Mosier Bulletin Issued Fach Friday MOSIER.. OREGON EVENTS OF THE DAY Newsy Items Gathered from All Parts of the World. Less Important but Not Less Inter* estlng Happenings from Points Outside the State. Republicans won a complete victory in Rhode Island. Republicans elected nearly every o f­ ficer in Nebraska. t suppose you have not had tim e tc McCREDIE IS ELECTED. Clark County Jurist Chosen as Con gressman In Washington. Tacoma, Wash., Nov. 3.— With W. W. McCredie, of Vancouver, Wash., the Re publican nominee, leading by substan­ tial majorities throughout the southern part of the second congressional dis­ trict, indications at a lato hour last night were that he is elected over Er nest Lister, of Tacoma, tho Democratic candidate, by 2000 to 3000 majority, to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Francis W. Cushman. Latest returns from Pierce county, the home of Mr. Lister, the most pop ulous county in the district, and a Re publican stronghold, indicate (hat the Democrats will carry it by a majority of 500. Tacoma’s majority for Lister is 80C. To offset this Judge McCredie has substantial majorities in the other conn tics of the district, and it appears that his election is assured. IRRIGATION IN MALHEUR. FARMERS REGISTER K IC K . Private Company Planning to Water Pass Resolutions Protesting Against 160,000 Acres. Marine League Measure. Salem — According to adviceB re­ ceived in the office o f the Btate en­ gineer at Salem, Trowbridge & Niver, a private reclamation company with a splendid record, is conducting a survey o f a tract, including about 150,000 acres o f arid land, some of which is in Malheur county in this state and some in Idaho. The object is to learn through the results o f the surveys if it would be feasible to start a reclama­ tion project covering this territory. The land which is receiving the at­ tention o f the reclamation company’ s engineers lies bweteen the Owyhee and Snake rivers. The water for irriga tion will probably be taken from the Owyhee river. The project is in its incipient stage, and no definite infoi mation as to the plans o f Trowbridge & N iver can be obtained. According to State Engineer Lewis, the work done by Trowbridge & Niver, has proved highly satisfactory and in those districts in Idaho where the firm has already accomplished big results, the people of the Btate prefer the com­ pany’s operations to the United States government’s projects. The day after Oregon’s new water law went into effect last spring, Trow­ bridge & Niver sent a party o f sur veyors and engineers into ths Owyhee river valley to take observations. The work has been continued until the present, which leads the Btate engineer to believe that the private company will shortly take up a large tract in this state for reclamation. Pendleton — Resolutions protesting strongly against the effortB o f the Merchant Marine league o f Seattle to secure an o r d e r forbidding foreign ves­ sels which bring coal to the Pacific coast from carrying wheat on their re turn trip were passed at a mass meet­ ing of citizens, held in the Circuit court room at the court house here. When the vote was taken not a dissenting voice was heard and the indorsal was unanimous. Judge S. A. Lowell was made chairman and Charles A. Barrett, of Athena, secretary. Congressman W. R. Ellis was pres­ ent and voiced his sentiments against the proposed measure and extended his services in cooperation with the citi­ zens. J. T. Lieuallen, president of the county organization of the Farmers Educational & Cooperative union of America; JudgeS. A. Lowell and C. A. Barrett were the speakers. As the proposed action o f the Merchant Ma rine league would tend to lower the price o f wheat, the protest was couched in vigorous terms. A telegram was sent to the secretary of the navy by the meeting, asking postponement of action until the receipt of the signed circular of protest. Con gressman Ellis also sent a personal tel egram to the secretary, requesting in­ vestigation into the farmers’ plea. W hat Gold C an n o t B uy B y W H J . A .L E J T j KJ^TDB'R A u t h o r o f " A C r o o k e d Path." "Mold. W i f e o r W i d o w . ” " B y W o m e n ’ s W it .” " B e a t o n ’ s B a r g a in ," " A L i f e I n t e r e s t.” " M o n o ’ s C h o lo e .” " A W o m a n ’ s H e a r t.” find me a lady companion?" “ Tee, I have made some Inquiries, and find it Is no easy matter. The fact Is, 1 enlisted my eldest daughter In your service. She Is a sensible, thoughtful young woman, and very anxious to select the right article. She was speaking to me only this morn­ ing. and was rather depressed about It. There are shoals of women seeking such an appointment, but very few that are suitable." "One that did not suit would be worse than none.” "Exactly. Now, my daughter sug­ gested something that might suit, If you do not mind waiting a week.” " I fear, Mr. Rawson, I shall have to wait considerably longer.” "W ell, the lady I was going to men­ tion is the niece of our rector down In Wales, my native place. He ha 3 been dead many years, but this girl lived on with his widow, who died a few months ago. She Is an orphan, very slendealy provided for, and Is coming to stay with my girls for a few weeks. She Is a gentlewoman, and well educated. I have not seen her since she was very young, so I will take a look at her before I say any more. If I thlrk It worth while trou­ bling you. she might call, and you could form your own Judgment, or take her on trial for a couple of months." “ Thank you, Mr. Rawson. I am very much obliged. I should like to see her; for I cannot have a fright or a dowdy before my eyes every day. When do you expect this girl?” “ I am not quite sure. Soon, certain­ ly.” “ I should like to see her before I leave.” " I will ask my daughter to write this evening and ask her to come a little sooner." "Yes, pray do. If she is at all rea­ sonable and Intelligent, she may be of great use to me. Imagine, Mr. Raw son. Lady Olivia proposing to give me her 'dear Sophia' for six months, to be my daughter and to cheer me up! Why, the girl Is as great an Idiot as her mother!" “ Indeed! The offer was well meant.” " I hate well-meaning people.” Mr. Rawson laughed. " I suppose I may tell you I had a few lines from Mr. Hugh----- ” he began, when he was swiftly silenced by an Imperative, “ No, you may not. I will not allow that name to be mentioned before me, un­ less, Indeed, we can succeed In break­ ing this unfortunate marriage.” Mr. Rawson, looking very grave, bent his head. "By the way, what Is the name of the lady you mentioned?” "Oh! Miss Desmond.” " I will see her,” said Mrs. Savllle, with decision. " I can tell at a glance whether she will do or not. ’ “ Then I shall wish you a very good morning, and my daughter will let you know when Miss Desmond can wait upon you.” Mrs. Savllle thanked him again, and bade him a gracious good-by. (To be continued.) me. Indeed, he Is too breathlessly CHAPTER III. Mr. Rawson found even a warmer busy, and a good deal harassed by bis reception than he had anticipated — by the lady's anxiety to come out as In a speech in Mississippi Taft fa ­ awaiting him when he presented him a public singer, for which she was vored woman suffrage. self the following day In Stafford trained. He----- " The next legislature in Kentucky is Square. Bitter reproaches were show "Anything but that! Imagine the H E N E Y IS BEATEN. overwhelmingly Democratic. ered upon him for his disloyal encour name of Mrs. Hugh Savllle in huge let­ Republicans elected both branches of agement of an ungrateful son. a weak ters at the top of a play bill! It would San Francisco Turns Down Reformer the legislature in New Jersey. cont-mptible dupe. But Mr. Rawson be monstrous!" for District Attorney. defended himself bravely. Another highbinder war is in prog­ "Oh, she would come out as Slg San Francisco, Nov. 3.— A fter three No one could do so much with Mrs nora somebody. I would not oppose It ress in San Francisco’s Chinatown. Ravllle as the family solicitor. First If I were you. But I think your son John D. Rockefeller lost his vote on years of a reform government which he was a shrewd, far-seeing man, of has forbidden the plan.” followed the sensational bribery graft account of the sickness of his wife. great experience and undoubted In "W hy should I take any further The prohibition forces won in In­ disclosures in tho Kuof-Schmitz union tegrity, in whose Judgment she had the trouble?” said Mrs. Savllle, throwing labor administration of 1900-07, partial dianapolis, but lost in the rest on In­ greatest conufldence. Then, too, he herself back In her chair. "L et things diana. returns from yesterday’s municipal was a rich man and perfectly inde go.” clectiou up to midnight indicate that Four more counties in Illinois have pendent, both in position and In char "Very well." Mr. Rawson rose to gono dry, making 40 of the 129 where the city has again chosen a union labor acter. So high was her opinion of him take leave. "Lord Everton arrived saloons are barred. administration by the election of P. that she deigned to call periodically yesterday. He makes some short stay The Democratic candidate for gov­ II. McCarthy for mayor and Charles on his daughters, and some years be In town, but no doubt he will call on ernor of West Virginia was elected by M. Fickert for district attorney. Op fore, when she was in the habit of you." a plurality of over 23,000. giving a large ball every season, sent posed to Fickert was Francis J. Heney, "Then I shall not see him. I shall It is said that Fairbanks has been who attained national fame as govern them invitations, which were general Electric Roads for Rogue. recommended as minister to China, uud ment prosecutor in the famous land ly declined. Hugh Savllle had been at get away, I hope next week; 1 cannot Medford— John R. Allen, the owner stay In town; yet I dread the coun that he is willing to accept. fraud cases in Portland, and who for o f the Pacific & Eastern railroad, now school with the solicitor’s only son try. Do not forget to send my will who was also in the navy, and, when Tho court of appeals of District of three years has conducted the dramatic being extended towards the Klamath this afternoon by a special messen Columbia affirmed tho sentence against bribery-graft prosecutions in this city, valley, will make an application at the the young fellow evinced a tendency ger.” which have become historic. Mr. the Labor Federation officials. to drink, stood by him and helped him Honey’s defeat apparently is decisive, TU N N E L TH RO UG H M O U N TAIN S next meeting of the council for a fran­ at the turning-point where, but for “ I shall be sure to do so.” chise to operate an electric road n Pekin Chinese are planning a boycott the vote for him running behind both "And come the day after to-morrow friendly help, he might have taken the Medford. He w ill also apply in the against Japan. Crocker and Lelaiul. Indications Point to Huge Undertak to take my Instructions for a new one downward road. other cities o f the Rogue river valley. ing by O. R. & N. Three deaths resulted from Halloween Mrs. Savllle was too clever a woman I don’t wish to die Intestate." A company composed of Wall street T A M M A N Y GAINS VICTORY. at Kansas City. "M y dear Mrs. Savllle, what a comic Pendleton—.Rumors in local railroad men are backing him. A company has lo be a snob, though her love cf power A Corean revolt against Japan is ex­ Elects Mayor of Now York, but Loses circles here predict the greatest rail­ been incorporated for a million and a and distinction made her over-value idea!" " I f you knew how I felt you would road undertaking that has taken place half dollars and will start construction the effect of rank and title upon her pected at any moment. Control of Fluids. in this section o f the state for years work immediately after the franchises fellow-creatures. She was quite w!l not think It an unnatural one.” The National Geographic society has "A few weeks ’quiet In the country New York, Nov. 3.— Tammany elect­ of which the crew of surveyors which are granted. ling that her sons should be on famll acclaimed Peary as the discoverer of Iar terms with Mr. Rawson’s familv; will set you up.” ed another mayor of Greater Now York are now working on the Stanfield- the Pole. "The country without companion­ they were perfectly safe In the society yesterday, but lost its grip on city Coyote cutoff are the vanguard. This Scabby Sheep Cost Him Dear. ship will not be cheerful; yet I want Cannibals on Admiralty island cap­ finances. W'illiain J. Gnynor, of Brook underaking includes, among other ac­ Pendleton — William Hartman, a of his quiet, unpretending daughters, tive changes and improvements, tun­ tured and ate two Englishmen and while the sincere regard entertained to get away from every one. At In lyn, swept the fivo boroughs to victory neling through the Blue mountains and Lake county sheepman, is the first vic­ three Chinese. by Mr. Rawson for the family of his glefleld, however, I have my gardens." as mayor by at least 70,000 plurality, the elimination o f severaFbad grades tim of the law passed by the legislature “ A delightful resource.” said Raw- three years ago. Hartman had sheep distinguished client, whose djbts, dlffi The waterways convention has decid­ defeating Otto T. Bannard, Republican- for the purpose o f shortening the time in Harney county found infected with culties, and Involvements made many son, absently. His attention had begun ed to Bend 500 lobbyists to the next Fusion, and William It. Ilcarst, hide and distance between Chicago and scab. He was ordered to quarantine steps In the ladder by which his fath to wander, and he hastened to make session o f congress. his adleux. Portland. pendent. the flock where it was and dip the or and himself had climbed to fortune, American Ambassador White has re­ ThiB tunnel, which o f necessity A conspiracy of small things, how He failed, however, to carry his ticket sheep. He disregarded instructions lent something of a feudal character fused to accept a Legion of Honor dec­ with him. and the Republican-Fusion would be from three to five miles in ever, seemed to have been formed and trailed the sheep across portions of to the tie existing between them. oration from France. forces will control absolutely the board length, would accomplish much in the Harney and Lake county to his home To Mrs. Savllle the greatest power against the execution of Mrs. Savllle’s Cannon has promised to support a of estimates and apportionment, which saving of time and power. By pushing range, infecting other sheep. Hart­ on earth was money; but she was no plans, i Rawson faithfully fulfilled his prom mersuare giving the waterways o f the will disburse approximtnely $1,000,000- up Butcher creek canyon and there en­ man was arrested and fined $250 and miser. She could be lavishly gener 000 during tho administration. This is tering the mountains, the worst part country ample appropriations. costs. Three other cases are now ous at times, especially to any one Ise, and sent her will, which that very nioro than a half-defeat for Tammany, o f the grade and many windings would who had served or gratified her own night she tore up with vicious energy A Federal jury at Pittsburg has for the control of the board of esti­ be eliminated, and on the east side of pending. precious self. She could throw alms, and burned In the empty grate of her found David G. Richardson guilty on mate was one of the principal issues of the mountain the famous Kamela hill too, to the needy, as you would a bone dressing-room, but the trusty adviser Farmers to Build Road. 24 counts ol misapplication of the funds the campaign. would be avoided and the distance from to starving curs; but to her the poor was Immensely engaged for the next Pendleton— That the projected farm­ In addition, the Republican-Fnsionlsts of a bank o f which he was cashier. Huron to La Grande reduced to 12 elected Charles S. Whitman district at­ ers’ railroad from Umatilla to Milton were not exactly men or brothers. Yet, fortnight, and when he offered the ser A cave-in at a tunnel near Ilunsmuir, torney of New York county. He de­ miles. as her son said, she was not without vices of his partner they were lnvarl Rumor also says that considerable will be constructed as far sb Cold heart, only lifelong undisputed com ably declined. Cal., resulted in the death of two men. feated George C. Battle, Democrat, by Then, by some mis­ Springs dam, if he has to build it him­ work will be done on TellocaBset hill, The accident happened as a freight at least 13,000 plurality, and John 8. self, was the statement made by A. A mand and unchecked prosperity had take, there had been a delay In begin­ S TR IV IN G TO F IL L E M P T Y PEWS. train was passing and the dead men Shea for sheriff over C. D. Sullivan, between Union and Baker City. It is Cole, local stockman and capitalist, hardened It; no one could do much for ning certain repairs and decorations believed that surveying camps will be Democrat, by approximately 10,000. were members of the train crew. who is one o f the leaders in the move­ her, or give her anything she had not at Inglefleld, and when she drove A i m « a n d A c c o m p l i s h m e n t « o f a N e w established at Duncan and Encina and Y o r k C h u rc h F e d e r a t io n . ment. The proposed route of the road already, and amid the splendid sun down to Inspect them she found the The 8-year-old son of General Funs- at other points within the next few JOHNSON IS DEFEATED. Organized In 1895 and Incorporated shine of her existence one small cloud, smell of paint so overpowering that ton la dead. days. I f these improvements are ac­ extends almost directly across the cen­ ter of the government project from “ no bigger than a man’s hand,” cast she at once postponed her removal for In 1901, the constitution of the A Chicago judge has ruled that gold Four Times Mayor of Cincinnati, Loses tually contemplated by the O. It. & N., Umatilla to the big reservoir and a deep shadow against which her In at least ten days. Finally she sent for Church federation declares that Its ob­ it is evident that it is not the inten­ in the teeth is not attachable. Out at Polls. ner heart rebelled. She was conscious her doctor and commanded him to pre ject “ is to organize and assist the tion of the officials to divert freight or dam. that no one loved her, except, indeed, scribe for the bad feverish cold she churches and Christian organizations The SwiBS watch making industry Cleveland, Nov. 3.— Tom L. Johnson, passenger business down the Snake her son Hugh. This It was that made declared she had caught, and above In New York city for co-operative has shrunken to half its one-tim e Bize. for four terms mayor of Cleveland, was river, as has been proposed. Hogs Equal to Fat Steers. Condon— In a carload of hogs shipped her so hard; she did not realize that all to order absolute quiet. All this work on behalf of the-spiritual, physi­ Another West Point cadet has been defoated yesterday by Herman C. from Condon, Fred Edwards placed a her manner, her haughty aspect, re­ time her eldest son was absent. He cal, educational, economic and social Heavy Prune Yield. probably fatally injured in a football Bnehr, Republican, county recorder. Un­ pelled such sweet free-will offerings as was spending a delightful and proflta Interests of Its family life; and to rep­ game. Roseburg— That prune growing is a hog for which he received $36.40. official returns from approximately half love and tenderness. ble few days, which stretched into a resent the Christian sentiment of the This is thought to be the record price highly profitable business in Douglas A runaway auto at New York killed the city indicated that Bnohr’s plurality “ My dear madam," said Mr. Raw fortnight, with a learned antiquarian city In regard to moral issues." Its for a single porker. one man and fatally injured two over Johnson was at least 4000, and county is demonstrated by the crop of son when she paused in her reproach who had a place In Lincolnshire, from discoveries have been amazing, and C. H. Maupin, of Kellogs. From an others. es, " I can quite understand your dls where they enjoyed themselves exam the assistance which Its tabulated data might run to 6000. Large Crop Alfalia Seed. orchard o f 900 trees he harvested 2,840 Portland Is likely to face a milk Johnson early conceded his defeat boxes of prunes this year, which when Union-— From six acres of alfalfa 129 pleasure, but suffer me to suggest that Ining the fine old churches to be found have furnished to pastors In conduct­ famine following the cleaning up of bv 1500. With him probably went the cured, weighed 54,115 pounds net. He bushels of seed were taken this year. I have a right to receive whom I like In that shire, taking rubbings of brass ing a systematic neighborhood visita­ bulk of the Democratic ticket, those estimates that at least 500 boxes more The market value of the seed is fully In my own house. I do not defend es, and spending happy mornings In tion cannot be overestimated, says dairies. eouncilmen who have been conspicuous your son’s Imprudence; but, though deciphering half-effaced Inscriptions. Walter II. F. Grau In Harper’s Week­ King Menelik, o f Abysinnia, has in their support of tho street railways went to waste on account of lack of $1,000. The crop was grown on the These were bitter uays to tne proud, ly. One of the officers of the federa­ you renounce him, surely you would help during picking season. The fruit Townley farm. been stricken with apoplexy and his programme suffering most. not wish to deprive the poor young selfish woman, who felt that the love tion has very aptly compared Its du­ death is probable. Herman Bnehr, the first Republican sold at 4 cents per pound, bringing a fellow of friends as well as kindred? which had kept bet heart from freez PORTLAND M ARKETS. total of $2,164. From this Mr. Mau­ ties In regard to the churches to that to be elected mayor of Cleveland in ten Speaker Cannon ridicules the idea To persecute him is revenge, and to lng, her nature from growing quite of a clearing house with Its daily set­ pin paid out $230 for help, leaving his that he is to be retired by the next years, declared that his election was net income $1,934 from the nine acres that I will be no party.” Wheat — Bluestero, $1.02 (it) 1.04; stony, had been snatched from her tlements of the banks’ balances. Un­ due to dissatisfaction of the people with house and defies his opponents. "1 do not understand these nice dls by a stranger, a mere adventuress, the methods of handling city business. o f orchard, or nearly $215 per acre. club, 92c; red Russian, 90(»91c; val­ til the Institution of a clearing house ley, 91c; Fife, 92c; Turkey red, 92c; tlnctions,” cried Mrs. Savllle, “ but 1 who most likely saw In Hugh only a The mayor, in conceding his defeat, The crop averaged 315 boxes per acre. Alabama is facing a deficit of $ , - was established the exchange of think your giving shelter to— to that useful husband, whose money and po­ 000,000 and nothing in Bight with announced that he would be a candidate S. D. Evans, of Coles valley, reports 40-fold, 95c. checks and drafts was a most confus­ Barley— Feed, $27 per ton; brew­ disobedient boy Is inconsistent with sition would make life luxurious and for mayor two years hence. Rumors his crop as averaging 248 boxes per which to pay current expenses. ing operation and caused much fric­ loyalty to me." ing, $27.50. that he would remove to New York secure. For the sake of this stranger, A passenger train on the Wabash were denied by bis friends, but Johnson acre. Corn— Whole, $35 per ton; cracked, "Not In my opinion. Your son is not the son she loved so well in her own tion between the various banking road was derailed near Pattensburg, did not comment on them. $36. the first young man who has left fath silent, exacting way had cast aside all houses before their accounts were Railroad Man in Umatilla. Mo., and a dozen passengers injured. Oats—No. 1 white, 28.50 per ton. er and mother to cleave unto his wife. sense of duty, all affection, all regard finally adjusted. Prevous to the es­ Pendleton— Robert E. Strahorn, rail­ Republicans Beat Reform. Hay Timothy, Willamette valley, He has been siugularly Imprudent; for rightful authority; and to her it tablishment of a 1 church clearing Inh a speceh at New Orleans Taft road builder and man of mystery, who house these religious units were In Philadelphia, Nov. 3.—Philadelphia is promoting the North Coast road, was $14(o 17 per ton; Eastern Oregon, $18 still----- ” again declared congress has shamefully seemed a moral earthquake. neglected the improvement of the riv­ yesterday re elected Samuel P. Rotan in this city recently on a trip from (<(20; alfalfa, $15(..(o'24c. Butter might be put on the disastrous story. Ill or well, she never ceased to In­ time, but If a particular church knew bridge across the Columbia near the fat prices average l>*.c per pound un­ If you are right, however,” continued sist on having her new will complet­ of more churchless families than It Governor Willson, o f Kentucky, has known by his conneetion with the and Order society. On the state ticket mouth of the Snake river. He refused der regular butter prices. been aBked to furnish troops to sup Mr. Rawson, "your son is more sinned ed and brought to her for execution. In could possibly visit It seldom Impart­ the Republicans elected J. A. Stober, to divulge the source of his backing. Eggs Or-gon, 36(u36c per dozen; against than sinning. press night-riders. If Mr. Hugh vain Mr. Rawson begged for her to ed that knowledge to another pastor­ state treasurer; A. F. Sisson, auditor- He said the purpose of the men behind Eastern, 30(u34c. SavlUe’s wife Is the sort of a woman await the return of her eldest son and ate in order that the latter might A California Chinaman has secured general, and Robert Moschzisker, judge the North Coast was to extend the line Poultry Hens, 15c; springs, 15c; you Imagine, she will hardly live for consult him first. Mrs. Savllle reject­ share In the missionary work; and so, a patent on a machine which will o f the supreme court. Against the lat­ into Central and Southern Oregon at roosters, 9(ol0c; ducks, 15(o l5 '-.2c; a year and more away from her hus­ ter. C. Larue Munson, Democrat, made some future time. very often, the information was put to ed the suggestion with scorn. measure celestial distances. geese, 10c; turkeys, 17S>c; squabs, band. and within reach of the crew a spirited campaign, and returns indi- no use. "Richard knows nothing about bust Troops have been ordered to pBsin, ilate Munson rnnahead of his ticket. $1.75(0 2 per dozen. with which her father used to asso­ ness. He has preposterous unworldly A Protestant parish system similar, Own Valuable Gold Mine. Wyo., to restrain sheepmen and cattle­ Pork- Fancy, 9(o 9 per pound. ciate, without getting Into a scrape of notions. I have no respect whatever in many respects, to the parish sys­ Albany— The directors of the Mexi­ men from engaging in a range war. Veal Extras, 9 l<(o 10 l*e per pound. Thugs K ill City Marshal. some kind. I propose to have her for his opinion; so Just bring me my tem of the Roman Catholic church can mines, owned by Linn county men, Fruits-- Apples, $l(o2.25 per box; Des Moines, Nov. 3.— After having ChicBgo business men do not blame have just received word ami assays pears, ,$l(o l.60; grapes, 80c(o$1.25 carefully watched. If she gives us Just will, without further maneuvering. I was the aim of the founders of the Crane, the recalled Chinese minister, searched alone nil night for two bur- from their mine showing they have reason for action, let her be punished know you are working for that un­ federation. The aim was that all and think he was unfairly dealt with. fflars who had entered n house at Car- struck a vein which goes $105.90 to per crate; 121...c per basket; casabas, and your son saved from her clutches. grateful, worthless son of mine; but Christian Institutions In Greater New $1.25(o 1.50 per dozen; quinces, $l(o roll, la., ni’ d arresting them. City Mar General Estrada proposes to divide shal Hatton, of Carroll, was shot and the ton of free milling ore. The letter 1.25 per box; cranberries, $S.50(o9per If she proved a good woman and true, It Is of no use. I f you refuse to do York should be drawn Into closer Nicaragua am! make a separate repub­ killed yesterday by one of the robbers. stated that the mine is one of the great­ barrel ;J persimmons, $1.50 per box; why, you must relax something of your my bidding 1 can find plenty who sympathy with one another and that will.” severity." lic o f the provinces on the Atlantic Hatton hail followed the men from Car- est in Old Mexico. Considerable stock huckleberries, 8c per pound. a greater co-operative society be form­ “ I can safely promise what you will, aide. roll. and after arresting them, nnd while in the enterprise is held by Albany "Very true, Mrs. Savllle; but I do ed, with the expected result that the Potatoes— 50(o 60c per sack ; sweet If she proves good and true. How do not deny that I am reluctant to see community at large would be bene­ covering them with a revolver, turned people. Dr. J. L. Hill o f this city, is Naval officers in Greece started a toward his team. Instantly one of the the president, Fred Ware secretary potatoes, 13,(d 2c per pound. my young friend cut off without even fited by a united endeavor to promote Vegetables Artichokes, 75c per doz­ yon propose lo find out?” mutiny and seized an arsenal, but were men shot him in the back. A posse and L. E. Blain one of the directors. ’ The lady remains near Nice, in the a shilling. Do not be In a hurry. You church-going. en ; beans. 10c per pound; cabbage, 3, beaten in a battle with the army and formed an hour later and captured the (o le ; cauliflower, 30(o 60c [ter pound; same rooms occupied by her father. cannot tell what time may bring The details for taking a canvass In robbers in a cornfield. A mob is re­ surrendered. Big Potato at Elgin. celery, 50(085e; corn *l(ifl.2 5 per Mr Savllle thinks that the owner of forth." the city are accurately mapped out In Two book rwindlers have been found ported forming at Carroll to await the Elgin— What is thought to be the sack; horseradish, 9(010c per dozen; he house Is kind and respectable; his “ No. Mr. Rawson, I will not wait. advance and a single federation dis­ guilty in Chicago. They are said to arrival of tho robbers. largest potato in the world is on exhi­ peas, 10c per pound; peppers, 5(a6c; wife know^ little of English ways, and, Death may come at any moment, and trict Is covered at a time. Before be­ have secured nearly $500,000 from ’ elides. It Is cheaper Now, there Is bition by the Commercial club here. pumpkins, 1 (o l l4c; sprouts. 8c; could not rest in my grave If I ginning the work In any section a Republicans Win Bay State. business men throughout the country It weighs eight pounds and considerab­ squash, $!ro 1.10; tomatoes, 25(o60c; a man already employed In similar thought that designing minx was re­ conference of the pastors Interested In Boston, Nov. 3.—The Republicans ly oversiaes by posing as publishers o f a business any potato ever grown of turnips. 75cto$l per sack; carrots. $1 work by an eminent firm, and he can velling In the enjoyment of my mon the association Is held, In order that carried Massachusetts in a state elec­ which there directory. mite well accept a second commls is record. A t the World’ s beets, $1.25; rutabagas, ru $1.10. ey." tion yesterday by the narrowest margin the plana may be freely discussed and •:on; only he must be warned not to John D. Rockefeller has given $1,- in nearly s quartir of a century. The fair in Chicago the prize for the larg­ Onions $l(o i. 25 per sack. "Well, then, I will do you bidding the necessary subscriptions made to 000,000 to tight the hookworm in the party ticket was re elected, but Gov­ est potato was secured by Dunham Hops 1909 crop. 24(o'26c per pound; ’rd out what docs not exist. We want The day after to-morrow 1 will send defray the Incidental expenses of a South. ernor Draper's plurality of 60,000 in Wright, of Medical Springs, in this 1908 crop. 20c; 1907 crop, 12c; 1906 net-», not condemnation." ’T went freedom for my son; but my head clerk with the will. Wou can first canyass. These meetings are val­ th* last eleetion was cut to 8000. Com­ county, who showed a potato which crop, 8c. get one of your own people for a sec­ uable, Incidentally aa a means of pro­ Iowa women have resolved to adopt plete rot urns for governor follow: weighed 6 S, pounds, v The Elgin mon­ Wool Eastern Oregon, 16io 23c per h* Idea Is a good one, Mr. Rawson. 1 militant methods in their fight for Draper, Hop., 190,045; Vahcy, Dem., ster beats this. moting friendship» between the vari­ hall never be the same to Hugh, hut ond witness." pound: mohair, choice, 24c. suffrage. Then I shall leave town on Thurs­ ous clergymen, who otherwise, In 181,663; Republican plurality, 8382. should prefer punishing the worn Cattle— Best steers, $4.50; fair to The next legislature will show the cus­ day. Until ( have aigned. sealed, and many Instance», would probably re­ n." N. P. Gets land Patent*. ! good, $4(o4.26; medium and feeders. The church and state controversy in tomary Republican majorities in both It Is but natural," remarked Raw delivered It Into your hands, I shall main total strangers, though residing Pendleton— A patent from the Unit- 1 $3.50(o3.75; best cows. $3.50; medi- France has been revived by the school branches. not quit this house. Can I trust It to within a few blocki of one another. ed States government to the Northern un, $3(o3.86; common to medium. question. Re >uiemv er, M r Rawson, 1 must vou. Mr. Rawson?" Pacific Railroad company, in which $2.50(9 2.76; bulls, $2(<(2.50; stags, Negroes Retain Franchise. Conductors, firemen and engineers of My dear madam, do you take me r.iv will to-meirn.w: I am deter N o t a® M a n x . full title is given to more than 30,000 $2.60oi3.80; calves, light, $5.25(u Baltimore, Md., Nov. 3.— The pro­ the railroads east o f the Mississippi 1 to destroy It. It strikes m* for a felon?” acres o f land in the counties o f Uma- 15.50; heavy. $4(r£4.75. Squire— I never realized what a lit­ are about to demand an increase in posed constitutional amendment dis til la. Morrow, Gilliam and Sherman, j H o g s — Best, $7.S5(d8; your c o n i in g wit hoi it It to-day medium, Mrs. Savllle smiled—a swift, bright tle fellow Muggins Is until last nlghL franchising negroes was defeated at wages. very lying in’o Hugh'! mile, such as at rare— very rare— In Vicar— And how did it happen to oc­ yesterday's election, according to an has just been placed on record in the , $7.50«i 7.76: Stockers, $5(u'6. Sheep Best wethers, $4.25; fair to Th* Dry Farming congress at Bill­ estimate by Republican State Chairman office of Recorder Hendley. This is i ervale lit up her grave face. cur to you then? : * • (T O us U r* i i n •'•st it •e. 1 am re ings, Mont., passed resolutions con­ Hanna. The majority against the part o f that land included in the orig­ good, $3.75(4; "W ell, I shall leave It In your Squire— I overheard a woman say *!.o»r * « demning the methods of the Interior amendment was placed at from 6000 to inal grant to the Northern Pacific in fair to good, $3.50(iiS.75; lambs, $5(our hands.” There was a short pause, and that he was every Inch a gentleman.— 5.50. 1866. 1. . V UUiU.«/U d »h« su.qect to she »esurned ‘Among all this worry. Flak-Me-Up. 10 , 000 . department. 1