Mosier bulletin. (Mosier, Or.) 1909-19??, June 25, 1909, Image 3

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“ I have b e e n U 3 in g Cascareta for In­
somnia, with which I h a v e been afflicted
for twenty years, and I can say that Cas-
carets have given me m o r e relief than any
other remedy I h a v e ever tried. I shall
certainly recommend them to my friends
as b e i n g a l l that they a r e r e p r e s e n t e d . ”
Thos. Gillard, Elgin, 111.
Pleasant. P a la ta b le . P oten t. Taste G o o d .
D o G o o d . N e v e r S ick e n . W e a k e n o r G ripe.
Kto. 25c. 50c. N e v e r s o ld i'n bulk. T h e g e n ­
uine tablet s ta m p e d C C C. G u a ra n te e d to
cu re o r y o u r m o n e y b a ck .
Taft Favors Corporation Tax and
Income Tax.
Urges Senate to Adopt Provision as
House Has Already Done
“ I suppose you know, barber,” said
in Tariff Bill.
C ru sh ed.
Percy, with a wink at the man in the
other chair, “ that the hair on a man’s
head grows at the rate of three-millionths
of a yard in a second.”
‘‘No, I never heard that before,” said
the barber, beating a tattoo on the strop
with his razor; “ but 1 know there’s a
spot on the back of your head where the
hair wouldn’t grow as much as that in a
million years.”
W illin g
H e lp
th e
C au se.
Philanthropic Person (with subscrip­
tion paper)— We are raising a fund to
prosecute the white slavers. Can you
assist us?
Baseball Magnate— Sure ! I’ve just dis­
posed of two of my players and got a
good cash price for them. Hundred dol­
lars be enough?—Chicago Tribune.
M o th e rs w ill fin d M rs. W in s lo w 's S o o t h in g
B yru p th e b st r e m e d y to use fo r t h e ir c h ild r e n
d u r in g th e t e e t h in g p e r io d .
H is T i m e to B e A lo n e .
“ Come away, children,” said their
mother. “ Run out in the yard and play.”
“ But we’re watching papa lay the stair
carpet, mamma,” lliey answered.
“ I know it, but he’s going to lay it
around the bend in the stairway pretty
soon, and I don’t want you to hear the
language he will use.” — Chicago Tribune,
C o iiv p r M n t io n a l
O p p o rt u n itie s .
“ So your wife is a suffragette? Why
does she want to vote?”
“ She doesn’t want to vote,” an­
swered M. Meekton. “ She wants to
make speeches.”—Washington Star.
Little children are suffering every
day in the year with sprains, bruises,
cuts, bumps and burns. Hamlins Wiz­
ard Oil is banishing these aches and
pa ns every day in the year, the world
C h r o n ic .
“ Away down in her heart,” said the
boarding house philosopher, “ every wom­
an is & pessimist. When any calamity
happens she always wants to know the
worst, and isn’t happy until she hears
i t .”
P roof
C o n c lu s iv e .
Lawyer (cross examining)— You testi­
fied that Miss Smythe was walking in
her sleep. IIow do you know she was
Witness— Well, a mouse ran across the
floor right in front of her and she never
•ven batted an eye.— Chicago Tribune.
To Breaf <n New Shoes.
A lw ays shake in A llen 's Foot-Ease, a powder,
it cures h ot, sw eating, a ch in g , sw ollen feet.
Uures corn s, in g row in g n ails and bunions. A t
i l l dru ggists and sh oe steres, 25c. D ont accep t
in y substitute. Sam ple m ailed FREE. Address
A llen S. Olm sted, Le R oy, N. Y.
M o re U r g e n tly N eeded .
Salesman (at
bookstore)— Perhaps
this is what you are looking for. It’s a
work entitled
“ Housekeeping
Easy.” Tells you all about------
Anxious Customer— No ; we’ ve got that.
Haven’t you a book called “ Moving Made
Easy” ?—Chicago Tribune.
G et
th e
“ Yes,” said the retired auctioneer,
“ that boy of mine is a chip off the old
block, with all the original bark on him;
he’s a spieler for a 5-cent theater.”—
Chicago Tribune.
H ow
th e
T r o u b le
S ta rte d .
Estelle— I don’t suppose you have
heard of it, but George and I are going
to be married some time next June.
Maybelle— Glad to know it, dear. Has
George heard of it yet?
W hy,
S u re!
Tommy— Paw, what is concentrated
Mr. Tucker— It’s the short and and
ugly word, Tommy. Don’t bother me.”
V a ca tion
D ay«.
“ You say Grimier worker last sum
mer just for fun?”
“Oh, no; just for fu n d s -H a r v a r d
H e D i d n 't
L ik e
th e
B a lt .
“The other night a fellow sat back
of me at the theater,” said Simeon
Ford, “and talked with bated breath
the whole evening.
“ I wouldn’t have minded,” he added,
after a moment, “ if it hadn’t been bait­
ed with limburger.”—New York Times
Among persons of social standing gen­
erally the world throughout, the average
age of marriage is at present, men 37
and women 28.
J2 Years a Leader in Painless Dental
Work in Portland.
Out-of-Town People
Should remember that our f >rce i* so arranged
n eossar-,.
TR ACT. NG FREE w hnn places or hri iges are or­
P A IN . NO STUD E NTS, no uncertainty.
F or th e
F ift e e n D a y s
W e will give you a g o o d 22k gold or porce-
............... 13.50
............... 6.00
A L L W O R K G U A R A N T E E D 15 T E A R S
Dr. W . A. W ise
President and M anager
The Wise Dental Co.
Third and Washington Sta.
* Washington, June 17. — President
Taft yesterday sent the following mes­
sage to congress:
“ To the Senate and House of Reprt,-
seratives— It is the constitutional duty
of the president, from time to time, to
present to the consideration of congress
such measures as he shall judge neces­
sary and expedient.
“ In my inaugural address, immedi­
ately preceding this present extraordi­
nary session of congress, I invited at­
tention to the necessity for a revision
of the tariff at this session, and stated
the principles upon which I thought
the revision should be effected.
I re­
ferred to the then rapidly increasing
deficit, and pointed out the obligation
on the part of the framers of the tariff
bill to arrange duties so as to secure an
adequate income, and suggested that if
it was not possible to do so by import
duties, new kinds o f taxation must be
adopted, and among them I recommend­
ed a graduated inheritance tax as cor­
rect in principle and as certain and
easy of collection.
“ The house of representatives has
adopted the suggestion and has pro­
vided in the bill it passed for the col­
lection of such a tax. In the senate,
the action of its finance committee
and the course of the debate indicate
that it may not agree to this provision,
and it is now proposed to make up the
deficit by the imposition o f a general
income tax, in form and substance al­
most exactly the same character as that
which, in the case of Pollock vs. Farm­
ers’ Loan & Trust company, 157 U. S.
429, was held by the Supreme court to
be a direct tax, and therefore not with­
in the power of the Federal govern­
ment to impose unless apportioned
among the states according to popu­
“ This new proposal, which I did not
discuss in my inaugural address or my
message at the opening o f the present
session, makes it appropriate for me to
submit to congress certain additional
“ The decision of the Supreme court
in the income tax cases deprives the
national government o f a power which,
by reason of previous decisions of the
court, it was generaly supposed the
government had. It is undoubteedly a
power the national government ought
to have. It might be indispensable to
the nation’s life in great crises.
“ Although I have not considered a
constitutional amendment as necessary
to the exercise of certain phases of
this power, a mature consideration has
satisfied me that an amendment is the
only proper course for its establishment
to its full extent. I therefore.recom­
mend to the congress that both houses,
by a two-thirds vote, shall propose an
amendment to the constitution confer­
ring the power to levy an income tax
upon the national government without
apportionment among the states in pro­
portion to population.
“ This course is much to be preferred
to the one proposed, o f re-er.acting a
law once judicially declared to be un­
constitutional. For congress to assume
that the court will reverse itself and to
enact legislation on such assumption
will not strengthen popular confidence
in the stability of the judicial construc­
tion of the constitution.
It is much
wiser policy to accept the constitution
and remedy the defect in due and regu­
lar course.
“ Again, it is clear that by the enact­
ment of the proposed law, the congress
will not be bringing money into the
treasury to meet the present deficiency,
but by putting on the statute book a
law already there and never repealed
will simply be suggesting to the execu­
tive officers o f the government their
possible duty to invoke litigation.
“ If the court should maintain its
former view, no tax would be collected
at all. If it should ultimately reverse
itself, still no taxes would have been
collected until after protracted delay.
“ It is said the difficulty and delay
in securing the approval o f thr»e-fourths
of the states will destroy all chance of
adopting the amendment. Of course,
Bonilla May Lead Revolt.
New.Orleans, June 17.— Dispatches
received by local business houses say
that La Ceiba and the Northern coast
provinces of Honduras are in open re­
volt and have sent emissaries to New
Orleans to persuade Manuel Bonilla to
return and take possession of the gov­
ernment. Davillas has applied to the
United States, and the United States
gunboat Paducah is patrolling Ceiba
harbor to prevent sanguinary out­
breaks. General Bonilla is in New
Orleans now.
He denies that there is
anything significant in his departure.
Strike in Plate Trade.
Pittsburg, June 17.— More than 10,-
000 skilled workmen, members o f the
Amalgamated Association of Iron,
Steel and Tin Workers, employed by
the American Sheet and Tin Plate com­
pany, will quit work June 30, at which
time the open shop order of the com­
pany becomes effective.
Many un­
skilled workmen will also be affected.
The decision to take this action fol­
lowed a special convention held here.
In the Pittsburg district a majority of
the mills o f American Sheet and Tin
Plate company are non-union.
Illinois Primary Law Invalid.
Springfield, III., June 17.—The Su­
preme crurt o f Illinois today declared
unconstitutional the state primary law,
and as a result the state is without a
legal method of nominating candidates
for office. It is thought a special ses­
sion of the legislature will be called to
enact a new law. The decision of the
Supreme court is the result of an at­
tack made upon the primary law by
candidates defeated in the state pri*
manes last summer.
no one can speak with certainty upon
this point, but I have become convinced
that a great majority of the people of
this country are in favor of vesting the
national government with power to
levy an income tax.
“ Second, the decision in the Pollock
case left power in the national govern­
ment to levy at. excise tax which ac­
complishes the same purpose as u cor­
poration income tux, and is free from
certain objections urged to the propos­
ed income tax measure.
“ I therefore recommend an amend
ment to the tariff bill imposing upon
all corporations and joint stock com­
panies for profit, except national banks,
otherwise taxed, savings banks and
building and loan societies, an income
tax measured by 2 per cent of tho net
income o f such corporations.
This is
an excise tax upon the privilege of do­
ing business as an artificial entity and
of freedom from a general partnership
liability enjoyed by those who own the
“ 1 am informed that a 2 percent tax
of this character would bring into the
treasury of the United States not less
that $25,000,000.
“ The decision of the Supreme court
in the case of the Spreckles Sugar Re­
fining company against McClain seems
clearly to establish the fact that such
a tax as this is an excise tax upon priv­
ilege, and not'a direct tax on property,
and is within the Federal power with­
out apportionment according to popu­
“ The tax on net income is preferable
to one proportionate to a percentage of
the gross receipts, because it is a tax
upon success and not failure. It im­
poses a burden at the source of the in­
come at a time when the employer is
well able to pay and when collection is
“ Another merit of this tax is the
Federal supervision which must be ex­
ercised in order to make the law effect­
ive over the annual accounts and busi­
ness tiausactions of all corporations.
While the faculty of assuming a cor­
porate form has been o f the utmost
utility in the business world, it is also
true that substantially all of the abuses
and all o f the evils which have aroused
the public to the necessity of reform
will be made possible by the use of this
very faculty.
“ If now, by a perfectly legitimate
and effective system of taxation, we
are incidentally able to possess the
government and the stockholders and
the public of the knowledge of the real
business transactions and the gains and
profits of every corporation in the
country, we have made a long step to­
ward that supervisory control of cor­
porations whicn may prevent a further
abuse of power.
“ I recommend then, first, the adop­
tion of a joint resolution by two-thirds
o f both houses, proposing to the states
an amendment to the constitution
granting to the Federal government
the right to levy and collect an income
tax, without apportionment among the
states, according to population; and
second, the enactment as part of the
pending revenue measure, either as a
substitute for or an addition to, the in­
heritance tax, of an excise tax upon all
corporations, measured by 2 per cent of
their net income.”
Roosevelt's story of Africa will noi be
complete without Its chapter on
A strike for higher wages or shorter
hours or more and better food is com­
prehensible, but one has to go to Mexi­
co, writes C. M. Flandrau, in "Viva,
Mexico!" for a strike that Involves nei­
ther a question of material advantage
uor of abstract principle. One after­
noon. during the busiest season of the
year on a coffee-ranch, all the coffee-
pickers, with the exception of one fam­
ily, suddenly struck. When asked what
the trouble was. the spokesman, In a
florid and pompous address, declared
that they were “all brothers, and must
pick together, or not at all.’’
It came out during the Interview
that the father of the family who had
not struck had received permission for
himself, his wife and six small chll
dren to pick In a block of coffee by
themselves, and to this the others had
been Induced to object.
Why they objected they could not
say, because they did not know. It
was explained to them that the man
had wished his family to work apart
for the sole and sensible reason that,
first, he and his wife could take bet
ter care of the children when they
were not scattered among the crowd;
and secondly, that as the trees of the
particular block he had asked to be
allowed to pick In were younger and
smaller than the others, the children
had less difficulty In reaching the
He had not only derived no financial
advantage from the change, he was
voluntarily making some sacrifice by
going to pick where the coffee, owing
to the youth of the trees, was less
"Don't you see that this Is the truth
and all there la to It?" the strikers
were asked.
“ And now that It has been explain­
ed, won't you go back to work?”
"But why not?”
"Because what?”
"Because we must all pick togeth
S o m e o f I lia lio a t -K n o w n W o r k la
I n c l u d e d I n n D e n l e r 'a O r d e r .
"P la n ts Out o f P la ce” H a v e a
F ix e d M a rk e t V a lu e.
Money In weeds? To be sure. The
national department of agriculture
has been for many years telling the
farmers of the large money value go­
ing to waste each year In this coun­
try in the shape of pernicious weeds,
and has been Issuing bulletins with
directions for collecting, curing and
selling'weeds. A quarter of a century
ago Dr. George B. Lorlug, the commis­
sioner of agriculture, called attention
to the fact that In Germany many of
the commonest and most pernicious
weeds that the American farmer has
to contend with were successfully and
profitably cultivated, says the Kansas
City Star. Burdock, dandelion, witch-
grass, foxglove, mullein, horehound,
Jtmpson, mustard and water hemlock
are among our commonest weeds and
grow in great profusion almost every­
where in the United States. Ordinar­
ily they are regarded merely as trou­
blesome weeds. The trouble, of course,
Is In the lazy habit of attempting to
grow weeds and cultivated crops on
the same land at the same time. So
It often happens that the wltchgrass
between the potato rows Is more val­
uable than the tubers in the hills.
When you raise weeds you must make
a business of It. Land that will raise
nothing else will raise weeds. The
jimpson grows In rank profusion about
the feed lot, the front yard Is yellow
with dandelion flowers aud the flowers
of the mullein bedeck the pastures.
The burdock grows In the roadside
fence corners, and the waste lot pro­
duces an abundance of wltchgrass and
comfrey, yet a majority of the drug
weeds used In medicine In this coun­
try are still Imported, and paid for
at a high rate.
Without counting wormwood, tansy
or rhubarb, all of which are weeds in
favored places, and without Including
catnip or pennyroyal or any of the
mints, the American people are paying
out more than $300,000 a year In hard-
earned money for Imported weeds,
which are growing wild In nearly ev­
ery part of the country. The Imports
for the year 1907-1908 were as fol-
$4.21 H)
Burdock . . . . .. «MHO 7c
Dandelion .. .. 115,522 5c
Dock ........... .. 125,000 0c
Witchgrass .. .. 250,000 0c
Foxglove .. . .. 65,000 7c
5,000 00c
Mullein......... . .
Horehound . . ..
90,000 0c
J impson weed .. 150,000 5c
20,000 5c
Water hemlock
Mustard . . . . . .5,000,000 5c 250,000
The knowledge that there Is money
In the very common and much de­
spised weeds Is spreading every year
and a very considerable Industry in
medicinal weeds has arisen, but It 1 b
far shoit of what it should be. The
average farmer cannot bring himself
to regard as other than a heresy the
declaration that a weed Is Blmply a
useful plant out of place.
The prices paid by big jobbing
drug houses for leaves, flowers or
roots of the commoner weeds which
afflict the farmer with their presence
when he lets them get out of place are
as follows: Dandelion roots, dried;
jimpson weed, leaves and seeds; pol-
Bon hemlock, freshly plucked and
dried flowers and leaves, dried and
cleaned- seed of black and white mus­
tard, 5 cents a pound; burdock root,
sliced and dried, 7 cents a pound;
dried leaves and blossoms of hore­
hound and wild foxglove, 6 to 7 cents
a pound; dried blossoms of the tall
pasture mullein, 60 cents a pound, If
sealed In tight jars. In addition to
the above standard drugs the dried
leaves of pokeweed and trllllum, gold­
thread and jack-ln-the-pulptt, are mar­
keted, as well as the leaves and flow­
ers of tansy, lobelia, boneset, catnip
and a dozen other very common
plants, all of which are In demand at
the market prices.
"In 1864,” says the well-known ar
tlst, Alma-Tadema, In the Strand, "I
received a visit from the English pic
ture dealer, Gambart—11 prlnclpe Gam-
bartl, as they used to call him In Italy.
He was the picture dealer par excel
lence of this day and was naturally
held In great respect by artists. 1 re
member him on that first visit to me,
standing before my easel, on which 1
had posed my ‘Coming Out of Church,’
and Instantly exclaiming:
“ ‘Did you paint that picture for the
“ I assured him of the fact. He
asked me if they had seen It and what
was the price. I told him that they
had not seen it as yet. 'Well, then,
said Gambart, T il take It, and let me
have a couple of dozen of that kind at
progressive prices each half-dozen.' It
was really as If he had been buying
Shower of New Indictments Depress bales of cotton. Of course, I thought
Hawaiian Strikers.
and not without reason, that my for
Honolulu, June 18.— Following the tune was as good as made. Moreover
indictments of several of the Japanese II prlnclpe Gambartl agreed that I
strike leaders Friday last, the territor­ might deal with the antique period
ial grand jury returned additional in­ I loved, instead of the middle ages
dictments today against Y. Soga, F. where I had latterly been seeking my
Makino, M. Negoro, K. Kawamura, Y. subjects. And so It came about that
Tasaka and Yanashira, for conspiracy some of the pictures by which I am
to commit murder and to incite others perhaps, best known as a painter were
Included In this first singular bargain
to crime.
"Four years did It take me to carry
An indictment fer assault was found
against Sugwara, who is accused of at­ out Gambart’s first commission and the
tempting to collect funds for the strik­ day arrived when Gambart again paid
ers by violence.
me a visit. ‘I want you,’ he said, ‘to
In addition to these indictments, 13 paint me another four dozen pictures
of the striking Japanese at the Wia- on the same condition of rising value.
pahu plantation were indicted for an I consented and I did my best not to
assault upon a police officer and riot­ disappoint him. ‘The Vintage’ was paint­
ing. In view of the vigorous action of ed as one of them and when the deal
the authorities, the strikers are much er saw It, perceiving that It was a fai
more Important canvas than any of Its
The replevin suit brought to recover predecessors—a work, too, that had
the papers seized in the office of the cost me far more time and labor—he
Jiji by High Sheriff Henry was dis­ at once insisted upon paying lor It the
A lp h a b e tic a l T im e .
One of the discouraging things about
figure which was to have been given
Japanese Consul Uyeno is investi­ for the last half-dozen.”
advertising Is that the Investor can
gating the alleged destruction of the
rarely be certain when he gets a re­
safe of Editor Soga, which was broken
turn and when he does not. A writer
open by the authorities.
In T. P.’s Weekly tells a tale of an
Forty-five delegates from the Japan­ A T r a v e l e r R e e a l U a S t r i k i n g C h a r ­ English firm, Higgins k Dodd, who,
ese union on the island of Hawaii, rep­
finding that there were twelve letters
Discussing Col. Roosevelt’s trip In In their name, placed a great clock
resenting 9,000 laborers, have just
completed a session lasting four days Africa, Young H. Carling of Toronto, over their door with the letters on Its
and nights.
They resolved not to Canada, who Is at the Arlington, said face Instead of numerals.
strike, nor help the Oahu strikers, but recently that when Mr. Roosevelt re­
They waited anxio.usly for days,
to present a statement of their de­ turns from Africa and recalls vividly weeks, hoping for some return; but
mands and trust to the fairness of the to mind his experiences, or relates not a soul took notice of the clock.
them to his friends, that which will be At last, amid excitement behind the
They ask for a 10-hour day at $1, pre-eminent will be the atmosphere cf
office window, a man was seen to halt
for time and a half pay for overtime smells In which he lived when there,
In the street and gaze at the clock,
and Sunday work and for quarters the Washington Herald says.
equal to those of the Spaniards and
“ I traversed the country which Mr.
Slowly he came to the door, entered,
These demands will be Roosevelt Intends visiting. While I
presented to the Planters’ association heard of lions, black panthers, rhino­ and drawled, "Say. Is It half past Hig­
gins or a quarter to Dodd?"
ceroses, antelopes and gazelles, I was
not hunting and did not see any of
H a F o llo w « « ! D ir e c t io n s .
Fairbanks Thanks Japanese.
them. I held an Impression which,
Red tape leads one to curious
Tokio, June 18.— Ex-Vice President while not as startling as an encounter
Fairbanks was elaborately entertained with a wild beast, will be remembered lengths. A writer In the Columbus
Dispatch tells of a street railway car
by the governor o f Kyoto while en as long as that would have been. I
route to Kobe.
The distinguished cannot express It better than to say that picked up a young heifer on Its
fender and carried It some distance
traveler received the address of the that I smelled Africa.
through the street.
mayor of O. aka. At Kobe Mr. Fair­
"One meets the real smell just after
In making out the required report
banks Fpoke briefly to the assembled landing. It may be at one port or
to the superintendent, the employe
school teachers and the Christian girls’
another. Of all first Impressions, none wrote. In answer to the query on the
On the eve o f his departure
Is more plain, and It comes upon you blank form, “ What did the victim
for Korea the former vice president re­
with a distinctiveness which is almost say?” “ She was carried along on the
turned profound thanks to the Japanese
fender and then rolled off and ran
people for the courtesy and hospitality
“ The traveler hardly knows enough away without saying a word.”
he has received everywhere throughout
of native life to enter with any full­
his tour o f the islands.
O at o f S ig h t.
ness Into the multitude of causes
Though the play was a farce.
which produce this familiar result, but
Eclipse Seen by Peary
It left him quite blue,
some of them do not lie very far
Washington, Jure 18. — Although
For a terrible bat
below the surface.
preparations were made at the United
Obatructed hla view.
“Take as a typical example any Af­
States naval observatory here to take
—New York Telegram.
observations of the eclipse of the sun
Many people are curloua to know
yesterday, the cloudy weather spoiled tion,” added Mr. Carling. "Let It be
the plans. The eclipse here was but In the seaport or In the Inland town, about peculiar things. For Instance,
partial, the only place where it was It makes little difference. Leave out the writer Is curious to know If a
total being near the North pole. Few, the many scented plants and trees that barber gives his wife the fee hs col­
if any, white men, with the exception add their aroma to the general fund lects for shaving a dead man.
of Commander Robert E. Peary and of smella. First, there Is the fuel used
l a l l e t to th o la a e .
his crew, now in search of the North by the natives, which Is scraped from
Author—What did you think of my
pole, had an opportunity to observe it. the roads, and made Into round, flat
cakes and sundrled on the wall« of the mystic Jewel story?
Friend—It was a gem!—Baltimore
houses for burning. Next, there la the
Hadley Turns Down Fair.
wood and charcoal used by the better American.
Kansas City, June 17.—Governor
classes for cooking fires, coal being an
Every once In a while we meet some
Hadley today vetoed the bill providing
unattainable luxury. Then, at night­ man on the streets who says he 1*
for an expenditure of $20,000 for a
fall. the sweepings of the stables are “ resting" that we knew never worked.
Missouri exhibit at the Seattle fair.
The governor said the state needed the carefully burned to be accompanied by
Muffled voices must be uncomfort­
money more for educating ita citizena an odor. Then there are the cooking
able In warm weather.
and for the poor.
| oils and other things. Yes, sir; Col.
’ -Vo*’
For Infanta and Children.
J 2 -o
«$ > ■
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
A\c gel able Preparation for As
similaiind the FoodandRegula
ling die Stomachs and Cowls of
B e a rs th e
S ig n a x u r e
I nfants /C hildren
Promotes DigestioiuClreiful
ness and Rest.Contains neither
Opium.Mortihine nor Mineral.
N o t N a r c o t ic .
I® '1
Hanpkut Sit'd~
jtlx . Senna +
jiruseSttd +
lit lariwdk'Sain*
Hirm SetJ-
For Over
Thirty Years
Cionfcii Sugar -
m&cfian Fkrrr.
Aperfert Remedy for Comfy
tion, Sour Stomaeh.Djarrtoca
Worms Convulsions .Feverish
ness and LOSS OF SLEEP.
Ike Simile Signature of
d L tf. j E s S T
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
W hen
l l p 'a
T H K O I N T A M N C O M P A N Y , N E W Y O U * C IT Y .
“ I t .”
The farmer’s life has cares and joy«.
His work is long and hard and rough;
He slaves from dawn till after dark.
To raise and grow and own enough,
But there’s a bright side to his life,
His sorrows he can always drown
When, with his team, he’s hired to haul
A busted auto back to towu.
— Los Angeles Express.
two. Or .11 d r h 1 r r . or sont oro {-.ili tor Su cent*.
HAROLD SOMERS. ISO DeKalb Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y.
A o c o m m o d n 11 n is.
First Passenger—Pardon me, but
would you mind loaning me your spec­
tacles a moment?
Second Passenger—With pleasure,
First Passenger—Thanks, awfully,
and now, as you can no longer read
your newspaper, would you kindly pass
It over to me?
M e th o d
G e n e r a lly
<B Z 3Z E H E E >
A d o p ted .
Rivers (dipping his pen in the ink) —
Tell me a diplomatic way how to call a
man a liar.
Brooks—Always select a smaller man
than you are.
P re m a tu re
C h u «?k le .
“ Fate cannot harm me,” wrote Sydney
Smith. “ I have dined to-day.”
Even as he wrote, however, he was in
the shadow of a coming calamity.
The cook was preparing to leave.
O b je c tio n
u untrer from Elt», F.U Ins MlcVne,«, Spaarna «
children, or fri-m :» that i »•’. n>y N-w Dlfc
ry will relieve t i n » , . "t e l y,,u a 1* salad te
to »end f--r n free B I'leot
I>r. M a y 's K p ll e p t l c l t l e C a r e ,
h .» cared t. ea«»u.l« wi ere eveiyth ln i eMe
.1 s -n t free with direction*. F.xpre«« Prevali,
rumead 11 v M»v Medical Loiorat'-ry. nnd.r the
on«l P.... I aud Drue» Act, Jn n .M th . M0«. Ones,
No 10971.
1 ’ lease trlv. AHR and lull »durais
IIR . W . H . M A Y ,
0 4 8 l*e a rl Struct, N ew Y o r k City-
T e l l i n g ;.
“ Do fell me, Pulsatilla,” begged the girl
tinder the inverted waste basket, “ the
secret of that wonderful blonde hair of
yours. It defies detection.”
“ I will,” said the girl under the in­
verted coal scuttle, “ if you won’t tell
anybody else. I selected for my grand­
mother and mother two women who h&l*
*'air just lik"
( » lo i’ . u u «
C. Gee Wo
v ii-iu r y ,
“ You had a political debate in your
district school building last Saturday
night, Uncle Sime, I understand. How
did it go off?”
“ We win. Whenever the other fellers
tried to talk we turned loose two dozen
cowbells, a lot o’ fishhorns, a bugle, a
bass drum, an’ a horse fiddle, an’ they
guv it up an* quit. By George, they
didn’t git to snv n Warned word!”
E n tirely
T ru n tw ortliy .
"Maria, I’m going to have Dr. Squib
Zips treat me for my heart trouble.”
“ What do you know about Dr. Squil-
lips, John?”
“ All I know about him is that Mr.
Gotsum recommends him to me.”
“ Who is Mr. Gotsum?”
“ Mr. Gotsum is one of the stockhold­
ers of the life insurance company that is
carrying a $20,000 risk on my life.” —
Chicago Tribune.
^s’ eeds no oracle to answer!
Ribald rhymester, cease thy mirth.
They are held by some young mun, sir,
Down to earth.
The Chinese Doctor
T h is w on d efu l man has
m ade a lif e stu d y o f the
p rop erties o f Roots,
H erb s and Barks, and
is g iv in g the w orld the
benefit o f his services.
No Mercury, Poisons
or Drug9 Used. No
Operations or Cutting
G uarantees to c u r e Catarrh, A sthm a, Lung,
S tom ach and K id n ey troubles, and all Privat«
D iseases o f M n and W om en.
Just received fro m P ek in , C hina— safe, sur«
and reliable. U . fa ilin g in its w orks.
I f you can n ot call, w rite fo r sym ptom blank
and circu la r. In close 4 cen ts in stam ps.
The C. Gee Wo Medicine Co.
1 6 2 rival St., cor. Morrison, Portland, Or.
N o. 26-09
jTHKW w r i t i n g t o a d v e r t la e r « p l s a
m e n t io n t h i s p a p e r .
C r e s c e n t
0>A »
j #
Get it from
y o u r Grocer
C h eapness \
v s . Q u a lit y 'R
W In the matter o f food you can't afford to
sacrifice Quality for Cheapness. Economy
is right and good but inferior food products
are dear at any price.
is economical—not Cheap. T ry
It The best at any price or
your money back.
____ / ' f
under all
Tare F*>od Laws