Mosier Bulletin bsucd tack Friday MOSIER.. OREGON R E F O R E S T A T IO N 18 E A S Y . Observations o f a Practical Timber- man Clearly S et Forth. (B y J. 8. Young, Inman-Poulsen Log giug Co., Kelso, Wash.) "Tt Is §ad enough; but I hare been fortunate in finding frien d* like Mr Rawson and his daughter. I t Is bet­ ter. too, to believe that there is soras pleasant sheltered nook round the next turn of the road than always to look for sandy deserts Loneliness is th« worst evil of all: it is What I fear most.” Mrs. Savllle did not answer imme­ diately; then she said, abruptly, “ What is your name— your Christian name?” "M y name? Hope Desmond." " I thought so. It is very appro­ priate. A’ ou have given me a curious mental picture. I suppose it is true, though It is incomprehensible to me, but you give rne the Idea of being sen­ sible and accurate. Do you not feel that your life has been lost, fruitless passed as it has been In this constant struggle?” "N o ,” cried Hope, her dark eyes lighting, and liftin g her head with an unconscious but dignified movement. " I t has had much sweetness, and I have been of some use. Though I am not clever, I have done what I could; and that will always com fort me. I da not fear the future. W ork w ill come to me. I would not change with any one. I prefer to remain the 'me' that I am.” “ You are an unusual specimen. Miss Desmond, and really a profound phi­ losopher; yet you have refinement and taste, aye, and culture enough, to ena ble you to enjoy beauty and elegance literature and art. 1 congratulate you; only. If . very one was as easily pleas ed the world would stand still.” “ Perhaps so,” said Hope Desmond, with a sigh. " I can only see life ac­ cording to my lights.” Then, after some minutes' silence, ih e observed how prettily the smoke curled up from among the trees down In the hollow. Acs. said Mrs. Savllle, " I suppose Lord Castleto i has arrived. Inglefield Court belongs to him. It Is an older and much damper place than this. 1 must call to-morrow.” She heaved a deep sigh as she spoke. “ Miss Dacre Is one of the fortunate ones according to ir.y estimate. She Is her father's sole heiress, and takes the title, too, when she succeeds him. She Is pretty, rather accomplished, and decidedly popular. I used to see a good deal of her at one time; now----She pans ed a:.d frowned, then, rising, she said, peremptorily, "Come, I feel rheumat­ ic; I have sat here too long.” Few words passed between the com panlons till almost at the gate which opened from Mrs. Savllle's grounds on a foot path which crossed the vicarage Helds, when that lady said, suddenly: "1 expect my son to m orrow.” ‘ Your eldest son?” " I have but one son,” returned M r* Savllle, Icily. __(T o be continued.) The Timberman: As the question of SEARCH TOR P L A T IN U M . A P P L E S S E L L H IG H . conserving our present forests and re foresting our logged-off lands is now Government Expert* Investigate Pros Fancy Hood R iver Spitzenbergs Bring commanding so much attention, a few pects In Coos County. $3.50 Per Box. observations from one who has given Marshfield— That platinum exists in Hood R iver— The apple picking has the subject considerable thought may Coos county seems to be the opinion come to an end in Hood R iver valley not be out o f place. o f experts and that the development fo r the year 1909, and several crew People who are dealing with statistics o f the mineral is being looked into by are busy at present packing the fruit and theories tell us that our forests will men o f money there is no doubt. Dr. fo r market. A number o f the larger Lets Important but Not L e tt Inter* be practically exhausted in fifty years, D. T. Day, who has charge o f the min growers have concluded their packing eral division o f the geological survey and their fruit has been hauled to the etting Happenings fro m Points at the present rate of cutting; and as in Washington, D. C., has oeen mak­ cold storage plant in the city, await Outside the State. the rate o f consumption will undoubt ing investigations. He was sent out ing shipment to N ew York. The union edly increase, it would seem that our for the purpose o f investigating the is sending out several cars each day possibilities o f platinum mining devel­ consigned to Steinhardt & K elly, who John G. Carlisle is much improved, only hope o f a supply for future geuer opments along the coast. He is quoted purchased the entire crop o f fancy and bis physician says his condition is ations is in growing more trees. as saying that he has found some plat stock. The fancy Bpitzenbergs were C H A P T E R V I.— (Continued.) The question o f conserving and pro iuuin in the ore examined so far, and ” 1 did; and he very sorry, but he encouraging. sold to the N ew York firm fo r $3.35 tectiug our forests and raising another Miss Desmond had been little more has already returned the plans of the The head o f the sugar trust says he crop o f timber to take the place o f the has stated that he w ill g ive instruc­ per box, and since this deal was made than a week at Inklefleld, when, re cottages to the builder.” is not guilty o f tho charges made one we are now cutting and destroying tions to miners as to how to save the the Davidson Fruit company o f this platinum which he believes is now loBt city has paid as high as $3.50 per box turning home from the neighboring "Then he must get them back," very against him. is purely an economic one, and not gov in large quantities in the process of for fancy Spitzenbergs. The fru it in vicarage, whenre she had been dis sharply. “ I w ill walk over m yself to Suspicion points to 22 government erned by academic theories. Hence, we mining fo r gold. A. L. Macdonald o f Hood R iver valley this season has patched with a message respecting the vicarage. I want movement. Did weighers as implicated in tho sugar will conserve and protect our present Schenectady, N. Y., where mining ma been o f a higher standard than any some of the local charities to which you happen to see Lord E verton?” forests, plant and raise a new crop of chinery is manufactured, is accompany trust frauds. marketed in previous years. There has Mrs. Savllle contributed, she entered “ The gentleman who has Just left? trees on our logged off lands just as George Crocker, son o f tho pioneer soon as we find out that it pays to ing Dr. Day. They have gone down the been a noticeable decrease in rust and the drawing-room through one of the Yes; he was In the draw ingroom coast to make further investigations. other infections that m itigate in pro­ French windows which opened on a California millionaire, is seriously ill do so. when I came in." The results o f the work w ill be o f vast in N ew York. The writer remembers doing a lot of importance to the mining interests of ducing a lower grade o f apples. The veranda and thence on to the grounds “ He Is one of th», most contemptible season's profit is very satisfactory, not The two Portland boys who held up hard work, in early life, along with Coos and Curry counties. The lady of the house was not there men In England.” continued Mrs. Sa withstanding tho fact that tho crop a bank at San Jose, Cal., and secured many others, destroying our forests that but lounging com fortably In her espe «•11«— “ a mere butterfly at sixty-three was cut a little short. we might ruise grain and garden truck $7,315, have pleaded guilty. He has only existed for pleasure his clal chair sat a gentleman, who, di to eat and hay for our stock; and why CO EDS TO H A V E HOME. General Reyes, mentioned as a can Becauso these things to us had a value Experiment Farm for Sherman rectly Miss Desmond entered, rose and whole life, and even now pleasure still didate for the Mexican presidency, has and trees had none. W e could not eat Wasco — Realizing that something made her a bow— a bow which proved pleases. Ills sense of enjoyment has Society Women o f Eugene to Assist in gone to Europe fo r a lengthy tour. must be done to conserve the native that bowing was not yet quite a lost been his ruin. A trifler of the most them and nobody wanted to buy them Building Bungalow. fe rtility o f their soil and knowing that art. He was a tall, elderly man of un triflin g description, without an amid Revolutionists in Nicaragua are said But mark the change today. The trees University o f Oregon, Eugene.— To the continuous cropping to wheat w ill to have the government army in a bad have a value; our lorests are at the certain age, slight and elegant, with tion or an aim; worst of all. rpcklcss position and threaten it with annihiln present time one of the chief sources ot build a handsome bungalow to serve as eventually rob the soil o f the active flue aquiline features and l'ght-blue of how he may throw others Into temp wealth to the states'along the Pacific the general headquarters and center of principles promotive o f vegetable life, tion. Me has Injured Coast, and where the conditions fo r ro co-ed student life at the university of the farmers o f Sherman county have laughing eyes that looked as If boy tatton or difficulty. Charles N. Crittenton, founder of foresting are so favorable, they can be Oregon is the unique plan o f a number secured the assistance o f the federal hood still lingered there In spite of the me past forgiveness, and yet he conics refuge homes fo r unfortunate girls, is mude u source o f wealth for all time to of prominent Eugene society women, government and o f the state experi wavy hair that curled round a rather meandering here to try and talk me dead. He was 76 years old and had come. But as approximately only 20 Deluding the wives o f several univer ment station in an e ffo rt to establish low but well shaped forehead. He was over to Induce me to pardon the cruel established 73 homes. an experimental farm fo r Eastern Ore­ carefully, admirably dressed, and Inde lest Injury that could be indicted. per cent o f the standing timber o f the sity professors. I They have scrlbably fresh and cool, though It was told him my opinion hilly; but to be The bungalow is to cost about $2000, gon in Sherman county. But one other American mine disas country is in the hands o f the govern purchased 240 acres o f average land incut and about 80 per cent under pri ter oquals the one at Cherry, 111. That and will be constructed along craftsman seriously angry with such a creature a burning August day. w a ^ a t Monongah, W. Va., when 365 vato ownership, the question o f refor lines. It will have one large room for near Moro, the county seat, and H. J. "A llo w me to explain my appearance Is like taking a howitzer to shoot a Umbergor, an expert in dry farm estution presents some serious difficul nrineps lost their lives. meetings and social affairs, with a hum m ingbird. Come. Miss Desmond . ties. small kitchen, bath and rest room. The ing methods, has been appointed to here," he said. In a pleasant, youthful Th% leader o f the Nicaraguan rebels voice. “ I have taken the exceedingly let iih go out Into the open air. What What is the age o f our present for building will be constructed on a lot take charge o f the farm. claims to have the president’s army eats I What are tho means to be em N early five? I shall uninteresting journey from London to o'clock Is it? just outside the College campus, owned bottled up. ployed to retorest our logged off lands! by the University Young Women’s this place, and I now await Its amla walk round the grounds until it Is Railroad Improves Line. Martial law has been proclaimed in What length of time will it take? What ,'hristian association, which will be in Dec— The b ig steam shovel of the ble mistress’s pleasure as to whether time to find the vicar." And then charge of the bungalow after it is com­ Buenos Ayres follow ing the assassina­ benefits can be derived ! They pared somewhat slowly across Mount Hood railway is digging ballast she w ill see me or not." the great question, Will it p ayf tion o f the mayor. pleted. for the new track from Dee to Park- “ Has she been told you are here?" the grounds to a wooded rising ground To the first question, I would answer: President Campbell is much pleased dale, a distance o f six miles. When Rfked Miss Desmond, taking off a large on the left of the house, from which a K in g Manuel, o f Portugal, is vis it­ “ From 100 to 400 years.’ ’ The na ing in England. I t is believed he is tional government is at the present time with the interest the women are taking the work is completed passenger and garden-hat, which she continued to view of it and Its surroundings could n the bungalow. logging trains can be run. The new looking for a wife. be obtained, and when they had ac­ gathering the data to answer questions line extends well up toward Mount hold in her hand, wondering who this complished the ascent Mrs. Saville sat Silverton, Colo., reports 18 inches o f two and three. could be. Mrs. Savllle's visitors had Hood and through an excellent body “ F a k e " Label on AppleB. The writer has made some observa snow. Railroad traffic has been inter The contract fo r the hitherto been few and far between, her down, as if tired, on a seat placed at Hood R iver— The members o f the o f fir timber. tious regarding the growth of timber, ferod with somewhat. Her com­ extension of the telephone line from acquaintances at that season being the best point of outlook. Hood R iver Apple Growers union, which which lead him to believe that growing panion had observed that the keen, The condition o f John G. Carlisle, timber will pay. I have found trees 135 comprises 90 per cent o f tho orchardists, this point to Parkdale was let to Harry scattered in remote regions. active woman was stronger tn spirit ex-secretary o f the treasury, has as­ years old 52 inches in diameter on the are up in arms over the report from Bailey o f Hood River. The Home Tel- "Yes, I believe her major-domo has phone company o f Hood R iver is the than In flesh, and felt a sort of pity sumed a serious aspect. stump, that cut over six thousand feet N ew York that quantities o f apples conveyed my pasteboard to the august owner o f tho line. fpr this rich, prosperous, resolute lady. A merger o f the copper companies of merchantable lumber. The annual were on the market there bearing the presence.” And the stranger, with the “ What a sweet, beautiful place this o f the United States with $1,000,000,000 growth showed these trees were 24 wrappers o f the union which were not air of being very much at home, drew W ill Raise More Sheep. Is !” she exclaimed, after gazing at inches on tho stump at 4U years and at up to the high standard o f quality main capital is being organized. forward a chair, which Miss Desmoud that time should cut 900 feet of lumber. tained by that organization. The wrap Baker C ity— Baker county sheepmen the srene before her for a few min did not accept. Judge Thomas F. Graham o f San From my observations, extending over pers o f the union are regarded us an utes. "1 think It Is the most charming Francisco has been chosen head o f the several sections o f timber, 100 trees 16 bsolute guarantee o f high quality in are pleased with the settlement o f the “ Pray, has Mrs. S avllle been long I have ever seen.” range question with the officials of the here?” Pacific coast baseball league. to 18 inches in diameter can be grown the east, and when these apples were "T h en you have not seen much,” re reserve, who were here for the meeting “ About a fortnight." The supreme court has sentenced a on each acre in 40 years and these will found to be inferior in selection and turned Mrs. Savllle, testily. "Au d you— have you been here all Tennesseo sheriff and five others to make 30,000 feet of merchantable lum pack, many complaints poured in upon o f the sheepmen on November 2. A cut "T h a t Is true. I have not seen any ja il for failin g to pervent a lynching ber; these same trees will cut 75,000 Steinhardt & Kelly, who bought the en­ of 80(H) head had been ordered in dis­ that tim e?” fine places In England, and tne palaces feet at the end o f 125 years. The tire output o f the union this year. in 1906. D IA M O N D M A K E R 'S SE C R ET. ‘ Not quite." tricts No. 1 and 2, which include Baker and chateaux abroad are so melan location is, What will be the value of "A h ! what wonderful resisting pow The Hawaiian sugar planters report this 30,000 feet o f timber grown on an county, but at the last meeting the cut choly; hut who could desire anything I.e m o liie 'a l.e te st A rronnl of Ilia Mt. Hood Line Extended. a very heavy crop. Since Russian and acre in 40 years or the 75,000 feet was reduced to 1700 and tho growers er! I should have Imagined you would beyond the exquisite, graceful, home P r o c e s s ( l i v e n In C o u r t . Hood River— The track o f the Mount Filipino labor has been imported thero grown on an acre in 125 years? I will both by this tim e be extinct from men­ Use beauty of Inglcflcld?" H enri Lemolne. the pretended dia­ has been little trouble on the islands hazard a guess that 30,000 feet of Hood railway extension from Dee to may be allowed their usual number. tal Inanition.” Miss Desmond laughed It was, tn truth, a delightful abode, mond maker, told what lie said was W ith this change it is probable that a in the way o f strikes. standing timber will be worth $8 per Pnrkdale, six miles, is laid, nnd sur larger number o f sheep will be raised —a sweet, well-amused laugh. sheltered on the east by the upland his secret In court yesterday at his And you can laugh like th a t!” hr Another football player has been thousand in 40 years, and that hii acre ncing gangs are at work. A new town, in Baker county this year. from which they now looked down; trial on a charge of swindling, says a of luiiil planted to fir trees will earn $6 killed and one seriously hurt. continued. “ Then your v itality has ol which has been named Parkdale, is bo­ the ground sloped steeply from the Paris letter to the New York Sun. An per year for the entire period, not course kept my revered sister-in-law Douglas Plans Good Roads. Cattlemen in Wyom ing have pleaded counting the small trees that can be ng laid out at the end o f the road. opposite side, g ivin g a wide view over unfeeling court smiled at him, but he guilty to killing sheepmen. Roseburg— This year Douglas county alive. It must, however, exhaust your taken out and utilized for wood, posts Plans have been made for store build- richlv-wooded country; while the acted as if he fu lly felt the g ra vity of own vital powers to give out ozone— ngs, a hotel and application has been spent $106,000 in good road building. A labor convention at Toronto has mil poles during the 40 years. house, gardens and grounds occupied the situation. I do not think there is any use to made for a postoffice. Hundreds of That the work is to lie continued, only no, what do they call It?— electricity— the level space between. gone on record for womun suffrage. Fine trees " I am sounding the death knell of to such a degree. There is nothing to which wo can put our mountainous, acres o f fruit land have been bought in Cairo is quiet outwardly, but troops rocky, logged off lands that will yield the vicinity o f the new railroad ter­ on a larger scale, is proven by the pur­ me so soul-destrovlng, so deadening, ns stood about, for Inglefleld was an old the diamond, and I appeal not to Jus­ country-house dating tolerably far tice hut to science,” he said. arc still held there for fear o f another much wealth, though to the indi­ minus by well to do Eastern people, chases recently made bv the county suburban rusticity. Won't you sit outbreak. bark, built In the half-timbered style, Several weeks ago the court down? I can't stand any longer my Then he took a pencil and drew vidual 40 years is a long time to wait nnrh o f which has been cleared and set court. the first story of fine bricks, the upper plans of his electric furnace and his purchased the rock quarry nnd bunkers self.” Lyman J. Gage, ox secretary o f the or a harvest, b it not long to the state o trees. vacated by the Warren Construction part beams and plaster, with high crucible, so that the court m ight fo l­ treasury, is to marry Mrs. Ada Ballou or nation. "Then pray do not. I do not sit company, upon the completion o f the To my mind, the phase o f tho ques chimneys and many-gabled roofs. The low his explanations. o f San Francisco. B ig Orchard Near Dee. down because I am not going to stay company’s paving contract ill this city. tion that presents the most serious iliffi- Dee— Portland people are preparing This included nil crushed rock that had I thought Mrs. Savllle would come in large additions made by Mrs. Saville's A message has been received from The furnace is composed o f three ultics is the problem o f taxation. 1 father had been carried out in strirt concentric cylinders fitting Into one Roosevelt saying no accident whatever have no hesitation in saying that our to plant 500 acres to apples south of neon le ft by the company. Immediately,” said Miss Desmond, who accordance with the original plan, and another, the exterior cylinder of has happoned to his party. present system of taxation, particularly Dee. The building o f the Mount Hood began to perceive In some way that the garden designed to suit It also. A Suffragettes at Bristol, England, at­ egarding growing timber, is all wrong. railway from Hood River to Dee and wrought iron, the second o f com­ tnls pleasant, talkative personage was Asylum Bids Awarded. circular lawn, surrounded with flower­ tacked a cabinot minister and admin I do not propose to discuss the matter the establishing o f the Oregon Lumber pressed fireproof porcelain. The elec­ Salem— The lioard o f trustees o f the a good deal older than he seemed. ing shrubs and dotted with several is to whether the timber interests have istored a whipping with a horsewhip. "Since you permit It, then. ’ And he trodes are introduced Into the cylinder Insane Asylum has ompany's plant here has in three years Oregon State large spreading trees, separated the paid too much nr too little o f the taxes by two openings at the ends so that settled the valley along Hood river. awarded to the Northwest Bridge sank Into hts chair with a sigh of re Tho controller o f the treasury has n the past or at the present time, but house from a wide avenue which open­ decidod that settlers who did actual i system that does not tax tho growing Many fine apple orchards have been set works o f Portland the general contract lief. "You see," he went on, 'this sori the are is exactly in the center of the ed exactly opposite the entrance, over work on irrigation projects must be crops o f tho farmer, tiie gardener, or out. Logged o f f lands have been cleared for the new receiving ward building of place Is just far enough from Lon apparatus. arched by a double row of great old at the hospital fo r tho insane. and where three years ago stood the paid. don to cut you off from all the con­ the fruit grower, and taxes the growing The crucible Is Ihe real triumph of elms at either side. Beyond, on the giant firs now are seen buildings and veniences of town life, and too neai The seal catch in Boring sea was •rop o f timber over and over, and at a Lemolne, he declares. He carefully orchards. left, from a wooded hollow, through H igh Price for Land. for any of the legitim ate amusements about 600 short this year o f the num­ rale that will confiscate the entire crop drew for the judge and described It which a trout-stream had been widen Irv in g — C. .1. Fassett has sold his and occupations of the country." ber allowed by law, which is 15,000 a 30 to 35 vonrs, when it takes from as a cylinder made of iron with a Largest Hatchery in World. 30-acre ranch west of town to G. 10 to 100 years to raiso this crop, is cor skins. Here the butler appeared, and said ed and dammed into a miniature lake, tainly open to valid objection. As a Salem— The largest salmon hatchery Tenike o f Iowa, the price paid being 'Mrs. Savllle w ill see you, my lord, if glimpses of which eould be caught double cover of lead affixed in a melted The kaiser, to cement friendship -nbstituto for our prosent system o f n the world, to be owned and operated $110 an acre. Mr. Fassett has moved when the sunlight fell upon it, rose the state. Into It he puts chem ically pure with Austria, violated tradition by iron filings, carbon of sugar and m er­ axing timber, based on values, I would by the state o f Oregon, will be formally to Eugene, having boughi, property and you w ill come this way.” The gentle­ smoke from some unseen chimney. welcoming the morgantic w ifo o f an advocate a cutting tax to be paid when man rose, and made another elegant will build a modern home. It is to the use of mercury opened at Bonneville, Monday. Novem "H o m e lik e ," repeated Mrs. Saville. cury. archduke to the Oerinan palace. bow as he passed Miss Desmond. he timber is cut; a portion o f this tax ber 15. The new central hatchery cost that Lemolne attributes his success as 'There is an immense amount of non Portland Markets. "W h at an amusing person! 1 won Mrs. Roosevelt and fam ily are on the to bo set aside to bear the expense of more than $12,00(1, and has an egg ca­ sense talked about home I wish you compared w ith Prof. Moissan iu mak­ reforestation by the stnte; and a por pacity of 60,000,000 and nursery ponds way to N ew York. W heat— Bluestom, $1.07; club, 96c; der who he Is. Some relation. I sup could see Kingswood, Lord Everton s ing diamonds. ion to pay the expense o f protecting An ex official o f the sugar trust has our present forests from fire and d e p u ­ sufficient to feed 5,000,000 young fry. red Russian, 94c; Valley, 95(ii96c; F ife, pose, or he would not speak so freely,' When the crucible Is placed in the place; it Is one of the finest sea(s In The hatchery is now nearly completed, 95c; Turkey rod, 96c; 40-fold, 9Hc. thought Miss Desmond. “ 1 must not been indicted for fraud. furnacp the electric current must be tation. and is being operated under the direc Barley— Feed, $27.50; brewing, $28 go to Mrs Saville at present.” She England— full of fam ily treasures and I shall not attempt In this article to tion o f Superintendent J. W. Berrian. Cuba's expenses for the next year historic relics— and he would not make turned on progressively In such a way per ton. too left the room by a different exit liter into the details of such a scheme. are estimated at almost $30,000,000. Corn-— Whole, $33; cracked, $34 per It. He as to melt the lead covers. Then as and ascended to her own pleasant the faintest effort to retain ton. The leders o f South American ropub I am told on good authority that rais 10,000 Bushels o f Potatoes. might have entered diplomacy— or the arc forms the current should be apartment, which looked out to the ng trees by the state nr national gov Oats-—No. 1 white, $29 per ton. lies are to meet in a conference next taken a foreign appointment and saved increased until the lim it of internal Oregon C ity— J. H. Brown, o f New rnnient pays in European countries. I f Hay— Timothy, W illam ette Valley, front; a dressing-closet opened from pressure is reached, ow ing to the boil­ July. money. But he Is quite content to de so, why not here on our western coast, Era, comes very near being the “ potato $14( her writing again and proceeded regret that I have been compelled to for police surveillance to relax. down a long passage and a short stall tures and delightful music were w ith­ Mohair, Choice, 24c. Freed, He Sues Heney. reveal It to-day.” in your reach, yet Inaccessible. The Big Turnip at Dallas. to the wing In which was Mrs. Sa Cattle— Best steers, $4.25(1?4.60; fa il Scientists in conference at New San Francisco, Nov. 15.— A. R. Me- Lemolne. who Is a consummate ac­ worst is to want nice delicate th in g s Dallas— William Shewey is exhibit to good, $3. 8 .V 0 4; medium and feed- vllle's boudo'r Haven, Conn., discussed plans to pro Kinley, one o f the United Railways tor, sat down w ith the a ir o f a man ing a turnip which mensures 34 inches ' ora. $3.50 3.75: best cows, $3.50(83.65; She knoe' ed at th » door, and was for some one you love and not to be vent the heavy infant mortality. deeply wronged by a hard world. detectives, who was arrested several in circumference. I t is solid through medium, $3.50(83.25; commons to me­ Im p erative!' told to come tn. Mrs. able to get them: that Is bitter. Still, A boy bank robber at New Albany, months ago on a charge o f stealin g' out and very heavy. The turnip was dium. T h e court adjourned the case till $2.50 2.73; bulls. $2(.i 2.50; Savllle was waiv ing un and down, evl nothing can he so poverty -a:r ,■ ken as Ind., killed the cashier and wounded ' grown on fern Und s few miles from stags, $2.50(0 3.50; calves, light, $5.25 June 14 at the request of M aitre La to have no on » to troubl% a out,r no documents from the offic e o f District dently much d is 'v r ’-ed the president and his negro chauffeur. (85.50; heavy, $4(84.75. Attorney Langdon, entered suit today town. one to love or live for, no one to love borl. Lem olne's advocate. Presumably " I beg rpur pardon " hesitatingly. Hogs— Best, $7.95{ii 8: medium, $7.50 A Winnipeg girl dashod into a burn against Rudolph Spreckels, William J. Lem olne wishes to g ive science plenty you.” "Oh rente In. iom e In! I have been Hopysrd Sells for Good Price. (87.75; stockers. $4(84.73. ing building in an effort to save her Burns, Francis .1. Heney, Harry W il­ o f tim e to test his secret. wurr d !> ■ rn >> - nefe fool; but I " I t Is, then, very unfortunate for ■ Sheep — Best wethers, $4.25(8 4.50; young brother, but both were burned. bur and "J o h n D oe’ ’ Burns for $ 50,090 Dallas— R. E. AVillisms and T. N. am n t *e o—-riet ! cannot attend person of your disposition to hare lost W e have no business w hatever with Two masked robbers at Portland tied damages for conspiracy and false im­ Yoakum have purchased o f Thomas fair to good, $3.75(84; best ewes, $3.75 Did you see the your home,” remarked Mrs. Savllle, the ends of things, but only with their s fam ily and then ransacked the house prisonment. The charge against Me- Holman 100 acres o f hopysrd, located (o4 : fa ir to good, $3.50<8'3.7S; la m b s , I to *r\ i f ' n„ eii $5(33.35. j v l-s r? " coldly. K inlev was dismissed last week. near Kola, for $20,000 cash. b *l»$ s.— Ruskia. for money. About $100 was secured. 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