Catarrh Invites Consumption ■ i s Papa E a roarazcd . " W h a t did papa say. George?” He •aid It w a e too hot to talk nonsense." " B u t did h e know that you wanted to CANAL IS HALF DONE marry me?" “ I—I think he did." “ And It weakens the delicate lung tissues, didn’t he encourage you to proceed?" deranges the digestive organs, and "Yes. he held the door open for me."— Cleveland Plain Denier breaks down the general health. It often causes headache and dizzi­ h o b u d y P r o l e e t i u y ;. ness, impairs the taste, smell and "W as this decision a case of hearing, and affects the voice. Being a constitutional disease it re­ 'square deal’ ?" asked one belligerent j politician. quires a constitutional remedy. "N o." answered the other. "It was 1 a case of don’t dare squeal.”— Milwau- Radically and permanently cure«. I kee Sentinel. In usual liquid form or In chocolated known as S a ra a ta b s. 1«) doses $L Starting Another Controversy, "Old chap, you ought to ahavo oil Wages and Material Have Increased E x a m p le a t H e a d . t h a t long beard of yours. It harbon Enormously—3 3 ,0 9 9 Men Now The Pastor (dining with the family) germs— t h a t ’ a what the doctors say.1 Employed on W ork. —Ah. yes. Brother Smlthere. It Is ths “ Dear boy, you ought to trim tha little things of this Ufa that count! half bushel of hair on your head Little Willie (in a loud whisper)— There’s no telling what It harbors."— Maw. that’a the sixth biscuit ha’s took. Chicago Tribune ■Washington, D. C., Nov. 23.— With —Chicago Tribune. the Panama canal virtually half fin You Can Get Allen’s fo o t-ta v e FREE. ished, the members o f the Isthmian W’ rite A lie n s . Olmsted,Le Roy,X. Y . ,f o r a free sam ple o f A llen ’s Foot-Ease. It cures Canai commission awaken to the fact sweating, hot sw ollen , ach in g feel. It makes that this waterway will cost more than new or tight shoes easy. A certain cu re (or corns. Ingrow ing nails and buuions. A ll drug­ twice the amount o f the original esti gists sell it. 25c. D on't accept any substitute mate. In other words, it is now esti " I tried all kinds of blood remedies mated that the canal, when finished V o i c e o f « h e P e o p l e . which failed to do me any good, but I and opened to traffic, will represent a have found the right thing at last. My "Colonel, what will be the overshad­ total expenditure o f $375,201,(100. When face was full of pimples and black-heads. owing issues of the next campaign?1 the canal project was adopted it was After taking Caacareta they all left. I am "Well, I can’t tell you about that, estimated to cost only $144,233,358. continuing the use of them and recom­ o f course, until a few of us have got Chairman Tawney, o f the house com mending them to my friends. I feel fine t o g e t h e r and had our little conference. mittee on appropriations, on his arrival when I rise in the morning. Hope to at Panama with his committee, talked A S e c r e t S o v ie t }? . have a chance to recommend Cascareta." of paring down the estimates o f the Fred C. Witten, 76 Elm St., Newark, N. J. Carrie— I’ve got a dandy Idea for a commission and reducing the cost of Pleasant, Palatable, Potent, Taate G ood. construction. It is not seriously thought D o G ood. Never Sicken, W eaken or Grips. society! Do you think It would be however, that anything worthy of note 10c. 25c, 50c. Never »old in bulk. T b e genu­ practical? Carrie— Surely. We wouldn’t could be accomplished in this direction. ine tablet stam ped C C C. Guaranteed tn s u n or your m ousy hank. 122 keep secrets; we’d swap them.—Puck Rather, tbe impression prevails that when the last dollar has been spent, A n la e e n s ls t e a t E ip r a a e . the cost of the canal will be found to MODERN ______ EXPERT “I wonder why long télégraphié exceed rather than run under the lat­ messages are so expensive.” est est mate o f $375,000,000. In its an­ At P r k e s that Defy Competition nual report, made public today, the "W hy do you wonder?” TEETH WITHOUT PLATES A SPECIALTY "Because they are intended to go on Isthmian Canal commission discusses this question o f cost, saying; tick.”— Baltimore American. “ Wages have increased, and the cost of materials and manufactured articles DOCTOR’ S PRESCRIPTION. has risen. Prosperous conditions in the Quickly Cures Rheumatic Pains, Also United States, combined with the un savory reputation that the isthmus had Splendid System Builder. regarding its healthfulness, made it JfV £ Go to any good prescription druggist necessary to secure labor to increase PAINLESS EXTRACTION .............................. 5 0 c ami gut the following and mix them. the wage scales from 30 to 60 per cent SILV E R FILLIN GS......................................... 5 0 c u p If he does not have these ingredients over those paid in the United States GOLD F IL L IN G S ...........................................$ 1 .0 0 u p he will got them from his wholesale for similar classes of work. Certain 22K GOLD C R O W N ..............................................* 5 0 0 house. gratuities as additional inducements GOOD RUBBER P L A T E .............................. * 5 .0 0 “ One ounce compound syrup of Sar were also offered, which in the main THE BEST RUBBER PLA TES.................. * 8 .0 0 W HALEBONE P L A T E S ........................... * 1 0 .0 0 saparilla, and one ounce Toris com have since been continued. Moreover, Out-of-town patients can obtain p erfect work pound. Add these to a half pint ol the provieions of tbe eight-hour law and save money by calling at our office. NO STUDEN TS NO GAS NO COCAINE first-class whiskey, and use a table were made applicable to the isthmus. spoonful before each meal and at bed “ The unit prices were therefore rna All work guaranteed for ten years time. The bottle must be well shaker terially increased. Various changes CHICAGO PAINLESS DENTISTS each time.” This simple remedy is on« have also been made in the adopted 3 2 3 H Washington St., Cor. Slath of the most effective known. Th« plan, increasing the quantity of work Established 16 years. Hera to stay. restorative action will be felt after th« to be done. In addition, more detailed first few doses. surveys and plans than were originally available have been made, and the O u tp u t. work has progressed sufficiently to give Truth Seeker—What ere the Issue« reliable data relative to unit costs. In th» coming campaign? “ Nearly 50 per cent more work is Ward Heeler—Well, we haven’t Is to complete the canal than T bi Chines« Doctor s u e d anything yet but a loud call foi necessary was contemplated by the original esti money. This wondeful man has mate and the unit prices, due to labor made a life study o f the conditions, cost of materials, and gra T h e S o r t o f M o u H e 1». ropertiea o f Roots, ferbs and Barks, and "Biffers Is a singularly narrow ant! tuities given the employes, have been is giving the world the increased about 20 per cent. The esti selfish person, Isn’t be?” benefit o f his services. "H e is. Cook at the steak Is fat mate, as prepared, shows that the total N o Mercury, Poisons cost o f engineering and construction more Interesting to hkn than Cook ai or D rugs U se *. No alone sums up to $297,766,000, to which, the pole!”— Cleveland Plain Dealer. Operations or Cutting it' the purchase price and the estimated cost of sanitation and civil government Guarantees to curs Catarrh, Asthma, Long, O ver H er H ead. Stomach and Kidney troubles, and all Private be added, there results the sum of Diseases of M n and Women. " W h e r e a r e you going to s p e n d youi $375,202,000 as the total cost of the A SURE C A N C E R C U R E honeymoon?" asked t h s prospsctlv« canal. ’ ’ Just received from Pekin. China—safe, sure b r id e ’s girl friend. and reliable. Unfailing in Its works. “ O. It will not b e a mere honey I f you cannot call, write for symptom blank STANDARD OIL NOT HURT. and circular. Inclose 4 cents in stamps. m oon!" exclaimed the prospectlvi CONSULTATION FREE bride. "It will be a honey cycle!" "So you're going to take your wed Attorney Says Court Merely Orders Distribution of Stock. ding Journey on bikes, are you? Hoi 1 « 2 H First St., cor. Morrison, Portland. Or. p e r fe c t ly delightful!" gurgled ths oth New York, Nov. 23.— Mortimer F. Klliott, general counsel for the Stand ard Oil company, said today, in com nienting for the first time on the de cisiohs against the company handed down by the United States circuit court at St. l ’aul: “ I have seen what purports to be the text of the decision handed down by the United States circuit court Sat urday. The company will take an ap peal at once to the United States su preme court and will cheerfully abide by the verdict o f the highest court in the land, whatever that may be. “ Arguments in this case began last T h e K in d Y o u H a v e A lw a y s B o u g h t has borne th e signa­ April, and we are glad to have reached tu re o f C has. H . F le tc h e r , a n d h as b e e n m a d e u n d er his an opinion. 1 do not mean that we are personal supervision fo r o v er 3 0 y ears. A llo w n o one pleased with the opinion itself, but we t o deceive y o u In th is. C ou n terfeits, Iniitutions a n d are glad to get it, whatever its na “ J u s t -a s -g o o d ” a re b u t E xp erim en ts, a n d en d an ger th e ture. h ea lth o f C hildren —E xp e rien ce a g a in st E x p e rim e n t. “ The decree does not order a disso lotion of the Standard Oil company; that is a misunderstanding. What the decree orders, as I now understand it, C astorla is a harm less su b stitu te fo r C astor O il, P a re ­ is that the company shall distribute goric, l>rops a n d S o oth in g Syrups. I t is P leasa n t. I t among its stockholders, o f whom there con tain s n eith er O p iu m , M o rp h in e n o r o th er N arcotic su bstan ce. I ts a g e Is its g u a ran tee. I t destroys W o r m s are aproximately 5,000, its holdings in and allays F everishn ess. I t cu res D iarrhoea and W in d stock of subsidiary companies. This Colic. I t relieves T e e th in g T ro u b les, cu res C onstipation distribution, I further understand, is and F la tu len cy. I t a ssim ilates th e F o o d , regulates th e ordered to be effected on a pro rata Stom ach a n d B o w e ls, g iv in g healthy am i n atu ral sleep. basis o f apportionment. T h e C h ildren ’ s P a n a cea —T h e M o th e r ’ s F rien d . Report ot Commission on Panama Interoceanlc Waterway. ORIGINAL ESTIMATE IS DOUBLED Hood’s Sarsaparilla PIM PLES DENTISTRY C. Gee Wo S The C. Gee Wo Medicine Co. What is C A S T O R IA The Kind You Ha?e Always Bought RIVERS ON RAMPAGE. Willamette and Columbia Break Booms and Wreck Trains. Portland, Nov. 23.— Excessive rains over the whole of Western Oregon dur- iug Sunday night and the greater part o f Monday have Hooded the Willamette river and all its tributaries. Western Washington felt tbe storm to a slight degree, and during the day it prog­ ressed to tbe eastern parts of the two states. Damage from landslides over tracks and washed out bridges have delayed trains iu Western Oregou, while tele­ phone and telegraph communication up the Columbia has been obstructed. High water in tbe Willamette threat­ ens to close the locks at Oregon City, while logs and debris in tbe lower river endanger navigation. At Oregon City the water is licking at the tracks o f the Southern Pacific. At Scio the town is in darkness be­ cause a $3,000 power dam has been swept away. Log booms in the Port­ land harbor broke yesterday, but steamboats were soon put to work aud the greater portion of the runaway logs captured. West of Bonneville, in the Columbia river gorge, rains started a slide which wrecked an O. R. & N. fast freight yesterday morning, causing the death of Thomas F. Rogers, engineer, and in­ juring J. A. Nesliit, fireman, and W. T. Furlong, brakeman. Two bridges on the North Santiam were damaged yesterday, and a Cor­ vallis & Eastern train is marooned at Mill City. Passengers were transferred to a special train sent out from A l­ bany. At Clifton, on the Astoria & Colum­ bia railroad, a landslide yesterday morning covered the track for a dis­ tance of 60 feet. Have One Doctor SMITH WANTS YOUR PRODUCE Portland, Or., Nov. 16, 1909. We have our own 22 markets and we supply some others. As has always been our policy, we shall give the Portland public only fresh, absolutely choice native poultry. We relume to use the Eastern cold storage poultry that is being brought in here in carload lots; We are loyal to the Oregon farmer. The prices ruling today are as follows; D r e s s e d T u r k e y s ....................2 0 t o 2 2 ' <* D r e s s e d G e e s e ....................... 15 to IS c D ressed D u ck s 2 0 t o 2 2 ' .c D re sse d C h ic k e n s, iM ■*• ». 1 5 a 16 c No sense in running from one doctor to another. Select the best one, then stand by him. Do not delay, but consult him in time when you are sick. Ask his o p i n i o n of Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral for coughs and colds. Then use it or not, just as he says. All produce must be poud, fat quali'’-- poultry dry-picked. F R A N K L. S M IT H M E A T C O . A vers ■Fighting th « B eef T ru st” P ortland, Oregon During th« year 1908 no less than 9.254 different books wert published in the United States. The number ¡a 3tkJ less than during the preceding year. W • publish our formula« W e banish aloohol from our medlolneo W # urge you to oonault your dootor Always keep s box of Aver’ s Pills in the house. Just one pill st bedtime, now and then, will ward off many an attack of biliousness, indigestion, sick headache. How many years has your doctor known these pills? Ask him all about them. the full confidence of the Well-Informed — of the World and the Commendation of M m U by th* J. C. i y « r Co., L ow ill, M m - — T o E n jo y the most eminent physicians it was essen­ tial that the component parts of Syrup T h e y H e lp e d S o m e . Visitor—I don’t see how you can reconcile yourself to being a farmer. SI Seeder—I couldn't If I didn’t see one of you city men once in a while.— Philadelphia Bulletin. ♦ ’ No matter how long your neck tray be or how sore your thioat, Hamlins Wizard Oil will cure it surely and quickly. It drives out all soreness and inflammation. of Figs and Elixir of Senna should be known to and approved by them; there­ fore, the California Fig Syrup Co. pub­ lishes a full statement with every package. The perfect purity and uniformity of pro­ duct, which they demand in a laxative remedy of an ethical character, ate assured by the Company’s original method of man­ ufacture known to the Company only. O s c D lalluctlon. The figs of California are used in the production of Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna to promote the pleasant taste, but the medicinal principles arc obtained from plants known to act most beneficially. To get its beneficial effects always buy the genuine—manufactured by the Cali­ fornia Fig Syrup Co. only, and for sale by all leading druggists. P N U [w > I JW g e ib LEWIS & STAVER CO. m e n t io n t h i s p a p e r . Portland, Ore. Spokane, Wash. Boise, Idaho. W L D O U G L A S $ 3 .qo $ 3 . 5 p&$ 4 .QO SHOES W ear W . L . Douglas com fort­ able, easy w alking, com m on sense s h o e s . A trial will convince any one th a t W . L. Douglas s h o e s hold their shape, fit better and wear longer th an other makes. Th e y are m ade upon honor, of the best leathers, by the m ost skilled w orkm en, in all the latest fashions, shoes In every style and shape to suit { m en in all w alks of life. Pleasant to take and guarante e! II absolutely free from opiates. I PAIITinkl I The genuine have W. L. llftU I lull . Douglas name and price •tamped on bottom, which guarantees full valus and protocta the wearer against high prices and Inferior shoea. TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE. I BOYS SHOES $ZQD &*Z.sp W h e re v e r y o u live , IV. L . D o u g la s sh o e s a re w ithin y o u r re a c h , i t y o u r d e a le r a an not fit y o u , w rite fo r M a if O r d e r Catalog. IV. L D o u gla s, B ro ck to n , M a ss. Raises Ihe dough Now York, Nov. 24.— Following tho and complies with decision rendered Saturday adverse to all pure food laws. Standard Oil, officials and leading law­ yers comprising the counsel for the company got together today to discuss matters and outline a course for fu ture action. Iiopeal of the Sherman anti trust act is the goal which will apparently be held in sight. That its provisions are too sweeping and too radical is tho opinion of John D. Archbold, vice pres dent of the Standard Oil company, CRESCENT MFC. CO. who also declares that sentiment M akers o f M A F IA IN I (better then M aple). against the law is beginning to form. Mr. Archhold said: ‘ I believe the decision will result in legislation looking toward the repeal of the Sherman anti trust act, for under that law it is impossible for any cor­ poration to transact business. I be lieve that the officials at Washington are coming to the view that the law is too active, and that even Roosevelt himself shares in that opinion.” Means an unfailing water supply. It means that you will have the most practi­ cal Domestic water sui ply system now in use. No elevated lank, no frozen pipes In winter, no stagnant water in summer, no water supply troubles o f any sort. Tank placed in basement, out of sight and way. made of pressed steel, will not rust and will last a lifetime. You will be pleased with the LEADER system o f furnishing Domestic Water Supi ’y. Ask for our catalogue and free booklet "How I Solved My Water Supply Problem.” H E N w r i t i n g t o a d v e r t la « r a p la a a « CURE W A ll D r o fiu U , 2 5 ceate. A LEADER WATER SYSTEM IN YOUR HOME N o. 4 8 -0 0 P I S O ’S Standard Oil Will Strike at the Root o f Its Troubles. W e want amali turkeyi In preference lo large ones The nmsller l e t irkey the belter. We do not ch an t. e commiseioo commission on anything. We will remit with cheek u . s i i on ihe hirst National Bank o f Po ’ortland. Ad- drena all ahipmenta to tha Irate Caller—Your paper accused me this morntiiK of running over a man TROOPS FOR NICARAGUA. with niy motorcycle. It isn't true. It Four Hundred United States Marines w a s an automobile. Editor—Well, wbat'a the difference? Under Rush Orders. Irate Caller—Tho difference? About Washington, Nov. 24.— Preparations I 8 6 0 ! " are being made «’or 400 marines to sail from Philadelphia on Saturday, either Prtlit’s fy e Salve for 25c for the canal zone or for “Nicaragua. relieves tired or overworked eyes, This will be the armed force to land stops eye aches, congested, inflamed in Nicaragua, if developments in the or sore eyes. All druggists or Howard situation there within the next few Bros., Buffalo, N. Y. days require such a course. All de­ pends upon action to be taken by the N i p p e d l»y a l . a l e F r o s t . state department, which is marking “Pulsatilla, I've been coming to see time pending the receipts of additional you for several years, and I think It's details of the killing of the two Amor high time for me to—er------" icans, Groce and Cannon. “Quit and give some other young The departure of the marines comes mam a chance, Mr. Slocum? Thanks; as a result of rush orders sent to tho so do I. Don't stumble over the rug In League Island navy yard after the tbe hall us you go. Mr. Slocum."—Chi­ state department received the prelimi­ cago Tribune. nary report of execution o f the two men by President Zelaya’s orders. It had been intended to send the ma­ For Aathma, Bronchitis and rines to Panama to relieve 380 marines on duty there. Tho date of departure a ll T h r o a t T r o u b le s T ak e from Philadelphia had been set for De­ cember 3, by which time the troopship Prairie would have been ready to sail. By working night and day the League [eland force will be able to finish re­ pairs on the ship by November 27. If necessary the 380 marines now on T H U S T WIIK 1 U TO* (OISMIS M»(gy>S the canal could be utilized in Nicara gua, in addition to the 400 to be taken T h e relief is as quick as it is certain. I south on the Prairie. ATTACK SHERMAN LAW. L iv e C h ic k e n s , h e n s a n d sp rin g s 1 4 c D r e s s e d h o g s ............................................ v c D r e s s e d v e a l , u p t o 1 3 0 l b s ............1 0 c L arge V e a l L e ss. CRESCENT Dentistry Out of town peoph can have tholr platt ind bridgework fin shod la one da; t necessary. We will give you • goo< 22k (old or Dorcelaii crown (or Molar Crown« 5 .0 1 , 22k e.-ldgo T M t h 3 . 5 C Gold Filling* Enamel Filling« 1 . 0 1 Silver Filling« »5^ Inlay Filling« 2 .5 Good Rubber _ AA Plato« 5 .0 0 Beit Rod ^Sb- _ bor Plat*. 7 .5 0 Painloo« Extr non . 5 0 f Cheapness vs. Quality In the m atter o f food y o u ca n ’t afford to "sacrifice Q uality for Cheapness. Econom y is right and g o o d but inferior food products are dear at a n y price. $3.50 “ S ocialist" Suppressed. Seattle, Wash., Nov. 23.—The police today confiscated an entire edition of the Socialist, a weekly paper published by Dr. Herman F. Titus, on the ground that it contained indecent matter, ob jection being made to an article by Miss Agnes Thecla Fair, an Industrial ____________ ___ WORK OUARANTKID FOR 1* YKARS Worker o f the World, who was im Pain I ooo Extraction Ire« whin plate* or bridge work prisoned at Spokane for holding street «ordered. Consultation Free. You cannot ir«t bettor loo* work done any whore. A ll work fully guar­ meetings. The article purported to de­ pain anteed. Modern electrio equipment. Beet method*. scribe indignities to which prisoners were subjected by the Spokane police. A man who was selling the paper on [lonw Britoi*. the street was held in $500 bail for TsiBu.Z’iai.lT. PORTLAND. O REG ON srrics u se s : u x m i . x su u m . • u l circulating forbidden literature. 1.0C aOUNCES/ I f f BAKING ■ V v POWDER is economical— not Cheap. T r y ft. T h e best at a n y price o r y ou r m on ey back. Poison Follows Advance. Vienna, Nov. 23.— A large number of JA Q U E S M FG . C O . __ officers just promoted to be captains on Kfi mam F* r C h i c a g o . ________ the general staff have received tbrougn Bean th e Signature o f ^G uaranteed the mails sample boxes o f pills. These were accompanied by a circular relat­ u n d e r all ing to nervous debility. Captain Ma r««a Food Laws dos took some o f the pills and died almost instantly. An autopsy revealed the presence of cyanide of potassium. Drought In 1911 Predicted. A further investigation showed that all the pills contained cyanide o f potass­ Topeka, Kan., Nov. 23.— The helpful ium in large quantities and also that hen, famed in Kansas song and story, ▼MK CCMTAUR vettMNT. TV MURRAY RTRtCT, NtW VOMII CITY. many first lieutenants attached to the staff, but not promoted, had not re­ is responsible for a “ phenomenon’ 1 Sixth and Morrison. Opposite Postoffice that is stirring the state from the Mis ceived pills. PO R TLAN D. OREGON souri river to the Colorado border. It Despair Rules at Cherry. is all about an egg that was laid out No oil heater has a higher efficien» Cherry, III., Nov. 23.— Twenty saved, in Republic county, June 11 o f this cy or greater heating power than th* * AN D TANNER * THE S A F E W A Y 92 known dead and 198 missing was year. Early in the forenoon o f that day Mrs. Ralph Fullen responded to F U R S BOUGHT the record at the St. Paul mine tonight. the daily cackle of Biddy, and went Ta trftvel E u t Ten dead were brought to the surface out to the ehicken honse to gather eggs. F. B. F IN L E Y i. vi» U m today and 37 more dead were located 249 C o lu m b ia Portland, Ore. in the second level, but were not Imbedded in tbe shell of one were ominous characters which spelled out brought up on account o f black damp. “ Drought, 1911.“ It is not difficult to choose a What had promised to be Cherry’s reai (Equipped with Smokeleaa Device) Satisfactory instrument when you lay o f thanksgiving ended in a night Home to Cost 31,000,000. of hope deferred or despair. Tonight have as many from which to se­ With it you can go from the cold New York, Nov.- 23.— Contracts for no living man or boy had been ad ded W E TEACH THE BARBER TR A JE lect as we can show you. of the Arctic to the warmth o f the j to both men and women. Expert instruction: di­ to the list o f the 20 rescued yesterday. tbe construction of a country honse at A child or inexperienced person ploma« «ranted: clean, modern, up-to-date. All day the tolling of church bells re­ Tropics in 10 minutes. Port Washington, Long Island, have ! Money earned while learning. Complete course ean select s Piano here and have sounded. Eighteen bodies were in­ The new for Write for free particulars. been confirmed by Howard Gould. The the same protection afforded an terred. NATIONAL BARBER COLLEGE A u t o m a t ic plans show the structure will have a 68 West Washington St. Seattle, Wash. axpert in Piano values. We sell frontage of 228 feet and depth o f 110 Lords Are Facing Crisis. on the One Price System. We S m o k e le s s D e v ic e Oregon-WashingtOT Limited London, Nov. 23. — The United King­ feet. This new “ Castle Oould,“ as guarantee every Piano we sell. Portland to Chicago the residence will be known, will be dom is more absorbed in polities now started as soon as the present frame prevents smoking. Removed in aa If you wish to purchase to the than for many years, and tbe week structure the Goulds have been nsing instant for cleaning. Chicago-Portland Special Tj bast advantage, ' write for our Chicago. St. Louis. Etc, will witness the culmination of the as a residence is demolished. It will catalogue. Solid bras« font holds 4 quarts of oil—sufficient to give out a glowing heat fierce warfare over the budget. The be a three-story hr.nse. ’or 9 hours- -solid bras« wick carrier#—damper top—cool handle— oil indicator. Soo-Spokane-Portland Stolaway honse of lords is sxpeeted to vote Heater beautifully finished in nickel or Japan in a variety of styles. ’Train d . L u x ," U> St. Paul Palace Yields Treasures. Thursday on the rejection of the bud­ sad Other Evvry Dealer. Everywhere. If Not A t Youra. W rit* far Dancriptiva Circular get. Most leaders in tbe upper house Madrid, Nov. 23.— Lawrence Perln, to the Noarost Agency of the will «peak. Lord Roaebery's efforts of Baltimore, has pnrebased an ancient Latest equipment, Pullman, S T A N D A R D O IL C O M P A N Y for the Conservativee and those of the Moorish palace at Honda, Spain. Ex­ Tourist and Dining Cara, electric wear well Victor (Incorporated) Earl o f Hatsbnry for the Liberal* are cavations have been going on for •*▼- lighted and up-to-date. Black and they Keep y>u Talk lag awaited with the most Interest. Signal System Portland to Chicago. eral days and Roman arehaelogieal re­ d ry while you are For literature, rates, reserva­ mains and mneh treasure have Keen wearing them tions, etc., call on or writ« to any found. The government has tent aa Lava Sweepe Teneri ffe. 4 .^ o o 0 . B. A N. agent, or to Teaeriffe, Nov. 23.—Tber* are now architect to make an examination. E V C D Y W H E M fonr crateri throwing oot ineandeeeent Five Volcanoes Active. metter, wkieh frequenti/ le aeeompanied W M . M cM U R R A Y atwufTFro M ju vvoor by explosiona. The i o * o f lava has Tenerlffe, Nov. 24.—The fifth crater CAJAIOG HKE General Paaaenger Agent coverei nearly four miles and is etili has opened and five volcanoes are sow )n < ioc package colors silk, w o o l and cotton equally« goods brighter and faster colors than any other dye. On* advaneiaf. The Datore o f tbe ground throwing ont great quantities o f lava. _ __________ Portland, Oregon A JTbw vp c a iM TO k OÍA. postpaid at 10c a package. W rite for free to gtvej>erfect resulta A sk deals«, or w a w ill sand — prevent* thè dansming up o f tbe lava Explosions, however, have ceased ‘ » d i t ^ i W S K intaed ! Tbwm CMtMMH t o m ill. T n MONROB DRUG O O M f A N T , Qi Qulnoy, I from tbe fertile laad. the people are esimer. | W ise Dental Co. In Use For Over 3 0 Years. Sherman, Clay & Co. From Arctic to Tropics in Ten Minutes T A X ID E R M IS T Oregon Railroad & Navigation Company's WE MAKE PIANO BUYING EASY AND SAFE PERFECTION Oil Heater BAR B E R SCHOOL NEW FAST TRAINS SUCKERS l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l PUTNAM FADELESS DYES