Mosier Bulletin TO SSED OREGON EVENTS OF THE DAY Newsy Items Gathered from All Parts of the World. L e s s Im p o rta n t but N o t L e s s In te r­ e stin g H a p p e n in g s fro m P o in ts O u tsid e the State. The hot wave in the E a st has passed. E x-P resident Eliot, of H arvard, has been made president em eritus and giv en $500,000. The governm ent will s ta rt su it ag ain st the A em rican S ugar Refining company under the a n ti-tru st law. I t is reported th a t Leon Ling, the Chinese who murdered E lsie Sigel at New York, has been cau g h t in Mexico. A Los A ngeles man has confessed to sending out false staem ents about m in­ ing property by which he secured thousands of dollars. English su ffrag ettes made another a tte m p t to storm parliam ent. Poilce- men received rough tre a tm e n t and a r ­ rested over 100 o f the d istu rb ers. tile way his nephew had outwitted Pear­ man pleased his cynic and vindictive na­ ture much. (To be continued.) BY G ALE. A e ro n a u ts A lm o st F re e ze at Altitude o f 1 0 , 0 0 0 Feet. Issued Each Friday MOSIER. BALLO O N St. Louis, Ju n e 30.— W hipped help­ lessly to and fro by a 60-mile gale in a dense, black storm cloud, 10,000 feet above the earth , John B erry and M. A. H eitnann today were very near death. B erry, the w inner of th e In d ian ap ­ olis distance cup, and H eim ann, who is seeking a balloon p ilo t's license, ascended in the balloon Melba shortly a fte r noon. They w ere carried Bwiftly to an a ltitu d e of 10,000 fe e t into a thund r storm . H ere th e fra il bag was dashed about by a hurricane. A t tim es the balloon lay on a level w ith the b asket as the w icker was pitched high up by th e wind. The two men, coatless and freezing, th rew out all b allast, y et the balloon would not ascend. B erry clim bed a lo ft on the frail cords and tied th e appendix, but in spite o f th is th e bag telescoped and the balloon came down as a parachute. They landed safely. D escribing his experience, Berry Baid: “ When we entered the storm cloud a t a h e ig h t o f 10,000 fe e t the atm os­ phere w as so black we could scarcely see the sw aying bag above us. The feeling of being carried helplessly tow ard w hat appeared to be certain destruction w as one I hope never to ex­ perience again. A fte r we entered the cloud we were in a cold, p e n e tra tin g m ist which nearly froze u s .” OREGON STATE ITEMS OF INTEREST PRO JECT H ELD UP. L a n d O p e n in g by D e s c h u t e s Irrig a tio n C o m p a n y M u s t W ait. Salem —A fte r listen in g to an extend­ ed argum ent by C. E. S. Wood, repre­ sen tin g A. M. D rake, o f Bend, the des­ e r t land board decided to hold up the application of the D eschutes Irrig a tio n & Pow er company for the opening to sale of 2,320 acres of land, em braced in its la te st Carey a ct p roject on the Deschutes until th e board can find tim e personally to inspect th e project a t its forthcom ing v isit to E astern Oregon, w ithin a month. Wood made an exhaustive argum ent, charging th a t the D eschutes Irrig atio n & Pow er company is not com plying w ith the plans and specificatio s for the reclam ation of th e arid lands under its Carey land co n tracts w ith the s ta te ; th a t it is w rongfully d iv ertin g the w afer taken from th e D eschutes for the reclam ation of one segregation for the tem porary reclam ation of lands listed under another c o n tract so it can place the land on the m a rk e t; th a t the company is heavily burd ned w ith fi­ nancial difficulties and has m ortgaged the s e ttle rs ’ rig h ts to cover its defi­ ciencies; th a t it can never insure the se ttle r a perpetual w ater rig h t under the circum stances w hich now e x is t and are in prospect; and ch arging the des­ e r t land board w ith open violation of its obligations to the sta te and the s e t­ tle r under the provisions of the Carey a c t and the irrig atio n law s of the s ta te in g ra n tin g the irrig a tio n company in­ creases of lien and o th er privileges. - i 5^ Race P O R T A G E R O A D G E T S FUND. A tto rn e y G e n e ra l F in d s W a y O u t oj L e g isla tiv e B lu n d e r. Salem —A ttorney G eneral C raw ford has rendered an opinion to the effect th a t $75 a day appropriated by the term s of C hapter 89, laws of 1909, be used for the operation and m aintenance of the e n tire portage railw ay Bystem. U nder a s tric t in terp re tatio n of the act, the am ount would not be available for anything but the construction of the line from B ig Eddy to The D alles, and the balance of the line w culdfiave to q u it business for lack o f money w ith which to operate. The attorney general, how ever, decided th a t it would be safe to be guided by the evident in te n t of the leg islatu re ra th e r than by the s tric t w ording of the law. Judge W. J . M arriner and L. A. Lewis, of the P ortage R ailw ay com­ mission, are in Salem to consult w ith the s ta te officials regarding the m at­ te r. The com m issioners re p o rt th a t the road is doing a good business and th a t when the extension to The D alles is com pleted the road will be self sus­ tain in g . . H u g e P riva te W a te r P ro ject. SEVEN BILLION DOLLARS. for •B Y - A 4 e a r l y S u m f r o m A g r i c u l t u r e las* iio sslb le to I m a g in e . Wife In all the circle of all your ac­ quaintances. In all the circle of all yonr reading, do you know of a single billionaire? I don't mean—do you think you know. I mean—do you know th a t you know of a single capitalist who Is really a billionaire? T hat is a lot of money, you know, says Agnes C. f.aut In Outing. At 4 per cent Inter­ est It m eans an income of three and a th ird million dollars a month. Pm not talking of capital th a t Is a qu arter w ater and a q u arter hot a ir and only half hard cash or convertible realty. I'm talking of w ealth th a t can be handled w ith your hands and measured w ith your eyes, w ealth th a t doesn’t require convulsions of frenzied finance to be converted Into term s of the mint. You acknowledge frankly you don't really know of a single billionaire In the history of the world. Much less do you know of any group of capitalists In th e world whose combined w ealth would make tw enty billions and whose tw enty billions pay a yearly dividend of seven blllloiiB. A dividend of $7,000,000,000 a year means an Income of $580.000,000 a month, or $19,000,000 a day. T alk of the fate of M idas! Any capitalist or group of capitalists who had to take care of th a t much money a day would have genuine con­ vulsions lu frenzied finance. Such a capitalist, collectively. Is the United States farm er. Such a divi­ dend, collectively, does the soil of the United States yearly hand out to the farm er-m an. By the last census the capital invested in agriculture in the United States was tw enty billions, and by the last report of the agricultural departm ent the products of the farm for 1007 yielded a grand total of seven billions. Com pare these figures to the billion-dollar steel tru st, over which the whole world went daffy a few years ago; and the m agnitude of the great­ ness— and of the growing greatness— of agricultural Interests in America be­ comes apparent. In fact, it would be hard to put your hand on a single de­ partm ent of industrial life, or construc­ tive work in the United States, which would com paie In im portance to the perm anent value and yearly yields of the farm . Then remember, too, th a t of all the m anufacturing Interests in the United Slates 75, per cent are de­ pendent on the farm for raw products, HAWLEY SMART C H A P T E R X X I .— (C o n tin u ed .) P e a rm a n paused. H e w as a shrew d ■nan, an d he could not help being stru ck by th e a b ility w ith w hich hi« op p o n en t had got u p hi» case. "S u p p o se I let you ta k e th e h o rse?" he said a t length. “ E ven th en he is a valuable horse, and w o rth ju s t now a fictitious price. T h ere would be people who would give p retty n early th a t sum to in su re his not sta rtin g fo r th a t p a rtic u la r race." " I give you credit, M r. Rose,” replied P e a rin a n a t length. “ I'll sign a release of th e m ortgage, w ith th is proviso, th a t my engagem ent w ith M iss D enison re­ u s in g as It w as." ‘ 1 have told you alread y th a t th a t question is to tally aloof, an d m ust he held en tirely d istin c t from the claim of h erio t. I t is a p o in t upon w hich I am not em pow ered io en ter, and have uo th in g to sa y .” G ren v ille Rose is proving him self m aster of c asu istry . T hough not his m is­ sion or in te re st to speak on th a t subject, 1 th in k it w as one he had a good deal to la y to. "T h e n th ere is n o th in g m ore to he sai l,” observed P e a rin a n , rising. “ I am a fra id not. It would be b etter on both sides. I fancy, if we had come to term s. W e sh a ll prolm ldy not m ake q u ite so much th a t we m ust tak e our ch an ce of. You will c e rta in ly lose good deal m ore.” "Y o u ’re r i g h t ! I'll do it.” “ D epend upon it, it's yo u r cheapest way o u t o f th e scrape, an d I Inqie C o rian d er speedily recoup you. E xcuse me for one m om ent, and I'll fetch I he release. 1 had il d ra w n up in the event of y o u r tak a sensible view of th e tr a n s a c tio n ;’ and G ren v ille left the room. All rig h t, my pet. so f a r,” he ex­ claim ed, as he en tered D enison's p riv a te s a n c tu a ry w here M aude was an x io u sly w aitin g him . “ P en an d ink, q u ic k !” And seizing one of the teleg ram slips, he w rote rap id ly : “T o M rs. H udson, P a p e r B uiid in g s, T em ple. F ro m G ren v ille Rose, Xmin- ste r. S h all be hom e to - n ig h t; have some tlo n g for d in n e r.” 'T h ere, fold th a t up, an d send it off d irectly to th e teleg ram office. No tim e o be lost, M aude.” “ W ell, 1 don’t see mueh In th a t,” re­ to rte d M aude. “ W h a t a g ourm and you musl be, G ren !” N ev er m ind. W h ere's th a t deed?— ah, here. I'll ex p lain It all to you a f te r ­ w o rd s.” ‘‘Anil my n o te ? ” she said shyly, holding P rineville—C ounty Surveyor Fred A. F IV E M E N S C A L D E D . Rice has ju s t completed the survey of a p riv ate irrig atio n project on the Owing to the provisions of the p ri­ Ochoce e a st of th is place. I t will be m ary law Heney cannot be a candidate A ccid e n t on T o rp e d o b o a t H ull B a d ly fo r prosecuting atto rn ey of San F ra n ­ one of the la rg e st p riv ate irrig atio n In ju re s F ire m e n . projects in the county. The lands cisco unless he runs independent. San Francisco, Ju n e 30.— F ive men effected are owned by T. H. L afollette, A contract haB been le t by the H ar- of the torpedo boat Hull w ere badly E. T. Slayton and J . S. W atkins, the rim an lines for a tunnel a t Portland to scalded la st n ig h t by the b u rstin g o f a e n tire acreage com prising more than connect the presen t lines w ith the boiler tube. B. F. K ing, fireman, is 2,000 acres. The canal will hold 1,200 N orth Rank bridge across the Colum­ bo eeverely injured th a t is feared he A C T IS S P E C IA L . inches of w ater and will be six miles bia. cannot recover. The boat was but long. The cost w ill be about $5,000. slig h tly dam aged and rep airs have al­ Israel W. D urham , a prom inent poli­ Injunction Is G ra n te d A g a in st C ra t e r C onstruction work will begin as soon ready been made. tician of Philadelphia, is dead. as the plats of the survey are approved Lake Road. The oth er’injured a r e : J . M. Rob­ by the s ta te d e sert land board. The PittB burg stre e tc a r strik e was erts, w a te r ten d e r; F ran cis C raw ford, Salem —In the C ircu it court Judge settled sa tisfa c to rily to all concerned firem an; John R. C arter, firem an; W illiam Galloway grunted a perpetual A n n u a l B a nq u et at L a G ra n d e . a fte r a day o f rio tin g . Newton C arish, coal passer. The la st injunction re stra in in g the governor and La G rande—One hundred and tw enty- four are seriously injured, b u t expected secretary of the tre a su ry from paying Li C hing Hsu, nephew o f Li Hung men of th is city m et o u t $100,000 for the construction of j five business . . . Chang, is dead. He w as the Chinese to survive. The acccident occurred as th e little the road to C ra te r lake. He held the around th ® banquet table a t the annual iharge d 'affaires a t Mexico C ity. vessel was passing down [ th e entran ce law is special and local and clearly in- suPPer ° f the Comm ercial club. The The shops and roundhouse of the of the bay to Sausalito, w here she was hibited by the co nstitution of the sta te . re P°yt of P resid en t C ollier for the Tonopah & Goldfield road a t Tonopah, to have rem ained over n ig h t p re p a ra ­ The case will be im m ediately appealed, y ear s work and plan for the fu tu re N ev., have been destroyed by fire. tory to sta rtin g for S e a ttle th is morn- The Suprem e court has previously tak- w er* followed by several speeches in en the sam e stand as Ju dge Galloway, response to toasts proposed by P ubli­ A large q u an tity of sm uggled opium ing. city M anager C urry. Several new Off A lcatraz island the ste e rin g g ear in a case alm ost identical. has been discovered in San Francisco The c o u rt’s reasons for the decision m em bers were taken into the club as a and tw o Chinese arrested as the prin ci­ w ent w rong and the engines w ere result of the m eeting. The s p irit of r-topped while rep airs w ere attem p ted . are given as follow s: pals. As the vessel d riltc d w ith the tide, a The a c t is local and special in th a t it co-operation is flourishing in the city Chancellor von Buelow, o f Germany, tube in one o f the starboard boilers applies to only tw o counties in the to an alm ost unbelievable e x te n t and w ill resign as soon as the finance bill blew out, opening a long crack, from sta te and because it is lim ited to a spe­ much good is being done. is disposed of. H is successor has not which a cloud o f hissing, scalding cified section and for special purposes y e t been selected. M o n e y fo r Ro ad C ase. steam escaped. F ive men w ere in the only. The a c t cre a te s a loan of the Medford—The Medford Comm ercial W innipeg will p ro h ib it A m erican boiler room a t the tim e and they cred it of the sta te , which in the ag g re­ circuses from parading unless they scam bled tow ard th e hatchw ay and g a te w ith previous deb ts or liab ilities club has voted the necessary $200 to carry the C rater lake road case to the display the flag o f G reat B ritain in­ deck, fighting th e ir w ay through the exceeds the sum of $50,000. up. dense vapor, w ith scalding w a te r d rip ­ stead of th a t of the U nited S tates. “N e ith e r you nor it will he w an ted to- The proposed C rater lake road would Suprem e court on an appeal from the decision of Ju d g e Galloway of the Ma­ The C incinnati city council has pass­ ping on them from the deck p lates not be a continuous public highw ay rion county court, in which the a c t was lay, I th in k . B u t come hack here when oil have seen .Tames off.” across the sta te via C ra te r Lake N a­ ed an ordinance d ire c tin g th a t clo ks above. " P e r h a p s you’d r s th e r I should never K ing was the la st man to reach the tional park because the a c t provides declared unconstitutional. The steps b turned back one hour from May to w ill be taken by the attorneys a t once send it? " she inq u ired , h a lf tim idly, h alf ladder, and as he stum bled to the b o t­ only for the construction of roads from Septem ber, inclusive, thus giv in g more tom ru n g a Becond tube blew out, K ing Medford, in Jackson county, to the in order to g et action on the m a tte r in o q u ettish ly . daylight. "M au d e, be serio u s now, please. You receiving the full force of its charge w estern boundary of the park and from the Suprem e court as early as possible. P ittsb u rg stre e tc a r men have gone o f steam . Aided by hiB companions, K lam ath Falls, K lam ath county, to the The $200 is for the paym ent of court may tease me a s nuieh a s you like a f te r ­ w ard s.” on a strik e. he reached th e deck and a few mo­ eastern boundary of the park, leaving costs. She sa ird n o thing, but flitted from the m ents la te r the ex h a u st valves em p­ an in terv en in g segm ent of more than R oosevelt is said to be much heavier room on h er e rra n d . C a n a l C o m m is s io n W a n ts F ir. tied the crippled boiler of steam . 13J* m iles over which th e s ta te gov­ G ren v ille Rose, arm ed w ith th e deed than when he le ft th e W hite House. P ortland—The Isthm ian Canal com­ of a release of the m ortgage, an d a sim i­ ernm ent has no jurisd iction or rig h t to C astro still rem ains in Spain, con­ mission has asked for proposals for la r a c q u itta n c e o f tlie h eriot claim , all trespass. FLO O D OF PRO TEST. dem ning ev ery th in g and everybody. supplies for the Panam a canal work d rnw u up in due legal form , quickly re­ w hich include 2,000 pieces of center, tu rn e d to P earin an . C h a u ta u q u a G r o u n d s Im p ro v e d . C ardinal S atolli is seriously ill and B u s in e s s M e n D o n 't W a n t C o n g r e s s “ H e re ,” he said, is y o u r a cq u ittan ce, grave doubtB are en tertain ed for his Oregon C ity —The work of im prove­ interm ediate and side sills of eith e r signed by my uncle. I f you will sign th e to T a x C o rp o r a t io n s . recovery. m ent o f the C hautauqua grounds a t Douglas fir or long leaf yellow pine. release, I'll h an d it over to you. S h all I W ashington, Ju n e 30.—-A flood of G ladstone is being pushed. Fourteen The notices have been received by the ring fo r a se rv a n t as a second w itn ess to H aw aiian su g ar p lan ters have agreed P ortland C ham ber of Commerce and y o u r s ig n a tu re ? " to make no concessions to the Japanese telegram s, nearly equalling th a t which hundred fe e t of fence is being b u ilt on are on file here. swamped the w ires d u rin g th e a n ti­ the fro n t side o f th e park. A good P e a rin a n nodded assen t, and upon the strik ers. railroad pasB fight, is pouring in upon pum a and an adequate w ater system ap p e a ra n c e of th e b u tler, scraw led his N e w L ib ra ry at B a k e r C ity. A vigorous cam paign has been senators in opposition to the corpora­ are being installed. The L adies’ aid, n am e acro ss th e p arch m en t, to w hich the started in New York a g a in st the com­ tion tax bill. Most of the teleg ram s of the C h ristian church of G ladstone B aker City The opening of th e new w itn esses signed th eir a tte s ta tio n . He mon house fly. come from persons in terested in build­ will have charge of the re s ta u ra n t on C arnegie lib rary was celebrated here then placed the a c q u itta n c e in his pocket, Rev. W. H. Selleck, w ith appropriate exercises. The B aker took up h is h at. and d ep arted , w ith o u t Hundreds of persons suffering from ing and loan associations, b u t p ra c ti­ the grounds. leprosy are said to w ander u n restricted cally every ch ara c te r o f corporations pastor of the F irst M ethodist Episcopal C oncert band rendered a concert in the fu rth e r dem and for an in terv iew w ith represented. M ost of the senators re ­ church of Salem , will respond to Con­ evening, w here several hundred people M aude. through the island o f Cuba. N ot th a t th e h erio t lu v in e ss had for ceived from 12 to 50 teleg ram s today gressm an H aw ley's a d iie s s of welcome. had g athered a fte r which addresses Ex-Vice P resid en t F airb an k s says and some a t least 100. w ere made by Mayor Pollman, Profes­ one second p u t it o u t of his m ind. N o ; the Japan ese rule in Corea gives good to do him ju stice, he looked upon th e prob­ In view of the vehem ent tone o f the sor J . A. Churchill and C. A. Johns. In su ra n c e C o m m is s io n e r R e p o rts. prom ise for the fu tu re of the country. p ro tests and the fa c t th a t the telegram s able ru p tu re of his en gagem ent a s a very Salem —Insurance Com m issioner Ko- serio u s item in the losses th e discovery B e n s o n to N a m e D elega te s. C alifornia D em ocrats have gone on are from prom inent business men, zer is prep arin g a prelim inary report Salem -Complying w ith the request o f th a t m ouldy old p arch m en t had en ­ record as favoring ex-G overnor Folk, some senators pledged to vote for the of the condition of the insurance busi­ tailed upon him . If lie did not love her, of M issouri, as candidate for p resident adm in istratio n program said today th a t ness in Oregon. F a rt of the report of the M ississippi-to-A tlantic Inland he adm ired h er extrem ely, an d looked fo r­ they are doubtful as to th e wisdom of has been concluded show ing how much W aterw ay association, Governor Ben­ w ard to the connection w ith g re a t eag er­ in 1912. th e ir course. business has been tran sacted during son w ill appoint a num ber o f delegates ness. B u t he felt q u ite convinced th a t F riends of F. A. Cook, the A rctic U nless th ere is a change of se n ti­ to atten d the m eeting of th e associa­ explorer, ex p ect to h ear from him a t m ent throughout th e country, it would the year ending D ecem ber 31, 1908, tion a t Jacksonville, Florida, th is fall. to have moved any fu rth e r th a n he had alread y done would he sim ply to cancel it and also showing the different kinds of any tim e now th a t he has been succes­ a t once. H e did not w ish th a t. I t w as not su rp rise many m em bers o f congress business, prem ium s returned and losses sful in reaching the pole. I r f i . v •« In v olwvn Ll liQn 1 ' PO RTLAND M ARKETS. if toe corporation ta x should no be n aban- h u t a slen d er Bold, he knew. S till, a n ­ paid. A ccording to th is rep o rt nearly o th e r shuffle of the pack m ight change all Ja p strik e rs in H aw aii have ap|>caled dnnud in conference and the in h eritance $6,000,000 was paid out for insurance W h e a t— B luestem m illing, $1.30; th e h an d s once more. T h a t slight link tax, w hich w as adopted by th e house, during la st y ear in O regon and this to Governor F rear. club, $1.18(0 1.20; valley, $1.17. w as b e tte r th a n none a t all. should be restored to th e ta riff bill. does not include any fra te rn a l insur­ R eports from Morocco suy the revo­ Corn— Whole, $35 per to n ; cracked, T im s m ed itatin g , he drove home, an d ance. lutionists are w inning over the su lta n ’s $36 per ton. hav in g ordered his p h aeto n to w a it w hile R e m in g to n W o r k s C lo s e . troops. he w ro te a couple of letters, to save the O ats— No. 1 w hite, $41 per ton. U tica, N. Y., Ju n e 30.— N otice was L in n 's F in a n c e s G o o d . H ay—Tim othy, W illam ette valley, post, en tered th e house. In ab o u t h a lf D eposits in the Chicago national posted in th e R em ington T y p ew rite r A lbany—The county funds of Linn $17(u 20 per to n ; E astern Oregon, $20 an h o u r he reap p eared , stepped in to th e banks are a t th e h ig h est point ever w or|jB j|io n today th a t com m encing county are in excellent condition, show ­ c a rria g e , and drove to X m in ste r S ta ­ (i/23; mixed, $16(0 20. reached. w ith Ju ly 1 the estab lish m en t would ing a monthly balance of $132,652.62, F ru its— A p p 'e s $ l(vc; m ohair, choice, 24(d25c. a going by th a t tr a in . K now him , M r. W illiam J . Bryan, J r ., is m arried. C attle — S teers, top, $4.50o(4.60; IV arm a n . I suppose." Miss Helen V irg in ia B erger became ¡lock of ducks th a t he has raised to j Jack so n v ille—W illiam S te w a rt this "Y es. I do know him .” said P e a rm a n , hunt for potato bugs, and now an- j week sold to some W isconsin p arties fair to good, $4 25(apa!" cried the music lesson maid from the adjoining room, "there's a burglar In the p arlo r! He Just bumped against the piano. I heard him strik e several keys.” "All right, d e a rie ; I'll go right down.” "Oh. Jam es." sobbed the wife, "don't do anything r a s h !” "Sure not. I .cave th a t to me. I’m going to help th e poor duffer. You don’t suppose he can get th at blamed piano out w ithout assistance, do you?” — New York H erald. Sixty-eight out of every thousand of the w orld's publications a re in the English language.