Mosier bulletin. (Mosier, Or.) 1909-19??, July 09, 1909, Image 3

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Methods o f Increasing Crop Output
Will Be Discussed.
The Dry Farming congress is now
organized, with some persistency and
determination to be heard from in the
matter of urging its claims upon ths
attention of the public. The faith that
the promoters and operators of this
association have in their claims of dry
farming methods, well carried out,
cannot be questioned, says the editoi
o f the Twentieth Century Farmer. The
experiences and results of careful anc
persistent work in crop growing efforts
are the evidence that is offered in tes­
timony o f the feasibility of dry farm­
ing methods and dry farming as an in­
It is not surprising that there are
the doubtful, the skeptical, the unbe­
liever in converting the dry land of the
arid West to agricultural purposes, the
growing of crops, the cultivation of
orchards and forests, the establishing
of homes and the building up of com­
mercial interests and industries or
these lands; we say that it is not sur­
prising that some hesitate, that they
doubt the availability of sufficient
moisture to grow crops; that they fore­
cast seasons of drouth, etc. AH these
things had their period and have exert­
ed their influence to discourage and
prejudice the mind of the public as the
settlement o f the country has pro­
gressed westward for the last fifty
years, and yet cultivation has been the
civilizing influence that has conquered
drouth, hot winds and the barrenness
of the plains and prairie countries that
are now the dependence in production.
The Fourth Dry Farming congress
will hold its meeting at Billings, Mon­
tana, October 26, 27 and 28, 1909.
This will not only be an institute for
dry farming farmers and dry farming
instructors and teachers, but it will be
an exposition of dry farming products
such as this or no other country has
ever witnessed. There are pledged al­
ready exhibits from thirteen Western
states that are engaged in dry farming
work. The organization by states, to
■how what each is doing and capable
of doing in the raising o f grain and
vegetable crops, without irrigation, is
a feature never before undertaken in
this distirct and promises some great
surprises for visitors.
The area of tillable lands in the
United States not yet turned to culti­
vation is comparatively small, and un­
der present conditions of demand by
the homesteader will last but a few
more years at most. It is only the part
of good business judgment that the
dry farming districts be investigated
by those who contemplate getting a
home under the free homestead law.
Good lands and the best locations will
be the first taken. Each year will re­
duce the quality o f landB to be disposed
of as government homesteads.
The Dry Farming congress will be
a good place to visit next October, in
view of getting dry farming informa­
tion and dry farms on which to put it
into practice. The Dry Farming con­
gress announces that there are 200,-
000,000 acres of arable land awaiting
development by the dry farming meth­
Troops Kill Every Man of Jikiri’s
Filipino Outlaws.
Jikirl, One o f Many Famous Outlaws
Remaining In Jolo, Had Made
Many Murderous Raids.
Manila. July 6.— In a desperate fight
near Patian, on Jolo island, yesterday,
Jikiri, the famous Moro outlaw chief,
was killed and his entire band exterm­
inated by detachments of regulars and
constabulary under Captain George L.
Biram, of the Sixth United States cav­
alry, operating in conjuntion with a
naval flotilla of the mosquito fleet un­
der Lieutenant Commander Signor.
The American loss was one private
killed and three officers and 20 enlisted
men and one sailor wounded.
Captain Biram’s cavalry, with a few
scouts and constabulary and a detach­
ment of sailors under Lieutenant Com­
mander Signor, located and attacked
the outlaws in the mountains far from
the coast.
The Moros fled and took
refuge in a large cave. The column
of troops and sailors surrounded the
place, but Jikiri refused to surrender.
A concerted attack was made, the
Moros fighting desperately in the
mouth of the cave until the last mem­
ber of the band was dead. As yet but
few details of the fight have been re
ceived here.
Jikiri was one of the most famous
outlaws remaining in the islands. Ever
since the American occupation he has
fought the whites and has led raid af­
ter raid.
Annual Patriotic Carnage is Greatly
Chicago, July 6.— With three days’
celebration o f the nation’s birthday
this year, the remarkable fact stands
out boldly that the annual carnage has
been decreased to a great degree. Ad­
vices from all points up to midnight
show that in ail large cities new rules
and their strict enforcement have
checked the customary slaughter of
In New York there were but four
deaths for the three days. In Chicago,
usually drenched with blood under the
guise of patriotism, there was not a
single death for the three days. In
Washington there were no deaths and
no injuries, and only the smallest fire­
crackers were permitted.
Five deaths are reported from the
state o f Massachusetts, one each in
Boston and other large c i t i e B . One
death is reported from Philadelphia.
The entire state of Oklahoma reports
but two deaths and nine serious injur­
A p p r o p r ia te D reed.
"The aeronaut who Is going to try ies. Small cities in New Jersey and
that long flight will take his pet dog Pennsylvania and Far Western locali­
ties seemed most patriotic in casual­
ties this year. In every case this can
"What kind of a dog is It?”
‘‘A skye terrier, of course.”—Balti­ be traced to lax police regulations.
more American.
I n fo r m a t io n D m e a u .
Caller—I wish you would tell me ¡1
there has been any change in the size Congressman from Washington Passes
of the 5 cent piece within the last ten
Away at New York.
or fifteen years.
July 6.— Francis W.
Man at the Desk—Decidedly there has.
The 5 cent piece of ice isn't more than Cushman, representative in congress
from Washington, died at 5 o ’clock
half as large as it used to be.
this morning at the Rosevelt hospital
from pneumonia.
At the bedside at
t'ru .H liod A s a i n .
Mrs. Denham— Do you think that I the time were, besides the doctors and
shall be a good looking old woman? nurses, United States Senator Samuel
Denham—I don't know why you H. Piles, of Washington, and Andrew
should expect any such radical change. S. Burleigh, of this city, a life long
—New York Press.
Congressman Cushman underwent an
operation a short time ago and pneu­
U n c le A lle n .
“ It’s curious,” moralized Uncle Allen monia resulted.
Senator Piles and Mr. Burleigh, who
Sparks, “ that they call this new system
of running the city the ‘commission plan.’ had been with the patient almost con­
As I understand the plan, nobody can stantly since his condition became ser­
manage to get a commission on any­ ious, said they would make arrange­
thing.”—Chicago Tribune.
ments for the sending o f the body to
D eal
T h in * .
“ I must congratulate Jack on his
golden wedding.”
“Golden wedding? Why, he’s only
Just married.”
“ I know, but the bride is worth 9
million.”—Boston Transcript.
H id d e n .
Her fatal gift of beauty
Never caused the pit-a-pat
Of anybody’s heart at all
She wore a modern hat.
—Houston Post.
u R. W. A. W IS E
— 1 cara a Leader in Painless Denta
Work in Portland.
Tong War is Checked.
New York, July 6.— Horn Hing, a
young Chinese laundryman, who said
he was merely celebrating Independ­
ence day, was arrested in Chinatown
yesterday, suspected of preparing for a
little civil war brewing between the
two Chinese tongs or societies—the
Ong Leongs and the Hip Sings. Horn
Hing had a revolver loaded with ball
cartridges. Officials o f the Chinese
embassy at Washington had advised
t e New York police earlier in the day
that trouble among the Chinese was
Powers Block Russians.
Pekin, July 6.—Great Britain, Aus­
tria-Hungary and the United States
have notified China that they do not
recognize the preliminary agreement
between Russia and China devised for
administration o f the Russian railroad
area in Manchuria. These powers de­
clare also that the laws affecting the
right to reside in the international set­
tlement in China must originate with
the treaty powers.
The negotiations
on this subject, which were opened last
month, are now blocked for an indefi­
nite time.
Mud Blocks Royal Gorge.
Canon City, Colo., July 6.— It is re-
j ported that 600 feet o f Rio Grande
Should remrmber that our force is so arranged , track just beyond the Royal G orge, at
that WE CAN DO 'I HEIR ENTIRE CKO A N, I Parkdale, is completely covered up
POSITIVELY P A I N L E S S EX­ | with mud and debris from rains last
TR AC T'N O FREE wh‘ -n pla*es or bridsres are or­ ! night and today.
No. 1 Rio Grande
TEETH AND ROOTS WITHOUT THE LEAST passenger train was tonight backed to
PA IN . NO STUDENTS, no uncertainty.
Pueblo, and will be run out over the
For the N ext Fifteen D a y s
Colorado Midland. The traffic through
W e will give you a good 22k gold or porce­
the gorge on the Rio Grande probably
lain crown f o r ................................................. S3.50
22k bridge teeth.................. ............................ 3.50 will be tied up for 24 hours before the
Molar crow n........................................................ 6.00 road can be cleared.
Gold or enamel fillings....................................... 1.00
Out-of-Town People
Silver fillings............................................................. 50
Good rubbrr places............................................ 5.00
The best red rubber plate*.............................. 7.00
Painless extractions ............................................... 50
Revolution in Colombia.
Guayaquil, Ecuador, July 6.— A pri­
A L L W O R K G U A R A N T E E D 15 T E A R S vate cablegram from Nuena states
that a revolution has broken out at
Barranquillm, the most important com­
P re s id e n t a n d M a n a g e r
mercial city of Colombia, against Gen­
eral Jorge Holguin, who is acting pres­
ident in the absence of President
IINC.) Third and " ashington Sta.
Reyes, and in favor of Gonzales Va­
Dr. W . A. W ise
The Wise Dental Co.
Beef Trust Says Cattle Are Scarce
and Corn High.
New York, July 5.—The beef trust
has again ordered the price of its pro­
duct raised. Fourteen cents a pound
for pot roast to 28 cents for porter­
house and sirloin steaks is the price.
Thirty cents will be demanded for the
latter cuts in a few days, while aver­
age beef will cost the dealer 1034 cents
a pound, as against the hitherto pre­
vailing price of 10 cents.
The high price of corn and the scar­
city of cattle are the reasons assigned
by the trust for the increase in prices.
As to why cattle should be any scarcer
now than at any other time no answer
is forthcoming.
Retail butchers explain that the
working people are too poor to buy
beef; that there is a lessening in the
demand and consequently a raising in
the price. It is pointed out that Pat­
ten’s corner in wheat has increased the
demand for corn as an article of human
consumption, and that therefore the
price of that grain has so increased
that it is no longer profitable to
corn-fed cattle.
The officers of the beef trust in the
East are very reticent in discussing
the condition of the beef market.
When an expression o f opinion was
sought from the representatives of the
big leaders in the trust, such as Ar­
mour’s and Swift’s, the inquirer was
referred from one official to another.
Finally a vague statement was made
to the effect that the market was nor­
mal and that existing prices were due
to natural trade conditions.
Work Suspended at Messina on Ac­
count o f Hot Weather.
Rome, July 5.—Thousands of bodies
of the victims of the December earth­
quake that devastated Messina are
still in the ruins of that city and will
not be dug out to receive burial until
winter. In an effort to convince King
Victor that it is doing every possible
thing toward the ends desired in Mes­
sina, the Interior department today
submitted its first comprehensive re­
port. It is understood tonight that the
king, though not doubting the honesty
of the officials, was angry that there
had been so much delay, and had de­
manded speedier work.
In reply to the accusation that no
excavation had been made in the ruins,
the Interiqr department declares it has
been found necessary to suspend all
work of this nature during the warm
weather. Up to that time 30,000 bod­
ies had been recovered. An average
of 300 bodies were removed daily in
April and 900 bodies were awaiting
burial for lack of grave diggers.
Congressman Cushman, o( Wash­
ington, at Point of Death.
Enters New York Hospital <or Slight
Operation and While Recover­
ing Pneumonia Sets in.
New York, July 3.—Congressman
Francis W. Cushman, who has been ill
in Roosevelt hospital for 10 days, was
in a critical condition last night, and
at midnight the authorities of the hos­
pital held out little hope of his recov­
ery. They in fact said he was so low
it was doubtful if he woudl survive the
Mr. Cushman entered the hospital on
June 21 to undergo an operation for
the removal of an abcess in his neck.
The operation, which was a slight
one, was successful, but before he re­
covered from it pneumonia develoved.
The disease reached the critical stage
yesterday, and, contrary to the expec­
tations of all, it took a rapid turn for
the worse
Francis W. Cushman was born May
8, 1867, at Brighton, la., and was edu­
cated at the local high school and at
Pleasant View academy. In order to
aid in paying his tuition there he work­
ed during the summer vacation as
“ water boy” on railroad construction
work. On completing his education at
the academy the future congressman
worked for some time as section hand
on local railroads, until at the age of
16 he moved to Wyoming.
There, he
remained for five years, being a cow­
boy on a ranch, a “ handy man” in a
lumber camp, and also a school teacher.
During this period he took up the study
of law, reading by himself, with but
little outside aid.
A t the close of this time he moved
to Nebraska, and was admitted to both
the District and Supreme bar. He re­
mained there until 1891, when he went
West again, settling in Tacoma, which
has since been his permanent home.
Prior to his election to congress he held
no offices of any kind, and made his
living entirely by his legal practice.
In 1898 Mr. Cushman was nominated
by the Republicans for congress. Since
that time he has been without opposi­
tion in his own party, and has been
elected by overwhelming majorities at
each succeeding election, and is now
serving his sixth term.
Bret Harte Land Shaken.
Downieville, Cal., July 3.— Almost
Santa Fe Road Bed Rich in Precious
every night for more than a week
earthquake shocks have been experi­
Chicago, July 5.—Officials of the enced here, and their frequency has
Santa Fe road are inclined to believe caused considerable uneasiness. Since
that through the accidental discovery the rather severe tremblor of June 21
of gold and copper in the ballast used there have been frequent lighter
on the Belen cut-off a new rich mining shocks, most of them sufficiently per­
district will be developed in the Man- ceptible to awaken people.
zano mountains in Torrance county, living at Poker flat say Mount Filmore
New Mexico.
is the seat of the disturbance. That
A fact that adds romantic interest country has reported some of these
to the gold discovery is that the region quakes sb being quite severe. Earth­
is adjacent to the deserted city, which quakes are rare in Sierra county.
is supposed to have been Spanish and
which is known as Gran Quivera.
Dry Law Aids Breweries.
There are legendary stories of old Span­
St. Louis, July 3.--Although more
ish mines which are supposed to have
been productive hundreds of years ago, than 80 Missouri counties are dry and
but which were abandoned. Now that the Sunday closing laws are enforced
gold ha3 been discovered in the region vigorously, the month of June, ju9t
these stories are being revived and closed, shows greater consumption of
many are flocking into the mountains beer than any corresponding month
and are staking out claims everywhere. since the creation of the office of beer
The discovery o f gold is largely due inspector, eight years ago. The re­
to one of the engineers of the com­ port of State Beer Inspector Ernest
pany, who is located at the general Marshall will be received by State
offices in Chicago. Not along ago this Treasurer Cowgill today, with receipts
engineer was walking track between of $43,663. Only $41,494 was taken
Belen and Willard and while in a deep in during June, 1904, the World’s fair
cut he picked up a chunk of ballast year.
which had a chemical stain upon it.
Steamer Burns At Dock.
The stone was brought to Chicago, and
Stockton, Cal., July 3.— The steam­
it was found to be highly infused with
gold. Some of the ballast which was er Isleton, of the California Trans­
being used on the Belen cutoff was then portation company, valued at $100,-
sent for and was found to assay about 000, burned to the water’s edge at her
dock here early today. The entire
$3 worth o f gold to the ton.
cargo had been removed before the fire
There was no insurance on
Four Killed in Cyclone.
Winnipeg, Man., July 5.—Reports the vessel. The fire started in the
received tonight from Southern Sas­ after hold, where it could not be got
katchewan show that four persons were at, owing to its location and the dense
killed and more than 50 hurt, and that smoke. The city firemen saved tanks
immense damage was done by the cy­ containing 5,000 gallons of crude oil.
clone which swept that district late
Clergy Is Appealed To.
last night and early this morning.
Victoris B. C., July 3.— A. Canon
the Gainsboro district three persons
were killed and nearly 50 injured, while Hendon, of Westminster abbey, b I bo
a child was killed near Carrievale. The rector of the British House of Com­
cyclone struck first at Redvers, turned mons church, in a public address here
south toward Carrievale and Gains- today, urged the clergy to preach sacri­
boro, and then went east to Pearson, fices everywhere to secure immediately
a needed army and navy fund. Hen­
don declares England is unarmed and
defenseless, and on the verge of a con­
Country Lures City Folk.
New York, July 5.— More than 1,- test for her national existence.
000,000 persons, one-third the popula­
Rescued After Ten Days.
tion of Manhattan, left this city Satur­
Switzerland, July 3.— A
day to spend the holiday and week end
in the country.
It was the greatest young woman who ten days ago was
exodus in the history of New York and caught in a cave-in of a railroad tun­
riot several times was averted among nel, was dug out alive today. She
the throngs that filled t he steamboat suffered agonies of cold and hunger
piers. Every trolley car, train and during this period, but managed to
steamboat was taxed to its capacity sustain life by sucking moisture from
and more than 30,000 men, women and her clothing, on which water occassion-
children were compelled to return to ally trickled.
their homes because the excursion
Johnson Favors Women.
craft could not accommodate them.
Jackson, Mich , July 3.—Governor
Johnson, of Minnesota, delivered an
Educator Says Nothing it Right.
Denver, July 5.—Charging that the address here last night and said; “ I
whole present day school syBtem is hope to see the time when women will
radically wrong and that American join with their husbands in political
homes and society are directly respon­ affairs. Where woman is, the atmos­
sible for elements in the schools which phere is better and politics would be
corrupt morals and make for crime and better where refining influence is pre­
criminals, J. C. McNeill, superintend­ valent ”
ent o f schools at Memphis, Saturday
Pitched Battle in Street.
dropped a lx mb into the camp of the
Guayaquil, July 3.— At a celebration
National Educational association’s con­
vention at the council meeting prepar­ yesterday in honor of St. Peter and St.
atory to the opening of the convention. Paul, a mob attacked the police.
Troops were called out, but many of
the soldiers joined the mob and a
Trust in No Danger.
New York, July 5.—There is little pitched battle was fought in which ten
probability that there will be any proee- persons were killed and 30 wounded.
cution of the sugar trust until August,
New Atlantic Cable Ready.
when United States Distrcit Attorney
Wise, who sailed Saturday for Europe,
London, July 3.—The cable steamer
return« to New York.
The failure of Calona sailed from London today with
the Federal grand jury to file indict­ 1,600 miles o f cable on board to lay
ments in its investigation of the Amer­ the Commercial Cable company’s new
ican Sugar Refining company adds to line between Newfoundland and New
this impression.
Populace Flees From Its Temporary
Homes to American Section,
Messina, July 2.— Messina experi­
enced two terrific earthquake shocks at
about 7 :30 o'clock yesterday morning.
They were accompanied by a roaring
sound, and are said to have had a
stronger and more undulatory move­
ment than the earthquake of last De­
cember, which destroyed Messir.a, Reg­
gio and other cities; laid waste many
villages in Calabria, and killed 200,000
Although the shocks today had no
such terrible consequences, the 25,000
residents of the city were thrown into
terror. They ran into the streets panic-
stricken, and last night nearly the en­
tire population encamped in the open
places, fearing to return to the struc­
tures that have served them as homes
since the city was destroyed.
broken walls of the old ruins were
thrown to the ground, and Messina was
for a few minutes smothered in a cloud
of dust.
The casualties were few, and the
only persons killed, so far as known,
were a young woman and her child.
The woman had come here only a ,few
days ago, and had settled in rooms that
the great earthquake had left undam­
The first shock was followed quickly
by a se:ond shock, and the people fled
pellmell to the American quarter,
which they seemed to feel was their
safest place of refuge. So great was
the rush to the American houses that
the authorities were unable to check
the invasion.
The soldiers soon drew a cordon
around the square and a guard was
mounted at the bridge leading to it.
Many of the panic-stricken people were
driven off, and orders were issued that,
pending further instructions, no one
should be permitted to occupy the
American quarter.
All commerce ceased in the city and
the places of business along the sea­
front were closed.
Reggio suffered almost as severe a
shock as Messina, but no casualties
have been reported at that place.
The seismic disturbance was felt at
Taormina, but no damage was done
there. Within 24 hours the shocks at
Messina numbered 23.
The Kind You Have Always liought has borne the signa­
ture of Chas. II. Fletcher, and has been made under Ills
personal supervision for over BO years. Allow no one
to deceive you in this. Counterfeits, Imitations and
Just-as-good ” are but Experiments, and endanger the
health of Children—experience against experiment.
What is C A S T O R IA
Castoria Is n harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare­
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. 16
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Nareotic
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and ullays Feverishness. It cures Diarrlnra and 'Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children’ s Panacea—The Mother's Friend.
The Kind You Ha?e Always Bought
Bears th e Signature o f
For Over 3 0
Y e a rs .
t ï T , N C W Y O R K C IT Y.
iM o e .
C .rn u t
Mrs. Highsome— He preached to an
audience of women, did he? And he took
for his text, "Let your women keep si­
lence in the churches?” That must hav*
seemed like a deliberate insult to all ol
Mrs. Upmore— Quite the contrary. You
ought to have heard how he roasted I'aUl
for writing those words !
A tm osp h eric
am i
S u m n er.
Concerning the reliability of thing*
in print, it is recalled that Charles
Sumner criticised General Grant sav­
agely, and some time after some ona
was talking to Grant about atheism in
New England and remarked, “ Even
Sumner does not believe in the Bible.”
“ Why should he?” quietly replied
Grant. “ He didn't write It.”
D ln pku cem cat*
The beautiful maiden shook her head.
“I think a great deal of you, Mr. Ixir-
Jun, she said; “ but I can never marry a
man who weighs 287 pounds.”
"So, Miss Jipos!” he exclaimed with
bitterness; "you think a great deal of
me merely because there is a great deal
of me to think of 1”—Chicago Tribune.
Mothers w ill find Mrs. W inslow 's Soothing
Syrup the best remedy to uso tor their ehU '-ea
lu rin g the teething period .
N< at. « lean, urn*-
niHutal, conven­
allacanon. Made
of metal, cannot
spill or tip over,
will not soil or
injure anvthinjr.
G u iin in f o e d tilo o -
Mve. Or all dealers or sent prepaid for 2o cents.
HAROLD SOMERS. ISO DeKalb A vs., Brooklyn, N. Y.
A L it e r a l C o m m a n d .
"Beat It! Beat It!” cried the mas­
Orville Wright Handles His Machine
terful wife to her meek and obedient
at Will.
Washington, July 2.—Calm and con­ husband.
But he did not go a step.
fident, Orville Wright late last night
She did not mean him to. She was
encircled the Fort Myer drill grounds
time after time in his aeroplane in referring to the carpet hanging on the
three separate flights. He was seen line.— Baltimore American.
by thousands.
Better than gold— Like it in color—
Shortly before 8 o’clock the aero­ Hamlins Wizard Oil— the best of all
plane was wheeled from its shed to the remedies for rheumatism, neuralgia,
starting track.
Previously the field ind all pain, soreness and inflamma­
i_____ PORTLAND. ORE.___ j
had been cleared by a troop of cavalry. tion.
After the motor had been tested, the
propellers were cranked and Orville
T h e C a n s « o f It.
turned on the motor and released the
‘‘The writer you Introduced me to
machine. As it neared the end of the the other day was not at all Imposing
starting rail., Orville turned up the In his appearance. In fact, I thought
The Treatment Is to Accomplish
forward horizontal rudder and the he had a very poor carriage.”
machine arose into the air. It was a
"That may be because he Is nothing What Science Has Been Strug­
beautiful start.
but a hack."—Baltimore American.
gling to Attain for Centuries
Down the field the aeroplane sailed,
curved gracefully about the lower end
S h ake In to Y o u r S h oes
The intense interest that has been manifested
and back up the east side of the field Vilen's Foot-Ease, a powder fo r the feet. It cure* throughout the country by the wonderful cures
>oinful, swollen, smarting, sweating feet. Makes that are being: accomplished daily by epileptcide,
along the edge of Arlington cemetery. lew
shoes easy. Sold by all Druggists and Shoe still continues. It is really surprising the vaat
The first round was made in 50 sec­ Stores. D on't accept nny substitute. Sample number o f people who have already been cured o f
t’ KEE. Address A. S. Olmsted. I-e lluy, N . Y.
fits and nervousness. In order that everybody
onds. Five times the machine circled
may have a chance to test the medicine, lance trial
the field, attaining a height that varied
M n n 'a I’ e rflily .
bottles, valuable literature. History o f Epilepsy
and testimonials, will be sent by mail absolutely
from 15 to 30 feet.
On the sixth
Lawyer—You want to sue your hus­ free to all who write to the Dr. May Laboratory,
round Mr. Wright came to earth with­ band for breach of promise? Why, mad­ 548 Pearl Street, New York City.
in 100 feet of the starting point, com- am, pardon me, but that's absurd.
Fair Client—Not at all, sir; he prom­
pletingi the flight in exactly five min­
ised ms a divorce, and he's gone back on
The landing was perfect, the ma­ It
chine swooping down in successive
P n M e e iu ly C o n d u c t .
glides until within a few feet of the
Mrs. Lnpsling was in a high state of
earth, when Orville pulled the string Indignation.
This wondeful man has
that stops his motor and the aeroplane
“ I’ m done with Mrs. Whilks,” she said,
made a life study o f the
glided smoothly over the grass on its her eyes snapping. “ She pot hold of a
properties o f Roots,
Herbs and Harks, and
Bkids until it came to a stop. Again letter I wrote to my brother, in which
iH g iv irg the world the
the aeroplane was placed in position on I Raid something about the Snaggses, and
benefit o f his services.
the starting rail, the motor started, she’s going around giving a gargled ver- |
No Mercury, Poisons
and again the machine encircled the ■ion of it.”—Chicago Tribune.
C. Gee Wo
The Chinese Doctor
field with ease and grace. Mr. Wright
approached dangerously near the start­
ing tower and flew within a few feet
of the stables that line the field. It
“ I used Cascarets and feel like a new
was noticed that at times the motor nan. I have been a sufferer from dys-
skipped, but this seemed to have no jepsia and sour stomach for the last two
effect on operating the aeroplane.
rears. I have been taking medicine and
jtlier drugs, but could find no relief only
for a short time. I will recommend
Bell Sees War Cloud.
Cascarets to my friend» as the only thing
Leavenworth, Kan., July 2.—Gene­ for indigestion and sour stomach and to
ral Franklin Bell, chief of staff, in a teep tile liowels in good condition.
speech before the assembled service They are very nice to eat.”
Harry Stuckley, Mauch Chunk, Pa.
schools at Fort Leavenworth today, de­
Pleasant, Palatable, Potent, T aste Good.
clared that he saw indications of war
D o G ood. N ever Sicken, Weaken o r (»ripe.
10c. 25c. 50c. N ever sold In bulk. T he gen­
and insisted that the day of interna­
uine tablet stamped C C C. Guaranteed to
tional Tieace was far off. “ There is
cu r« or your m oney back.
much talk of arbitration and peace
congresses, and it is even implied that
there is to be no further use for armies
and navies.” said General Bell. “ There
has not been a period of 30 years in
the history of this country without a
Arctic Explorer Safe?
Winnipeg, July 2.— A rumor comes
from the far North that George Cald
well, the explorer who left throe years
ago to make a trip from Hudaon bay
westward to Slave lake and down to
Edmonton, and who had been given up
aa lost, i* reported by a native runner
to be safe. Caldwell is now probably
at Fullerton.
Guarantees to cu re Catarrh, Asthma, Lung,
Stomach and Kidney troubles, and all Privato
Diseases o f M n and Women.
Just received from Pekin, China—nafe, suro
and reliable. U -fa ilin g in its works.
I f you cannot call, write fo r symptom blank
and circular. Inclose 4 cents in stamps,
The C. Gee Wo Medicine Co.
162% First St., cor. Morrison, Portland* Or*
N o . 2 8 -0 9
H K N w ritin g to ailvertlfora pia
m e n t i o n th is paper.
B A K I N G P D W tlF R
Tennessee in Dry Column.
Nashville, Tenn., July 2.—“ We ’uns
of TenneBBee” awoke yesterday morn­
ing to find themselves riding on the
water wagon. The state-wide prohi­
bition law passed by the legislature
last winter over the veto of Governor
Patterson became operative at mid­
night June 30.
The law forbids the
sale of alcoholic drinks within four
miles of a schoolhouse, and will close
up every saloon in the state.
All the
cities will become “ dry,” among them
Memphis, now the largest "d ry ” city in
the country.
Bomb Fiend It Caught.
Chicago. July 2 — Felix Sharkey,
Jnce a terror to the police, but now
crippled and gray, today divulged all
he knew of the long series of bomb
outrages which have mystified the po­
lice of Chicago. State’s Attorney Way-
man, to whom Sharkey told his story,
laid an embargo of Bilence upon the
narrator and the police officials wno
were present at the interview. Yes­
terday Sharkey refused to talk, but a
night in jail conquered him.
or Drugs Used. No
ioXSSai Operations or Cutting
Get it from
your Grocer
G u a ra n teed u n d er
a ll P u re F o o d
Law s
Your Baking
K C Baking Powder wik do 1 Get
a can. T ry it for your favorite cake. If
doesn’t raise better, more evenly, higher,
— If it isn’t daintier, more delicate in flavor,
— w e return your money. Everybody
agrees K C has no equal.
Pure, Wholesome,
J a q a e s M fg . C %
C h ic a g o