Little Soldiers TAFT FAVORS FARM In your blood a re th e m illion * o f corpu scles th a t d efen d you a g a in st d isea se. To make and keep these little soldiers healthy and strong, is simply to make and keep the blood of the right quality and quantity. This is just what Hood’s Sarsaparilla does — it helps the little soldiers in your blood to fight disease for you. It cures scrofula, eczema, eruptions, catarrh, rheumatism, anemia, nervous­ ness, dyspepsia, general debility, and builds up the whole system. An I n fa llib le R e co rd . A way of deciding dates of certain Important events is suggested by the following anecdote from Lipplncott's. The parents of a college son were dis putisg as to the date of their last let ter to their "hopeful,” from whom, somewhat to the distress of the moth er, they had not heard for some time. "A re you sure, Thomas." asked the mother, unconvinced, "that it was on the 12th that you last wrote to Dick?' "Absolutely 1" was the father's de clslve response. "I looked it up in my check book this morning.” >ot A n im a tio n * ml A ll. The donkey is—or has been—asso elated with party politics in other countries besides our own. In one of England's elections candidate for Parliament, the late l.ord Bath, called attention to himself by means of a donkey, over whose back two panniers were slung, bear Ing ? ribbon band on which was print ed, “ Vote for Papa.” It must be added, however, that In each pannier stood one of Lord Bath’i daughters. U n exp ected P rlx e . Americans Must Discard Obsolete Methods of Agriculture. GRIND BEATS CITY’S MAD WHIRL President Deplores the Tendency o f Young Men to D rift to City— Farmer Independent. Jackson, Miss., Nov. 2.— President T a ft would have young men of America stay on the farvm with its plenty and certainty, rather than decide on a life in the city. Mr. T a ft indicated his sentiments in this respect in an ad­ dress at the state fair here yesterday. “ We must admit,” he said, “ the oc­ cupation o f the farmer is among one or two of the most independent occupa­ tions that go to make this country great— and a state which is great be­ cause o f it is entitled to recognition as typifying Americanism in the highest degree. “ We have arrived at a time in the development of this country and the world when old methods of agriculture must be discarded, if we would keep up with the procession. Land is becom­ ing too valuable to treat it in the old wasteful way. I am glad to note Mis­ sissippi has one of the best agriculture institutions in the country. “ Here you have been able to restrain that tendency o f your young men to come into cities and live in tenements, in order that they may be where the wheels go round. I f I were advising a young man as to his future profession 1 should say to him there probably is greater opportunity for real reward in the profession o f agriculture than in any other.” NEW W IRELESS RECORD. Message Received at San Franciso From 3,300 Miles Distant. San Francisco, Nov. 1.— The long­ distance wireless record has been cap­ tured by the Pacific Mail liner Korea on the first voyage with a wireless plant. Saturday night Operator Phelps on the Korea sent an aerogram to the United Wireless station in this city from a point 3,300 miles to the west­ ward, or 1,200 miles beyond Honolulu Phelpe reported the distance at the time as 2,681 miles from Japan. The weather was cloudy, with a gentle easterly breeze and sea prevailing Phelps also received a message from here. This accomplishment more than ex ceeds the expectations o f General Man » " e r Schwerin, o f the Pacific Mail who said some time ago he would in stall wireless plants on the trans Pacific liners when it was shown they could do effective work at a distance of 1,500 miles. The Korea not only kept in touch with the station here, but was able to receive massages from the lo­ cal operator. A F ir e le a a B rood er. I f a hen can hatch a duckling, why ran't a bunch of any sort of feathers hatch a chick? As a matter of fact, they can, as has been demonstrated by the flreless brooder invented by a Cali­ fornia man. In general appearance the brooder resembles other machines of the kind, but there is no space In It for the lamp, or other heating ap­ paratus used In the older types. In­ stead. a number of bunches of feathers are fastened to the under side of the HEN AS COIN MAKER. Egg Output for Single Year Reaches Sum o f S290.000.000. Topeka, Kan., Nov. 2.— Statistics prepared by the United States board o f agriculture show that the earnings o f poultry in the United States in one year were greater than the value of either the cotton crop, wheat crop or swine outpuL The latest report of the department showed that the value of the egg out­ put for a single year amounted to more than $290,000,000. Twelve years ago the farmers o f Kansas began to pay more attention to their poultry, and this state has become the greatest poultry state in the Union. The pro- uct o f the hen is rapidly paying off the mortgages on many farms, and the business has reached a point where the laying capacity and profit o f hens is paramount question. The State Agricultural college is conducting interesting experiments with poultry, and a recent report shows that the cost o f keeping nine hens eight months was $8.81, whereas the eggs laid in the same period brought in $26.66, leaving a profit o f $17.75 or $1.61 for each hen. C IIIC K S I.ASV TO BKACH. lid. These feathers are Just long enough to reach the floor of the box. with a little left over. The eggs are laid on the bottom. Just beneath the feather tufts, and when the lid Is closed each egg is inclosed in a cluster of down that makes a very good imi­ tation hen. As each egg Is hatched out the lid can be lifted for a second and the chick removed without the difficulty that would attend his remov­ al from the old-style brooder, the in­ terior of which Is reached from one end. B.neats or ITnmns. The substance left in the ground after the fertilizer has decayed ts known as "humus.” In order to se­ cure the greatest results from the fer­ tilizer and to get the largest possible quantity of humus. It is necessary that the soil be moist when the fertilizer Is plowed under. Only a small amount of humus Is obtained from the turned- under fertilizer should the ground be dry. When the fertilizer is allowed to lie upon the surface for a period, exposed to the sun, much good is lost from the fact that It forms but a small amount of humus when plowed under. Therefore it Is Important that the soil should always be moist when fertilizer of any kind is plowed under. In many ways humus benefits the soil. In the first place, it makes the soil lighter as well as looser. This condition allows good ventilation and gives a chance for poisonous gases to escape. The soil does not become over­ heated. and. in clay territory, the ground Is lightened, making it more easy to work. It Is equally beneficial in a sandy soil, Inasmuch as It as­ sists In biuding it together, allowing more substance. CURE m uvr m m m O ak BOO Y e a rs Cure Your Dandruff O ld . Why? Because it is annoying, untidy. And mostly, because it almost invariably leads to baldness. Cure it, and save your hair. Get more, too, at the same time. All easily done with Ayer’s Hair Vigor, new improved formula. Stop this formation of dandruff! Does not change the color o f the hatr. yers Formula with eaok botti« Z y - — Show It to jo u r doctor Aak him about It, then do aa he seje The new Ayer’ s Hair Vigor will certainly do this work, because, first of all, it de­ stroys the germs which are the original cause of dandruff. Hsvinggiven this aid, nature completes the cure. The scalp is restored to a perfectly healthy condition. — M .d . by th . J. C. Ayer Co., L o w .ll. S u t — Rheumatism, Neuralgia and Sore Throat w ili not live under the same All Ahyssiuian mule children over 13 D lK u In jr P o t a t o e s . roof with Hamlins Wizard Oil, the must go to school. Tho State provide* The time Is near when farmers will best of all remedies for the relief of the education and la building tuany be digging their potatoes, und then Is all pain. schools. the time to select the seed for another H im , o r . A b o u t F e r n . year; when a hill of nice, smooth po­ H O W A R D E. BURTON - Assayer and ChernlM. TTo.Irss Miss Somt-rs, le: me p re ­ ■ ■ Lcndvtlle, Colorado. Specimen p r i c e « : Gold. tatoes Is found, free from scab or rot, Silver, l.ead. SI. Gold. »liter. 75 o; Gold 60o; Zin* sent M r W in ter. or Copper, SI. Mnilin« envelopes and full price Hat and a goodly number are Just the Mr. W in te r— Charm ed to m eet you. aent on application. Control and Umpire work ao shape and size wanted for table use, M iss Som ers You ought, h ow ever, to United. Reference: Carbonate National Bank. put them one side. At night gather regard m e as an old aequaintanee. You them up and put them away for seed h ave seen perhaps seventeen o r e ig h ­ Raises the dough next spring. You will be surprised to teen o f me. and complies with M iss Som ers— Indeed. M r. W in te r, I all pure food laws. see how you can change the type and improve them in a few years, says a am the one that should he regarded as the old acquaintance. You h ave Vermont contributor to the American seen not less than fo rty o f me.— C h ic a ­ Cultivator. We do this every year, go Tribune. and. while our townspeople are com­ plaining of their potatoes running out If It’s Your Eye Use Pettit’ s Eye Salve and buying of us to renew their seed, for inflammation, stys, itching lids, we are planting potatoes (Green eye aches, defects o f vision and sensi­ Mountains) that started from the seed tive to strong lights. A ll druggists or Howard Bros. that was bought for $5 a bushel when CRESCENT MFC. CO. they first came around. If farmers Makers of MAPLEINI O n t h e fin fe s t ile . i better than Maple). would take as much pains in selecting F irs t C a t— W h y. Tom , you are s in g ­ their seed potatoes as they do their ing out o f range. seed corn, we would not hear so much Second C a t— Out o f range o f that complaint about potatoes running out man In the w in d ow yon der— yes.— With a deftness acquired by long tnd patient practice the pickpocket ex­ tracted Sn old but well-filled purse from the hip pocket of the unsuspect­ ing old gentleman with the beaming countenance against whom he had carelessly brushed when leaving the Tube station, and on reaching a seclud­ ed place he opened It. TA R IFF WAR BEGINS. The contents had been wrapped with great care in numerous thicknesses of blank paper. Removing the wrappings France Fires First Shot at New Am er­ K illin g : Q u a c k G ra a a . one by one he found in the center of ican Duty Law. llo t fa a n d S t r a w K i c k « . the package a card with this inscrip Av Michigan farmer gives these In­ Washington, Nov. 2.— France’s Row­ Some farmers think that a straw tlon on it: structions for killing quack grass: land for Am erica’s Oliver is the action Young man, give up your career of Plow five or six Inches deep In the rick Is a good place for the sow and of the Paris government in putting in crime! Nothing in It!—Tit Bits. growing season, say April, May and her brood to sleep. This is a mistake. effect yesterday the maximum tariff June. Give it a good digging, then It Is best to keep them away from the against goods coming from the United D e fr a u d e d th e G o v e rn m e n t. cultivate with a cultivator that has straw pile winter and summer. In the Franking privileges were greatly States. It did not surprise treasury teeth close enough so they will cut winter the pigs will burrow beneath abused in days gone by. The govern­ officials. the roots two or two and one half the straw, get too warm and take cold Ever since notice was given to Paris ment employe’s friends shared in his inches under the ground. The secret when they come out into the freezing opportunities. In a letter written by that the reciprocity agreement with Coughing and wheezing is to keep it from getting to the sur­ atmosphere. its low rates on both sides o f the A t­ CHEESE E X P O R T FALLS O FF. Wordsworth In 1815 the poet said: face. It wants holding down six is the result, and the pigs do no good lantic so far as the two governments “ By means of a friend In London I were concerned would expire at the weeks. It does not take expensive or die. Besides, If burrowed beneath can have my letters free. His name New Zealand Takes Trade From Can­ end o f October, this government has tools. I use an old-fashioned cult! the straw they are liable to be stepped is Lamb, and If you add an 'e' to his been anticipating the step taken at adian Provinces. vator that was bought fifty years ago. on and seriously Injured or killed by name he will not open the letters. Di­ Paris Ottawa, Ont., Nov. 2.— Canada is It has seven teeth, three In front, four the stock running to the rick. rect as below without anything fur­ This government cannot directly During the summer months especial­ ther— ‘Mr. Lambe, India House, Lon­ meet the French maximum until next losing her hold on the cheese trade. in rear; each tooth cuts six Inches ly should the sow and her young be don.' ” Coleridge, too, saw that a post­ spring, but the question o f what to do The production o f Canadian cheese so wide. It ts good to drag It over after fenced from the straw pile. If they age saved was a postage gained, and has been canvassed. far this season is approximately 1,786,- three or four days. I cultivate once burrow down Into the half rotted a week for six weeks; It has never made use of the Mr. Lamb of the In­ Sparkling wines seem to be the most 000 boxes, which is only 8,000 boxes in failed me yet. The roots will be dead straw they will be very apt to con­ dia House—Charles Lamb. vulnerable point, for officials here do excess o f the production during the as hay. It is good for Canada thistles. tract some disease. not assume that this is the beginning same period last year, but the price re If one Is doubtful, take a rod or more U n p a r d o n a b le Ig n o ra n c e . of a tariff war of itself. A jump from R y e a « llo r «e F eed. Hostess—You don't know who she $6 to $9.60 per dozen in the duty on ceived is, on an average, one cent i square and keep It down for six pound less than was obtained a year weeks and see how It works. This was is? Why, she’s the celebrated Mis. de Rye is a good grain to feed horses. champagne, which is what the restora­ Wranter. You must have seen her In ago. done with a hoe on two acres, and 100 It Is equal to oats and wheat, but It tion o f regular tariff rates means at "East Lynne.” In explaining this anomalous situa­ bushels of smutnose corn were raised must be ground middling fine and the Uni'ed States ports, and the unoffi­ Guest (with some embarrassment) — tion, exporters say that the lower mixed with cut straw or cut hay. No, Indeed, ma'am. I was never there cial talk o f prospective substantial prices are due to a considerable extent to the acre, planted in drills one foot The straw or hay should be cut Into apart and hoed to kill. raising o f that figure to the American In my Hie.—C W T to the increase in the New Zealand half-inch lengths, moistened with wa­ maximum when the opportunity comes cheese output. Last year 620,000 box­ ter and the rye meal well mixed with H e r o le R e m e d ie s . F a t In M ilk . on March 31, next, have not helped es were made in New Zea'and, which “ According to this magazine," salt French sentiment toward the United It can not be that the butter fat In I t It is very sticky and horses can­ five years ago produced only 66,000 Mrs. Bifflngham, "sliced onions scatter States. milk Is obtained from the fat stored not get the meal without eating the boxes. ed about a room will absorb the odoi It was hardly to be expected, as In the tissues of the cow, otherwise the straw or hay with it. In feeding corn New Zealand’s sale o f cheese has of fresh paint.” treasury officials view it, that France now displaced the Canadian makes on animal would soon become emaciated. to horses we always grind half rye ”1 guess that's right,” rejoined B if­ would figuratively “ sit idly by.” the English market in the winter sea­ Cows obtain the butter fat In milk with the corn to make the corn meal flngham. "Likewise a broken neck wll from the food they eat and digest. And stick to the cut straw. Corn and rye relieve a man of catarrh!”—Londor son. not from the reserve or accumulation ground together In equal proportions Pauper Miners Return. Answers. yf fat in their bodies. Reason as well And mixed with bright cut straw Explosion Fatal to 12. Seattle, Nov. 2.—The United Stales ]* r n lia l»ly G u i l t y . as observation teaches that cows ex moistened with water make a well-bal­ revenue cutter Bear arrived here today Johnstown, Pa., Nov. 2.— Twelve “ S ir!” thundered the prosecuting a; tract butter fat from the food they forney, "you are evading my ques­ with 140 indigent miners and laborers men were killed in the Cambria Steel consume and digest, and to produce a anced ration, equnlly ns good, as eager­ brought down from Nome at govern­ company’s coal mine, two miles from ly sought after by horses and a cheap­ tion.” ment expense. The dry season on the here, tonight, as the result o f what is large percentage of cream the rations er horse feed than oats and hay. "Darn It," answered the prisoner be­ sf the cow should be rich in the ele­ Seward peninsula was largely r sponsi­ supposed to have been a dynamite ex­ fore the bar, " if you knew the facts In ble for the misfortunes o f the miners, plosion. All the dead are foreigners ments of nitrogen and carbohydrates, P o n llr v N o t o . the case as well as I do, you wouldn’t sluicing operations being at a stand­ Three men escaped by a perilous climb which are found in linseed meal, mid- Others have built up an egg laying blame me.”— Birmingham Age-Herald. still during the entire summer. One on life ladders through poisonous mine Rings, bran, corn meal and ground strain. Why not do so yourself? man, a cripple, was found to have a gas and falling slate up the steep walls sats. At the Cornell University cows C ro p W a . a F a ilu r e . Lazy hens cause much of the high that yielded 200 pounds of butter fat "I suppose you know of my family miner’s “ poke” containing $700 hid­ o f the main shaft. Only 16 workmen prices for eggs. Make 'em get busy tree?" said Baron Fucash. “Yep,'' an­ den among his bandages. Another man were in the mine. A force o f men at annually under ordinary feeding yield­ and hustle. swered Mr Cumrox. "It may have been confided to a sailor on the Bear that he onceb egan clearing the debris and fa ll­ ed 310 pounds when given liberal The warmer the weather the more a good tree, all right, but It looks to had sent $26,000 home from Alaska. en slate in the lower levels. When the rations of feed rich In nitrogen and me as if the crop was a failure."— final barrier was passed, the party varbohydrates. Cream will not make water required, as more is thrown off butter unless It contains fat. and by the body. Washington S*ar found the 12 bodies. Some Classes Barred. Many a hen that is otherwise well profitable fats will not be produced Chicago, Nov. 2.— Jury Commission­ W o u l d D r to H i m . unless cows are fed on rations rich In fed may fail to lay on account of lack Vessel Bumps Mud Bank. er W illiam A. Amberg, testifying to­ W ifey— What in the world is a Joy of water. day before Judge Barnes in regard to San Francisco, Nov. 2.— Passengers the elements that produce cream. ride? Successful poultrymen. In order to the system o f drawing jurors, admitted on the steamer President, which arriv­ Hubby— It must be the kind a mar­ C b s n fln s B ees. keep their poultry on a paying basis, that a large part o f the population of ed from Seattle last night, had a thrill­ ried man takes when he travels alone The common busy bees may be grad­ are continually culling their flocks. Chicago never had a chance to become ing experience when the vessel, after and rides in the smoking car. One of the great values of green jurors. Those whose names are never safely negotiating the passage o f the ually replaced by the Italian or Cypn- an varieties, by removing the old food. It Is said, lies in Its ability to drawn include: bar and the Golden Gate, bumped on T h o u g h t H e K n e w H o tter. Laborers, tailors ( i f foreign), actors, a mud bank o f Black point, well within qoeen end substituting a new fertil­ aid in the digestion of other things.— "Well, anyway. It is safe to say that peddlers, the harbor and ran hard aground. ized queen of either kind preferred. Farm and Ranch. When women really want the ballot saloonkeepers, bartenders, junk dealers, scavengers, porter«, cab- Within an hour after the mishap the If she Is carefully guarded In a small they will get it. F e e d in g S t a lk s to H o g s . “No. I don't think It would be—er— drivers, waiters, train dispatchers, President wss dragged free and hauled cage for a few days the bees soon When the green stalks are given to quite safe for you to say It in ths railway tower men, theological, law into her berth, none the worse for the recognize her, and In the course of a presence of my wife. and medical students, boilermakers. jar. The vessel struck close in shore. few months the old beet will all be hogs care should be taken to prevent There was no indication o f panic among dead and the new ones will be of the cattle from having access to the woody T o C o rre sp o n d . the passengers. C hief Orders Results. desired kind. The queen Is compelled fiber which the swine will leave after ” 1 notice that since Clerklelgh got to lay numbers of eggs dally In order chewing the stalks. Pigs relish chew­ Chicago, Nov. 2. — Following an or­ fnto dissipated habits he doesn't use Dutch Sailors Desert. to supply the great loes constantly ing the stalk for the sweetness in It. der today from Chief o f Police Steward the perpendicular style In his hand­ recurring by the destruction from but leave enough saccharine matter in that men wanted for hurling bombs in San Francisco, Nov. 2.—Thirty-five writing." "No. and he doean't use It In hie the war between gambling syndicates sailors o f the Dutch erdiser Noord birds, storms and other difficulties. ths fiber to make it attractive to cab walk, either." in Chicago must be found. Captain Brabant deserted last week up to the There should be left plenty of honey tie, especially the younger stock. This Stephen Wood, head o f the city detec­ time she left here for Honolulu and for a winter supply, and the hives fiber Is Indigestible, and the cattle, If P ro m p t A c t io n . tive bureau, told members o f the de­ the Orient. Most o f the desertions should be well protected from atorms. allowed to pick it up. will frequently Anxious Friend—Cayman, you ought partment tonight that if they fail to were o f the ordinary kind, the men What the beekeeper should aim to do eat a sufficient quantity to cause Im­ to do something (or that uncontrolla­ paction and harmful If not fatal re­ ble thirst of yours, and you ought to get definite results in the investigation ; simply forgetting to return from shore Is to sow such crops as will enable sults. It Is not safe to let the cattls they should get out o f the bureau, j leave, but in the case o f four the leave the bees to lay In a large supply of do It quick. Into yards where swine are given that taking was rather spectacular. Hav­ Gay-man (putting on hie hat)—I'm Captain Wood even declared honey, and he can well afford to do so greea corn stalks.—Coburn's “ Swlns ready to go and Join you in one right should his department fail to run down ing failed to obtain liberty leave, they If he has a number of hives. In America.” the perpetrators o f the prolonged ser­ watched for an opportunity and tried now, old chapl ies of crimes, he would resign. to swim ashore, but a boat was sent in L o a lra l C o .c l.a lo .. G r a d e « o f Cl M o v a b l e S c h o o l* . pursuit. A ll four were captured. “Tou look sweet enough to kiss.” The Kansas Agricultural Oollegs The United States Department oi Navigators o f Air Combine. They will be given severe duties. says the impressed young man. grades cream as follows: First grade Agriculture recommends th* establish­ Boston, Nov. 2.— The first associa­ "So many gentlemen tell me that,” cream, 80 or more per cent of butter ment of movable school* of agriculture Germans Run From Army. tion o f international aeronautic pilots coyly answer* the u lr girl. fat; second grade. 25 per cent and leas by the state exprim ent stations. was organized here today. It marked Berlin, N oy . 2.— An article in the “ Ah! That should mak* you happy.” "But they merely eay that.” she re- the 119th anniversary o f the first as- Kreuzzeitung deplores the increasing than 30; third grade, having leas than Where fifteen farinera ran be secured ptnee "They merely tell me the tacts cension of a man in a balloon from ' number o f desertions from the army on 25 par cent butter fat. Creameries as students the school may bs con­ Th* It is said that like to get high-testing cream, say 30 ducted for a year or longer. In the caee and never prove their Boston. Memberships wiil comprise the Western frontier statements.”—Life persons who hold balloon pilots’ licens, j there is an epidemic o f desertion in the and above. They make more batter kind o f Instruction w ill depend «pou th* needs of the section. es. and the association is to be devoted garrisons o f Upper Alsace. The Kreuz- from this, as the overrun Is greater. to the encouragement of navigation, zeitung makes an appeal to the French Angora goats ere doing good work Dr. W. D. Hunter, the government France leads with 114 aeronautical pi- people, who, it says, have given so among tbs mountains of California, entomologist In charge o f the South­ lots. The United States and Great | many proofs o f nobility and generosity, Britain have 35 each. and asks them to find a happy solution ern field crop, declares. In a bulletin where they ere cutting trails for Or* to the question of the Foreign Legion Issued at Dallrs, that the recant period guard* through the brushy areas. Th* — a question preoccupying the world. of oppresslva heat In Taxes played hard of 3,000 Is divided Into two bands, Comet Observed at Kiel. havoc with that hitherto Invincible which era grazed within well-defined Cambridge, Macs., Nov. 2.— A cable enemy of the planters, the boll weevil. ares*. They attack ths heavy bushes, Earth Shock Indicated. has been received at Harvard observa­ Ninety-nine per cent of the cotton ■tripping off the bark sad killing ell Salt Lake, Nov. 2.— A well defined tory from Kiel, stating that Winnecke’a plsnt parasites, he says, era dead. The wild growth. Thera Is plenty of th* comet was observed by Pooro o f La earth shock was recorded on the eeia- beat not only dealt death among the seme kind of work to be don* In th* Should be (Iren at once when ths | Plata, Argentina, on October 31, about mograph at the University o f Utah at boll weevil, but at the same time East, but only small beginnings have little one coughs. It heel* the del­ ' midnight, Greenwich time. It was then 3 :26:50 this morning. The wave was icate throet end protects the longs forced a process of Incubation In the been made. Perhaps an object lise on in right ascension 17 hours, 11 minutes apparently traveling from eaat to west from infection— gueraateed safe sad aotton holla The result will be a crop Is seeded In th* ebep* of s large tract and 51.6 second«, declination 27 de- and in the opinion o f Professor Pack, ▼cry palatable. that may bo harvested earlier of rongh land to be cleared and I) greea, 18 minutea, 43 seconds. The o f the university, was as far away aa All Dninka, 25 CMS. xsuaL proved with th* aid of th* goat* comet is visible in a small telescope. Mexico or Southern California. Save the Baby— Use W e lle s le y A wide spreading oak which experts have declared must have been grow Ing at the time of the discovery of America by Columbus, is a landmark on the estate of the late Arthur Hun- newell in Wellesley, Mass. The magnificent tree measures 26 feet In circumference at the base It is a noticeable landmark on account of its unusual size. It intersects the fence which separates the fertile fields of the Hunnewell estate from the highway, and thus arrests the atten tlon of the passer by. The late Mr. Hunnewell took great pride in the ancient tree. It has with stood the ravages of pests for a great many years and Is apparently In con dition to live for a great many more decades. The late Mr. Hunnewell once had the tree examined by an expert from the Smtthohian Institute who de­ clared that it was between 400 and 600 years old. Eliot, the apostle to the Indians fre­ quently passed the towering cak while going to und from South Natick, where lie preached to the Indians, the tree being beside what was the old trail. CREM FOR OUT DOOR W ORK M on tgo m ery Advertiser. T ire d IN THE WETTEST WEATHER o f th e U n iu e . NOTHING EQUALS “ Billingsley tells me be has moved hie gasoline tank Into his garage.” "But that's awfully dangerous, Isn't It? The garage may catch fire at any moment.” “That's what Billingsley hopes."— Cleveland Plain Dealer. O n ly n " W ATERPRO O F ■n' V o id . Bertie— Here's anoihah great chess piayah whose brain has gone wrong I am glad I novab took up the deuced game. .lane— But In your case, Bertie. I'm quite sure thare wculd be nothing to go wrong.— Cleveland Plain Dealer. R O W E R 'S GARMENTS O IL E D [ they lock well - WEAR WEIL AND WILL NOT iiAK LONG COATS-*382 _*3JS SUITS *322 SOiD EVERYWNCQ£ CATALOG F M g A .J . T o w e r C o . b o s t o n . u ^ jl . T o w e r C a n a d ia n C o . limited - T o r o n t o , c a n . C ao tloa s. Caller— 1 would like to see some- thing In the way of a check. Tailor— Er— yes — excuse m e— are you a customer or a bill collector?— Boston Transcript. DYSPEFSIA “ Having taken your wonderful *Casca- reta’ for three months and being entirely cured of stomach catarrh and dyspepsia, I think a word of praise is due to ‘Caacarets* for their wonderful composi­ tion. I have taken numerous other so- called remedies but without avail, and I find that Cascarets relieve more in a day than all the others I have taken would in a year.** James McGune, 108 Mercer St., Jersey City, N. J. A LEADER WATER SYSTEM IN YOUR HOME Pleasant, Palatable, Potent, Taste Good. Do Good. Never Sicken, Weaken or Gripe. 10c, 25c, 50c. Never sold In bulk. The gen­ uine tablet damped CCC. Guaranteed to cure or your money back. yi9 Out o f town prop]- «■an have their pla' and hriiluowurk Hu iahod in one da I f necessary. We will give you a goo 22k gold or Dorce!a crown for $ 3 .5 ? M L W.JL W itt, P hsisihtms Muu-ta t> vssst isTuums lo mutism Molar Crowns 5 * 0 l 22k Bridge Teeth 3 . 5 C Gold Fillings 1.01 Entmel Fillings 1 .0 0 Silver Fillings .5 0 Inlay Fillings 2 .5 0 Good Rubber _ . . Pistes 5 .0 0 Best Red 'Nb- *■ ber Plato. 7.50 Painless Extr don . 5 0 Means an unfailin g w ater supply, it n eans that you w ill have the moat practi­ cal Domestic w a ter aunply system now in use. N o elevated tank, r.o frozen pipes in w inter, no ntngnant w a ter in summer, no w a ter supply troubles o f any sort. Tank placed in basement, out o f night and way. made o f pressed steel, w ill not rust and w ill last a lifetim e. You will be pleased w ith th « L E A D E R hv t a n o f furnishing Domestic W a ter Supply. Ask fo r our catalogue and fr e « booklet. "H o w 1 Solved My W ator Supply Problem .’ * J Q tg S U s LEWIS & STAVER CO. Portland, Ore. Spokane, Wash. Boise, Idaho. W O R K G U A R A N T E E D F O R IB Y E A R S Palnleee Extraction fr e e when nl»to* o r bridgo worfr la ordered. Consultation Free, Yon cannot cot hotter palnlcM work done anywhero. A l l w o r k fu lly guur- en tcod . Modern elwvtrlo equipment. Heat nu-thbJa. W ise Dental Co. AILING f hi ri > HUILDINO - - - n ,, arm . H im . P O R T L A N D , O R E G O N o r r i o i ROUES: I i . M. U I r . M. Sun >!*▼«, • to L for I M p n u w N o . 48 - 0 » T il K W w r it in g : t o a d v e r t l « « r a p i e m e n t io n t h i s p a p e r . ‘ C T C I M H C n DISTEMPER Pink Fye, Fpizoedc, Shipping fevei- and Catarrhal Fever Sure cu re and p o s itiv e p reven tive, no m a tter how horses at any a * « are in fected o r "e x p o s e d .” L q u id , Riven on th o ton gu e: a cts on t h « K ood and Glands, ex pels th e poisonous term s from the body. C u re« D is­ tem p er in I>oga and S heep and Cholera in P o u ltry. L a rg e s t sellin g liv e •took rem edy. Cures L a G rip p e am ong human beings nnd is a fin e K id- n ey rem edy. 60c and $1 a b o ttle; S5 and $10a dozen. Cut this out. K ee p It. Show to you r d ru g gist, w h o w ill g e t it fo r you. F ree Booklet. "D is ­ tem per. Causes and C u re«.*' S pecial agen ts wanted. SPOHN MEDICAL CO., ¿ £ £ ¡« 1 GOSHEN. IND., 0. S. A. LEADING LADY SHOES There ere no other shoes at popular prices that In any w ay compare with these classy, fashionable, good-fitting shoes. They are made on lasts that insure the utmost comfort, yet give your feet that trim and stylish look. •ho** com bln* style and wearing qualities to • degree that essily make« them the moat popular, dressy and serviceable ladies' fine shoes obtainable, at a cost no greater than ordin­ ary shoes. Your dealer will supply you; If not, write to us. To 1« sure you gel th* L E A D IN G L A D Y , look for th* Mayor Trad* Mark, on th* ««/««. FRRR — I f you w ill «end vs the name o f « dealer who dees moO handle Leading L ady Shoe«, w e w ill tend you free, poet* paid, a beautiful picture o f Martha W ashington, also 15 i 20. W a also make Honorbilt Shoe« for men, Martha W ash- [ton Comfort Shoes, Yerm a Cushion Shoe«, Special ftHMj t School Shoe« i W ork Shoe«. F. Meyer Boot & Shoe Co. MUwa Wie.