Dr. David Robinson and Mr. E. L Howe have been appointed as delegates from Mosicr to at- , tend the InteroationaJ Irrigation Bean Spray Bumps at Stewart s Con}ire3(i whiell meets at S]«>kane LO CAL — Have you subscribed for this paper? If not, why not? Macon. Schram and Economy Fruit Jars o f all sizes at Stew­ art's. Miss Jones was a visitor in Hood River on Wednesday. H. F. Both fur was a business visitor in Portland Wednesday. For Sale:—Good No. 8 cook stove. Inquire at this office. J. K. McGregor left this morn- ing on a business trip to Port- land. Chilled plow shares ground at Husbands’ Shop. Dron a dollar and a half in the slot and draw a prize—the Mosier Bulletin delivered at your jtostof- fice for one year. A. E. LA h! Z 4Í from August 8 to 14. ALEX. STEWART fi The Popular Clothier’ r ] R i* A DEALER I? Deffie Elnora, the little daugh­ ter o f J. F. Tryon o f The Dalles, formerly a resident o f Mosier. * died on Saturday, July 21th, a f­ ter an illness lasting a month. She was about two years of age. * Free Entertain­ ment Tonight. r-VWKi«-. i V - » « .- S I O R EG O N Ï—> I YOU CAN è * k Watch this Spice in fi IS !- .* ««* Married at The Dalles. : T H E O l — L . R E L IA B L E S T O R E ----------- ■, j Corner 2nd and Washington Sts. J. M. Elliott was a business A party o f Mosierites attended visitor at the county seat yester­ the dance given at Pine Grove day. Wednesday night and report a F. H. Coolidge, a jeweler o f good time. Those going over Hood River, was a visitor in town were: Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Mor- yesterday. rison, Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Stroup, Mrs. R. H. Kemp, o f Hood the Misses Lurline, Irene and River, is in town this week visit­ Olive Fisher, and J. Wesley ing relatives. Brown, H O SIE R V I TH E DALLES, OREGON jf j General Merchandise I Men’: Clothing, Furnishings i I and Shoes f I Mr. Proctor, with his wife and seven children, arrived last Sat­ urday from England. Mr. Proc­ tor is a biother of Mrs. Lelliott, and we understand he comes 3 » . here with a view to locating p e r - __________ manenlly. Bids Wanted Ora Hodge went to Portland The undersigned will receive last Saturday to consult a sur­ bids for making 8000 prune geon about bis knee, which he crates. All bids must be in by injured last Spring and which August 1st. F o r particulars, ad­ J ohn C a r r o ll , has given him more or less trou­ dress Mngr. Mosier F. G. Ass’ n. ble ever since. He was accom­ panied by Don Brant. \ T IS Next Issue for GET THEM FROM US Blister Brown’s R L O- ■ - c. •?&*»*—- ÿ A n n o u n c e me n t Last Saturday, at The Dalles, M'ss Gertrude Davenport and Mr. Ray Sturgess w: re united in marriage. Vf:, ceremony was performed by the Rev. D. V. Poling at the residence o f the bride’s sister, Mrs. Frank Cun­ ning. Both tht> bride and groom are residents o f Mosier and are de­ servedly popular among a large circle o f friends. The happy couple passed thru town on Sunday’ s local to Port­ land without saying “ howdy” to their many friends, or giving them a chance to congratulate them or “ shy” at them the cus­ L w li tomary old shoes and rice. All , the same the B u l l e t i n wishes . tiiei îem long life, health and happi­ ness. A ll Mr. and Mrs. Sturgess will re­ side in Portland, where Ray has a position in the Davenport Bros. Commission House. of BIG S P D C IA L 's -- r a ~ r<~~ - //— P if íe& s lá ■E rrd ifjtjf Ci ^AEANTEED Sale fcf ? m a n STOCKINGS . w o m a n or c h il d Bonville’s Monthly Magazine The Test-iaahing, Best-Feeling and Best-Fitting a> well as Best- invite you to spend the evening Wearing 23 ccnl Stock:..’ ® r.-.ade. They are sold four pairs in a box at at Stroup’s Hall, in company , O N Z D O LLA R PER BOX with their represen tatives. and will replace FREE ary pair that wears to holes irt heel or toe Messrs. McHenry and Partlow, ■within four ..loathr from Jate of purchase. Let us show them to you— in a free stereopticon entertain­ show you how to step the drudgery of darning. Water pipe cut and threaded Ed Dunsmore’ s team became ment, in an original way o f at Husbands’ Shop. frightened at a passing train, boosting Oregon. They espec- and cloL i Monday, u O H U a y i c iii'i i broke /i w i\ c c away l »* a v . . . . , , i Chas. Stark and family visited i last r ., i • . , , . lallv invite the Commercial Glul> ,, ' . , several days in Hood River this from the hitching post and start- , , , rP and Fruit Growers to he present, I hey were over- , , . , . ed home alone. They week. as they are here gathering data hauled at the planing mill, when Mrs. Sam Stark, o f Hood Riv­ for an advertising trip through­ B usiness entrusted to it was found that the wagon er, visit'd relatives in town the T he C are of the out the East in a Boosting Ore­ ¿Hr - p .L tongue was broken and one horse first o f the week. gon Campaign. They will accept had cut his foot slightly. any views that you may have to I f you want a good Spray Ira Evans (Big Ira) presented offer them, to he made into slides r.v 1/ of The Dalles, Oregon for sale by Pump, buy a Bean us this week with the finest spec­ free o f charge, to advertise W IL L HAVE PROMPT ATTENTION tewart < 1 HKym d 11. T. Cummins of Lents, Ort - imen o f peach plum we’ ve seen Capital - - §>100,000. C O F Get your hand saws filed at in this country so far. It was Mosier and iier Fruit, along with gon, was in to n last Friday and IN E V E R Y B O D Y ’S MOUTH Surplus and undivid­ .he other sections o f the coun­ Husbands’ Shop. went out t<> see a 20-acre tract i f perfect in shape and color and ed profits - 100,000.00 ify- are our Tooth Washers’ and the praise fruit land which iie purchased All kinds o f fresh meats, veg­ measured six and a half inches J. S. SCHENCK, P resident o f them. They are pure, fragrant and I f you will raise 200 subscn > - | agt year but had never seen. Mr. Evans etables, and watermelons on ice, in circumference. E d M. W ili iams M ax A. V ogt antiseptic, cleansing both teeth and v‘c‘n'ty to Bonville’ s The land is a part o f tn c Abbott has a fine orchard on his ranch ieis 111 at the Mosier Market. Vice Pres. Cashier gums, removing the tartar and giving Monthly Magazine, it will entitle tract and Mr. Cummins seemed a sweet perfume to the breath. We A. P. Bateham was a business near town. you to two full pages of reading well pleased with it. The fame ills’ have Tooth Brushes, Powders and visitor in Portland last Saturday, Ed L. Howe is having a pri­ matter in nezt month’s issue. Soaps for dental purposes, and every o f Mosier District as a fruit coun­ returning home Monday. requisite fe.r the bathroom ami toilet. vate telephone line constructed Come out and help Mosier ad­ try is becoming so wide spread Our i its o f Fancy Soaps, Perfumes Mrs. John Evans is visiting in which will connect Lehowa with vertise her fruit in this cam­ that people n! a distance, like N O T A R Y P U R L 1C and '•> . - t i are second to none in the local line at J. P. Carroll’ s paign, free o f charge. Mr. Cummins, buy it “ sight un­ Hood River this week with her quality, „..t rattier low in price, p! ico. ’1 wo other ranches in Mr. - - - O regon seen,” knowing that it is good M o s i E R daughter, Mrs. Matey. William Baker returned last Howe’s neighborhood will also as well as cheap. Several tracts E. J. Middleswarl and family he connected witii the outside Monday from Pendleton, where Notice for Publication Not coal land and George Chamberlain left on world. F. It. Howard o f Hood he has been working for a couple here have been bought in this way and always to the satisfai - Department o f the Interior. o f months. He will put in the Tuesday for a month’s outing at River, is superintending the U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon rest o f the summer on his ranch *'on °* the putchasei. Lost Lake. work. June 22nd, 1909. CHAS. N. CLARKE - HOOD RIVER, OREGON endeavoring to make it sufficient­ Notice is hereby given that Lawrence A f t ii a long delay, work has L. Rordan o f The Dalles, at­ ly attractive to induce some nice CHURCH DIRECTORY. H. Ltiningtr, o f Mosier, Oregon, who, been resumed on the Christian tended the funeral o f A. E. on May 25th, 1903, made Homestead young lady who is looking for a Entry, (Serial No. 02907,) No. 12049, Church building and the carpen­ Peterson on Wednesday last. M ethodist E piscopal for Lot 1 SE 1-4, NE 1-4, Sec. 0. and 1 GOOD COOKING “ good home and a kind, loving QUICK SERVICE ter work is being pushed rapidly. Mr. Rordan has been appointed Lets 3 and 4, Sec. 5, Township 1 North, and good looking husband,” to Services first Sunday in each Range 12 East, Willamette M eri­ J. Arthur, o f Castle Rock, administrator o f the Peterson es-|accept a ,)oaiti6n as permanent dian, has filed notice o f his intention When in Hood River take your meals at month, 11:30 a. m. and 8 p. m. to make Final five-year Proof, Wash., is in town visiting ‘ " " his taLe- He remarked that if every cook in his establishment, R e v . II. C. C l a r k , Pastor. to establish claim to the land above son, P. L. Arthur, the druggist. man was as particular about his described, before the Register and Re­ The railroad game that is now ceiver o f the United States Land Office, husiness affairs as was Mr. Peter- Willie Dupee is carrying his being played in Deschutes can- B a p t is t at The Dalles, Oregon, on the 20th day De anv . , ., - would never lie o f July, 1909. arm in a sling as the result o f S)n’ there . . . . . . . . . yon appeal's to be three-cornered, Second and Fourth Sunday in Claimant names as witnesses: falling off o f a fence. The arm ddficulty about administering es- tho it is stated by somewise ones each month, 11:30 a. m. 8 p. m. Gust Ernquest, Vilid Brocks. D. P. tales. Harvey, W. M. Fleming, all o f Mcs- is badly sprained. that Porter Bros., who are mak- R ev . W. A . S t a r k Pastor. ier, Oregon. _____________ ______ » t to * do extensive , : ing preparations C. W. MOORE, H. F. Both fur, one o f our real Quakers in Klickitat, Register. work, and are certainly spending C h r istian estât • men, was transacting busi- Samuel Hill, son-in-law o f the (First Pub. June 25. Last Pub. July 23) a “ right smart” o f money, are Third Sunday in each month, ness in Hood River on Wednes- iai|roa(| magnate James J. Hill, spending the money, and will 11:30 a. m., 8 p. m. and one o f the principal owners build Huiltl the road, for Hill. Both Notice for Publication. R ev . J udson B rown , Pastor We call attention this week to o f the North Bank road, has pur Harriman and Porter Brothers — Not coal land PRESCRIPTIO N SPECIALISTS the advertisement o f E. A chased 6,000 acres o f land near or Hill, for short, have several U. S. Land Office at Tho Dalles, Oregon U n i o n S unday S chool June 15th, 1909. Franz, hardware dealer o f Hood 1 Columbus, in Klickitat county, large crews of men at work, con­ Notice is hereby given that Victoria HOOD RIVER - OREGON Every Sunday morning at River, j and will locate a Quaker colony tracts have been let and sub-let, M. Buskuhl, formerly Victoria M. Mc- 10:30. D r . D. R obinson , Supt. Vey, o f Mosier, Oregon, who, on April I. C. Nickelsen, the book store <>n ¡t. The name o f the town is and the indications are that both IS. 1904, made Homestead Entry (Ser­ S eventh D a y A dventist . man o f The Dalles, came down Mary hill, which has family asso- parties intend to begin active and ial No. 03144), No. 13386, for M V 1-4. Sabbath School. Sec. 22 Township 1 Ncrth, Range 1! on yesterday’s local and will ciat’ons, and Mr. Hill has already railroad construction. A East, Willamette Merkdan, has filed spend a few days visiting rela- changed the name o f the railroad similar move, tho not so exten- Meets every Saturday at 11 a. notice o f intention to make final five- tives. station at Columbus to Maryhill. 1 gjve> was made by both parties m., at Baptist Church. E. S. year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before the Regis­ ter and receiver o f the United States Mrs. Alex Stewart spent the ■ E,V e r y l j8 to “ tebli« hed 1 before, but it proved to be only Erntson, Superintendent. Lam! Office, at The Dalles, Oregon, on along model lines. Although no a Wuff Both partjes in this rail day yesterday with her son, Ira the 26th day o f July, 1909. dreamer. Mr. Hill believes that roa(j 8qUabble may he bluffing Claimant names as witnesses: Roland, and family, on the Wash­ Y. P. S. C. E. perfection is possible, He has now, but it looks as if each bluff Anna Godherson and Thomas Godherson. ington side. Every Sunday evening at 7:30. o f Mosier, Oregon, George MeVev, of done more for the cause o f good would lie called In this event, Portland, Oregon, and Sarah E. Coop­ Get your Job Work done at the John Evans left on Monday roads in Washington than any er. o f Fairbanks. Oregon. one o f two things would happen. L a d i e s ’ A id S o c i e t y for the harvest fields o f Morrow other one man. Dufur Dispatch. Bulletin office. C. W. MOORE, , Either one o f the parties at in­ Register. county, where he will run an en­ Second and fourth Wednesdays We have the latest in type terest would have to give way to (First Pub. June 25. Last Pub. July 23) gine for a steam threshing out­ Contractors & Builders and stock. An order for FOR S A L E —A homestead re­ the other, or they would both o f each month. fit. printing is sure to be gotten linquishment in Mosier district, hang on. get injunctions, etc., Notice for Publication Notice for Publication cut on time : : : Ed L. Howe and wife left, on Good orchard land. Inquire at kill time while playing for it, and E S T I M A T E S F U R N I S H E D United States Land Office,The Dalles. Not Coal Land. Our work is neat and guar­ Saturday last for a visit at Port- the BULLETIN office. 7-16-t-f. Eastern and Central Oregon will Oregon. June 25, 1909. Department o f the Interior. Notice is hereby given that the anteed to be satisfactory in land. They will probably take ON A P P L IC A T IO N Mrs. E. B. Stevenson left this still be without a railroad. U. S. Land Office at Tho Dalles. Oregon Northern Pacific Railway Company, every respect : : : in the Fair at Seattle before re­ morning for a visit to Seattle. whose postdffice address is St. Paul, Oregon fir is becoming a favor­ June 2bth, 1909 Minnesota, has this 21st day o f June, turning. ite wood for car builders, says Notice is hen by given that Christine 1209 filed in this office its application to The Misses Clement arrived on A. B. Wasted, secretary o f the Godherson, o f Mosier. Oregon, \v:.o, on select under the provisions o f the Act December 27th. !9"7, made Homestead o f Congress, approved July 1, 1,'98 (30 se Monday last from Minneapolis Oregon and Washington Lumber Entry, (Serial No. 0592^.1 No. 1 ■ for Stat. 597, 620) as extended by the Act Bothfur Qc McGregor, Manufacturers’ Association, who o f Congress, approved May 17, 1906, South-east Quarter North-east Quarter. and joined their parents here. In accordance with the plans , . , , has just returned from (he East, Section 2b. Townshli, 2 North, Kan; U the S\V 1-4 o f N W 1-4 Sec. 27. Tp. 1 N., Good value at Mr. Clem *nt preceded his daugh­ General Real Estate Dealers •is adopted at the publicity meet- f\jot only is it used for sills and East. Willamette Meri dan, has filed R 11 E..W. M. ters only a few days. Any and all persons claiming adverse­ notice o f intention to make Final com- ing last Wednesday it was de- heavy timbers in passen- , mutation proof, to establish claim to the ly the lands described, or desiring to . building , B. E. Duncan, o f Hood River, cided to l>egin the community ger equipment hut tor S id in g and land above .lesorib.d. be for- tho Regis object because o f the mineral character Town Property and Fruit Lands and Receiver o f the United States o f the land, or for any other reason, to was a visitor in town on Tuesday advertising campaign by having finishing as well. A s a result o f ter Improved and Unimproved. Mr. Wasted's visit, the Oregon Land Office, at The Dalles, Oregon, on the disposal to applicant, should file their affidavits o f protest in this office, (last. Mr. Duncan had been w *h a photographer come out and the 4th day o f August. 1909.' wood will be more extensively on or before tile 5th day o f August, 1909. Claimant names witness.1»: Information cheerfully Furnished his family camping at I>ost Ijtke t*ke pictures o f different locali- us.*d for this purpose in future. C. W. MOORE. William C. Kruger. Robert IV Sin\|>- ¡and returned to that favorite ties that would I k * suitable for Register. son, Charles G. Stolti. o f Mosi, r. Ore­ W rite or call. An Indian went into a store at gon; Albert H. Otto, o f Hood River. (First Pub. July 2. Last Pub Julv 30) use in the l»ook on Mosier which summer rendez.vous yesterday. Oregon, a remote village and after paying the O. R. & N. Co. will publish. MOSIER - OREGON Messrs John Gavin and Seth C. W. MthlRE. up his acc >unt asked for a re­ All those who know o t such iiinicv.'* H ID KS!' f-'iry.’«?»•« Morgan,of The Dalles, sp?jt Vr,«t ■ v: r. ceipt T h ' d »a!»- to! 1 ’ : 't ;• _________________ A j locifint place to spend a so­ localities, plenso call at Bring your hides to tho Pul­ the was no iie ' I o f a iw dpt DR. H. L. DUMBLE ’. ; * : i'ub. .1. !\ : >l “ Me 1 K;rst P>’b. ¡Sunday in our town and neigh- cial hour is at irán office. We buy them. ren- borhood, io »king into some laud Bulletin office at once, so that want receipt.” said t ie Indian. “ Indian go tv heaven and will r >v Semmel, o f Portland. The imTchan trie.' lo en h gh i.n Cell at th : ::r co anò the Indian on the hereafter ami GOOD l.IVER : OREGON S o f t D f . i k i : s , C a n d y , C i g a r s E. FL F R A E D E R it ta'TS to sHk) ou ** i i folly o f carrying a receipt to the J. E. N I C HO I S T obacco g»Mnl place, a id the red man re­ a V. Tina... David? n, v’ . U n d e r t a k e r and F u n e r a l D i r e c t o r of L t t t u c t o r in A llea li.« »»rnmptly ¡nienti*«!, niah'. •Ttiay. •• i t v «*r ctmn plied: "M e want receipt. W hm PorùauL 'A :il practice L Mo*i?r and Mosier, K 'ib a lm ititf arr time to look all*».e !io 1 for vo.:.” Advertise in the B u l l e t i n — tiieso j covi1 He got the receipt. Ex. -t:x Orc an I g;'t resulti i First National Bank A, S X&iEE il I M t w f ^ ^ . H. G. K I B B E E THE GLACIER PH A R M A C Y j D E B U SSE Y ’S I Chop House and Restaurant | TH E HALL DRUG STORE Hardwick & Nord Mosier READ THIS. - Oregon EILERS’ PiiT„u HOOD RIVER BRANCH Low Prices and Terms PAUL HUBBARD. Agent T H E O AK S T res:s A m ir •.»horn H, r ; hone 16.