Mosier bulletin. (Mosier, Or.) 1909-19??, November 12, 1909, Image 3

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Is a C onstitutional Disease
It originates in impure blood and
requires constitutional treatment,feting
through and purifying the blood, fqt M
radical and permanent ehre.
greatest constitutional remedy is
Hood’s Sarsaparilla
In usual liquid form or in chocolated tab­
lets known asS a rsa ta b s. 100doses$l.
Nasal and other local forms of catarrh
are promptly relieved by Antiseplets or
Catarrlets, 50c., druggists or mail.
C. I. Hood C o., Lowell, Mass,
Resident Tells Soatbern States
They Should Work for It.
Taft Also Wants Federal Health Bu­
reau, to Look After Sanitary
possibly the tallest bamboo In Amer­
Conditions of Nation.
ica grows in Arcadia, Fla., and is
F l o r i d a ’ s " O -l u o i iin m b o o .
about 70 feet high. The clump has a
spread of 50 feet and the diameter at
the ground Is 12 feet. The specimen
la only 8 years old.
This Is the common bamboo of In­
dia, probably brought to south Florida
from the West Indies. In Jamaica It
has become naturalized and la popular­
ly supposed to be Indigenous. It
makes an astonishing growth duping
our rainy season, the canes' often at­
taining their full height in six weeks,
after which they begin to put on
leaves. The canes are from four to
five inches in diameter at their base.
Unfortunately this species cannot
stand low temperatures, and the spec­
imen In Arcadia has frequently been
damaged by cold.
llo o d
B u s in e s s .
Pd like to own a street car llnei ,
It ought to pay.
The people ride when It Is fine.
To heat allay.
Of eourss they ride when It Is wet.
For then they wish
To quickly under shelter get;
Man la no fish.
And so a street car line, you seat
May business find,
No matter what conditions bu
With human kind.
Then to another point Is my
Attention drawn;
No other business profits by
Its hangers on.
—-Louisville Courier-Journal.
Wot on D e m o c r a tic P r in c ip le « .
Perhaps it may be laid down a* a
general rule that a legislative asaem
bly. not constituted on democratic
principles, cannot be popular long aft­
er It ceases to be weak.— Macaulay.
T w o D iffe r e n t
K ffe c ls .
"If you only knew how nervous I wi
when I proposed to you !”
"And If you only knew how nervous
I was until you proposed to m e!’’—>
Meggendorfcr Blactter.
P ro trn i nod
T a x is,
Under the figure of Proteus, the old
man who In many forms was always
the same unpleasant customer, the an­
cients probably typified the charge for
taxicabs.—New York Post.
H e r F r ie n d s .
Nan— How Is poor dear Lll this
Fan—She looks dreadfully.
Nan—O, I know that; I'm asking
you how she feels.
R iv a lr y o f M u e k ra k e rs.
“Chicago people think their city al­
most as corrupt as San Francisco."
"Don't you believe It," said the Cali­
fornian, warmly.
"That’s Chlcagt
nerve. Always trying to get Into oui
class."—Philadelphia Ledger.
AjiqpSta, Ga., Nov. 9.— President Taft
yesterday played at golf with his host
in Augusta, Major Joseph B. Gumming,
defeating him, 2 up and 4 to go; opened
the Georgia-Carolina Interstate Fair;
rode through the streets o f Augusta
amid the cheers of his “ fellow citi­
zens” and left the city at 3 P. M. for
Florence, S. C.
A call upon the president at the golf
links on his invitation by Ty Lobb, the
baseball player, the extreme cordiality
of the reception of the president in his
“ winter capitol” and the good fellow­
ship extended to his entourago, were
the features of the day.
In his address at the fairgrounds the
president touched upon a number of
matters of national importance. The
keynote o f his address was national
sanitation, that a national board of
health should accomplish for tho nation
itself what the nation had accomplished
for others in Cuba and Panama.
The president also talked ship sub­
sidy and suggested that the plan mer­
ited the support of the South— espe­
cially of cotton manufacturing states
like Georgia and South Carolina. Mr.
T a ft’s speech in part follows:
“ It seems to me that the most im­
portant subject and the most important
collection o f subjects is that which re­
lates to the conservation o f our nat­
ural resources. Unless we can secure
uniform state co-operation, uniform
state legislation with reference to the
preservation o f our forests and the
euqalization o f the water, which falls
from the clouds, and the preservation
of our soil from being washed out to
sea, we shall not be able to carry out
the program set for us by Theodore
Roosevelt, which to every thoughtful
man must commend itself as of the
highest importance to the safety and
preservation of our nation.”
Kegardiug national sanitation the
president said:
“ We now have various bureaus in
Washington which have 'functions con­
nected with the suppression o f dis­
eases and the study of the different
diseases, but they are scattered and
they need to be united in one bureau
which shall direct its attention to the
Btudy of questions of health under all
conditions prevailing in this country,
so that by the circulation o f the knowl­
edge obtained it may enable the people
to live hygienic lives.
“ Now it is true that the health o f
the citizens is directly committed to
the state, but it is also true that the
question of agriculture is committed
by the constitution to the state. Never­
theless the agricultural department has
found much that it can do to assist
the agriculture of the country.
“ I expect to recommend to Congress
that there be a union o f all the experi­
mental departments of the government
for the discovery o f lines of health,and
study of disease.”
Rebellion Against Japanese Rule Goes
Steadily Forward.
Kobe, Japan, Nov. 9.— Meager news
from Corea is to the effect that the up­
rising started by the natives as a pro­
test against the occupation o f the
kingdom by Japan, while active in
spots, in other places has quieted down
through tbe efficient service o f the
Japanese soldiers.
This is taken here to mean that the
Japanese censor is busy, for it is well
known that the Koreans, animated by
equally as great love o f country as
their invaders, will never resign them­
selves to be governed by the hated
Japanese until they are completely
brought under subjection.
A correspondent o f the Japan Chron­
icle writes that the resistance offered
to the reforms desired to be brought
abcut by the stronger nation is more
matter o f misunderstanding than
anything else.
The Corean officials, it is said, know
full well what Japan is trying to do,
but the soldiers sent to occupy the land
are responsible for the hostile feeling
that has arisen.
The cool e class sees
the havoc wrought by the military
force, the plundered stores, the out­
raged women, the ill treatment afford­
ed the men, ard does not know what is
behind all this
The poorer classes are unaware that
the good o f their land is what Japan is
seeking. They look upon the occupa­
tion merely as a pretext to gain poa
session o f the country, and their blood
boils and they rise up against the in­
Incidental to the improvement o f
conditions in the empire may come an­
nexation to Japan.
In some circles
this is felt to be the ultimate o b je ct
Whether that be true or not the fact
remains that Japan has already worked
numerous and appreciable reforms
among the Coreana.
Chicago Patrolmen's Union Refuses
T o Be Governed by Chief.
Chicago, Nov. 9.— The organization
known as the United Police o f Chica­
go. but which is more aptly dubbed the
"P olicem en ’ s union,” today at its an­
nual meeting sundered all ties which
bound it to beads o f the department
The organization virtually declared its
independence by ousting from office ail
present officials and electing an insur­
gent ticket, tbe members o f which are
avowedly hostile to control o f the union
by the chief o f police or any o f the
men responsible to tbe taxpayers for
the way the police department does,
or fails to do, its work.
Briefly, today’s action means that
hereafter the mayor and ch ief cannot
discharge or discipline any member of
the United Police without calling down
the wrath o f their organization. It
means the police will work to suit
themselves, regardless o f the public or
their superior officers.
It creates in
Chicago a modern Pretorian Guard,
which recognizes no ruler but those it
T W E L V E N U N S H E R O IN E S .
Old Favorites
O rsa ta sss.
H i s Reproof,
Somewhere in the pages of bet
pleasant "Book of Joys’’ Mrs. Lucy
Fitch Perkins tells a delightful story
ef her New England clerical great
grandfather, who was a man of Ingenu
ity and resources. She says;
He employed more thap one devlc«
to secure wakefulness on the part ol
his weary congregation. Standing dur
lng the prayer was but one of many
My grandmother used to tell us with
pride of an Instance which occurred
at a time when a new church edifice
had been proposed, and was undei
warm discussion.
thought this a worldly and unneces
sary expense, and emphasized his opln
Ion by pausing In the midst of his ser
m ot on a Sunday, saying Impressively
as he fixed tbe somnolent members ol
his congregation with a stern look;
“ You are talking about building a
new church: It seems to me quite un­
necessary. since the sleepers in the old
ene are all sound!"
Honor and shame rrom no condition
Aot well your part, there all the honor
Fortune tn men has tome small differ­
ence made;
One flaunts In rags, one flutter* In bro­
The cobbler aproned, and the parson
The friar hooded, and the monarch
"What differ more (you cry) than
crown and cow l?"
I'll toll you. friend 1 a wise man and a
You’ll find If onoe the monarch aoti
the monk
Or, cobbler like, the parson will be
Worth makes the man, and want of It
C o n s tr u c tio n o t U i « u « « t .
the fellow;
An absurdly worded statement of a
The rest la all but leather or prunella. fact which was not In itself remark­
able recently tried the gravity of the
Bosmt the pur* blood of an Illustrious
listeners, it was on the occasion of
In quiet flow from Lucrece to Lucreoe; the funeral of an elderly woman In a
But by your fathers’ worth If yours New England town. She had left an
old mother, nearly 90 years of age, and
you rate,
Count me those only who wero good an only sou who was well on toward
and great.
Got If your ancient but Ignoble blood
The services were conducted by a
Haa crept through scoundrels ever timid young clergyman, recently set­
since the flood,
tled over the parish. After praying
Go! and pretend your family la young,
for many and various things, he said:
Nor own your fathers have been fools
so longl
I "And two, we especially pray that
What can ennoble sots, or slavoa, or the Lord will comfort and sustain In
their loss and sorrow. One Is the or­
Alas I not all the blood of all tho How- phan, who, although no longer young,
is an orphan still, and must so con­
-Alexander Popa
tinue; the other Is the mother, far ad­
vanced In years, who has survived her
T h e C k o s a k an d th e C rew .
The chough and crow to rooat are gone, daughter, although considerably her
The owl sits on the tree.
The hush'd wind walla with feeble
W here Ibe W ork Came la.
Mrs Bacon—1 understand your hus­
Like Infant charity.
band Is at work on u new poem? Mrs.
Egbert—He Is.
Ha's trying to gst
The wlld-flre dances on the fen,
some magazine to accept It.—Yonkers
The red star sheds Its ray.
Up-rouse ye, then, my merry men!
It is our op'nlng day.
Tow n with a Kolure.
"Pari» Is a wonderful center of so­
Both child and nurse are fast asleep,
cial gayety and popular excitement."
And closed Is every flower,
And winking tapers faintly peep
thoughtfully. "1 should not he sur­
High from my Lady’s bower;
prised If Paris might one day claim
recognition as I he Pittsburg
Bewilder’d hinds with shorten'd ken
France."—Washinglon Star.
Shrink on their mu-ky way,
Up-rouse ye, then, my merry men I
Pettit’s Eye Salve 100 Years Old.
It Is our op'nlng day.
relieves tired eyes, quickly cures eye
aches, inflamed, sore, watery or ulcer­
Nor board nor garner own w* now.
ated eyes. All druggists, or Howard
Nor roof nor latched door.
Bros., Buffalo, N. Y.
Nor kind mate, bound by holy vow
To bless a good man's store;
• • ¿.j
For Infants and Children.
ÀNégetabto Preparatoti for As
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
simulating ite RjodaiklRetJula
(tog Ute StomaiAs andiiowdsi
Bears the
I n fa n ts / C
h iid r e n
Promotes DigestionJdeerful
ness and Resl£or.!atos neuter
Opium.Morphine nor Mineral.
N o t N a r c o t ic .
■ftryv t/CDd LkSHHJUWmt
Jtx flam »
AM teU ts-
AoeSm i*
Hinn W -
a Ssrl^#
For Over
Thirty Years
Aperfect Remedy for Consflpx
lion, Sour Stomach.Dlantun
ness anil Loss of S leep .
Facsimile Signature of
Alb months old
J5 D
o s e s -J 3 C F N T S
LutjflrxnlcciTundf r the Foods
Exact Copy o f Wrapper.
It Cure. While You Walk.
A llen ’s Foot-Ease Is a certain cu re fo r hot,
■w eallug,callus,
and swollen, aching leet.
feet. Hohl
s, ami
by all Druggists.
s. Price
25c. Don't accept any
s u b s t i t u t e . T r i lal
a l package FREE. Andreas
A li e n B. O lm s te d d, Le R oy, N. V.
th e
T M I o . N T . U « « O N P . N V . R I . TO M A O tT T .
la r .l
Wear your tight shoes for fashion'«
Besides, 'tls lots of fun—
Two corns with but s single ache.
Two toes that throb as one.
E arned
H lg h t.
City Friend (spending the day In
distant suburb)—Didn't It ever strike
you that your servant Is Impertinent­
ly Inquisitive?
Im proved .
Subberbs— My dear fellow, It's only
"Y o’ say the man you married
Noon lulls us In a gloomy den.
seems more kind and generous since the way of a privileged old family re­
And night Is grown our day,
tainer. Why, would you believe It,
your divorce than he did before?"
Up-rouse ye, then, my merry men
that girl has been with us over five
And use It as y* may.
| “ Yes," answered Mrs. FUmmson. weeks!—Harper's Weekly
—Joanna Balllle.
“ He never says a word about economis­
ing, bat sends around his alimony
I k . M ean« P r e f . . i l . a a '! r ,
without a murmur.”— Washington Star.
As the young «nan caressed the
oheek of his lady love she drew away
W h a t J u le s D ots P r e d ic ts f o r C i v ili­
Thousands o f country people know
s a t io n loo Y e a r s li e n e e .
that in time o f sudden mishap or acci­
“ I think,” she ssld Indignantly, “ you
Jules Bols, a distinguished archaeol­ dent Hamlins Wizard Oil la tbe best
ogist, whose hypotheses In regard to substitute for the fam ily doctor. That had better see father first.”
"Why, what do you mean?" asked
ancient civilizations have been won­ la why it is so often found upon the
the perplexed lover.
derfully borne out by archaeological shelf.
‘‘Father,” she replied, as she nursed
discoveries, has attempted to forecast
her cheek, "is a barber.”— Success
A s a M a t t e r •> J o s t le s .
the changes likely to take place In
“Sir,” one of your reporters referred Magazine.
Europe In 100 years’ time, based sole­
ly upon hypotheses formulated on the to me In your paper this morning aa a
state of society 100 years ago and dem­ ‘big. greasy, drunken loafer.' I want
that corrected. It’s an Infamous slan­
onstrated In the light of present-day der!”
conditions, some of which, o f course,
“I see It le. You are gaunt and thin.
cannot be traced to the beginning of We’ll correot It to-morrow. Good
the nineteenth century.
In the first place, says a Paris letter
to the New York Times, M. Bols pre­
Tbs little boy wh* had stuck hla
dicts that all the great cities will be head out ef the car window to address
practically uninhabited except by visi­ s question to the man on lha station
m t u t MLOtUftt TO« ( § « « * * % »
tors and for business purposes during platform draw It In again.
W ill instantly relieve your aching
"Mamma.” he said, "that man out
the daytime. All classes will live In
throat. There is nothing like it for
the country or garden cities at con­ there says this place la Wydopen. Isn't
A sth m a , B ro n ch itis and lung
siderable distances from tbe towns, to that a funny name for a town?"
G ood
S la y e r .
“ Can you recommend me s young
man of good staying power?"
"Oh. yes, sir. My daughter's young
man."— Baltimore American.
To get rid of daughters. East Indiana
marry them to flowers. When tbs flow­
ers are dead the girls are widows, and
widows can be sold— cheap.
" I have suffered with piles for thirty-
six years. One year ago last April I be­
gan taking Cascarets for constipation. In
the course of a week I noticed the piles
began to disappear and at the end of six
weeks they did not trouble me at all.
Cascarets have done wonders for me. I
am entirely cured and feel like a new
George Kryder, Napoleon, O.
Pleasant, Palatable, Potent, Taste G ood . ’
D o Good. N ever Sicken,W eaken or Gripe.
10c, 25c, 50c. N ever sold In bulk. The gen­
uine tablet stam ped C C C. Guaranteed to
cu re or your m oney back.
Don’t Cough!— Use
All Lines on Atlantic Side o f Chicago
to Be Involved.
Organize Bucket Brigade and Fight
Chicago, Nov. 9.— Demands for uni­
Fire From Orphans.
form schedules and a wage increase o f
Nov. 9.— Twelve brave
about 12 per cent are to be made by
conductors and trainmen on every rail­ nuns at St. Vincent’s Orphan asylum
road system east of Chicago.
The organized a bucket brigade, put out a
movement involves 125,000 men, and in­
cludes every railroad east of the Illi­ fire at the top o f the building tonight,
Dangerous coughs. Extremely nois Central’s main southern line and and quelled an incipient panic. The
perilous coughs. Coughs that north o f the Chesapeake & Ohio Rail­ older boye’ asylum, which houses 400
Contains no opiates.
rasp and tear the throat and road. It is said to be the most stu­ little ones, was the first to learn that which access will be cheap and ex­
S p o i l, t k * r t e t n r o .
Very pleasant to take.
pendous wage movement ever made by
Means an unfailing water supply. It
lungs. Coughs that shake the the railroad brotherhoods, and has been there was danger.
tremely rapid owing to the enormous
All Draestata, 25 crata.
Mtlllcent— What made you refuse
means that you will have the most practi­
The sisters, passing buckets o f wa­ development of all methods of con­ Mr. W lldsr’s Invitation to go walking
cal Domestic water sunply system now in
whole body. You need a regu­ under consideration two years. There
use. No elevated tank, no frozen pipes in
lar medicine, a doctor’s medi­ are hints tonight that all western rail­ ter up the stairs and pouring it on the trivance, from pneumatic railway* to with him? Don't you like him?
winter, no stagnant water in summer, no
roads will be drawn into the struggle. blaze, sent the biggest boys to oversee flying car*. The motor car will have
water supply troubles of any sort. Tank
Mildred—Oh, yes. I like him well
cine, for such a cough. Ask
placed In basement, out o f sight and way,
Incident to the eastern demands, the tbe little ones at their Btudies.
Those gone completely out of fashion, but the inough, but his red whiskers don’t
made o f pressed steel, will not rust and
your doctor about A y e r ’ s switchmen and yardmen in Chicago, who attempted to rush out were or­ bicycle. In a new form, will be once look well wltb my new plsk hat.—
will last a lifetime.
who are controlled by the Brotherhood dered back, and when help arrived
You will be pleased with the LEADER
Cherry Pectoral.
system of furnishing Domestic Water
o f Railroad Trainmen, are asking a from the outside, the children, some o f more In favor, for a sort of flying Summerville Journal.
Ask for our catalogue and free
The Chinese Doctor
wage advance of 5 cents an hour.
W # publish our formulas
booklet. "H ow I Solved My Water Supply
them still unconscious o f tbe peril, enable the rider to soar In mld-alr.
Eighteen of the large trunk lines
W s banish aloohol
from our msdioinss
with terminals in this city were served were at their books, while the nuns, The average height of Europeans will
made a life study o f the
W s urpo you to
properties o f Roots,
with notice November 2. Under exist­ almost dropping from fatigue, held the be Increased; so will the average
•on su It your
Herbs and Barks, and
ing contracts 30 days’ notice must be
is giving the world the
length of life.
benefit o f hia services.
given by either side of a contemplated
Entirely new views will prevail con­
Any good doctor will tell you that a medi­ change in wages or working conditions.
Mine Inspectors Rapped.
No Mercury, Poisons
cerning the beauty o f women, for wom­
cine like Ayer’ s Cherry Pectoral cannot
o r Drugs Used. No
do its best work if the bowels are con­
Harrisburg, Pa., Nov. 9.— James E. en themselves will be greatly changed; good health, with its bleesings, must un­
Mythical Mountain Reached
Operations o r Cutting
stipated. Ask your doctor if he knows
Roderick, state chief inspector o f their beauty will be combined with derstand, quite clearly, that it involves the
The Hague, Nov. 9.— The famous mines, sharply criticized the present
Guarantees ♦*> euro Catarrh, Asthma, Lung,
anything better than Ayer’ s Pills for cor­
muscular power and courage. Parlia­
Stomach and Kidney troubles, and all Private
recting this sluggishness of the liver.
“ Snow Mountain” in New Guinea, method o f selection o f mine inspectors mentary Institutions, M. Bols believes,
Portland, Ore.
implies. With proper knowledge of what
• "—Mads by tho J. C. Aysr Co., Lowsll, Mass.—
which was considered a myth by many in a report on anthracite coal mining will be greatly modified; Indeed, will
scientists, though it has attracted the in Pennsylvania in 1908, which waa almost have disappeared, and nations
and reliable. U nfailing in ita works.
I f you cannot call, w rite fo r symptom blank
attention of explorers for several years, sent Governor Stewart today. He de­ will be governed by delegates of vari­
and circular. Inclose 4 cents in stamps.
be made to contribute to living aright.
has been reached by the third expedi­ clares the present system pernicious ous castes.
* tion organized for that purpose by tho and detrimental to tbe beat interests
All existing aristocracies will have Then the use of medicines may be dis­
r n u
No. « - o s
o f tbe miners. The ch ief also urges
Gee Wo Medicine Co.
H E N w ritin g to s d v e r t la e n p ie
tained after the expedition had sailed
102H rirst St., cor. Morrison, Portland, Or.
of aristocracy, brought Into being by dinary conditions in many instances s
m en tion th is paper.
F. B . F IN L E Y
up the Digalel River near the western production last year was 74,692,211
the general alteration of the conditions ample, wholesome remedy may be invalu­
249 Columbia
Portland, Ore. frontier of the British part o f the isl­ net tons against 86,066,412 tons tbe o f life, will be socially and politically
The mountain was formally year before.
able if taken at the proper time and tbe
French will become the
christened Prince Juliana. Its height
Raise« the dough
California Fig Syrup Co. holds that it is
G u a r a n te e d a n d a r
Jaqaei Mtg. Co.
was found to be 15,000 feet.
W age Fight Expected.
and complies with
a ll T a ra F o o d
•like important to present tha subject
ell pure food lews.
Pittsburg, Pa., Nov. 9.— Thomas L.
The M ora lag Choree,
Law a
truthfully and to supply tha one perfect
Eight Perish in Flames.
Lewis, president o f tbe United Mine-
Although he was pretty glad to take
New York, Nov. 9.— Iron-bound win­ workers o f America, indicated in an In summer boarders, and thus make laxative to those desiring it.
dows prevented the escape from death interview here today that the miners capital of his small garden produce
Consequently, the Company’s Syrup of
of eight workers in Robert Morrison & will make a stand for higher wages in and hla w ife’s excellent cooking, Figs and Elixir of Senna gives general
Sons’ comb factory in Brooklyn, which the spring. Mr. Lewis declared that
caught fire today, and five other men work at the mines was improving and Jededl&h Hubbard always made a satisfaction. To get it. beneficial effects
great point of never letting hie guests buy the genuine, manufactured by the
probably were fatally injured in mak­
ing their escape from the structure. waa bound to continue doing so. He get In ahead" of him In any way. California Fig Syrup Co. only, and for sa
William G. Morrison, son o f the owner also expressed confidence in his re-
"City folks that have been around a
the plant, lost his life in the flames election to the presidency o f the organ­ mite think they know It all fum A by all leading druggists.
while trying to reach the safe and close ization, explaining that two locals have to Izzard!" he used to say.
Makers of MAPIXINI
its doors. His father was among the nominated him for every one that need somebody to take ’em (town a
'better than Maple).
Stands for
injured. Forty employes were in the j named his opponent, W illiam Green,
peg or two once In a while.”
factory when the fire started. Many o f Ohio.
One mornlDg while he waa chewing
jumped from the third floor windows
a long spear of grass, near the wood
and were injured.
Federal J o b la Declined
yard, he was surprised to see a newly
Albuquerque, N. M., Nov. 9.— W il­
arrived boarder, fully dressed, coming
Hopgrowers Grow Rich.
liam Robinson, editor o f the Roewell
Wheatland, Cal., Nor. 9.— Owing to Register-Tribune, and a well knrwn toward him. This propensity of "city
the recent rise in the price of hops, author, who was offered tbe governor­ fellers” to rise at “ sunup” was quite
the E. C. Horst Company has com­ ship o f New M exico to succeed Gover­ I regular.
In providing the fam ily’s m eals,don’t
menced planting of a new field. Poles nor Curry, wboae resignation takes
"Good m orning!” exclaimed the new
satisfied w ith anything but the
to support the trellis all over tne field |
comer. In a lusty tone.
■star Crtwni
cheapest in the
are now being set. The recent rise in effect February next, announced today
K C guaranteed perfec­
2ain4f*Twtk . .
end because
hope meant (1,000,000 additional profit j that he did not feel competent to hold
as If uncertain just what to expect
G.M Filimi»
a moderate price. It
for the growers of hops in this dis- |
Esaawl Filla*» 1
"W ell, I s'poM you have to got up
“ la m a
trict, ami one firm, the Durst«, made offer. Mr. Robinson aaid:
makes everything better.
ra** V i a
newspaper man and would rather work early to see that the haycocka crow
Mar Filltoft 2.6 1 one-half this amount. They own the
evorreum teur
T ry and see. _
proparly, don’t y o u r said tha city
largest hopyards in the world. Many on a newspaper than be presid en t”
6..« tikfce ■
5.00 carloads o f this year's crop are now
man. with an airy, jocular familiarity
(Mt Rrf F*. , - , being shipped from this point.
which Jededlah waa not alow to re­
Jspan to Meet Russia.
Mr flat«, 7.5 1
|.T o w i » £o.
C o.h w »ttU
M oney back.
IB. W. A Rllt, h s a s t a l
RFKJMTO l C a m a o a .
________________ _____
fsMsas Estr'itaa .60
Paria. Nov. 9.— A special dispatch sent.
W O RK O U A RANTS SD FO R l| T « * S S _
Gold Strike In California.
“Wall, no,” ha drawled, ‘not exactly
from Pekin says that in spite a f official
t itr« rt,0B l v M « k n »ta to oV brida« vast
Nevada City, Cal., Nov. 9.— Word
ordered. Consultation Fran, io * cannot m b o t M
that— I waa Just out untying soma o f '
painless work Hone aaywfcar*. A ll work fu lly * * * * • was received here today that a rich denial M. Kokovaoff, tbe Russian min­
tha knots In tha oordwood."
t n t P f d . M odern «le. trio •qnipwent. Best methods.
strike had been made in the Omega ister o f finance, who will confer short­
mine at Foreat, near here. Several ly with a Japanese repräsentativ«, M.
A man who associates with roots a
pounds o f nnggets have been taken Kurachi, director o f the political bo­ long time, learns fool
brighter and foot or colora than any other dye. One toc package co
lo n silk, w ool end cotton equally vs
WBJTB. aad « ÿ *
t o ^ r v s . f ’Q r t e c t , r e q u i to. Aak dealer, os w i w lU send ^ootgaldV ^lOc
e o ir n u k iN D G o a ie o N from the gravel, one of whieh weighed res o f Tokio foreign office, haa arrived
— a package. W ilt# for tree bool
blushes whaa ha la i
î Ü J AMT,
a )
irn u aoea s: t a x s i i . x s r u r . i r ì IQI4 ounces.
at Lwlny.
D esperate
C. Gee Wo
A tiers
A lt
W ho
W ould E n jo y
jm eth
t a x id e r m is t
W ise Dental Co.
L J o
E conom y