PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY M BY H. G. KIBBEE. Proprietor Um i ’ _ SUBSCRIPTION RATES * One ' ear.. Six Months i THr*- Morulla Entered as «ec^nd-cíass matter Mandi 1-. l ì theapo-’ office at Mutier, Oregon, under the A ct oi Marci 1879. iM O S IE R CLEANS UP MOSIER, W A SC O C O U N T Y , OREGON, F R ID A Y , JU N E 4, 1909 VOL. I MOSIER TO HAVE A BANK. 'i - v > v-_ v- V - - Ì V i i , ' ' v - "• •'V'a» A ll See Civic Improvement Club Serves .Articles of Incorporation Filet!— Dinner to Workers. Much Interest Shown. ' B usiness entrusted to T he C are of the Î N ICHOL First National Bank T LARAWAY of The Dalles, Oregon W IL L H AVE PROMPT A T T E N T IO N D EA LER S IN Hood R ivers Reliable Jeweler for £ Watches, Diamonds, Jewelry Capital - - $100,000.00 f Surplus and undivid­ I ed profits - 100.000.00 Í J. S. SCHENCK, P resident 5 E d M. W illiams M ax A. V qgt I Vice Pres. Cashier That Mosier will get the long- Las' Tuesday was a red-letter day for Mosier. At 8 o clock ta.lked-of bank seems assured. M. Ross, a banker of many o f the men and boys oi ti e Rob years’ experience in the East town appeared on the streets H e can make your match keep time armed with picks, shovels, rakes, and South, after investigate, crowbars, etc., and commenced a number of points in Oregon cleaning the streets. Two teams and Washington, has selected GRAHAM’S BAKERY Base Bail Club Organized. Credit to Mosier. were kept busy hauling off the Mosier as offering the best op­ and Last Monday night a number rock and rubbish—the accumu­ portunity for a profitable bank­ The women of Mosier deserve ing business. On May 31st he lation o f years. Brush heaps credit for organizing the Civic of the men and boys o f Mosier RESTAURANT and log piles were burned, and met a number of the citizens at Improvement Club and should met at the warehouse of the things that had been eye-sores Lamb’ s Hall and discussed the have the hearty support of every Fruit Growers’ Association for to she public were disposed of. proposition. Much interest was true American citizen. The club the purpose of organizing a base Fresh Bread and Pastry every day H. G. Kibbee was and by night that part of the manifested and assures the suc­ was organized for the purpose of ball club. down which had been worked on cess of this new business ven­ improving and beautifying the elected chairman and J. M. Car- MRS. E. L. GRAHAM, P rop . The club was presented a striking contrast to ture. Mr. Ross expressed the town of Mosier by asking every roll. secretary. its former appearance, and to opinion that with favorable con­ business man and resident» to organized with a membership of M osier - O regon the rest of the town which has ditions the bank will be able to clear away the rocks and rubbish about 28, the fee being $1.00 and not as yet felt the rejuvenating open its doors for business with­ from their premises, and places dues 10 cents per week. There G eo . C h a m b e r l a i n The stock touch of the “ house-cleaners.” in the next month. of business. Keep the front are yet a number o f persons who Al! sorts and conditions of men o f the bank will be distributed clear o f boxes and such things have not put their names down, REAL ESTATE and boy3 reported for work— throughout the entire community that block the walk in front of but with each member a com­ even ye editor and Jack McGreg­ and the officers and directors the stores, in other words, the mittee of one, the names are be­ Fruit or coming to the front with a will all be well-known local citi­ owner of the townsite to stipulate ing constantly brought in. This Lands determination to “ do or die.” zens. These will be elected at a in the contract of sale that each is a good move and was brought a They “ did,” and very nearly meeting to be held within the one should consider ic his duty to about by the manner in which • next few days and we will per­ Mosier has been playing base ball. | Specialty died—at the dinner table. keep that portion of the street The boys and girls of Hosier haps be able to give full details in front of his residence or place The club will take over the uni­ Oregon require special meniion for their in our next issue. of business free from all obnox­ forms which the boys have re­ Mosier About 830,000 o f Mosier money ceived, paying them back what energy during the forenoon. ious things that hurt the eyes They worked with a will and is deposited in The Dalles, Hood and cause strangers or prospect­ they have paid out on them. were valuable assistants under River and Portland banks. Not ive residents to have unpleasant Everybody who wants to, can George Chamberlain’s supervis­ all this will be withdrawn at opinions o f us and say we were try out for the team. We have ion. The ladies of the Civic Im­ once in favor of the Mosier bank not up-to-date. So every person plenty of material here for a provement Club, assisted by the but the people will gradually should help the club, for their high-class team, and if indica­ GAY Y O W E L L , Mgr. other ladies, in town, had pre­ patronize a home institution, and object and purposes are good tions count for anything, that is pared a sumptuous bnnouet in it is the general opinion that a ones and will do a great work if what we will have. Everybody' Harness and Saddlery Goods Lamb’s Hall, to which all those bank here will be a good invest­ the people will take kindly to it, is enthusiastic over the idea. Tents, Wagon Covers, Etc who had worked for the public ment. and they will, for it originated Another meeting will be held to­ Hand-made Harness a Specialty welfare and received a little red in Mosier; was organized in Mos­ night to further perfect the or­ Everybody come | HOOD RIVER - OREGON ticket, were invited. This ban­ Mosier Visitors Burned out. ier by the ladies of Mosier and ganization. quet was the ladies’ contribution out and help. The place of Mr. and Mrs. Cbas. Newman, every lady was present or nearly meeting is the Bulletin office at to the work, and the vigor with of Hood River, attended the everyone, and when the women which the hungry men and boys 8 o’ clock. undertake a task it is a success. dance at Stroup’ s Hall last Sat­ attacked the delicious viands was DENNY & HARVEY urday night, furnishing the mus­ If they can’ t win with kind an eloquent tribute to the high words they will with broomsticks ic for the dance. They left their G reenwood D E A L E R S IN culinary art attained by Hosier’ s j home securely fastened, and and shovels. So, men get out of ; fair cooks. Mr. Louis Kruger is spending there had been no fire in the your habit of whittling on dry Fresh and Cured Meats To the Civic Improvement building since before neon. goods boxes, spinning yarns and the week on the hill. Club belongs the credit for the I Country Produce About midnight, however, a talking loud. Get to work and work done Tuesday. Much more I. M. Thomas is preparing to' help the cause, for Mosier and neighbor, who was up with a work remains to be done, and it move his family next week. It sick child, discovered that the Mosier women are the best that isftheir intention to have another will be a much regretted loss in climate and nature can produce. Newman house was on fire. The ‘ ‘clarin’ up” time before long. the neighborhood. M. L. H unter , alarm wras given, but before help In the meantime the household­ arrived the entire structure was Memorial Day was observed ers can get busy and clean up ablaze, and the neighbors suc­ at school on Friday by appropri - 1 their premises and beautify their HIDES!! HIDES!!! Notary Public ceeded in saving but two chairs. HIDES! ate exercises. Among the vis-1 homes, thus assisting in making There was an insurance of $800 Bring your hides to the Bul­ itors were Messrs. Ole and Pete and Mosier an attractive town. Also, on the house but none on the letin office. We buy them, rep­ Olesen, Dickinson, Stoltz, Mrs. j let every individual in the com­ Fire Insurance contents, which included a fine resenting Kauffman, Davidson, Godl>ersen, Mrs. Wilson and Mr. j munity take a personal pride in piano. and Mrs. Powell. Semmel, of Portland. Mosier - Oregon the appearance of our streets by Mystery surrounds the burn­ picking up, wherever and when­ ing of the Newman house, as no JOHN G. ZOLLS & SONS ever he sees it, any flying paper, fire was in the range, no light or rubbish o f any kind, on the Contractors in Stone, Brick and Con­ had been left burning and the street and placing it in recepta­ crete W ork electric light company claims the cles which should be furnished wires were all right and that the Hood River - Oregon and placed conveniently for the purpose. The habit of cleanli­ blaze could not be caused by de­ fective wiring o f the building. ness and order will grow on a DAVID ROBINSON, M. D. community, as on an individual, There will be an entertainment am! soon we v/ill have a town P hysician and S urgeon Which will be remarked upon by given by the school at No. 8 Strangers as the cleanest, most school house Thursday evening, MOSIER - OREGON •attractive place they know of. June 10th, at 8:15 o’clock. The Individual and civic pride will program will consist o f recita­ C. II. JENKINS, D. M. I). accomplish wonders for a town.: tions, readings and vocal music. D entist Let us have it sufficient, and One of the musical features is a OFFICE OVER BUTLER BAN KIN G COMPANY contralto solo by Mrs. J. Howard Mosier will come to the front. ram Office 28 Residence 28 B Porter. After the program a H O O D R IV E R - OREGON B Dame Rumor reports a wed­ lunch will be served and home­ ding in the Greenwood neighbor­ made candy sold. No admission. h o o d last Tuesday, hut as no S. E. BART MESS Pro­ ■Minde has “ showed up” to claim Refreshments 10 cents. Undertaker and Embalmer the kiss which the editor is sup­ ceeds to be used for supplment- posed to give on 3uch occasions, ary bocks. A good program and Hom e Phone 62 K Pcs. Manager j Furniture and Carpets, Etc. ¿an d as no hunk of wedding cake a pleasant social evening is as­ as yet made its appearance HOOD RIVER, : OREGON Remember No. 8 school |n our sanctum, it is possible that sured. the report was a canaid. We house, Thursday evening, June “ FINE LAUNDRY W ORK’’ 10th. 8:15 o ’clock. not. Groceries and Gents * Furnishings FLOUR. FEED, CLOVES, FAMILY MEDICINES, ETC. Exclusive agent for D o u g h e r t y - F i t h i a n Shoes Mosier - Oregon 'MMW o t H. F. BOTHFUR Mosier - Oregon Real Estate, Insurance and Loans. Fruit Land in large and Small Tracts. W e have som e very rare values for the investor and the homeseeket. Write or call for full information. -------------- KMbMfcW-------- -------------------------- WKMKM__________ T he PINES HOTEL JOH N W ELLBER G , Prop. DAVENPORT Good Accommodations H A R N E SS Co. Rates $ 1 .0 0 per day and up MOSIER, OREGON MOSIER MARKET Mosier Established 1 9 0 0 Incorporated 1 9 0 5 j BUTLER f A * B A N K IN G COM PANY Ì H O O D R IVER . O R E G O N Pioneer Bankers of Hood River Valley. Transact a General Banking Business. Interest Paid on Time Deposits l Oregon j 1 - LESLIE BUTLER, President F. McKERCHER, Vice President TRUM AN BUTLER. Cashier Alex. Stewart I BRIDAL VE LUMBERING CO. | | A Complete Line of Feed, Grain, Field Seed, Poultry Supplies, Spray t Materials, Fertilizers, Etc. I I SPECTYL PRICES ON RED CLOVER SEED AT I W H IT E H E A D ’S FEED * H O O D R IVE R : W. D. ROGERS, Proprietor STORE O R EG O N MISS M. L. METCALF. Aattetant Hood River Studio Photographs and Phonograps Hood River Oregon (Branch) s HOOD RIVER - OREGON j I ! I E . C. BROCK, Out Sale! Now is the time to spray! n Cog Gear 0 if 1 M f Ï d t OR A COMPLETE GASOLINE OUTFIT FROM HOOD RIVER - M. laundry Company Another Week At Cost ORE. j MOSIER, __ _______ FIRST NATIONAL BANK HOOD RIVER, OREGON At the close o f business, April 28, 1909, to the Comptroller o f the Currency, Washington, D. C. Liabilities Resources Loans and Discounts $2(i4,713.14 O verdrafts - - - 1,603.94 United S tates Bonds and Premiums - - 25,937.50 Other Bonds and W arrants 2H.095.t9 Real E state - - - 10,000.00 Furniture and Fixtures - 3,408.97 Redemption Fund - - 1,250.00 Due from Banks $93,811.97 Cash in S afe - 29.472...8 * 1 2 3 ,0 6 4 .3 5 Office at Fashion Stables H ood R iver - r a l ,:t, . Stock Capltal 6100,4 „ , Surplus $ 100 , 000.00 20 , 000.00 3 , 599.25 Undivided Profit» 25 , 000.00 Circulation 307.499.Ç4 Deposits $ 456 , 098.89 \ oregon J A tte st Correct, E. O. B lanchar , Caahier O regon * CHGWNj ¿' N WELCH Condensed Report of the Condition of ■9 - t i V r< ‘■i ‘ ,.i 5*1?, ■*.*- 1? » f l A J.A _ j j ___fV.-çf^ 's k . R egister V eterinary S urgeon T|j M c D o n a l d ¿r* * 1. «MI» Satisfaction. Proprietor o f the Square Deal Store All Dry Goods will be sold 4 i™ Spray Pump D. Hood River JOHN W ELLBEKO, M osier A gent To do it Properly, get a Guaranteed to Give Done with neatness and dispatch CHARTER No. 7272 PARADISE POULTRY YARDS Sturgess Rid ;e. George Sturgess made the school a flying visit Monday. G. W. Grose finished spraying the fore part of the week. The Hood River butcher purchased a band o f cattle which he drove to Hood River Mor day. C. A. Hage has H. G. K I B B E E finished papering and painting his house. Every thing looks clean. N O T A R Y PUBLIC Looks rather suspicious, don’ t M o s ie r - - - O r e g o n it? Every time a cloud comes in Thoroughbred Rhode Island Red and White Leghorn Eggs for Hatching. JAS. E. COLE, Mgr. sight, N. P. runs for the hoe to open ditches, to run the water where he wants it, and lo! the rain has passed around. Aunty Porter is up and around again ami is preparing to go to Mosier. George Huskey, wife and baby, left for Portland Saturday. Sev­ eral of the boys from this district took in the ball game Sunday. Everybody is busy on the ridge, and everything is looking fine. .J ib