PUBLISHED EVERY FRID AY ADVERTJSBIC MATOS BY Professional Cards H. G. KIBBLE. Proprietor 1 SUBSCRIPTION RATES 1 1.« Ona-quarter Column .ll.BD O n e Y e a r ........ S ix M o n th s.. T h ree Months per month | . V One square.................. - 3.1» One-half Column ** 6.S0 One Column - * m > ............. . iBitf nuifcs'li'ajis Wifi‘be dhasgeda fo r each insertion. X '(M ito iper Ilinm v 'JU-vwl Jtdwrahienrrents«Mli oases 4 m ohasgod Enteret! as second class m atter March 12, 1909, at the post office at Mosier, O regon, under the A c t o f March 3, 1879. P ro g ram F or CELE3RAT1CN MORNING M u s i c ........................... Band Song - - - - - - America T ,. y, n n i- invocation. Kev. D. v. Poung Music - - - - - - - Band Recitation- - - Mrs. Winegar Song - Star Spangled Banner oration - - Rev. D. V. Poling Solo - - . Mrs. Olive Porter Flag March Music - - - - - - - Band Recitation - - Mrs. Winegar Song Music - - - - - - Band t o the party ordering them, at legal rates, and MOSIER, WASCO COUNTY. OREGON, F R ID A Y, J U L Y 2, 1909 VOL. 1 Bank Opens A ll „ . The Mosier Valley Bank open- pd Ug lwoks for bus;ness yester- j ay morning with temporary headquarters and fixtures in A. Stewart’ s store. It was expect­ ed that permanent quarters would be ready by July 1, in the building occupied by W. E Chown, but o vin g to delay in Mr. Chown getting his stock of goods moved, it will be impossi- sible to get the bank located in its permanent quarters for a week or two. The new screw door, fire-proof and burglar-proof safe purchased by the bank is of such weight that it will require a solid con- j crete base, and as soon as this is ready, which will be in a few j days, the safe will be placed in position. The bank’ s permanent | fixtures are promised within the next 20 days. -The officers of the new bank respectfully solicit the patronage of the citizens o f the community. B usiness entrusted T he C are of the Flood River's Reliable Jeweler for f B^iusa.dundivid. Watches, Diamonds, Jewelry W IL L RAVE PROMPT - - VICHOL ATTENTION „ RROS. DEALERS I N i o a ( S Groceries $100,000.00 $ paid forlk*£da vitlsauw I ucrushed. and Gents Furnishings , J. S. SCHENCK, P resident H FUMJR, FEED, GLOVES, F A M IL Y MEDICINES. E T C E d M. W illiam s M ax A. V ogt ?3 Exclusive agent for Vice Pres. Cashier He can make t/our watch keep time • Otto-Godbersen ¡1 » is w of The Dalles. Oregon Capital } to First National Bank LARAWAY Temporary Headquarters in A. Stewart’s Store NO. 17 Shoes I D o u g h eriy -F ith ia n GRAHAM’S BAKERY gration. This is no idle warning but one that should be kept con­ stantly in mind. The committee on grqunds have cleared off a large space in the grove for the celebration, but it was impossible, with the limited amount o f help, to clean up all the inflamable material from the ground, and as there will no doubt be a large crowd present, they will spread out over a large territory, and unless the youngsters are watched, they are likely to let their en­ thusiasm get the better o f their judgment. Oregon Mosier - and A quiet wedding was solemn­ ized at high neon on Tuesday RESTAURANT last, when Miss Bertha, eldest .L*è \ Ü Æ daughter o f Mrs. Gardina God- D IN N E R Fresh Bread and Pastry every day bersen, was united in marriage AFTERNOON to Mr. Albert Otto, at the home of the bride. The Rev. R. S. SPORTS MRS. E. L. GRAHAM, P rop . White, o f Hood River, per­ Ring Riding M osier - O regon 1 formed the ceremony in the Three-legged race presence o f the immediate rela­ Sack race tives o f the bride. Tug o f War G eo . C m a m b e r l a i n The bride is a native o f Mosier Standing broad .jump and is a popular and most esti­ Standing three jumps REAL ESTATE mable young lady. The groom Ladies’ race, 50 yards Fruit is originally from the East, but Fat men’s race, 50 yards for a number o f years past has Lands Base ball game—Mosier vs Bel­ B ig M eeting . been engaged in missionary mont ! A “ K IC K ” COMING The publicity meeting which work in Oregon. Bucking contest Specialty / will be he 1 ■; in Stroup’s Hall The happy couple le ft on the Horseshoe pitchng The citizens o f Mosier have next Wednesday, July 7th, bids local Tuesday afternoon, amid a Hurdle race, 12 years and under. Oregon fair to be wfeil attended. The shower o f rice, for a wedding- a good hard kick coming against Mosier the railroad, a kick which is over­ business men o f the town have trip to Seattle. On their return T he G oodess of L iberty . JO H N W ELLBERQ, Prop. agreed to close their doors during they will make their home near due because the Mosier public is long-suffering. It is in regard the meeting and a large majority Hood River. The B ulletin The final count in the election o f the town arid country people joins their many friends in wish­ to the habit which trainmen have for Goddess o f Liberty which have expressed their intention to ing them long years o f wedded | o f leaving long freight trains on closed Wednesday night proved })e present and have Mr. W ells’ bliss. Likewise we acknowledge the siding without cutting them GAY YOWELL, Mgr. Miss Fisher a winner by 53 votes laj;t 0Q Publicity and the results the receipt o f a piece of wedding- at the crossing, thus forcing peo­ The votes were as follows: Miss nf properly advertising a town or cake which, in our younger days’ ple coming from or going to the Harness and Saddlery Goods Fisher, 284; Miss Booth 231, Miss section, arid to better inform we would have put under our depot to climb thru between the Tents, Wagon Covers, Etc cars, at more or less risk o f life Nickelsen 73; Miss Hudson 26; themselves as to the methods pillow. Hand-made Harness a Specialty or limb, or walking perhaps a Miss Sellinger, 5: Miss Evans 1. which the Harriam system pur­ hundred yards up or down the HOOD RIVER The voting was very light up sues in boosting a country. OREGON S pecial W arning ! Only to Wednesday morning. From It is a wise individual or com- i track to get around them. »?»-> W e would call special attention a few days ago one of our citi­ that time on thru the day it be- rnunity that knows when to take Established 1900 Incorporated 19Ü5 came very brisk and considerable advantage o f a good thing, and to the fact that at present Mosier zens and his w ile missed the A interest was manifested toward we believe that Mosier will prove is without adequate fire protec­ morning train because the lady * DENNY & HARVEY the close. Five dollar pools were wj9e. L e t every one make a tion, and this should be remem­ could not climb between the cars; D E A LE R S IN made up and voted for the two special effort to be present at bered particularly on the day we and had not time to go around. i HOOD RIVER, O REG O N tA --------- Trainmen are allowed to hold leading candidates and it was a this- meeting. Remember the celebrate, as so small a thing as » ^ Pioneer Bankers o f Hood River Valley. Fresh ami Cured Meats toss-up as to the result. There place, Stroup’» Hall on Wednes- a firecracker, a burning match, a a crossing five minutes, but no Transact a General Banttäqg jRusimoss. , cigar or cigarette stub dropped longer. This rule is violated al- j was a misunderstanding as to the <]ay j uiy 7th at 1 o’clock. Country Produce iiutanesi Raid on Time Deposits carelessly among dry leaves or most every time a freight stops j time o f closing. It had been de- -------- +*-------- ESLIE BUTLER, President F. Mt8£I*OlHR, Yme PasMent train i pine needles may cause much here during passenger cided to close the voting at 8 p. N o t ic e . TRUMAN BUTUER, Cashier damage, especially if the wind is time. The only apparent excuse m. but thru some mistake the * There will be excellent boating blowing. Young America must the trainmen have for not cut­ notice was posted for G p. m. on the lake tomorrow, and i make a noise on the Fourth, and ting trains is that they don’t l The final result however, would pleasure parties can enjoy this is heedless as to the consequen­ want to take the trouble, and j no doubt have bean the same as IIWIMmMMWIHWIWWXWllWIMlWMINlll pastime from 2 p. m. until 8 p. m. ces. Hence, it behooves the old­ furthermore will not, unless they Miss Fisher was in the lead at G A Complete Line of The boat landing will be opposite Notary Public er and wiser heads to keep a are forced to. We cannot think o’ clock. As we said before, any the B U L L E T IN office. | Feed, Grain, Field Seed, PouJti? Suppfies, Spray and constant watch over the young­ that the infraction o f this rule is one o f the candidates would sters’ actions. Let them have a known at headquarters, else make an excellent Goddess, and $ Materials, FcrfiEzens, Etc. Fire Insurance A. P. Bateham and daughter good time, but see to it that it is somebody woidd be hunting a there is no doubt that Miss Fish - 3 S PE C IA L PRICES O N RED CLOVER SEED er will m u L V o le andlhe~ A b e i returned Sunday morning from not at the expense o f property. job. The Mosier public is get­ Mosier - Oregon | a brief visit in Portland. The committee on sports should ting tired of being imposed upon most satisfactorily. JOHN G. ZQLLS & SONS see that a place be set apart for and if conditions do not improve the use o f those who want to set soon, the railway commission Contractors in Stone, Brick ami Con­ off their fire works and insist will have an opportunity to in­ | HO OD R IV E R ; OREGON crete Work that none he fired off where vestigate. A word to the wise Hood River - Oregon there is any danger o f a confla- is sufficient. j ê T PINES he D AVENPORT HARNESS Co. Good HOTEL Accommodations Rates $1.00 per day and up OREGON i BUTLER BANKING ' MOSIER MARKET COM PANY Mosier - Oregon Alex. Stewart I WHITEHEAD’S FEED STORE ! Removal Sale! ! * - I ( From now until time of removal D A V ID ROBINSON, M. D. W. I) K O U K S . Proprietor ! B r id a l V e il j All goods greatly red u ced j | NUMBERING CO. jw. E. C hown j j MOSIER, - OREGON Now is the time to spray! I I Guaranteed to Give Satisfaction. OR A CO M PLETE G ASO LIN E O U T FIT FROM D. M c D o n a l d Proprietor o f the Square Deal Store HOOD RIVER - ORE. MOSIER and Hood River Studio S urgeon - j OREGON ! Photographs and I*hon»grapB Hood River D entist OFFICE-OVER BUTLER BANKING COMPANY ^ „ooIMu“ r = " ”“o,1Ea«N 1 Hunt Paint & Wall Paper Co. (Branch) Í S. E. HARTMESS ? Undertaker and Kmhalmcr J H eath & Wall Paper, Paints, Oils and Brashes M il l i « an Hood River, Ore. 8 “itAtnrdfe D-MiMmwr i J’AINTS Furniture and Carpets, Etc. HOOD RIVER - OREGON i Home Phone 62 K E. C. BROCK, Res. Manager Carl Bowman had a very pain­ ful accident last week, while jteeling logs the ax slipped or glanced and cut his leg at the ankle making a very painful wound. Mr. and Mrs.4V. C. Y oung entertained quite a number at din­ ner the other day and every one reports a nice time. Mr. Grose and Mr. C. A. Hage took in the picnic at Greenwood. They could not be­ gin to mention the good things they enjoyed, but rejiort having a “ Tip Top” tine. A party composed o f Mr. and Mrs. How­ ard Porter, Mrs. Clarence Duns- V*MNH*fES Condensed Report uf the Condition of “ FINE LAUNDRY W O R K ” FIRST N A T IO N A L B A N K Done with neatness and dispatch | Phone 116 CHARTER No. 727 2 OREGON HOOD RIVER, HOOD RIVER. ORFJOON Hood River laundry Company J O H N W E L L B K K C . M ih ik r A o b n t ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Sturgess Ridge. O re g o n CL H. JENKINS, D. M. D. To do it Properly, get a Cog Gear Spray Pump j{ P hysician MUÍS M L. METCALF, Assistant A t t ie -close busine*«, April 28, ¡PJ0Q, j the G od o f tth t Currency» Washmgfeor, H C. M. E. W ELCH more. Mrs. Katie Kemp, Miss. Gertrude Davenport; Mr. I^ouis R egister V eterinary S urgeon Gunning and Mr. GeorgeSturges Office at Fashion Stables spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. „ - O regon N. P. Sturgess enjoying the fine H ood -R iv e r cherries, music, anti flowers »rv .T . T - o v V ADMC Mr. N. P. has a cactus in blossom I ARADISE I Ol L I RV 7 ARDS Uusmircus I .nans and Discounts $264.738.14 - Overdrafts 1,803.94 ( prt United States Bonds and Premiums - - ^ . 3,00,1 It certainly is a beauty. Mr. G. W. Grcse and family, Mr. Lelliot and family spent the Sunday at “ Ontop Ranch” . Grandma Huskey isn’t feeling very w e ll every one elre feeling fine and ready for the 4th Every body come.—S. M. H atchin g. «00,000,8» .25,937.00 Surplus Other fiom.s and Warrants 26,095.99 Rea] Estate - - - 10,000.00 Undivided Aoftte furniture and fixtures - 3,408.97 . . „ , Redemption Fund - 1,25000 Ou-culation - ^ and six buds past ready to burst Th orou ghbred Rhode Island Red Due from Bank* »93,611.97 and W h ite le g h o r n E g g s fo r < n»h m Safe -__29.472.38 $12.3.084 35 I»«***#. - into blossom. - - - 2»,000,0» - *456,098. H9 J A S . E. COLE, Mgr. H. G. K I 0 B E E - _ -8*982» *466,098.»» Attest (k)rrect, M O. A. J. Derby «Cashier W. A. HUSBANDS B LACKS MOT! Shoeing and Generd Repair Work. Satisfaction guanntaed OREGON MOSIER - - OREGON Horse N O T A R Y P U B L IC M o s ie r - - - O reg on L aw yer HOOD R IVER -