' 1 * «: ’restar* TT- ■5=» rrT~--------*£“ n o t «pend th a t p u ts you <P 4 l o “ I t 's the dolla r« to B usiness entrusted DEPOT IMPROVEMENTS J. N, Mosier left on the after- a h e a d . — " B e \ F Y * '^ *-7 - T he C are of the -rjsr. nqon^l^ain for Portland on \yed- Mosier at last is to have a wait T H E T I^ > : TO S A V E neçiJay ing room for the use of O. R. The tin)« a* ifive money is ^•Vv & N. N. patrons. patrons. In response to to a a w)1£n y0ll ibeX £^.r~h\s Wm. Johnson has sold twenty & In lesponse ..jving jt. A por Have you subscrii of The Dalles, Oregon . Ju rin ^ reKularIy „ ut paper? If not. why , ^ ^ ^ l*';- a^ 9 of his fruit land to Dr. N; j ^ t t e r from, the secretary of the ;:v .- . 1 & ^ n the dentist I Commercial Club tp general Man- JT ?* mnnth in i _ _ $100,000.00 C. J. Littlepage went to ^»Hnson, the dentist. :ager j . P. O’ Brien, o f the O. R. away every w<** n- month;will C jUil in time gynw to, „gisfactory pro- Surplus and undivid- Ijpnd Monday la& qa a buHin^ss( The report which was circula-• & N>> the manager assured the e(j profits -» 100,000.00 $'iP- lated this week about School No. c]u^ tj,at ¡mpr0Vt<nents asked portions. If its, t$ip first d-¡posit that is ha ¿est tq. make. Vfter j . s. SCHENCK, P resident H. F. Hothfur visited Portland 8,being' closed on account of diph- for would lie installed and a night a bank account idonee ousted it E d M. W illiams M ax A. V o g t ! qn a business trip early this theria has proven to be a canard. operator assigned at once. becomes q.pleasuqe to save» Cashier Vice Pres. fyeek. A force of men is now at work M. Linman, repa^jeminii. Sun The depositor who comes to Chas. Grahi^i» went to Hood set magazine, of Portland, was tearing out partitions and remod the MOSIER VALLEY RANK H. G. K I B B E E River Monday afttnùàon on a a caller at the Bulletin office eling the interior of the building. with a dtdlar is treated with the • I V i> A railing will separate the gen business trip. this week. same courtesy as one with a eral waiting room from the Why buy a suit? Leave your N O T A R Y P U B L IC Don Brant, connected with the 1 large amount. We will be very old one arfbe Bulletin office and East Hood River Orchards Co., agent’s department, comfortable pleased to provide you with a Have it made pew - - O regon expects to leave next week for seats will be placed, and compar Pass Book and to accept your de M o s i e r Geo. Day, of Castle Rock, a two months' visit in Chicago. ative luxury will be enjoyed by posits in yhatever amounti*,you j Washington, was in Mosier Mon the traveling public, as hereto N O T IC E O F S A L E . may wish to make them. B y ! Little Jennie Evan3, who has fore it has been necessary to day visiting friends. f saving in a. systematic wqy. you j Notice is hereby given that under and Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Coolidge ^ en 1,1 W1^h d'P ^hena is conva- stan(i outsideat the mercy of the will be surprised how rapidly by virtue o f an order duly made and en- ■-•v,- . . 1 /»o/-./-I»-* f h» D n K in o n n q q u o fh iir . , . . . lescent. I Dr. Robinson says that eiernents, while awaiting the in v , . . . ( i t tered in the County Court of the State of H o'd RiyeA. V^ited C.' G your balance will glow. . r. ... ,, , ,, ,, no new cases are reported here. variably delayed train ___ | of Oregon for Wasco County on the 8th Nichol and family last Sunday. „ _ . .. TT i flay o f September, 1909, the under- _ Mrs, A. M Forsberg sold her Mr. and Mrs. J. Yarnell, who Mr. Bi, F. Hovvaid ot Hood wag authorised, licensed and di- — Mrs. Marie Ball and daughter River viiflS in Mosier the eacly rected to -xdl the interest of William ) have been visiting with Mrs. J, ranch early this week to a Mr. 0^ p. Carroll, returned to their Matthews, of Portland. The of Boston, were visitors in Mo part of the week in the interest Booth, a minor, ill and to the following ; consideration is said to have been of the telephone company. I described real property lying and being sier yesterday. hotn^ in Portland last Tuesday. j situated in Wasco County, Oregon, to- Thomas McCusker. a Portland $6,000. wit: The South Half o f the North «KMWÌ«»’ Tonight at Lamb’s hall thq broker, representing Capitalists J , Half of Section 27 in lownship 2 North m i o f Range 11 East o f the Willamette Ji that city, spent Sunday and young people of" the Christian T i Meridian. Said saie will be made at Monday in about Mosier with a Endeavor society of Mosier will £ j private sale from and after the 23rd j hold a Hallowee’ n social. Re E day o f October, 1909. view to possible investments in IN EVERYBODY’ S MOUTH freshments will be served and a jfe I sabelle B ooth , ffuijt land». y] Guardian for William Booth. arc our Tooth Wr.shorsapd the praise ! general good time is anticipated = DEALER IN * (Fu»t publication Sept. 24. Last pub. Oct. 22.) W. Johnson, who has been ap- o f them. They are pure, fragrant an"U by the youth o f Mosier. poipj jd ,’a^in.\nistrator to the es antiseptic, cleansing both teeth and The new Christian church of gums, removing the tartar and giving tate o f his father-in-law, Mr. Mosier will be dedicated Sunday a sweet perfume to, thej breath. We Wieborg, went to The Dalles Local Train Service. also have Tooth Brushes, Powders by Rev C. F. Swander. Ser Euesday morning where he qual Soaps for dental purposes, and every 0 . R. & N. vices will be held at 11 a. m., 3 ified for his new duties. requisite for the bathroom and toilet. Train No. Due p. m. and 7;30 p. m. Everybody a i Our lints of Fancy Soaps, Pcrfum, s The Rev. W. A. Stark. paBtor West Bound. cordially invited to attend. Spe i and Sachets are second to none in of the Baptist Church,'^, Mosier, 5:15 A. M 9. cial ltipsip. will be a feature of U quality, but rather low in price, - - 3:15 P. M. Iï- ia conducting a ” p*ry successful East Bound. revival meeting. at" De Mops each.service. M. L. Howard packed twenty 10 - 10-25 A.. M. Springs. He expects t6 remain boxes of Winter Banana apples 12 - 10:40 P. M. ih De Moss about two weeks. (All mail trains.) from the ranch of the East Hood Felix A. Wjjfert after over a River Fruit Company at this year's -absence' in the Alaska C H A S. N. C L A R K E - H O O D RIVER, O R E G O N place, which were sent^to. Sena- T o the Taxpayers of W asco gold'fields, returned, to his home tor Bourne at Washington, D. C. County. in Tlfosier* Wednesday evening. The cost oj? these apples to Mr. Mr. Wilfert will 'spemkthfe.wih- Notice is hereby given that the | Bourne, aside from expressage, QUICK SERVICE ter hare looking actei'bi« proper Board o f Equalization for Wasco § GOOD CO0KING will be $7 a box. ty interests. ■ ‘ ■ Gomnty will meet in the Assess- j| The springlike autumn weather When in Hood River take your meals at or’s Office in the Court House j # ‘ Mr. and Mrs. F., M. Hunter, which Mosier has been enjoying for said Wasco County, on Mon- ¡S acpppipanied by Mr. and Mrs. G. day, the 18th day of October, |j Pf Hunter, have gone to the for the past several weeks, has been a wonder and d e l i c t to 1909, and will remain in session § coast on an extended trip. It is the stranger within our gates. for one week, or longer if neces- j a jirobable’ that ' 't|jeyv will lpcate It has also been productive of sary, for the purpose'of equaliz-!||' ¡0 gome one of Lhe western Ore floral freaks, one man.living near T h e. BIGGEST and FINEST HRUIT SHOW op the COAST ing the assessments, correctin g '! gon coiintiCs. ” v * town bring in this week a ijf,»nch errors in descriptions, etc. j J . J. E. Cole has moved into the from one of his apple trees heav J. W . K o o n t z , new building just north of his ily laden with perfect and fra Assessor for Wascu County, Ore. and will have his bar 1000 Boxes of the World’s Best Apples on Exhibition. A grant blossomii. ocl-3t ber shop to date in all details. sigirt worth1 coming miles to see and nevei\to be forgotten. Passenger train No. 11 was de A new’ chair and bath tub added Notice for Publication bis equipment will be greatly layed at this point for over thirty Other Amusements and Attractions. minutes Sunday on account of appreciated I>y his patrons. Nor Coal Land A complete line o f . all kinds o f Harness constuntTy oir her engine becoming di^qb’qd. IN S T R U C T IV E , B E A U T J F U J - I N S P I R I N G hand, but if you prefer to have it made to order, M. H. Craft, who recently sold Department of the Interior. An extra engine lying at Hood this is our specialty. W e also have a fine line of hip place near town left Wednes U. S. Land Office at The Daiigs, Oreqgpn River was pressed into service, day v;f»»{; Moqnt Hood, where he H E L D BY S U M M E R A N D W IN T E R L A P R O B E S September 27th, 1909 enabling the train to proceed. ---------------------- T H A T C A N ’ T BE B E A T ■ — i£ extensively interested in other Notice ia hereby given that Edward At the time a heavy freight A P P L E F A IR A S S O C IA T IO N property. After adjusting his S A D D L E S , W H IP S . G L O V E S . E T C . C. Brown, o f Mosier, Oregon, who, on bound east hik ! sidetracked, to affairs there he expects to leave HOOD RIVER# OREGON February 6, 1905, made HomesteadEntry gether with a string of cars con (SerialNo. j)1556) No. 14176, for the SE >n a prolonged eastern trip. taining merchandise for this Quarter NE Quarter, NE Quarter SE Notice. Mrs. J. K. McGregor left last place, and with the stalled Quarter, Sec33, Tp. 2 North, Range 12 For Sale, 1 rt<my morning for Portland, ac passenger, created quite a busy We are going to reduce our EWM., has filed notice o f intention to At a bargain—A Svenson stump stock of Rhode Island Red and,] make Final Commutation Proof, to es companied by her little grand scene about the local yards. puller in good condition. Address White Leghorn chickens and will tablish , "la'm to the land above de- daughter, Helen Davis. Miss J. E. N I C H O L S E. O. WlNANS, sell about 400 of them in large or scribed,;.b'H'Qrv the Register and Re Hel' g pcgceede^ frotp P.prt|ap<J 1 U n d e r t a k e r and F uneral D ir e c t o r SCHOPL NOTES. • Mosier, Ore. small lots. Will also sell several ceiver o f the United State»- Land Office AllfcafiS promptly attended, night or (¿ay, city or country 'v^qHAkrand, Cal., where she e-x». incubators and brooders. Em balm ing a Specialty Wilbur Denny is absent on ac at The Dalles, Oregon, on the 22nd day | pected to join her mother. Nichols Bldg., Cor. Oak and Fifth Sts. Special attention given Mosier people up£fl<re- of November, 1909. count of illness. E. O. WlNANS. HOOD RIVER, OREGON ceiving a phone message. Mrs. J. J. Smith of Portland Mosier, Qre. Claimant names as witnesses: Leading Dealers in Mrs. J. Conner was a visitor Lawrence H. Leininger, O. August j .vhp has been visiting friends in both rooms last week. FOR SALE Ernquist, Viret R. Brooks, Electa E. ORCHARDS a n d FRUIT LAND here fpr several days, left for Maxwell Kibbee registered in Masten and Veri L. Masten, all of DR. H. L. DUMBLF A good milch cow. 1 he Dulles Tuesday for a fewf in large and small tracts. I Mosier, Oregon. the primary cla3k;thj^week» , A one and a half H. P. B & E days’ visit, S|»jywill stop in Mo C. W. MOORE, Ask SbclfsjE why ( he sympa (It pays to list your property water-cooled Gasoline Engine. P H YSIC IA N and SURGEON sier fo r X v 1- ^ og so on her way Register. One 208 egg Petaluma incubator thizes with Mary Elizabeth. to her iiome in the Rose -City. (First Pub. Oc. 8. Last Pub. Nov. 19.) with us.) E. E. F raedricks , HOOD RIVER Willie Carroll is again in school OREGON The friends of H. G. Kibbee, M«»iei\ Ore. after an absence of two weeks. editor o f the Bulletin, will be McGregor Qc Bothfur, Orrin Osborn received a cash HIDES! HIDES’ ! HIDES!!! pleaa^i to learn that he is rapid Will practice in Mosier and ly recovering*!1-011! his recent ilL prize of one dollur* for the best MOSIER - OREGON Call at the B ulletin office and May be reached by long dis ness andis nearing convalescence*. individual exhibit in the mechan ical division at The Dalles fair. t.-W. Hyde of Portland is con- tance phone, Home phone 61. . Kauffman, Davidson, Semmel, of CHURCH DIRECTORY. lucting the Bulletin during Mr* He also received a two and one- Kjbbee’s enfoi'ceil abseo*» fromèbalf dollar rgoid med^L, fo i the Notice for Publication G. E. Townsend vouches for For Sale by M ethodist E piscopal best general exhibit the office. Not Coal land these people. STEAM ER Frank R. Howard ; andrlMiss- S em e«» first Sunday in each P aul H ubbard , GRAND VIE V C . Department o t the'Interior. Ruth Naomi Fin«h v.erv-married# J. N. T E A L month. 11:90 a., m. and 8 p. m.>. Hood River, O regon .. U. S. Land tiffice at The Dalles, Oregon Miss Grace Hodge i» v.sidng; . at Hood River Sunday. The REV; H. C. C lark , Pastor. OWNED BY THE PEOPLE Notice to Creditors. August 28th, 1909. Irma Phillips. bride is « ».very popular young Pianos Tuned Notice is hereby given that the un Notice is hereby given that John* Leaves Portland every Mon Many acre*rfi apple treea will lady wherever shq ia known, B k s t m t dersigned has been duly appointed by day, Wednesday and Friday^at McGill, of Mosier, Oreijon, who, on * $pd Mr. Howard is \yeil1 known be set out. in this district thisj, Second and Fourth Sunday in’ Sewirig Machines Repaired the Honorable County Court o f the ; September- 7th, 1907, made Homestead 1 A. M. here as a lineman and electrician. fall State o f Oregon for Wasco county ex Entry, (Serial No. 04200,) No. 15700,. REAL ESTATE each month, 11:30 a. m .; 8 p. m. ecutor o f the estate o f Axel E. Peter- Leaves The Dalles e v e r y Tues- for wi-2 SWi -4 Sec. 34, Tp. 2 N. R. In behalf of the Md*i*r friends Ed 1 Chirk and Arthur Kuhn R ev . W. A. S tark , Pastor. In large or small tracts, at all son> deceased. All persons having day, Thursday and Saturday a t H E . , and Lot 4, S W I-4 N W 1-4, S ec.. j f the happy cwopto-Ahe Bulletin were visitors at The Dalles last prices, fr'>m 1 to 9 miles from I claims against said estate are hereby 1 A. M. 3, Tp. I N . , R. 11 EW M . has filed ixtends cowgratukations. Wednesday, make Final; Mosier. If you are looking for : not'fir'1 to present the same to me o r; _ , . ______ e „ i ; . . . notice o f intention to C hristian s o m e t h i r a ren llv «rood d o n ot fa il to m-v “ «»rn ey. Frank Menefee, at Freight and Passengers Solicited commutation Proof, to establish claim: * « A large band of gipsies, beund Charles and Virg Rcnoe are something really good do not fail T^iird'Sunday in each month, j The Dalles, Oregjro, within six. months to the land above described, before the for the H<*>d River fair, tamped hauling ninety cords o f wood to see m» before buying. Can from the date o f .'-his notice. . 11:30 a. mr, 8 p. m Register and* Receiver o f the U nite#. D Q R S E Y B S M IT H . in this city Moadaiy-night near from the De Bi sey placer to Mo Dated this 17th day o f Augual, 1909. States Land Office at The Dalles. Ore- - R evf Ju dsoit B rown , Pastor i ma,ke v<x' fine °Jffere,L n p r o v e d I General Manager.-. die center of Liwitr- They were sier. and unimproved orchard lands! L. RORDEN, gon, on’ the llill day o f October, 1909.. equipped with a. 'complement of Executor o f the estatejof Portland, Oregon. Mrs. ArtKrr Kuhn leaves Sun- at from $20 an acre up. H ave! Claimant names as witne»»es: Axel E. Peterson, deceased. U nion S unday S chool j-ick dogs and.pquifs widrti tll^y ,jay ff,r Portland where »be will G W . Grose, V. C. Young, C. J .. also a few good homesteads. • 20*17 Were to exhibit at lint place. visit prior to making .itft.extend- Every Sunday >• morning at homestead relinquishments and FOR SALE—A homestead re Fredrickson and Henry Hanam, all o f . Mosier, Oregon. The gipsies were the synosufes ed eastern trip. 10:30. D r , D. RU binson , Supt- and timbbr.and stone claims-at linquishment in Mosier district. C. W . MOORE, of many cin'ioi#» optictr<dining FOR SALE S eventh D ay A dventist . -easonable prices. List your Register. Mrs. C. J. Littlapaa« !dft for Good orchard land.. Inquire at their brief sta y... , < A good milch cow ; 1 1-2 hp, Sabbath Schhol.l ■ property with me. it pays. Portland Satur l«yy. MY. Little-' (First Pub. Sdpt. 3. Last Pub. Oct. 1 7-16-t-f. ,, i f . I Office in Bulletin Bldg. Dr. N. .Johnson, who recently page join ed'h er Monday. The! I gasoline engine: 208 egg Petalu the B ulletin office Meets every Saturday at II a. D D Hail Mosier Ore arriviU in* .vtosk-r, and who will occasion was the twentieth anni- maunoubaton. SCRIP FOR S A L E .. at Baptist CK«rch. E. S .' Aiiiiress, — I^ck Box 84 FOR SALE odn o^n a .< uuu office hue#, versary ot Mil. Littlepage’s si* k Erntson, Suiierintenddni.’ C. E. F raedfrick . -- I.arge range io ginxl condition. If you are thinking o f buying, won the ‘ lucky number on1 th e k ei\ -------- LUMBER, LUMBER, LUMBER Good bed with spring and mat- scrip . NOW- is .the time to doi t carved -pl**M which wr* . arHW Arthur Kuhn haa 9h,;nifW arM, , Dressmaking tress; cupboard, and other house- as the price will ADV’ ANCE $2 Y. P. S. (.*. E. For the month o f September; py W. Drisko. The painted his ln>use and h t k ;,<v [ Every Sdmirtv evening at 7:3ft \w« will give <Mir patron* ten per Miss E’ aie Dennie wishes «to hold furniture, all in good condi- a^.acre on the first o f Novem head of an Irish wUer MuiLnli ^ RSW im,irm «TT-m* on his- cent discount on ?ul-. orders •nnounce to the citizen» of Mosier; tion; have also a few fruit jars, ber. I am in a position to sell , „ amounting fe five dofiaeeor over. ates not only patience, hut skill j p|ace and expects to make more f that on and alter October 22nd some with fruit in, others empty, you land scrip, and will show L adies A id S ociety Ten»« C ^ k , of a superior : rdot’ on the part of m the spring. His place has one she will accept dressmaking and Inquire o f Mrs. A. M. Forsberg. you vacant land to put it on at Second and fourth Wednesday-jf MosiKR LUMBER Co., Mr. Drisko, who executed the | of the oest looking young or- sewing at reasonable prices.. [ ftp reasonable prices. D. D. K a IL~, o f each month By George Haacke. 1 chards in this district. uarfv . . A ' ~-w- First National Bank For Anything in H ardw are, Dry Goods, Sfuw?, F u r nishings, W agons, Buggies, Hacks or any kind o f F arm ing Im ple m ents, C all On Us. Alex. Stewart, Mosier, Oregon. A. Ê. LAKE The Popular Clothier' | 1 Men’s Clothing, Etenishings ) ancf Shoes j ^ THE( DALLES, OREGON* || I Corner 2nd and W ashington Sts. Ì THE GLACIER PHARMACY . THE RIVER FRUIT FAIR OCTOBER 2 8 . 2 9 , 3 0 D EB U S S E Y ’S Chop Bouse and Restaurant Harness ! GEORGE IRVINE P ia n o s , O r g a n s , S e w i n g Machines get taRS to s,lip your hides to and Sheet Music Portland. Harness ! HOOd River. Transportation Company L LÀ f G