Mosier bulletin. (Mosier, Or.) 1909-19??, May 28, 1909, Image 3

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    ■ * V
W e produce In Hood’s Sarsaparilla
a medicine that has an unap*
roached record of cures of
B crofula,
eczema, eruptions, catarrh
rheumatism, anemia, nervousness, that
tired feeling, loss o f appetite, etc.
The combination and proportions of
the more than twenty different remedial
agents contained in H ood's Sarsaparilla
are known only to ourselves, so there
can be no substitute.
/This medicine makes healthy anu
strong the “ Little Soldiers” in your
b l o o d , — those corpuscles that fight the
disease germs constantly attacking you
N o t A l l Im p r a c tic a l.
Mothers w ill find Mrs. Winslow’ s Soothing
syrup the 1,. st remedy to use for their chiidreJ
du ring the leetlriug period.
N atu re
F ak e rs.
The cat was looking at the king.
"H e isn't so very much of a sight
either.” mused the cat. ’T v e got eigh
more lives that he has.”
Herein we see that mere rank counti
for nothing when compared with thing!
that are ranker.— Chicago Tribun#.
H is
H lr a .
“ Just the same,” said the Pittsburg
man, “ we pay our preachers a higher av­
erage salary than preachers get in any
other town.”
"You ought to,’ responded the Cincin­
nati man. “ You have tougher mattria)
to work on than any other town has.”
T Y P E W R IT E R ?
Wholesale Typewriter Co,. 37 Montgomery St.,
San Francisco, w ill sell you one at 40 to 75 per
cent discount from factory list, all makes on mar­
ket, all fully guaranteed.
S e lf- A b n e g a t io n .
Photographer (exhibiting plate)— You
moved your head a little, ma’am. We
shall have to try again.
Sitter >with lap dog)— Not at all.
moved my head on purpose. I want Fido
to be the whole thing in this picture.
G e rm a n
W a ll
P ap e r T ra it.
Negotiations among the German man­
ufacturers of wa'.l paper have finally
led to the organization of a trust. The
seven leading manufacturers who have
already Joined have a combined annual
production of about $2,620.000.
C IT C Bt Vitu9 Dance ana orvoas Diseases perms*
I ll J n e n t l y cared by Dr fc .i no' e Great Nerve Re­
storer. Send for FREE $2 00 trial bottle and treatise.
Dr. K. U Khne. Ld . 931 Arch St.. Philadelphia. Pa.
Th ose
U a e lea a
Q u e s t io n * .
ever pick up a
“ Billy, did you
trolley with your bare hands?“
“ Many a time.”
“ Didn’t it give you a shock?”
“ Give me a shock? It killed me dead
every time.” — Chicago Tribune.
C o m in g
F in a n c ie r .
“ now is your boy getting along at
that business college?”
“ Splendidly. When he sends me his
monthly statement of the debts he owes
it is drawn up in such an absolutely cor­
rect and businesslike form that I always
send him my check for the amount with*
•ut a murmur.’*
It Cures While You Walk. ^
A lle n ’s Foot-Ease is a certain cure for hot,
sweating, callus, and swollen, aching feet. Sold
by a ll Druggists. Price 25c. Don’ t accept any
«ubeiitute. Trial package FltEE. Address
A llen 8. Olmsted, I.e B oy, N. Y.
C o n rtco u .
S oil R em oves Dispute O ver
Cam e Law s.
Washington, M ay 25.— The
U nited
States Supreme court yesterday declin­
“ A ll writers are not Impractical, ar*
“ Oh. no. One man w ill write a Joke
and sell It for 50 cents. Another w ill
w rite a comic opera around It and
draw $20,000 In royalties.” — Louisville
W o rth y
Decision That Sand Island is O regon
R e fo rm .
“ What will you do, River», "
Brooks, •‘ when they do away w ith tht
smokiug cars?"
“ I shall circulate a petition,” answer-
ad Rivers, savagely, “ demanding tbat tht
chewing gum cars be abolished!”
O n e o f th e l'.n rly
Supreme Court Upholds Oregon
In Boundary Controversy.
H ig h w a rm a n ,
ed to gran t a rehearing in the Oregon-
boundary case in vo lvin g
the location o f the state line near the
mouth o f the Columbia river. Shortly
a fte r the court decided this question in
favor o f O regon’ s contention, ex-Seo-
ator Turner, o f W ashington, filed a
motion fo r a re-hearing on behalf o f
his state, and w ith that motion he filed
a b rie f settin g forth the alleged new
grounds upon which the case should be
The court, however, holds that the
question involved is so simple, and the
facts so apparent, that there is no
ground w hatever for the contention o f
Washington, and it th erefore declines
to g iv e further attention to the contro­
versy. There is no possible further
appeal from yesterday’ s action, there­
fore O regon ’ s claim to Sand island and
other disputed fishing grounds in the
low er Columbia is finally established.
Judge B rew er advised that the tw o
states should follow the plan o f the
Southern states bordering on the M is­
sissippi riv e r and ask congress to ap­
point a commission to determ ine all
the niceties o f the question.
M eanwhile the court’ s decision in
favor o f Oregon w ill control and w ill
have the effect of g iv in g to that state
jurisdiction over the disputed territory.
Five P eop le Killed. Many Injured and
Much Grain D estroyed.
Oklahoma C ity, Okla., M ay 25.—
F iv e persons are dead and at least 10
seriously injured, several
acres o f crops are inundated and every
stream in the northern and eastern
part o f the state ragin g as a result o f
an alm ost unprecedented rains during
the last 24 hours in Oklahoma. A
number o f houses have been washed
R ailroad tracks near Shawnee, Hoi
mansville, Tulsme, Pawnee, V in tis and
Oklahoma are inundated and sections
uf tracks are washed out. B ridges are
unsafe along the Arkansas, Cimmaron
and Canadian rivers and traffic is gen ­
erally delayed. The flood is the w orst
since 1872 and the loss o f crops w ill
reach many thousands.
N ea r M iam i the Neosho rive r is out
o f its banks and many farm s are cov­
ered w ith water.
A cloudburst at
K rem lin damaged houses and crops.
A small tornado struck Morris, de­
m olishing the M ethodist church and
several residences.
Black Bear creek, in Pawnee county,
is out o f its banks and hundreds o f
people are m oving to higher lands. A t
V in its the Grand riv e r threatens all
lowlands and the railroads.
In the oil fields four 16,000 barrel
tanks w ere struck by ligh tn in g and
Hail Ruins Standing Grain.
Honolulu, M ay 25.— The Japanese
laborers o f the Ewa and W aialua plan­
tations struck today, pending a reply
o f the sugar planters to th eir demands
for increased pay.
On these planta­
tions the Japanese have hitherto held
out against the determ ination o f th eir
fellow countrymen to strike. The Jap­
anese M erchants’ association resolved
today to s triv e to prevent the spread
o f strikes and to cu ltivate a better un­
derstanding between capital and labor
by m aintaining an unbiased position
between the two.
Out-of-Town People
Body Starts on V oyage.
geles, May 25.— The body o f
Should remember that our f rce is so arranged
that WE C A N DO TH E IR E N T IR E CROWN. Madame Helena Modjesks, the noted
BRIDGE AND P L A T E WORK IN A D A Y if Polish tragedienne, who died at her
TR A C T IN G FREE wh*n plates or bridges are or- home at B ay C ity a month ago, w ill be
today from the vault at C al­
TE E TH A N D ROOTS W ITH O U T TH E LE A S T r e m o v e n
vary cem etery ard started on its long
P A IN . NO STUDENTS, no uncertainty.
journey to Poland for interm e - t. I t
For the N ex t Fifteen D a y «
w ill be accompanied by Count Charles
We will give you a good 22k gold or porce-
lain crown f o r ................................ ...... . $3.50
22k bridge teeth............................... ......... $.50 Bonzenta Chlapwaki, w idow er o f the
Molar crown...................................... ......... 8,00 late actress, and by Adam Ophids, a
Gold or enamel fillings....................... ......... 1.00 nephew.
A t Chicago the party w ill be
Silver fillings..................................... ............... 50
Good rubhc-r pla?es........................... ......... 500 joined by Ralph Modjeska and fam ily.
The best r d rubber plates............... .........
Painless extractions ........................ .........
A L L W O R K G U A R A N T E E D 15 Y E A R S
D r. W . A. W is e
President and M anager
The Wise Dental Co.
tlN C 1 n u id *rd « i hinrton Sts.
Six Quake Victim s Shot.
Messina, May 25.— One o f the sever­
est shocks since the b ig earthquake
was fe lt here today.
The movement
was both vertical and horizontal and
lasted ten seconds.
The shock was
preceded by a rum bling noise, The
populace was panic stricken.
Old F avorites
Wash., M ay 25,— W ar to a
finish w ith an appeal
through injunction proceedings, i f ne­
M ille r
(h e
U ee.
cessary, was decided upon Sunday by
There dwelt a miller, hale aad bold.
Beside the River D ee;
the A . Y . P. exhibitors who are re­
H t wrought aad M ug from more tIV
sisting the efforts o f the exposition
company to erect booths on grounds al­
No lark more blithe than b e ;
ready allotted to various states, Ore­ And this the burden of his song
Forever used to be,
gon being the first to p recipitate the
“ I envy no man, no, not I,
fight against the unseemly disfigura­
And no one envies m e!”
tion o f its beautiful grounds.
T o carry this determ ination into “ Thou’rt wrong, my friend,” said old
King Hal,
effect, an organization to be known as
“ As wrong as wrong can be |
the E xh ibitors’ club, was form ed at For could my heart be light as thins,
I ’d gladly changs with thee.
the Oregon building.
Colonel J. A .
And tell me now what makes thee sing
Filcher, executive commissioner fo r
With voice so loud and free,
While I am sad, though I'm the King,
C alifornia, was
Beside the ltiver Dee?”
chairman, and W. H. Wehrung, presi­
dent o f the Oregon commission, was
elected secretary.
A ttorn ey General The miller smiled and doffed his cap!
“ I earn my bread,” quote h s !
Crawford, who had been summoned to
advise the Oregon commission as to its “ I love my wife. I love my friend,
I love my children three.
righ ts in the controversy, took the po­
I owe no one I can not pay,
sition that the exposition authorities
I thank the River Dee,
had no rig h t to erect booths on the That turns the mill that grinds the cor-
Oregon grounds, or on any other
T o feed my babes and me 1”
grounds assigned to differen t states,
counties and the governm ent. Encour­ "Good friend,” said Hal, and sighed ths
aged by this v ie w o f the situation
“ Farewell! and happy be!
resolution was unanimously adopted at
the m eeting firm ly protesting against But say no more, if thou'dst be true.
That no one envies thee.
locating any booths on any grounds
Thy mealy cap Is worth my crown;
without permission.
Thy mill my kingdom's fe e !
M eanwhile the exposition authorities
Such men as thou a*e England's boast.
are standing pat and say they w ill
Oh, miller of ths D ee!"
erect the 100 booths planned.
They — Charles Mackay.
promise to incur as little frictio n as
T h e S p a n is h C a v a lie r .
possible, but declare th eir authority is
supreme, and they must have th eir A Spanish cavalier stood in his retreat!
way. Should the E xh ibitors’ club be
And on his guitar played a tune dear;
upheld in the courts, and it now seems ’^he music so sweet they’d ofttimea re­
sure the case w ill reach the courts, it
The blessings of my country and you.
w ill d evolve upon the exposition au­
th orities to establish a special place
fo r the booths, as the exposition au­
thorities themselves declare that the
Say, darling, say, when I ’ m far away.
booths should not be installed in the
Sometimes you may think of me, dear;
court o f honor, thus m arring that Bright, sunny days will soon fade away
bright feature o f the grounds.
Remember what 1 say to be true, dear.
P 1 L E €
DR. W . A. W IS E
Fair Exhibitors Will Resist E fforts to
D eface Grounds With Shops
F L O O D IN O K L A H O M A .
“ Y’ ou don't mean to say you would
accept tills old timepiece?” faltered the
man w lio was being held up. “ Why,
R o g e rs LeavesJHundred Million.
It is only an apology for a watch.”
San A n gelo, T e x ., M ay 25.— Reports
“ That's all right, friend,’ laughed the
w ere received here today from various
bold highwayman. “ I'll accept the apol­ sections o f Tom Green and Concho
ogy.” — Chicago Daily News.
counties that more that. 100 head o f
cattle and sheep w ere drowned in yes­
S to re l ig h t o n (h e In c id e n t .
terday’ s storm. F ift y houses were re­
Maud Muller sang as she raked the
ported destroyed.
One woman was
“ With a little training,” she sighed, “ I killed. T h e loss w ill reach $100,000.
believe I'd make a fairly good grasshop-
M o re Japs Join Strike.
pera singer.”
Just then the judge happened along—
W ellin gton ,
Kan,, M ay 25.— S ix
and the rest is history.— Chicago Trib­ inches o f rain fe ll in three hours last
night in a territo ry 15 m iles in length
extending from South Haven, a fe w
miles south o f W ellin gton , into Okla­
homa. The rain was accompanied by
sheets o f hail that beat grain to the
“ I have suffered with piles for thirty-
six years. One year ago last April I be­
V ery Heavy Losses in Texas.
gan taking Cascareis for constipation. In
N ew Y ork , M ay 25.— From sources
the course of a week I noticea the piles
began to disappear and at the end of six close to the fa m ily o f the late II. H.
weeks they did not trouble me at all. Rogers, it was learned today that his
Cascarets have done wonders for me. I estate is valued at nearly $100,000,000.
aui entirely cured and feel like a new The vast fortune is invested in the best
George Kryder, Napoleon, O.
securities and is in excellen t condition.
It is reported that the whole estate is
Pleasant, Palatable, Potent, Taste Good.
Do Good. N ever Sicken.Weaken or Gripe.
le ft to the im mediate relatives, w ith
10c, 25c, 50c. N ever sold in bulk. The gen­
the exception o f a bequest to Mark
uine tablet stamped C C C. Guaranteed to
cu ie or your money back.
Twain, who was R o g e rs ’ most intim ate
personal friend, and certain bequests to
his native town o f Fairhaven, Mass. I t
is understood that H. H. Rogers, Jr.,
w ill manage the estate.
22 Years a Leader in Painless Dental
Work in Portland.
m « * * # $ # * « # £ ¿ * # * * s
W AR A T S E A T T L E .
T a ft’ s Policy o f Econom y Being C a r­
ried Out in A ll Departments.
Washington, M ay
25. — Secretary
M eyer has cut off $10,000,000 in N avy
departm ent estim ates fo r the next fis­
cal year.
This is a sample
may be expected on the part o f other
cabinet officials.
I t may not be possible to reduce ex­
penditures in all departments to as no­
ticeable a degree as in those pertaining
to the arm y and navy branches o f the
m ilitary service, but the th ing that
w ill be accomplished in all directions
is a more in telligen t idea o f the rela­
tions between, or rather harm onizing
of, estimates and appropriations.
Secretary o f the Treasury M acVeagh
expects to have in hand by June 1 esti­
mates o f all heads o f departments.
Between then and the tim e fo r the
m eeting o f congress in regular session
in December, painstaking study and
investigation w ith a v ie w to ascertain­
ing the exact requirement o f various
bureaus embraced in d ifferen t depart­
ments, or ju st what w ork each is per­
form in g and a detailed analysis o f re­
sults as compared to expense involved,
w ill be carried on.
Santo Dom ingo Republic in T h ro e s o f
Another S trife.
Cape Haytian, H ayti, M ay 25.— The
revolutionary movement is spreading.
General Camacho, the ex-governor
o f Monte Chriati, who is w orking in
unison w ith General Quirito F elic e for
the overthrow o f the governm ent, has
attacked and seized Guayabin and Da-
jabon, which are on the H aytian fron­
tier, the Dajabcn riv e r being the north­
west boundary between H a y ti and the
Dominican republic.
There, has been figh tin g between the
revolutionists and the loyal forces at
Monte Christi.
The fa te o f Jose Bordas, governor o f
Puerto Plata, is not known, but it is
reported he is either dead or a prisoner.
Communications are interrupted, and
governm ent troops are expected to
reach the disaffected districts by sea.
18 C ars Fall Into R iver.
Helena, M onL, M ay 25.— A Great
Northern ore train was wrecked today
between this place and G reat Falls, and
18 cars o f ore fe ll into the Missouri
river. Brakeman Rogers was killed
and Engineer Sieben seriously injured.
Three others o f the train crew were
more or less seriously hurt.
A t the
place o f the accident the Missouri rive r
runs beside the track. The riv e r has
been risin g fo r the past fe w days and
softened the roadbed. The engine now
lies at the bottom, completed submerg­
ed, and the cars are partly covered.
China is Standing Firm .
Lisbon. M ay 25.— The dispute be­
tween Portugal and China over the
possession o f the dependencies o f Macao
has become acute.. The Portugese g o v ­
ernment is sending General Jose Mach­
ado to induce China to come to an am i­
cable agreem ent, notwithstanding the
fact that the governm ent has received
word that China absolutely refuses to
enter into negotiations w ith the Portu­
gese delegates unless Portugal an­
nounces the dependencies, including the
neighboring islands.
Dreadnaughts to G row .
London, M ay 25.— R eginald M cKen­
na, first lord o f the adm iralty, in reply­
ing to criticism s on the govern m ent’ s
naval policy, said today that the bat­
tleships to be built under this y ea r’ s
| program would be at lea^t 30 per cent
| superior to th eir im mediate predeces-
' sor*. In what way that superiority is
to be obtained has not been entirely
disclosed, but at least tw o o f the im ­
provements to be introduced have been
made known.
U. P O rd e rs IOO Engines.
Dunkirk, N . Y ., May 25.— It is re­
ported that the Union Pacific railroad
has placed an order fo r 100 engines
' w ith the Am erican Locom otive com-
' pany and that they will be built at the
Schenectady and Brooks plants.
I ’m off to the war. to the war I must go,
To fight for my country and you, dear;
But if I should fall, In vain I would call
Ths blessings of my country and yon,
And when ths war la o'er, to you I'll re­
turn ;
Back to my country and you, dear.
But should I bs slain, you may seek in
Upon the battle-field you will find me,
P re ss A g e n t ( • s R iv e r .
The editorial staff o f one o f the pop­
ular magazines o f New
gathered In the publisher’s office one
day In December, discussing plans for
the new year.
“ One thing w e must have,” said the
publisher, emphatically.
“ W e must
have a lot o f stuff about water— pow­
er, navigation— everything about w a­
“ W ell,” said the editor, cautiously,
“ o f course a tim ely article on the sub­
ject— not too technical— ’’
“ Tim ely article nothing" interrupted
the publisher. “ I f I had my way we’d
have a long article every number. W e
must have at least tlx In the year.
I t ’a the greatest subject going."
"B ill,” aald one o f the staff, “ who or
what set you crazy on water?"
The publisher looked at him and
“ I ’ll tell you what It was,” he said.
“ It was a long, lank Arkansas traveler
named John Fox.
He came In here
one day, so quietly I hardly heard him
enter. Said he wanted to talk about
water, and especially about rlvera. I
told him to run away, as I was busy.
He sat down by my desk and began to
talk. W ell— he's one of thoee South­
erners you read about, courteous, soft-
voiced, the kind you can't shut up and
send away. In a few minutes I was
listening in spite of m yself* He sat
there three hours, telling me things I
had never dreamed of before about the
rivers and harbors o f America. Then
he picked bp his hat, and said he must
be going.
“ ‘For goodness sake don’t go y e t ’
begged. T m Just getting Interested,
Tell me the rest.'
But he wouldn't
say another word. Out he went.
tell you he's a smooth one! H e knows
Just when he has said enough. Ever
since then I have been plumb crazy
over waterways.” — Success Magazine.
T H IN G S J A P A N E S E .
W h a t I s B e i n g l l o n e In t h e W a t o t
P r o m o t i n g I n d n s t r r a n il T r a d e .
Japan's budget for l'.Xitl provides a
total taxation o f 320,535,132 yen. The
principal Items are, In y e n : Land tax,
85,488,307; sake tax, 81,528,018; cus­
toms duties. 47,220,721; Income tax, 20,-
720,858; business tax, 23,037.700; tax
on textile fabrics consumed,
106; tax on sugar consumed, 17.208.016.
In addition the profit o f the monopoly
bureau will be 54,251,058 yen, til“ New
York Sun says.
By subsidies Japan encourages ship
navigation, shipbuilding, agriculture,
banking, waterworks, harbor works,
preservation of old shrines and tem­
ples, education, road Improvement»,
bridge building, sewage and sanitary
works, education o f settlers, deep sea
fishing, colonization, technology, sugar
manufacture, mulberry farming
other lines o f effort.
Formosa's civil administration bud­
get for 1000 calls for an expenditure
o f 82,234,540 yen, with a revenue of
32,275,440 yen.
On Dec. 31, 1008, Japan’s outstand­
ing national loans (domestic and for­
eign) amounted to 2,214,507,272 yen, a
decrease during the month of 20,022,-
630 yen.
Japan's currency In circulation on
Dec. 31, 1908, was 503,300,746 yen, con­
sisting o f 150.665,474 in specie and 862,-
734,272 In convertible notes.
During December 1908, the Toklo
bank clearing house did a business of
303,900,006 yen, an Increase o f 011,132
yen over December, 1907.
Postal hanks In Japan had on Dec.
31 8,502.050 depositors, with 104,448,-
667 yen to their credit.
Dividends paid by various Japanese
companies range from 4 to 36 per cent
a year. F ifty yen is the almost uni­
versal face value o f Japanese's corpo­
ration stocks.
In 1008 Japan’s foreign trade totaled
814,408,008 yen, consisting o f 378,239,-
436 yen exports and 436,250,472 yen Im­
ports. The excess o f Imports over ex­
ports was 58,020,036 yen. Raw cotton
led In Imports and raw silk In exports,
being 90,000,000 yen and 108,000,000
yen respectively. The Imports Includ­
ed machinery worth 84,000,000 yen and
petroleum 15,000,000 yen. Other chief
Imports were rice, beans, sugar, wool,
flax, hemp, oil cake and Iron burs and
In Its mercantile marine Japan lias
1,618 steamships, o f 1,153,340 aggregate
tonnage; 4,515 sailing vessels, o f 372,-
310 aggregate tonnage, and 1,300 Jap­
anese "ships o f the old style," o f 511,-
452 aggregate tonnage; In all, 7,523
ships, o f 2,037,111 aggregate tonnage.
Japan Is selling coal to China to the
value o f about 7,000,000 taels ($5,000,-
000) a year, fully three-fourths o f all
the coal China Imports.
The big vessels for use In the l'a-
cltlc trade are now building at the M it­
subishi dockyards fo r the Orleutal
Steamship Company. One Is o f 13,500
tons and two of 0,250 tons each.
Shipbuilding at the Japanese yards
generally la at a very low ebb. Many
workmen have been laid off. Attention
Is being turned to making machinery
and boilers.
In forty years (1868 to 1008) Japan's
foreign trade Increased from 26,000,-
000 yen to 814,000,000 yen.
For Infants and Children.
> ot-
«O ’
BPa >
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
AVcgelable PrcparalionforAs
slmilatintj the Food antiRegula
ling tin* Stomachs andDowls oí
Bears the
I n fan ts /
ch . idren
Promotes Digestion flxerful
ness and Rest.Contains neither
Opium.Morphinc nor Mineral.
N o t N a r c o t ic .
Jtecyr o f Old DrSi^ZHJTIUIER
fianpktn Setdm
^¡Ix. Senna e
JkxMle Saits-
Anise Seed e
M m Seed-
Clarified Sunac •
For Over
Thirty Years
Aperfert Remedy forConsflpa
l io n , S our Stomach,Ularrhoca
W orm s .Convulsions .Feverish
n e s s and L O S S OF SLEEP.
Facsim ile Signature of
A t b m o n th s o ld
J 5 D ° S F S - 3 5 c ENTS
Guaranteed under the KootU
Exact Copy o f Wrapper.
T M * C E N T R O * C O M P A N Y . N E W Y O U * C IT Y .
do :r B ir ra
Get it from
A T o t a l A b s t a in e r .
Excited Individual— Is this where
thev swear people?
Commissioner for Oaths— Yes, s ir;
what can 1 do for you?
Excited Individual— I want to take
an oath never to put down another
carpet.— Tit-Bits.
y o u r Grocer
I p la c e d
w h e re , a ttra c t*
a n .l LIII» a l l file«
I N»at. ' lean, o rna
I m en ta l,
co n v e »
| ten t, «heap. Laet*
1 n il s e a s o n . Mad«
I o r m etal, canno!
I spill o r tip over,
1 Will n o t so li 01
in ju r e a n y th in g .
O u itran teea effe»
Uve. O f a l l d e a l e r « o r sen t prep aid f o r 3 o cents.
Instant R elief fo r All Eyes
HAROLD SO M ER S, 150 Dekalb Ava., Brooklyn, N. Y.
that are irritated from dust, heat, sun
or wind, P E T T I T ’S E Y E S A L V E . A ll
druggists or Howard Bros., Bnffalo,
N. Y.
M a t e r n a l F o r e b o d in g s ,
Ths lamb was skipping and leaping
gayly around the mendow.
“ Kepp it up, child,” said the mother.
“ Gambol and cavort all you please. It’s U ynu miffpr from Fit», Kalling Slctn..», Spaan.. «
just as well for you not to know that Ituva ebiKran. or fnanda timt <!;' ►
c„v,,y .» 1 rsUova Ihetn, »<><l »II J-u » '•
tome day those legs of your» will be ilo IB tiiiieild TTiriiFree B I j ' <4
l l r . M u r '» K p lle p ü c ld e Cure.
aerved up with caper snuee.”
I t ha« cu r« I t „no.iiula wher« « v io y t h ln r «IM
of r o y a lt y
falla l
a »M f r » Willi «nreetlos«. K x rr«»« PrapaUL
There is no need to suffer with sore­ U u » r s s < ...l H » « M - i i c . l L a u o ra to ry . o a ü a r Mo»
Nal lot.alFo.,,1 aa.l DrlifB Act. Juu« SOth. Y<M. (¡a n -
ness and stiffness of joints and mus­ auly Nt». 18U71.
P!««-u ctve AOK antl lull adtlr.0»
S o m e t im e s t h e V i c t i m s P a r U p — cles.
D K . W . II. M A Y ,
A little Hamlins Wizard Oil
048 l* « a r l Street. N ew Y o r k C ity .
S o m e S ch em es H a v e F a ile d ,
rubbed in will limber them up immedi­
In spite o f all precautions no one
more readily falls a
victim to the
blackmailer's snare than a member of
O n . K in d .
a royal house. I f the blackmailer has
Mrs. Chugwater—-Josiah, this paper
the faintest shadow o f a “ hold” It Is says Col. Fribbles is n “ compeUing apeak*
Impossible to tight It out In court and er.” What does that mean?
The Chinese
Mr. Chugwater— It means that he com­
the unhappy prince must grin and—
This wondeful man has
pels you to go to sleep. I ’vs heard Frib­
pay It.
made a life study o f the
bles.— Chicago Tribune.
properties o f Roots,
The German crown prince Is the
Herbs and Barks, and
latest victim, says Answers. When he
is giving the world tha
benefit o f his services.
was at I ’loen College he struck up a DR. T. P. WISE
friendship with a young Qermnn noble,
M N o M ercury, P o iso n s
or D ru g s Used. N o
Count Hochherg, who was also a stu­
O p eration s or C utting
dent at I ’ loen.
The friendship wns
Crown and Bridge Work a Specialty
Guarantees to cure Catarrh, Asthma, Lung,
kept up after college days were over,
Stomach and Kidney troubles, and all Private
Diseases o f M n and Women.
and fo r some tim e letters were ex­ ¿08-209 Merchants Trust Building
126V* Washington, cor. Sixth
A S U R »: C A N C E R C U R E
changed regularly.
Just received from Pekin, China—safe, sure
The count fell on evil days and had
and reliuble. U ,.failing in its works.
I f you cannot call, write for symptom blank
to emigrate to America, where he be-
and circular. Inclose 4 cants in stamps,
enme chauffeur to a man named
Barnes. A fte r some time he dropped
Gee Wo Medicine Co.
his own name and, having adopted that
o f Barnes, vanished from the sight and
hearing o f his friends.
Itecently he lias reappeared— with
N o . 22-09
the crown prince's letters.
These he
¿¿,'im -n ru a»
threatens to publish unless bis Imperial
H E N w r it in g t o adv e rtise rs p lea
highness cares
to buy them.
m e n tio n th is p a p e r.
Duke’ o f Wellington in a similar situa­
tion : “ Publish and be hanged!"
D lr a o t o r .
G ow n
B r in g s
W ith
says there U nothing In the letters be
S o m a O th e r F a d s to T a k e H o u r .
wrote to Count Hochherg that Is worth
Buttons are all the rage now and
Mm s Fell and Panama Halt
paying a penny for.
Cleaned and Blocked.
The Coal is Link
the factories are busy producing but­
Recently K ing Leopold of Belgium V I E N N A S T E A M C L E A N I N G Sc D Y E W O R K S compared with the results. We do the largest ex*
tons o f every kind to be used as orna­
224*26 Third Street, Portland, Oregon
pres» and mail order business. Write for particular«
received an anonymous letter
ments to both men's
Liege saying that the writer was an
dress, a London exchange says.
accomplice In a plot to blow up the
fashionable g ift now Is a set o f dainty
A flavoring used the same as lemon or vanilla.
royal palace at Brussels and to kill
Bv dissolving granulated sugar in water and
buttons, which are stocked by all Jew­
the entire royal fam ily. He demand­
adding Mapleine, a delicious syrup is made and
elers In the same way as pendants or
a syrup better than maple. Mapleine is sold by
ed £1,000, which was to be placed at
grocers. If not send 35c for 2 o*. bottle and
brooches or other Jewelry.
recipe book. Crescent Mf*. Co., Seattle, Wa,
the foot of a certain tree In the Kln-
They can be bought In smart little
kempols wood near Liege. In return
boxes in half-dozens or In fours, and
he would reveal what he knew about
the variety offered Is Infinite. A set
the plot.
o f Imitation mother o f pearl ran bo
The king sent messengers to the place
purchased for a small sum, or a h o l ­
named with orders to place an en­
lar set of real mother o f pearl for
velope at the foot o f the tree and then
watch what hapi>ened. The watchers
T h e sporting man can have buttons
had not Ion* to wait. A man who had
with fox masks as a design or the
evidently been keeping an eye on them
heads o f fox hounds. The fancy but­
was seen to take the envelope.
ton can be obtained In gold or silver
The. messengers promptly closed with
or quaintly enameled.
him and he has had an opportunity o f
Dlrectolre dresses are trimmed prin­
thinking out fresh schemes In prison.
cipally with buttons o f the large, flat
The “ rrar” o f Bulgaria had once to
description. They are worn arranged
pay dearly to recover certain compro­
straight down the
frocka from the
mising documents. He had left some
throat to the hem o f the skirt, and Important paper* on his desk and a
often there are twenty button* on each
palace official glancing through them
discovered their marketable value.
T h e fashionable button Is the large
From the Austrian capital be wrote
flat satin one,” a west end modiste
8 6 O u n c e s fo r 2 3 C e n ts
demanding to be “ squared.” Ferdinand
■aid yesterday. ‘T h e little Jewelry set the Austrian police on hie track,
buttons have no vogue In com parison1
but the blackmailer, evidently expect­
Made from pure, carefully tested
with theoe. Many dlrectolre coats and
ing thla, had already left for Russia.
skirts hare china buttons, on w h ich !
m aterials. Get a can on trial
In the end the new “ czar" bad to pay
there are designs o f flowers.
up and look pleasant and row to be
You never saw such calces
'Some exquisite large, flat buttons'
, more careful o f his dangerous secrets
on sale are an old Dutch s e t These
and biscu it T h ey ’ll open
In future.
are hand painted with domestic sesnes
y o u r eyes.
and ars beautifully executed.
A d e p t.
pries la $40 ths half doaen, In a caas.
•'Ever plsy golf?”
Other Dutch buttons bar# quaint pte-
“ Nope.”
'O a a r a n t a a *
turea painted on glass, an* birds mads
“ Still you swear well.” Birmingham
an dar a ll
o f hair underneath.”
Age-l'« » * 1'1
Tara F ood U a |
C. Gee Wo
Highest Quality