LOCAL Bean Spray Pumps at Stewart’s t Mrs. Dr. Robinson returned Mrs. John Evans went to Hood last Tuesday night from a visit Kjver yesterday to visit her with friends at Portland. daughter. Master Louis Gunning o f The D. M. Duvall is having his new Dalles, is visiting at the home of house painted, which adds great- his uncle, John Davenport ly to its appearance. Mrs. Chas. Graham and Miss Chas. Ehresman and family Elsie Denny were visitors in left yesterday afternoon for Cal- Hood River on Wednesday. ifornia, where they may locate. If you want the best grubbing George Sellingcr and daugh- machine, buy a Swenson. ter, Miss Adeline, were visiting Alex Stewart. in Hood River the first of the Miss Jones is “ Hello” girl at week, central now. Her shift is from Lee Evans returned this morn- 6 to 7:30 a. m. and Irom l to 10 jng f rom The Dalles, where he P* m' has been attending court as a G. L. Carroll and v/ife, Mrs. juror. M. H. Craitand M. L. Hunter gay> fellers, don’t forget the were visitors in Hood River last big meeting o f the Mosier Base Monday. Ball Clnb at the B u l l e t i n office Mrs. R. H. Kemp, o f Hood tonight. River, visited over Sunday with Don’ t forget that the Bulletin her brother and sister, John and prjntery is able to turn out first Gertie Davenport. class job work on short notice at Dr. C. A. Macrum, o f Port- reasonable rates, land, made a brief visit to , Mos- Grant Hinckle, a young man ler last Tuesday, returning heme WfirkinR on a ranch net,r town, in the afternoon. was overcome by the I - nes o f Young man. if you want a gjant powder while blasting, last buggy to take your best girl out Wednesday, and Dr. Robinson buy the b e s t -A Studebaker-for was cailej to attenr] him. The sale by Alex Stewart. young man is recovering. J. , N. , Mosier returned last , . . .... These warm days are bringing Wednesday from a visit with his th<? river u m an(J in a wife at Portland. Mrs. Mosier s ghort tjme the bottom8 below health is very much improved. town will be submerged. The Our shoes are direct from the boys are now having great sport factory with manufacturer’s spearing carp as they come onto name stamped on every pair and the fiat to feed on vegetation. we guarantee them. A. Stewart. ,.. . . , We were obliged to crowd out Mrs. Estelle Longenecker, who Memorial has been visiting relatives in Day exercises o f School District Mosier for a week or so, re- No w <> reg.el these omis- turned on Monday last to her siong> but they wi„ occur at home at Echo. times. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kuhn, It is reported this morning and Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Little- that the upper Columbia and page and daughter, o f Grand View Fruit Farm», .t * n d « d t h . (;4 \ Jr 1 . Children’s Overalls at Nichel S C. L. McKenna, of Portland, Rrothers i was in town last Sunday. u a w ^ CM|dren. , IIoBiery g Fred Wilson, of The Dalles, Nicho, Brothers. was a visitor in Mosier last bun- Our new line of Oxfords have day. arrived. Nichol Bros. Mason, Scham and Economy Have you subscribed for this Fruit Jars o f all sizes at Stew » -ii- paper? If not, why not? art’s. If you want a good Spray Dr. Robinson was a passenger Pump, buy a Bean—for sale by on yesterday’ s local for Port- A. S tewart . land. Mrs. Belle Booth returned on p;oyci Allington and wife were Saturday night last from a few vjsjtors jn Hood River Wednes- ® days’ visit in Portland. j ay ]ast thjs week a report of l_ L f © DEALER IN *y. city or country i>p!e upon t ceivtKf; » ujS2eE3À*Jii a ptx re t r .n n g f. «rif a g rg .- • i _____t Cenerai Merchandi Dealer in e n I Clothi / u ILEX. STEWART T ? MOSIER «*1 0 s Exclusive agent for The J. M iller Co. J & fC / ‘ \ V Ld and Buggies tity now in stock. § | gr ai b< b( BOOTS and SHOES F arm M achinery Syracuse Plows, Harrows and Discs W e can Please You in Style A lw a y s in Stock We are ready to meet any bona fide cash price on any Une that we carry. and in Price h f £ Come in-Ham a ñt | * w. Á . H A. HUSBANES B lacksmith Horse Shoe ng and General Repair Work. Satisfaction guaranteed MOSIER - - OREGON A .W E The » ropu irr Clothier J Cor. 2nd & Washington Sts O ' QUICK SERVICE » S GOOD COOKING 0 When in Hood River take your meals at g •? -i I DRY GOODS A full line o f the latter in carload quan ¡ j 4#| IE 4 RE H ARDW aj Pittsburg Perfect Fencing Studebaker Wagons $ it § jj GROCERIES ir Slices <, •-;< a \ 4 $ jf • A full and complete line of and f g » OREGON Ham ilton Brow n & Co. DEB USSE Y’S Chop House end Restaurant The undersigned is thoroughly prepared to put down open wells in any part of Wasco or Hoed River Counties, have a complete outfit inc’.udirg pipe cutting and £ -sr Also do all k threading ted 3. § kinds o f ccme.it and concrete work. A. E. N egus . s a The Dalles or Mt. Hood, Ore. 4 t or tt ë Piano House EIL The base ball suits arrived last Friday morning from San Fran- ciSCo. They are fine ones and 1 Notice for Publication Not Coal Land, , Deportment of tho Interior. HOOD RIVER BRANCH Good value at Fredricks0n, o f Mcriei, Oregon, who, on August 6th, l:>02, mar?« Homestead En- Low Prices and Terms V "-" 1 / , T south 11:1 ‘ Hail .'f'ir 'v " 'L No' B',1 '12’ ,tor Loi .North-east Quarter, PAUL HUBBARD, Agent **....... . “ ------------- • ! hereby given that Carl J. j H. GLENN & CO. Doors, Windows, Lath Notice for Publication Lime and be ( in c the trac com plea the ligffi hav< D< day, Di thosi and I n E v e r y b o d y ’ s M outh are our Tooth Washers and the praise o f them. They are pure, fragrant and antiseptic, cleansing both teeth and gums, removing the tartar and giving a sweet perfume to the breath. We also have Tooth Brushes, Powders and Soaps for dental purposes, and every requis ite for the bath-room and toilet. Our lines of fancy Soaps. Perfumes and Sachets are second to none in quality, but rather low in price. jj | j I i | ¡j Fis , A THE GLACIER PHARMACY HOOD RIVER, OREGON CH A S. N. C L A R K E Go To Dabney’s F ur ni t ur e Store You can get anything you want either New or Second Hand Soiith-rnsi q «rtcrNorth-wistQuart r. Section 8 lov. nship 1 North, Range 11 Kt.st, Wilhmttte Mtrir.ian, has filed nctioe o f int p.tion to triage Final five- year proof, to establish claim to the land above deaeri: cd, befere the Regia- P a i n t s , O i l s , a n d G l a s s ter and Receiver of the United Staus Land Olite-- , at The Dalits, Oregon, on R o o m a n d P ic t u r e M o u l d in g the ¿ir,i day o f June, It09.' Claimant names witnesses: , Isaac M. ihonu.s. Tin-mas C. Codbcr- All Kinds of Lubric so . Mrs. G. F. Godbi rson and / ...... i-.. Peterson, ail o f Mosier, Oregon. C. W. MOORE. Register. WALL PAPER (First. Pub. May 21. Last Pub. June 1«) to ar he ha 19 mi cU .Wi en cor cor wil am wit plis if WOl WELL WORK WELL DONE ' dance at Sf.oup s Hall last Sat- theColi.mbiuv.il! reach a very , l i .v M n .W w » .« .i n Last Sunday Mosier was again urday night. high stage this month defeated, this time by the team George Davenport and wife, G o in g S o m e We met our old from Belmont by the score of 16 . J Chas. Davenport, Mrs. P. Robin townsman; G. E. Townsend, in to 2. Stroup and Hurley were son and Forest Fisher, all of The Dalle® the other day, and he the lucky ones in scoring, ’ Nuif Portland, were up last Sunday informed us that he had severed ced. and held a family reunion at the his connection with Shank &Co. „ „ j, ... J. E. Higley and Fay Bosler Davenport home. M. T „ of Portland and was with Kauh- started on Wednesday last for M.SS jenny Booth a rriv e d man, Davidson & Semmel Co., Wah0f they will ^ pres. home last week from Weston of that city. Mr. Townsend is t t th ni,1(T f tl Sh Where she has been attending evidently a man well versed in ghone IndiPn ;i n the State Normal. She will h i. line o f b u sin g , that o f i hope t ^ ft spend the vacation with her buying hides for h.s company an>, if su, ccsafuk wil! 1)rpbahiy mother, Mrs. Belle Booth. has recognized his ability by of- m )Vt, p families out there. C. A. McCarger is having lum- ferinff him ^15° |,er nu,n! h and Geo. Bellinger brought into ber hauled to his ranch near expenses- ■l,'s r' se *n 'Vil' our office this week a sample of town, for the erection of a resi- Townsend’s fortunes only proves wheat grown on his farm near what any man, young or old, can dence. Mr. McCarger has re town which “ takes the cake” tired from active business and accomplish by strict attention to for anything o f the kind we business. will make his home in Mosier. have seen in this country. The A business meeting of the Y. wheat is o f the Russian Red va Meeting o f Stockholders. P. S. C. E. of Mosier was held riety and stands six feet high. Notice is hereby given that It is in the bloom and will grow at Mrs. Amos Root’s house last night. After the business was there will be a meeting o f sub some yet. Mr. Sol linger has attended to, a social time was scribers to stock in the Mosier about 21 acres o f this grain, and had, with music, refreshments, Valiev Bank, this afternoon at 3 will cut ii all for hav. o ’clock, for the purpose of per games, etc. fecting the organization and Funny Proposition. F. S. Gunning and wife of The electing a board of directors. ' A Man comes into the world with- Dalles, and Miss Alice Daven full attendance of the stockhold out his consent and leaves it port, spent Sunday with relatives ers is desired. against his will. During his in town. Mr. Gunning, who was stay on earth his time is one con seriously injured in an automo DALLES PHYSICIAN DIES. tinuous round o f contraries and bile accident several weeks ago, misunderstandings. in his in is improving, though he cannot Dr. Jonh Geisendortfer, a fancy he is an angel: in his boy- use his ann yet. prominent physician o f The hood ho is a devil: in his man- A large party came up from Dalles, died at St. Vincent’ s hood he is a damphovl: if lie Hood River last Saturday night Hospital in Portland, la.-d Satur- raises a family h<‘ s a chump: if to attend the dance given by E. (jay aged 46 years. Deceased he raises a check he is a thief: N. Stroup, which was a most was well known thruout the . , . . 11 ** • ..... . “>«* !S P°* * enjoyable affair. The hall is Pacific Northwest manager and has no sense; if he very spacious and the floor is one _________________ is rich he is dishonest; it he is in of the best in this section. A pleasant place to spend a s« politics he is a grafter and a Mrs. John Wellberg and child crook: if he goes to church he is cial hour is at ren spent yesterday with her a hypocrite; if he stays away brother, Ira Rowland, and his S. E. Francisco’s P ool Room from church he is a sinner: if be family, on the Washington side. donates to foreign missions he Although living less than tw o SOFT D r i n k s . C a n d y . C igars does it for show : if he «i«>« ^ i «* i he miles away, this is the first op is stingy and a “ tight wad.” T obacco portunity Mrs. Wellberg has had When he first comes into the to visit at her brother’s home in world everybody wanls to kiss Oregon him: before he goes out they eleven years. Mosier, IC H O L S d F u ñ e r a / ¡) i r e c t o r i i m i K •: »-«li*, i wmmxw .- * .«+♦+» New Post Cards at Chown’s. legis: Of th of tb Crool ies. fish h stre# to the ting wheel the g« for your Home very cheap. Agents for CHARTER OAK Stoves and Ranges Hood River Oregcn THE HALL DRUG STORE tion ¡ whole men, people ceedui just a¡ toriai tw oci PRESCRIPTION SPECIALISTS HOOD RIVER OREGON Cement United States Land Office,The Dalles, - V 11, 1909. Notice is hereby given that the North' rn Pacific It lilway Company, Washington St., bet. 2nd and 3d Musical \vb.- s ; «-¡¡-office adi.n ss is St. Paul, .'JiniHsot ,, has this 11th day o f May, Instruments : ORE. 1 :r.l filed i. this office its application to . THE DALLES seket under the provisions o f the Act > l' Uongri ss, approved July 1, l.diS ("0 j NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Str.t. Ok-'I i.s e x t ; b y the A ct! o f Congress, approved May * 17, Ii>0d i United States Land Office, the S 1-2 ■ : SW 1-4 Sec. 1 W 1-2 of The Dalles. Oregon, May 25, 1909 Drop a dollar and a half in the NW 1-4 Sec. 23. Tp. 1 N.. It. 11 EW K. , Notice is herebv given that the Any ami all persons claiming adverse slot and draw a prize—the Mosier ly the lands described, or desiring to Northern Pacific Railway Company, Bulletin delivered at your postof ol-.i-. ct because of the mineral character •vh so post offic ■ address is St. Paul, of the inn-1 or for any other reason, to Minnesota has this 20th day o f May, fice for one year. Contractors & Builders til i :s[ etc 1 to ap; licant, should fii" 19o- . filed in this offic-' its application j- ir lUiUdavits of protest in this ogee, to s lect under the provisions o f the ro- - cl July 1, 181K, on or before the 24th day o f June, 1909. Act of ( ’«.'.gross. L. A. MESSING (90 St«t. 597, 620) ns extended by the E S T I M A T E S F U R N I S H E D C. W. MOORE, 'c t o f Congress, "prov-d May 17, Register. 190.3, th.' NW 1-4 NW 1-1 Sec. 13, F, 1-2 W atchmaker and J eweler ( First rub. May 21. Last Pub. Junp Ls) NE 1-1 Sec. 14, T. 1. N., R. 11 Ernst, ON APPLICATION W. M. 28 years experience. First class Any and all persons cl: iming adverse For Sale ly the lancis described, or desir work guaranteed. All Watch ing to object because of the mineral ar.d Clock Work warranted for chnraoter o f un* th« iand, or for any other . ; «.H su «etcì ui Ton or more acr P' c 8X»rl * t * n iir reason, to the disrosal to applicant, one year. Try our work and it land* 3 1 *3 m ilos troni Àiositr should file their affidavits o f nrotust in will speak for itself. Located at J. K. McGregor Station on the litUe Mosier C reok . this O t c w on or • efore the 8th day o f L C. Nickeîsen Books The DaHes, Or. Hardwick & Nord Mosier Level ^ v fei road lV iUl and plenty plenty o . f g o o d r uly’ water from creek ana springs the wh le « ir. Contains several Oregon the head o f Main Street W. MOORE. Register. Mosier General Real Estate Dealer - Oregon g, <Ki sj rings, one of them lntv- iFim-t Publication June 4 : Igist Publication July *>) Town Property and Fruit Lands Get your Job Work done at the ing enough force to supply water Notice for Publication Improved and Unimproved. Bulletin office. jo ¡'.« . se And lor irrigation. This tr: t of lard is one of the U- S. Lanil Office at The Falks, Oregon ,a 'OST 4 !- cations in Mosier District We have the latest in type and stock. An order for printing is sure to be gotten out on time : : : Our work is neat and guar anteed to be satisfactory in every respect : : : Information cheerfully Furnished Not is hereby given that the -•rth -•n I’acif Kr.i vav ( iruoany, Write or call. vest jfik art tr. .-s is St. Patl. Miin ne iota, hss t>-is 19th - ay o f April, MOSIER - OREGON 19<L»y, * ile,1 in tris office its ai-plication to SeL nt u: l«r the provision of Hie Act of Cor i 4 r«ss. l-oieil July I. 1S98 (30 DR. H. L. DUMBLE St Tt. Í ■;,7. ,-20) as :t .—-*■ ' by the Act of Cor :.,n sv. .... ro \ ay ' 17, i«>06. on » i make a very pretty f- N * . 1 ¿ fete. Tp. 2 N ., K. PH Y S I C I A N \ n d S U Iw G E O N home F rice per acre. 0. half 12 Eat t. w M. Anv : \ erso '.s clairr.incr ariven?- i*:' balance on easy ter ly t':è >me and s * h ' it. Owner. O' :« ft OREGON -.«C in. .« r ,i character HOOD RIVER o f : ; ti or f r a i other reason, to C hris i \ n Wv«s, the « i' r. to applicant, should tile Mosier. Ore. their a iavits o prot« st in this office, cn or L ore the luth cay o,' June. 1909. Will practice in Mosier and Shiite»-,» >1 fro m h ig h wineIs ¡.nd con ta in s gixxl d tv p . rich! soil. fr o m tin * creek . w h it■h b o rd e rs lies : ow a rd th e th-.* ca rt. the la w est, wi th n err ulual s lo re to th e fo o th ills One d ozen 3-yc>ar-old S p it::en l « r g tre- l * s are■ g r owing want to kick him. If be g ; o * young there was a great future before him: if he lives to a ripe old ago ho is in tho way. only living to save uuut - I . \ enses. Advor Life is a very fum y proposition tnd w t after ail. -- Ex. C. W. MOORE. in the B ulletin — i .: •< i . t>. Register. , p,a jun» n » , M onarch 5 «T U M P M tsui . C ittfc* » « J dhcoontt. Zimir.arniana S! e ?I G o ., Lene Tres, la. W . M. KOLLOCK May be reached by long dis tance phone. Home phone 16. -V ' fULLEH« Pulls stump 7 feH diameter. O n l y Stef! Stump Pullet F a c t o r y in the world making their ow n Ste*! C astings. Guaranteed for 500 horse power Address: i HOOD RIVER - OREGON ignvrai Aggnt for Oregon enenc