Hanam, all of OSIER - OREGON said, to the fact that a large vol- put “ n e x t’ However, brothers Oregon. i ume o f water continually finds S B C. W . MOÔRË, and K -----were Notice to Creditors. Register. Us way into fissures in the lava present and made strenuous ef- Notice ia hereby given .that the un (First Pub. Sept. 3. L«»t Pub- Oct. 1 § beds and does not flow back into forts to “ take up the slack” at DEALER IN dersigned has been duly appointed by For Sale by the river. Anyhow, these (is- the table occasioned by brother the Honorable County Court of the P a u l H u b b a r d . sures couldn’ t absorb the extra II ’ s absence, State of Oregon for Wasco county ex- Dressmaking rainfall of a week or so and the t ou tor of the «state of Axel E. Pet er Beacon Lodge is in a tlourish- H o o d River. Oregon, to n, ( fCf.scQ'. Mi33 El3tc* Dannie wishes td All pci so** s bai:. g eli.ims against said estate ere hereby announce to the citizens of Mosier sati¡ etuht »«E3H*EasaEanK^; notitle«! to pr. " it the u w » to 9 or ¡hut on ftrul after October 22nd Li my r.t k rrtey. Frank M ne♦Ve, at Pianos Tuned J. E . N I C H O L S she will iccept dressmaking and TV'H Vi »11, s, Oir.-gen, within six months U n d e r t a k e r and F u n e r a l Di re a! or Seuing Machines Repaired sewing at reasonable prices. fr»im t’ie •* ,t of fids notice. All emit» promptly or«lnv. tuv n o»*unti\ Emlalnuny j Sr retali# t Is 17th Jay ot* A neust. 1909. hi. r r? Ali Mosier, Oregon. THE GLACIER PHARMACY D ER U S S E Y ’S Restaurant and Oyster House arness f GEORGE IRVINE less HOOd River. Transportation Company I P i a n o s , Organs, S e w i n g Machines and Sheet Music i L A. E. LAKE The Popular Clothier I Men’s ,j Clothing, Furnishings and Shoes ! NichoU RM* . Cor OaV an 1IOOD u»VF.i: cuci: F ifth St». S pacial «tte n t »>n on M »•* JS !l>â?Bs. e4 j : ola i* a . Corner * *<« (<*•- and Washington Sts. t ,*»*o,> *,*- fiM M e r T. KORD b S , Fx 'crJ. r of tV.«* of A ac . I t*l » so.i* deceased« ADVERTISE IN THE BULLETIN