— LOCAL — *;4MWN i « v Bean Spray Pumps at Stewart’s * Advertise in the BULLETIN— and get results. Hand saws filed at Husband’s Water pipe cut and threaded shop. at Husband’ s shop. A. Stewart spent yesterday on Graniteware assortment. Any his Springdale ranch. article 10c. Chown’s. -*+ + + *' i A. E. LAKE The Popular Clothier’ DEALER IN ALEX. STEWART D E A LE R IN General Merchandise * Men’s Clothing, Furnishings f j and Shoes )\ H O S IE R OREGON Economy Fruit Jars. Pints, Have you subscribed for this 8,5c; quarts, $1.10 at Chown’s. paper? I f not, why not? Mason, Schram and Economy W. E. Chown and w ife left on Fruit Jars o f all sizes at Stew- yesterday’ s local for a visit with A full and complete line o f rart’s. relatives in Portland. Geo. Chamberlain was a busi Paul Higley left on Monday * * ness visitor in Portland this for Portland, where he will take week. and in the Rose Festival. J. K. McGregor was a visitor I f you want the best grubbing in Hood River the first o f the machine, buy a Swenson. Piano Miss Nellie Weber, who has week. Alex Stewart. v_ House been visiting her sister, Mrs. Don’ t forget that the Bulletin J. E. Cole returned last Wed Wm. Johnson, for a fortnight, HOOD RIVER BRANCH nesday from a brief visit to printery is able to turn out first class job work on short notice at left on Monday for her home in Portland. Good value at Pittsburg Perfect Fencing Portland. Mrs. B. F. Reeves le ft on reasonable rates. Studebaker Wagons Raise Fund for Mosier Road. Our shoes are direct from the Tuesdav for a visit with friends and Buggies factory with manufacturer’s A soliciting committee com •in Portland. name stamped on every pair and posed of H. A. Maier, A. E. Cros A full line o f the latter in carload quan I f you want a good Spray we guarantee them. A. Stewart. by and Secretary Patterson of tity now in stock. Pump, buy a Bean—for sale by Stanley Eastman was a passen- the Business Men’s association, PAUL HUBBARD. Agent A. S t e w a r t . ger on Wednesday’s lccal for visited the merchants and profes- O f a class o f 45 law students Portland, where he will enjoy sional men o f this city last week TT r ' v. Cr who recently took examinations the sights o f the Rose Carnival, and secured funds to cover the J ^ Cv L v y . at Salem, two were girls. The rock work for the founda- amount o f damages occasioned P a i n t s , O i l s , a n d G l a s s Felix Edwards and sister went tion o f the new Christian Church by the opening of the Mosier to Portland by boat on Wednes- ¡s almost completed, and carpen- road along the old roadbed o f the R oom AND P ic tu r e M oulding dev to take in the Carnival of ters will soon begin the erection 0. R. & N. between The Dalles , . and Moiser. Surveyors who had All Kinds o f Lubricating Oils Roses. o f the edifice. It is estimated that 60,000 r Noack walked out to the £ °ne over the route assessed the c a te s o f strawberries will he p,emi„ K home L Sunday damages at $485.-O ptim ist, WALL PAPER shipped out of Hood River this took.dinner. We understood he E. E. F R A E D E R I C K season. had company “ all the w ay.” H e ; A GOO!) TIME. Doors, Windows, Lath J. M. Elliott left last Friday tsays the dinner was fine, I nstructor tn Lime and Cement for Portland, where he will re- Take notice, all ye men. When' Those who attended the enter P i a n o and O r g a n main a week or so and take in a member o f the finance commit tainm ent given by the school of T e r m s on A p p l i c a t i o n tee Rose Festival. tee approaches and offers you a District No. 8, were well repaid. Mosier - Oregon Washington St., bet. 2nd and 3d Young man, if you want a chance to place your name on The.program consisted o f guitar buggy to take your best girl out her subscription list for the big solos and duets by Mrs. Elmer TH E DALLES : ORE. HIDES! HIDES!! H ID ES!!! FLY-CATCHERS, BEWARE ' buy the best—A Studebaker—f o r ; celebration, don’ t fail to go down Root, and Mrs. Ernest Evans Bring your hides to the Bul in your jeans and dig up a hand and Miss Maud Evans; a vocal sale by Alex Stewart. Do not go around at the mercy of the W. A. HUSBANDS letin office. W e buy them, rep some sum. I t ’s money makes solo by the teacher, Miss Hope flies, providing a skating rink and parade B l a c k s m it h Mr. and. Mrs. Woollott re resenting Kauffman, Davidson, i Shelley; songs and recitations the mare go. ground for the disease carrying insects. Horse Shoeing and General Semmel, o f Portland. turned on Tuesday to their home ! by the scholars, and a song, The Mosier Base Ball Club met Repair Work. Get a hair restorer that really restores. in Portland, after visiting sever “ Forgotten,” by Mrs. Olive Por We will guarantee you a new thatch in a Satisfaction guaranteed al weeks with the family .of W. last Friday night and elected the ter, which o f itself was worth Notice for Publication following officers: John Denny, MOSIER - - OREGON short time if you use Clarke’s Dandercide. Not Coal Land. Carr. going far to hear. Manager, who will also act as We have depilatories also that arc sure, Department of the Interior. Alex Stewart has installed in A basket supper was served ,, chairman; John Wellberg, Secre- safe and speedy in action, as well as all U. S. Land Office at The Dalles. Oregon his store a display counter o f the tary.Treasurer; j. C. Brooks, and at a late hour all repaired to ^ pleasant place to spend a so- May 17th, 1909 kinds of toilet and dressing room articles Sherer patent style, which adds their homes with a satisfied feel cial hour is at ,, , « . ,, captain. A set o f by-laws was Notice is hereby given that Carl J. at moderate prices. greatly to the appearance o f the a|s() drawn up and adopted. A ing o f having spent a pleasant i Fredrickson, of Mosier, Oregon, who, on S. E. Fran.C’SCOS Pool Room. August 6th, 1902, made Homestead En- interior. evening. few o f the suits were turned | try, (Serial No. 020BH.) No. 11332, for About 75 people were present, Lot 1, South Half North-east Quarter, We are levers o f flowers, and over to the club and they will „ , , . „ . S o f t D rinks , C andy , C igars South-east Quarter North-west Quarter, our thanks are tendered Mrs. N. order two more so there will be T any ° 1 " >ni 'eing from Mosier. Section 3, Township 1 North, Range 11 East, Willamette Meridian, has filed P. Sturgess for a beautiful bou- enough suits to equip the team. : Ttle ln,m llie ^ ie ° 1 CHAS. N . C LA R K E - HOOD RIVER, OREGON T obacco notice of intention to make Final live- candy and the supper, $12.30, •quet el' clove pinks, which Messrs. Denny, Wellberg and, year proof, to establish claim to the ■ will be used for the benefit of land above described, before the Rcgis- she verydiindlysertt into -our of-1 Brooks will select the team, Mosier, Oregon tor and Receiver >f the Unite;: States the school. __ ____ Land Office, at The Dali, s, Oregon, on fice last Tuesday. That drug store which a Mil- the 23rd day of June, 1909. GOOD COOKING QUICK SERVICE Pleasure parties are taking ad- waukie man was going to put in Hood River will hold a straw Claimant names witnesses: T housands C ome for B ig vantage mf the high water, here did not materialize. The Isaac M. Thomas. ThomasC. Godber- berry carnival on June 18th, When in Hood River take your meals at son, Mrs. O. F. Godberson and Axel E. D r a w in g . which has risen to within 100 ft. druggist had gone so far as to which promises to eclipse any Peterson, all of Mosier, Oregon. 1 <of the railroad track, and spend engage the building, paying a Official announcement and de- thing o f the kind that has ever C. W. MOORE, I Register. the delightful evening* in boat- small amount down to bind the tails of the bi got mme t lot- been given in that town. The (First Pub. May21. Last Pub. June 18) ■'ing. bargain, but after getting hack tery by which more than 1,500.- 0. R. & N. Co. will run special Mr. 'Woods and w ife o f The home he found t hat business 000 acres o f land in W ashington j excursions from Portland and * Notice for Publication Dalles, were-in town yesterday. called him east and he had to Montana and Idaho will he dispo- The Dalles, and large crowds United States Land Office,The Dalles, 9 Mr. Woods is county manager o f f u t‘ ul> 1 u> L- There will sed o f was received at the Seattle from outside points are expect Oregon, May 11, 1909. 9 he another man in soon, howev- ant! office today from W ishington ed to take advantage o f them. the Pacific States Telephone Co., Notice is hi re by given that the er, who will open up a drug D. C., savs Oregonian of June 8. -r , Northern Pacific Railway Company, and his business here was con i on can t always tell, says an whose postoffice aneress is St. Paul, I he drawing takes place at Coeur , nected with the duties o f his store. , , . . exchange what will happen. Minnesota, has this lltli day of May, d Alone, udaho, beginningon the „ 1909 file'll in this office its application to office. There is little danger o f a fam For instance, there is a story o f select under the provisions o f the Act morning o f August 9, and includ Mosier is to play Underwood ine in India this year, as the rice es the Spokane reservation, 153,- a man who was determined ( 0 of Congress, approved July 1, 1898 (30 tj . . ,, 1 Stat. 597, 620) as extended by the Act PRESCRIPTIO N* SPECIALISTS on the home diamond next Sun- crop there is 1,108,116 tons heav- 600 acres; the Flathead reserva commit suicide. L e went to the I ;)f Congress, 17, 1906, 1: ongriss, approved May 17, the S 1-2 o f SW 1-4 Sic. 1 4 '. W 1-2 of day. In the last game with this 'er than last year. However, i f store and bought a rope, a can of tion 1,290,000 aCrt s and the Coe N\V 1-4 Eve. 23. Tp. 1 N . R. 11 EWM. [GOD R IV E R O REG O N oil, a box o f matches, a dose of team Mosier was defeated 17 to the venomous snake crop is as Any and all persons claiming adverse- ur d ’Aieae reservation 310,000 3. Everybody come out and see L'reat as usual, probably ns many arsenic and a revolver. He went . ly the lands described, or di siring to acres. The S. ikane reservation object because of the mineral character native lives will bo sacrificed ns doAn to the river, pushed the of the land, or for any other reason, to Mosier turn the tah’es on the is located about 35 miles from a famine would produce. The boat from the shore and paddled the disposal to i : | faca it, lh< ul : ft) team from Washington. Spokane, Wash., the Flathead ! their atr.idavits o f rot st in tais onice, natives, wearing nothing over to where a limb hung over, sat on or before the 24th day in June, 1909. reservation between Missoula and Mrs. Grace V. K ing and her the lower part o f their bodies, Musical. urated nis clothing with coal oil, I C. W. MOORE, Xalispell, Mont., and the Coeur sister, Miss Haze! Holmes, from Register. are more subject to the fangs of lighted a match and set fire t o ; d’ Alene reservation in Northwest Portland have been .visiting at Instruments (First Pub. May 21. Last Pub. June 18) the reptiles than are foreigners.!' his clothing, took the dose o f' Idaho, on the boundry line be the Pines Hotel the past week. who wear high-top shoes t„ arsenic, put the muzzle o f th e ! Miss Holmes returned tx> Port- n o t ic e f o r p u b l ic a t io n . tween that state and Washington, boots. revolver to his temple, pushed Hand the first o f this week, and i The methods used at the drawing United States Land Office, The program committee for at. Bonesteel,S.D.,will l>e adopted the boat from him and pulled the j The Dalles, Oregon, May 25, 1909 anay ireturn with another sister. Drop a dollar and a half in the the big celebration on July 3rd ! at the drawing. An enormous trigger. The bullet glanced and | Notice is hereby given that the slot and draw a prize—the Mosier Our thanks are due Mr. J. C. want a young lady to personate cut the rope above him, and he Northern Pacific Railway Company, 1 tent will be erected, and the whose post office address is St. Paul, Bulletin delivered at your postof d o le for a fine lot o f strawber Columbia. fell, ker-flop, into the river; the Minnesota, has this 20th day of May, A voting contest fice for one year. Contractors & Builders ries -which he 'brought in last will begin next week to decide tons o f certificates, each sealed water put out the fire and he 1909, filed in this office its application 1 in :;nenvolope.«’ uinped in the cen to select under ti ■ nrie. is:<> s o the night from his Paradise poultry who will represent, her Votes ter of a largo arena. Little boys got strangled and coughed up Act o f Congress, approved July 1. 1898, L. A. MESSING ranch. The 'berries are extra will be so’ 1 at 5 cents each, the the arsenic, He arose and wad- V!0 St‘lt- ~'"7- r' - ESTI.M A T E S F U R N I S H E D large and of delicious flavor. In proceeds to be used for the pur and girls will dig into the mass, ed out, and declared himself a Act of Conor* ss. approved i -iy 17, W atc h m a k e r and J e w e le r 1906, the NW 1-4 NW 1-4 Sec. 13, E 1-2 cluded hr. the gift was an enor chase o f the young lady’s outfit. the owners of-the first certificate candidate for ON A P P L IC A T IO N the lefislature on v v -K ¡Jj4 Sec’ 14’ T’ 1 - ‘ N ” R’ 1 1 F 'ESt" mous head o f lettuce, also a pro- Any young lady is eligible. The drawn l>eing declared the win the reform ticket.— Ex. 28 years experience. First class Anv an! all persons claiming adverse ner o f first choice in the particu •duct uf t-lie Paradise ranch work guaranteed. All Watch ly tin lands described, or . ir- » * • names o f contestants should be lar reservation in which he sought ing ro object because o ' ti- n.i rid I ’ i O S i e i and Clock Work warranted for For Sale Messrs. Higley and Rosier re handed in to Chns. Bennett at a homestead. character o f the land, or for any other i r sun, to the > (:> a I . ant. --------------- one year. T ry our work and it turned Saturday from Idaho, once so U.at they may be put on Many thousands o f people from re, . , . ' should file their affidavits o f pretisf in w ill speak for itself. Located at J. K. McGregor ' where they went recently b< in the voting list. Ion or more acres o f good fruit this office, <m or before the sth of Eastern and Middle West stator land, 81-2 miles from Mosier ¡July, 1909. the head of Main Street. • vestigate the «opening o f the Sho are expected to immigrate to the Suitionnn the little Mosier Creek, j C. W. MOORE. Mosier - Oregon General Rea! Estate Dealer Q u ite R ight shone reservation. They didn’t Northwest toattend the drawing. Level road and plenty o f good I Register Hike the looks o f things there, Newspaper men, as a rule, The fact that they can take ad water from creek and springs 1 1 : e ,Fir-i puif K- rm - s .luneiuan push .-dinnjuiy ■ T«w n Property and Fruit Land» and at present they think Mosier have but two tilings to sell Contains several Gut your Job W ork done at the vantage o f the low rates to the whole year. Notice for Publication iis good enough for them. space and subscription and it Ak.ska- Yukon-Pav 'ic Exposition gooti springs, one o f them hav Improved and Unimproved.. Bulletin ■ office. ing enough force to supply water U. S. Land Office at The Dali.-* Oregon The strawberry season at the would be just as consistent to for the greater part o f their trip in a house and for irrigation. We have the latest in type April 29. IP O Information cheerfully Furnished ask your grocer for a dozen Bateham ranch is about over. oranges “ just to fill up” as to is expected to result in the larg This tract o f land is one o f the and stock. An order for Notice is hereby given thst the Write or calL While tilie yield (this year was not ask the editor for a dozen lines est attendance at any land draw- best locations in Mosier District. Northern Pacific Railway Crnipany. printing is sure to be gotten whose post office addr. is Si. Paul, ¡so great -as bad been expected, in his paper just to boost your ir g in the history o f the country. Sheltered from high winds and Minnesota, has this 29th -:ay o f A* ’ . oat.on time : : : MOSIER - OREGON •owing to unfavorable -conditions business with the idea you are The size o f the tracts to be distrib contains j od deep, rich soil, l!Hh*. filed in this office its application Qur work is neat and guar to select under the provision o f the Act •earlier in the season, the output (il)V,1;'r ■'1,111 ness in helping “ fill uted varies from -18 to 160 acres, from the crook, which borders of anteed to be satisfactory in Congress, appro* cd July 1, ('j.i , . ... .. - . up space. rrv getting a iree DR. H. L. D U M B LE has been quite satisfactory, more dinner ;lt the hoi, . i;i> , , mak. according to location. The draw the east, the land lies toward the 8'.1t. 597, 620) as ext- nd d by the Act every respect : : : of Cong« ss. appro ed Mav 17. IS IS berries having been shipped by a show of busines r th- house. ing. width will consume three or west, with a gradual slope to the the NE I-t SU 1-1 s- c. 28 Tp. 2 N.. Pulls stump 7 f PHYSICIAN k s o SURF.SON Mr. Bateham this year than last Wasco Nows i -iso. fear days and possibly a week, foothills. One dozen 3-year-old 12 East. \V. M. diametev. O n l y Any ami all persons claiming n ver Steel Stump Pullet will be in charge o f James W. Spitzenberg trees a:e grow ing * ly the lands di son d, or des : ring .. F a c t o r y in the 'pu i f world making theif • i ’O W - W S ' X j IM K u au tm a u L muanme HOOD RIVER. OREGON Whitten, o f the General Land on it. Will make a very pretty ob.uct because of tm- mineral charac J o wn Steel Casting«. , o f the land, or for ar;y other reason. to Guaranteed fot Jik J. E. N I C H O L S 0 fin* at Washington, who has home. Price per acre, Sit 0. half the :s osai t 500 horse power lic e t. shotJc tilo i Addresa: Cata legue and ¿«count». U n d e r t a k e r a n d Fit n e r a l D i r a i t o r their affidavits o f pn’ list in t'ei? offi- -signaled a s ijiei lnieiia- cash, balance on easy teims. A ll calls imirr.otly att«*nd '*1. ni^ht ->r< > c cy on or before untrv Will practice in Mosier and D1 on ir- drawing, I légiste ra- EmbtUming a Swiulft/ Come and see it. Owner, C. W. MOOR Nichols BM jr. C<>r Onk rind F ifth Sts Si • > i **n Mi bi - vv. M. KO LLÖ CK . ly lie reached by long dis the drawing wili begin HOOD RIVER, OREGON cru in CHUiSTtAN WYSS. r-hor.e n.* R* ;•)! HOOD RIVER - OREGON 12 and t ne ». August A Jo Mosier. Ore. ïfBfiTfca;-. iti. ___ : tex «*, +* < Fir t r h Ma Last Tub J u M 11 i Gcnctal Agir.t for Oregon- tance phoi e. Horae phone 16. Exclusive agent for I THE D ALLES, OREGON 1 I Corner 2nd and Washington Sts. f S’ H am ilton B row n & Co. GROCERIES Th e J. M ille r Co. :s SI Shoe; D R Y GOODS HARDW ARE Low Pria :es BOOTS and SHOES and Terms F a rm M ach in ery Syracuse Plows, Harrows and Discs A lw a y s in Stock W e are ready to meet any bona fide any line that wc carry. cash price on TH E GLACIER P H A R M A C Y 1 s I DEBUSSEY’3 I I i Chop House and Restaurant THE HALL DRUG STORE I. C. Nickelsen Books The Dalles, Or. Hardwick „& Nord Oregon i Zimmermann Stasi Ce., Lene irse, la.