A U'.^KllSlN G KALES PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY Profe.«ii'qi%l C tr H t.. H. C . KIBBLE, Proprietur I I % 0 3 . ** " I CO t)ne-(|iiat te r Colum n . M “ t uO O n e -h a lf C ihim n . .. . “ “ 5 .CO i O ne C o lu m n . . . y .R S C H iP T IO N RA TES One Y «er. AU per month $ .U) One witmrc................... . “ ** 9.I« ........... Business loca1 will be ch arlad a t 5 ren ts per line S iX Menth« T hree tó.mtli' foraseli insertion. * Lotea! advertisem ent* will in all caces be char «red E :.' t*rc! aa s. i. J c > t* th poat ulfvs ut .4-».¡e •- ¿'a rch 12, ut urnler the A ct of W to the parly order inti them, a t legal rates, a r 4 . V O L. 1 h ive already realised th? value of snch a connection. They h?ve found t'n*t a Fank account is ad vantageous in a number ot' we ., s they had not thought of. We are glad to announce that our permanentfixtures have sition J instilled and we are in positio now to handle our business mare( J advantageous!}' than heretofore. , f MOSIER VALLEY BANK. • GRAND VIEW NO. 29 M OSI E IL W A SCO C O U N TY , O R EG O N , F R ID A Y , S E P T E M B E R 24 L209 t « G i eo . C paid for before affidavits are furnished. r \ •*r h a m p ex la ijí • ' i, ï ‘ «i > ifA This section, ' ‘Grand View,” ¿ O j C ¿ v > JL í s k. R EA L E S T A T E ----~ is most appropriai :-ly named. Tiie name is applied particularly < F ru it Ì1 to the homes of C. J. Li tile page Lands hose place: and Arthur Kuhn, J adjoin, h-'.t it might .,-jil include the entire locality. Thi3 section Special tv Tl © comprises n plateau about mid- He can make uour watch keep time $ way between Mosler and the top Mosier O re ja n ¥ i of ‘ 'seven-mile hill.” and affords a wonderful scenic panorama of hi to re d by Dynamite Cap. Ï I the Oregon hills and valleys, With the end of thumb and thickly dotted with, prosperous finger blown off. and with an in homes and commercial orchards, jured eye, M. L. and D. B. rego n o f Mosier, Oregon, the more distant farms and vil Clement, two br t iers living a MsrjHMV.ur jr-fflHytsK-.'.-.rsEt2u;~- is n o w o p e n F o r b u s i n e s s , GAY YOW ELL, Mgr. lages on the Washington shore, few miles out on Seven-Mile, with the majestic Columbia be came into town Wednesday to Carrying a full line of Drugs, Patent Medicine, Station Harness and Saddlery Goods tween, rolling >on to the sea. reek relief at the doctor’s hands. ery, Sundries, Toilet Articles, Ice Cream, Candy and Tents, Wagon Covers, Etc From this point of vantage a The cause of the trouble was an Hand-made Harness a Specialty v4 i l i b ± Cigars. most beautiful view of the river aoparent]v innocent looking dy is had for a distance of twenty namite cap which one of the HOOD R IV E R OREG ON JOHN rVELLBERG, Prop. miles down stream. b.r>thers had been carrying in his In the far distance, on the packet. Washington side, are the tow m arket qq It appears that the young men ering peaks of Mis. Racier, Ad were saw ing wood near homeawid DEN N Y & H A RV EY ams and St. Helens, and nearer had stopped a few moments to ' D E A L E R S IN to us our own ML. Hood, crowned , rest. The young young man who Fresh and Cured Meat« with "eternal snows,” standing h ,d the cap was inspecting it out like ghostly sentinels. The i when in some unaccountable Country Produce snow-cooled breezes from these man ner it-exploded. The broth- mountains are delightfully re i ers were standing close together < tiMXrTKCax-a freshing in the hottest weather, i and just as the cap exploded the **- "Grand View” is not only a: brother turned toward the one’ Established 1 9 0 0 ■"thing of beauty,” ! b it ! as ; holding the cap in time to receive Incorporated 1905 practical side. The vl is dee; part of the pow'der in his right and fertile, as is evidenced b.■y eye. Dr. Robinson dressed the N otary Public the appearance of the crops. lacerated hand, but advised the and HOOD RIVER. OREGON Corn, potatoes find -garden vege other brother to go to Portland F ire Insurance * tables do well at this ai .itade, and consult an eye specialist. Pioneer Bankers of Hood River Valley. M osier Oregon while melons attain a good size The young man left yesterday. Transact ,a General Banking Business. and flavor, without irrigation While the wound was very pain interest Paid on Time Deposits JOHN G. ZOLLS & SONS and almost no rainfall. The ful, there is a strong hope that LESLIE BUTLHR,'Rcrfidepi F. McKERCHER, Vice Pre*ident soil is naturally moist anc! top i j the eye has not been seriousiy Contractors in Stone, B rick and Con TRUMAN BUTLER. Cashier cultivation brings moisture to i injured. -a*- cre te Work the surface in the driest season. Hood River - Oregon I Grand View—speaking or the O ld Stiller Injured. section as a whole—is practically Lee Evans, an old and respected a new country, as most of the Resident of Mosier, was brought DAVID ROBINSON, M. D. homes have been built within home this week from Tygh Val two or three years. The country ley, suffering from a badly in P h y s ic ia n a n d S u r g e o n as a consequence presents a jured knee. The injury was "new ” appearance. The or sustained while he, with his son MOSIER OREGON chards are young, but it is evi George and George Burlingame dent from the growth they have were hunting on White River, regon ood iv e r Ranges, AlcohPl, Gasoline and Coal Oil Stoves, Sporting Mosiet B a rber Shop made this season that this sec not far from the town of Tygh. | , Razors put in first-class condition. Goods, Sewing Machines, Crockery, Tin and Graniteware, tion is admirably adapted to Mr. Evans, while crossing the Subscriptions taken for All fruit raising, while the altitude •river oh a log, jumped to save Paints, Oils, Boors, Sash and Glass. 1IM«X Kinds of Periodicals. (between 800 mid 1000 feel'i is himself from falling, as the log »MWMR W e pay prom pt attention to out-of-town orders. about riffnt to give appQe3 that was turning under him. Local Agent for the Oregoniun. He wonderful color, flavor and keep-! migcalcu,ated the digtance, or mg quality for which Mosier is slipped, and landed on a rock, famous. turning his ankle and dislocating Across the county road from his knee joint. He was taken to C. H. JENKINS, D. M. D. the y , 20-acre .tracts , T. , of . . Messrs. . . . T y g h , where the injured leg was D e n t is t Littlepage and Kuhn is the fruit attended ^ and llater he was O F F IC E O V E R B U T L E R BA N K IN G COM PANY ranch which B. E. Buncan, of brought home. I PH O N ES: Hood River, j« .developing. This Office 28 Residence 28 B About two years ago Mr. Ev- ] tract is set to peach trees of the ans had ¿he misfortune to break j HOOD R IV E R - OREGON A Com plete Line of best varieties and they are mak his ot her leg and had not entire- j Feed, Crain, Field Seed, Poultry Supplies, Spray ing Numerous ,, a , fine growth. , . , , Jy recovered from that accident, j S. E. BARTMESS Materials, Fertilizers, Etc. ¡ S m i K S S i K ; W ? » ■» W i l l probably be laid op j Undertaker and Embalnier section will become populous and . f° r a couple (,f months before he , SPECIAL PRICES ON RED,CLOVER SEED Furniture and Carpets, Etc. | can get around, even on crutch- J prosperous. : es. He has the sympathy of a \ HOOD RIVER, : OREGON HUN-1 large circle of friends. M O R E TH A N ONE D R E D INDIVIDUAL “FINE LAUNDRY WORK” h O O D R IV E R : OREGON N O T IC E O F S A L E . A CC O U N TS Done with neatness and dispatch Notice is hereby given th at under and Have been opened on our b o o k s Rough dry clothes 7c. per pound. I — since we began business on the by virtue o f an order duly made and en- H om e Phone 6 2 K E. C. BROCK, Res. M anager - . , . T . , ., , tered in the County Court o f the S ta te Hood River Laundry Company f first day of July, and the number, of Oregon for W asco County on the 8th LARAWAY Ï DAVENPORT HARNESS Co. M oe Q ^ k, S! I ROTEI Prescriptions a Specialty. MOSIER 8 O T he GIVE US A CALL. y ■enera. iviercnanai.se ,b:en \ Hood Rivers Reliable Jew eler for Watches, Diamonds , Jewelry The A rthur & Burt Drug Co., -•4 i i ¡A J Accommodations Rates $1.00 per day and up Mosier - Oregon •_________________ MOSIERt OREGON Alex. Stewart BUTLER BANKING COMPANY Ì ) I a j Builders and General any H ¡ * Hardware. O R J 1 B r id a l V e il LUMBERING CO. Franz Hardware, J. E. COLE. HOOD RIVER, O R EG O N (Branch) WHITEHEAD'S HOOD RIVER - OREGON is being increased almost daily, day o f Septem ber, 1909, the under- Our most sanguine expectations signed was authorized, licensed and di- have been exceeded, but we are rected to sell the in terest of William ready to extend conservative and Booth, a minor, in and to the following described real property lying and being progressive banking accommoda situated in W asco County, Oregon, to- tions to every man, woman and j wjt: The South H alf o f the North •child in the Mosier District when- H alf o f Section 27 in Township 2 North ever Ran«e 11 st o f win the be W illam ever thev tney are are rpadv reauy to to onen open ac- ac of Meridian Sajd E a sale made ette at counts with US. Several of our private sale from and after the 23rd * accounts have been opened by day o f O ctober, 1909. I s a b e l l e B o o th , persons who have never had a Guardian fo r William Booth. $>ank account before, and these (F irst publication Sept. 24. Last pub. Oct. 22.) ^ r i i Camping Season. ) / Camp Stoves, Tents, Blankets, Cook ing Utensils, Ammunition, Guns. ! J. E. COLE. M osikk A oknt ( jj ARNOLD — MOSIER, - OREGON RUPP D EN TISTS — h o o d R iv e r , O r e g o n . All Our Work Guaranteed Ì \ l R eg is t e r V e t e r in a r y S u r g eo n W e will pay car fare from Mosier and return for patrons H o o d R iv e r - A pleasant place to spend .a ao- cial hour is at S. E. Francisco’s Pool Room. S o ft D r in k s , C andy , C ig a r s obacco Mosier, Hardwick Oregon & Nord Contractor« £ Euliders What is Mosier going to do al»out exhibiting.her fruit at the Hood River Fair. Which v#Ml be held in that city next month? It is time growers got busy. Last year they waited until nearly h" last nrinuto I k V ljc preparing MISS M. L. METCALF. AutoUnt Hood River Studio Photographs and Phonograps Hood River Oregon O regon T H E OAKS whose work amounts to $ 5 or over W. D..RO Œ KS. Proprietor STORE Office at Fashion Stables T Complete Line of Overalls, Khaki Suits, Shirts, Underwear, Etc. W. E. C hown & i M. E. WELCH FEED Hunt Pamt & Wall Paper Co. Wall Paper, Paints, Oils and Brushes Hood River, Ore. I’ hatt & L am bert H eath & M ilmuan F aints rvhone l i e V arnishes FIR S T NATIONAL BANK HOOD RIVER, OREGON ■ Capital and Surplus................................. $120,000 Resources o ver. ................................... 450,000 Interest paid In Savings Department and on Time Certificates of Deposit. Call or write for further information, ESTI MATES F U R N I S H E D W. A. HUSBANDS A. J. Derby their exhibit, but they captured B lack sm ith ON APPLICATION two Pnzes- Mosier can show a« Horse Shoeing and General L aw yer Repair Work. g0od f™,t. M »nV »ection in 4)re^ Mosier - Oregon Satisfaction guairanteed go" 1ar?d she 8uh“V‘d not *** HOOD RIVER - OREGON MOSptR - - OREGON with her exhibit, especially as iti>‘ she has received a cordial invita Advertise in tbs tion troro hr- tw'u-sutcr 4<> join ;*M get resulto. iti the exhibit. B U L L E T IN ADVERT Í8K IN TH E